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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  May 15, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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powering progress when you saw his guilty plea, were you surprised? >> do you think the criticism has been fair? because britain court might take this up. what's the outcome down? >> how's that? et for a cliffhanger america? >> laura coates live next on cnn close captioning brought to
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you by meso book if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 all right. >> donald trump and joe biden agreed to finally face off twice, no less but was not there are hey, junior, could they come to maybe regret this decision? >> i'll explain. also, tonight will take you inside the other criminal trial in manhattan. how senator bob menendez is trying to explain away those gold bars and stacks of cash in his bribery trial plus, after years of silence, he tweeted one image and sent meme stocks soren, the bizarre comeback of the one they call roaring kitty. tonight and laura coates live well, it's one of the longest presidential campaigns ever but who's counting with
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the oldest candidates ever? everyone's counting. and now we'll feature the earliest debates ever. welcome to the latest twist in this 2024 race, donald trump and president biden have now freed to face off in june and september, the june 27th of april take place right here on cnn long before any votes are cast. so what's the right action been like? well, it's been toward a mixed. >> but let's the senator romney's view on all of it. >> well, the image that comes to mind as those two old guys on the muppets, you know, that sat in the back wall gaps waldorf. all right. >> that's it comes to mind i remember that that make me old and are no. >> do the case. you forgot who he's talking about. >> here you go it looks like two ancient old guys sitting in a theater box watching crazy. >> no one would watch chunk like that. >> all right. but seriously, romney is putting his finger on a real issue that we've all been hearing about and talking
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about the age of the candidates. biden is at one, trump will be 78 by the first debating yet polls consistently show that voters think it's biden, who's too old for the job. now, having them both side-by-side and a real life split let's grain will allow voters to see the dynamic for themselves and what could be a decisive moment frankly, one way or another, it's not forget though what we've seen, what a trump debate and biden debate looks like in the past, right? it was a lot of, well, this the last go round i'm going to pack to make sure you in fact, let people know. he doesn't want to senator, i should i'm not going to answer the question because the question the question. justice left. >> would you i mean, that's what happened last time years later, but will it happen again? i'm going according to the rules though, that won't fly. this time. i'm not sure they were according to last rules either, but i digress for one. there's actually a lot and say there's no reason to
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maybe thump ones chest. the cnn debate will be held in our own atlanta today. just the moderators, jake tapper and dana bash, presence and biden team wants the microphone's to be cut off automatically when the time runs out to avoid interruptions, it's unclear if that's actually going to be agreed upon. also, our microphones are really great. and so you could hear people who are next to you, even when it's not your microphone, but details, the elephant in the 2024 race won't be in that room though at least for now. i'm talking about rfk jr. who currently does not make the cut and has a pretty tough hill to climb to make that cut, he'd have to hit 15% in four national polls and bianna enough balance to maybe reach 270 electoral votes. and by the way, he's nowhere near that right now. but he claims that he will get there in time for at least the june, if not later debate. i want to bring in to campaign veterans who you've media adviser for them. so campaigns including president
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george w bush and the late senator john mccain. i'm talking about mark mckinnon, also seen in public commentator and senior spokesperson for hillary clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. karen finney. >> so glad to have both of you here. i usually see you in a screen but always the head. it's really here. >> yes, ma'am you're to pay my respects. >> person came off for a second here. >> what the whole head? >> well, all right. let's interview my that was the higher show thank you. well, i'm glad that you're both here and i have to ask you and i'll start with because i made you show your hair. >> what did you think about this decision to have this debate? >> i mean, it seemed like biden was trying to call his bluff and he's like i'll be there. >> i think it's the smartest decision the campaign has made, and i think i think a year from now, if you biden's president would be because of this decision today, i just think it's super smart strategically tactically, there was no way that joe biden was going to go through selection and not
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debate. that was that's not an option. so what, what else do you sit in your wait around for? >> for trump to have all the leverage to control the strategy, control the dialog, and have months of trump beating the hell out of biden saying, when are you going to the bay area going to bay are going to debate the most important asset is, you know, in a presidential campaign is the perception of strength. right now, biden is seen as weak. this shows confidence and it shows strength and by the way, he's gotta get on stage and prove to people that he's vital, that the wrap-up both of them as if they're all okay. >> we'll get on stage without a net will see who's really old. >> that's right. >> it's important to think about that competence and it is conveyed when you say, look, anytime, anywhere, meet me after school on the playground, right? the problem is though, if you roll are in the mud, there can be some consequences. absolutely. i think that's going to be a having helped prepare a candidate for a debate with donald trump. it is, it's not easy because he is very unpredictable. i mean,
