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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 13, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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this is, which is all non-commercial and non-military flying, is that it's aviation for everyone. >> it's the most accessible form of aviation. these are airports that are in your backyard they almost all have a flight school. i would encourage anyone to go out and take a flying lesson for a lot of people who were involved in this aviation is also a vocation. they sell airplanes, they work on them. you don't have to be a professional, a fly like one for me, it's a family tradition and the big thing here is that i was able to sort of honore my parents and so it's so fitting this was on the day before mother's day. there's my mom and dad. i lost my dad when i was young. my mom died in a plane crash when i was 18. and i really try and carry there we are at an honor with me when i fly. the big thing for me is continuing to crusader my mom because she really wanted to get more women and people of color involved in aviation. and there is a really disproportionate lack of representation in aviation. it's primarily white men. and so we need to fix that. and so the hope is that we can bring
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this and inspire kids and inspired people who are older two, is, like i said, in my broadcast on the cockpit, never too late. you need to go flying with me. >> i am i can't wait to teach me. okay. thank you. >> i appreciate it. thanks to our panel for being here. thanks to all of you for watching. i'm kasie hunt santa new central start right now the former fixer, takes the stand. >> michael cohen once describing himself as trump's spokesman, thug pitbull, and wallace lawyer. this morning, he could be the linchpin in prosecution chin's case and trump's criminal trial. >> yeah. high drama as we hit the crucial moment in donald trump's trial. meanwhile, jury selection begins in the case against democratic senator bob menendez. what is what he is saying about resigning if he is convicted and pro-palestinian protests disrupt college commencements across the entire country. students walking out of graduate duration ceremonies
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and turning their backs on speakers. i'm sarah sayyed, kate baldwin and john berman. this is cnn news central breaking news, it may all come down to this. >> we are right now standing by for donald trump's former fixer, michael cohen to take the stand in this historic criminal trial. it crucial moment in this whole thing by legal minds and casual observers inside and outside the courtroom, michael cohen is seen as the missing link in the prosecution. chin's case so far, he made the hush money payment to stormy daniels. he will tell the jury he paid her because donald trump told him to the prosecutors need to prove trump was directly involved in falsifying business records to cover it all up, which means cohen's job is to connect the dots. trump denies any role in falsifying the record the records and says that he never had sexual stormy daniels. his defense, we'll call cohen a liar and try
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essentially to eviscerate his credibility with the jury. but bottom line, the man who once wrote, i know where the skeletons are based. buried because i was the one who buried them. he will soon begin testifying under oath seen as a brynn gingras is live outside the courtroom. it's all built up to this brynn yeah. >> i mean, kaitlan in jurors have heard the name michael cohen for the last several weeks. they've heard about him being aggressive. he's been called a jerk. he's been called a fixer only because he broke things first. now they will be able to it was their own judgment when he finally takes the stand. and of course, as you just like out perfectly, kate this is the time prosecutors want to use michael cohen to connect the dots to all that evidence, all that testimony that has come in the last several weeks, michael cohen for the prosecution, the hope is that he's going to bring jurors into that room and february 2017 the oval office, when prosecutors say donald trump and he hatched this plan
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this way to reimburse him disguising those paper works as legal fees on the business ledgers. so we'll see if he does that for the prosecution will see if jurors believe him. of course, when it's time for the defense in cross-examinatio n, we know that they are just going to hammer away at his credibility as they have been doing with all these other witnesses that we have seen on the stand anytime his name is mentioned, they're going to pin him as someone who has a vengeance against donald trump, who really wants to openly said that he wants his entire family to go to jail. so we'll see how it gets, but that's for sure. i can tell you there's going to be fireworks inside that courtroom for the next couple of days, we expect him to be on the stand for a couple of days and then listen, we're hearing from the prosecution case that there might be one more witness before the prosecution rests. and of course then it's the defense's turn in this trial. >> i brian. thank you so much laying it out for us perfectly see what the first question is, what this is, the moment in this case that we've been
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watching so closely and pretty soon we will know which way the prosecution is taking it donald trump leaves for court shortly. meanwhile thousands of his supporters left a rally over the weekend thinking about fava beans and pudding the lotion in the basket. cnn, steve contorno joins us now with that. steve john, we saw a very clear window into the mood and mindset of donald trump heading into this critical week in his hush money trial, attacking not just president joe biden and his opponents this fall, but also the judge in the case, take a listen then as you know, i've come here from new york where i'm big forced to endure a biden show trial. >> all done by biden carried it by wright all being done by m. carried out by radical democrats, district attorney you know, is fat alvin now you
