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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 15, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> when you look at the polls that they feel better about the trump economy, they do the biden economy all right, look, i personally need a little bit of a palate cleanser, so i will leave you with this. a posh poodle named age one best in show at the westminster dog show this year handler causes hello saka in the 45th and final show of his career, couldn't back hold back tears of joy as her name was announced, the three-year-old black miniature is the 11th poodle to win honors. >> and this shows 148 year history. she's a texan from houston and was the clear crowd favorite at the ability national tennis center in new york. she beat six other group winners to wow the judges. runner-up honors went to mercedes, the german shepherd. it's a study in contrasts look at those beautiful guys. i'm sorry guys. i just, i like, i'll take a dog story quite literally any day of the week. thanks to our panel, thanks to all of you for joining us. i'm casey, who don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now.
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>> i'd explosive profanity field cross-examination of michael cohen and the defense is not done yet with cohen. did cohen answer the big questions? and donald trump's? hush money trial and knew this morning and autumn ominous change in the war in ukraine. president volodymyr zelenskyy says he is postponing all international events as russia make significant gains on the battlefield cnn is on the front lines in new bad news for boeing, the department of justice's the company could be prosecuted kate is on assignment. i'm john berman was sarah sayyed your and this is cnn news central jurors
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don't have to like cohen. >> they just have to believe him word from cnn's brilliant political analyst, steven collins in this morning donald trump's historic criminal trial takes a scheduled break today after one of the most dramatic days of testimony so far. the only de that could prove more dramatic might be tomorrow when michael cohen gets back on the stand and faces more heated cross-examination until then, trump's lawyers will likely spend today sharpening their next questions for cohen trump will spend his day still under that gag order. but on the campaign trail and the jury weighing 34 criminal charges against donald trump will spend the next 24 hours waiting to hear more testimony. from the witness who said trump directed him to pay off a porn star before the 2016 election, and then crafted a scheme to cover it all up. cnn is brynn grasses leading our coverage off this morning, brynn, the defense, waited a couple of days to finally get its chance. how did it start off? and what did it seem like inside of that court?
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>> i'm so glad you asked how it started off there because it started off with the defense todd blanche, using michael cohen's odin words and explain exploitative to describe todd blanche. so it was like fireworks right from the beginning. now that's not the entire hey, the defense really did sort of what they worked on yesterday. i will say there were some measured moments and michael cohen stayed measured on the stand, but that was pretty much the approach using michael cohen's own words from his books, from his podcast to describe how he describes the former president, some of the things that we're setting cord cohen grabbing trump as a boorish cartoon misogynist, a cheeto-dusted cartoon villain to which michael cohen responded essentially, yeah, that sounds like something i would say. and of course, the defense here trying to paint michael cohen as one a someone who just wants revenge against donald trump, even got them to admit that he would like to see him go to jail al and also as someone who has really profited off donald trump, he got him to admit on the stand that he has
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used trump's name every single podcast showing the merchandise that he sells like t-shirts mugs that he's really made a living off of donald trump after he has sought out this revenge and sort of turned on the former president, his former boss. no, before that all came up though they had about two hours the defense but the prosecution really tried to get ahead of it, going through the motions of what michael cohen went through when he eventually quote-unquote flipped against donald trump, how he lied in front of congress, how he was arrested the on federal charges and had to testify and basically they were just trying to get ahead of what the defense was going to come at them with, but they did bring jurors into the oval office into that key moment, which is at the center of this case, where michael cohen and donald trump essentially talked about those payments. and i want to read an excerpt from that. cohen it says so i was sitting with president trump and he asked me if i was okay. he asked me if i needed money and i said no. all good. he
