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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 15, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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keep your hair and your competence because bosley, america's number one harris duration experts, it can give you your real air back permanently, check them out because they're giving away an absolutely free information kit and a free gift card to everyone who's scans this qr code do you don't have to look like your dad because this isn't your dad's hair loss treatment people all over the country, trust bosley because they're ahead of the curve, they use the latest technology to give you your real hair back and the best part, boss least permanent solution is protected by the bosley guaranteed let them show you for free how awesome your hair could look with an absolutely free information kit and a gift card for $250 off scan the qr code, don't wait, scan the code now and ask about the bosley guarantee cnn this morning with kasie hunt. next close captioning brought to you by guilt visit today for
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up to 70% off designer brands have the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. >> there'll be gone in a flash. designer sales at up to 70% are sop guilty com today it's wednesday, may 15th, right now on cnn this morning donald trump's lawyers grilling michael cohen. >> trump trying to convince the jury. he's a man on a mission to destroy donald trump plus the biden administration moving forward with a new $1 billion arms deal for israel. and secretary of state antony blinken, making an unannounced visit to kyiv, laying out a vision for victory with ukraine in its war with russia hi there. >> i'm here in washington, dc. it live. look at new york's city early on this wednesday morning. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us michael cohen was in the hot seat and under pressure donald trump's former fixer
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facing hours of grilling on cross-examination from defense lawyers yesterday. their goal it seemed was to paint cohen as a liar bent on revenge or any todd blanche at one point confronting cohen with how his tone regarding trump has evolved. >> shall we say, over the years he asked cohen about comments that were made back in 2015, quote, you said, he's a man who cares about his country, right blanche asked i said that cohen responded and later blanch continued. >> and at the time, you weren't lying, right cohen responding at the time i was knee-deep in the cult of donald trump trump's lawyers then trying to contrast that by asking cohen about recent insults and taunts. he's leveled at trump, including cohen saying, quote, people will not be satisfied until the man is sitting. this man is sitting inside the cell outside the courtroom. trump appeared with a group of republican allies standing behind him, tried to project confidence during the cross-examination
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while again criticizing the gag order today, we had a i think a very good day for you to see what's happening. you have to report it, but this i can't talk about it too much. but i think was a very, very good day. can you believe i've been in for five weeks instead of campaigning it's a shame j. now is white house correspondent for bloomberg news, a kayla gardner, a kayla good morning to you. thank you so much for being here so a lot of drama here for cohen on the stand and he first walked through his eventual break with donald trump. all the events that led up to him deciding he was going to take a plea deal and start talking to prosecutors. but of course, the defense getting a chance to try to undermine his credibility at what was your sense of how today played potentially for the jury, but also in the court of public opinion, the prosecution is hoping that even if people don't like michael cohen, he's clearly had this
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bombastic personality. he was a staunch supporter of trump. they're hoping that they believe him, they really trying to paint him as a credible source here as donald while trump's former fixer by things that was very interesting about yesterday, is a prosecution has really upholding going as a star witness. and we saw donald trump with really his strongest showing of allies yesterday. he had potential vp picks outside the courtroom and he had the speaker of the house which was very stark, not only because of the stature of his position, but also because my johnson is someone who's really painted himself as this person with traditional that i'll use and yet he's outside this courtroom for allegations of someone who is delivered hush money payments to an adult film star. so himself, as someone who has those values, but someone who has really, if you look at the way he's lived his life, his roles in his church, other things along those lines. >> there does seem to be an explorer most it rejection there of some of the conduct that he seemed to be at least associating himself with, right. at the courthouse so one
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of the things that i also think is interesting about that reality is that if you look at people who have demonstrated loyalty to trump over the years, you also see that trump doesn't always repay that. >> i mean, michael cohen because the prime example of that honestly we were sort of digging through the archives, kinda see how people talked about michael cohen in his past life as he was a supporter of donald trump's another character in this mix, who didn't really come out very well and all that was michael avenatti, who at one point when served as stormy daniel's attorney. here's what he had to say back in i believe, 2018 about michael cohen. watch this the problem here is that the president has put a lot of faith on the shoulders of michael cohen in his ability to withstand a considerable amount of heat and take a lot of heat, potentially lose his license, et cetera.