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heard trump, they're complaining about the fact that he has to be in new york for most of the week, not on the campaign. >> trouble worth noting that he spent saturday in wild would new jersey, which is not expected to be a swing dates. this fall at the state that president biden won by 16 points four years ago, and he has not necessarily taking advantage of the time that he has been able to get away from new york. that was just as third rally since the trial started in this week, as he gets into this next critical phase, he has wednesday often we'll be spending that time fundraising, not on the campaign trail. john all right. >> steve contorno for us watching donald trump over the weekend. thank you so much for that, steve. >> sir. all right. >> gold bars, really a half million dollars in cash in a mercedes benz, were they bribes accepted by a senator? jury selection begins today in the case against a democratic senator, bob menendez. this the way is the second time he
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states these kinds of charges. and this morning, police searching for this man accused of randomly attacking after steve buscemi on a new york city sidewalk and a pilot forced to make an emergency landing without landing gear you gotta see how this ended copd isn't pretty out of breath and often thought of the picture but this is my story with once-daily trilogy. it can still be beautiful because with three medicine it was in one
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mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? oraa ring every piece of evidence tells a story how would really happened. jesse l. martin sunday's at night on cnn this morning, jury selection will begin in the
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bribery trial of new jersey democratic senator bob menendez. >> menendez charged with taking bribes, including gold bars on the lobes of cash and a mercedes he's bands to help push us aid and weapons to a foreign government. that is the accusation by prosecutors, his wife, nadine, has also been charged and the case she faces trial in july. cnn's jason carroll is live outside court this morning. jason, what can you tell us as jury selection will begin today? >> write jury selection will begin today. it's expected to take about a day or so, and then we'll get right to opening statements where both sides, the defense and the prosecution will be laying out their cases for jurors prosecution will argue that senator menendez allegedly accepted bribes bribes from two new jersey businessman bribes in the form of hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash. gold bars and home furnishings. those bribes allegedly for his influence with the governments of egypt and qatar for the
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defense's senator menendez has all along steadfastly denied all of these allegations. sarah saying that this monday that was found at his home was money that he saved over a period of time, for example, and then he kept it at his home in part for cultural reasons. one of the big questions though, looming over this trial in terms of defense is whether or not eventually the defense will point the finger at his wife named menendez has been tried separately. the reason why i say that is because i look at some of the court documents and it says part of the following. it says senator menendez and tends to present a defense arguing in part that he lacked the requisite knowledge of much of the conduct, and statements of his wife, nadine, and did not agree to to join any of the charges conspiracy. so again, that's one of the questions looming over this trial when it gets underway. again nadine menendez being tried separately for medical reasons. there was another man who was charged initially with all of this, jose uribe here he was charged
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with bribery charges. he ended up pleading guilty and is now cooperating with the prosecution awaiting jury selection as it gets underway just at about 9:00 today sarah interesting, there are two trials here and that he seems to be putting some of the blame according to your court documents, on his wife, jason carroll. >> thank you so much for that update. appreciate get a kate. >> campus protests hitting college commencement ceremonies. now students at duke university walking out and jerry seinfeld. and why donald trump was praising hannibal lecter before a campaign crowd this weekend the late great hannibal lecter is a wonderful man. he oftentimes you would have a friend for dinner remember? for the last seen excuse me, i'm about to have a friend for dinners is for dr. he was trump's former lawyer and fixer now, michael cohen is expected to testify against his old boss. will we hear any new bombshells from this key player
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witness testimony in the trump hush money trial. today nine eastern on cnn pure harvest, smart farms in abu dhabi does a technology enabled agribusiness, solving global challenges we're taking proven methods of farming and decoupling the relationship of food production from climate and instead mirroring it technology, energy, and capital sources given its heritage and farming, great infrastructure to build a company and the ability to attract foreign talent of adobe made a ton of sense for us our aspiration is that were accompanied that this country can be proud of if you're living with hiv imagine being good to go without daily hiv pills good to go off the grid good to go non-stop with kevin uva. there's no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults were undetectable kaba nuba is the only complete long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month it's two injections
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absorb been pro russian for trying to spy on us. we were spying on them i was hadi friday this is a war, but
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secret war. >> secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2, that ten bont cnn the pro-palestinian protests that engulfs to college campuses have now found a new stage, the graduation stage at duke university sunday, about 30 students walked out of the commencement ceremony as comedian jerry seinfeld was being introduced. >> seinfeld has supported israel throughout the war against hamas in gaza. and here's some of what he then said. in his address i totally admire the ambitions of your generation to create a more, just and inclusive society. >> i think it is also wonderful that you care so much about not hurting other people's feelings in the million and one ways we all do that, every second of every day. it's lovely to want to fix those things that is far from the only protest to hit college commencement ceremonies over the weekend. >> cnn's nick valencia joins us now what all happened? nick?