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said because that can get a check and i said no. i said i'm okay. he said, i'm all right. just make sure you deal with alan. and then the prosecution asked, did he say anything about what would be forthcoming to you? and cohen says yes, it would be a check for jen and you in february of course, that was one of the key moments the crux of this case where they are trying to prove that donald trump knew about these hush money payments, these reimbursements back to michael cohen. but like i just said, the defense was just getting started. cohen was on the stand for them for about two hours. >> we expect a full day of cohen back on the stand being cross-examined an on when court resumes tomorrow, and then it's very possible sarah, that the prosecution we are expecting the prosecution to actually rest possibly tomorrow. we will probably also see redirect as well after those contentious back-and-forth between the defense and cohen. thank you so much, brynn gingras. appreciate you. >> all right. today, donald trump campaigns in kentucky and ohio, fresh off tonight and look at this. we're there were
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actually two presidential primaries overnight in nikki haley, who's not even running against trump anymore, still did pretty well. you can see nearly 18% of the vote in nebraska, nearly 20% of the vote in maryland in both of these states these are closed primaries, meaning only republicans can vote and trump dropping nearly 20% in each state. cnn's alayna treene is with us now with today's plans, alaina that's right. it's all about money today and we saw that last night as well. donald trump is focused heavily on fundraising held tend to fund raisers today, first, a lunch fundraiser in cincinnati, ohio, hoping joined by jd vance, senator of ohio, and someone who is very high on donald trump's vp lesson and then later today he'll be in lexington, kentucky for a fundraiser with donors barbara banksy and oil tycoon jim craft, as well as former ambassador kelly craft. but luck, this is a huge focus of donald trump's campaign right now. it's all about raising
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money. they are trying very aggressively to catch up to joe biden's ever for growing more trust a far off thing that they know that is ahead of them and they're trying to raise as much money as they can. and we saw them do this last name as well in manhattan after court wrapped four, the de donald trump joined by a series of senators, congressmen, governors, he went to a fundraiser. i was told us roughly 75 people all in manhattan last night and look, this is all i think a sign of how many people are showing up around him right now. we saw in court over the last several days really an uptick in congressmen, senators, again, people who are also high on his list for vp coming up to new york and showing that they're standing in solidarity with them. we saw people people like rick, scott, doug burgum, tim scott, marco rubio, jd vance, house speaker mike johnson, several others appear with donald trump outside of court. and i think again, this is really how we're seeing the vip stakes kind of pop up in the
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next few weeks. we know that donald trump is still far away from making his decision. he says that at a, and his team says that he's not expected to decide who is running mate will be until closer to the republican national convention in july. however, we're seeing a lot of these people really try to tout their bonafide to donald trump calp him, fundraise, and we're all seeing that come together now. and i also just want to give you a little tidbit of what i heard from yesterday with donald trump remarking on all of the surrogates appearing with him while he was riding to the courthouse yesterday. he was riding in a car with vivek ramaswamy and speaker mike johnson. i'm told that donald trump remarked in the car that he's getting more press attention from this trial. and he would be if he was on the campaign trail and touting all of the people who are showing up with him. so clearly something donald trump is feeling buoyed by this week. >> john river rolling all rolling audition for some of these characters who want to be the running mate, they're alayna treene, great to see you. thank you very much,
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sarah. it's all right. knew this morning, a cnn exclusive, how iran and china use deepfakes to influence elections in the united states and secretary of state antony blinken speaking in ukraine, this hour, we'll take you live the front lines were russia is making significant advances and a dramatic and deadly attack to break out a prisoner from an armed convoy. now there's a massive manhunt for an international criminal known as the fly. >> that's ahead they say, c is believing, but with stearns and foster, that's only part of the story.