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>> michael cohen does not strike me as the kind of guy that at the end of the day we'll do do that anytime a guy has to repeatedly tell you how toughy is and referred to himself as ray donovan. that's really not a tough guy at the end of the de that's more like a purse puppy the first puppy. >> but look, i was right. michael cohen did flip and that's why we find ourselves in this situation today. >> how do you think the american public is viewing michael cohen's? >> decision here? and the way it's played out. i mean, there are cases that are prosecuted all the time with witnesses who you don't have to be brought out of jail, are admitted. admitted to all sorts of crimes. there have been comparison some of our legal experts have compared this to a mob trial. but at the end of the day, there really are questions. 111 phrase that blanche, you who's yesterday toward cohen was to say it, well, you're obsessed with donald trump? no. >> yeah, i think it's certainly fascinating the way that cohen has flipped. but the prosecution is really hoping
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that jurors will believe i'm not the american public. they really only need to convince those people in the courtroom, but you're absolutely right in saying that loyalty is a biggest test of donald trump looks for when he's looking for anyone on to work with, but particularly for his vp candidates. and i think he's known to be someone who takes track of people who stand up for him, people who fight for him. i think that's exactly what he's doing with some of these potentials. the p candidates that we saw yesterday, doug burgum, that that ramaswamy, byron donalds. these are certainly things that he's going to be testing, especially because we saw mike pence, obviously broke hugely with donald trump in the final days of his presidency. >> all garten frehse this morning and kayla, thanks very much for starting us off all right. >> coming up next house speaker mike johnson doing what donald trump can't do as we were just discussing outside that new york courtroom plus president biden moving forward with more for arms for israel. this in the wake of him with holding a shipment of bombs and earlier shipment and the first official portrait of king charles unveiled dlm de hate it.
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populated cities right? joining me now is seeing it inter international anchor, max foster, max, good morning. always wonderful to see you at the president, obviously came in for a lot of criticism from his right on pausing that shipment of bombs. but this clearly sends a different message that they are still with israel, even if they don't want them to use a particular set of tactics house this likely to be received? >> well, a little pro israel supporters weren't happy about the fact that that weapon was withheld obviously, the main concern is how be used in or rafah what we've got here is a president, he's saying we are showing his long-term commitment, if you like, to supporting israel. this latest still hasn't even gone to congress yet. it could be years away before it's delivered to israel, but allows them to be able to say, we do support israel. we just don't like what it's doing in the short
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term or potentially doing the short in a rafah. but the broad idea of supporting israel's military is still very much there. >> one, this comes as it seems like the israeli build-up in rafah is increasing now it's certainly is. and they seem to be getting a position to go in for a ground invasion. we don't know whether or not they are, how widespread that'll be, but it's causing a huge amount of concern, obviously, where you are. >> yeah. >> so max, in addition to being an anchor, you are also are royal correspondent here at cnn i have to. say that the thing everyone in my social media feeds is talking about, it seems because i was inundated with it last night. is this new portrait of king charles and his just been unveiled? i think we can show everyone wow, it is rather stunning what do you make of this? it is very outside i'd the norm for a royal family that is typically very careful about adhering to tradition well, in the past, i
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think artists could be headed for actually doing a bad portray. >> i think this is art. he's a golf fan everyone's allowed to have their own opinion metrics you're also are chief diplomatic correspondent this morning i i'll just explain the thinking and the number one, the face is done brilliantly. >> it is a real likeness. i know that camilla spoke to that as well. she said, you've got him. i think that, you know, the artistry you on deny away from that it does sort of have a lot of tradition to actually, when you think about a sitting in a welsh guards uniform and a formal pose. what you're probably talking about is the redness while scars you uniform is red. people have said it. he looks ghoulish. he looks like his head is floating and it looks like he's in hell yeah the idea but i don't think he cares what is to be interpreted
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or whatever it means to people. >> and i think he's probably going to quite like the fact that people are talking about it. >> well, that's fair. now, can i ask you will have seen this before he pulled the the. fabric off of it when this was unveiled, while he must have done right, because they always talk about how a nerve wracking. so unveil to portray. i think that's because they wait the reaction and you just given them a big one. they do get of course they do a look at it because if it's really bad, i don't think the artist wants to be beheaded. it rather have it going to be beheaded anymore. thank goodness. i had not even i had not thought of that, but it does make sense. in the british tradition. >> yeah, i mean, look, i actually think it's a pretty stunning piece of art. i am, i am stunned that they went ahead with it well, the idea is that you're modernizing, right? it's a new monarch. you're not going to do, you're deliberately not doing anything that looks back, something looks forward and so it's meant to be a modernized version of what they normally