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>> yeah, he kate, good morning. commencement season is upon us and these pro-palestinian demonstrators are choosing to voice their opposition to the war in gaza in a variety of ways. some continuing to call for a ceasefire and over the weekend, we saw that at commencement ceremonies across the country, really some chanted, others held signs, some drape them themselves in palestinian flags, calling for their schools to divest from israel, but for the most part, these ceremonies went on with, without a hitch in southern california though there was a brief interruption, according to the new york times, at least one person was arrested over a skirmish outside of pomona college's graduation. they had to move their graduation 30 miles away. wave from their canvas. and at duke university, we saw what happened there in the intro. comedian jerry seinfeld, who's been a very vocal supporter of israel since the hamas terrorist attacks on october 7, he was protested by a few dozen pro-palestinian demonstrators who chose to walk out and have their own commencement ceremony across the country in california at uc berkeley, the dean of students
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had to take the microphone. there was a pause in ceremony there and listen to what the dean of students had to say to try to get control again of that graduation ceremony student if you're open to it i invite you to speak with me after the event and its that's more appropriate? >> but in the meanwhile i ask that you allow the program to continue okay because otherwise we're going to have to continue to have you leave and that breaks my heart so the ceremony did continue. >> no one was arrested and those demonstrators we understand, did leave voluntarily more commencement addresses and graduation ceremonies are planned across the country this week, and we're starting to see some schools try to get ahead of these potential demonstrations that we're just learning. the
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university of wisconsin, milwaukee as reach an agreement with pro-palestinian demonstrators to dismantle their encampment by tomorrow and exchange. they've agreed not to interrupt potential or not to interrupt a graduation ceremony and exchange the university will join calls now for a ceasefire in gaza kate, once you thank you so much johnson, you bet. >> all right. the breaking news this morning are special coverage of michael cohen on the stand. that's footage from just moments ago. he is on his way to the courthouse. this is the critical moment in the trial against donald trump. cohen testifies shortly, and we're getting new reporting on how he has been preparing for this testimony. >> i. miss this adrenaline flown just like what else can stand my shot of adrenaline right to the heart. you've found the right model for sure.