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you always prepare people as martin so well for what you're wanting to try to get out, you saw even in that clip, joe biden had a strategy that he was trying to stick to and clearly, he had had some kind of rhetorical tool in case it went off the rails to just say come on, man so he'll have to do that again and it'll have to do it in a way that illustrates and reminds people because this is one of the reasons why i think this is so smart. people have not really been tuning in and seeing donald trump in full effect in quite some time. >> it will be front and center. >> and if joe biden can almost stand and back and let him be the toddler having a tantrum and instead be the president who brought us out of covid who is moving our country forward. that will be quite a few, you know, it's an important point you raise. we've often been talking about the split screen, but normally it biden non the campaign trail but governing and then you've got trump in
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front of the courthouse and may have taken i will note that there was the shaded aspect of biden's announcement i hear you're free on wednesdays, obviously pointing to i mean, that's quite a punch to write it. it's common. he's also is righties three on wednesdays. yeah. but let me ask you when you're talking about the focus being on these two singularly you and i have talked in the past mark about the value of maybe even a third party candidate. i know that the no labels ticket did not reveal one at all. but there's no rfk jr. he thinks he could probably get there. would rfk juniors presence have been helpful to either these candidates to have that third person to play off of no, that's why they're great. it's an unusual situation because it's unclear right now if it hurts trump or biden worse, but it's an unknown impact that neither one of them want in the equation because it is a factor and so how do you the best way to deal with that? >> don't give it oxygen and so i mean from sort of big democracy point of view, i think it's better to have those. but if i wanted the biden team, i'd go i think
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that's the best strategy. absolutely. we ask you about the strategy of the timing of it. >> i mean, this is still pretty early june and september. this has been one of the earliest ever, which means that there's probably time to recover and if you early enough in the race, you're able to, something goes wrong. and i think it was then candidate, then president obama, who did not fair that well against romney. i think initially and then came back strong again. is that part of the strategy i think president biden has to be prepared that there may only be one debate. >> i don't necessarily think they'll have to tube because as we know, things can get kg after the first one so absolutely. i mean, he's got to again, be prepared to be the grown-up, be the person who has shown up, ready to have the conversation. i think the other thing in this strategy, you know, they talked a bit about the fact that it's before voting has started. i think that's smart because early vote starts sooner than you and earlier but it also gives people a chance. again, i think people were waiting to see the two of them on stage together.
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so let's just get it out of the way. wai wait till september or october. let's get it out of the way. and i think potentially it will infuse a lot of energy into most of their campaigns. but frankly, yeah, by the way, speaker pelosi did not agree with you guys. she doesn't think it's a great idea to do this, but i'll put that aside for a second and just turn to okay. now, we're in the room where threads happening. now is the content of the conversation is going to be really important. and we know that part of what trump has been talking about is the weaponized government. he's accusing biden falsely of controlling even local elected officials like alvin bragg, like fani willis, there's also a lot of these issues and cultural wars that are happening one of the things that has come up recently has been this conversation from the kansas city chiefs kicker. you've heard this, his name was harrison buggers and he is a devout catholic. he gave a commencement address to the graduating class of benedict benedict time college. listen to what he had to say i think
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it is you, the women who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. how many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage? and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you're going to get in your career some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world. but i would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world as men, we set the tone of the culture. be unapologetic in your masculinity. fighting against the cultural emasculation of men do hard things. never settle for what is easy? >> i'm guessing you both wholeheartedly agree with everything he said. passive car when you reactant i do not. i'm just assume for a second, let me go on those to why this is impactful, why i'm asking this question now? one of the things that could be described at prior debates, especially when trump is speaking is about toxic masculinity. number one, also about the idea of reproductive rights and the agency of women going to come up as a proxy discussion for abortion and reproductive
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rights more broadly, when you have comments like this being made it's going to be a part of the conversation. how do you think either will fare well, first of all, say stick to kicking harrison that you wonder why nikki haley still getting 20% of the vote and she's not even running. well, it's because of this kind of dialogue is going on largely in the republican party. john bolton sayyed, really interesting one thing that made, which really struck me and this is just evidence of, he said mark, there is no arctic, there's there's no ark to history progress is not guaranteed. >> and this kind of thing just makes us feel like god we're going back to the 50s. >> yeah. i mean, it's just nuts. i just i just had made the assumption that we've moved well past this and it's a reminder that the work of justice has to be done day after day after day. >> i mean, the dobbs decision was a heck of a reminder to it was here's the other thing about that kind of comment and this ties into what i think is so toxic about donald trump and the maga movement. it is a scarcity mindset instead of an
