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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  May 15, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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out how to detect and blur this controversial material in real time you ever wake up with the urge to scale a 21 foot monument, all greased up with vegetable shortening. while we do that in philly every now and then, but the navel cadmi also does once a year, you're watching today's hearn didn't climb. it's a ritual were freshmen tried to remove the hat at the top and replace it with an upperclassmen hat. this is how they mark the transition to upperclassmen this year's class did it in two hours, 19 minutes? 11 seconds, before we go. an announcement here. if you'll permit me, are show united states have scandal is coming back. and season one, i went behind the headlines to investigate and report and interviews some of the most iconic political controversial figures of our time. here's a taste we're here to get your side of the store where are the weapons of mass destruction?
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how do you view your time as governor? >> i had 2,800 happening now, the first biden trump did 27th, right here on cnn standby for new details on this extraordinary early face off white ball with candidates said yes. and how this very high-stakes event is breaking the mold for presidential debates. also tonight, michael cohen is bracing for round two of his fiery cross-examination in donald trump's hush money trial. the next moves by the
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defense could go a long way toward deciding if jurors believed the long term i'm trump fixtures incriminating testimony against his former boss at a cnn exclusive this our inside the illegal gun trade in haiti, a cnn team flies over the country, devastated by gang violence to see how deadly weapons are smuggled and why that's making efforts to feed starving being people even more dangerous welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer in urine, the situation room our top story tonight, the deal is now done, and the date is set for president joe biden and former president donald trump to go head-to-head on the debate stage here on cnn, a first in their historic rematch cnn's jeff zeleny has borne how this all came about. and i would could impact the race
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well, make my day pal, i'll even do it twice with those words today. >> president biden, formerly challenged and donald trump quickly accepted two presidential debates with their first face-to-face encounter now set for late next month on cnn, the june 27th showdown followed by a second one on september 10th on abc, would become the earliest presidential debates in memory a sign that both rivals are eager to appear side-by-side to gain advantage in their historic rematch after weeks of taunting from trump, who often deploys an extra podium as a prop. >> that's for joe biden. >> i'm trying to get him to debate the biden campaign sought to gain the upper hand and the debate over debates in a video today, found trump lost two debates to me in 2020. the sense that he hadn't shown up for debate. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. >> let's pick the dates, donald, i hear you're free on wednesdays. that message and not so veiled reference to the former president's criminal trial. now underway in new york
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court is not in session on wednesdays, even as the accepted two debates, trump called for more. >> i really think he has to debate. he might as well get it over with probably should do it early so that he can he's not gonna get any better televise debates have long been a storied part of presidential campaigns. with history-making moments for candidates. >> i am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience but american history offers no modern-day guide for a sequel because they want to give kate, if i may ask a question, sir? >> would you would use the word smart so you said you went to delaware state but you forgot the name of your college he are racist the worst, whereas america has ever had as their 2024 contest intensifies biden trump are both hoping to keep the debate stage free of third-party candidates. >> like robert f. kennedy jr.
