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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 13, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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support more victories for veterans go to i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles. in this is cnn it's monday, may 13, right now on cnn this morning in just a few hours, the man who wants describe it itself as trump's thug, expected to take the stand ahead, how michael cohen could make or break the former president's hush money case. >> a shakeup but the highest levels of russia's military. vladimir putin choosing a civilian as who's new defense minister and both republicans and democrats in congress pushing back on cousin biden for threatening to withhold some weapons shipments to israel all right, by the young here in washington, live, look at capitol hill on this monday morning. good morning, everyone. happy a wonderful mother there's day weekend and kasie hunt, it's wonderful to
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have you with us in just a few hours. the star witness in donald trump's hush money trial will take the stand. former trump attorney and fixer, michael cohen. you may recall, cohen once said he would take a bullet for donald trump. now prosecutors are hoping his testimony will close the circle for the jury by directly connecting trump to $130,000 hush money payment to stormy daniels how trump reimbursed cohen for that payment at the heart of the trial, joining me now, the hill reporter, juliet manchester, julia. good morning to you, mr. being here, are the day we've all been waiting for in this trial here with michael cohen let's kind of walk through. i mean, he is a central figure in this case. >> he was a central figure in the trump orbit and he really has been all over the place in terms of how he's talked about trump, how he's told the truth or not. what do you expect today? and what is the
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prosecution need to do out of the gate here to try to shore up his credibility. >> yeah. well, at that point about him being all over the place being a big supporter of donald trump than flipping on donald trump and going back and forth this general notion of michael cohen being untrustworthy is something that's going to make it easy for the defense really to pounce on and to show the jury that this is not a reliable, credible oh, person for the prosecution to be using as a witness. so essentially, what the prosecution needs to do is paint michael cohen as someone who is credible, who is telling the truth when it comes to this hush money payment, who is not necessarily out for himself, but pointing out exactly what he says happened during this payment that allegedly took place in the run-up to the election so here was michael cohen talking on thursday about testifying, and again, he was admonished on fridays but day after this came out, the judge basically told the prosecution, hey make michael cohen stop talking here. >> it's causing some problems, but here's, here's what he had to say before that happened.
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>> kinda looking forward to it because again can't be finished with something unless you started. right? it's kinda like an entrepreneurial mindset. you can be in, in, unless you willing to get in it. and so there we go. sooner or this thing starts the sooner this thing finishes. and that way i can at this too shall pass this too shall pass. >> yeah yeah. >> sort of interesting acknowledgment there actually, that actually this has been a significant there's a lot of pressure on them absolutely. >> absolutely. i think it's ironic that the judge is telling michael cohen to stop publicly talking about the case when he said the same thing, two former president trump. and i think just goes to show you how much, i guess weakness there could be and the prosecution calling michael cohen, how much there is for them at stake. you know, it's interesting talking to legal, it also political experts, they will point out that out of all of trump's legal cases, this
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is the weakest one and a lot of it has to do with michael cohen. yeah. and this picture that's on the screen here too. i mean, this is one of the reasons why he was told to stop talking. i mean, it's obviously he's not speaking about it, but it seems to show a figure of donald trump handcuffed right behind bars. this was something that he wore in one of his recent tiktok videos. julia, you talked to political sources here in washington all the time to um, would you describe as sort of the state of play in terms of how republicans especially are looking at what's been on folding in this trial and how they feel it will or won't impact whether it's their own elections or the presidential election. look, republicans 0.2, number one, the fact that polls show that most motors are not necessarily paying attention to this the same way. >> those of us in washington are most voters go to the polls are going to be thinking about the economy want to meet crime abortion, healthcare situation at the southern border of those kitchen table issues. but at the same time, this is still
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something that is very front and center for the trump campaign and still a top story in the united states. so for voters, voters going forward, i think republicans are obviously looking, looking at the outer come up this, whether he is convicted or not. but once again, pointing to the fact that most legal experts say this is the weakest case and the only case that's guaranteed to finish before the november for election. >> well, and trump, of course, was back out on the campaign trail this weekend is the first time we'd seen him in a a little stretch of time considering we're less than six months out from the november election, and he was focused on talking about the case. here's what he had to say about the de watch it out by radical democrats, district attorney you know is fat often corrupt guy and then we have a highly conflicted judge. he's corrupted highly conflicted. so conflicted this never been a
