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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  May 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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intentionally so she will flick for wings at him and they will make a video went viral. this is cicada gold educational and unhinged everyone's favorite part was an insect pickup lawn add led by arranger named smokey, say girl, if i was a fruit fly and land on new first because you're so sweet, the female lays eggs on a branch, kisses them goodbye. they hatch, portrayed with dazzling special effects. what was your budget for this thing basically zero they snack on tree sap, then fall back to her. >> you'll start burrowing into the ground where they feed on plant roots. >> 17 years later, they re-emerge. the only thing missing. >> you guys didn't re-enact the maidan know? what is skipped right over that part. >> i'll cicada rom-com minus the sexy parts. ginny most cnn,
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new york land on new first because you're so sweet i like everyone. >> thank you so much. for joining me. this mother's day on for greek of whitfield were tracking new developments in gaza where israel appears to be moving ahead with plans for an invasion of rafah despite dark new warnings from top white house officials, israel defense forces launching fresh attacks against hamas overnight, targeting northern and central gaza, as well as rafah, the un says at least 300,000 people have evacuated the city amid fears of an impending is israeli ground operation. today, the white house says national security adviser jake sullivan spoke with his israeli counterpart about those plans. cnn's paula and cox and kevin love jack are following all of the latest polity. first, what is the latest on the ground in gaza well, fred, we are continuing to see people try
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and move it of the areas where the evacuation orders have been given. >> an also other parts of refer as well as shear to me that they're evacuation orders will be coming later now they're being told to move to the western part of the gaza strip. so the al-muwasi is one of the areas just along the coast, but it's been described as un by un teams on the ground as inhumane and saying that it is just not suitable for people to be moving to as the humanitarian situation is not good enough, there so what we are seeing is, of course, some cannot move. we're seeing some of the six, some of the wounded are unable to leave, were hearing from un groups as well that some of the people who are leaving now have left on average, once a month, they have been moved on by the israeli military, or they have been moved on for fear of being caught up in the fighting about once a month since october 7. so a desperate situation. and
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of course it's making the humanitarian crisis even worse as well. we know that the rafah crossing at this point, so the israeli military is in control of it, but egypt is saying that they are not willing to coordinate with israel at this point to try and reopen the crossing and bring more humanitarian aid trucks in. and they are citing security concerns it's not just the concern about getting the trucks into gaza. it is, of course, the distribution once they are in their and they're concerned for those truck drivers as well, driving into what is an active war zone. now we're hearing also the idf saying that some 200,000 trucks did manage to get in over the past few days through kerem shalom. this is of the fuel at this point, but many un groups on the ground as saying there is simply not enough food and water getting in. in fact, they are warning that some of their teams on the ground will run out of food to be able to distribute by sunday. that is
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today. also concerns that some of the bakeries, so which are partially open at this point, we'll run out of stock completely by tomorrow, by monday an already desperate situation becoming even more desperate. the idf says, though one extra crossing has been opened in the north of the area, very few details on that. and they are also carrying out these military operations in the north and in the central part as well. we're not just talking about southern gaza here because the israeli military says that they have intel that hamas is actually moving back to those areas. they are regrouping, they are trying to re-establish infrastructure there and we are seeing evacuation orders of civilians in jabalya for example, in the north, the refugee camp. this is an area that the israeli military said that they had cleared months ago, that they had eradicated hamas operatives from that particular area. but of course this is now showing just how
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difficult it is to try and read the gaza strip as, as israel puts it and destroying hamas completely showing just how difficult that is because they are having to go back to areas that they say were cleared of hamas militants all right, paula, thank you. kevin, to you. now, we've learned that national security advisor, jake sullivan spoke with his israeli counterpart today about rafah what is the white house saying about that conversation? >> yeah, i do think this is a significant phone calls the first time that we've seen a call like this announced since president biden delivered that ultimatum on cnn earlier this week, that if israel is to launch a ground invasion of rafah, that he would halt the shipment of certain types of weapons. and in this phone call, jake sullivan reiterated the president's concerns about a ground offensive in that city. he said that they discussed alternatives to a major invasion of rafah, the white house says that the israeli national security
