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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  May 16, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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attack. the idea that you could reverse it through lifestyle changes wasn't something that was widely accepted that's the stage that we're at now with the brain. so i think the answer is yes. i saw that one of the advantages of doing a documentary over five years you, can follow people over that time. and i saw people who are diagnosed with alzheimer's who were on the steady decline. and then five years later, we're living a much more normal life. so i want to be careful. i don't want to have this unbridled optimism about it, but look, it was it was pretty exciting to see what happened to these folks that is exciting. it definitely means folks need to tune in when this documentary airs. sanjay. thank you so much you've got it. >> thank you and don't miss it. >> sanjay is full documentary. the last alzheimer's patient, it premieres this sunday, may 19, at 8:00 p.m. eastern on the whole story, only on cnn and on max thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now thank you very much i
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think there's a very interesting day fascinating. and i just want to thank well, the lawyers because they've been really working hard well, if the goal today was to please the client, well, consider them. pleased. >> welcome to a special day. mishnah lara codes live on day 18 of donald trump's criminal trial. a trial is that a lot of numbers to keep up with, right. i mean, 34, the number of felony counts, again, and trump for falsifying business records, 130,000. the amount of dollars stormy daniels was actually paid to keep quiet, but the number that might be sticking with the jury tonight is 96 than seconds of a critical october 2016 phone
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call it is now in question. on monday, cohen testified that he made that october call to trump's bodyguard man by the name of keith schiller to try to talk to trump. whole point of that call to tell trump that he was planning to pay off stormy daniel's now from tuesday's transcript here was the question, why did you need to speak with mr. trump at that point in the evening of october 25th, cohen then responded to discuss the stormy daniels matter and the resolution of it that testimony is important. the prosecution's allegations that trump, directed cohen to pay a off stormy daniels, but today today, the defense tickets sledgehammer to that story they suggested that cohen may have made it all up. they referenced tax that cohen sent before making that phone call. and in those texts cohen was complaining about a teenager who was prank calling him cohen texted schiller. who can i speak to regarding harassing
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calls to my cell and office sheila, response. >> call me i'm a transcript, planche says about that call quote, that was a lie. you were actually talking with your schiller about the fact that you were getting harassing phone calls from a 14-year-old, correct cohen responds. part of it was the 14 year-old, but i know that keith was with mr. trump at the time and there was more than potentially just this that's what but i recall based upon the documents that i reviewed now, keep in mind the jurors have also had it drilled into their head that cohen is a liar and is out for revenge. the defense played his own words from his own podcast to make that point revenge is a dish best served cold, and you better believe i want this man to go down and rot inside for what he did to me and my family. >> that music in the background was part of his podcasts. i did not add it for dramatic effect, although i do like dramatic
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effect of things that a fans also may not be done hammering cohen's credibility and sources tell cnn that trump's team next week, they may call a witness cohen's former attorney, robert costello, as that witness. now, why? >> because he is ready to say that cohen yes, his former client is lying i want to bring in a reporter who was in court today. >> law enforcement reporter for the washington post. devlin barrett devlin. so good to see you. i have got to know how that moment was playing out in the courtroom. >> the inabilities actually have eyes and ears for the general audience is so frustrating because i want to know, was the jury leaning in? >> did they get the nuance that people have been talking about all over the airwaves. what was that moment like over this phone call it was very dramatic. >> so dramatic, you did not need dramatic podcast music to know it was dramatic. so at that moment todd blanche, the trump's lawyer has been very
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common and measured through most of this questioning. but at that moment, he's really just screaming at at michael cohen and he's state courts screaming, he's not federal courts screaming he state courts screaming. and i thought it was very effective. i think to an average person, it the idea that the defense laid out here that this was about harassing phone calls actually made a lot of sense. now, the prosecution will try. i'm sure when they get to question cohen again to repair that, but i think a lot of damage was done to michael cohen today. >> how about the fact that it was a 14-year-old who was allegedly harassing him. i mean, when i thought that come in in terms of the reporters in the courtroom a. pardon me, had to pause for a moment and then catch back up thinking, wait, are we have a teenager was harassing you? is that why you call the president's bodyguard? >> right. and there was a series of texts that they showed into evidence proceeding his texts with schiller, where essentially what they said was
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that this person who had been harassing him accidentally did it without blocking their caller id at one time. so that's how you knew who it was cohen starts angrily threatening them, texting them back, saying you got to stop up this. and the person on the other end says, i'm just 14, i'm sorry, i didn't my friend told me too. there's no way of knowing of that person is actually 14 to be clear you know, it's it's just one of the dumbest things and it's also, i gotta be honest. it's a very michael cohen thing to get an argument with a 14-year-old and then have that become i'm like part of a criminal case. so this again, this was not his finest de the one good saving grace for michael cohen and all this is that he did stay calm. he was flustered in that moment. >> he seemed to sort of like take a moment to try to figure out what his next answer would be, but then he did come up with an answer. >> that at least was coherent luck devlin to you and me. >> i've been a 14-year-old girl he didn't want know.
