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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 12, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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numbers though that do not distinguish between fighters and civilians. these latest numbers coming as the israeli military launches new attacks ahead of a major ground offensive. in the city of rafah. israeli troops are moving in on the eastern part of that city, as well as central and northern gaza, where the idf claims hamas is trying to rebuild more than 300,000 civilians have fled rafah since monday. that's according to the uat un calling it a quote force and inhumane displacement of palate justinian's back here in the top white house officials continue to send israel stark warnings against the launch of a wide-scale invasion we believe two things. one, you have to have a clear, credible plan to protect civilians, which we haven't seen second, we also need to see a plan for what happens after this conflict in gaza open is over and we still haven't seen that we are tracking all the latest developments here at home and overseas. we start with cnn's paula hancocks and abu dhabi
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and paul, a major concern for humanitarian groups in gaza is the lack of food and other absolutely essential supplies. what more do we know about that? >> well jessica, with 300 signs and now moving out of a rafah have done over the past few days, you're seeing the moving to an area just along the coast which the israeli military said was a humanitarian and safer area. but it's an area that the un teams on the ground are saying is inhumane. they are saying it is not suitable for the sheer number of people to be moving towards. it is not set up to be able to cope with that level of displacement what we're seeing is the amount of humanitarian aid trucks that are getting into gaza at this point has been severely affected by what is happening in rafah. bear in mind, this is where most of the humanitarian aid groups have based themselves over the past seven months we know the israeli
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military is in charge now of the rafah crossing with egypt. and we know that egyptian officials have said that they're not coordinating with israel to try and get more humanitarian aid trucks and because they're citing security concerns even if they manage to get their trucks inside, it is dangerous and it is very difficult to be able to distribute that aid where it is needed. we're hearing from you and teams on the ground that they believe that they will be running out of food and of water. now the israeli military, so that they have opened another land crossing, and this is two service northern gaza at this point but the critical concentration of displacement at this point is in the southern area. and that is where the serious concerns are. now when it comes to the fighting itself, it is interesting because the israeli military says that now fighting hamas once again in central gaza and also in northern gaza, this is the jabalya refugee camp. it's an area where
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israel said that they had pushed hamas out some time ago and they had control of this area that they say they now have intelligence that hamas is trying to regroup. they are trying to move back to this area and reassemble to cause a threat to israel. so what the military says, they're doing it, this point is there actually issuing evacuation orders to civilians in that area as well, trying to move them out of the way. and once again, they are fighting where they said they had already cleared the area and it really speaks to just how difficult bolts this is if the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he is going to completely destroy hamas. it just shows how almost impossible that would be to do. jessica. >> paula hancocks for us in our bw. thanks so much for that reporting. and let's go now to kevin lip tacc has traveling with president biden today in delaware and kevin top white house officials are doubling down on the president's ultimatum. what are they saying today well, they're continuing
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to warn against a major ground offensive in rafah. >> and i think there handling president biden's view that american weapons cannot be used in an operation that in there estimation would be ill advised and very, very bloody. and in fact, just in the last few hours, we've learned that the national security adviser, jake sullivan, did speak with his counterpart in israel. this is significant, it's the first phone call that we've seen announced between the white house and the israeli government since president biden delivered that ultimatum on cnn, that he would halt ship but minutes of certain weapons to israel if this ground offensive in rafah goes forward, the white house says that they discussed president biden's concerns. they discussed some of the alternatives and the white house said israeli national security adviser did say that israel was taking some of these concerns into account. but at the end of the day, these concerns or nothing new president biden has been raising them with prime