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abundance mindset, right? is about scared. there's not enough so the hold onto what you have because there's not enough and be afraid of anybody who's trying to take it away from you. instead of saying, you know? now what there's plenty for everybody, it's okay if some women want to stay home and raise their kids and other women went to work outside the home. that's fine. there's plenty of opportunity and that doesn't hurt you. it does not harm your masculinity. and so i think again, part of what biden brings to the table constantly as his optimism and i think you will see that scarcity, divisiveness coming out of trump and just much broader, there's enough for everybody kind of mindset. and the progress message that mark was just talking about, just sharp point. >> i mean, they say equality is not like pi. you don't get less if i get some, but that's an interesting framing of the scarce city and the abundance, abundance really quick though on this to one of the split-screen has been that the former president donald trump
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is involved in a case where we're reminding a lot about the access hollywood tape about alleged misogyny about his views on women. all these things this can play very badly for him if he doesn't handle the cards, right? immigrate with someone like president joe biden yeah. >> if he doesn't have his cars right with this jury, they could find him guilty and, you know, even though some may dismiss it as a minor crime at the end of the day, i think there's enough voters in wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania say i'm not sure i want a criminal being president. oh, well, it's been found guilty by a jury. >> and that that might actually happen in this instance, we'll have to wait and see it. the juror is fine, really fascinating conversation guide to have you both mark mckinnon, karen. thank you so much. hey, up next we've got a farmer from ohio defecting from gop leadership. two democratic party leadership and y donald trump. now he's tried to turn rural ohio from red to blue, plus the corruption trial involving a powerful democratic senator gold bars, a luxury
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powerful now work out here and gets six months of disney bundle on them stream with six months of disney bundle on us and watch and the new galaxy s24 plus a pulse. so on us, only on verizon, how it really happened with jesse l. martin sunday's at nih on cnn from republican county chair to democratic chair that way the evolution of my next guest, chris gibbs, a farmer from ohio, who long identified as a moderate republican until the straw that broke the camel's back some administration in a new york times profile, gibbs says, quote in today's republican party, you either speak with a trump voice well, you're vaporized joining me now, chairman of the democratic party in shelby county, chris gibbs. >> chris, thank you for joining me. i'm really fascinated by your evolution where your conversion, whatever is the appropriate word, describe what we have just said and that is the idea of how you have gone from one party to the next and the straw that broke the camel's back for you walk me
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through your political conversion, was the trump of vacation, so to speak, of the republican party that straw well, thanks lauren for having me and thanks for helping tell the story. i spent 20 years within the republican administration in shelby county. much of that is chair, i think seven years as chair. and in 2014, i stepped down as chair voluntarily because i was starting to feel that tea party movement that was eventually moved into what we now know as a maga movement i specifically look at steve king out of iowa and others who were extremely hard on immigrants. and i was a proponent of good immigration should reform, if you remember, in 2013, i think we have the gang of eight bill in the senate that did not never make it because of john benner, didn't want to bring it up in the house. so that bill that would have really done real
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good immigration reform failed so i was a proponent of that. i step down as chair at that time, stayed on and leadership and got up to the 2016 election and begrudgingly voted for donald trump because i thought, you know what, there's nothing he can do that our institutions and our congress couldn't fix the laure. what's the punchline? boy was i wrong now our institutions of course they they're holding a little rough on the judicial system. i'd say, but i never considered that the counter would fold like a cheap lawn chair. so they just folded. and what i found out about the republican party right then that i given 20 years of my most important possession beyond family and that was my name is that the ideals of diplomacy, statesmanship personal responsibility, compassion for other people wasn't only a lie it was a lie and so i left the
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republican party actually over trade. we can talk about that later trump's tariffs in 2019 and 19, became an independent for awhile. and then found the democratic party and found where i needed to be i am really fascinated by that process particularly even becoming an independent in the interim. and then becoming a democrat and a leadership position no less than the way you've described it. >> it didn't come at a cost to you. it came at a cost. you lost dear friends your job on the board of elections when you reflect six years later now, do you have any regrets no. >> no, i don't because now i'm part of a party that looks for solutions for people that provide solutions for people and doesn't look for retribution and revenge against individuals. >> and that's why i'm part of the democratic party, so i don't have any regrets on the
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losing the friends from the republican party. what i found out there as those were simply friends of proximity, just the one that would be in proximity. leadership. so that's, that's the bad news. the good news i saved a whole hell a lot of money on christmas cards i still can't by the time to get them out of my kids are grown and i'm still setting up the old picture so good for you on that chris gibbs. let me ask you though finally, when you when you look at them in registered republicans out number democrats more than i think eight to one in your county? and i can't help but think your frustrations over tariffs you're frustrations about retribution as a priority as opposed to perhaps policy stances that could move the needle for your concerns? i wonder if you're alone in thinking and feeling those frustrations, even if you're decision has been public, are there more chris gibbs, you think in your county?