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who blast his rivals saying they are trying to exclude me from their debate because they are afraid i would win advisers to biden and trump have been working behind the scenes in an effort to bypass the commission on presidential debates. the group has organized such forum since 1988, and at three presidential and one vice presidential debate already set for this fall in a statement today, the commission said, the american public deserves substantive debates. we will continue to be ready to execute this plan now that june 27th debate is about three months earlier than debates historically have been wolf, but elections have changed the timelines have changed because of early voting. that's why both campaigns wanted to have these debates earlier. now later in the de of the former president said he was accepting a debate on fox news in october. the biden i'm campaign says they have made their plan for two and no more wolf. >> there is no doubt this will be the biggest moment of the campaign. and both sides want to stand side-by-side. but for
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very different reasons important point in d, jeff zeleny. >> thank you very, very much. let's get some more on all of this. are political experts are joining us and david job let me start with you, trump and biden, don't agree on much as we all know, but they did agree to completely undo modern history to debate each other months earlier in the political calendar. what does that say well, i'd say i think it says two things. >> one, i take both campaigns at their word that they thought that the schedule bates in the fall come too late given how americans are voting earlier and earlier in the process and they wanted to get before a large swath of americans before that, that process begins to give them the information they need in their decision-making. but i also think as geoff just noted, wolf, both of these guys see incentive in getting to a debate stage soon, the biden campaign has for months said that they believe a lot of the voters that they're trying to reach or dialed out and not fully realizing that the trump
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versus biden match up is on and that by getting on the debate stage with the former president that will be literally put before the eyes of those americans, the reaching and on the trump sayyed trump has been saying for months he has so eager to debate biden because he firmly believes as does his team that this matchup benefits him, that he shows more energy that he can dominate a debate stage in a way that they don't think joe biden can, and they are eager to have that side-by-side comparisons low. so when everyone sees incentive in doing it, it happens all right, let me get kristen holmes into this conversation and kristen trump is asking for even more debates than the two debates biden has already agreed to. what's his strategy here? >> well, as david said, donald trump has long believed and it's not just ten. it says allies as well as his closest advisers that he can outperform joe biden honore debates stage. they have always wanted a number for up debates, so now
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they are saying that two is not enough. they want four debates, but there is also another part of this. but does that donald trump has really made debating biden a key part of his campaign. as you saw, geoff mentioning the fact that donald trump often brings an extra podium up to the stage to mock biden to mock the fact that biden had not agreed to to any debates. he also gave out talking points to surrogates, insisting that they say on television that donald trump was ready to debate at anytime. and any place today, joe biden took control of the narrative. they announced that he was willing to debate and they accepted debate, putting donald trump really on the defensive. and that was a change of pace so now you're seeing donald trump trying to take back some of that narrative when it comes to those debates by saying he'll do a third debate. >> yeah, important point to alexia johnson is with us as well, alexia is president biden agreeing to this early debate an admission that he does believe these current polls that show he's losing this race in several key battleground brown states well, i don't
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think it's an admission, but i do think it's an acknowledgment that their voters who want to hear directly from him on issues that they care about around the economy, around immigration, around abortion, around what's happening and what the israel-hamas war and so the debate is the opportunity unity to get in front of those voters. >> very early on and making as the other guests were saying, making voter start paying attention a lot sooner than they usually do. i'm a presidential campaign that a lot of times voters don't start paying attention until the end of the summer. but this election is unlike any other that any of us on this panel have ever seen so the earlier that they can get in front of voters, but better biden is in a position to go into the summer strong doing the on-the-ground work that this campaign has been bolstering for the past year. >> yeah, that's important as well. alyssa farah griffin with trump is setting very low expectations right now for president biden is performed mean it's posting today that
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biden, quote, can't but two sentences together you think elicit that's going backfire on him? >> yes, that's a terrible strategy and it's only a matter of time between before susie wiles and chris lacivita haven't walked that back. listen, this is what they did ahead of the state of the union donald trump's campaign essentially said, if he doesn't kilo over at the podium, that was the bar that they sent. and so joe biden outperformed expectations and got a bump after the state of the union entirely the wrong tact. and i want to mention one thing. there's this notion out there that presidential debates don't really matter. they don't historically move the needle. and i would say that's not the case for this one. it's because this is not a debate for the locked in the partisans whose minds are made up about these two men. it is for those sort of double-haters, those swing voters who aren't necessarily happy with either candidate. but we know are going to decide this election, seeing the candidates earlier, go head-to-head, i think is incredibly important. i think it's good for democracy. and i think it's an open question over who it benefits job in a creature the senate, he's good
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when he's not in front of a big audience. donald trump loves a big audience, but at the same time, donald trump actually might be a bit more scaled back in a more intimate setting. so a very, very important development, you're right, david, by cnn's june 27th debate, trump could potentially potentially be a convicted felon or potentially he acquitted in this first criminal trial, he's facing. how would that factor into what already would be an extraordinary debate well, i don't know if how that factors into the debates specifically wolf, but i think once we have a verdict in hand, will know whether or not soon thereafter and public opinion surveys and conversations with voters in reporting out with the campaigns and their assessment the impact that that verdict is having on the election landscape overall. >> and of course, those fundamentals will shape the debate no doubt where, where the campaign is. but i look into verdict less about its immediate impact on the debates stage. and more just does it move the overall nature of the race prior to the debate? if
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indeed the verdict comes in before them alyssa, how much do you think voters will actually benefit from these debates? so will it break through during this very busy summer season? >> i think that will i think having donald trump in the courtroom and not on the campaign trail as much as probably softened a lot of people to some of his more dangerous rhetoric. they're not hearing him saying things like immigrants poison the blood of this country every other day of the week. but i think seeing the juxtaposition next to joe biden, the question is going to be the vitality of joe biden and then just the outrageousness of donald trump. is he able to stick to policy, is able to stick to a forward looking agenda. i think setting it early to someone else's point earlier, it makes people realize this is happening. the racist sun were six months out from the election and now is the time to tune in alexia, the dow jones industrial average just hit an all time record high today after report showed inflation here in the united states, slightly cooling, but the cost of everything from food to housing is still stubbornly high.