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>> this was just a moments ago. michael cohen leaving his apartment for his testimony in the criminal trial against donald trump. he takes the stand to de this is the critical moments in the case trump is charged with falsifying documents to cover up hush money payments to who don't film actress stormy daniel's all to influence the 2016 election. now it seems a prosecutors are counting on cohen to make the crucial link between trump himself and the documents with us. now, cnn, legal analyst jennifer rodgers and joey jackson. all right. we're here. michael cohen takes the stand today. what a prosecutors need to get from him. >> well, it's what you just said, john, it's the words coming out of donald trump's
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mouth that show that he knew that this reimbursement scheme to michael cohen was illegal. >> how do you do that, mr. jackson, do you get him to say a quickly or are we going to hold michael cohen's hand and walk him through everything that we for it in this trial today. yeah. john, good morning. this is going to be nothing quick about this. okay. just to be clear, i think that first of all, we should back up and note that michael cohen, right, a lot of what he will say has already been spoken to by other witnesses. i think that was very intentional on the part of the prosecutors, such that pit want to leave too much reliance upon him having said that, i think those other women missions you can draw the reasonable inference that trump knew about this. and in fact, he has an own tweet saying it was reimbursement. there's testimony as to the white house meeting with michael cohen and the oval office. there's testimony as to the sharpies and the reimbursements from his personal bank account, having said that, you could still argue that trump has what we call plausible deniability with michael cohen. not so much if others have put trump in the room, michael cohen puts him at
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the table, and so i think what you're gonna see is they're going to walk cohen through the chapter and verse the totality of it, much of which again has already been testified to, but he's a very critical witness, however, what you're going and i get from michael cohen is the words out of donald trump's mouth to him. in addition to another person, his name is mr. weisselberg's he was the chief financial officer and we'll hear about his involvement as well. he's not testifying. michael cohen is big big day michael cohen is a hockett. >> i mean, he yelled at me. he's yelled at it. half the reporters in america. he's yelled on podcasts. he's also look convicted perjure how do you prep a witness like michael cohen? >> well, extensively, he has a great lawyer, my friend and former colleague, danya perry, who knows exactly what he's gonna be facing. and we'll take him through all of it you do a lot of mock cross where it will be very, very aggressive, but they're going to take him through all of this on direct and he just has to be answered the questions. don't get
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aggravated. you're going to be asked about your guilty plea and what you did. you just have to say it matter of factly, he's a lawyer, he knows all of this anyway, but they will be really we taking him through it because he knows this is the crucial thing. he wants to see donald trump held accountable. he said it 1 million times in 1 million different ways. if he screws up his testimony, that's unlikely to happen. so it's really high-stakes. how explicitly does he need to say in his testimony some version of donald trump and i talked double falsifying the records. oh, for sure. and not only that, but what did he say? what did you say what and allen weisselberg say really everything that will have happened in that meeting and on those phone calls and every time they talked about, it will be elicited. >> so jen just brought up allen weisselberg, you did also the judge talked about allen weisselberg at the end of the de on friday. he's not testing defining as far as we know, in this case, he's this link this specter looming out over this case, who presumably is the one who set up the financial arrangement is handwriting is
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on the payment plan what is the jury supposed to think about this guy who's not here? >> so obviously you want the jury to have all the information before the judge should even suggested bringing him in. that is the cfo chief financial officer, mr. weisselberg. so that you can speak to him and say, hey, are you going to plead the fifth outside the presence of the jury? of course. right. because of men, you're going to have the artery to come in from the defense, which is a look at allen weisselberg's not here why they had they could have called him to establish the case, did they not want to call him because he couldn't corroborate the liar michael cohen so it's going to be very interesting to note. and i think that the fence will ask for whether it's a missing witness charge or an uncalled witnesses charge, et cetera. it's going to he is subject to some dispute, not to get too inside baseball, but there's also a severance agreement that he signed before leaving the trump organization. prosecutors arguing that that agreements as he, you know, he can't disparage. so we can call him in light of this agreement, defense saying we don't want
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that agreement admitted to explain anything. so again, very technical, but at the end of the day, to your point, jurors want to hear and see everything and to the extent you don't give it to them, they start to wonder, does that doubt, is that doubt? so very important? >> how long do you think the prosecution will take with michael cohen? i'm very interested in the mechanics of how today we'll go. i think we're all anticipating the cross which we know will be combative and potentially combustible. but before that, how is it going to go? >> they're going to take their time as well as what joy said earlier because first of all, michael cohen takes them soup to nuts, right? he knows the whole entire thing and they'll walk him through all of it. i also think that you don't want a tender him close to the end of the day, tender, meaning hand them over for cross so i think that he likely will go this entire day and at least a little bit of tomorrow so that they hand them over not right before the jurors go and think about it overnight, but he's going to take a long time, you know, he knew all of this, everything from the first meeting through the reimbursement scheme all of the conversations with trump. so
