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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 17, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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again around here five days ago why everyone has to leave, it's clear again as we drive out, as it is with almost every part of ukraine, russia, cupboards, just utter destruction. we had back in with another police unit who soon learned two of the houses they must rescue from a impossible to reach as we wait but and'm they hear a buzzing noise they think they, can hear a drone here so hard to tell with the wind in the trees and artillery, but that's a constant threat. call them now, then our security advisors spots it. they raised their weapons about will firing make them more of a target? i think three drones, one large one that hovers, and two small ones whizzing about exposed, powerless. if we run for cover, they might come for us all we
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can do is hiding trees and hope that if we are seen the russians instead, have a better target in mind. >> they come right overhead that noise in the car and move either the sound of death or someone deciding, you're not worth their payload we decide to leave. but again, we cannot travel fast enough to escape the drones only expose ourselves and pray they lose interest apps they did, we'll never know but behind us, ukraine has a flame again because however, the west's interest in this war wanes, putin's burns brighter than ever. >> nick paton walsh, cnn, vovchansk, ukraine a deadly storm with hurricane-force winds hundreds of thousands in the dark this morning. >> as torrential rains blew out windows and downed power lines
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finger-pointing name calling, taunting, jeering, shouting, threatening just as the founders intended what turned it over and i congressional hearing into a here brawl and a new report overnight, an upside-down flag flown at the home of samuel alito. some see that as a sign of support for the insurrection. how does this supreme for justice explain why this was at his house? i'm john berman with kate bolduan and sarah signer. and this is cnn news central working overnight houston's mayor telling people to stay at home after severe storms tore through the area, killing at least four people and damaging homes, businesses, and throwing power lines across streets it's like lightning
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hitting a transformer there and downtown houston, the storm blew out window, sent people scrambling for cover. >> center point energy is already warning houston residents to be prepared for extended power outages, and there are a lot of them. cnn's ed lavandera are joining us now from downtown houston right now, houston, it has gotten battered with a rain in that county as well what are you seeing this morning well, it might be tornado season, but it really does feel and look like it was a hurricane that blew through here. >> this is a what was a popular dance club here in downtown houston. you see the back wall collapsed like three stories worth of bricks collapsing down we're told nobody was there at the time and it all employees are safe. but wherever you look here in downtown houston, is the mayor's described this area is a mess. light poles knocked over here passive tree limbs in the way of many of the
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roadways traveling through downtown houston would be very difficult this morning. and this is the fame to buy. you hear that cuts through downtown houston. it's also been historically a good gauge just to see how much rainfall has fallen here. and you can see how much water is still continuing to fall into the biu, which is usually quite a bit lower than what it normally is. i've seen it higher over the years in various other rainstorms, but still, that is rather intense because of all of this. there are still about 800 thousand customers without power. we are told 700,000 of those here in the houston area and they're being told that it could be quite some time before that power comes back up a day to two days his temperatures are expected to get much warmer here as we get back into the weekend as well four people killed. one of those victims killed by a crane that was knocked over in the wind. >> it was hurricane force winds that blew through in the storm to other people killed by downed trees just an absolute
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messes this storm rolled through here yesterday afternoon and emergency officials are urging people to be very cautious day if you don't need to be on the roads, stay home, there's a widespread debris on the roads some areas are without any power, no light. >> it's hard to see as you're driving downtown, is a mass, it's dangerous du to the glass and the lack of traffic lights, so stay at home sarah, this morning, the sun is up, the cleanup process begins, is we've still neon's and people here in southeast texas get back on the rows, but it's going to be a long day for many people all right. >> ed lavender era. thank you so much for bringing us that reporting to us this morning. appreciate you. kate. >> on capitol hill, that's tagline has become chaos and confusion. and in committee that's become the personification of the attention seeking partisanship that continued to search. that
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continues to search for new lows, even with all of that last night was wild, a house oversight hearing that devolved into personal it's an all attacks over fake eyelashes that's how it started, leading the charge here marjorie taylor greene green deciding to use the words of a middle school. middle school lunch room fight to attack democratic congresswoman jasmine crockett after crockett called out green for going on a tangent completely unrelated to the actual matter that they were considering and committee i think your fake eyelashes or messing up in cnn's lauren fox is following all of this. >> did i set that up correctly? >> yeah the greatest deliberative body at work, again, here on capitol hill last night, they were supposed to be debating whether or not to hold the attorney general in contempt of congress. but things got very personal very quickly last night, and what happened next was essentially