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minister netanyahu going back all the way to february, netanyahu has shown no willingness to back off his plan on rafah. he says that it is necessary to go after hamas. they're to completely eliminate the terror group when you hear american officials, their views are completely at odds including the secretary state entity blinken, who said that a major ground offensive in rafah could lead to a hamas insurgency. listened to a little bit more of what he had to say this morning and they will be left holding the bag on an enduring insurgency because a lot of armed hamas will be left no matter what they do in rafah or if they, if they leave and get out of gaza as we believe, they need to do, then you're going to have a vacuum and a vacuum that's likely to be filled by chaos, by anarchy, and ultimately by hamas. >> again, we need to see that too. we have the same objective as israel we want to make sure that hamas cannot govern gaza. again, we want to make sure it's demilitarized. we want to make sure that israel gets its leaders. that's what we're
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determined. we have a different way and we think a more effective, durable way of getting that done will remain in conversation with israel about exactly that. >> now, blinken also said this morning that the us believes israel has killed more civilians in gaza than hamas members. and he also said the us hasn't seen a plane land from israel about governance and security and gaza, once this war ends, taken all together, these are some of the toughest words that we've seen from the biden administration towards the israeli government. and it really does give you the sense that this relationship and this war is reaching quite a critical moment. jessica kevin lip tack, traveling with the president in delaware today. >> thanks so much for that reporting. joining us now and in global affairs analyst and former secretary of defense, mark esper, mr. secretary great to have you here this afternoon. first. i just want to know if you think the posture that kevin was just laying out from the biden administration is the correct one? >> well, good afternoon, jessica. first of all, look, i
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think i think the decision to cut off arms is a mistake not immediately. >> so because the denying the israeli as a capability, but what it does is since sends the wrong message to both the israelis and more importantly to hamas because it looks like once again, the there's a gap growing continues to grow between tel aviv and washington. >> and what it means for hamas is just continued to sit on the sidelines and don't negotiate, don't give any ground because they're leveraged continues to improve by these types of actions and it's interesting to say it's not just republicans pushing back against president biden on this one. it's democrats in both houses of congress who are raising concerns about him taking this position. now, look on the other hand, it is true. i think while i believe that israel needs to go into rafah, get rid of the four middleton battalions remaining track down the gaza leaders. yahya sinwar and others and dismantle the tunnel networks. they need to do so in a way that allows for
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more humanitarian aid to come in. and the limit. again, civilian casualties, which i think they can and should do a far better job of doing. but i think they need to go in and do this. >> the question is, how can they do it far, far better than what then how they've been doing the last several months to that in the idf says hamas is trying to regroup in the north. that's why they are targeting those areas also, right now, i want to play a clip from democratic senator chris murphy. he was on with my colleague dana bash this morning. we'll hear what he said. >> every intelligence expert has already come to the conclusion, you are not going to be able to eliminate hamas, right? you are. there's going to continue to be a resistance movement to the state of israel. and the question is, is it going to be weaker or stronger? after 13, 15,000 kids are killed inside gaza. my argument is that right now the prospects are that it is going to be stronger mr. secretary, do you think that is right? >> do you think that the elimination of hamas is
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possible? that's long been israel's goal. they'll, so they have achieved victory when hamas is fully eliminated. do you think that's an achievable goal seven months in you i've been saying for some time that destroying hamas is not possible. >> it's an ideology as much as it's an entity the t but you can dismantle it. you can disable, you can make sure that has no war fighting capability, and that it cannot govern again, and i think that's what we're aiming to do by going into rafah, by finding the leadership and eliminating the leadership. i think what you're gonna have to deal with them, and this remains an unanswered question and i agree with secretary blinken here, we need to know what the plan is after they finish up with rafah. once we believe that we've dismantled all the hamas battalions, there has to be some type of governing authority in there because if not, then hamas will rise back up and they will, they will govern and threatened and bully palestinian people there. so there's been some talk about some type of peacekeeping entity among uae, the saudis jordanians, and others. but we need to know what that is, what