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line right now to now the distractions good serious still feel hot guy and i we have a new cnn exclusive this morning, us intelligence officials have revealed efforts from china and iran to influence the 2020 election. the national security agency found both governments prepared ai generated deep fakes four years ago, though they never made them public so with ai easier to use than ever, and the 2024 election just months away, there is growing concern about similar for an efforts cnn's zach cohen is here with this cnn exclusives equity learning yeah. john, the intelligence that was described to us by our sources really does demonstrate concerns us officials had even four years ago about foreign adversaries in this case specifically iran and china, their willingness to use ai, fake a ai-generated content audio, or video, who try to target american voters during
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an election cycle. and while this content we're told was never actually disseminated by that operatives working for the chinese iranian government's, it does underscore why us officials are sounding the alarm about the use of ai and deep fakes, potentially by foreign adversaries to influence the 2024 presidential election. there's actually a senate intelligence committee hearing today where director of national intelligence of real paine's will testify about efforts born efforts to interfere in the upcoming presidential election. and we could hear more about this effort to use deep fakes and look the reason there's so much concern now versus sort of tepid response to the intelligence in 2020s because the technology around ai has advanced so much, it's so much easier to produce these fake ai generated videos and audio. we saw an example of that in february with the joe biden robocall that mimic joe biden's voice that was sent out to voters in new hampshire and looked the intelligence does sort of create a timeline about how these adverse adversaries are focused on creating chaos around election
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day and us officials are already preparing for different scenarios. our colleague sean ligase reported recently that there was a situation room tabletop exercise where officials were tasked with responding to chinese scenario. were chinese operatives essentially create a fake ai video and the federal government is a little bit hesitant about how much they shouldn't be involved in responding to the same time, being able to respond quickly once a fake video or a fake audio, or like a robocall, like what we heard from in new hampshire. once that is identified, how do you inform people that it is in fact fake? that's the challenge going forward. >> yeah, there's so many challenges with it becoming all too easy to fake this stuff's that cohen, great report. thank you. very much. president biden says us corporations have been playing you for suckers. he blames corporate greed for rising inflation numbers, but how true is that claim? >> riyadh says new album is breaking records get to say
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what country is called be country bianna, say a nashville's renaissance monday, may 27th at eight on cnn, kinda riva support your brain health. mary janet, hey, eddie know fraser, franck, franck bread. how are you fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge. >> when you buy or sell your car exactly how you want with car gurus you might begin to wonder, what if you could do things your way all the time? >> some dreams do come true get your car, your way, get it with guru thinking i'm thinking about her honeymoon. >> but what africa so far, hot
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russia for trying to spy on us. we were spying on them i was
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already friday this is a war. >> but secret war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2, that ten on cnn inflation remains stubbornly high. and of course it has become a hot topic for politicians and economists, some lawmakers blaming corporate greed for the sky high cost of living, but what are economic experts saying about the cause of stimulation? cnn's matt egan is joining us now. matt, what do you what do you hearing from experts? >> well, sir, there's been this long running debate over how much to blame greedflation, right? which is this notion that companies are taking advantage and their price gouging something that progressives point too frequently. now, new research from the san francisco fed finds that, yes, there is evidence that some companies did jack up prices above their production costs. this so-called marco we saw this in 2021 and 2022, especially in cars, gasoline car repair, and laundry. >> but we know that inflation
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is a broader problem than just gas and laundry read this is a qanon me wide and so the researchers fed that when you zoom out you really look at pricing patterns at the economy as a whole. >> there is no evidence that price gouging was a leading cause of inflation. they wrote quote, rising markups have not been a major driver of the recent surge in subsequent decline in inflation during the current recovery. in fact, they found that the pattern of markups was really not unusual when you compare it with prior recoveries. so in psalm, they're saying, yes, there's some evidence of price gouging, but know that probably was not the main issue. now, i don't think there's going to settle the debate. >> progressive group accountable debt us. >> they responded to this research by saying, listen, it doesn't add up that companies can't just keep prices stable when they're paying their ceos fat bonuses, and they're sitting on record profits and we know president biden himself. he's pointed to corporate greed is a reason why inflation hasn't come down more listened to what he told erin burnett last week it