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judge this work inflicted. was trumping wild would new jersey for those of us who grew up along the east coast that are familiar with the jersey shore. so right. >> look, he's attacking, they're the only people he's allowed how to attack, right? he's not allowed to attack the witnesses, et cetera. it's kind of trump's ml, but i also think it underscores how you know, focus he is right now on this as opposed to campaigning. >> well, it's interesting because like i said, how republicans say, or this trial hello, is in the top priority for voters. well, i think republicans are also trying to tell that to former president trump that when he goes to campaign, he can't only focus on throwing rocks i'd meet to his base by talking about this trial, he needs to talk about the economy et cetera. and he has a little bit even outside of the courthouse, but instead, it's grabbing headline to a voters are going to see when they hear trump on the campaign trail, is this julia manchester for us, kick himself this morning. >> thank you. change your shade. it all right. coming up next here. >> a lot of putin's latest
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move in the war with ukraine, putting a civilian in charge of russia's armed forces plus donald trump's big teams. could doug burgum being his running mate, and a pilot with a big problem, the wheels would not go down. we'll show you what happened next he was trump's former lawyer and fixer. >> now, michael cohen is expected to testify against his old boss, will be here. any new bombshells from this? he player witness testimony in the trump hush money trial today at nine eastern on cnn the darkness of bipolar depression make me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love then i found a chance to let in the light, discover, capitalize unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar one capital letter is proven to deliver signals difficult symptom relief from both bipolar one and two depression and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain, we're not common capital, it can cause serious side-effects. call your doctor
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who are more open for innovations, more open towards a quick implementation of the innovations win that is why it's natural that on the current stage, the president has taken a decision for a civilian to be in charge of the ministry of defense i turned me now is cnn's max foster max. good morning. always wonderful to have you. >> so what's the backstory here and why is this a big deal? well, acie pc is just won an election is there's a tradition that the whole cabinet would resign after that, and then they get reassigned. given their positions back and then we've had this really high-profile role change. so we're trying to read into what we can about putin's future strategy. but he's putting in economist in. there. which does suggest that bedding in almost into this process of conflict, which probably make clear there's a chief of the defence staff who's the opera top soldier if you like, in the russian military, reports directly to pluton already. so he's across
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the operational sayyed, the defense minister you could probably argue is more of an administrative role. and if we're going into a long period of war in russia than perhaps in economist is best placed to map that out and make best use of the money so max what is your sense of what happens to the outgoing defense chief here? >> and to your other point, i mean, is this just indicative of them like having to settle into pay for something that is going to be a major line item for them into the future. >> i think so. shoigu is getting into a security role. so he's going into the office part of the administration. if you like. so he hasn't been cast out in any way. this is a this is a shift but it will be interesting to see how this economists changes the battle plans in ukraine because inevitably you'll be in charge of the money and the military will have to deal with that. i
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think currently, if you look at defense spending in russia, it's comparable to what it was during the cold war so it's high and they've got to find a way of dealing with it. and they've got to look into the long term to find out how best to handle that at the moment, they're spending a huge amount of money on the battlefield because they're making gains and they want to make those gains before those american weapons arrived, right? >> what that's what i was going to ask you to max-min as you've spoken with european officials and i know last week we were here talking about what putin and xi, we're both doing on the world stage obviously, they're the money finally got out the door here in the from congress to try and help ukraine on the front lines. is that being felt yet? and what is the kind of overall atmosphere in terms of thinking about this right now? >> what all we can go, obviously, decide to give me us operational details. but when you look at what's happening on the front lines, russia is making gains, so isn't working
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yet it does take a long time for a lot of this a to get over there, of course, as a complicated process where it's got into the country, then it's got to get to the front lines, but they may have received some stuff already, hasn't made a huge impact yet. and then we need to see whether or not it's the appropriate equipment as well, because russia may decide to change tactics in which case you need a different set of kit. but certainly it hasn't all arrived there yet, and they need as soon because you've been is not holding those lines that moment for sure. >> all right. max foster for us, live in london. max, thank you very much. i really appreciate it. >> all right. just ahead here, donald trump and michael cohen face-to-face, just a few hours from now. now in court plus small explosives could solve a big problem at the baltimore bridge, disaster site later on today this is a secret. war. >> secrets and spies premier sunday, june 2, attempt bomb cnn. >> have you or anyone you know, ever been stationed at marine