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>> does president biden's debate performance even matter if voters feel the economy isn't improving i think that debate performance actually does matter because this is a chance for president biden to make the american people understand that he understands that people may not be feeling the policy yet, right? >> all of us understand that it takes a little bit of time for folks to actually feel policy in their pocketbooks. and he's able to to make that case to the american people. he's also able to close the gap between what was happening at the beginning of his presidency and what's happening now and the direction that he would like to take the country n. and so i'm hoping that president biden is actually going to use this time to tell the american people that he understands this was certainly be extraordinary direct all of you. >> thank you very much for urinalysis and just ahead slovakia's prime minister is in the hospital right now after an assassination attempt, we have details on the shooting and the latest that his condition right after a quick
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brought to you by meso book if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now, and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 ricky news is suspected gunman is in custody tonight after shooting slovakia's prime minister multiple times. and what officials are calling a politically motivated assassination attempt slovakia is a nato ally. see you in an international diplomatic editor, nic robertson has are report and a warning to our viewers some of the video you're about to see is graphic as prime minister robert fits. >> so approaches a security barrier is would be assassin pulls a gun five shots fired into fit. so this film from another angle, the prime minister unable to walk manhandled by body guards into a car. the shooter instantly wrestled to the ground. as feet
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so rushed to a nearby hospital for a spokesman said he was conscious his life functions stabilized before being transferred by helicopter to another hospital about 30 kilometers away for higher level care. >> more than three hours later, the defense and interior ministers announcing the pm still in surgery, fighting for his life. >> and this a motive, it's a political felt. it's absolutely clear and we have to react on that. >> no details from the country's two top security officials about the suspected assassin. only extreme concern, his actions will trigger a violent backlash in this politically divided nation of 5 million people. >> but are you worried female channel. i tell to all of us citizen is the answer to hate is not and cannot be hate i'm
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begging you all to start you have to stop spreading attacks and hatred also through social networks and the media barney, the shooting occurred following a government meeting and handle over two hours drive from the the capital. this i witnessed said she was there to shake the prime minister's hand usual at events like this i heard three shots. >> it was quick, one by one. like if you throw a firecracker on the ground i saw scratch on his head and then he fell next to the barrier the reality, however, more than a scratch on their head, the president of the country declaring it a terrible and attack a physical attack on the prime minister is primarily an attack on a person but it is also an attack on democracy feed. so was never shy of courting controversy, a divisive figure, a populist who his anti-immigration, anti
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islam anti-lgbtq, and pro-putin and russia he had a political comeback last year, winning the elections as prime minister for a third time despite long running corruptions allegations he was forced to resign during his previous term amid mass protests over the murder of an investor going to journalists in 2018 feet. so had no shortage of potential enemies and the very latest update we have from the deputy prime minister really coming in the last few minutes. fourth, is that feed so is at the moment, at the moment i stress out of that life threatening situation, but we. really don't know what is physical condition is and how much how much damage is actually suffered. but this is a politician who has bounced back before. but is leaving changes in the country that are putting protests on the street,
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peaceful protests things like taking power away from the judiciary, trying to take control of state media these are contentious issues, wolf, very contentious. indeed, dick roberts and thank you very much coming up, donald trump's legal team gets another shot and undermining the credibility of the prosecution's pivotal witness, michael cohen stay with us can the riva support your brain health? mary janet, hey eddie, know fraser, franck. franck, bread. how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge freeze, dryness, breakage, new dove ten and ones serum hair mask with peptide complex fortifies hair
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expect tomorrow. and as the trial moves forward well, so donald trump's attorneys will have another opportunity to cross-examine michael cohen. they are expected to focus on trying to undercut his credibility and paint him as a liar as we saw yesterday, they had spent two hours going at michael cohen using the words that he has said about donald trump's some of these insults against him to try to suggest that cohen was obsessed with trump, that he was left behind when donald trump went to washington, and that he has been on a revenge tour trying to make money off of donald trump and trying to benefit himself by saying that he would cooperate with authorities in order to get out of prison early and into supervised release early, none of which was successful, but that has been the strategy here, and that's because michael cohen is a key witness for the prosecution. he is their last witness that will be testifying. so we expect the cross-examination to go all day tomorrow, then the prosecutors will have a chance to do what's known as redirect, and that is to add cohen additional questions that could happen on