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really is and it's free but the fact is that if you take a look and with him and people have they had the money to spend. >> it's angers them and angers me that you have to spend more. for example, the whole idea of this notion that sandi case, he talked shrinkflation yeah, i think you're always on your full price for smaller bottle of samples stickers more they did the thing that's like 20% less for the same price as corporate greed corporate greed. and we've got to deal with it and that's what i'm working on another white house told me that this research does support biden's argument that record profits are causing inflation to stay higher than it should be in that he's going to continue to call out corporate rip offs. >> this the beat comes as inflation remains stubbornly high. look at this this is. the consumer price index. the higher this chart goes the more painful that is, of course, the consumers and we can see that listen, prices are no longer skyrocketing, like two years ago, but some of this progress
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has really leveled out and this is a major frustration for consumers. it's a political liability for the white house. new numbers out next hour, sarah, are expected to show that inflation did tick down just a bit in april, but probably not by enough to let the fed to start cutting interest rates anytime soon. >> and i noticed on your list of things where prices have been jacked up groceries wasn't on that list and that has been a big contention for people go into the grocery store and seeing those prices just that's been a huge pain point. >> absolutely. >> thank you, maddie, i'm sir. >> all right. just ahead. boeing once touted as a sparkling example of aviation excellence facing more trouble now the justice it's department says the airplane manufacturer broken agreement to avoid criminal charges over 7307 max crashes. what that might mean for boeing's fate coming up? and a fiery crash into a prisoner transport conway, and then gunman break out. a prisoner. >> we have the latest on the manhunt for the person known as the fly cnn business update is
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i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? 50% off that aqua gentleman. just like every turn huge. >> potential problem. the airplane manufacturer could be prosecuted after the justice department says boeing breached a safety agreement that allowed the company to avoid criminal charges. for those two fatal 7307 crashes. cnn's pittman team has joining us now with more pete. this comes as boeing's been under intense scrutiny this year for a series of safety issues that the public has been seeing, like
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doors coming off in mid flight everyone's aware of it. everyone asked me about it and his latest development could lead criminal charges against boeing, the latest in this mountain of bad press for this aerospace giant that once had a sterling reputation. that's really goes back five years and it stems from the 7307 max eight crashes of 2018 in 2019 after that, boeing reached a two-and-a-half billion dollars settlement with the federal government to avoid a one time charge of fraud that they misled investigators on that boeing, the changes that boeing may to the 7307 max eight. now, the justice department says that boeing violin later that agreement and us district judge reed o'connor oversaw that agreement in the first place at a court filing tuesday, he said, if boeing violated that agreement for failing to fulfill completely the terms an obligations under the deferred prosecution agreement, boeing is subject to prosecution by
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the united states for any federal criminal violation of which the united states has knowledge. the justice department says, it is not yet determined how we'll proceed. a boeing now has about a month to respond. this is something makes celebrated by the 7307 max eight victims, families calling it a positive step a long time coming. but remember, this is different than the man x9 door plug blowout back on january 5 on alaska airlines flight 12, 82. no doubt that piqued investigators interests and we had been reporting that the justice department was reviewing that incident as well. sarah this has got to be a major major problem for the new ceo coming in as the the one resign. thank you so much. pittman team for all your reporting on that. john. >> all right. this morning, what it donald trump's lawyers need to get out of michael cohen, the highly anticipated cross-examination of trump's former fixer. it began with this exchange. defense attorney todd blanche says, mr. cohen, my name is todd blanche when i
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have never spoken, are met before, have we cohen says we have not blanche, but you know who i am, don't you? cohen says, i do. blanche as a matter of fact, on april 23rd. so after the trial started in this case, you went on tiktok and called me a crying little didn't you? cohen says sounds like something i would say the prosecution says objection, your honor. the judge says sustained sustained. >> with us now, cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney joe jackson, that's not all the judge the judge told job todd blanche, you can't do this. you can't ask cohen his opinion of you, the attorney, you can ask him his opinion of donald trump, but not you what has the defense what have they been getting out of cohen's so far, what more do they need to get tomorrow? okay. so in resetting this remember that what the prosecution has done is they've told the story that cohen is told through other witnesses. why? because cohen jon is damaged goods but the world