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nobody does. is that it was a whole thing. there's movies made about whether i was not a mean girl, bring my palette this and get myself out of trouble. for a second. devlin's de or it around. we've got criminal defense lawyer, brandy harden with as former trump attorney jim trusty, cnn legal analyst, former deputy assistant attorney general for legislative affairs. elliot williams here as well. okay. i'm not going to ask anyone hear about themselves is 14, but i do want to ask brandy beginning with you. we know that blanche, who is it a fans council leading this cross this was across of a lifetime in terms of the expectations you have to land punches and solid ones because they believe that this all hinges on whether the jury believes him. >> tuesday vaseline was on the face of michael cohen. >> he didn't land a punch. >> did he do it today? absolutely credibility is destroyed. i think in some ways, i think some of the things that michael cohen said and the repeated time that the lawyer was able to catch him in lies, i think that they absolutely lended punches today, that they didn't necessarily land yesterday so, i do think once your credibility is sort of lost, the government will do what
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they can to try to get it back. but i think they've landed punches. i think there were things that make the jury look at michael cohen and it's certainly different light and we'll say we know that he has told several lives. and so why did we would necessarily rely on him in terms of deciding this case? >> in favor one way or the other because it's clear that he's making some things up. now. it's a difference between the leinz that he's being impeached with in terms of actual convictions. some about tax evasion. and about campaigns and of course, now this question that he was asked in part about whether you take accountability for those guilty please. that was a moment where he he could have just said something like i pled guilty. i own up to it and moved on. he was really defiant and seemed to be very defensive about his guilty pleas and he wants to have live perjury to go with the historical purchase. >> i mean, it's really kind of amazing and i think we may see this play out with bob costello, the castello may well get into the opinion of his
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truthfulness and just say, and probably an inimitable way that bob will come up with it. i'm not knowledgeable before you, before you go on now, i think people we heard about bob costello, this is not really a household name for a lot of people, for many reasons and all the names people who have been listed who exactly is bob costello and why would it be the case that if he was the attorney of cohen he can talk about them right now. >> he is a new york lawyer for 51 years, no rookie, very street smart, very kind of prototypical new york brash lawyer he and his partner were representing cohen and the substance that really is devastating in terms of rebuttal, potential rebuttal testimony is that cohen was on the hook with the southern district of new york, and this lawyer pushed him saying, if there's something you can do to cooperate if you can give us anything on president trump, i can get you out all your trouble and he's a former sdny prosecutor, so you kinda knows that the terrain and he will say and he said this in front of the hill the other day at the hill that i must have pressed him 20 times with. do
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you have something you can say about trump doing something dirty? and what he got every time from cohen was, i swear to god, i'm not sure he knows who god is, but i swear to god that there's nothing, there's absolutely nothing. and so what happened in the context of that failed cooperation because ultimately it did fail entirely fairly was cohen decide well, i'm gonna go to sdny and tell him costello and giuliani are dangling a pardon from trump in front of me that came up today right? and it's going to come up again. i have a feeling. and so they basically said it's an outrageous lie. never happened. and in the course of that failed cooperation the southern district asked cohen to wave as attorney-client privilege so they could talk to costello. and when they talked to costello, he apparently convince them this is a sinking ship get off, but he never had the opportunity to convince alvin bragg because bragg wouldn't be with him. >> now alvin bragg is the one bringing in this case, elliott. and if he does come up and talk about these issues in addition to catching cohen in perhaps
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some lies i do wonder from your perspective, are these the kinds of lies that may sway a jury to say, okay, well, then the documents i don't believe either because that's the case is subband substance all these know i you know, i it's hard to know what will sway a jury think about everybody up here has dealt in some way in criminal prosecutions and seen people be convicted over the testimony of really disgusting witnesses. >> far beyond perjury. and lists of lies and so on. so it's hard to say that because a primary witness in a trial gets his credibility. i don't even want to say shredded beaten up pretty aggressively that the whole thing is thrown out. now remember how much of the test let's do one that he gave his corroborated and other places in the form of documents and checks and so on and so i don't think it's all over for the prosecution now to be clear
