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tv   CNN This Morning Weekend  CNN  May 18, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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you ready? -showtime. this is gonna be epic. [ barking ] it's what the poster said. do you want to make out or? nope. i meant yes. he's a bon garçon. i give amazing sponge-baths. can i get a room? [ chuckling ] ♪ ♪ chef's kiss.
3:01 am in brynn good morning. >> welcome to see it in this morning. >> it said here's what we are working on for you this morning. debate demands former president trump is demanding that president joe biden take a drug test before the first historic debate right here on cnn next month. this comes as president biden is heading to atlanta for controversial commencement address at morehouse college. while the latest let's from the white house, he's really defense forces make a grim discovery in gaza. the bodies of three israeli hostages who were murdered by hamas and israel on october 7. then taken to gaza. what this means for the tents talks to free more hostages and the world's top golfer back in the
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swing of things after being arrested on serious felony charges in kentucky, the latest in the case, everyone is talking about the more than half million customers in the houston area who are without power and could be in the dark for weeks after a hurricane tours, winds, they left a dead and destructive mark. now, potentially deadly heat is set to bake this area. we're tracking it all ahead president joe biden's plans to bolster support among black voters and young voters brings him to the heart of atlanta today, the president will deliver the commencement speech at morehouse college tomorrow. >> now the decision was met with some resistance on campus as students across the country protests, the white house has continued support of israel's military campaign in gaza. i spoke with more house president dr. david thomas about the choice and he tells me to school is well equipped for this challenge we will allow
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silent, non-disruptive protests, i believe right now that more house is in your situation that can hold these tensions that threatened to divide us as a, a nation, as a society, as a world and if morehouse can hold those tensions there's probably no place in this country that can hold those tensions what thomas also explained that he will not allow police to remove any protesters. rather, he says he'll shut down the commencement on the spot if it gets to that point. president biden will also make a stop at a private fundraiser today in atlanta, the cnn's camila to chalice joining us now from the white house with more good morning, camila good morning, amara victor, president biden's visit to atlanta is very important as he tries to ramp up his efforts to court black voters in georgia and other states across the country. >> now, we're being told during his visit, as you mentioned,
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he's attending a fundraiser. he's also meeting with black voters and he's given a commencement speech at more house, which has you mentioned has been met with a bit of controversy in a bit of tension on the college campus. now some students i talked to you say that they feel as though they really are critical of biden just given his administration stance on israel and their support behind israel during this conference flicked but also others say that they are open to hearing what the president has to say and his campaign advisers tell us that his speech, that he's going to give at morehouse college will really be an uplifting message. and one that touches upon overcoming adversity and also about the importance of giving back to the community in, addition to discussing israel's war with hamas, what else is the campaign focusing on with his visit well, a lot of his campaign advisers told us that he really wants to just draw this stark contrast
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between himself and trump, particularly after recent polls show that support among black voters when it comes to biden, is really dwindling in the months ahead of election, and he really wants to get in front of that by reminding voters what he has done office and how he different a differentiates himself from former president donald trump. >> and so part of this speech, he wants to really highlight a part of what he's done and also while he's in atlanta, just remind voters and connect with them on more of a human level of things that his administration, the policies has an inactive and why he feels like he's best to run as president. again and also be reelected. victor amara, back to you, camila to chalice for the white house. thanks so much. former president trump is expected to address thousands of gun enthusiasts this is at the nra convention today in dallas. now, trump has previously called themselves the best friend, gun owners ever had in the white house. and he pledged to continue to defend the second amendment trump spent friday out of the courtroom and add his son,