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knows that now little inside baseball, what happens is the jury is going to be instructed that with any witness you could accept everything they say. you could accept a portion of their testimony, or you could regard the testimony in its entirety. why is that important? >> because a lot of what mr. cohen has said has been substantiated and otherwise backed up by other witness, except what are the critical part? >> let's go to the oval office meeting. >> well, let's go to the oval office meeting. i can read that for you right now since you're going to bring it up, michael cohen, this is in under direct. michael cohen says so i was sitting with president trump and he asked me if i was okay. he asked me if i needed money and i said no. all good. he says because i can get a check and i said no. i said i'm okay. he said trump all right. just make sure you deal with allon isn't allen weisselberg, the prosecutor? susan hoffinger, asked, did here he say anything about what would be forthcoming to you? cohen says yes, it would be a check for january and february. and then hoffinger says, and so at that point in time, you had not
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yet been reimbursed for the payments he made to stormy daniel's cohen says, no man continued counts. >> yes, because these are the gritty details john wright resetting to what the case is all about the cases about the he's 34 counts as they relate to falsifying business records. we could talk about the intent in terms of access hollywood damage control with the campaign. you don't want another story to come out that would provide the motivation for trump to be very concerned about stormy daniels put out that fire. but then you have to get to the logistics. how the invoice is false five how the legis falsify. what about these checks, et cetera so cohen gives you that connecting the dots, what would i told you? right what i'm saying is that the judge will instruct a jury you can accept all portions of a witness. you could disregard some or none. that is what prosecutors what is it that the meeting in the oval office, the nature of the the embarrassment was trump privy to the fact that there was reimbursement. the purpose of the reimbursement, the structure, the reimbursements. that is all critical. so in answer to your
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question, what does the defense want to get out the defense is looking for this issue a narrative of revenge, right? animus personal animus, you want revenge again? it's the president. you have animus against the president. this is payback against the former president, right? all of that they want to establish to go-to show. you can't believe them. so believe the other witnesses as they relate to other portions of mr. cohen's testimony. but as to the critical issue of reimbursement, the nature, the purpose, destructure. he's the guy that tells you that allen weisselberg, the cfo chief financial officers, not here, don't believe the hype equip my client. that's what the defense wants. it seems to me there are two possible defenses here. there may be more, but the two main defenses may be a, you can't believe michael cohen. so donald trump is innocent. period, full stop. but be even if you believe michael cohen here, there is no crime. donald trump is innocent, right now, they're focused very much on a don't believe michael cohen. but is there a risk here for the
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defense and donald trump, that this jury might say michael cohen, we get it. he's a bad guy, but you know what? kind of belief his story here. and you're not giving me any reason to say donald trump's not guilty if i believe michael cohen stories, so that is the entirety of the risk to be clear, right? why, why, why has the prosecution spent everything on the case before cohen testified to bring in other witnesses about catching kill pecker, national enquirer, hope hicks this is hollywood campaign in a free for all, we got to get this thing resolved. people who talk about text messages, emails, phone call, it changes, et cetera that is so that there's a very limited thing that you have to believe if you're the jury from michael cohen, but that limited thing, john or the gritty details with respect to these invoices? the ledgers and checks. and i think enlarge measure prosecutors have gotten that because you have the shipments right to the president's security person. they then brought into the white house in a manila envelope. you have donald trump signing checks in a sharpie pen. it's hard to discount or
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not believe that he was not privy to what was happening and the structure of how this would be paid best there has got a very important interview i want to get through right away. but before that just is very simple question, joe. yes. >> if the jury believes michael cohen story is a guilty verdict, likely i think that absolutely would be the case in the event they believe it, even if they don't believe it, i think that you certainly have a leaning towards the guilt, but i think that certainly if he can put the pieces together and they could disregard some of it. >> but believe the essence of his testimony, i think it would be trouble for mr. trump. yes. joe jackson. great to see you. and i do apologize for making certain way. that's era no problem at all all right. knew this morning, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy minsky says he is postponing his participation in all international events, the next coming days. >> as russia continues its push into the kharkiv region overnight, three waves of russian glide bomb attacks on
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the city injured at least 21 people there, including two 12-year-old girls in an eight-year-old boy cnn chief international security correspondent, nick paton walsh, is in the kharkiv region with more what we're seeing all from kharkiv and we make sure people understand the context of this is not another active front line where the russians are seeing excess. >> they've been seeing success and moving forwards in the east quite dramatically over the past weeks, what they did on friday is launched a significant new invasion, frankly from their territory into parts of ukraine that they'd been kicked out two years ago. and it's frankly depressing to be back here. this was the front line two years ago that we worked with around to see now this potentially under threat again, now, the russians have come at this with force resources. they've not found a ukrainians ready. we've not driven pile most significant fortifications on the way to here to places where they're being urgently. but we did see and key to all of this is a town called vovchansk. now that is on the