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does one ever wished to have happened to their witness what happened to michael cohen today, if you're interning? no, absolutely not. this was bad. and the prosecution and has some spleen and to do come monday, but i would not go as far as saying that absolutely on account of michael cohen getting slapped around today, that it's all done. let me bring back in deadly look like i want to have them in part of the conversation is while you were in the courtroom, devlin barrett, i may ask you what was the reaction by the prosecution team? >> do we have devlin still i want to know what the reaction for the prosecution was when this was happening. i mean, i know, you want to be stoic when you're at the defense table at the trial, counsel table, you don't want to let on at all that there is an achilles heel you that might be in full view but did they demonstrate or show some moment when they didn't expect this i mean, i think there were being careful in the moment and a specific
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specifically in that moment when when blanche is yelling at them, but they tried to help cohen by mounting a lot of objections. >> they tried to essentially in a lot of times, you know what it's like in trial, you tried to like slow the other side down. you try to give the witness a chance to catch their breath and think through the answer. they did a lot of that today. but at the key moments blanche, this moment of yelling will be important and is important. there were other moments though in quiet, calm testimony were blanche also hurt cohen and so the prosecution did. would it could to slow that down, but blanche was effective for a significant chunks of the de wireless com moments, brandy and jim was the idea you have, whether you were if you were personally invested in a case, would it impact your willingness to lie or your effect on it? and he seemed to concede that he would be personally impacted by this case and it had an influence on his truthfulness in the past if he was personally involved in the matter i mean, ask both of
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you as my consummate defense attorneys how do you rehabilitate them if that's where your client on the stand, right. >> please go for it. >> okay. >> i got you. or even your client on the stand and you saw this happening obviously, he's not the defendant is donald trump. >> but how if you're the prosecution, would you try to rehabilitate that lack of credibility? >> i think one of the things he has to do is just he has to admit what the weaknesses are like, whatever the thing is, he has to just come out and say yes, i have an interest. i'm not lying about certain things. there are things that i have done wrong or there's a way in which i feel, i feel invested in this case or whatever the thing is, you cannot maintain your credibility without just coming out and admitting it. and that's what he needs to do. and i think that comes in the form of witness prep. you have to talk to your client. if to talk them through whatever the weaknesses are and you have to bring out the bad stuff. i just learned something recently there there's a new acronym called bob's bring out the bad
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stuff that's what you have to do. you've got to advance whatever your theory of the cases and you have to make sure that the witness explains why there are bad things or why they have interests in the case, or why it's going to affect them with that out that again, you lose your credibility and what's your credibility is lost. you can't really get it, but i've actually millennial check before i come to you and just say, his brand, he said, if you don't, bob's, you may fifo you go but don't want going out. little, leave it alone. leave alone my bob's i stood for something different, but i mean, luck in real life in a normal case, you know what happens at this point for rehabilitation is a prosecutor goes, hey, well, you're going to take a misdemeanor by any chance because this case, i mean, like i don't know how this jury whether to have a lot of faith and how this jury views the case. >> and jury instructions are still a huge component of how this plays out. but cohen's a horrific witness. i mean, let's be honest, the guy came in. i tell you it's point. i used to 27 years is a