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representative, alexandria ocasio-cortez asking marjorie taylor greene to strike her words essentially, get rid of this in the congressional record. here's what happened next. >> that ms green agrees to strike her words. >> i believe share. >> hold on. >> then after mr. perez, you'll be recognized. >> mr. not apologize. what the right to play. >> i am not apologizing. >> hello. >> come on, guys why don't you debate me? and mr. chairman the minority cells that you're not yeah. >> you're not bored. you don't have enough in college or chair recognizes mr. perry. >> okay. move to strike three ladies words again that's two requests to strike. >> that's two requests to show they cannot take another chairman comer trying to get control of the committee. >> but what happened next is really a series of confusing votes. some questions about particularly what they were
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trying to evolve hold on. and then here's representative jasmine crockett asking a question about specifically what they're voting on. here you go i'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling. >> if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach-blond, bad built butch body that would not be he engaged in in personalities, correct. >> what now chairman, i make i make a motion to strike those. i don't think that's fine. >> clarification and on what you said we're not going to we're not gonna do this like you guys earlier literally for case i get calm down. >> calm. no. no, no because this is what you're not recognized you with your yellow white mom down, you please call me to calm down your you are
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out of control as if and after a lengthy detour, that committee eventually did vote to hold merrick garland, the attorney general in contempt of congress. >> it's unclear when that will actually come to the house floor yes. yes. yes. oh, can we have a member of the committee who will be joining us in the next hour. lauren. thank you so much. john. >> that'll be interesting. >> all right. morehouse college has a message for their graduates, threatened to protest present it's an a biden's commencement address. this weekend. what will and will not be allowed. we've got new reporting and how the prosecution plans to undo the damage to their case after the contentious cross-examination of michael cohen and the breaking news, the world's number one golfer scottie scheffler, detained this morning at one of golf's majors that pga championship. what officials are now saying
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positive payment history for free, with self stanley cup playoffs presented by geico around ten to again, six this is gonna be fine, isn't it? answers ruins, stars, avalanche governors begins to 96, 30 on scene president biden speaks today at the national museum of african-american history sunday, he will deliver the commencement address at morehouse college. there have been concerned there has been concern over protests at that appearance. with this. now, see in an anchor, victor blackwell, first of all, we're always excited to have viktor on the show. this morning. great to see you even more exciting because you've spoken to the president of morehouse
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extensively about what's going on this weekend yeah. >> good morning, john. we spoke for about an hour. i spoke with the president of morehouse college, dr. david thomas, which is an historically black men's college here in atlanta and there have been a lot of passions on and around campus about this invitation for president biden to deliver the commencement address on sunday as we've seen on other campuses, students, faculty, and alumni, who oppose the support for israel and their war with hamas and the handling of the situation in gaza. there have been no encampments on more houses campus, but there is an expectation that there may be some protests on sunday. now, the president told me that he will not impede silent protest. he says that if the students were to stand and turn their backs on the president during his speech, he would be embarrassed, but that's not their problem if they want to bring signs as long as there is no hate speech. and he says, if they decide to wear something that shows where there's sympathies lie. he's fine with that. here is where he draws
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the line. what he says he will not tolerate what we won't allow is disruptive behavior that prevents the ceremony or services from proceeding in a manner that those in attendance can partake and enjoy. >> so for example prolonged shouting down of the president as he is speaking i have also made a decision that we will also not ask police to take individuals out of commencement in zip ties. if faced with the choice, i will cease the ceremonies on the spot. if we were to reach that position but
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this will not be a place where there will be a national photo-op. i'm individuals being taken out of the morehouse campus in zip ties by the police authorities and again, morehouse college is an hbcu that educates men and i thought it noteworthy that he drew the line at allowing a photo of black men and cap and gowns being escorted campus by police and zip ties. >> and he says that was not his framework. john he said that the image would suggest that more house isn't i have this here exalted above the humanity of those people expressing an opinion and don't feel like they can have another avenue. he said he'd rather be the first president to have commencement, than two tell those men that they are less important than the ceremonies of the institution. so we'll
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see what happens on sunday. >> look, it's clear he's thought a lot about this, that this has been a focus for him. did he ever have any second thoughts about the invitation to president biden? >> he tells me know, first the invitation went on in september before the attacks on october 7. the acceptance of the invitation came in april. he said he never considered rescinding the invitation because there needs to be some place where these tensions can lie. he ticked off the canceled commencements that canceled valedictorian speeches. the canceled speakers, the un ambassador, linda thomas-greenfield. she was canceled at exam via another hbcu and he says there must be a place where people can listen and say we disagree with what you say, but we're not going to cancel you because you body of work is much larger. than this moment. president biden scheduled to speak ten, 30 about on sunday to the men graduating, they're at morehouse college.