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>> there are there are. and i know they're out there. i know these legacy republicans are out there and they're looking for a place. they may not come clear to the democratic party that's all right. but when we get them into the voting booth, it's all private in there. and i think the vote, the way we'd like them to vote particularly for sherrod brown and four president biden in the fall. so what we're doing is trying to get people out from hiding in shelby county. the democrats are in hiding in these red rural counties. they're literally in hiding and i hear these stories every single week about folks that are scared to put out a sign because they've got neighbors that are either legacy republicans or some maga, republicans, republicans for sure. >> so what i have to do is get these people lifted up and get them out from hiding and tell what they're for and that's what we're doing here in shelby county. >> i tell people, hey, get in behind me. i'm just a farmer. >> they can't hurt me. >> i don't have a storefront to protect. let's go. i'm
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self-made getting behind me. i'll cut brush and we'll do this together. we'll put out yard signs, will knock doors, whatever it takes, but we're going to raise people up and that's what we're doing here in shelby county with a program pounding the pavement is really in so many ways the essence of democracy i have a visual image of you cutting that brush and making the path better for those ahead. but it's a sad testament that bravery is required in order to just speak one's mine in a democracy, like you have chris gibbs. thank you so much for joining take care well, up ahead. i'll corruption trial it's got gold bars, it's got cash has gotten mercedes benz and it's got a democratic senator named bob menendez, and he is fighting back against these charges. >> what's his defense does wife's fault? >> reporter, who was in court is going to join me next you give and you give. >> now you get with straight talk wireless, you get
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enjoy a spotless house for $19 well, it's a refrain almost as old as time. stand by your man and politics, that usually means a wife maybe supporting their husband when they're in trouble. but what if that man doesn't stand by? you? just saying that's what appeared to happen as opening statements began and the federal bribery trial against new york, new jersey senator, excuse me. bob menendez, a democrat and his wife, nadine. now us attorneys argue that the couple accepted bribes in exchange for favors, bribes like 13 gold bars or a mercedes ben's. investigators
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also found that there was more than 486,000 bucks in cash at the menendez home because under his own attorney told jurors not to be quote, blinded by the gold and cash as partially blame menendez, wife adding quote bob disseminates centrally know what's going on with nadine. >> but prosecutors insist that menendez knew what was going on and was motivated by nothing other than greed senator menendez maintains his innocence and of course, he has to that presumption as well. so what do you mean now, trial attorney seth berenzweig, washington post court reporter, a salvador rizzo. >> salvador. i want to begin with you because you have been following this so closely. you in fact been in court. i understand as well at different times, the attorney menendez, he basically he threw his wife under the bus that going to work. >> it's a high-risk strategy, of course, because you never know what kind of impact that will have with the jury some
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may see it as an gallant or as trying to concoct a story that's convenient and that sort of gives the lie to this romance that he's supposed to be also claiming was the source of all these allegations. >> but thinking about the jury, i wonder how they'll respond. his he is senator menendez. he had a leadership role. i think i'm a foreign affairs committee i'm not mistaken. i mean, a pretty powerful committee as well. the idea that he would be completely unaware and ignorant what was going on and within his home might not strike the jurors as credible. >> and that was the undertone of the assistant united states attorney's opening statement this afternoon menendez is the chair of the senate foreign relations committee and at turns, also the ranking member, the top democrat when republicans control the committee he had a big say over billions of dollars in us
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military aid to egypt in this case, egypt is the country that he is alleged to have been a foreign agent for as he was taking bribes from a businessman who was a co-defendant in this case, who had connections to that government. >> it's an interesting point you raised. in fact, want to bring you in here because there's a codefendant, but also nadine, his wife. there tried separately because her attorney says that she is suffering from medical issues. >> you're an attorney. tell me about the impact of these separate trials and why you might want to do that if you're hoping to point the finger. >> well, traditionally, the defendants often argue prejudice and in a case like this, you probably would've seen that kind of an argument, but she apparently is recovering from some kind of surgery, so as. a practical matter, if she's gonna be out of the courtroom even though apparently she's going to be thrown under the bus for almost all of the counts in the indictment, this case reads and sit somewhere between a spy