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prosecutor. i put gang murderers on the stand all the time. yeah. and i'll take a shameless sociopaths who sits there and says, oh, yeah, i killed him. >> yeah. did you feel bad about now i'm probably should have killed him twice. >> i'd rather have that witness than a disemboweling fraudster. >> this fraudster literally touches every potential cross-examination you're allowed to do. interest in the outcome by bias convictions for perjury, convicted of lying to congress, lying to a special prosecutor, inconsistent statements like he is the definition of cross-examination . we were joking around them or don't you wish he could do a case in dc where cohen testifies he is the most fun cross-examination history i think for most of the tod's cross, my last point, i think for most of the tides cross, it was very disciplined in terms of keeping it tight because cohen is the type of witness will look to make a speech to turn things around. now he got real fired up in theatrical about this kind of pivotal moment about the 96 second phone call. and i think think that in some senses that's a danger zone because you go too far, you think you're on a few good men or something you
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can't handle the truth. and the guy makes a speech and you end, lost a whole bunch of progress. but i think he survived it from what i can tell, he got through that. okay. made the point and keep in mind, cohen never said anything in direct about i think it was that time i was complaining about a 14-year-old he looked at phone records, chameleon hurts his testimony, and then it gets crossed on and he's like what could have been both in an mentioned in direct anything about the 14-year-old? >> well, the question will be, how consequential these tidbits will be for the jury who seen the overall picture. everyone, please stand by. we have a lot more 40 discuss and up ahead, you've got questions about the trump hush money trial. we've got your answers will take your live calls and questions plus, there is breaking news out of houston. we have now learned at least for people are dead after a powerful storm rolled through the city. the wind was so bad that there are reports of damage to skyscrapers downtown. some windows so i was blowing out completely. >> local officials say close to
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>> secrets and spies. premier sunday, june 2, attempt bomb cnn well where are the middle of the most crucial point and trump's hush money trial and you all have a lot of questions about what's been happening in tonight. >> we are taking your calls and we've got the panel here to help answer them all. and if you want to ever participant hey, you just go to slash trump trial questions. you fill out the form you type in your question there and then we'll reach out to have you call in as the trial continues to unfold. let's get to our first color of the night. helen, from long mount, colorado. what's your question? i helen hi, laura. >> so the judge in donald trump's recent civil fraud case dated point blank and his verdict that pose the court found cohen's testimony credible end quote is there any way at all that the prosecution can put that important piece of information before the jury in
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the business records, criminal case that's a great question was asked and bring in elliot williams here because there was actually a moment i wanted to bring the people attention. >> here's what and judge and goren had to say about his testimony. he said though the animosity between the witness and the defendant is palpable, providing column with incentive to lie. the court found his testimony credible michael cohen told the truth, elliott, i don't think so. different trial different proceeding, different, judge, different? ford. i mean, you have a federal court versus the state court. i don't know. pardon me knows was another state court no, you would not be able to do that. now, the prosecution here can certainly try to do what they can to bolster michael cohen's credibility. and frankly, in the break we were talking about some of the ways they could ask him questions that he can answer effectively and clearly and honestly. but you couldn't really have a judgment call made by a judge in another case, apply to a defendant in another witness in another and that didn't come up
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as well in terms of if donald trump were to testify, they asked what they could bring in that prior ruling about the other cases as part of it, bachelor's donald trump testifying nicely, michael cohen mark from cleveland, ohio. you got a question. hi mark longabaugh. >> are you? >> i'm good. >> why can't alan like can't allen weisselberg justify a great question? jim trusty, why can't eat well, he probably could. >> i mean, it's it's really going to be an interesting moment here because there was this focus on the process of who actually approves of ledger entries, checks there wasn't much help for the prosecution from the controller, i guess he was. and from and from others, there's this overall flavor of president trump micromanagers, but there wasn't really direct testimony that came down to cohen. i think the problem for the government is why weisberg is basically a failed cooperator. i mean, they punished him because they didn't get what they wanted from this guy to flip on president trump. if he comes in