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adviser confirmed that if was taking the us concerns into account. but at the end of the day, these concerns are not new precedent biden and top officials have been raising them for months dating back to february when president biden first raised his concerns with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the end of the day, netanyahu has said that it is essential to go into rafah to completely eliminate hamas that is completely different from what american officials believe. listen to a little bit of how the secretary of state antony blinken described the us view this morning presence been clear for some time that we couldn't and would not support a major military operation in rafah. now, at the same time we share israel's objective and making sure that hamas cannot govern gaza anymore that'd be demilitarized, that israel get its leaders. we continue to support that, but there's a better way of achieving that. then going headlong into, into rafah. that's what we're talking about with israel now,
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we have a better way of doing it. we're engaged in conversations with them about that so the president's announcement that he is prepared to condition some weapons, of course, making waves in the region, but also making waves politically here in the united states, you've heard a range of reactions, certainly from republicans who are opposed to his decision, but also arrange your view among democrats listened to how two democrats, the senator from this state, delaware, chris, and the senator from connecticut, described their views on this matter this morning. president biden is learning the mistakes of us military campaigns in iraq and afghanistan. what we learned in both of those efforts was that you cannot defeat a terrorist ideology. you're not cannot defeat a terrorist movement with military force alone. >> i think president biden has taken forceful action so much. so there's been a lot of blowback for his recent public statement and i'll remind you, other american presidents have done the same thing. when are
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close trusted partner isn't listening to private admonitions? >> so you. hear those two senators trying to backup the president's decision at the end of the day, all of the reaction in israel and in washington only underscores what a critical moment this war is it is indeed. >> all right, kevin lymph tech, paula hancocks. thanks to both of you all right. >> the stage is now set for the star witness to finally take the stand in donald trump's hush money trial tomorrow. trump's it's former fixer and attorney michael cohen is expected to testify. cohen's testimony is seen as key for the prosecution's case and could signal the final stages of this historic trial. he will testify to his role and no shading the alleged hush money payment to adult film star stormy daniel's on trump's behalf. and how his form former boss reimbursed him it follows a week of blockbuster contentious and at times graphic testimony from daniels, cnn, zach cohen joining us
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right now. so zach, what can we expect from cohen's testimony? >> you have read this is really a make or break moment for prosecutors in this case. michael cohen is the only witness who will take the stand and can testify to really the two core tenants of what prosecutors are alleging installed trump. you can can testify to that. donald trump agreed to this plan to pay stormy daniels, the adult film actress in order to stay quiet ahead of the 20th 16 election about their alleged involvement with each other romantically. and then there's also this the second half after donald trump took the oval office this meeting where they allegedly discussed a plan to reimburse michael cohen for fronting the money in order to keep stormy daniels quiet. so again, a lot hinges on what michael cohen will say when he takes the stand it takes the oath. starting tomorrow is the expectation and look at jurors. i've already heard a lot about michael cohen's are far from other witnesses who have been testifying over the last three weeks. and frankly, much of it has been unflattering. witnesses have testified that he essentially on reliable and
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predictable, and aggressive attorney and one who really demonstrated a lot of loyalty towards donald trump winning he was both an employee of donald trump's as a private citizen and then also after donald trump took the oval office, so remains to be seen how prosecutors and trump's defense attorneys will question michael cohen, but you can be sure that donald trump's attorneys will almost certainly continue to hammer home this idea that michael cohen's not credible and they will try to convince the jury that anything that he says should be thrown out and that he's in question, frankly, has he's a convicted liar prosecutors are going to say, look, we've laid the groundwork for his testimony in the last few days, even by introducing documents, text messages, and emails that do support the narrative that michael cohen has presented so far, both in the civil case against donald trump and his public comments. so we're going to see which way the jury liens. but again, a pivotal moment in this trial, and one that could determine ultimately determined whether or not donald trump's found guilty or not all right. >> is that cohen? thanks so much. us senator bob menendez