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the conflict looks like at the end. because again, somebody needs to govern a gaza and part of this governance will be peacekeeping, policing. but another part of it will be making sure that hamas doesn't rise up again. and i think that's the again unanswered question now is what happens when the military conflict is over? you are not so many people say exactly what you're saying that i'm talking to about this conflict. >> and so how do they begin to untangle that and get to some sketch of what that might look like when this conflict is over. it is, it is a big question yeah, look, there's reporting out there that something is emerging that the united states is leading on this to bringing partners together. >> but this now gets backed into domestic politics and israel. where you have reporting coming out in last 24, 48 hours. is the head of the israeli military had a showdown with bibi netanyahu saying, hey, tell us what the plant i had is we need to know what the plan is and he would be absolutely correct if that's the case. but the domestic politics are tough for
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netanyahu and not to give me an excuse. but on one hand, he has a far-right members of his coalition that want to see israel controlled gaza. they believe it's part of the promise land and they want to go back in to where they were in 2003, 2004, 2005 before israel walked away. but most other israeli say now we want to get out, stay out of gaza, and are looking for this broader deal. so netanyahu's trying to walk this fine line on this, on this issue and it's not just the strategic matter, but it's also of course, the tactical issue of going into rafah or not. and then at the end of the day, what does the end state look like? i mean, is what's the what's the long-term peace plan? most subscribed to a two party solution two-state solution. but netanyahu has walked away from that one as well. a long time ago and before i let you go, i want to ask you about a different subject. i want to ask you about changes tonight in russia's military leadership. president vladimir putin has replaced shoigu as defenseman minister and the kremlin spokesperson says that change
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is due to the need for innovation. he wants to replace him with someone who's a civilian. what do you make of that? >> yeah, a few things. first of all, showing shoigu has been a loyal ally to put now since being an office for 12 years or so i had to deal with him many times and i was in office most people don't know. he's really not a military guy. i know you're fat flashing pictures there of him in a uniform, but it's a different system. meeting grew up as a soldier and a military thing. he's probably arguably more civilian and the military got. >> but what's interesting is it's happening now. >> i guess some people would say that putin just got his fifth term was just we just had to ceremony marking that. maybe that was a time i thought maybe shoigu would have been pushed out during the prigozhin rebellion, right? as up last year, but i guess not. >> but the bigger argument coming out of moscow right now is it russian? russia is moving toward war economy and it's true 7% of their gdp now is focused on defense. there, on a war footing arguably, they're
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saying that they want him running the military industrial complex. and they say the new guy being brought in is more innovative when i think one of the disappointing things shoigu's tenure is that what we thought the russian army, at least during my time at the pentagon, we thought they were professionalizing that they were modernizing all their equipment, their doctrine, how they train and fight and everything. and we really haven't seen that on the battlefield. so i'm sure more will come out in the following days, but this is an important move it's an interesting move, so it'll be curious again to see how they tried to explain this and what the new defense minister's role will actually be. >> absolutely secretary mark esper. thanks so much for joining us. >> thanks jessica still ahead. >> it's come down to the fixer against the former president, how michael cohen's testimony could still donald trump's fate as a felon or his credibility problems could sink the state's case every piece
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a rally on the jersey shore saturday for he attacked the trial biden manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, and judge juan merchan jar it out by radical democrats, district attorney you know, is fat alvin corrupt guy. and then we have a highly conflicted judge. >> he's corrupted, highly conflicted so conflicted. there's never been a judge says more conflicted and joining us now is seeing a national security reporter, zachary cohen. >> zach, what do you make of trump attacking both bragg and judge merchan? that is, by the way, allowed under this gag order. so it is within what's allowed. what do you also expect for tomorrow? >> yeah, that's exactly right. jessica. and it'll always this is more of the same of what we've heard from trump. really over the last several months and even years as he's approached this reelection bid for president, he's attacked