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barron's high school graduation, followed by a campaign event and st. >> paul, minnesota, he continued his relentless attacks on biden during his speech and falsely claimed he one minnesota and the 2020 election. cnn's alayna treene has more well victor and amara, donald trump repeatedly attacked president joe biden's mental and physical fitness during his remarks in minnesota, and he claimed that he's going to demand that the president take a drug test before participating in the upcoming presidential debates. >> take a listen to what donald trump said. >> i'm going to demand a drug test too, by the way, i know i really i don't want him coming in like the state of the union. he was high as a kite. can talk, he can walk can find his way off the stage, can't put two sentences together, although he has agreed to debate. so i don't know. maybe they know something he's gonna be so jacked up to those debates, you know, that journey
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amara donald trump had previously police said that he wanted to demand that joe biden take a drug test for any presidential debates. but what's notable about these remarks the first time that he said this since two debates being scheduled and being on the calendar, remember, we're just a little over a month until the first cnn debate on june 27. now, i also want to point your attention to another variable putin topic that donald trump interest. and that is that he believes, as does his team, that he could compete in minnesota come november. now, donald trump also claimed falsely that he actually won the state in 2020, despite us knowing that he lost the state to joe biden by seven points. however, he did come very close to a shocking upset in 2016 when he lost the state to hillary clinton by less than two percentage points. but listen his team is really repeatedly laid out some of the data saying that they believe that he can be competitive in this state and that they plan to have a presence on the
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ground in minnesota despite it being a traditionally blue state that really no republican presidential candidate had won since the 1972. and, and that of course was when richard nixon had had that victory. alayna treene, cnn, st. paul, minnesota. >> elena. thank you very much. let's bring in stand and political commentator errol louis this morning for some perspective, good morning. it's always good to see you barrel. so president joe biden, he will be meeting with black voters here in atlanta ahead of that commencement speech at morehouse tomorrow. this is, as he is his support from black voters and young voters has been eroding just in general and also in this state, a new york times and sienna college poll out this week found among registered voters, biden have 39% support vs donald trump with ten more percentage points. >> there. how crucial is a visit going to be like this here to a battleground states like georgia for biden good
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morning, amara. every battleground state will be important and this, in particular will be important also, more house is not just any black college, it's really one of the more important one that has a very important symbolic function. and so this is going to be a president biden speaking to the whole black community unity, the whole black electorate i don't know if you've ever been to an hbcu graduation, but they very closely resemble a family reunion. it's a big, big deal. most of the students are the first in their family to get a college degree. and so we can expect it here. >> here are the president layout, everything that he's done, he's not just talking to the students, he's talking to their parents, make no mistake about that. >> he's talking to their grandparents. he's talking to the whole black electorate that he has to turn out in big numbers if he wants to succeed. the polling numbers, by the way, that show donald trump surging with black voters that can be turned around in an instant in the closing weeks four years ago, at least one
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pollster, i think it was ras music had him at 31% of the black vote when the dust settled, donald trump had 8% of the black vote. >> i haven't been to an hbcu commencement and i would love to attend one and see that dynamic at play. arrow regarding this commencement speech tomorrow, how much risk is there in it? i mean, obviously this is like you said, it's an opportunity for biden to address. black voters, including the students and their parents and grandparents. as you say. but it's also an opportunity for the students to stage a protest and disrupt his speech because as you know but the students have been quite divided on the president's invitation to biden, which by the way, came before the october 7 attacks dr. thomas sounds like he's got a pretty good strategy basically saying he'll shut the whole thing down and deny protesters the photo op that they might be seeking, if that's what they choose to do. >> to meeting. he's not going to have them hauled off by the cops. it'll just send everybody home i think frankly the stern stairs from their