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do. and then after that, it's up to the artists how they want to interpret that. and i think that you probably wouldn't barely even if he didn't like i can't because he's got art schools and he does believe that artists await should be able to express themselves and their interpretation of how they see him. i don't know if he likes it, but i think he likes the fact they'd want to talk about it fair enough. >> all right. thanks, foster. thank you very much for that. you're good sport. i appreciate it. >> all right. >> when up next here, america secretary of state, rocking out at a bar in ukraine we're going to add plus the underfunded underdog who just won a tense maryland senate primary this is a secret war secrets and spies premier sunday, june 2, attempt bomb cnn. >> the temperate pedigrees thank sleep, feel cool. so no more sweating all night or blasting the air conditioning because the temper breeze feels up to ten degrees cooler all night long. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select
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checkout for in brynn certain adrenaline flown just like the standard well every turn my shot of
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adrenaline right to the heart right. 20 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. the department of justice says boeing has violated the terms of its 2021 deal. >> two void criminal charges in the wake of two deadly crashes that involved its max seven, 30 planes. more than five years ago, officials say the company after a series of safety missteps this now subject to criminal prosecution hunter biden's gun charges case goes to trial june 3, after a judge rejected his bid to delay the case. also, a three-judge panel dismissed his efforts to get his tax case thrown out. we will now go to court on june 20 cnn projecting west virginia governor jim justice as the state's republican primary winter this such justice up as the favorite to succeed retiring democratic senator joe manchin that is of course, a seat that republicans hoped plan to flip from red to blue in november cnn also projecting
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that angela alsobrooks will win maryland's democratic senate primary. she defeated three representative david trone. and will face off against former republican governor larry hogan in what is likely to be a pretty competitive general election in that blue state in november time know if or whether severe storm threat is ongoing in parts of the carolinas, the southern plains, and central florida, where a new tornado watch was issued. this morning, or meteorologist allison chinchar here to explain allison. good morning and good morning. >> yes, we have not one, not two, but three separate areas of severe weather. so it's going to be quite a busy day today you can see from the map again, we've got several different regions. we're keeping an eye on in addition to that, it's also just the pesky brain showers that we're dealing with across portions of the northeast and the ohio valley. but the real active, weather right now is the area down in florida. we've got that line of strong to severe thunderstorms already making its way sliding into daytona beach eventually ended tampa and orlando. this tornado watch where you see in red is valid
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until 11:00 a.m. eastern time today. but it's one of three total areas that we're looking at the potential for some severe storms that does include florida also this area around the carolinas, and then the target point really is going to be the central portion of the us damaging winds, large hail and tornadoes possible for the this particular regions as we go through the rest of the day and another concern is going to be flooding. that's going to be focused mainly along the gulf coast here because this is what we're anticipating. a lot of rain over the next several days. in fact, through saturday, take a look at this. you've got that wide swath of about three to five inches of rain. the key here though is that grounded has already saturated for a lot of these areas. so adding even more is just going to exacerbate the flooding potential. so that's why on thursday you can see a lot of these target areas, but yes, even a moderate risk that's a level at a level three out of four. same thing for friday, a very similar area where we're going to see the bulk of that rain and we talked about the ground is saturated. look at how much train has already fallen in just the last 72 hours. so casey, you've got
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some of these areas that have already had four to six inches. now you're adding another three to five on top of it. so flooding is going to be concerned going into the weekend all right allison chinchar frehse without update, allison. thanks very much coming up next here. michael cohen's explosive testimony wouldn't be enough to convict trump. plus republican congressman cory mills was at the courthouse yesterday will join me live 500 million in art stolen me saw what turned out to be the biggest archive based in history. >> you can't help but wonder if this was some sort of thing. sayyed jaap, how would really happen with jesse l. >> martin sunday at nine on cn arthritis pain, we say not today. tylenol, eight hour arthritis pain has two layers are really the first dispatch the second is long-lasting. we give you your day bag so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one, doctor recommended for arthritis pain. >> i brought in a juror, max protein with 30 grams of