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border. we were there when they were kicked out two years ago and now the russians are back. it seems a local police chief talking about hearing gunfire are in and around the city. so it seems at most generous the care of the russians are certainly on the outskirts and ukraine's military talking about how they'd moved to fake more favorable positions over the last 24 hours. that's sort of a euphemism for a form of retreats. so clearly on russia, on the fourth that their, they have other key settlements in their sights two, one of which lyptsi might potentially enable them to shell kharkiv cranes second biggest city or member place, of millions that have felt for a while com, the ability to get back to normal life and is now facing a possibility if continued shelling they've had airstrikes over the past days or so. and so all of this a reflection of how russia appears to have gone its resources together, to have turned its economy into a ward in one and regained its focus and its manpower. while ukraine has been left with its morale created because the six months it's had to wait for that 61 billion back in december, people were talking about how they didn't get it. they were
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finished that the weight five or six months that starved them of ammunition on the front lines to stop russian advances that it's left them questioning where they have to essentially devote what little they have left the kharkiv region. >> you heard there for nick paton walsh seriously under threat from russia, from russia. all right. joining me now is democratic congressman gregory meeks from new york, ranking member of the house foreign affairs committee, and a senior member of the house financial services committee. thank you so much, congressman, for being here this morning. i do want to ask you. we just saw one of our reporters on the front lines, a us congress argued for months over whether to fund military aid to ukraine, mostly due to far-right republicans who did not one to send aid to ukraine. and now ukraine's military saying, look, they've lost significant ground to russia while waiting on that aid. how do you see what is happening? is america in your mind and part to blame because of the delay in getting aid to ukraine there's no question to delay
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is causing what you see today. i don't think there's any doubt about it. this is why months ago he of us in congress and the president of the united states was saying that we needed to get the age ukraine right now. we knew that russia was, was, was watching. but the most important thing is you know, two years later ukraine is still standing and help is on its way we're going to get those weapons to them and i think that would rush it knows is that's going to happen, that the unity that is in ukraine between the united states and our allies are still there they were hoping that they could wait us out. there was hoping that we would not be there. but now russia knows that those weapons are on the way. and so they are firing everything that they have right now, knowing that the ammunition and weapons have not gotten there yet. but when they get there, because the ukrainian people have already shown us that if they have what they need, and they have the hairpins that they need, they can fight back and push russia
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back. and so unfortunately because of the delay, we're going to have to do what we did, what they did to be asleep and push him back as you as russia tries to advance. now, knowing that the united states and its allies are now getting the weapons into ukraine. and ukraine will have the ability to fight back. >> congressmen. are you concerned about what americans, allies see after this long delay in this battle? hello, and whether the us will be there for them and their darkest hour well you know, i have been concerned. >> i've been concerned about that for the last 345 months when we could not get our republican members to vote for the supplemental package. >> but i think that our allies know and they can see and they've been waiting that we did come through, that we have put the 62 billion-dollar packets forward that we have made the statements we will continue to work together.
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>> nato is stronger than it's ever been. and so collectively together, we can make sure that we stopped russia in russia's aggression because we know oh, how, how did that is. we've been saying it on outside of the out in the present has been saying it all along that we know that if we don't rush, it will not stop at ukraine and they will go to our nato allies and we would then have to go into section five of the nato and and all of us and have to come together. but i am a firm believer. no one thought that ukraine, which still be there two weeks after the war started. here we are two years later. so all i know and i believe firmly that once ukraine gets the weapons that they need, and our allies now see that we are standing we're not running. they too will then give ukraine what it needs and then that will then begin to reverse this aggression that russia has put forward. when you create, did not have the ability to fight back
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congressman meeks, i want to move to another major battle going on. >> that is the israel war in gaza. >> i'd like to ask you this. >> we're just learning this information. how do you square that on the one hand, president biden says he's going to stop sending certain bombs to israel if they launch a full-scale attack on rafah. and on the other hand, sources telling us that the biden administration has told key lawmakers it will send more than $1 billion in additional arms and ammunition to israel what luck, what president biden has said very clearly the shipment that he stopped was the 2000 pound bombs because we, see the kind of collateral damage that those bombs cause. >> so in a dense area, like rafah it will cause cattle a strophic damage to innocent civilians. and he wants to prevent that from happening at the same time, the president