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>> victor blackwell. great to have you great to have your reporting this morning. thanks so much. >> thank you, johnson. sir. >> all right ahead. did michael cohen's testimony and cross-examination end up as a big win for donald trump's defense will discuss and the 2020 fake electors heads to an arizona courtroom today. but a prosecutor still looking for rudy giuliani we'll have all that coming up that they blocked the road trip everyone comfortable. yep. there's plenty of space i gave me got it. right. no, no, don't don't don't volkswagen atlas with
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they'll that's a feral in the game. >> the trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage, the way only cnn can bring it to you legal insight expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows. cnn happening today, trump, ally and former attorney john eastman set to appear in arizona courtroom. >> eastman is the first of 18 defendants to be arraigned on charges stemming from the 2020 fake electors scheme. cnn's young law is following this
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from phoenix, you've been following this since the beginning, really? what can we expect today? >> sara, this is going to feel very much like any other arraignment that you may have covered out in the field? it is going to be typical court proceedings is there's going to be charges announced that there will be a booking. there will be a mug shot taken. the difference here is who we're talking about about the proceeding per say, standard of raman. but it is john eastman, the former trump attorney, someone who is known at least in this indictment as the arm good ticked of this multi-state fake elector scheme. and he is a very first of the 18 defendants named. and this indictment, who will be appearing being in cord. so those in-court appearance beginning to day. so who are they who are these fake electors? we've heard about the scheme over and over again through a number of swinging states. let's take a look at this first page. these are the 11 that we're actually in the
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room. these are people known very well here in the state of arizona from the head of the arizona gop to two-state centers as well as the executive of turning point usa. all trump allies. but it's the second page take a look at this one. this is where a lot of our national audience may actually see some of the faces that they've seen over the trump administration. these are very close allies, including mark metals, white house chief of staff, also charged in georgia, and also charged in georgia and appearing in just a few hours. sarah john eastman, that trump attorney former trump attorney. >> i have to ask you over the person on the bottom left, rudy giuliani, there has been an people not being able to serve him where is he? have they found him yet and served him? >> yeah, that's all the chatter of everybody has spoken to here in arizona. the big drama is where is rudy giuliani? the reason why it's putin is because arizona officials have to deliver that knows in-person
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they have gone in-person. they went to new york to try to serve that notice, so he is set to appear here. for his indictment, but he wasn't there the person at the front desk said, look, he is not here. so you are not allowed to get access and the arizona attorney general most office at those aids did have to leave. we are told cnn has learned that from two different sources that rudy giuliani is in palm beach, florida, but has he been served? we are told no, not yet yeah. >> the big question is, he knows how this works as he just avoiding this on purpose, we will all be watching to see what happens in this case. young all thank you for being there, covering up for us okay. >> so court is dark today in donald trump's new york criminal trial, but there is a lot of action happening hunting behind the scenes to prepare for monday. the reason being trump's defense team drew out some real inconsistencies in michael cohen's story in cross-examination yesterday. so what are prosecutors going to do now to clean it up, joining us right now, a cnn senior legal analyst, elie honig, for
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more on this. >> elie, i think i heard you call it a body blow to the prosecution's case yes. >> but how much of a blow well, to quote michael cohen, that sounds like something i might say. >> it was a big deal. k1, here's why what happened yesterday was very different from what we already knew about michael cohen. >> there was well trod ground with michael covenant was well-known. >> he pled guilty to making false statements to congress to various frauds. the campaign final it's fraud. it was well-known that he hated donald trump very publicly. what was new about what happened yesterday? is it exposed a gaping, inconsistency and perhaps worse, in a key piece of michael cohen's testimony about this case, on direct examination. michael cohen said there was this crucial phone call october 24, 2016, or i told donald trump through keith schiller. i told donald trump that the thing was stormy is resolved, but it turns out all the texts between cohen and keith schiller leading up to that call. and after are about something completely separate about this problem that was