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five a.m. just before five 30 here on the east coast. >> live. look at washington, dc, our capital well, good morning, everyone. kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. >> a key day in donald trump's hush money trial on tuesday with michael cohen facing cross-examination from defense lawyers for the first time, trump's lawyers attempting to use cohen's own words against him and to portray him as a man bent on revenge against his former boss cohen being asked on your first podcast, mea culpa, you referred to president trump as a boorish cartoon misogynist, didn't you cohen, it sounds like something i would say and later, you recall the first one in 2020 as a cheeto dust cartoon villain cohen, that also sounds like something i said and finally, you think you might have said, quote, i truly effing hope this
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man ends up in prison. >> is that exact cohen? it sounds like my language on mea culpa that of course is one of his podcasts. in direct examination earlier in the day, cohen told the court about a conversation with trump after the fbi seized cohen's phone records and records in a search warrant, his bones and his records. cohen testifying that trump told him, quote, don't worry i am the president of the united states there is nothing here everything is going to be okay. stay tough. >> you are going to be okay. >> joining me now. is trial attorney kelly hyman? kelly. good morning to you. thank you so much for being here. let's start with the conclusion of the direct examination because it did seem to have some of these critical details about the ultimate break that michael cohen had with trump and the subsequent fire that he came in for from the former president at what? do you make of that last admission there that was
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made and how it may impact whether or not there's ultimately a conviction well, when we look at this, we have to think when he was on the witness stand, he was very compelling. >> michael cohen, he answered yes or no questions and was direct and to the point, anyway, reached a point in his life that basically he said he made a decision to pick his family over trump, which was a very compelling story. i mean, american people love a comeback story. someone that did wrong, that now is going to do something right. and on the cross-examination, the defense counsel came in very, very hot, very, very hostile. his first question out of the box, who's talking about defense council and how michael cohen portrayed him on tiktok. the judge pulled him over and said, why are you making this about yourself? why aren't you making this about cohen which was potentially an error? and they're there's no a-ha moment during the
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cross-examination. there was no moment of oh, i got you on this. so ultimately it was a win for the prosecution interesting. >> i mean, yeah, we can put that up actually, so this was todd blanche, the president's defense attorney, saying to cohen, you went on tiktok and called me blanche, a crying little as hid didn't you? cohen sounds like something i would say so basically you're arguing this was something that made it look like this was about the lawyers and not actually about donald trump michael cohen has so much baggage. i mean, he has more baggies and you can fill in a department store. so why not start with all of his leinz? he's lied. he's lied to congress. he's lied to the american people and start with that, start strong and help do that. but also the point that you made about the attorney general's that is is very very compelling testimony. so here we have allegedly the president of the united states basically
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saying, don't worry about anything, be loyal to me and you're gonna get out of free jail card, which goes to the fact that potentially of the whole kind of conspiracy, the intent to hide this and the fact that listen, be loyalty and we'll keep this under wraps. >> so one other figure that's coming into orbit, the trump orbit at this point. and we heard about this in cohen's direct examination yesterday, is rudy giuliani, and there's an intermediary figure who is kind of going back and forth between michael cohen and rudy giuliani and cohen kind of detail calls how he didn't really trust this guy he, he thought everything he was telling them was going straight to rudy giuliani. and this was how rudy giuliani was talking about michael cohen during this time period in an interview on fox back then, watch this you're at war with michael cohen now i don't know. i don't think we're at war with him. he's destroyed himself
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chris, as a witness, i prosecuted 5,000 cases. i'd never prosecuted case on this guy's testimony he's contradicted so many times that i mean, you begin your cross-examination by saying which set of eyes you're going to tell us today, michael, let's go through them now so this is before cohen pleads guilty, which is of course the breaking point between cohen and trump, who is out there, you know, urging trump, urging at michael cohen to stay strong hang in not flip how do you think the jury is going to take all of this in well, the jury is ganim all the facts and evidence, and make a determination on that. but we have to remember the state was very smart. and they laid out this case. they started at the very beginning starting with the story of the cachin in kill. and all these stories and use documents to help substantiate the case. they knew that michael cohen has some serious credibility issues as he's lied to congress,