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has said that hamas mass cannot continue to exist. and hamas leadership has to be brought to justice and there are types of weapons and munitions that can be utilized for that kind of direct assault on hamas without destroying and killing innocent palestinians so there's a separation. the president is very consistent. he said that when he made his statement about not sending the 2000 pound bombs, that's the focus. the damage that they do, the collateral damage, the innocent palestinians that get killed. we want to minimize and i think that we all have an obligation to minimize the innocent deaths that's our values, that's why we are the the nation that is looked up to because we have valid used to try to make sure that we're not allowing innocence just to be slotted so but though that those those
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individuals who attacked israel killing 1,200 in a very brutal fashion we are going to go after them and continued to make sure and israel has the right to go after though, until they get each and every one of those leaders congressmen gregory meeks. thank you so much for taking the time this morning to speak to me and we appreciate it. thank you for having john. >> so where is rudy giuliani? prosecutors want to serve him with an indictment. buddy is nowhere to be found. we've got new details on his evasive maneuvers and it looks like he is inhale. it looks like he's bathing in blood, a nation divided over a new portrait of king charles oh, new orleans is known for the drinking seen, but there was no glass recycling program for all those empty bottles one woman saw that as an option. for
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tutoring. he'd become a champion for change behind me is what we affectionately referred to as glass mountain glass half-full started like most good ideas over a bottle of wine we realized that like every other glass bottle in the state of louisiana, it would end up in a landfill because we didn't have adequate glass recycling systems glas comes from sam. >> so we hatched a plan to recycle glass back in the sand. sand is the second most exploited resource after water the first thing we thought of was off the restoration because that's where sand is needed in our state of louisiana we are losing land at such an incredibly fast rate about a football fields the bland every 100 minutes are coaston, louisiana's is our livelihood
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i'm from a small town in louisiana and i grew up a lot around nature, around a biu. ultimately, i just wanted to protect the environment and be a part of it. we have pickup programs. can we have drop-off programs? were folks can bring their glass us. it'll be crushed into a mixture of sand and gravel separate graded by size to date, we have recycled more than 6 million pounds of glass and we will have done about six coastal restoration projects by the avenue is a lot of open-water and we hope in the future that it's restored to a healthy wetland be partnered with some different scientists and engineers there to test the safety and the feasibility of doing it. in this and now we're really translating that lab research into actions. we have a restoration makes out today and we'll be using it to build these islands and plant grasses
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and trees but we have a ton of partners on the ground to help with restoration projects. arthur, from csea d is one of those partners since they're really focused on work in the lower ninth cse, do center for community engagement in development was created as a tool for rebuilding of a community that was devastated stated by hurricane katrina. disaster preparedness is so significant here in new orleans, it's always been a very deceptive, able community to hurricane hey, is very foreign glass half full and cicd, we've come together to say, we're going to address this issue, maybe add a smaller level but have having massive impact arthur and his team, they really bring that community aspect. >> they know the needs and the solutions that could work we have free glass drop-offs across the lower ninth ward. we've provided sandbags for folks to use in case of floods.
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so hopefully being able to utilize that glas that the community brought to us turn it into a resource that then benefits their community a big goal of ours is to be able to replicate what we've done here for others cities and regions. and so our next expansion area is alabama instead of looking at things glass half, empty, wicked things, glass for to a difference, can you make in your community once i realized that i can have an impact, felt like i really found but i was supposed to do do not walk away and be sure to tune in saturday at 9:00 p.m. eastern for cnn's champions for change, one-hour special champions virtue is presented by charles schwab, bont, your tomorrow. >> go to cnn a com slash champions to learn about the pioneers using courage, grit, and creativity to move society
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forward and exciting and inspiring ways trees don't have hearts, but they do have something like a heartbeat every night, a tree gets a little bit bigger and every day, it actually shrinks just a teeny bit. >> and that motion which has less than a human hair, is what we measure with the tree tag all right, so i'm gonna go ahead and put these to treat tags so this is row 21, tree nine, trees are the lungs of the planet with the plan, our mission is to help keep the world's trees healthy think of us as a connector for the tree universe to the cloud and to ai from being people on a planet to being actually the caretakers of the planet is something that i feel really passionately about ten to riva