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parents and grandparents will probably keep everybody in line, including protesters. but of course it remains to be seen. >> so staying in atlanta, as you know, we all know the first presidential debate will be held right here in this studio on, on june 27th. and as you know, biden got pretty much most of the conditions that he had asked for, right? he wanted to in a studio, they bypass the commission on presidential debates. there's not going to be a live audience. it's going to be one of the earliest general election debates that we have seen. what is z the advantage of that. and by the way, are you surprised at how quickly all came together i'm not that surprised because it was either this or nothing. >> i mean, this is joe biden using the power of incumbency. he didn't have to agree to any debates at all. and so donald trump, of course, had to agree within hours, if not minutes to the two-week be exact terms that were dictated from the biden campaign. why? >> because he didn't have to do it at all. so this is setting it up exactly as president
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biden wants it. he wanted it early so that he can recover if there is some kind of a mistake or a gap. we wanted it to be without an audience so that there'll be a minimum of disruption. he wants mics to be he cut off so that some of the things that we've seen, some of the disruptions from his opponent, donald trump that we saw four years ago, won't be a factor. is basically setting the table exactly as he wants. it's not a guarantee of a good debate performance but he is definitely calling the tune and donald trump has no choice but to dance to that, tune. >> errol louis, we'll leave it there. thank you so much. >> hundreds of pallets of life-saving aid are slowly starting to reach gaza through a new floating pier installed by the us military. but officials say it is not enough to stomach crisis. from getting even worse. we have the latest ahead plus more palate pro protest and arrests of university of pennsylvania overnight, what we know about the protesters tried to occupy a main building on campus, plus
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former president trump's former fixer, michael cohen heads back to the witness stand and the criminal hush money trial on monday we'll break down some of the testing moments so far and whether it's enough to sway a jury the assignments are going off and playing the tornado here i'm thinking language die and i thought that was it while and earth with liev schreiber premieres june 2, id nine on cn sometimes it takes a different approach to see the difference you can make around you this capella universities game changing flux path format, set your own deadlines and access coursework
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or just stopped by granger for the ones who get it done? >> when you overdo it, undo it with the pepto that's right for you at dot has very fast belts, cherry juice with those liquid caps that may relief get your pepto when you purchase a pair of bomba sox ties, or underwear you also donate one to someone facing homelessness. >> one purchased equals one donated 100 million donations and counting visit and get 20% off your first order. >> these days, everyone staring at screens arching their spending, good vision is more important than ever. but so it's saving. that's why america's best includes a free eye exam when you buy two pairs of glasses for justice 79, 95, book an exam online today. >> i'm alex harakat in washington, and this is cnn new this morning, the israeli military says more than 300
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pallets of humanitarian aid were delivered to gaza through a new floating pier installed by the us military. >> this comes at a time when the un humanitarian agency tells us that gaza is facing a dire food situation yesterday, the idf says the bodies of three is hostages who were killed while escaping the nova music festival october 7 were found in gaza. a family member says they were told their loved one's body was recovered from a tunnel. the newest comes as the situation in rafah in southern gaza grows, as real appears to be moving forward toward his full-scale invasion we have a lot to discuss this morning with david sanger, white house, national security correspondent for the new york times. his new book, new cold war's is out now. david, good to see you. let's start here with, we know that jake sullivan, the president's national security adviser. he's headed over this weekend is going to be first going to saudi arabia to speak with
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crown prince mohammad bin salman. i want to get back to that if we can't a little later, but he's then going on tomorrow on to meet with prime minister netanyahu and going to say that if he got in a rafa, we still need to see the plan to target this and not goh in in this large scale way is that any more effective or less effective now, that the president has threatened to hold back some of those offensive weapons, iv they go in and away in the us, deems is unnecessary all right, now, victor, and good morning. >> it's not clear that the israelis are listening very carefully to what president biden has to say, or particularly carrying what he and his other emissaries have on this point the consistent message to the israelis since december or january has been, if you're going to go into rafah you need a plan to move
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the more than 1 million people who were in the city and many of them were refugees already from the north to some place where they can get food and medical care and have a place to sleep. and that plan is really never arrived. we've seen a lot of people leaving rafah in recent times just flowing out, do it. but they still, as you said, at the opening, are facing these huge food shortages. so it's not clear at this point that there's much the administration can do about that what they would hailed were 2000 pound bombs, because the administration was fearful with the israelis would use those in a dense civilian area and it would cause widespread civilian casualties, as well as going after hamas this new peer we heard from the white house is now open and operatives starting with i believe, 90 trucks per day, they want to ramp up to 150, although the un