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happening from michael cohen were some 14-year-old was bugging him with harassing texts. so it looks like the call michael cohen said was about stormy daniel's was actually about something entirely different. it made a huge impact in the courtroom. and i think it's a real problem for prosecutors if you're sitting at the prosecuting prosecuting statement, what are you doing today? >> tomorrow and sunday to make this not stick with the jury. i mean, is there a universe of possibility? you say it wasn't an oversight or a mistake that you didn't bring up the back-and-forth with this 14 year-old kid so they're definitely going to have to have to do some damage control here. >> i don't think it's unrecoverable. i do think there's ways prosecutors can work their way back from this now, michael cohen got caught on the stand and he on the fox sort of came up with an alternate justification. he said, well, maybe we discussed two things. the 14 year-old kid, which he had never mentioned before, by the way, and the stormy daniels thing. so prosecutors are kind of locked into that. what occurred to michael cohen on the spot? i think they may just have to tell the jury, look, michael
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cohen had several crucial conversations with donald trump. this is one of them he may have been mistaken about some of the details around it and the thing that prosecutors really have to rely on is the other corroboration, the financial documents that corroborate michael cohen to a large extent, but ultimately, kate, i do think that jury's the jury is going to have to give michael cohen's word some credit in order to return a guilty verdict. >> this is not about the analysis from from outside of the court, right? this is all comes down to how the jury sees it inside that courtroom. and when they deliberate, how confident are you though, or should anyone be that they don't here are, aren't somehow inundated with what the world outside that courtroom is saying about this moment. this cross-examination over what now is a long weekend i've always been a bit of a skeptic about that, kate, when i started trying cases many a year ago, judges would tell juries this is before social media. >> if something comes on about this case on tv, change your channel. do you see it in the newspaper? turned the page even
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then, i didn't think jurors actually did that here. humans are curious. i think some try to do it, but i always assume my juries were following the media. now we're in this age of social media, where it's almost inescapable so the judge has told the jury stay away. no juror has come forward. this does happen sometimes. no juror has come forward and said, i saw something on my twitter feed the other day and it did have to do with this case and i probably shouldn't have seen it. that hasn't happened. so fortunately for the process, we haven't had any hiccups there, but i don't personally believe that jurors actually completely separate themselves from what's being said in the media. >> yeah. i mean, this is all set numb for a huge day monday. it's good to see you all. thank you. >> john. >> all right. the upside down american flags, some see it as a sign of support for the january 6 insurrection. so why was it flying outside the home of supreme for justice samuel alito, the new report from the new york times. and then just out of control, the shocking attacks rolled back in fourth
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drop-off, right? look, you look at 20:24, biden still leads among black voters over donald trump's 69% in an average of polls. but look at this number for donald trump, 22%, where it donald trump at this 0.4 years ago in the pulse, he was just 9% of the votes. so he's seen more than a doubling in his support among african americans. this margin which was in the 70s just four years ago, look aware it is now 69 -22. that puts it in the 40s. my goodness. gracious. if this held through the general election, obviously we're still months away. this would be by far the best performance for republican candidate among black voters in a generation to generations, probably since 1960. and richard nixon against john kennedy, that's how long we're really talking about when we're looking at this margin here. this could be a truly historic margin. it's quite a troubling sign for the biden campaign's where is biden weakest among black voters? >> but you look at this number, who are they? >> yeah, who are these voters?