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prosecutors and judges across all of his criminal cases, trying to push his base was coined, but they're conspiring with the biden administration to target him as some sort of so politically motivated investigation, even though there's no evidence to support the fact that that is not true in this case or in his other cases, but still look, those attacks have really focused on manhattan de and alvin bragg bragg and the judge in this case, judge merchan, since this trial started about three weeks ago, and look, as you mentioned, that's not prohibited under the gap gag order donald trump is allowed to criticize both prosecutors and the judge and because of that, it's really interesting who maybe trump did not mentioned by name or attack during this rally. and that is michael cohen, his former fixer, his onetime attorney, who is slated to testify as the key witness in this new york hush money case starting tomorrow. look michael cohen and donald trump have a checkered history. he started off as one of trump's most loyal allies. they had a falling out over about 2018. and since they, michael cohen has been very vocal in his
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criticism of donald trump and recently taunting donald trump on social media, even pumping the judge in the new york case to tell my boko and he needs to stop talking before his testimony. so it is interesting that donald trump not attacking a potential witness, michael cohen but continuing to go after prosecutors and the judge in this case, which he is allowed to do certainly also joining as criminal defense attorney, david oscar marcus. david good to have you with us as well prosecutors have waited, too. yeah. weighted to call cohen until the very end of the trial and so much of this puts him at the center they've tried to lay a lot of groundwork so that even though he has a checkered past, he doesn't have to be the only one saying this information they've tried to corroborate it with other witnesses. can they achieve that goal? can they bolster his credibility or have too much baggage? do you think? >> well, i think every single witness, even though strong prosecution witnesses have one thing in common, they all hate michael cohen. everybody consistently does not like the
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guy. and so the defense is obviously going to attack him if i were the defense lawyer, i would try to let him hang himself. the first question i would ask him is, are you an honest person? because how is it going to answer that he's clearly not. and so i think unlike the stormy daniel's where it was full on attack and the jurors have to pick who are they sided with? are they signing with the questioner or the witness with stormy, it seemed like they almost reciting with her throughout the cross. this one, the defense has to make sure that they side with the defense with the question. i think it's going to be much easier to do that with a guy like michael cohen and zach when story daniels was testifying, we saw examples of where trump would really get frustrated to the point where the judge had to call his attorney over and say tell him to stop with these little outbursts are saying saying things under his breath. >> we can hear them. >> do you think he's going to have a hard time sitting quietly while cohen is there on the stand, there's just a lot of tension between these two guys. there really is a mental
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cohen testified in trump's civil new york fraud trial. only for a short time but the tension was very palpable in that testimony, and i'm sure we will see that tension play out in the courtroom on monday when michael cohen is expected to take the stand, but look the michael cohen and prosecutors will argue that this is not about michael cohen. and in fact that the jury should listen to what he says about these payments that he made about the narrative that he create around donald trump's alleged knowledge and involvement in the planning to pay stormy daniels and also the subsequent reimbursement of cohen. that's what prosecutors will argue is the value the takeaway. michael cohen's testimony, despite his checkered history and his being a convicted liar, they will try to ask the jury to separate those two things and they've tried to lay the groundwork as you engine too, by introducing documents, getting texts and emails as they say, will support what michael cohen testifies to when he takes the stand. >> and david, how do you think the jury so far is absorbing what's been presented to them, do you think that the
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prosecutors have been able to successfully put together their case so far? >> you know, from from what everybody says inside the courtroom, this jury has been poker face. they have not given a lot of signs as to how they're reacting to the witnesses. and i will say about what zack saying. so that's right. the prosecutors will try to separate out his checkered past, but that's gonna be very difficult to do. remember they need this witness to tie up everything at the end to show that trump knew that these entries were false. so they're going to need michael cohen or else they wouldn't call him. this is a very risky witness, but they need him to win the case. and so the defense is going to make it all about michael cohen. they're going to want the case to come down to michael cohen. now i'm surprised that the prosecution is ending with him as opposed to trying to bury him in the middle of the case to end with him is very, very risky play by the government allowed is an interesting point. >> i also, david, want to ask you about another trump case while we have you about the one down in florida, you know, the south florida courts and judges
