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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  May 18, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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result of simply losing weight? eight or is more happening here because even people who didn't lose weight on wegovy still showed these cardiovascular benefits and some scientists are thinking, is this because of how semaglutide is can reduce inflammation in the body, or is more happening wow, that's the question. okay. that's good, intriguing. but then did the study address any kind of side effects, especially if you're on at long term. >> there were no new side effects that emerged over the four-year period that we didn't already know about. so we already know about side effects like diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, those did emerge for some people, but those are side effects we already knew about. but over the four years, people who did lose weight, they were able to sustain the weight loss. so these long-term effects, yeah, they're important to watch over time, especially we're now at a place where at least 25,000 people are taking a semaglutide each week? >> yes, that especially because
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it's very expensive. exactly i mean, it's not necessarily within reach for a lot of people, but still that number is significant and the cost is something that i'm sure we're going to hear more about overtime hi, ms more people start taking these drugs that cost about $1,000 a month without insurance? yeah. all right. jacqueline howard. thanks so much all right. and a quick programming node tonight, join us for an intimate look at the pioneers inspired to help humanity and transform society for the best champions for change. that's tonight at 9:00 p.m. right here on cnn hello again everyone. thank you so much for joining me on fredricka whitfield. were following significant new developments in the arrest of golfer scottie scheffler, cnn has learned that there is no police bodycam footage of the incident that led to the stunning friday arrest of the world's number one men's golfer, scheffler says de rattled by his arrest that he
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calls a real a big misunderstanding with police. it unfolded just before dawn yesterday outside the valhalla golf club and loyal lives will kentucky scheffler is accused of injuring and officer who tried to stop him from driving through the scene of a fatal traffic accident outside the club. >> scheffler was book put in jail temporarily and is now facing four charges, including felony assault of a police officer. we've got team coverage from louisville patrick snail is covering the tournament for us and gloria pazmino is looking at the investigation. let's begin with you, gloria, you spoke with the mayor of louisville about the incident and what are you learning well, friday is significant development learning is that there is no police cam video shows a weighing the full interaction between scottie scheffler and the officer who arrested him. and the reason i say that's a key development is because this is boiling down to who is
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telling the right version of the story. >> we know scheffler and his attorney have said this was all a big miss understanding. we know that scheffler is cooperating with the investigation. he's been complimentary of police but we also know is that the police in their incident report said that scheffler did not obey the orders of an officer that was at the site near the golf course trying to direct traffic following a car accident that had happened morning. he did not listen to the officer. he proceeded towards the entrance of the golf course and it was during that moment that the officer was dragged. he was injured and he was taken to the hospital as a result, that's where scheffler is getting the felony charge of assaulting a police officer. so now we're learning there is no footage of this interaction. there our other video angles from the area that the police are
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currently reviewing what we do not have the beginning of the interaction, take a listen to the mayor you're speaking to us just a little while ago the officer did not have a bodycam footage turned on during the incident. we will release footage that we have a we do not have any to my knowledge, we have not yet had discovered any video of the initial contact between mr. gillis and mr. officer gillis and mr. scheffler there is some footage from across the street of a fixed camera. >> when mr. scheffler was being arrested. and we will release that footage in the coming days after wearing a karam and it was on or there was no camping on. >> i don't have certainty on that answer. we will get certainty for you on that though. when we released the footage that we do have available now, friday, i did ask the mayor whether he believes those charges against
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shafir should be dismissed. >> he said he didn't want to comment i'm john, that i also asked him whether or not he is concerned that if the charges are dismissed, that it'll send a message to the community here that certain people are treated differently by police depending on their circumstances. he did not want to get into all of that. he said he's going to let the criminal a process play out here. and hopefully, we will be seeing some video released from the scene in the next several days, fred. okay, gloria, thanks so much for that. let's check it with patrick's now there at the golf course. so despite scheffler's arrest, she's done pretty well so far. how's it looking today yeah, he really has spread very impressive in de, quite incredible when you reflect on the chain of events to play it out on friday from stretching and his jail cell in the door now, in the early hours of friday morning, too hot footing it here to the golf club and making his tee time just about