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says what's needed is closer the 450, 500 to supply necessary materials. >> how much does this change the humanitarian situation they're considering? we know from the un it's so far below what's necessary, especially as we head into what's going to happen and rafah oh that's right. >> and and the un has said and others have said that they are approaching famine conditions. there anything helps, and the pier is an innovative solution to the problem because it creates a new opening. but as you say, 150 trucks isn't going to go do it? 450 would make a significant dent assuming that all of the other openings remain open. and one down near rafah has been closed down in recent times as this operation has gone on so it's not sure that there's much net progress here. >> secretary blinken met last
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night with arab american, palestinian american leaders. from what we know, this is the third such meeting since the war began back in october. let's look at this from policy and then from politics. from a policy standpoint, are these meetings having any the influence over the administration or the people were meeting with secretary blinken seeing what they're expecting or hoping for well there's been division inside the administration about how to go deal with israel, whether or not to cut off some of the weaponry that we were discussing. and secretary blinken was sort of the early edge of taking a tougher line with the israelis back in december and january. >> it's the president himself who was reluctant to take the step until a few weeks ago. they're all pretty frustrated with dealing with bibi netanyahu the prime minister
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secretary blinken, has been over there, right? seven or eight times and has dealt with the prime minister of course which we've seen the cia director bill burns goh over both meeting with the prime minister and then trying to do the hostage negotiations this weekend, jake sullivan, and they all come back with the similar frustration that they just don't feel as if they're getting any place because prime minister netanyahu says well, i've got this coalition government. i'm under huge pressure from my right. there's not much i can do for you and that's been the dynamic. >> clearly, there is a political impetus here and political concern by the political side of the white house and the campaign that this is losing the president critical votes in key states like michigan. >> yeah, let me circle back to this. jake sullivan trip and i said i wanted to come back to the meeting and saudi arabia with the crown prince mbs, there there is this discussion
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of and work really toward for some time saudi arabia officially acknowledging diplomatically, israel. is there any likelihood that there will be progress there, especially if it requires israel to make some steps to 4d the foundation of a second state of a palestinian state. does this go anywhere well, it's a great question, victor, before october 7 it was it looked like it was steaming ahead and there are some who believe that hamas is decision to do the attack on october 7. >> and we don't know exactly what motivation was was partly to avoid having the recognition of israel by the most important and powerful suni arab state now jake sullivan, who's been one of the architects of this, is trying to get this back on track it requires two things.
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>> victor, if the saudis are going to recognize israel, israel in return, would have to recognize a two-state solution of palestinian state living alongside israel and so far it's prime minister netanyahu has said absolutely not. it's not going to do that. i don't know how they get past that. the second is that the united states would have to reach an agreement in which saudi arabia will get a good deal of nuclear technology. and of course, the concern is they would turn it to bomb purposes the administration got to come up with a mechanism to ensure that wouldn't happen. it's a real stretch between now and getting the suit congress david sanger. >> thanks so much. >> a misunderstanding. that is how world number one golfer scottie scheffler is describing his arrest when alleged assault on a police officer will have details next let's try this
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howard, the driver of the truck that caused the bus to crash, told officers he had smoked marijuana oil the night before the crash. he now faces 80 counts dui, manslaughter all right. >> that the man's world number one golfer, scottie scheffler says he was rattled by his arrest over what he's calling a big misunderstanding with police it happened just before dawn, friday outside the valhalla golf club in louisville, kentucky now, scheffler is facing four charges, including fellow let me assault on a police officer after trying to drive around the scene of a fatal traffic accident outside the club, then hours later after being booked in jail and release scheffler was teeing off the second round of the championship the end of the day, tie that third place. you cnn's brian take the world's number one golfer, scottie scheffler, defending himself after being charged with assaulting a police officer at the scene of a traffic accident in louisville, kentucky it was a chaotic situation in a big big