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monday and then from there, the prosecution is expected to rest their case. the question will be, does donald trump's team put on a witness? they have considered calling an expert witness, but have said that it will depend a lot on the judge's rulings tomorrow at the end of the court day so it could be that they call this expert or they don't and then the question is, does donald trump take the stand and testify? it's define his own defense. his lawyer said that is not been determined yet if he doesn't move, that, we could have closing arguments next week. and this case could go to the jury then to very interesting kara scannell reporting for us. thank you very much i want to bring in our legal and political experts who are following all of this very, very closely, elie honig, i'll start with, you will the fence get into the substance of these criminal charges with michael cohen tomorrow when they resume their cross-examination, what will if the defense does not have to directly confront michael cohen on the substance of the charges. they don't have to put the checks and the ledgers and the invoices in front of him. and i actually suspect that donald trump's team will
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opt not to do that. the reason for that that is the burden of proof. the question for the jury is not who has a better story as between michael cohen and the prosecution on the one hand, and donald trump on the other hand. the question is, can the prosecution prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt? and i think to that end, you're going to see a defense strategy of these witnesses leading off with michael cohen are not reliable. they're not credible. they have biases. you can't rely on their testimony and hence, they will argue the prosecution cannot meet its burden tim parlatore, you told me the last time we spoke that the defense needs to attack cohen's story, not just as credibility do expect to see that tomorrow i do. i think that i disagree with ellie on this point a little bit that i think they do need to go through it. and even if they can't catch him in a about the story itself, to even just go through it and point out that the parts of his story which are the actual elements of the crime or the parts so there are no emails or no second witness
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or anybody else that's testifying about. and so for those points, you have to just rely upon his credibility and his credibility alone. i think that bringing that out and, really amplifying that. but then also they do have to go through the credibility. one thing that they can't do they have to do something more than just simply repeating what the district attorney has already done on direct if all you do is cross-examination is a repeat of the directed an angry tone of voice it's not going to get you anywhere. yeah. so they have to do something different gloria borgers with this as well. >> gloria, how much is the defense's cross-examination of michael cohen playing to an audience of one specifically donald trump. >> well, i think 100% of it is plain to donald trump. look, donald trump has to sit there quiet we with his head exploding and can't show it and he wants revenge against michael cohen and so i think
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part of this particularly the way they started out examining michael cohen using language that he had used against todd blanche and she was a way to impress their client. and i think what they did and what they may continue to do, but what they spent most of their two hours doing in trial last time was ripping michael cohen apart and i'm just drawing whatever shred of credibility he might have. and what happened was however, that michael cohen didn't lose it on the stand. i mean, i think it was very clear that todd blanche was trying to get under michael cohen's skin, was trying to show somebody who is completely obsessed with donald trump, who's made a lot of money off of hating donald trump. and i think he managed to do that pretty well. >> elie, the prosecution, as we know, is expected expected to
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rest its case after michael cohen's testimony how effective do you think he is and has been as a final a witness? >> while wolf so far, i think michael michael cohen has held up quite well. i don't think the cross-examination that we saw the other day really did much damage to him. now that might change tomorrow. tomorrow is going to be pivotal. michael cohen's going to be on cross-examination for most or all of the day. it is very unusual in my view, it's against conventional wisdom to put a controversial but with witnesses like michael cohen on the stand last usually you want to have someone who's safer and more reliable tells me that process that prosecutors are either confident enough in michael cohen or confident there's going to be enough of a defense case and then prosecution rebuttal that they can put some time in between michael cohen and when we get to closings and then ultimately the jury deliberation and tim as you know, the defense will present its case neck how do you expect them to approach that i think that the primary witness that they should be calling and i expect that they