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i really inspired by the energy feeding off the crowd who are making a real show of support for him. >> he had a couple of early birdies and that really signaled the intent for his round, which was very impressive in de, when you reflect an all he'd been through a five-under six 66 on friday for scheffler. really power is way up the leaderboard. so that was impressive in its own right. but as i said, it's all about golf was in their routine it's friday, like creatures of habit, they liked to stay in the zone and scheffler was very quick to do that after his round on friday and we saw this very powerful imagery from videos. we saw him interacting with the fans. he's very comfortable with the fans. he's always very generous with his time. he was signing autographs and also the surprising imagery surprising, yes, because he was actually talking with police officers as well. maybe we wouldn't have expected that, given as i say, what had transpired earlier in the day. and then after his round, typical scottie scheffler, not just his trademark resolute play, but taking time out to speak with
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reporters afterwards and reflecting on all he'd been through a lot of players would have just completed healy backed away from that, not even come set foot in the media zone. scheffler did that. he was very open. he was very honest at times. he was engaging, he was humorous, and he was especially thankful to be even playing on friday take a listen i definitely never imagined ever going to jail and i definitely never imagined going to jail the morning before no one of my t times for sure, but yeah. >> like i said, i was i was grateful to be able to go out there and compete and yeah, it was definitely it was it was a nice round of golf. my heart goes out to the family but outside of that, yeah. i'm glad to be out. you're compete and doing what i love and fred scheffler teeing off for his third round and just over 20 minutes from right now, another change for him. >> it's won't have his regular cash i think on his bag, ted scott will not be on his back.
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he's attending his daughter's high school graduation instead pga tour chaplain brad payne will be on his back today carrying for scheffler. so cool moment there for brad payne, fred all right. showing tremendous confidence in cool all right. patrick's now. gloria pazmino, thanks to both to be appreciate it all right. >> happening right now. >> two presumptive nominees for the white house are preparing for a pair of dueling campaign events. >> former president trump is set to speak and just a few hours at the national rifle association convention in dallas, while president biden is now in atlanta where he is holding several events in an effort to bolster support among black voters. biden will deliver a commencement address at morehouse college tomorrow, but that visit is drawing criticism from some students who are at odds with the white house his handling of the war in gaza, speaking to cnn, more houses, presidents disruptions at tomorrow's graduation will not be tolerated. >> we will also not ask police
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to take individuals out of commencement in zip ties. if faced with the choice, i will cease the ceremonies on the spot. >> if we were to reach that position but this will not be a place where there will be an a national photo-op. >> of individuals being taken out of the morehouse campus in zip ties. >> all right. that's the morehouse president. cnn's arlette saenz is with us now. i hear in atlanta, so our lead, i mean, it's not just more house where the president will be making visits, but he's got a couple of campaign events this evening here in atlanta, and then of course you'll be heading on to detroit to speak at the end of lacp dinner. but at the core is a focus that he wants to present. dan particularly in an outreach effort to black voters. what might bds message? >> well, yeah, president biden is trying to make this fresh appeal to corp. black voters a constituency that was key to
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his election back in 2020. but there have been some signs of narrowing in support from black voters towards biden when you take a look at recent polls heading into november. so part of the campaign and the white house has pushed this week is really trying to get president biden in front of black voters talking to them about the issues that they think will the white house has helped advance and could help them as they're heading into that november election. now, president biden did arrive in atlanta a short while ago. he was actually greeted on the tarmac by some notable morehouse alums, including senator raphael warnock, also the mayors of birmingham and another city in the south. were also on hand for that event. both of those men were two people that the administration had actually talk to in preparation for the speech that biden will give at morehouse college tomorrow, the white house has been very focused on trying to ensure that biden is lifting up the graduating students one person told me he's going to be there as a commencement speaker, not as a foreign policy speaker, but it does come at a time when