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skechers, hands-free slip ins, check out this shoe that altered my brain chemistry. >> new hands-free skechers, lipids, it's likes lipids have an invisible built-in shoe horn, so my foot slides into place, mind blown own it all right. >> 20 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. today. authorities will with them to demolish a portion of baltimore key bridge. they plan to use small explosives to make cuts in the collapsed in order to free the container ship. but of course collided with the bridge back in march a suspect is dead this morning after an hours long standoff following the killing of a police officer in ohio, authorities identified to sean von as the suspect in the fatal shooting of the 23-year-old police officer responding to a disturbance call in the town of euclid a tense moment in australia as a small plane approaches the runway without its landing gear, the pilot pulls off a textbook belly landing. the craft circle the airport for
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hours to burn fuel before it's tempting landing. and all three people aboard walked away without injuries that's great all right. >> severe storms and flood threats continue from texas to the gulf coast with residents bracing for the next round as they dig out after three tornadoes in the tallahassee area, are weatherman, derek van dam tracking all of it for us. derek, good morning. what are you seeing? >> yeah. this is last thing that they need this morning across the florida panhandle. this is what we're seeing current radar very busy and i've, i'm concerned about this line of storms right now, moving through south eastern section chin's of mississippi, you see how it's starting to kind of make a bow like structure we're going to watch for that to kind of continue to bow out. so we call this a potential duration you, which is a straight-line wind event, hasn't quite efficiently reach that status just yet. but one thing's for sure it's creating a severe thunderstorms and as it propagates eastward, could impact places like southern alabama and into the florida panhandle. so this is the area that was struck by two or three
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tornadoes across other greater tallahassee region on friday, you can see the storm prediction center has enhanced the risk, increase the risk to enhance, i should say, from the florida panhandle right through louisiana and the central sections of texas. in fact, we have a 5% risk of tornadoes today, new orleans like charles mobile, and tallahassee. greatest risks though for hail really extends across southeastern sections of texas, san antonio houston, where you see that hatched shading and this isn't the only round of severe storms will get another round tomorrow and into the de on wednesday. so with this multiple round what, whether unsettled conditions, we have flood watches in effect for this particular location, three to six inches of rain. not good news. this is already very saturated areas, so the localized flooding possible. we're gonna look off for that potential at least across the gulf coast states weather prediction center has what is called a moderate risk of excessive rainfall that could lead to flash flooding. so we're gonna keep an eye out of the sky and an eye on the roads
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for this potential of flooding and severe weather. once again today and this week, casey. >> all right. derek van dam for us, derrick, thank you very much for that. and just hours from now, donald trump's former lawyer takes the stand for the prosecution. but we'll michael cohen tell the jury, plus president biden facing backlash from both sides of the aisle on israel, how might he respond more than $500 million in art stolen me, saw what turned out to be the biggest dark heist in history. >> you can't help but wonder if this was i'm sort of thing sayyed job. how would really happy with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn hey, as lins got you going through it, grabbed new column for fewer asthma attacks nikola is a once monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma not for sudden breathing problems. >> allergic reactions can occur. it help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't
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all right. 5:27 a.m. here in washington live. look at the statue of liberty on this monday morning good morning, everyone in kasie hunt, it's wonderful to have you with us in just a few hours. former trump attorney michael cohen, expected to take the stand in new york. he was once the former president's fixer. but today he's the prosecution's star witness and they hope he'll directly tie trump to the $130,000 hush money payment was made to stormy daniel's cohen's credibility will of course, be in the spotlight as trump's lawyers aim to discredit the now-disbarred attorney who wants pleaded guilty to lying to congress and to a bank joining me now, former federal prosecutor and criminal defense attorney katie szarkowski. katie, good morning to you warning. so let's talk about what we're going to hear today from michael cohen were also learning that the prosecution is likely to rest
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this week, which means cohen is basically the last major witness that the jury is going to hear from here. >> are you surprised at how oh, they approach this from that perspective that he is considering his credibility issues. one of the last people, the jurors are going to be left with why, do you think it is surprising, but not only that before the trial had started, both michael cohen and alvin bragg had suggested that michael cohen's testimony was not going to be the linchpin of this case and that there was going to be other witnesses to directly tied donald trump to some alleged criminal scheme, but thus far, we have not heard that. >> so it does seem that it will come down to michael cohen attempting to directly tie donald trump to something criminal, which is what the prosecution must prove. and certainly it's going to be difficult because he does have a significant amount of credibility issues that needs to be corroborated by other evidences or other witnesses so