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will call as bob castello about kusto represented michael cohen and he testified this morning of the judiciary committee that a lot of the things that michael cohen said this week, we're lives and he has a lot of the emails from that time, things that he presented to the us attorney's office for the southern district of new york it convinced us attorney's office that he was unworthy of belief and to drop them as a cooperator. >> so i think that he's a very powerful witness for them to potentially bring in to undercut michael cohen beyond that, i know that they've talked about having an expert come in there's an issue about yeah, this is business records and yet we're talking about his personal checkbook. and so they may try to bring in some evidence to separate this out from the business records. but i know the big question for everybody is whether donald trump will testify and i would predict know you know, i think there's also another big question here which is the person who's not there, which is allen weisselberg, the cfo,
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who famously wrote that note about the repayment to michael cohen and how they were going to disperse the money. >> and he's current lee at rikers and the question is you can get them out of jail to testify. but what do you plead? the fifth, he certainly wouldn't be i don't think a cooperating witness for the prosecution, but it leaves a big hole in the whole case, which is this is the man who came up with the plan about how, uh, how michael cohen was going to get reimbursed and he hasn't been a part of this trial other than that one piece of paper. >> yeah, that's good point to all of you. thank you very, very much. we'll watch what happens tomorrow. and in the days to come just ahead into chapter is about to be written in the history of present the ventral debates here in the united states as cnn prepares to host the first biden trump face off of 2024 doug lima,
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your discount code and save up to 50% over real stone hi i'm katie bow lilla in washington and vif is cnn their 2024 race for the white house, breaking new ground tonight. >> seen as brian tanno as a closer look at the tradition of
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the presidential debate as it takes a historic new term for more than 60 years, televised presidential debates have provided us with extraordinary, decisive moments, which often changed the tenor of the race. the candidates need to introduction september 1960, in the very first televised presidential debate, richard nixon, who was ill, was visibly sweating compared there to his cool and youthful opponent, john f. >> kennedy, when the two were viewed side-by-side. >> any last yourself, who's finger would you like to be on the nuclear button it began clearly you didn't want the sweaty guy from california in 1984, ronald reagan, than 73 years old, used humor to definitely deflect concerns about his age debate with walter mondale. >> i am not going to exploit for political purposes. my opponent's youth and inexperience the effect was magical and politically devastating for walter mondale.
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>> most of those defining moments came with no warning or calculation. >> a bad moment in a debate can hurt you significantly more than a good moment can help you in the vice presidential debate in 1988, dan quayle characterized himself as a republican version of a young john kennedy, which teed up his opponent, lloyd bentsen, perfectly. senator i served with jack kennedy. i knew jack kennedy jack kennedy was a friend of mine senator, you're no jack kennedy that election season, benson's running mate, michael dukakis, and his debate with george hw bush was asked a fateful question referencing his wife by cnn bernard shaw, governor if kitty dukakis were raped and murdered would you favor and irrevocable death penalty for the killer? >> no i, don't. bernard and i think you know that i've proposed the death penalty during all of my life's, it
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was terrible. this was his opportunity to show humanity. >> and instead, he made himself look like more of a humorless, emotionless robot. >> then he had seen before. >> there were the wordless missteps, the body language gap 1992, george hw bush, looking out of touch by glancing at his watch when an audience member spoke about the lagging economy 2000 al gore audibly size differences and in another debate that year, gore gets a little too close to george w bush on stage any little tick or habit that a candidate may have is something that voters could seize on and it could change the way they view the candidate now if there are colorful moments like all of those in the debates that are coming up, analysts, laura barron-lopez says she doesn't believe they're gonna be as impactful as those past moments were, because she says so many americans this year have already decided who they're going to vote for. and those moments, no matter how
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sensational they may be, simply are not going to move the needle as much wolf. >> bryan, todd, thanks very much for joining me now the veteran journalist who moderated the very first biden trump debate back in 2020, seen as chris wallace, these anchor or the chris wallace show saturday mornings here on cnn and host of who's talking to chris wallace on max? chris, thanks very much. for joining us. i want to remind viewers what you went through. trying to moderate that now infamous debate in 2020. remember it? well, i'll let you watch this and our viewers or watch as well. >> you didn't want me to ban. >> all right. gentlemen is heavily you would have been much later jessica problems later, mr. president get about 2 million people. you're not mater writer we're going to talk about covid in the next segment. >> where did last thing it lasts, for instance i want to make sure. can you let them finish, sir? now, he doesn't know how to do that. us, jen the question, justice left, would you who is on your list?