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you have seen frustration from some on-campus, some students, some faculty about the fact that he was invited to commencement due to his handling of the conflict in gaza. in fact, the white house actually sent down a sudden white house officials to meet one-on-one with a a small group of students. i'm told about half of that meeting focused on the issues of gaza, but also issues that they believe were of concern to students, including concern among some that some of this attention could overshadow the fact that they are graduating this de, it's clear that the white house and campaign has acknowledged that they have more work to do with voters as they're trying to rebuild that coalition that helped get him to the white house back in 2020. >> it sounds like he's he's really tasked with trying to strike a balance on speaking about the relevance of the current events. at the same time, he has to inspire because, you know, all the graduates and their families want to be inspired by by a president's, a commencement of visit, but not to be overlooked or the current state of affairs. alright. arlette saenz. great to see you. thanks
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so much all right. >> former president trump he's in dallas today where he will speak this afternoon at the annual nra convention the gun rights organization has seen a major shakeup in recent months following a series of scandals. cnn's steve contorno is in dallas for today's speech. so steve, good to see you with all the controversy surrounding nra. how influential might this event b there's no question that the nra is not the same organization that endorsed donald trump for president eight years ago. >> it has been rocked by scandals, financial mismanagement, leadership shake-ups and we're talking to some republican strategist, one of them told us, quote, i haven't heard anything about the inra since i literally can't remember when. i just think they're not relevant anymore. now the question is though, can this organization still help donald trump in the trump campaign believes that it can his organization has it's been meeting with political
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operatives for the nra as part of this broader outreach, too conservative groups, trying to get all their ducks in a row before the summer and fall. and but, but the degree to which they can help is still in question. this organization gave donald trump or supported donald trump to the tune of 30 million in the 2016 election. it is not clear they have nearly that kind of money to spread around this cycle, but donald trump is coming here today to reaffirm that he is a strong second amendment mehmed supporter. he has previously told us organization that he would unravel all the policies that joe biden has done over here his four years in office. and look, this is an area where there's a lot of contrast between the current administration and the president trump. he is someone who has said he wants to undo everything biden has done. biden has said he would go even further and pushed for an assault weapons ban. so this is something that's going to be a major talking point throughout the campaign. and we're going to hear from donald trump trump later day for his pitch to
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voters in 2024. >> all right. steve contorno in dallas. thanks so much. still to come exclusive video obtained by cnn this shows sean diddy combs physically assaulting his then girlfriend cassie ventura during a 2016 altercation. new reaction from the los angeles county district attorney's office next now, at t professionally installs google nest products you're all set are in the system. we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt. artificial intelligence is transforming agriculture, advancing life-saving healthcare, and strengthening small businesses
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exclusively obtained by cnn that appears to show sean diddy combs hitting and kicking his then-girlfriend, cassie ventura inside of a hotel back in 2016. >> now has the attention of the los angeles police department in a statement from the department, they say they are aware of the video. they go on to say there is not an open lapd investigation involving mr. combs, the los angeles da is also reacting, saying if the conduct depicted occurred in 2016, and unfortunately, we would be unable to charge as the conduct would have occurred beyond the timeline or a crime of assault can be prosecuted end quote. cnn's elizabeth wagmeister walks us through her exclusive reporting and we have to warn you what you're about to see is disturbing new surveillance footage obtained exclusively by cnn appears to corroborate some of the allegations of abuse against music mogul sean diddy combs, the video captured on multiple
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cameras shows combs wearing only a towel, assaulting his then-girlfriend, cassie ventura, in a hallway at a los angeles hotel in march 2016, a lawsuit filed by ventura in november last year and settled the next day referenced actions that seemed to match those seen in this video. >> there is no audio according to the complaint, combs became extremely intoxicated and punched ms ventura in the face, giving her a black eye, which according thank to the lawsuit prompted ventura to try and leave the hotel room. the surveillance video obtained by cnn begins as she enters the hallway. the complaint says, as she exited, mr. combs awoke and began screaming at ms ventura. he followed her into the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her. the complaint goes on to say he grabbed her and then took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her in the surveillance video, cams can be seen grabbing ventura and throwing her to the ground as ventura lies on the