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misunderstanding and i can't can't comment on any of the specifics of it. the incident occurred a scheffler was trying to enter the valhalla golf club in louisville friday morning for the second round of the pga championship, one of the sport's major tournaments, louisville police say they were working a separate traffic fatality when scheffler attempted to drive past the scene they say when an officer, detective bryan gillis stopped scheffler and attempted to give him instructions, quote, subject refused to comply and accelerated forward, dragging detective gillis to the ground. the detective was injured, though not seriously, we're talking about the number one player in the world, right? >> who is injured? contents in at a major championship. and then is arrested before his tee time, probably an hour-and-a-half before his tee time. and it's this type of adversity that you really never see in the game of golf espn journalist jeff darlington witnessed the arrest and filmed it. >> they told him to stop when he didn't stop the police officer attached himself to the
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vehicle, scheffler then traveled another ten yards before stopping the car the police officer then grabbed that is arm, attempting to pull him out of the car. before scheffler eventually opened the door, darlington film scheffler being led away in handcuffs, police telling him to stay back. >> right now. what right now? he's going to jail. >> okay. okay. >> he's going to jail can do about theory. i there's there's nothing you can do a bad thing. >> my body was just i was shaking the whole time. i was shaken for like an hour. >> it seems to be a key said he said situation scheffler says he was proceeding as directed by officers and his attorney says he never assaulted and officer with his vehicle in almost surreal set of events surrounding a golfer with a so far sterling reputation. >> he is probably one of the most docile guys and professional golf. he's just an incredibly happy go lucky, kind. two individuals. >> we have a scenario where scottie scheffler could be hoisting the trophy on sunday
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evening and then going to court scottie scheffler's attorney says the golfer will plead not guilty to the charges and will cooperate fully with the investigation. as part of his statement, scheffler also expressed sympathy with the family of the deceased accident victim saying, quote, it truly puts everything in perspective. bryan, todd, cnn, washington, and carolyn manna will have much more on this in sports coming up in just about 15 minutes from now this week, donald trump said he had a very, very good day in court after watching his legal team, but barred his former fixer, michael cohen on the stand. >> one of those dramatic moments in fort next the russians were trying to spy on us. we were spying on them i was frank this is a war but secret was secretes insulin hi a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2, that ten on so i hear
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trump's former lawyer, but eventually served him last night in florida. giuliani is expected to appear before a judge in arizona on tuesday, michael cohen, donald trump's former lawyer and fixer at the center of the hush money trial will return burn to the stand on monday for a fourth day. trump's defense teams is set to continue their cross-examination of cohen on thursday, he faced hours of intense questioning as defense attorneys accused him of lying during his testimony. cnn's kara scannell has the latest trump's ex lawyer, michael cohen, in a dramatic moment on the stand, grilled over his memory of a key phone conversation that directly implicates former president donald trump in his criminal trial. nobody wants to do this. this isn't fun. they get personal, they get nasty. >> trump's lawyer, todd blanche confronted color when on his testimony about the deal at the center of the case, that he paid off adult-film star stormy daniels before the 2016 election to kill her story of an alleged affair with trump, which trump denies cohen, who
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is the prosecution's key witness, testified earlier this week that on october 24, 2016, he made a phone phone call to trump's bodyguard, keith schiller. he said he used schiller as a conduit to speak with trump to say the daniel deal was resolved and he was moving forward, but an intense exchange inside the courtroom that could undermine his testimony. blanche showed records that moments before the brief one-minute and 32nd call cohen sent a text to schiller for help with prank calls. he was receiving from a 14-year-old. there was no mention of daniels in the text. blanche showed the text messages cohen said, who can i speak to regarding harassing calls to my cell and office, the dope forgot to block his number schiller responded, call me. cohen told the defense attorney today he didn't remember the harassing phone calls, but after confronted with them, maintained, he spoke to schiller and also trump blanche pacing the courtroom, his arms flailing and his voice rising, set to cohen. that was