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he's lied before. so they needed documentation to prove that. and i think they did a very good job of doing that all right. >> kelly hyman for this morning, kelly, thanks very much for taking some time to spend with us. i appreciate it. >> great to see you all right. >> right. now, us secretary of state, antony blinken is in kyiv in an unannounced visit to the ukrainian capital. the visit comes as russian troops launched a surprise attack over the past few days, taking a series of towns and villages in the kharkiv region. blinken says us military aid that had been blocked by republican lawmakers is now making its way to the front lines in a meeting with ukraine's president volodymr zelenskyy zelenskyy blinken reaffirmed america's support for ukraine are joint task is to secure ukraine sustained and permanent strategic advantage. so that ukraine can not only deliver on the battlefield today but deter and defend against future attacks it's president biden
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said, we want ukraine to win and we're committed to helping you do it. >> right? cnn's international editor, nic robertson, is live in london for us with more on this. nick, good morning to you. >> clearly, a lot of symbolism in this visit from blinken, the reality seems to be that russia is making some gains in the war against ukraine. >> why is that? and what's next? >> for them? >> yeah, it's hard to know what russia's real objective here by this offensive around harkey visit quite simply just to take territory and take advantage in that area that ukraine lacks? the troops, lacks the ammunition because it's been slow in coming from the united states and from other allies and partners is that what russia is doing or is it part of a broader russian campaign to attack at the north end of this hundreds and hundreds of miles long front line. and it's attacking the zaporizhzhia, the southern towards the southern under that frontline and as it's real intent to distract and pull off
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ukrainian troops from other areas and then push more more offensively in the center and the donbass region, which is what they've been doing earlier this year but the effective is very clear they're taking ground, they're taking ground just over the russian border. there perhaps about 15 miles from the very outskirts of kharkiv, which is ukraine's second biggest city. so this is, this is not without potential consequence and important supply route that important morale point for the ukrainians i'm kind of reinforces for them how we can vulnerable they are, they've had to move troop positions along that frontline overnight. they they they termed it as sort of saving the troops lives and equipment and reposition two more, two sort of better positions but actually in areas they've had to pull back. >> yeah. nick, the new york times actually has put this on the front page at this morning saying that these gains are really worrying us officials
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here at which sends, sends a signal when they're, when they're talking with the times it's there's a relationship there. they write that artillery and drones provided by the united states in nato have been taken out by russian electronic warfare techniques which they say it came to the battlefield late, but that they've proven surprisingly effective with of course, has broad implications potentially in other, in other ways, what do we know about the that part of this effort and how russia has been able to push back and surprising ways yeah, i think look at the technology side of it, right? and that was a question, secretary blinken ask this morning when he was touring a drone factory inside ukraine, which by the way, so sensitive window. there was no pool camera in there with him, honore video camera and he asked that question, how how do you keep pace with the change in technology and the fact that russia does develop countermeasures that ukraine
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amounts, develops countermeasures, and this has been the battle, the war, if you will, where the drone has become king, but it's also vulnerable to electronic interference. i was with a drone team on the ground in ukraine summer before last even where their drone crashed on takeoff. because the russian radio and tetanus logical interference brought it down. but both sides are finding ways to cheat and beat each other with numbers of drones of communication systems have encryption, of all sorts of different methods that but the amount of money that russia is putting into this war of attrition look a, look at the fact that they've just announced a revamp of the defense ministry moving out at the old guard former army veteran, or defense minister, that moving in an economy it's all about innovation, which is what this new defense minister said. it's about how you innovate president putin spoken
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about the same thing. so yeah, the technology pieces is hugely important. and again, as they say secretary blinken, picking up on that, turing, that drone facility so in addition to touring a drone, drone facility, we should also note he went to a bar and jammed a little bit. >> i think the song was about freedom. clearly there was a message to be sent, but let's just watch a little bit of tha t he's done this it here at home a couple of times. you i guess secretary blinken's cooler than we thought nic robertson are cnn international diplomatic editor. thanks very much for being here. i really appreciate it. all right, coming up next here is the speaker of the house reading from a script that was written for him by donald trump will play the tape. >> you can decide plus when new