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as well as anybody. and so i'm curious what you make a judge cannon delaying the classified documents case there indefinitely yeah. >> it's it's gonna be a while till this case is tried, certainly after the election. now, i mean, trump has all of these cases up in the air. so it's which one is going to get tried first, we have the new york one. now, we'll the dc1 get tried before the election i never thought the canon trial was going to go before the election. remember, it involves classified documents. it's complicated. it's in federal court as opposed to state courts. so the discovery is very limited. he's got these other trials going on, so i know cannon has been under a lot of other criticism, but the trial date itself i just think the defense needs to have some time to get prepared. and as a defense lawyer, i am sympathetic to that zachary cohen and david oscar marquez. >> i appreciate both of you thank you all. next, acie, in an exclusive what we're learning about reports of palestinians being shackled abused, and made to wear
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diapers at an intention center in israel. what is whistleblowers told cnn's matthew chance and what the israeli military, is saying about those allegations. you're in the cnn newsroom she was trump's former lawyer and fixer. >> now, michael cohen is expected to test the phi against his old boss will be here. any new bombshells from this key player witness testimony in the trump hush money trial tomorrow at nine eastern on cnn how far would you go? does that the ambiance of your space, try the air wick way with airway essential missed infused with natural essential oils defile your low bit with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days. now that's a breath of fresh air hey, with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day he physically it's clear that i'm the dad. >> okay. which data pain? >> you're i want a lot of businesses, so i wear a lot of
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switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! rajah and capitol hill. this is sienna closed captioning brought to you by meso book our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma kalisa. now the white house is now calling an exclusive cnn report on alleged abuse at an israeli prison, quote, deeply concerning since military operations began in gaza, growing number of palestinians are being held in the city of hammon military detention center reports of widespread abuse are emerging. >> and for the first time scene and spoke to three israeli whistleblowers who worked in various capacities there at the prison. and they describe a
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systemic abuse, including mass detentions and stress positions, sensory deprivations, beatings, and torture they say they're speaking out as a matter of conscience matthew chance has this exclusive report it's a place these rayleigh military doesn't want us to see college. >> the college give me it now we'd now what you want cnn. has gained exclusive evidence of palestinian prisoner abuse from multiple israeli whistleblowers at the seti to man facility in southern israel. >> we joined human rights activists i mean, growing public concern for the detainees being held in this is a protest by israeli citizens
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outside a detention center close to gaza. where we know hundreds of palestinians have been held. you can see it's a closed military facility. it's behind the barbed wire fence. we're not permitted access. and this hostility from passes by we just had somebody dry pass the mic car and they shouted out to us in hebrew, defending murderers, know if anybody are defending basic human rights. >> and eyewitnesses, a nice speaking act wave from the military facility near the beaches of tel aviv. one young israeli army reservists agreed to speak about schools of detainees at steady to man he says a kept in cages or pens constantly shackled and blindfolded many for weeks on end. we've hidden his identity and voice to shield him from prosecution. >> we were told they are not allowed to move and must sit upright. they're not allowed to talk or peek under their blindfold and what happened if
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they if they did do that so what are punishments will meet her dad. we were. >> allowed to pick out problematic people and punish them. >> having them stand with their hands above their heads for an unlimited time. if they didn't keep their hands up, we could zip tie them to the fence these israeli military says detainees a handcuffed based on their risk level and health status but the account tallies with photographic evidence obtained by cnn of palestinian detainees inside said the two men and with hand and wrist injuries shown to cnn by dozens of palestinians released back into gaza zip-tied and blindfolded says this former detainee and tortured in a way i never imagined once source telling us the restraints were so tight i had to amputate a man's hand. >> the view that i've heard expressed is that how do you think? israeli hostage user treated by hamas? >> this sentiment was voiced in the facility. but i think that