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a lie. you did not talk to president trump on that night. you talked to keith schiller about what we just went through, admitted. cohen calmly replied, no, sir, i don't know that it's accurate blanche moved to show the jury texts between cohen and the team, cohen writing this number has just been sent to secret service for your ongoing and continuous harassing calls over the past three days if you are a minor, i suggest you notify your parent or guardian the prankster replied, i didn't do it. i'm 14. please don't. cohen responded. please have your parent or guardian contact me before secret service reaches out to them, before getting to the phone call, blanche spent the morning trying to paint cohen as a vengeful liar. cohen confirmed he has insulted trump countless times, including on his may of culpa podcast. blanche played clips for the jury are truly hope that this man ends up in prison. but revenge is a dish best served cold. and you better believe i want this man to go down and rot inside for
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what he did to me and my family blanche, also pressed cohen repeatedly about lying to congress in 2017 about the trump organizations, moscow project. >> there are a couple of different lies. blanche asked that's correct. cohen replied. cohen later, apologize to congress during his on-camera testimony in 2019 i am sorry for my lies and for lying to congress. i have done some real soul searching and i see now that my ambition and the intoxication of trump power had much to do with the bad decisions in part that i made kara scannell, cnn, new york all right. >> still to come following a terrifying storm that has left a large swath of the houston area without power. people there will now have to deal with soaring temperatures the assignment with audie cornish listen wherever you get your podcasts this guy kept shoot
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>> optimum enhanced calming for cats. >> have your cat sprays outside the litter box, fights with other cats were scratches the furniture, they could be telling you they're stressed to help them feel more calm, try feel away. optimum houston is facing a triple digit heat index, hundreds of thousands of people without power after violent storms pounded the city this week, at least seven people were killed in the destructive storms. >> and so winds up to 100 miles per hour tear through the houston area this morning, we're going to happen million customers across texas and louisiana are still without power. and that outage could last for weeks. not good news. cnn meteorologist, at least rafah joining us now. hi there early. so what's the latest? >> yeah, we're watching that heat that will build for people without access to power or air conditioning still more than a half million people without power mode most of them in texas, most of them nearby houston area. and if you look at that heat index the next couple of days, this is the temperature tacked on with the
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humidity, so it will feel hotter than it is. we cannot heat index value is approaching triple digits and brownsville corpus christi, middle and upper 90s for your heat index. and houston with those real fields in the low and middle 90s again in area without power. so it may be hard to get access to air conditioning. we also have air quality alerts and effect because with that air so hot, it could be stagnant and it can trap that ground-level ozone that comes out of the tailpipes of our car. so that means that the air quality is poor around the houston metro, even down into galveston could be could be problematic and unhealthy for sensitive groups, especially those with any heart or lung, a sickness or disease. so something to keep in mind, be careful as you're doing that clean up outside. we do have a line of storms that's really pounding new orleans this morning, stretching all the way up into central georgia with some heavy rain and some lightning the flood risk continues along the gulf coast, be able to flood watch and effect from new orleans through towards panama city, where we have some warnings and effect right now and up into south and
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central georgia, we're looking at widespread two to five inches of rain. and this area is already pretty saturated on top of this, this severe risk continues as we go through the day today, you'd see that yet hello, slight, two out of five risk for panama city to jacksonville where we can continue to find damaging winds, large hail, and a few tornadoes as we go through the date today. so storms continue to fire up in the south east as we go through the day today. and additional round as we go through tomorrow, then our eyes will set to the central plains, where we will have an additional severe threat ramp-up through tomorrow and monday. >> all right. at least a rafah. thank you. the fantasy of an art heist has always captivated the public eye, but what many don't realize is that these stories are rooted in real life events. >> cnn's randy k takes us behind the scenes to the 1990s boston during one of the biggest art heists in history 81 minutes. >> that's how long it took to pull off the biggest art heist in history. it was st.