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novel in a cartoon. it is absolutely unbelievable. the allegations are that the senator basically went on a globe-trotting crime spree in egypt and qatar, and engineered all of these things for cash gold car, mortgage payments, and even though it does sound implausible to say it wasn't me. it is my wife it's interesting to note that when you look at the 16 counts, almost all of them show nadine taking the lead feed and what she does in the allegations as she basically scouting out the opportunities she gets paid in cash she sets up a shell, llc and she has a low show are no show job she is taking the lead on a lot of this, but then it's time for her to ultimately pass the football do or husband who gets the ball over the goal line, he helps the egyptian military get military aid. he gets a critical senate resolution passed and take selena protecting qatar, as well as hooking up his friends. so i think it's an implausible defense, but it's interesting
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in terms of how the case is structure. >> it is relented and think about all those aspects in salvador. i mean, the judge we have a lot about cash that's happening right now and whether it's fani willis and fulton county and trial about how much cash he held in her home or another manhattan courtroom, about $400,000. and now you've got a judge in this case talking about 400, i think plus thousand dollars. the judge is not going to allow a psychiatrist, to testify about some sort of family trauma that senator menendez experience at his defense says, we'll explain why he had so much cash in his home. how did that play out today? the defense attorney for menendez, who gave the opening statement, avy weitzmann. >> he really hammered home this idea that intergenerational trauma, as, the defense has described it in court filings, is what led to the development of this habit that menendez had to withdraw 400 or for $500 from his bank account every now
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and then a couple of times per month, a few times per month. and just go and store that in his home. and the reason they say is because his parents is cuban refugees they lost everything, all their money was confiscated. all they had was in are some funds that they had stashed and a grandfather clock when they moved to the united states. and so they said this psychiatrists, a forensic psychiatrist will testify to all that, how he developed a mental condition from these traumas that he experienced of vicariously through the stories told by his parents and relatives. the judge did not allow that witness to come in well, and we miss the really infancy of this trial, but i mean, the prosecution is going to try to make their very strongest case in front of this jury. >> and for those who thinking about deja vu, yes. senator menendez, did face federal bribery charges related to a different for and scandal back in 2017 that ended in a
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mistrial thank you. both salvador rizzo, seth berenzweig for your insight today. thank you. >> well, up next, talking about spy novels, a daring escape by a notorious inmate. and it was all caught on camera. gunman ambushed a prison the convoy, and bust out a convex known as the fly. how they did it. >> and the international manhunt that is now underway. next join us for champions for change, as cnn spotlights, 12th, time in years changing the world. one thing you can never take for granted is the power that you have in someone's life of intimate, look at how these champions use courage creativity and grid to make the world a better place, you need a place that's resilient in order to continue that innovation, champions for change. all this week on cnn
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we've been creating it for more than 100 years, from the most advanced technology to the broadest, most reliable network of sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. everybody shell powering progress i'm kayla tausche at the white house, and this is cnn an a torrijos prisoner in transport from court to prison, an ambush by mysterious gunman
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and escape and a manhunt. no, it is not the plot to the prison break remake, or even the next great shah shank, it is a true story out of france mohammad honore, aka la moche, an english, the fly. >> he escaped after the prison convoy, transporting him was hit head on by another car, and then it was attacked by gunmen to prison guards were killed and three were seriously injured. >> the fly escaped. >> a massive international manhunt is now underway here to break it all down. and cnn's chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller, i mean, john, this is unbelievable. walk us through this video. what are we seeing here? how. did this go down? >> so i'm laura, what you look at when you see this video is basically law enforcement swat, us, special forces tactics. that's a vehicle containment technique. it requires split-second timing ram, the front block them from behind the toll booth traps them in.