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if hamas is so abominable, which i agree with nyu's hamas as a bar it's a descent into dehumanization a descent that's accelerated since the rampage by hamas on october the seventh last year the killing and abduction to gaza of hundreds of israelis provoked outrage and a brutal response israel's roth, tens of thousands of palestinians have been killed detained for interrogation transported to facilities like sedia to man. we want israeli guard now tell cnn prisoners are routinely beaten we've hidden his identity and voice to you can take them out and eat them maybe four or five times per the club. >> it's not dying in the face. so you don't see blood. the detainees liability down, being
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hidden, kicked, people's creaming, and dogs barking at them. it's terrifying. some detainees are taken away and beaten really hard. so bones and teeth are broken you saw people who are subject to these beatings. >> had their broke bones broken, and who had their teeth broken? >> yes. it's a practice which commanders know about. they want intelligence, but they also want revenge and punishment for happened on october 7 the israeli. military hasn't approved cnn's requests for access to side2 man with the gates of the facility, we challenged the israeli guards i've had in college as i for the being blindfolded hello you're i'm
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saying that i don't remember where they tried to take our cameras what do board? >> no. you won't give me, please. now, we have what you want what's up daniel order us to leave while we're driving now to meet one israeli with personal experience of the day. >> tame man facility it's experienced that he says has left him shopped at the condition and the medical treatment of palestinian detainees there he told us he treated palestinian detainees. with gunshot wounds fresh from the war zone in gaza. >> but was a at the lack of equipment. >> and expertise the problem is gazans who are brought in are labeled as terrorists. and it is very popular opinion over here that terrorists deserve to die. so they do not deserve the
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same medical care as everyone else satellite imagery obtained by cnn shows how the set e to man facility was expanded after the october 7 attacks with the facilities and makeshift medical bays being added. >> the public hospitals in israel refused to treat injured guards and suspects witness accounts described a field hospital with 15 to 20 patients, virtually naked and blindfolded with hands and feet shackled to their beds, wearing diapers what i witnessed told cnn, painful procedures were carried out by underqualified medics treatment, the medical worker told us amounts to punishment in my view, it's the idea of total vulnerability. if you imagine being unable to move, being unable to see what's going on that's something that borders, if not what crosses into psychological torture the israeli military
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says prisoners are stripped for security checks and that investigations are when there's suspicion of misconduct still accounts from israelis and palestinians in sayyed and the shocking images paint a disturbing picture matthew chance, thank you very much for that report. >> still ahead as graduation ceremonies across the country of being up in and by protests will show you what happened during jury seinfeld's commencement speech today. >> and duke the assignment with hadi cornish listen wherever you get your podcasts from friends coming over mom's coming over so many ways to save life ready while it happy but the 360 five by whole foods market you know, i spent a lot of time thinking about derby at three in the morning and you
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houston charles not winning a championship. this try and stay positive on positive. >> he didn't win a ring oh, my house college commencement ceremonies continues. >> so the protests today, jerry seinfeld was interrupted at duke's graduation ceremony in north carolina while he was being introduced to receiving an honorary degree jerry is also serving as our commencement speaker today and you can see on your screen is about 30 students. >> walk out as the comedian was being introduced, some students waving the palestinian flag, they are blurred. they're seinfeld told graduates, it's important to change the world it's also important to keep your sense of humor i know all of you here are going to use all of your brains and muscle and soul to improve the world. >> and i know you're going to do a bank of job and when
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you're done, as i am now i bet the world because of you will be a much better place. but it will still not make a whole hell of a lot of sense. and it is worth the sacrifice of an occasional discomfort to have some laughs while in california, students at pomona college are getting ready for tonight's graduation ceremony. and at the last minute school leaders decided to move that ceremony off campus to a location some 30 miles away to avoid some of the protests. and in correspondent, camila bernal, he's joining us now with more on this camila, it sounds like they made this decision just rather recently they did jessica and that's where you're getting a lot of this frustration from students since andrew also from parents who had to change their plans, figure out how they were going to get here to la, maybe add another night at their hotels. >> and so just people who are uncomfortable and unhappy about