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certain i'm arlette saenz at the white house, and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by skechers massage fit sandals check these out. >> skechers massage that sandals. they give you what massage with every step secret is skechers patented a wave technology that gently massage is your foot with every step skechers massage candles all right. >> welcome back. donald trump, allies are flocking to manhattan to visit the former president on trial. yesterday, the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, joined the ranks and republicans defending the president from the courthouse he sounded a lot like trump there's no bryan here there's no prime here. >> this is for weeks and keeping me from not campaigning, they are doing
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this intentionally two keep him here and keep him off of the campaign trail brought six years ago, seven years ago, almost eight years ago. now, eight years later suddenly they resurrected this thing. we have a corrupt you know what democratic politicians. what we've got here is a partisan democrat, district attorney we have a biden donor, judge well, that was pretty clear joining me now, congressional reporter michael snow michael, good morning. >> thanks for being here. >> as you could see, the house speaker quite literally, it seems parenting donald trump here what is the significance of this moment? >> because it does seem like a really big deal, but the speaker of the house did this. yeah, really loyal soldier there in manhattan, i think that it's two-pronged when you talk about the significance of that trip to the courthouse? a. it shows that house republicans are squarely behind former president trump, despite these legal entanglements, despite this testimony ten times
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embarrassing coming out against the former president were entering into the final stretch. we'll close to the final stretch of campaign season. house republicans, trump is their guy and they are standing firm behind them. that's the first significance. the second thing is i think that speaker johnson see some political expediency and political benefit in terms of going down to men hattan and defending the former president. so sharply, and that's because we saw last week he had a first threat to his gavel. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene for a vote on ousting him from office, speed up board president trump had expressed support for johnson, a number of times as green dangle this motion to vacate, we even saw president then trump put out a statement that came out right after the vote, but i'll bite still urge republicans to vote to table this motion to vacate. so clearly johnson sees that a good way to keep himself in office and keep himself protected from a conservative cu is aligning himself with foreign president trump. he may be looking to try to keep his grasp on the gavel come next year and think that trump get
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help them do that. so significant coupon, a johnson season self and his, his, his future tied to trump. but also this is sending a signal that house republicans are behind president trump. >> see, i mean, these, these pictures, these images are forever him standing behind donald trump in this courthouse is and i do think it's worth noting johnson's history as a very very devout a christian, and this is a trial that is about donald trump denies the allegations, but it is about a porn star who says that she had sex with him and donald trump i mean, these payments happen, right? $130,000 to her to not tell this story that does seem to acknowledge some truth, at least in that even if trump would admit to it himself, does is there any any world in which this comes back to haunt mike johnson?
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>> i mean, potentially, it could happen, but when you talk about sort of the near future, former president trump is still a central figure of the republican party, right? he's the presumptive nominee. he easily trumped all other republicans that we're running against him in that no it was a really easy glide path there and we've also seen up on capitol hill the strong graphs that foreign president trump has on republicans. so i think in the short term that's why we see him going down to men as you showed in that clip, mimicking trump's language show. so closely book, if there ends up being a conviction in this case that could potentially change public appearance and public view of the situation down the road depending on what for president trump's political career looks like in five years, could they, could this come back to haunt mike johnson? sure, absolutely. but in the short-term is clearly making decision that this is the way yes. >> and everyone's view, right, is so short term on this. this was johnson a little bit more of johnson yesterday talking about michael cohen being bent
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on revenge this is a man who has clearly on a mission for personal revenge and who is widely known as a witness who he has trouble with the truth he is someone who has a history of perjury and his well-known for no one should believe a word he says today donald trump, of course, also has some issues with the truth. this was how our colleague steven collins and you kind of rapes these big picture sweeps, put it, he says, quote, these republicans desperation to move into the former president's inner circle. there's also ironic since cohen has offered a cautionary tale in describing how he turned himself into a bullying, lying clone of trump to grab a piece of his power and rafat reflected glory his efforts ended, as with many of trump's associates in shame, landed him on the wrong side of the law as he went to prison, partly because his role in the hush money cover up. and he does note that the skirt is not just some rising gop lawmaker. the speaker's appearance is