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refuses to say if he will resign, if convicted, his federal corruption trial is set to begin tomorrow. what to expect? next cnn newsroom, brought to you by progressive, get a business insurance quote online in as little as six minutes visit progressive when you're a small business owner you to-do list can be a log that's why progressive makes it easy to see the commercial auto vote online. >> so you can take on all your other to do's already did see if you could say that progressive number space and leg room
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>> bottles are day to be remade seconds to make a saline there's no odd with rates from 1909 per person per night. >> this is sad. or call one 800 sandals when you're the leaders, is that for clean up and how do you make like it never even happened? >> serve for like ever even have this is a travel show visit my fans around the world hi, that kind of propaganda here, meeting in that's what i do. so that is my gif conan o'brien must go now streaming exclusively on macs jury selection is scheduled to start tomorrow in the federal
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corruption trial of democratic senator bob menendez. prosecutors say menendez and his wife were engaged in a wide ranging corruption scheme to help pay the egyptian and qatari governments in exchange for lucrative bribes cnn's manu raju caught up with the senator on capitol hill ahead of the trial if you're he was like, really any thoughts about the trial as we head into next week, i'm looking forward to improving my innocence oh okay. >> i want to bring in former federal prosecutor, nima romani. good to see you so. >> all right. well, he says he looks forward to proving his innocence. now, when jury selection begins tomorrow, what kinds of jurors will each side be looking for? what might be some of the questions? shins are asked even prosecutors are going to look for jurors that are going to obviously have a pro prosecution bias. >> make sure you don't bring
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folks that are not skeptical because it is a very strong case for the government when hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and gold bars i don't want jurors that going to maybe buy into conspiracy theories because we know the senator is going to argue that because you grew up in communist cuba and his father was a gambler, he had the scarcity mindset and it stash this money away because he was worried about putting it in a bank or some other more traditional form. so you gauge is a strong case, largely because of the evidence that has been publicly revealed. >> we're talking about the gold bars cars but what else will be weighed to see if prosecutors can prove that obtaining those things came by way of wrongdoing well, we have a cooperating witness. one of the co-defendants, jose uribe has pleaded guilty and agree to testify. so he's the one who provided that luxury mercedes to a menendez, his wife,
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agents. so here's going to be a key witness in something that is new as well. of course, we know the center there is going to argue like you did in its previous corruption trial in 2017, which hung that he was acting for the public good it was just advocating on behalf of constituents. but when you're dealing with military aid to egypt or financial dealings with qatar, i think that's gonna be a bridge too far for most jurors. unlike his previous case that did all right. >> senator menendez and his wife, as you mentioned, nadine are both being charged. they will be tried separately. do you see that prosecutors were tried to pit them against one another that perhaps because he's the bigger fish, his wife might be offered some sort of deal to testify against him, even potentially, yes. but i don't think they didn't is going to testify it shares some health issues and the fact that the defense was successfully able to get the trial severed. that was a win for the senator
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in the previous case. senator menendez and the eye doctor who was at the center of the corruption and bribery charges. they're presented a united defense, but not in this case we know that the senator is going to point the finger at his wife because she was the one that was more directly connected to these individuals. and this is going to say, listen i didn't, have anything to do with this. i didn't know what she was doing. she's the one that received the mercedes. she's the one that was paid for a no-show job and i really didn't know what was going on. i think we're going to see a divided defense, not a united one. in this particular all right. >> nima ramani, great to see you. thanks so much. >> thanks, jeremy i still ahead. >> we go inside a hospital in qatar where patients are recovering from the devastating injuries they suffered in gaza
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and i i'm roger than capitol hill, this is cnn