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ground, combs then kicks her twice and attempts to drag her on the floor back to the hotel room. ventura is seen picking up a hotel phone combs seems to walk back to the hotel room, then returns and appears to shove her in a corner moments later, he can then be seen throwing an object in her direction according to ventura's now settled lawsuit, the pair began dating several years after they met in 2005 they parted ways in 2019. combs attorney said the decision to settle was in no way an admission of wrongdoing. ventura declined to comment on the video, but her attorney told cnn the gut-wrenching video has only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. combs words cannot express the courage and fortitude that ms ventura has shown in coming forward to bring this to light. the video hasn't been seen publicly before and comes on the heels of a series of civil lawsuits alleging combs involvement in sex trafficking
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and sexual abuse allegations that combs has repeatedly denied authorities, searched combs homes in los angeles and miami and march, as part of an ongoing federal investigation carried out by a team that specializes in human trafficking crimes. in a december 2023 statement, combs responded to the claims in some of the lawsuits saying sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday. let me be absolutely clear. i did not do any of the awful things being alleged clearly, very disturbing footage and violent actions that we are seeing coming from daddy who up until this point has denied many of these allegations from all of these lawsuits that he is facing aside from this lawsuit from casie, what she settled back in november 2023, he is facing five, seven britt lawsuits and he has been fighting back through his lawyers. in fact, just last week, we reported on a that he
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filed to dismiss a lawsuit from a jane doe that claim she was 17 years old, a minor at the time of her allegations in just a few days before that, he filed a motion to dismiss a portion of an entirely the different claim. it'll be interesting to see now how this may impact all that diddy is facing. but we have yet to hear directly from him. >> all right. thank you so much for some legal perspective now, i'd like to bring in entertainment attorney a tray lavelle hi, trey. so this is pretty significant, isn't it? just to see the graphic nature of this video while we heard from lapd and the la district attorney's office, there were not likely to be any criminal charge just because of the statute of limitations. do you see that this video will impact other civil cases that are ongoing? >> it may in a couple of ways in terms of trying to pull my
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getting other people to come out. maybe there's other video footage out that may your to the other cases, but from an evidentiary perspective probably not. with respect to the other civil cases. to the extent this is a prior bad act as we experienced through the weinstein reversal this evidence probably wouldn't come in and those cases with respect to the homeland security federal criminal investigation, that seems to be more bigger picture sex trafficking, rape, more kind of alleged lifestyle. this may be a smaller component but from an evidential perspective probably not, but certainly from the court of public opinion. >> how might this be a component of an investigation that correlates with the raid that we saw on his la and miami home yeah. >> so that ray they're focusing on on a number of things, sex trafficking, rape assault criminal abuse, criminal assault, things like that, that kind of emanated, i believe
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from the civil lawsuits it that's what kinda put this on the map for the federal government to step in and as doing their investigation and come up with evidence this this will kinda fit into their theory that, hey, this is kind of a lifestyle that he lived. this is not a one instance, a one-off. this is just part of a big picture sure allegedly that he lived this obviously, further complicates things for his defense attorneys in these civil cases how might they respond. >> to this ultimately, or will they refrain from responding and just wait until the civil litigation matter? net process gets underway. >> well, it's interesting. they may refrain from responding. it's part, it's possible that during cassius civil cases settlement there was initially to confidentiality that they married. there may have been non-dispersive provisions just means either party cannot come
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out and talk about about the other. so that may contractually prevent that in front of them. i'm really discussed in this, but besides that, when you have a video like this, there's a couple of ways to handle it. first, you can try to explain it's a you didn't see what happened before was really bad, leaded this. i don't think that's going to work in this case. the video kinda stands on its own because it's so disturbing and besides that, you kinda distanced itself. so this relationship with with cassie, we had issues, but this had nothing to do with any of my other situations and the other allegations. they're going to try to distance it and really kinda segregated, put it in its own room. >> yeah. no matter what, that's a tough one to justify tray level. thank you. so yeah. yeah. i mean, it's tough dre level. >> thank you so much. >> all right last hour president biden arrived in atlanta for a weekend, aimed at shoring up support from black voters. >> the president of the alpha kappa, how plus sorority, who met with biden yesterday, joins me live next riyadh saves new