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you don't you write, gentlemen, i think friends packs as you know, chris, this upcoming debate won't have a studio audience. the microphone's will only be on when the individual debate presidential candidate will be speaking. you think that's going to make a difference no. >> no. i don't think either. well, it depends on the format. we don't ask them entirely worked up by cnn, but assuming that you have that kind of back conversation, you can't be, you know, you want them to interact, you want them to not to that extent, but interrupt an interject and have a real debate. so you can't really control the mics if it's just you're going to make a two-minute statement. i'm going to make it two-minute statement. that's one thing, but than a free flow conversation back-and-forth i don't see how you can turn off the mics. and as far as the audiences concern, i know a lot of people are saying that and i think it's a better idea not to have an audience, but the
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situation on that stage between the two principles were ten feet apart from each other, and the moderator who's maybe 15 feet away from the two men they're not playing to the crowd. their plan to each other. so i don't think it really dramatically affects how the debate will go. like just means it won't be the interruptions. >> so you don't necessarily think there'll be a repeat of what you went through. >> well, it depends. i mean, if donald trump wants to interrupt and make a circus of it again, he can do it and i don't think there's really any way to stop them but i think he'd be foolish to do that. i took a real hit and the polls after his performance in that debate, i mean, we i was at filed facts then we had somebody count he interrupted joe biden or me, 145 times and 90 minutes. that's more than once a minute if he does that, i think it would be a big mistake and he'll he'll pay a price war. >> i of course, watch that debate. you were very, very impressive as the moderator. donald trump posted this on his
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truth social account, just before accepting cnn's invitation for this upcoming debate, this is what he said cricket joe biden is the worst debater i have ever faced. he can't put two sentences together. it's trump making a mistake in setting expectations for the president. so, so, so low absolutely i mean, he ought to say this is the leader of the free world. those are the man making the decisions. let's see if he's up to that, but to the degree that you you know, that you belittle them now, i'd probably feels good and it's kind of trash talk that the former president likes incidentally, there has been trash talk both ways. but it does set a lower bar and one that's easier for joe biden to step over. having said that for all the talk, my guess is the audience will know. i mean, that'll have a sense. it was joe biden up to it or not and look, there are questions about whether donald trump has lost a step or two. and the last as four years, there'll be making judgments about the former
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president as well. >> this is the earliest a presidential debate will ever have taken place coming up very soon at the end of june. what kind of impact do you think, if any, that will have on the eventual result of the electron eye, it's shocking. i mean, i real students days and since 1960, the first presidential debates between nixon and kennedy, and they had for that time, there's never been a debate before september and it seems to me that the reason joe biden did this is because according to all the poles, he's losing and he needs a game changer and he doesn't want to have a game changer in september. he needs as sooner rather than later. and by having this debate now, he can reset expectations and to the degree people are worried about his age and competence. he can put that to rest or conversely, you can make it a much bigger version. >> he, we'll see what happens there. you lost thanks very much for all your reporting. thanks very much for joining us. >> you bet. >> and coming up a cnn
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cnn exclusive report, are journalists have been on the ground covering the violence in haiti for months. >> and now we have an inside look at the smuggling operation, feeding the turmoil in the caribbean nation with weapons and ammunition. cns david culver, has bore touching down in haiti's gang controlled capital we move quickly, armed guards holding the perimeter, as a long line of anxious passengers hurry out the way we can in driving deeper into port-au-prince, we pass those desperately trying to survive a crippling humanitarian crisis can you give us a sense how dire the situation is getting with each passing de, look, we're very worried right now, you've got 5 million people in haiti, who are acutely food since secure. that's the highest on record, the highest it's ever been, and we're going through the worst crisis in haiti since the 2010 earthquake. it's that simple, the wfp warns food supplies across the country are