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closed captioning brought to you by meso our firm only represents mesothelial of victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now some of the most seriously wounded palestinians from the war in gaza are getting treatment and qatar they arrived with severe physical injuries and emotional scars are jumana karachi visited a hospital in doha and we have to warn you this report does have disturbing content behind every door is a story of what war has taken and what it has left shattered lives, broken bodies, and tortured souls. this is the gaza awards qatar's hamad hospital, where you find just some of this war's countless critically injured. some would say they're the lucky ones who barely escaped death. and the hell hold gaza and its hospitals have become mortality very
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severe injury from the injury he had an above knee amputation on one side and it will only amputation on the other side those patients spent months with open wounds in arrived here with drug resistant infections, making their cases even harder to treat. i've been working an orthopedics around 2021 years the kind of injuries the severity of the injuries, the types of bone loss and infections we faced with the other patients beyond whatever i've seen before but even those who've lost so much have found solace in having their children's safe and by their side the name sits alone in her hospital bed. >> no one by her side the vacant look in the eyes of a woman who's seen death. >> what are back cabinet it was an october 24 as khan younis was under israeli bombardment they need then eight months
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pregnant was embed cradling her one-year-old son, zeus to sleep. he sitting lysate issue i had a feeling something bad was going to happen, so i held him tighter. >> whatever happens to me happens to him you don't feel the strike itself. you just open your eyes and you're under the rubble sold as rgb. when i woke up screaming, i was feeling around to find my son. suddenly my mother-in-law came screaming are zoos not all about me. she found him over my belly. she picked him up, his body was in her hands and has had dropped onto my belly when an even got to hospital, they thought she was dead. >> her baby girl was delivered by c-section no little human henna they delivered her. >> and does she took her first breath? i came back to life as you know, if she hasn't done with an amputated arm and serious injuries to her legs at anim couldn't even hold her baby girl before she was
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evacuated out of gaza her daughter is now in egypt she's watched her grow in photos. >> baby medium now, is this oldest, this war at un him says most days, not even her daughter is giving her the will to live anymore. >> the less and less, but honda suit on it's over life has ended. >> there's no more joy i shut my eyes and all the memories overwhelm me. i saw the baby formula i used for my son and i felt i was dying. and it was just a baby formula. you can only imagine what happens when i see his picture or videos or his toys or his clothes? the pain will never go away ten if we give birth only to lose them every woman we spoke to in this ward has lost a child some more cher had married the love of her life, ali, a 26 year-old university professor when the war started, she was seven months pregnant with their first child.
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>> a week before the word we bought everything for the baby every clause every single t-shirts, bank keeping, think, think on october 11 of blast hit their home. ali and shy had found themselves on the street. she had lost her leg both legs, and his arm. they called up each other's names before they were rushed to hospital. >> but ali didn't make it two days later, their baby girl, they'd named sham, arrived into the swirled, lifeless. it's really hard dna, very hard because this is like my everything, you know, my everything. this is my everything. sudden lift this a beard shahed's nightmare didn't end here. >> she was one of hundreds of patients trapped in shifa hospital when it came under israeli siege. >> each other patients four stout, her father had to push
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her on a wheelchair for hours to get certified when we did sheriff like my injury was all infections like the hospitals is not to clean, to go in it. >> if i want to if i want to go to the hospital, it i will die despite everything. >> she's gone through. a resilient shahed's somehow still smiles no one will feel the pain here. >> like i'm with my b ball, storing happy, like laughing. but when i'm alone, i feel something baneful here. i cannot be heal from that in every corner of the sworn, a story of pain and grief too many firsts to tell. the journey to recovery for the few who make it out begins here. >> but count does anyone ever heal from this jumana cut out shapes. cnn, doha coming up,
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delayed one more time, a portion of baltimore's key bridge was scheduled to be demolished small explosives this afternoon. what's causing the delays now he was trump's former lawyer and fixer. >> now, michael cohen is expected to testify against his old boss. will be here. any new bombshells? from this key player witness testimony in the trump hush money trial tomorrow at nine eastern on cnn. >> right now, pet dander in cells, mold, spores, pollen, and dirt are being sucked into your air. ducks get cleaner air in system efficiency. now, with stanley steamer, your air ducts are clean still there, stanley steamer clean so we decided to put in an in-ground pool. i literally went on angie and typed in pool and then got places getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids in kind of look at their reviews, look at what