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now post fifth amendment he's going to come in and he's going to be a wildcard. he's got no interest in prepping with the government. so if they called them, most likely he backfires and he says, i did all this stuff. president trump didn't have anything to do with it. good to see you don and walks out while the prosecution scratches their head. i don't think they've get anywhere with it. >> and brandon, he's in rikers right now. the fact that he is in jail doesn't mean you can't bring them out. but for the reasons, would you bring and be like this ad who could maybe only plead the fifth so it just depends. i mean, obviously, if something's is going to plead the fifth, he doesn't benefit your case, but i think the other thing is what he's saying is absolutely right. he's just not going to help their case. and i think ultimately, if you can't meet with a witness before you put them on, you take a risk that you destroy your case what if he says? all the things that you wouldn't want him to say, there's really no reason to put on a witness that you can't prep you can't talk with and who ultimately hasn't helped you already know real reason. >> that's a good point. you might hear his name and argument as kind of a missing witness argument i was going to i mean, the idea that he's not there and everyone's talking about i mean, i know for all
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the parents at their finance, you've got to talk about bruno at the lin-manuel miranda reference gene from fresno, california. what's your question? >> nine laura. hi this week there are many politicians showing up, but the courthouse to support trump do they, get preferential treatment as far as beginning inside the actual courtroom aside from the two trial parties, howard, the seats allocated. oh, i'm so glad you asked that question. could i think somebody who were wondering because we don't have eyes in the courtroom, but we do have people who've been there. i've been there as well and devlin barrett is actually he's betting in this courtroom consistently. let me ask you that. answer. first of all, there's been a lot of people who have come and gone. do they get preferential treatment to be able to go closer to the action? >> they don't get preferential treatment from the court. what they get is trump is a lot of essentially two benches in the courtroom for people who want to attend on on his behalf, essentially. so trump gets two
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rows of seats and what you are seeing is these politicians making their pilgrimage to the courthouse supporting donald trump and going into those seats, prosecutors today, in fact, complained that some of the people in trump's benches have been coming at mid testimony with security details, and they think that's distracting and it's unfair to the process to have now these sort of security late and people coming in people talk about this as if this is like an audition for the vice presidency on the ticket, i get the politics of it. but to be honest, if sitting in court made you vice president, i would have been vice president like 20 years ago. like it doesn't really i don't there's a lot of noise around big high-profile trials i don't think it ultimately matters very much, but it is true that because of those two benches donald trump can get essentially whoever he wants in the courtroom with him. >> i am surprised are able to come and go whenever they feel like it or interrupt later on. i mean so my custom did judges
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having maybe the tightest of ships and not having the distraction and this judge certainly has been that these are very recognizable figures for most people who are walking inside of these rooms. i mean, while maybe to the dc bunch they are anyway that's true. thank you so much for the panel and i'm sorry that no one's made you the vice president yet, but it's okay. we all thank you for all of you as well for answer asking your questions and answering to my panel for answering. but everyone who called in, if you have a question like us to answer on the trump trial? now we want to hear from you, submit your questions at slash trump trial questions well, up next, an upside down flag used as a symbol by those who think the 2020 election was stolen tonight, a new report for it says that flag was seen at the home of supreme court justice samuel alito, and the controversy it's now creating. we'll talk about as well well as alito's defense. and we
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have an update, the breaking news out of houston where there is widespread damage from a powerful storm, new video just in joy and what it was like inside the wells fargo plaza in downtown four people are dead. >> the mayor canceling school for tomorrow and telling people to stay home more updates as we get them ai is redefining work artificial intelligence is supercharging our own human intelligence. and that's what we'll move business school board machine learning robotics and generative ai are increasing productivity. it's celebrating decision-making and the acting our lives at work and beyond you guys, real value is and how companies use it to empower their workforce and earn trust with customers to maximize your yeah, and hi investment turn to assure time.