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so there's no escape and then you see, as soon as the truck passes, these gunman deploy, commonly swiftly, there's no talk, there's no negotiation they open fire, they take out the guards, then they extract the prisoner mohamed amara and they move him to a getaway car and while they're doing this, you see there's not a lot of running around. they manage their crossfire and you'll note that guy in the rear back by the back of the toll booth. you know, he's watching their flank what you're seeing is almost special forces tactics. it's split-second timing, speed be the element of surprise, violence of action to overwhelm your opponents. and just a couple of minutes, they are off the set they are in their getaway cars. they set fire to the car they used here, which he's doing in a minute and then they find the getaway car is burned out, which means they already had switched cars. they leave the highway, they take the local roads avoiding the license plate readers in the
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cameras. they trained for this. they knew what they were doing the way you described is unlivable. >> i mean, there are hollywood movies that can't pull off that sequence of events as spin shin, this is real life with deadly consequences in an interpol has now put out a, a red notice. what does that mean for the mannheim? what will be the next steps? >> well, a red notice if for the international police organization is like being on the ten most wanted list. but for the whole world, it means any border crossing, any passport, reading any, any arrest in a foreign country. and this because he was in prison and had many more arrests, will include his fingerprints, which means if he stopped by police, if he's arrested and another case, red light just start blinking that you have an international fugitive on your hands. but for the kind of criminal who put the level of planning into this escape and the level of violence where two guards were killed and three others wounded
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he's going to be little more careful than using anything with his real name on it. >> well, who is this guy? >> he's known as the fly love mooc. >> we know his name mohamed amara but who is he? why is he so infamous? >> laura, that's the most interesting question because he's not so infamous until today he is a drug dealer with international connections, but not a cartel boss. he's in jail for 18 months on a string of burglaries of supermarkets not exactly what a successful drug kingpin does in his spare time. there's something about mohamed amara limoges, the fly that we don't know that made him worth getting out with a tactical team of criminals that could execute this job and we'll be following that to see if we can find out what that is. >> this is unbelievable. john miller is almost a little bit your stomach drops trying to think about who who and what and what entity wanted him to be out and y john miller. thank
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you so much. >> thanks, laura well ahead. here's another name. >> warren kitty the last few days he may have been the most powerful person i'm wall street motivating ordinary people to fled millions of dollars into mean stops, just my posting means the author who inspired the movie about the man joins me next if you're shopping for a home only shows you homes for sale course directly from professionals, meaning you can trust every home listing is a realistic don't all have to do that. not really. trust the number one app real estate professional dressed for gentle, dependable, constipation really try seneca, it works differently than other laxatives because it's made from the center flat a natural vegetable active ingredient gentle, dependable, seneca, also available in delicious gummies. >> try killing bugs, the
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this guy? >> well, apparently a lot of people do. so much so that roaring kitty is back in a very big way. and by that, i mean, he's managed to mobilize internet and move markets again, you might remember roaring kitty, aka deep f-in value, aka keith gill back from what, 2021 he was one of the leading forces that had nonprofessional investors go up against big time hedge funds and drive up the price of stocks like gamestop, like amc, game socks probably surged around 1,600%. >> meaning if you had 100 bucks and gamestop right before the spike and sold all your shares at peak, you would've had $1,700 sounds like a real david and goliath story, right well, roaring kitty broke his three, your silence, just on sunday night posting this on x. >> it's a meme gamestop itself posted months batch on a gamer leaning forward. now, basically means that things are getting
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serious and then things like that serious monday morning game sock, sock. it price surge 74%, amc, their shares went up to. and since then, roaring kitty has posted meme after meme gamestop and amc shares have pulled back, but there fill up simulate for the week. and the big questions remain are these meme stock frenzy is the new normal? is it truly righteous rage against the machine are simply people looking to ride the wave and cash-in. i want to bring in ben miserable, who is the author of dumb money, which was made since the movie about all the best part of which you saw off the top bend misery. thank you so much for joining us. i wonder he's now reemerged. do you think that roaring kitty anticipated this rally when he made that post? i'm sunday you know, it's crazy. i mean, nobody really knows what's going on or whether it's really