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and let's break it down by age because i really think this gives you a good insight into what's exactly cook in here. take a look here. if you look among black voters age 50 and over, you'll see that joe biden has a very substantial leader. look at this at 2% to 8%. this lead is still in the 70s. this looks a lot like what we saw in the overall pauling back in 2020 well, look at voters under the age of 50 look here, donald trump is pulling 25% of that boat joe biden as it just 62% of this, this leads sarah, this lead is just south of 40 percentage points. this is historic. this is what a lot of folks been talking about that joe biden has a specific problem among younger black voters, and that is exactly what showing up right here. and this is, i think a lot of the reason why you're going to see biden focusing more on black voters, why you're seeing jim clyburn go out there, don't be surprised if they go two more colleges because the fact of the matter is older black voters still really much like joe biden. it's these younger black voters who very much are turning on him and being much more supportive donald trump
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than they were four years ago. of course, this is not the only thing that joe biden has to worry about, although these numbers look pretty dire and very different than they did in the last election so give us some sense of what else he needs to be thinking about here, right? >> when we talk about elections, we talk about two things. we talked about persuasion, which are seeing here with these changing margins. but we also talk about turnout what's going on and turnout certain to vote black voters? absolutely certain to vote. this is according to washington post, ipsos, if you look for years ago at 3% of black voters said they were absolutely certain of a look where that number is now. it's 73%, so it's not just that joe biden's getting less juice out of the margins. he might you have fewer black voters turning out and providing less support for him because they're going to be a smaller portion of the electorate. >> one of the big things that the candidates have to worry about is whether people stay home and that can be a huge factor. and this is what this is saying may very well happen. terry enten. thank you so much. thank you. >> all right john. >> all right lawmakers waking up this morning after a late night house oversight hearing
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devolved into i mean, it just devolved this is the exchange that began at all do you know what we're here for? we're here you know what you're here for. >> well, you don't want to talk about i think your fake eyelashes or messing up order. >> mr. chairman and gag order of your midi order. i do have a point of order and i would like to move to take down ms green's words that is absolutely unacceptable. how dare you to the person are your feelings, her words down? oh, oh, girl, baby, girl. >> oh, really don't even play baby girl. >> i don't think you're going to move and we're going to take your words down second that motion. all right. with me now, former hillary clinton campaign manager, patty least doyle and former white house spokesperson for george w bush and former
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spokesperson for the indiana republican party, pc let me stipulate, like i'm not some shrinking violet when it comes to congress. i mean, we've had members beaten senseless on the house floor in us history. and this wasn't that but what was this? >> that was just a really sorry display from our elected members of congress go to that level of personally attacking someone's appearance. but you know, it's just john, it's just really depressing and if you're there's this and then we had the the football player tell these young women who are about to embark on an entire world of opportunity and possible ability to basically stay home. then yes, there's one other thing. >> oh, yeah. >> our reproductive rights been stripped away. it's just it's just a really sad time but it's also infuriating and i just hope that young women out there take a look at this and get out there and get engaged in go out and vote how do you
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think marjorie taylor greene is feeling about this this morning i for some reason i doubt she's waking up with any regrets over it. >> i'm not sure shame is something she regularly feels. john. but i agree it's disappointing to see when members of congress representatives of the people act in such a way. and it does filter down. we just had our primary here in the state of indiana last week and i heard it all across the state that this was the most contentious vitriolic primary that people will remember. it wasn't about policy, it was all about personality and personal attacks. and they get hughes from members of congress that they see acting out in this way on television. and on the floor and in committee rooms. and then start playing that way in
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local races. >> yeah, the thing is in just want to move on from this. >> i'm not sure it's a bug anymore for some members. it's a feature, right? >> it's, it's the status quo, it's, it's a way to get clicks. it's a way to raise money. it's a way to get attention and it's like i said, it's just sorry display what to ask you pete about or report overnight in the new york times, jodi kantor has a pretty remarkable piece with photos of an american flag flying upside down outside hi, the home of justice samuel alito, just days after the riots of january 6, than just days before president biden's inauguration. >> now some people see the upside flag as a symbol of support for the insurrection, which begs the question, why? as a flying outside of alito's house just days after january 6, alito told the new york times, quote, i had no involvement whatsoever and flying the flag, it was briefly placed by mrs. alito in
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response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs. cnn has reached out to the supreme court. we have no response from them yet. it was his wife who did it. people. what is what message does something like this sent i take justice alito at his word regarding this but it is incredibly important that not just members of the supreme court, those who are in the robe and on the bench or impartial. but it also matters that their family members are and they have to be careful about what they're doing in the public sphere in the arena because that is connected. i mean, they have the same last name. they live in the same house and it gives this, this oraa that perhaps the member the justice, the supreme court justice is not themselves impartial, so it is troubling. i do take the justice at his word that it wasn't his doing and it was some neighborhood neighborhood disagreement i'm
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sensitive, fatty. i always say my wife and my kids don't have to deal with my crap, right they're their own people. >> but i'm not a supreme court justice, correct? it's it's just a different level of her in all honesty, i do. i take the justices word for it to his wife. did it but it was his house and you know, i don't know about your household, but if i put something out in front, i house, my husband sees it. it says either maybe we should take that down if he doesn't agree with it. so it's just a different level of responsibility and that they have to the country and again, it's just one more image that makes you scratch your head and asking, where are we right now? patty saline, soil, peat secret to see you both is warning have a great weekend, no fighting so every day this week we're bringing you stories of people who are champions for change today. let us introduce you to a florida man who created an inclusive workspace for people
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with autism, where people like his own sun can shine professionally creation arise rising tide. >> you guys go into it was love and duty and misha rising? hi is to empower people with autism and related disability through gainful employment in the car wash industry andrew is my younger brother and andrew has autism andrews diagnosis came when he was about two-and-a-half to three years. all as he got a little older, it became obvious that in order for andrew to to live a full adult life, we'd have to take action he called the cliff was autism where the school system stops for them but not in town there are no services.