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you don't see some of what we've seen so far as laying out all of these connections because we have seen some instances of these previous witnesses testifying to the lawyer, davidson for example, in talking about how he dealt with cohen, i mean, there do seem to be a couple of examples where they i can i mean, just to kind of drill down on the point you're making you're saying you don't feel as though they've shown in other instances that trump himself knew about this stuff it's not, that donald trump didn't know about the payments and the payback. >> it's the criminality aspect that i think is lacking at the end of the day, the prosecution needs to prove that the entries into the business records were false entries, and essentially that would require them to show that annotating i think as a legal expense was not in fact, a legal expense. so i'm wondering what a theory is my best guess is that because michael cohen ultimately took a plea deal to something involving payback as a campaign
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finance violation. that is the theory. but ultimately it may be that michael cohen took a deal to something that may not have been criminal itself. so i see the ties to donald trump in terms of making the agreement, but not in terms of the elements of the offenses that are charged thus far. and that is something that the prosecution needs to close the loop on through call it or somebody else so as a former defense attorney, i mean what what in your view are trump's lawyers going to be doing looking for as cohen initially takes the stand, obviously eventually they'll get a chance to cross-examine him. >> we may or may not i think it's probably unlikely we're going to see that today. but they also will have potential opportunities to object. for example, to his testimony, the judge has honestly suggested that at some at some point they weren't aggressive enough in their objections during earlier testimony, particularly around stormy daniel's. and as this started let's to unfold. what would you be watching for? where you trump's attorney
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sure. >> well, the prosecutors are going to draw out much of michael cohen's credibility issues with all of his convictions. and of course, maybe even some of his motives to have a bias against donald trump. he's been very expressive about his own hatred towards donald trump at this zero point and his desire to see him convicted. so the prosecution might draw a lot of that out. i would expect on cross that the defense is going to nail in a lot more detail about his history with credibility issues. and of course, his own direct bias against the defendant in the case. that being said, the jury is the one who makes the decision about how much weight they give to any particular person's testimony. it is difficult when you have somebody that has a prior conviction for lying. in specifically in any case, the credibility of a witness is going to be very difficult to overcome something like that without external corroboration of everything that's they're saying. and then ultimately, like i said, regardless of what
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michael cohen says, the prosecution needs to hone in on the actual elements of the offenses and i'm not really clear how michael cohen is going to be able to explain why the annotation of the payments as a legal expense was improper. perhaps the prosecution needs to throw up an accounting the expert or something like that to suggest that that is not a proper designation because the minimum, the misdemeanor offense requires proof of that as a false entry, and i haven't seen that. i don't know how cohen would do that, but that would be what i would want to see from the prosecution side. >> interesting. okay. so let's just kind of remind everyone this break between cohen and trump occurs sharply after the fbi raids. cohen's offices, right that was before. cohen had to say about trump in 2019 when he had this point realized his former boss to totally turned on him and so he in turn turned on trump watch what cohen said back in february of 2019 so picture this scene in
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february of 2017 month into his presidency i'm visiting president trump in the oval office for the first time. >> and it's truly inspiring, is showing me all around and pointing to different paintings and he says to me something to the effect of don't worry, michael, you're january and february reimbursement checks are coming they were fedexed from new york and it takes a while for that to get through the white house system as he promised, i received the first check for the reimbursement of $70,000 not long thereafter. >> okay so that was actually cohen talking about the details of this in his testimony in 2019 before congress. now we should of course, know that cohen didn't seem to have any trouble saying false things to congress. so i'll take that for what it's, what it's
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worth but how do you think that previews what we're going to hear from cohen today well, i think that that part is accurate. >> what i do think that cohen will display is that he's very burned by donald trump. he did everything for him in his mind and he got left out of coming to washington, which was here which deal for him. so certainly he has a significant vendetta against the former president by his own admission, something that will cut against his credibility. of course. and then again, with regard part to the payments, obviously, it's been established that the payment was made and that michael cohen was ultimately reimbursed, but why that was criminal is really where that loop he's to be closed if they want to establish that they've presented proof of all of these elements at this point. >> all right, can you it's your cascade for us this morning, katie. thank you very much for being here. i really appreciate it all right to politics now, republicans and democrats pushing back against president biden's weapons ultimatum to