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patrick's day weekend, 1990 the two thieves posed as boston police officers and convinced one of the security guards at boston's isabella stewart gardner museum the buzz them in. it was about 1:30 in the morning the path is interesting. >> they took the guards after they handcuffed them and tape them and brought them into the basement about 24 minutes elapsed before we see them again motion detectors place throughout the museum, picked up their trail for nearly an hour and a half. and it's in this hallway where we see the first motion detectors goh off. so it's about 1:48 and then walking down this hallway together and they enter the dutch room, which is right there exactly. and from the dutch room, they took six pieces and that's where interpreting the rembrandt the three rembrandt's, the vermeer, the flink the chinese vessel and that's where in terms of dollar value, that's when the lion's share of the theft occurred. >> as the clock ticked, one thief stayed behind in the dutch room and cut some of the paintings out of their frames
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the other thief headed back down the hallway same path backwards goes through the early italian room, the raphael room, all over all the while passing incredibly priceless art and walks back through to the short gallery where the thief takes five sketches by degas and a napoleonic finial from a top of a flag that napoleon's first regimen carried. later, this oil painting by edward manet was taken from the blue room on the first floor it hung right below manys portrait of his mother. >> it was about eight by ten, and it was gold gilded frame, and it was here adding to the mystery, even though motion detectors picked up the thieves trail by the entrance on the first floor and all throughout the second floor, there are no records of anyone entering the blue room. >> and if the thieves knew how to evade the motion detectors, why would they only do so in the blue room? at 2:41 a.m. the
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door to the museum opens and closes, and then opens and closes again. four minutes later, it must have taken the thieves those two trips in and out to load up the art, then justice suddenly as they arrived, the thieves were gone randy k cnn boston tune in tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. for how it really happened, gardner art highest stealing, beauty sports with carolyn mannose up next for over 25 years, love sack has been rewriting the rules of comfort. >> it's okay to change your style, get messy yet immersed with love, sac you make the
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championship in louisville, despite all that he not only play, but he played well. yeah. amino is with this now, so scheffler is still faces the very real prospect of criminal charges. but he focused play pretty well. >> yeah, this was exceptional. he's always been able to compartmentalize that's what makes him the best. but i mean, to finish his round 9.5 hours after he was handcuffed. nobody had that on scottie scheffler's bingo card heading into the second round, least of all, hin everybody at valhalla golf club was aware of what occurred by the time he came back to the clubhouse around nine, eight pm yesterday morning, and he took to the range about 30 minutes before he was set to start a second round, which is not a ton of time to warm up, but at ten await, he had all the applause from the crowd. he ended up teeing off took a few holes for him to settle in, but he ultimately didn't waste much time cemented himself as a favorite to win the peace jay championship, the world number 1's final 16 holes. bogey-free, any carded a five under 66, which is incredibly
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impressive given the circumstances and putting the masters champs squarely and contention for his second major win of the season. afterwards, he admitted reality still hadn't really set in i feel like my head is still spin. >> i i can't really explain what happened this morning i did spend some time stretching in a jail cell that was a first for me. i was part of a warm up. i was just sitting there waiting and started going through my warm-up. i felt like there was a chance to maybe able to still come my or play and so my start going through my routine. i tried to get my heart rate down as much as i could today, but like i said, i still feel like my head spin a little bit scheffler and everybody else chasing this man, xander schauffele after a record time first-round schauffele followed that up with a solid debris friday with four birdies again, just one foci to finish it, 12 under and taking a one-shot lead to see looks to finally break through. >> and when his first career major meantime, tiger woods this will not be around for the weekend and louisville missing the cut after shooting six over on friday including triple bogeys on two of his first four holes, making it 11 straight
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rounds at majors in which tiger has not broken even par in the nba playoffs, the home team has won every game so far in this series between the nixon pacers, and that was true again friday night after getting run out of madison square garden and game five, indiana, bouncing back at home with the style of play that has worked so well for them all season so log, sharing the basketball six any player scoring and double-figures led by 25 points from pascal siakam as the pacers force a winner-take-all game seven back in an image this g on sunday and finally, the florida panther is now for winds away for making it back-to-back staley cup final appearances, game tied with less than three minutes left and regulation the captain, alexander barkat, taking one for the team literally here, a slap shot from david posture, knock, giving him square in the left palm, preventing the goal. now those gloves might be heavily padded, but not right there he's sacrifice rewarded though, because a minute and a half later, gustaf for sling winning it, beating jeremy swim


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