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>> there is no way to the future. so you start to say to yourself what's going to happen when i'm gone. house sitting in a car wash one day, they said andrew can do that so i decided i would create a business, help andrew where he could work he needed community be surrounded like people like him this truly is a family business so. andrew is gets up the makes his lunch and he's ready to go to work andrew has a life, he has an identity life rising tide was amazing for me my role at this point is adviser hamas is he innovation he can come to me with anything i can give them advice about 80% of our staff is on the autism spectrum first thing that we do is try to look at the workplace through our employees eyes we designed to
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paddle. now, instead of having a lot of difficult social interactions, we have a smooth process both our team and our customers. we clarify the workplace for our team members through a variety of systems and we try to embed training into the workplace wherever we can. if a team member forgets how to do something, they can quickly scan and the qr code, review the training, and get back to work. we use color codes as much as possible to welcome to rising tide car wash. >> here, i feel like i've just been able to warn more and grow as a person and as a professional i want to be a manager my new, my new goal is to travel by saving money. it isn't accepting place is like a proof if people with autism can leave, you can just noem judges by one certain aspect of
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autism because everybody with autism is different by designing systems that worked really well for for our team. it's allowed us to scale effectively to our three locations, washing over half 1 million cars a year we've had over 100 team members move on to all sorts of industries hospitality retail to maintenance, and auto body repair. our team members are incredibly talented. but this world has not been designed in for them my hope is that they find the confidence that they can do the things they want to do in this world. >> please join cnn tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. eastern for cnn's one our champions for change. >> special sarah oh, right. >> you news this morning, you are looking at the mug shot of the world's number one golfer scottie scheffler. he was
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arrested just hours ago on the way to a pga championship and now he's facing four charges, including a felony. >> we will discuss that in a bit. also, outrage still-growing over for a super bowl capers controversial comments during a commencement speech, the nfl now disavowing his comments on women and the lgbt community responding as well is presented by charles schwab bone, your tomorrow. >> go to slash champions to learn about the pioneers using courage, grit, and creative but to move society forward and exciting and inspiring way trees don't have hearts. >> but they do have something like a heartbeat every night at tree gets a little bit bigger and every day it actually shrinks just a teeny bit. and that motion which has less than
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a human hair is what we measure with the tree tag all right, so i'm gonna go ahead and put these two tree tags so this is running 21, tree nine trees are the lungs of the planet. >> with the plan, our mission is to help keep the world's trees healthy. >> thing us as a connector for the tree universe to the cloud and to ai beam people on a planet to being actually the caretakers of the planet is something that i feel really passionately about so this is pickleball with e-trade for morgan stanley were ready for whatever gets served up, didn't get to your chest? >> i'd rather work on saving for retirement cool college since you'd like to get schooled it's pretty good
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positive payment history for free, with i'm arlette saenz at the white house. >> and this is cnn we are following a developing story out of kentucky. a lot that we still do not know the world's top ranked golfer, scottie scheffler, arrested and booked
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in a local jail. >> it all happened at the pga championship, gates and an espn reporter was there and took video of it as it all went down. you can see scheffler being escorted away by two officers in handcuffs you can see it in the video here. listen to this officer on the scene right now. >> what right now? he's going to jail. >> okay. okay. >> he's going to jail not you can do about period. there's there's nothing you can do a bank. okay. i now vpu first okay. we're learning right now that scheffler has been released from custody on his own recognizance, but these charges run counter to everything that we know about the world's number one golfer
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you think about scottie scheffler for those who don't follow the game of golf, he is so clean cut. >> he's not eating easley rattled. this doesn't sound like the golfer that we know. espn's arlington, the reported that you mentioned kate saw all of this. he said that scheffler attempted to drive pass police officers this morning into valhalla golf club, and that one of the police officers attached himself to the vehicle at one point in an effort to get scottie scheffler to stop and that scheffler may be moved an additional ten yards with the police officer on the vehicle so that when he did finally stop darlington is reporting that scheffler exited the vehicle that police officers shoved him against the car, immediately placed him in handcuffs and you can see this video showing scheffler walking slowly cooperating with officers in handcuffs, detained for context, kate, and this could be important. there was a separate incident this morning that cause pga championship organizers to delay the start of the second round. there was