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benjamin netanyahu last week, biden told cnn's erin burnett that if the israeli prime minister orders a full-scale operation into rafah, then the us will withhold some weapons more than two dozen house democrats told biden in a letter over the weekend, they're concerned about the message it sends to hamas i'll send a and there's a lot of criticism from republicans as well this is the worst decision in the history of the us, is relationship to deny weapons at a time, the jewish state could be destroyed biden did get some backup from senator chris murphy. >> watch president biden is learning the mistakes of us military campaigns in iraq and afghanistan. >> what we learned in both of those efforts was that you cannot defeat a terrorist ideology. you i cannot defeat a terrorist movement with military force alone all right, joining me to discuss washington correspondent for the atlanta general constitution, tea mitchell tea. >> good morning. thanks for
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being here so some of the relative tivoli predictable certainly what lindsey graham had to say another republicans. but there are significant divisions among democrats over this. murphy, chris murphy, they're giving biden a little bit of backup, but you've seen moderate democrats, especially in the senate jon tester, being a little bit more critical of what biden did here, what's what's going on behind the scenes, and how is the white house dealing with it? >> so i think there are a lot going on behind the scenes. number one, just from the mechanics of war, the mechanics of conflict, the bigger the bomb, the less precise it's going to be. and so when you're talking about how to eradicate hamas the weapons of war means that oftentimes there are civilian casualties, and that's what this is about and biden is trying to a lot of people are concerned about that and trying to reduce it. but politically, what is happening is now democrats are saying
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this concern about civilian casualties can be interpreted. it interpreted as going soft on the war against him boss the war against terrorism. they're worried about the political vulnerabilities that worried about being perceived as no longer being true allies of israel in how that could affect support among jewish voters, how that could affect support amongst some key democratic party allies. so these are really complicated issues but i think the fact that this is an election year, a lot of people are on the ballot. the fact that this is a vulnerability for president biden has a lot of democrats scared and trying to stick out a position to make sure as it affects them, it doesn't affect as it affects biden, it doesn't effect the party pretty as a whole the line that murphy was talking about there where who's talking about lessons learned from iraq and afghanistan and the american war on terror. >> this was something that they
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had gone in there at the very beginning when when when israel was first deciding how to respond in the wake of the october 7 attacks, the president, add one point, traveled to israel. the message then was if you try to go into gaza and hold it the way americans did in iraq and afghanistan you may find yourself in a place you didn't end up wanting to be that counterinsurgency they're very, very hard. they don't necessarily work. >> and there did seem to be a point at which the israeli government was listening to them, but that seems to have evolved and there is now this added tension in the biden-netanyahu relationship he doesn't seem to be at this point listening to i mean, the headlines on the papers this morning or about an escalated offensive in rafah. and how does that relationship between biden-netanyahu play into this? >> well, a lot because at the end of the day the biden administration can cajole the netanyahu administration suggest try to come up with
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diplomatic ways to bring this to an end. but the biden administration cannot control netanyahu. and so he's making decisions that a lot of people think are problematic. and i think a lot of people on both sides look at the bloodshed in gaza and are concerned. but we, we can't control netanyahu. he's going to still do what he wants to do and i think that's very frustrating because again, it's creating a very hard situation in america where there are a lot of regular people, voters who are concerned earned about the humanitarian crisis. but just in some of those same voters are also concerned about not looking like we're going soft on terrorism, not looking like we're going that we're turning away from our ally israel. so it's a really tough situation when ultimately the us does not control what israel does in gaza all right. >> tim mitchell for us this morning. tea, thank you very much. i really appreciate it all right. >> just a head here. donald
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trump praising a serial killer from the movies i'm going to tell you what he said about hannibal lecter plus a stunning defeat for tennis star novak djokovic will take you inside back here's to getting better with age here's the beaten these two every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete neutral fishing. >> you need without the stuff you don't so here's two now, our biggest challenge, uncertainty in fy search charges, who knows what to expect? >> turn shipping to your advantage, keep it simple with clear upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage most guys get serious in as they get but most guys don't do anything about it because most guys don't really understand skincare they think it's too expensive and they don't believe that anything actually
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physicians mutual this is cnn the world's news network closed captioning is brought to you by skechers hands-free slip ends. >> what's the greatest invention of all time? >> new hands-free sketch are slipping. you just slip in and they're on. it's like they have an invisible built-in shoe horn. so you're foot slides into place hands-free sketch your slippers they're emptying out their mental institutions into the united states silence of the lamb has anyone ever sit in silence of them? the late great hannibal lecter is a wonderful man. he oftentimes would have a friend for dinner remember the last seen excuse me. i'm about to have a friend for dinners is for dr. i'm about to have a friend for dinner, but hannibal lecter congratulations the late great hannibal lecter the late great hannibal lecter, a wonderful man that was donald trump back campaign trail saying that for some reason.