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guarantee a perfect fit now, comfort looks good i melies nonna in washington, and this is cnn well the new york times is reporting tonight that they have obtained a photograph of an upside down american flag at the home of supreme court justice samuel alito back on january 17, 2021. >> that was just days after the insurrection at the capitol. now, those of you wondering what's the big deal for generations flying the flag upside down has been a symbol of distress but it's also been
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adopted by the stop. >> this still movement and was held by writers at the capitol as they tried to stop the certification of the electoral college votes. >> again, just days before reportedly appeared on alito's lawn in an emailed statement, the times alito says, quote, i had no involvement whatsoever in flying of the flag, adding it was briefly placed by mrs. alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs i'd love to be a fly on the wall and that satan has come out in their marriage, but a spokesperson for the supreme court has not responded to cnn's request for comment and cnn has not independently verified the image. elie lens is back, but as long with cnn poll commentator and democratic strategist, maria cardona also here, a former republican congressman joe walsh. let me just bring in a second here, elliott, because the supreme court, there in the middle, they were in the middle of debating whether i should hear an election case at this time
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as well. and so there's already a well, maybe a popularity or approval rating issue for the supreme court. this hasn't helped. >> it does not help. now, what also doesn't help is that there's really no mechanism for getting a supreme court justice off the case. if there's a problem, it's really number one up to them to police themselves and two, they set their own rules. there isn't really an ethical code of behavior for supreme court justice that there is for the lower courts. and so shore, perhaps a justice ought not bianna case where there is even the appearance of bias for the integrity of the court. but who's going to tell him he can't well. >> i know there's a saying called happy wife, happy life how happy is his life right now? i don't think ferry, i mean, come on, blaming his wife. >> he said that he had no no decision was his in terms of flying the flag that way. but from the reporting that i've seen, it was there for a couple of days or more and so he didn't see it when he came home or in the morning when he
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went to work so that's just not credible. and what's interesting to me is that you have this situation and then we've all heard about clarence thomas as wife virginia thomas, who was literally involved in the strategizing two steal the election. >> and all of this to me is like how hypocritical are republicans and especially donald trump, when he's focusing on saying that the current judge of the current trial that he's in needs to recuse himself because his daughter has some democratic leanings. >> and now you have this. i mean, the hypocrisy just could not be enterprises while he didn't just come out and say, this is not at all trying to support that message of stop is still he could have said that because laura, this is like really serious that ups so down flag is the symbol of an attempted coup and a supreme court justice head that up at his house while, as you said,
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he was hearing they were hearing challenges to the 2020 election. this is really, really serious and maybe elliott's right there. there's nothing and do. but my god, you talk about trust in this court, right? >> there's also it's important moment this happening tonight as well, and you are former member of congress what everyone's been focusing on, what's happening obviously in a manhattan courtroom, there was also some pretty big news today, and that was that they are trying obviously to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress because he refuses to hand over the audio recording of the interview between president biden and special counsel robert hur, which obviously dealt with his mate retention of documents. and the conclusion of why they chose not to pursue a prosecution talking about his age and how you present to a juror. this has been a real moment of contention and just breaking tonight, the house oversight committee has approved to go forward, i believe with this contempt, had to go the full
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house, of course. and this is the split-screen when you've got members of congress, they had to delay this they were in court today. yeah. >> for donald trump, it's all political i think i said in november that trump's campaign will be in and around the courthouse. >> all of this year. >> and that's what it is. and so all those republicans, my former colleagues at that courthouse, they're all leaning into this they think i believe this trial helps trump and laura. i think it does as well but on that on holding mirror, garland in contempt, they have the transcript. they only want the audio to play politics with it. >> well, you've been you work in this actual department, the department of justice in this decision. and there is precedent to suggest that by asserting executive privilege there has been precedent that you have not as a doj, prosecuted and attorney general for withholding information, eric holder, it was same and also bill barr, write and does step back a little bit. this was my office at the justice