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an accident that occurred in early morning hours near the court just when a man was struck and ultimately killed by a shuttle bus near the golf course. so that incident impacted traffic, increased police presence. it's unclear whether or not that increased presence are those traffic issues ultimately affected scheffler's ability to get where he was going. maybe it made things more confusing. >> but those public shuttles to the course of resume play. play was set to resume just a short time ago at 8:35, though there is significant rain now that could impact that delay further, that would be a normal rain delay. scheffler's original teatime is scheduled for 8:48 a.m. it was moved to just after 10:00 a.m. and we've also learned with all of these charges that he it. has been charged with that things could become a little bit more complicated, but with him being released, we're now all waiting to see when he's going to ultimately get to the course as you going to resume play today, there's a lot still to workout. >> that is he going to play all there's nothing but questions about what has happened already
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this morning and what happens now. carolyn mano thank you so much for bringing us up to speed, sarah. >> all right. >> the nfl distancing itself from kansas city chiefs kicker harrison butker, after he made some really controversial and offensive to many people comments during a commencement speech butker is facing growing backlash and calls for the chiefs to cut him after he said women's accomplishments in the home are far more valuable than in their professional roles. and said pride month was dedicated to a quote, deadly sin i think it is, you, the women who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. how many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but i would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. part of what plagues our
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society is this lie? hi, that has been told to you that men are not necessary in the home or in our communities. as men, we set the tone of the culture. be unapologetic in your masculinity. fighting against the cultural emasculation of men, bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues things like abortion, ivf surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values and media all stem from the invasiveness of disorder or even now a cnn contributor and sports broadcaster, carry champion wow, first of all when you saw this, what came to mind? >> what was your what were your first initial thoughts? >> i wanted to know sarah would alternate universe. i was living in what world am i living in? the sport in which i cover? nfl four years, the last decade or so is very clear about what you can and can't say there's always pushed back. if you say something that they do not agree with and
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while i know they feel as if they're distancing themselves harrison received what i call a slap on the wrist. they said it was in his private time. and so for me, i'm really confused and that is sarcasm helped me understand how and i'll just go there and say and how colin kaepernick can't speak freely on his own time, but harrison can while he cloaked this entire speech each catholicism and his love of jesus, it felt very much like a construct that he said, most women had to abide by. and yet he started to attack de he leaned in on pride. i didn't understand the message of love and still criticizing and but yet it's still okay. there are people saying what he said is not controversial but all i just disagree with that wholeheartedly. it's an insult i do want to ask you about because he chose to do this at a graduation. >> it was a christian school. he can say whatever he wants and hold whatever beliefs he wants. that is what you can do here in america. but he said this in front of men and women
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graduating after four hard years to try and ostensibly have a career. do you think that he was trying to shame those because he seemed to be talking directly to the women in the audience sara, you're right. he can say what he wants. we all can say what you want. we get paid to do that to say what we want. but we also know that in the process of saying what we want, this not our job to tell people what they should be doing with their lives. and when he said that to these group of women, i'm sure they were. i'm sure everyone they said it was a standing ovation there was one young lady who went to the school and said, most people stood for him. there are about 12 women, maybe a little less than who were upset. this is all according to what she said. this is a whole words. but here is the problem when did it become okay to attack? well, we know when it became okay. attack de attack women's rights were living in a country right now, you know this better than me, where we should not sit by le


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