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>> meanwhile, president biden was at a private fundraiser in seattle over the weekend where he called out trump. this is what he said, quote, something snapped in him. he's not only obsessed with losing in 2020, he is clearly unhinged and joining us now a cnn political commentator, republican strategist, scott jennings. >> scott is elector, wonderful man. >> well the sounds of the land. i've seen it great movie. it's made movie, donald trump movie buff, looked at the main, the main news out of the trump rally this weekend to me, was the size of it? he saw the pictures, but lord, have mercy. they were claiming tens of thousands. >> i'm not sure exactly what cnn's official count as well. we'll figure that out in the meantime, but yes, the jersey shore popular place. yeah. it was it was it was quite it was quite a rally and still shows that he has the ability to draw and i guess. i guess that's one of the benefits of not having so many events when you have fewer, more people, more people want to come. but it was a pretty big, pretty big crowd. sure. it's a blue state. i will
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say, yeah well, hey, there's a lot, there's a lot of blue states out there that are unhappy with joe biden. i don't know that new jersey's on the board, there's a few okay let's let's talk about kind of what's going on with trump as well over the weekend in terms of his vice presidential picks, because this has been kind of in the water he took doug burgum came to this rally with him? >> yeah. i north dakota north dakota governor, i clearly seems to have gotten to the top of the list there but. >> nikki haley also was floated for a handful of minutes until then there was a truth social post that went up over the weekend where they quickly shut that down, said that she is not in consideration what is your sense of where that stands right now and who do you think trump should be looking at? a lot of buzz around governor burgum. >> i don't think anybody's really played their cards better than burgum since the primary, he's gone to these rallies. he's been a faithful endorser of president trump. he's a really rich guy with an ability to raise money and help
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the ticket in that way. no drama, not going to overshadow the top of the ticket. he's also not turned his dakota to pet cemetery the way his friend from the south has, which is always a bonus when you're not making news for things of that nature. so no bargain, burgum is terrible. >> so sad, i still worse. rip cricket, a burnham's rising but there's also other great choices. >> this is one of the areas that campaign where i think trump has an embarrassment of riches. tim scott, to me, still makes a ton of sense. marco rubio, the voter registration issue notwithstanding for two floridians, i think would be great. vance's great. i mean, there's a lot of defensible and politically good choices here, but everybody is talking about burgum right now. and i know he's out doing some media and making the rounds and wages cards at the end of the day. i mean, the money factor piece of this. i mean, it's clear that they as trump's legal travails. i mean, we've focused on all these salacious
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details have been coming out of the trial, but the bottom line is a lot of costs associated with that and it does seem the conversations that i have, it's clear that being able to bring money to the table is something that's very important to them. >> absolutely in there behind joe biden on this. and i've often wondered if trump's meant zero or he spent 1 billion on advertising when it really make a difference. but i'll tell you where we'll in this campaign, he does better with mid low propensity voters, people who are not reliable and also he leads among unregistered americans by a wide margin. if you look at some of the polling to get those people into the game, you got to register them. you got to contact them, you got to turn them out. this is an expensive infrastructure needed to do this turnout game of low and no propensity voters so does money matters say for tv ads, i'm dubious. does it matter for ground game? yes. yeah, for sure so i was i was just chatting with you about this in the break the wall street journal's editorial page, which a longtime kind of classic reagan conservative bastion of thought.