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rapidly dwindling as hunger worsens for folks who are getting this, yeah. >> how many of the meals a day or that this will be there. one meal and delivering that one daily meal to starving communities increasingly risky the logistics alone are incredibly challenging. >> i mean, just every corner. you don't know what you're going to come across, not to mention that constantly shifting gang boundaries. >> do you ever get scared delivering the food sometimes the un estimates gangs control more than 80% of port-au-prince severing crucial supply lines for food, fuel, and medical supplies. >> and yet, while basic necessities are scarce, guns and ammo, seemingly plentiful and ravaging this country how are the weapons getting here and from where i don't know one low pass will make a hard right turn, won't be back in bound by never at the central plateau. >> this is an area that for years has been known more
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recently, the un says weapons also come in this way, arriving into haiti's mountainous and hard to rural areas likely it's going to be a light light airplane up phenyl, lot of sadness, but it does look like that grass has been tampered with right there, often landing and the dark of night under the radar or smuggled across the land border or by sea. >> law enforcement believe arms and ammo arrive at the dock of what once was a flour mill taking over and now controlled by gangs, patients, security sources, sharing with us these images of seized weapons from other locations that un's as most guns are shipped illegally from the us and end up in the hands of various gangs. >> you wanted it to one of the most influential gang leaders, vitel'homme, innocent, even explaining how easy it is to import guns and ammo compared with food or medicine, though not confirming where the weapons originate from, are your weapons coming in from the us?
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>> bottles i can use it as you need to be sure. we had weapons experts review our footage with members of vita lungs gang examining images like these. they tell us that many of these firearms and accessories are in fact made in the smuggled directly or stolen from haitian police. the end result here is often and the same with the innocent kopan, the crossfire like eight-year-old woodjina cadeau's shot earlier this year while playing with friends. when we visited in february, her family was living in this makeshift encampment as she was recovering from surgery her little sister, keeping watch. >> but days later, gangs torched the whole neighborhood i would how are you? good to see you? you're walking. >> we meet again as woodjina heads to a doctor's appointment, we learn her family now sleeps on a church floor. woodjina, sister sent to live with other relatives her
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mom says it was too difficult to flee the gangs while carrying both kids back alongside the wfp. >> we arrive at our stop to distribute those niels. >> it's a school turned displacement camp. we step out to a crowd of several hundred recent gang violence foreseeing most here to become refugees in their own city and did you see that firsthand violence? are run? >> we ran from my room for what we're loop will not lead a lot of scharf people shooting at you the burning house folks here, grateful for the one meal they'll get today what about tomorrow? >> we don't know about tomorrow. we just hoping for it tomorrow. >> here, thinking about
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tomorrow. even that is a luxury david cover, cnn, port-au-prince, haiti and thank you to cnn's david culver for that report will be right back higher shipping rates may be the cost of doing business. >> but at what cost turned shipping to your advantage? >> with low-cost ground shipping from the united states postal service here's to getting better with age here's the beaten these two every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete and attrition, you need without the stuff you don't so here's two now freeze dryness breakage, new dove, ten in one's serum hair mask with peptide complex fortifies hair bonds at a molecular level helps reverse ten signs of damage in one minute. >> keep living, we'll keep repairing his home-style
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happens. >> socks that happened. he get out of their charlie's up to back at the pitch. >> let's go be there with rain, learn more at erin burnett outfront next on cnn the us justice department says boeing may be subject to criminal charges after breaking an agreement to improve its safety practices. >> the announcement comes after a series of dramatic mishaps this year including a door plug that blew off an alaska airlines flight shortly after takeoff, boeing signed onto the safety deal back in 2021 in exchange for avoiding persecution for two fatal crashes of its 7307 max aircraft in a new statement, boeing says the company believes it has honored the terms of the agreement and looks forward to responding to the justice department i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. thanks very much for watching. erin burnett outfront starts,


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