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it's going to do what the buyer up to you on how to give me donald trump. what was it like when you worked for him? what was your job there that the sort of the background biographical stuff do you need that? >> yes, you always do that with an important witness, especially but, you know, i mean, he worked for him for years and years and years, but i think they'll at least set up this notion of him being the fixer and knowing where all the bodies buried, they won't elicit that thing. but that relationship of trust, they will definitely want to get out. >> i got to let you both go right now. but you if there are objections from the defense today, what will they be on? is this going to be the type of thing more we're hearing tons of objections like the stormy daniels, so we potentially could i think that certainly it's anticipated what he's going to say, right. and the objection generally hearsay, him testifying about what someone else said at some other time and some other place to corroborate what he's saying. but i think what they'll do is they'll allow him to speak and then they'll get up and say, by the way, you lied to congress did in yeah, by the way, you hate the president. is that right? by the way, wasn't that you want tiktok wherein you were in jail shirt? it was donald trump. and by the way, you want to talk the white
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house a warrant allowed through, so no matter what the objections are, the defenses waiting for their turn so they could skewer him and i think that's large measure, not only with respect to this case, but what their boss title trump wants to see, just like he wanted to see stormy daniels humiliated. he wants to see michael cohen humiliated. i think that's what the defense will attempt to do. >> jennifer rodgers joey jackson. thanks to both of you. is there? all right. this morning, us warnings growing louder against a potential major ground invasion of rafah by israel, despite the pressure from the biden administration, israel seems to be pressing ahead. secretary of state antony blinken said, israel going headlong into rafah could have dire consequences. for civilians there, the un estimating around 360 people have fled rafah since last week. that includes 60,000 people yesterday alone and the un says there's really nowhere safe to go. cnn's alex marquardt joins me now, alex, this is the biggest flashpoint that we've seen from between the biden i'm in stretching and israel since the war began
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what are you as officials saying now is you're seeing more movement into rafah oh, good morning, sarah biden, mission officials have spent the past few days fighting back against this argument that they're cutting off israel, that they're leaving israel high and dry to defend themselves what we're hearing from top biden, mr. christian officials is that this is firmly about rafah. >> you have that more than 1 million people who have gone to rafah to seek refuge. many of them had been told to go to rafah to get away from the fighting farther north. and now they're being told to move elsewhere as you just mentioned, hundreds of thousands of people on the move going to places where there really is no support so what you're seeing is the vitamin attrition saying, we have asked time and time again for a plan to show that you plan to keep these civilians safe. and they say they have not yet heard that from israel. here's a little bit of what secretary blinken had say on sunday we believe two things. one, you have to have a clear, credible plan to protect civilians, which we haven't seen. second,
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we also need to see a plan for what happens after this conflict in gaza, open is over, and we still haven't seen that sara, israel argues they need to go into rafah to dismantle four remaining hamas battalions. but what american officials are arguing is that the operation that they have planned actually wouldn't work us officials believed that hamas militants would simply melt into the civilian population. they also point out the fact that an other areas of gaza, northern parts of gaza where hamas is as a, pair has allegedly been cleared from that. there actually coming back. so really interesting to hear their secretary blinken focusing on what comes later on. they're saying what will be more effective is to focus on what comes after this war, to prevent hamas from coming back and filling that vacuum that the emphasis it's really now, now needs to be on figuring out who will rule gaza, who will govern gaza after this war. and secretary blinken saying that they're not getting enough engagement from israel on that sara at the same time, you had this report
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to congress, the administration saying it is reasonable to access that israel violated international law using us weapons. >> but and a big bump here, they found that there was insufficient information to draw. a firm. conclusion. why not? >> well, this report did not go far enough for a lot of critics of israel who do believe that israel has crossed these leinz and violated, violated international humanitarian law. essentially, this report from the secretary of state says that this is a very complex environment, is very difficult to determine what exactly has been and done. so the farthest that they have been able to go is to reasonably conclude, as you say, that there have been instances in which israel has violated international humanitarian law, but without people on the ground, investigators on the ground, it is very difficult to make more specific determinations at the same time, blinken he has said that israel has very strict standards for keeping civilians