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department and their basis for holding this particular recording back as joseph, they've given transcripts, interviews, other information. they made the report available to congress immediately and provided materials even without congress having asked, there's long standing back-and-forth between many committees in congress and the justice department over which documents to provide. and they usually work it out. it's called the accommodations process. and the justice department's letter lays out all the things they did to accommodate the requests of congress here. so expecting this one recording could chill. this was their argument, could chill future people from even talking to the justice department in the first place. so they it's sort of like joe's think it's silly political season this is well within the norm of how congressional oversight would work. >> but in political season, i wonder we think about this, maria, because not only were there public and members of congress and there has been, i think i think maybe 19 or so who have shown up over the course of the trial not a
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saint, not only one member of trump's family is actually appear. i think eric trump, but there was one congressman, matt gaetz, who actually posted this mesh known as x account today invoking this famous line saying this famous stand back and stand by i think he said standing back and standing by was when he was doing for trouble get that he said sandi back and standing by mr. president saying the blurred image behind him. >> this is why why would gates do this? >> because i think that he is someone who thinks that by doing that, he is going to continue to be in trump's favor. and you know, donald trump loved that, you know, he did because that for donald trump is an indication that he was right? >> right. >> and all of these members of congress parading to his side like lemmings, like a colt is something that they know trump loves. he says, jump, they say how high it. >> i think, and i agree with joe that i think this helps donald trump, but only with his
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base. >> i don't think this helps with independent voters. and i don't think this helps congress and it certainly doesn't help republicans in congress who want to keep their majority. this is going to be a huge message for democrats. they're not doing the business of the people. they are only there to genuflecting the altar of donald trump. >> you agree no. but we don't have time okay. >> i think it will help trump bianna space, but that'll be for a what get back cliff hanger you'll have to have a span. >> okay? >> all well, there you go. thank you, everyone so much. next, daniel perry. he was sentenced to 25 years for killing black lives matter protester, garrett foster you know what, you've got a pardon from the texas governor garrett fosters. mother joins me to react hi, guys. >> so you look great. now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose fire inspires a sleep apnea treatment that works
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tonight. >> a man convicted of murder for killing an arm black lives matter protester is walking free former us army sergeant daniel perry was serving a 25 year prison sentence for fatally shooting air force veteran garrett foster in 2020 today, perry was pardoned by texas governor greg abbott. there just to remind you what happened prosecutors say that perry drove his suv through a red light into a crowd of protesters in austin. he was apparently approached by foster who was open when leak and assault saw repl which is legal in texas foster than motion for parents and lowers window at which point perry shot foster with a handgun the defense argued that perry's actions were justified as self-defense, but the jury, they went on to convict him. now governor abbott made an unusual request from the texas board of pardons and pr roles to carry out an expedited review before perry was even sentence, and that board unanimously voted to
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pardon parent sorry and restore his firearm rights earlier today i want to bring in sheila foster. it's garrett fosters. mom and the attorney representing her, quentin braga, him sheila foster. >> thank you so much for joining us this evening. >> it is heartbreaking every time i hear about and remind the audience about what is happened to your family, to your beloved child he was convicted of murder on your daniel perry on april 7 of last year. >> the very next day. governor abbott was speaking openly about wanting to pardon your sons killer what is your feeling tonight reading the governor's pardon? >> it appears as though nothing that was done in trial and nothing that was reviewed by
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the pardon board was included in his pardon? that is all stuff that was said by the defense attorney in the beginning it's not anything that the pardon board discovered all of that stuff was debunked at trial everything the governor put and his pardon letter was proven wrong. during trial did you feel when the conviction happened and he was found guilty? >> how did you feel about losing your son and justice? >> and accountability at that point when they when they announced that he was guilty? >> yes that was that was a relief. >> that was a relief enough. slept better that night than i had in nearly three years. and i woke up the next morning and it was so peaceful and then i i literally was basking in peace that morning and thanking god