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demolish a portion of the collapsed francis scott key key bridge, but weather has forced a delay yet again us coast guard officials say the plans, small explosions will break apart a massive chunks of the bridge from a top, the dali cargo ship joining me right now to discuss is democratic congressman john gerome, nd. he's on the transportation and infrastructure committee, which is holding a hearing wednesday on the bridge collapsed investigation. great to see you, congressman good debate with you. all right. still know ntsb report, right. so what kind of questions do you want answered? >> well, it based question is who's going to pay for this that question goes back to the maritime insurance laws, as well as the sum of the insurance issues that are within the jurisdiction of the state of maryland, who see what happens here. clearly, the state, federal governments are going to be putting up a lot of
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money initially and then trying to collect the money from the insurance industry as well as from the shipping company it's going to be long road. >> but right now, the key is to get the channels open get the bridge rebuilt, and that's what we are focusing on. we're going to have to find money that's not going to be an easy task as we're talking about. perhaps as much as 1 billion or more the collapse highlighted a lot of concerns that possibly other american bridges are in need of upgrades, especially involving those bridge pillar supports. >> so what kind of lessons can be learned from this tragedy? >> whether many and in fact, those license had been known for a long time in the infrastructure bill that president biden and the democrats put together nearly two-and-a-half, two years ago now there is a major portion of that trillion dollars, specifically for bridge repair.
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and for building new bridges. >> we know we've known for a long time, and this is not the first bridge that has collapsed that aren't bridges are in many places inadequate and/or in a state of serious disrepair and subject to collapse. >> so we have the money there. there are two different pots of money. one is what we call the major bridge pot of money. and is several hundred million dollars available for for a single bridge to be built for example, the big bridge in southern ohio into kentucky that was funded by that. so that's possibly a source of money for the baltimore situation. then there is a second pot of money that is to take care of smaller bridges, upgrade, and replace some line of it is. we've known this problem for a long time. president biden's leadership, together with the democrats in both the house and the senate. before the republicans took over the house. put together
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the single beta ics, vague repair program in this nation's history. and that money is now rolling out all the this nation. >> in addition to the transportation committee, you also serve on armed services. president biden, just last week that he would halt some weapons shipments to israel if prime minister netanyahu orders a major invasion of rafah and today, the secretary of state, antony blinken, said, national security adviser jake sullivan said biden made that decision because he didn't want american weapons used. and what he thinks will be a bloody and ill advised operation. do you agree with that reasoning and that approach? >> the presence absolutely. during the right thing keyword here, some weapons, other weapons that are needed to shoot down missiles. those iron dome and other men missile defense systems are going to continue to go defensive weapons gradient continue to be available israel. but the kind
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of horrendous civilian harm that has occurred in gaza as a result of israel's conduct of the war is simply not acceptable. it's unconscionable. it has to stop. the president is taking the right steps here. he is saying no, no more 2000 pound bombs. no, you're not going to get the bombs. you're not going to be able to do the kind of area of destruction that has killed so many in northern gaza. not going to do that. and good for the person it is the right thing to do doesn't stop israel for continuing to deal with hamas all right. in ways that do not put in jeopardy the civilian population meantime, the flip side to that is republican senator rick scott, among those that have been critical. >> this is what he said today. >> now, biden his unfortunately. now part of the pro-hamas wing of his party that's all they're worried about is he's worried about
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winning the presidential election pro-hamas. what do you think about those words no centered no, sorry republican or democrat smart or stupid should be saying something like that. i mean, that's just, that's just utter foolishness there is no doubt that president biden has supported israel from the get-go not only in this particular situation or gaza, but down through his entire career, all those many, many years and he continues to do so. >> but he also has a heart and a sense of right and wrong the kind of indiscriminate civilian killing that has taken place in gaza is wrong, and the president is taking specific specific steps to stop that indiscriminate aerial bombardment and hopefully it