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safe, that they have not always followed. they could do more to try to keep civilians safe and very notably he did say that israel has killed more civilians than hamas militants will often talk about the estimates, the numbers of people who had been killed blinken, making it clear that he believed israel has indeed killed more civilians than hamas militants. but this did not go far enough for a lot of people, including senator, senator van hollen a democrat from maryland, who said that this report ducts the critical questions at hand and woefully fall short of its mandate. so there's still a lot of remaining questions that this report did not answer, sarah. >> all right. alex, mark ward. thank you so much for your reporting this morning. kate. >> let's talk more about all of this joining us now is a former national security adviser under donald trump and former us ambassador to the united nations, john bolton. best for thanks for coming in taking all of this in the broad sense, it started with president biden's warning to israel against that major, major invasion, a major
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invasion, and rafah, you call that warning unprecedented. but along with that wording, biden said this, we're not walking away from israel's security. we're walking away from israel's ability to wage war in those areas. do you see a distinction there there is no distinction. >> the biden administration position is that israel is entitled to some right of self-defense, but not enough to achieve the objective of eliminating hamas it is permissible to engage in urban combat. the united states has done it repeatedly in our history, most recently in places like faloo, joe and mosul in iraq, studies of those two cities after action reports by our military indicates the casualty ratios severely millions to terrorist was roughly five to one. the estimates of casualties, civilian to hamas in the gaza
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conflict has been two-to-one, meaning israel's performance is considerably more conservative than the american performance if israel is not permitted to destroy hamas, hamas will come back as it already is in north gaza which the united states pressed israel to withdraw its forces from so i think the biden administration assessment here is objectively pro-hamas yeah. i mean, you mentioned a collusion and muzzle democratic senator chris murphy this weekend, who supports the direction and move that biden has made here he makes a connection to iraq and afghanistan in this decisions. >> he said in his argument he made is that joe biden is learning from the mistakes of iraq and afghanistan that you can't eliminate a terrorist group and ideology by military force alone i don't agree with that look at what happened in
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germany, house nazism doing in germany as an ideology. it's been effectively eliminated. there are no terrorist activities. the terrorist warfare is the cruelest and most barbaric. and in fact, the civilian population of gaza will never achieve security while hamas lives it's like stalin, as long as the threat of hamas coming back, is there. i think it will intimidate the population. you can, there are some circumstances where it's absolutely critical to do everything possible to eliminate the threat that's what israel is trying to do. >> let me ask you, we played a little bit from what we heard from the secretary of state this weekend, but he also suggested this weekend that the bigger concern is that a major operation in rafah, that it just won't work to this point that we're discussing. let me play this for you we're seeing parts of gaza that israel has cleared of hamas. >> were hamas is coming back
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right, including in the north, including in khan younis as we look at at rafah, they may go in and have some initial success, but at, but potentially at an incredibly high cost to civilians. but one that is not durable, one that's not sustainable. and they will be left holding the bag on an enduring insurgency because a lot of armed hamas will be left no matter what they do in rafah or if they, if they leave and get out of gaza as we believe, they need to do then you're going to have a vacuum and a vacuum that's likely to be filled by chaos, by anarchy, and ultimately by hamas again and you mentioned the flare-up that we're seeing in the north of gaza right now, are you concerned about a vacuum being created and left behind there? well, that's an argument that proved too much. it's the argument that if you destroy hamas, there might be chaos. well, if you don't destroy hamas, there'll be chaos two and terrorism against israel. i don't think israel is required to have a master
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plan for gaza after the combat at any more than the united states had a master plan during world war ii. what to do with germany, what to do with japan israel's not responsible for gaza it withdrew from gaza 15 years ago. it's it's responsible, it's government as is our government is responsible for the self-defense of its own people. and there's plenty of time to worry about what comes next in gaza after hamas is destroyed, if you don't believe that point, then you're virtually guaranteeing that hamas will re-emerge, meaning we will be right back where we are now. this administration is showing weakness by its public split with israel. you can argue about what the split is over, but i tell you in moscow and beijing what they see more than anything else is not civilian casualties in gaza. they see american weakness if i were the ukraine, if i were taiwan, i'd
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be saying, good god, this administration won't stand by one of america's most important closest allies in the world. what, what are they going to do when we really get in trouble? >> ambassador john bolton, thanks for coming in john all right. >> today, a scheduled explosion in baltimore to clear the bridge to collapsed after being hit by a ship. what this means for the ship's crew still onboard and then despite bad weather, missing landing gear and 20 pelicans down when one pilot makes a stunning landing with passengers and birds leapt unscathed but first this morning in oregon, businessman sharing war and dignity for every blinken. bob dalton cells and other goes to a homeless shelter for free every day this week, we're bringing you stories of people who are champions for change and are quietly reshaping the world. this is bob dalton story what