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different, giving the constitutional have to his office and the fear of connotations. it evokes. >> there is a reality here that getting yourself into trump's inner circle, like you might, you should take a lawyer with you when you go at the outset and michael cohen the lawyer, is now having putting off these alarm bells being like, hey guys, take a lesson for me. >> i got stuffed into this world. i put me behind bars. i spent time in prison. don't go down this road and he's sort of trying to air that warning right now. but as you put great in a very clear way, at the same in time, mike johnson has sort of brushing aside those mornings and his jd vance, and so it was vague. ramaswamy. so is byron donalds and they're traveling to manhattan. i think it all gets back to the idea that donald trump is the central figure right now and the republican party, you put it perfectly before these individuals are so tunnel vision and they see things in such a fourth term and don't look at the long-term ramifications at this current moment, donald trump is popular. they want to hitch their wagon to trump and we'll see how that plays out. but
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yeah, i mean, right now, that's what they see is the most positive way to play this. they are doing what they think they need to do to survive this moment right now we'll see how history judges said michael shannon, thanks very much. i really appreciate your time. >> all right. i'm now for sports. caitlin clark made her wnba regular season debut. her career didn't exactly get off to the start. she wanted any scholz has this morning's bleach report, andy, good morning. hey, morning, casey. >> yeah. there's so much high for caitlin clark as his selling out arenas across the country in her wnba journey. starting last night in connecticut and clark arriving in style to her first gave it her debut. it got off to a slow start. clark ten turnovers in this one, which is the most ever in a debut in wnba history. >> but the number one overall vague in some foul trouble early as well, didn't score in the first quarter, mr. first force shots. shots clark, what eat up later in the game, eventually knocking down four. three is the finished with 20 points, but she shot to five for 15. and this one fever would lose 92 to 71, not the
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star clark was open four, but she said she's going to learn from it obviously, i'm disappointed and nobody likes to lose like that's how it is, but i don't think you can beat yourself up too much about one game. >> i think i don't think that's going to help this team. i don't think if no matter who it is on this team, nobody can do that with how they played and just learn from it and move on and i guess i'm just excited for thursday to get back home and have our home opener and i thought i thought it took me a little while to settle into the game high madison square garden, meanwhile, was his rock. >> and last night for game five to the next and the pacers jaylen bronson, just continuing his all-time great postseason with another stellar performance, yet 44 in this one this series is really getting heated now, though they divincenzo and miles turner getting into it here, they exchange words had to be separated. they both got to technical and after losing by 32 and game for the next, they win in game five by 30 there
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now went away from their first conference finals since 2000 thing i've learned in the playoffs is that one game. there's not have any effect on the next matter what the situation is, whether you lived at one who's by 30. and so it has nothing to do with next game. so honest. so once we leave can you hear tonight in this is over with. it's all about how do we prepare for game game six and all those people who have counted out the nuggets after falling behind to are probably feeling silly this morning, nikola jokic getting his third mvp trophy before this game, and then he just dominated game five. >> yeah. okay. >> 40 points, 13 assists, and seven rebounds. >> you miss just seven shots all night long. it's going up against the defensive player of the year as well, denver wins the third straight game in this year's take a 3-2 lead, 11297 was the final there and the day of the cup playoffs, the bruin well, they live to fight another day down three, one and the series charlie mcavoy, with the second period goal here to
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put the bruins on top two to one, and that would be your final score. the bruins sending that series back to boston for game six friday nights and casey, the chance that we still get new york versus boston in both the nhl and nba is still alive. that would certainly be pretty cool at both of those series end up happening. >> yeah, some it's gonna be a lot of intensity here on the east coast. >> andy, thank you. i really appreciate it. see you soon. >> all right. coming up next here historic testimony from michael cohen. did donald trump's lawyers do enough to convince the jury that they shouldn't believe him. plus florida republican congressman mills, your to tell us why he just filed articles of impeachment against president biden you're calling some people find there's at an early age. >> others later in life no matter when you find it. instead of yourself, lucky because it becomes your everything are calling was to build trucks that's why trucks
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