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the decision that the school made. and now the graduation will take place here at the shrine auditorium. you see it here behind me. and there's already security measures play, so you're seeing the metal barriers, you're seeing additional security guards. and there are buses that were provided by the school to bring those students though 30 miles from promoting going to college to la. but look, a lot of the students saying it doesn't matter that the school apologize. it doesn't matter that we have bus rides from there to here there's extremely frustrated by what has happened and in order or what they have to do, in order to have a normal commencement ceremony. here's what one student said. >> i think it's sad and i think it's a it's a really bad way to end your college career. and i think it's showing exactly where pomona is headed and part of that frustration was because where they were supposed to graduate that area of the essentially the stage this covered in tents
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and posters and signs from the pro-palestinian protesters. >> so in this case, they had to move the location. in other cases, like a colombia and usc, they canceled the traditional commencement ceremony altogether, and there have been some disruptions you mentioned duke earlier and there was also over for the weekend at uc berkeley protesters and at virginia commonwealth university where a lot of the students are some of the students walked out of those commencement ceremonies, some just briefly disrupted, but really, a lot of them went on as planned. and so again, there's just this feeling of sadness from a lot of the students that i've spoken to say they had a difficult time back in high school during the pandemic. and in that graduation and they also feel that this graduation is also not normal. jessica all right. >> camila bernal thanks so much for that reporting and los angeles. so become the war in gaza is reverberating through american politics. how growing divisions among democrats could cause one prominent, outspoken, outspoken critic of the war.
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with the loss of their loved one convicted murderer, oscar pistorius, quietly released from this prison out of the view of cameras to his uncle's mansion, and a strict parole conditions he can't speak to the media leave the city or drink alcohol. but back in 2012, this was a scupper a world-class athlete and role model overcoming incredible odds, is done magnificently well and i think everybody is proud of him months later, oscar pistorius has global fame became a sorted global notoriety valentine's day, 2013, he killed his girlfriend river stand camp and up-and-coming model, shooting her four times through a locked bathroom door. >> the police finding him bloodied and in shock the story has said it was an accident and he thought river was an intruder. the state charged him
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with premeditated murder. his trial, a riveting courtroom from drama, followed by millions both my case to say that when you got up, here, the argument that why she ran away screaming the defense claimed pistorius was a vulnerable. >> now broken man, who deserved leniency. >> we know that the uncontested evidence was that when you must only stops is balanced was seriously compromise. and without anything not be able to defend himself. >> your kill the person that's what it is, isn't it? >> i made a mistake while you're killed, reverse can come that verjee, after a nearly 50 day trial, stretched over seven months pistorius was found guilty of culpable homicide a verdict later changed to murder, reverse mother, june city and campus said she never believed his version of the story that the pain is r4 and real. >> there can never be justice if your loved one is never coming back. she wrote in a statement on his release, and
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no amount of time served will bring revert back. we who remain hind are the ones serving a life sentence acie has trial was a global event, but it was also a family tragedy in june, sian camp says that she will never come to terms with her daughter's death and how she died david mckenzie, thanks so much and be sure to watch the cnn original series, how it really happened oscar pistorius, the blade runner. it's tonight at nine eastern pacific, right here on cnn. >> we'll be right back this, is a secret, war. secrets and spies premier sunday, june 2, attempt bomb. >> see it fashion moves fast, setting trends is our business. >> we need to scale with customer demand in real time so we partnered with verizon, their solution for us, a private by genome. >> we now get more control of
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>> story, the debate over transgender athletes. >> i believed i needed to sacrifice being trans order to swim. we can't neglect fairness and hopes to be inclusive for whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight on cnn you are in the cnn newsroom hi everyone. >> i'm jessica dean in new york and tonight, israel launched a new attacks across gaza. is it prepares for a major ground offensive in the city of rafah the israeli military now target reading northern and central gaza, as well as eastern rafah in an effort to prevent what it says are hamas as attempts at regrouping the hamas-controlled ministry of health saying 63 people have died in the last 24 hours, bringing the death toll to more than 35,000 since the war began seven months ago. cnn cannot independently verify those numbers. all of this just days after president biden warned israel against an invasion of rafah, threatening to withhold