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would you do if you ended up having a family member experience homelessness? >> that was the question that i really was wrestling with one of my mom ended up on the streets and when i tried to help her and reach out to her, she kept saying, i'm on my own journey with all of the emotion and all of the frustration that i was working through, it inspired me to do something i started my company sap pop and ashes, but the goal full of for every blanket that we sell will donate a blanket to your local homeless shelter these blankets over here these are all boxed up blankets, donation blankets maybe going out to shelters this week. so far, almost a half 1 million has been designated to homeless shelters around the united states again, wanted to localize the one for one model to encourage small businesses to get involved as
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well. >> i wanted to give people an opportunity to make difference down the street from where they live. >> it's really awesome to know that every time someone comes in and purchases a blanket, that one gets donated to a local shelter, which happens to be tonight here at night, strike downtown portland under the burnside bridge the people that come in here you don't have shabat, don't have anything and these blanket, they helped jade life. they really do there was a time where i just drove by people on the street and whispered none of my breath. go get a job. but now there's an actual reality where i see people with dignity now and that's what my mom inspired in my life now, when i do blank, it drops every once in a while. my mom comes and joins me. she's gone through an entire for from coming off the streets, getting sober, and now she's helping people in a detox facility on their recovery journeys you learned to start over again and live
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life that she's living. >> i think most important thing is to see that a homeless person or person in struggle is somebody's mother or uncle, or fall or son, or brother these problems can happen to any of us to step out of their comfort zone and asked for help is hard one of the things, that i realized as i started doing blanket drops around the united states was that they're connecting me to people doing amazing work at that i get to go and see firsthand what they're doing to help the homeless problem. >> so i started asking myself the question, how can we use our brand, our platform to highlight people? >> an organizations that are doing good work in their communities so all of our blankets come in. these boxes, make a local impact. and we want our packaging to encourage people to take action in their community so they can scan this qr code and find ways to get involved. and they can also fill this box up with items and
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donate to their local shelter a lot of people want to make a difference, but they don't know where to start. and so we created love your for people to search your city. find organizations, and have the ability to donate financially. and you can also fill out a volunteer form and get involved if you all come together and do a small part, we're going to make a huge impact tune-in saturday at 9:00 p.m. eastern for the champions for change, one-hour special, right here on cnn means virtue is presented by charles schwab bone, yours for tomorrow. go to slash champions to learn about the pioneers using courage, grit, and creativity to move society forward and exciting and inspiring wait trees. >> don't have hearts, but they do have something like a heartbeat every night, a tree
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land a small plane without its landing here this is video coming out of australia today, the pilots circle the airport for hours to burn off fuel before pulling off a wheels up landing after the plane skidded following the tarmac. you see there and stop. you can sure. people watching, breaking into applause. the pilot and two passengers on board. we're not injured in the landing. thank goodness. >> at least 37 people are dead after flash flooding. and what's called cooled lava flowed down volcano in indonesian island, sumatra just look at the video coming in cold lava is a mixture of volcanic material and rocks that flow down of volcanoes slope during wet weather. it all happened near mount marape and one of which is one of the country's most active volcanoes, the water and cooled lava swept people away, buried buildings in feet of debris and officials say there are also reported sports injuries after steve woo shaming is latest victim of random violence in new york city after someone
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walked up to him and punched him in the face out of the blue nypd says that it happened last week midtown manhattan, the suspect has not been caught. police released pictures of the person and are asking for the public's help in locating him. >> we shut me. it was treated for bruising, swelling, and bleeding this publicist though says he is okay sarah. >> all right. >> new polling shows president biden trailing donald trump in five of six key battleground states. there are the numbers, they're trump leaves and pennsylvania, arizona, michigan, georgia, and nevada, among registered us voters, biden is ahead than just one battleground state, the state of wisconsin the president, one all six of those states back in 2020, you'll remember, but right now, he's struggling to win support among young non-white voters. biden also facing mounting criticism from both sides of the aisle on capitol hill after he told her, erin burnett that he would withhold some weapons shipments to israel to try to get them
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not to go in a full-scale war into rafah, but biden has some heavy hitters coming out to support him. former president barack obama, and hollywood stars, julia roberts, george clooney are set to headline a fundraiser in la for biden next month. a lot to discuss now with our panel, i'm joined by former republican congressman and executive director of the aspen institute congressional program, charlie dent. and democratic strategist and co-founder of third way, matt bennett. thank you, gentlemen for being here this morning i want to start with the swing-state but we're trump was not not go to the swing states. he went to the state of new jersey this weekend talking to a large crowd there and he made an attack that was a bit more unusual than we've ever seen. take a lesson they don't want to report that the mental institution populations down because they take people the sameness, silence had from mental institution, you know what the difference is, right?