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how. fe could help you save how we'd really happy with jesse l. >> martin sunday's at nih on cnn are very shortly the house transportation and infrastructure committee will hold a hearing on the baltimore bridge collapse. >> top federal officials from the army corps of engineers, the national transportation safety board, and other agencies will testify in the federal response to the collapse with killed six people. the hearing comes as comes one day day after the ntsb published a preliminary report on the incident finding that the cargo ship that collided with the bridge experienced multiple electrical failures in a moment let's before the crash rookie sensation caitlin clark made her season debut with the indiana fever, scoring 20 points, which tied for the gang harb game-high for the fever lost. the connecticut sun 92 to 71. clark says she would've liked to play a better the team's home opener is thursday and there are mixed reactions this morning after britain's king charles released his its
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first official portrait now, to be clear, he did not paint that himself the painting was by artist jonathan you. it depicts depicts the canon in uniform, a against a dramatic read. background. there you says the work was a tremendous professional challenge, which he is immensely grateful hello, for some social media critics have said it looks like he is in hell or bathing in blood. >> those were nice then ice criticisms interesting. >> i am assuming he saw before, but you know, he's really into ard and it does make you talk about it. so he might be pleased that we're all discussing this, even if some of it is a bit negative, i don't know. >> he finds it all very jolly. >> thank you this morning opening statements, expected to begin in the bribery trial against new jersey democratic senator bob menendez, the senator is charged with taking bribes, including gold bars and a luxury car in exchange for
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helping push us aid and weapons to a foreign government. >> cnn's jason carroll is outside the new york courthouse. jayson the second big trial involving a politician. this morning. what can you tell us? >> well, first things first big blow to the defense yesterday this after judge sydney sign stein rule that one of the witnesses that the defense wanted to call, he's not going to allow that was going to be a psychiatrist her name is dr. karen rosen, mom. and the reason why this is important, sarah, is because this psychiatrist was going to testify as to part of the reason why senator menendez stash all of that money at his home. you remember when they executed that search warrant at his home in new jersey, they found several hundred thousand dollars in cash stashed in his clothes. of course prosecutors say that with bribes, but what the defense was going to was going to have this witness
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witness testified to is to say that part of the reason why he stashed all of this at-home is because few things first, because of his background in cuba, worried about the cuban government taking their money also, his father was someone who killed him i'm so committed suicide. he was a gambling gambler all of this the site the psychiatrist was going to testify to say that he suffered from intergenerational trauma and a fear of scarcity. and that's the reason why psychiatrists was going to testify. the reason why he stashed all this money at his home. well, the judge ruled that that is hearsay, that this psychiatrist is not going to be allowed to testify at trial. however, the judge did say that a forensic accountant would be allowed to testify, but the judge in that case even put some guardrails up there saying that yes, this accountant can talk about that money that went into and out of the senators account but won't be able to say something like the senator did not live in extravagant
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lifestyle. that is something that's going to have to be left up to jurors according to the judge. but course when it comes to jurors, sarah, we still don't have a jury sat we're still waiting for that. the judge, sydney stein, expecting a jury to be sad later today, and then we move on to opening statements. sarah jason carroll. >> thank you so much for braving the rain out there for us with all those details. appreciate it this morning to french prison guards are dead and three others were wounded after a violent ambush during a prisoner transfer, a car crashed into a van as it carried an inmate from court to a nearby prison gunman that attacked with what appeared to be long guns, a manhunt is now underway to find the suspects who carried out the prison break and the inmate they freed a man who apparently goes by the nickname the fly. >> cnn's max foster has the latest on this max yes. so his name is muhammad. i'm rice, 30 years old. we've just had an image of him, an unprecedented manhunt underway in normandy
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right now, this is what happened the truck, the prison truck went through a tall in norman de then we saw according to the police, a persia ram into the front of it get out. these men with guns they appear to have been joined by men from another truck following behind. you'll see all this unfold, told they shoot prison offices officers die or injured and then amara gets away. and this is the result a massive manhunt, hundreds of officers trying to track them down and to think that it appeared on camera as well. and as you can see, john is all in broad daylight around 11 in the morning. so a very scary situation and obviously thoughts with the prison officers there there are big demonstrations today about the the safety that they're afforded in these situations. am are was on his way to court, by the way, for a burglary charge what a braz


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