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even him or not. but i think it's more like he's retelling his story. if you look at what he's been posting, it's lots of movie scenes and things like that, which are kind of building up the icon that he was when that all transpired and he talks about gamestop here and there, but it's less that he's trying to make people go by gamestop than he is saying, look at what happened in this is who i am. so i don't know if people are interpreting it right. and i'm not sure whether he meant it to be interpreted one way or the other, but everyone rallied around him being back and the stock exploded. >> gosh, you're right. and he was just sort of doing autobiographical walk through history. i remember this moment, maybe the google photos you might have for your phone that says remember this from 2021. if he didn't intend this what is this say that about the meme stock movement that all these investors were ready to go. the second that he posted well, i mean, there's tinder
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out there. >> you know, there's a lot of smoldering animosity. there's anger towards wall street, there's a lot of people who felt burned by what happened last time around. if you watch it's dumb money. i mean, when they pulled out the buy button and you couldn't buy anymore in the rally crashed. a lot of people harbor a lot of, a lot of anger about what happened in our just ready to go. i think there's this you john tap number of retail traders out there waiting for something like this. so yeah, it's wild, but i think think we're seeing the beginning of something and not the end one of the things that's always fascinated me and you see this i'm in time again. >> this idea of the everyday person, the every man investor versus the wall street bigwigs. there'll be quoting gordon gekko one moment hoping for their own david and goliath theme story. the next you've got bar stools. dave portnoy, who had well, he had this theory, listened the stock market is the world's and i've said this, the world's biggest casino and you have people in
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suits on wall street who act better than the everyday trader in like, oh, you're not informed and this is a game and you shouldn't be him up, shut up. >> those people are fully it's all again i mean, is that all this is you got to love de of i mean, i think there's some of that is certainly a casino, but it's certainly a rigueur casino to some extent. >> and for a lot of people, it's not a game. i think for a lot of people yeah people want to make money. i mean, everyone wants to make money, but everyone i've interviewed about this story there aren't buying gamestop just to make money. they're trying to stick it to the man or or make a statement or fight the good fight. i mean, people don't want to sell, nobody wants to sell everyone wants to buy and nobody wants to sell. and that's why a lot of people get hurt in the end. so it's a little different than a casino. >> and you're not trying to walk out of it with money, you're trying to keep going and keep going all the way to
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the moon. >> so there's something a little bit more complex going on, but listen in the end, yeah, it is a casino i mean, industry to think about especially and i think a lot of people were listening. it's a learning curve to get to the point where you can really understand the stop world. and now there were potentially back in this meme stock, we're all there's a whole lingo that comes along with it and i want you to help me with some definitions, please. on the thing. so couple of paper hands and dying i'm in hands. >> what are those terms mean? >> yeah yeah diamond hands is like you're going to hold on forever. >> you're never going to let go and paper hands is the people who, as soon as it goes up, doubles or whatever they sell so in the end, everyone kind of ends up being taper hands. but the goal is to be diamond. and as long as you can all right. >> well, how about this one to the moon? not i'm assuming a high-need winners referenced know this is one that's also carried onto the crypto phase. >> so everyone in crypto says it too. you. no, nobody happy
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with doubling their money or tripling their money anymore. especially young people they want tenex, they want 100 x, they want to thousand. x. so to the moon is really the new operating principle for young get investors. everyone's trying to go to the moon with their investment all right. >> well, how about this one? i think this is a planet of the apes reference, but apes together strong yeah, so everyone on reddit called themselves eight. so that's where it started. and all of roaring kitties followers. and it really comes from the idea of the planet eight movies where, where they bond together and apes together are stronger than sort of wall street than anybody. and when wall street took down when the apes took down melvin some capital in the original story, i think that was the battle where the eighth one, in one instance, so apes together strong is the rallying cry of the people who are jumping into this i love the original, especially in a spoiler, but when you see that statute, the head, and set your
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liberty on the sand and you guys are really went down. i'm just saying it's it's a heck of a movie and the whole the bottom anything happening. okay. i won't worry anymore if anyone, but anyway, ben, ms rick, thank you so much for joining us and getting us understand all these memes. i appreciate it. >> good luck. thanks to the moon, everyone. >> see the moon. >> there you go. >> yeah. well, thank you all for watching our coverage continues with anderson cooper 360 horses stops loading at the best part, you need verizon, get their crazy powerful now work out here and gets six months disney bundle on them, stream with six months of disney bundle on us and watch and the new galaxy s24 plus a pulse. so on us, only on variety three sandals, your
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about it for years and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.


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