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and then say to asylum is a mental institution on steroids silence of, the lamb. has anyone ever seen to silence the late great hannibal lecter. >> so wonderful man he oftentimes will have a friend i wow, if president biden charlie said the same thing what would your fellow republicans be saying about him this morning? senile mentally unfit, more reasons why you shouldn't be present in the united states. i know there's a double standard here. i mean, it's clearly a really crazy comment that trump just made there. i'm not sure it was coherent in any way, shape, or form. i happen to be about ten miles there on saturday, so i saw the traffic, but he had a huge crowd, but bottom line is you know, trump just seems to be judged differently than any other politician. in my memory or my lifetime. >> so it's really bizarre we
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are in such as you mentioned, mr. dan, we are in such unchartered territory during this campaign says, season matt, judging from polling though when you look at the latest point that's come out, i'm on the swing states. does donald trump need to spend much time in the swing states judging from what we're seeinghe hasn't been spending a lot of time there because of course, he's he's in trial during the week are we just in a different time now well, i certainly hope he doesn't spend time in swing states. >> i'd be great for joe biden look, i think the polling now it's like trying to predict the weather in november election this close. it just doesn't tell you much when you've got a lot of these things that are either within or very close to the margin of error. it's gonna be a really close election. i think the clip you just showed is emblematic of some of the things that joe biden has to do. he has to remind voters what they hated about donald trump. and one of the things they hated is that he's a chaos agent. he he just spews out ridiculous random things all
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the time. sometimes it's funny and ridiculous and sometimes it really matters. like during the covid, crisis, when he was telling people to inject themselves with bleach. so one of the tasks for biden over the next five months is to remind people of what they really didn't like about the trump years because they're kinda looking at trump through rose-colored glasses right now. >> all right. matt, let me let me ask you about biden his campaign. he's doing the star-studded fundraiser. we learned in los angeles with big name headliners, george clooney, julia roberts, former president obama i know it brings in a lot of cash usually, but the kidney sort of gatherings backfire with voters who are worried about the grocery bills well, look, both sides, do these glittery fundraisers trump just did one with oil executives and told them that he would cut their taxes and make them even richer and get rid of climate laws that biden has passed. >> so you take a risk on either side if you're gonna do fundraisers with very wealthy, very high-profile people. but
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cash is what fuels campaigns. i do think though, that the cash advantage that biden has right now in the end probably won't be decisive, but it does show that the parties beginning to coalesce behind the president. and i think that's very important. >> mr. dan, i want to go to warn policy now, there is fallout from biden's announcement to our erin burnett that his administration will withhold bombs from israel if israel does a full-scale invasion of rafah, he's getting flack now from both sides of the aisle, republicans and some democrats, a group of 26 democrats now have sent a letter to biden saying they are deeply concerned about the message the administration station is sending to hamas and other iranian-backed terror proxies by withholding these weapons shipments to israel. i want you to listen to what republican senator lindsey graham said and democratic senator chris murphy. >> why is it okay for american are not to drop two nuclear bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki to end their existential threat war. why was it okay for us to do that? i thought it was okay
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israel do whatever you have to do to survive as a jewish state? >> when you're being a good leader, he were often upsetting people on the right and the left and so president biden advertise himself when he ran for office as someone who would often play it down the middle i'm curious, charlie, what you thought both of graham's comments and of senator murphy's comments, there well, my immediate reaction is at joe biden is put himself in a situation where on the one hand he supports israel's right to respond to the horrific attacks by hamas from october 7 on what he supports that. >> on the other hand, he's trying to restrain israel's response to protect gaza civilians. >> he is pleasing no one. in fact, i think as john bolton said, the folks what i would call the axis of aggressive there's those folks in russia, tehran, and beijing are probably


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