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will force israel to change the way it has conducted the war. not to stop the war, not to stop going after hamas but rather to do it in a way that significantly reduces the civilian yes they have. already occurred now, the president has worked diligently beyond just this issue of the war. he and his team are out there putting together a support group for the next step. that is what to do with these with the palestinians in gaza and on the west bank. that's the hard work that's been going on. and when a senator says something has fully she has mr. scott said he should be ashamed and then what's the next step in relations with israel especially if prime minister netanyahu proceeds with going into rafah contrary to this ultimatum, that the us
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president just put into place? well, i want to be very clear. there's not going to be a divorce here. united states is never going to back away from israel. >> however, we, have an obligation to work with israel to change the way of which there are conducting this war and to work with this, we'll, on the next steps. this war will soon will end sooner or later. and when it does the gaza and the west bank have to be put together, the united states has, for, via 40 years now called first a two-state solution the current prime minister is not supported that there will be in israel a change in their government at some time, maybe sooner, maybe later. but when that happens, the united states will continue to work as it has for decades. seeking a peaceful resolution of this most difficult conflict
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between israel and the palestinians and there is a solution. >> but we need also to be aware of the lessons that the united states learned in iraq and specifically in afghanistan. >> you cannot we move at terrorist organization with a war you have to do it in multiple ways. certainly the continuation of the war effort will be necessary, but not in a way that creates even more conflict. consider for a moment, at the outset set of this gaza war israel had the support of hunt doesn't of nations around the world. almost all of europe. >> the conduct of the war by israel has turned the world. >> much of it including now much of the united states jason, certainly the campus of the united states turned them
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against israel you don't, you can, when you feed, you can win a war with military. but there's more to it than that. israel, in the way in which it conducted the its campaign has in fact lost the war of the support, the war unnecessary to gain the support of well, right now, the president of the united states and a good deal of the congress of the united states. so israel needs to keep this in mind. >> final thought we're not going to divorce from israel. >> we're going to stay with israel. but israel must changed its conduct the way it is pursuing. the remaining hamas fighters in southern gaza all right. a us congressman, john darren monday thanks so much for being with us today. >> thank you coming up dozens of planes flying over the most restricted airspace in the
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country. >> well, explain why next is the playoffs what do you see? my first step is to put houston sall's not winning a championship. >> let's try and stay positive or positive. >> he didn't win a ring oh, my god. whoa. whoa talk on an american home, she had warranty. >> i can protect your covered home systems and appliances like this ac when the repair or replacement? yes. >> thank you it's not home. >> yeah, it's pretty sure it's home. american home shield don't worry, be warranty from you open your
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airliners cnn aviation correspond to pete man teen, captain was among those there. >> he flew his single engine super decathlon, and he's joining me right now. >> that must have been so exciting, pete. >> it was incredible victory gate. >> and i have flown on a few different continents on different countries, a few over in new york, la, chicago, not really ever over my home city of washington, dc although i have flown over dc and a practice flight for this very event that was really scaled down pretty small this time, the buzz was really electric. >> all 55 plans, and i could see the crowds on the ground there on the national mall. i could see the cameras and the highlight was really being able to broadcast live from my airplane to the ampa live web stream and here i am talking to tom haynes, aviation journalist and a name longtime cnn viewers might be familiar with miles
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o'brien, who were on the ground hosts let's take those, listen baby rajan, clear here. >> i'll go. is it there man. this is so awesome and surreal. i'm looking right at the air and space cesium. why would go with my late parents who had a love applying and me, they follow through, i see a lot of young people down there. and for the young at heart, it is never for too late to learn to bly, come and join us general aviation is the cruelest thing, the ultimate freedom we have. it's so good here in the united states of america and we're so thrilled to be able to share with you all on the ground a uri match all over the world practice what you're playing thank you. miles o'brien, my mentor and pseudo dad and uncle. it is so cool to be able to you on the radio. you can see me right here and this voc of phillips steinbach. and we are branding, were right a beam and the hirshhorn right now and your gums the right turn will see you guys later