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that we find like got justice and then i got a text message from my friend telling me about the governor's tweet i thought there's no way he would actually do that. there's no way he's actually going to do that and then here we are is that how you found out? you mean this is the way that you found out a tweet the governor's office and contact you or you didn't have advanced notice? >> no. >> it was through a tweet when i found out that my son was murdered, i found out by whitney's mother, the authorities didn't even contact me. his next of kin i had to find that out from his wife's mother and my daughter had previously already learned it on facebook. or nothing involving this case is normal. nothing is ethical, nothing is
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right. everything that has happened is wrong on so many levels. and i don't understand why it is so crystal clear to me that this man needs to be in prison for the rest of his life, not amir, 25 years while he wouldn't even have to serve a year it doesn't understand. i don't understand. >> i don't understand governor. >> pardon him. >> i mean, he wouldn't pardon him if this was a trump rally this was a. >> trump rally and somebody drove into that crowd and guns one of those people down. do you think governor abbott would pardon that killer your question. >> i think it's swirling around so many people's minds and i think they have their answers quite clearly. i want to bring you in here, quentin it's unbelievable to think of how this mother has had to learn about a pardon for
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someone convicted of killing her son you were considering filing a civil case even before the murder conviction? ishi without any legal recourse. now, are you going to be able to pursue any legal action now that he has been pardoned laura. >> thank you. we decided she lynge in she lives one of the bravest clients i've ever represented, not to go for trouble case because there was accountability in the wake of the conflict objection. >> of daniel perry. >> but now the governor's turned the rule of law and his head, he seems to have forgotten a basic truth and our founding fathers knew well, namely that respect for the rule of law begins with respect for the will of citizen jurors. and in this case, there were 12 citizens jurors who gave up two weeks ago their lives to consider the evidence. >> they heard from 40 witnesses. >> they deliberated 15 hours and at the end of that, those same 12 citizens jurors voted unanimously to convict daniel
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period and assuming the governor or anybody else who would say this is a travesty of justice is correct. >> then there are two separate courts of appeals in texas that can be allowed and should have been allowed to weigh in on this in potentially reverse it if it needed to be reversed. >> but when the judge step-son with two big feet and undoes the will of citizen jurors. a legitimate question arises, is this based on the merits or is it based on some crass political calculation? >> chill i'm so sorry for your loss and that we have not had a chance to meet your beloved son. and i as mother to mother, i'm just heartbroken for you, and i commend as your attorney is saying, your absolute bravery and continuing to fight and continuing to make the world no who your son is. thank you so much thank you. >> laura. >> he was like a person there
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changing industry everything we do here at the shop is based on working with vintage things that have already been here on the planet so that's a way just for me to really approach sustainability from an indigenous lins i was an active wear designer for major corporations. >> i decided to leave corporate fashion and start my own company back in 2015, i re-branded in 22 21 to the name for kinship. my indigeneity has been really a big part of how the brand has evolved growing up in indiana in a very rural area, being adopted into a white family, but being native, there is always a void. and as i got older, it became a strike hunger mean for me to really
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know my identity. so i've found my mom and birth family whose job mom? it's just been this continual journey of learning more about all those sides of my family is in their stories that's it came with understanding endings, not just saying, i'm part of my community, but actually putting that into motion and taking action, it's just wonderful to find ways to be part of if a positive change in our community. kids in the remote areas of navajo nation, they have so few resources. so we've built a skate park skateboarding. is there in so many ways as a sport that can really, truly help the mental health and wellness are for kids. just fyi i had no idea what there is doing when i thought, oh, let's go to skate park but there's so many things that we can be creative as native people by simply re-imagining stuff that we already have for our young
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people. a lot of them don't know people within creative industries that could help them so i think that is my job as someone that comes from the outside that comes back with different gifts is to use that to create britches i met amy or the mip deal through the metal cultural honors program. >> she just wants what this court are made of our native fashion. and that allows me to freedom kinda step outside the box there's so many makers that haven't had space. >> and other places to sell that we open our house to that opportunity for them to get it start. it's a really beautiful compilation of all different tribes coming together in the shop fun part of my job is to revolutionize the performance space for indigenous peoples please never take this. >> i love this.


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