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>> they have a shortlist that they suggest step for trump that does, i think burgum is they mention on haley is on it, but of course they shut that down quickly. >> they also float kim reynolds the governor of iowa. i just i was surprised that they would bet that on the list. and it does seem like they're sort of disconnected from what mega it's looking for right now might make sense for them it doesn't make sense for trump in this particular case, on haley, i was texting with a friend. she loves haley. she's never trump or and when the news came out yesterday, i said, look at this and she said this is great. he needs her voters. and i said, so he'll vote for trump. and she said, never and here in lies the problem with that kind of a ticket there are lots of voters who supported haley and who may be supported others that just aren't going to do trump. maybe they even do them in 2020. what trump needs is someone loyal to him that can bring things to the table that aren't going to cause a lot of problems or drama daily for the
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ticket that's my burgum. tim scott mean these kinds of people are not going to be ancillary distractions. they're going to be loyal surrogates who help you with things. bergen may help you with fundraising. tim scott may help with african-american men if that's something you're looking four, but you also have to remember this is all marginal. people aren't voting for vice president. they vote for the top of the ticket. so you could not and should not expect these people to make wholesale difference in your standing with the public look when you choose them. yeah. >> how are you looking at and thinking about the haley voters mean they're clearly still sticking with her and she's been out of the race and we saw it in indiana. we saw it obviously indiana is not really on the map in the general, but pennsylvania do those people make it impossible for trump to win at the end of the day. not impossible, but i think you have to look at it through the lens of what the parties are trading. trump is trading out some of these college educated suburban voters that went with haley, but he's also bringing in working class voters, non-college of all races all over the country that have traditionally for most of my career have been democrats. that's the great algebra of
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this thing. are your trading out the traditional suburban republicans bringing in some of the, what used to think of as working class democrats. is there enough of one to replace the other? i think a lot of haley's voters didn't vote for trump in 20, they may not have voted for him. and 16, i think trying to beat your head against the wall if you're him and get them back is difficult, but there is room to run with some of these people who are really say they're hurting and the biden economy. >> well, i mean, i get a lot of those working class maybe former democrats, maybe still someday democrats were probably on the boardwalk in new jersey all right. well, yeah, it's kinda what we're seeing. >> scott. thank you very much. i really appreciate it's got genics force this morning all right. >> time now for sports, the defending nba champion duck nuggets bounce back get to tie up their series against the timberwolves. and scholz has this morning's which report, andy. good morning. good morning. case. i never really understood why so many people were counting out the nuggets after they lost first two games through the timberwolves is like everyone forgot that now three-time mvp nikola jokic, is the best player in the world
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and the nuggets, they opened up an ice leave the second quarter of game for yogev running the floor here at the rows, it down, he would have 35 points in this one, then check out this sequence to in the half nuggets get the steel michael porter junior gets the slam was just 1.6 seconds left the t-wolves in, just throw it right to jamal murray and he hits this shot from beyond halfcourt at the buzzer nuggets just go wild. denver relieves the higher second half of this one to win one 15 to 107, even the series, a two games. a piece numbers about some pretty right? >> oh, that's how you would but thing the next from the star, they let by 20 after the first quarter and they were up by as many as 43. >> this was never a game pacers would win 1201 to at night, even that series, a two-game we
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expect them to go a big punch on and again five, but we're capable of doing that doing. so we just did derbin one or two at home. now we got to go there and get in the garden. >> i mean, we can talk about fresher, ladies and give us all the deputy that we want. yeah. we're short-handed. but that doesn't matter. and now we have what we have and the knew before with two, there's no we're short-handed. there is no excuse. there's no excuse whatsoever despite not being in the playoffs hawks had a great weekend they won the nba draft lottery, atlanta had just a 3% janta, the first pick, the fifth lowest odds ever for a team to win it. >> the rockets also did well. they, the nets pick would ended up jumping all the way to number for three in the draft. here's your order. >> another gruff lottery for the pistons. >> they had the worst record in the league for a second straight year. but again, fell all the way to the fifth foreign. finally, while novak
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djokovic was signing autographs and rome on friday after a when a fan of water bottle accidentally fell out of their backpack and staffed novak right on the head well, the world number one said he was dealing with nausea and dizziness after that, any didn't shake it offer as next max shockley losing two 32nd rank, all honored to be low on sunday after the match is 36 year-old serbian said that he's going to have further medical testis. see what's going on before the french open? harris, which begins one week from today. and casey, i'm guessing, djokovic is going to maybe think twice, before signing autographs in a tunnel again, with the ends of bugs them because i look, i get hurt yeah yeah. >> i agree. all right. >> andy. thank you. >> back really appreciate it. >> see you tomorrow. i hope all right. >> coming up next here. michael cohen on the stand and then just a few hours, we're going to see that showdown between donald trump and the man who wants called himself, trump's lawless lawyer plus a tense
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