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thank you. all right. i haven't paid probably play, but the glider. good luck. number okay clearly, i was really excited. >> i felt like the crowd was kind of in there with me for eureka know, this was really something so special and it was so rare to be able to do this. and the idea really was to bring aviation two the people inspiration was really the mission here because we need more people in aviation. there was a shortage of pilots, there's a shortage of mechanics, there's a shortage of air traffic controllers. and so the goal here was to inspire just one of them that would make this a success. although i think we inspired a lot more people by doing this, i think you did, and i'm telling you there isn't a more beautiful city to fly over. first of all, as just a regular passenger, i love just the flight that the commercial flights will take just over the potomac to see that view. but what you saw was absolutely spectacular to be right over the mall. how great i think you probably inspired a
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lot more paint pilots and anyone else who wants to work in aviation just by virtue of what you just showed us. so then tell us how difficult was to make this happen because no one gets to fly their plane over the mall. this restricted airspace, except for this event and make it happen you know, herculean coordination is what i would call it. >> there was 14 months of planning here by the aircraft owners and pilots association, the pilots were really handpicked by aota you don't have to be a professional fly like one, although a lot of professionals in the pilot group here are all 55 plans. we're also inspected really heavily by the secret service ahead of time, there was a dog sweep, there was a lot of coordination also with the federal government with the faa, the tsa, customs and border patrol, secret service. it all really came together for this incredible moment. so people can see this. >> oh my goodness, fantastic. okay. and so i didn't like a little thumbnail sketch of what general aviation is mean not
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military or commercial. but is there more to it than what i explained? you generally, deviation is kind of the most accessible form of aviation aviation for everyone. >> and so we're talking about the airports that are in your backyard that have a flight school. it is the stepping stone for a lot of people to bigger and better things. but really for out of the way to enjoy aviation, just for the thrill of it, you don't have to be a professional to fly unlike one, this is the way to do it for me. it is a family tradition and the big thing here is i fly an honor of my parents got man teen, my dad, he died of brain cancer. he was a pilot. he died when i was 12 and then my mom, nancy lynch, she was an error robotic pilot and air show pilot. she died in a plane crash when i was 18 and i felt it was so fitting that they were able to give aviation to me the greatest gift i could ever possibly receive. and really so fitting that this was on the day before mother's day, i felt like my mom and my dad were in the airplane with me. i was with one of my best friends
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with me in the air applying. it was so so so incredible. and my mom's be crusade was trying to get more women and more people of color in the aviation because the representation there is really disproportionat ely small. and so hopefully we're able to change some of that. the big thing here, take a flying lesson if you get to your local airport, try it out see it if you've ever been thinking about it. i said in the air, you're not too old to try and you're not too young to try. we try and hook people early, but you should really try and do the sun. >> oh, wonderful your enthusiasm is contagious and i love the legacy of the mundane family, how beautiful and yes, both of them were in the cockpit with you? pete, one teen. thank you so much for sharing really appreciate that. all right. and all all new tonight, the whole story with anderson cooper following ember, a high school softball player in rural ohio, as she fought a potential ban on trans athletes amber made her story, heard all the way to the floor
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of the state senate. here's a preview i am not prepared for this we fine. i know. >> so this is just senate committee hearing today. >> okay. yeah. >> it's the athlete he ban bill that passed the house back in june we're will testify at the committee hearing yes. >> so maybe be they can see i don't know that kids who are actually going to be affected by this yeah. i want to call this median that senate primary and secondary education committee to order up next is amended, substituted house bill one we do have testimony here all right being a trans athlete isn't easy especially when you have to try and prove that you deserve something as simple as the basic right to try out for a sport plane on a boy's team
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would to be ally, i would have to deny my truth to make other people feel comfortable this is dehumanizing and unjust the whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight on cnn sail through the heart of historic cities. and unforgettable scenery with faking peck once and get closer to iconic landmarks. local life, and cultural treasures because when you experienced europe grip on a viking long ship, you will spend less time getting there and more time being viking.
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