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now and see how much you can save, how it really happened tomorrow at nine on cnn close captioning is brought to you by christian faith publishing, right? >> for a higher purpose published with us. christian faith publishing is an author friendly publisher who understands it. your labor is more than just a book color scan for your free riders guide, 800 551827. >> all right. it's a critical weekend for president biden as he looks to secure support from a critical voting block ahead of the 2024 election black voters propelled him to the white house four years ago. but polls show that support has eroded among some during his time in the oval office. this week, the biden campaign is making a concerted effort to reenergize that support speaking tomorrow at the commencement of morehouse college and attending an end acp dinner in detroit, morehouse college in atlanta on friday president biden spoke at the museum of african-american history and culture and held an
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oval office meeting with leaders of the divine nine, a group of that is the nine historically black fraternities and sororities that are on campuses across the country, joining me right now, one of the people who attended that meeting, a debt, anthony read is the president and ceo of alpha kappa alpha sorority, aka and incorporated international and de not i am not an aka. i just happened to where the green, but now we're coordinated with your aka pink and green colors purely coincidental and it looks good on you thank you so much. so the relationship between this white house and the divine nine has been deepening since the 2020 campaign. the vice president as a member of your sorority, aka how have you seen the benefits coming from this commitment, this relationship? >> well, here's a couple of things. first, thank you for having me on fredricka, but one of the things that i would say
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is significant. this is the first time that the council of presidents of the divine nine had been invited to the white house to sit in the oval office to be able to share with the president and the vice president the issues and concerns of blacks in america and represent our constituents what were some of the concerns that were discussed in yesterday's meeting? what did you help convey? are liters of the fraternities and sororities that were represented there. what was conveyed, and what was the information you got in return we talked about what president biden i think he understood is the significance of black americans as an important voting block. >> so we talked about that we talked about how alpha kappa alpha and the other divine nine have been very, have always at
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a standing commitment to social justice and activism and what we have is all social pillars are pillars to make sure that we impact our organizations and the communities. >> so what do i mean when we talk about pillars, we talked about that we try to educate our members and the community on what the the opportunities and choices are out there. >> we make sure that we register them and get them set to vote. and then also we make sure we mobilize, we create community mobilization to go out and make sure that we get the vote. and that we all understand what's coming for us or what the candidates are i mean, to us in 2020 harris has nomination attracted hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from black sorority and fraternity. a lot with many of harris's sorority sister ascending $19.08 a call back to
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the year aka was founded is that still happening with that kind of veracity and pace of for this 2024 election you know al-furqan alpha as a whole is nonpartisan, but members have a choice to support those candidates that they choose and quite a few are choosing to support. and they can choose to do 1908 or any dollar value that they want to do. they might do 1908, but each support makes a difference and it's their choice on which way they can go. our biggest thing is make sure that we focused on soaring to the polls, that they get out understand what's going on, because we're in the education phase now that's the phase we're in now, we're making sure that our members and our community members understand what each of the different parties bring to us the president will be at morehouse college tamara for the commencement address and as
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you know, there were a lot of students who were not happy with the decision and have also taken the position that some of those students are not happy with the position of the white house on the war on gaza among other things. >> what do you believe the message from the president needs to be tomorrow to appeal to the morehouse graduating men these also speaking to their parents, their grandparents, because i have to borrow from our friend arrow louis this morning who reminded us of so many graduations at hbcus are really like family reunions. >> i mean, i'm a graduate of howard university, so i know exactly what he's talking about and what that feels like. >> but what might be your advice to the present tomorrow as he tries to engage with the more house college community i think there's two pieces to that he needs to make sure that he listens. listening to
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understand what their concerns are, and then make sure that it's a multi-generational answer because like you said, is not only those who are graduating, but it's also their parents and grandparents, i think what he asked to do, as i said, we're in the education phase is two pieces. he needs to simply explain what he has done and then go back and say, if he's reelected, what he will do because he understands the concerns and issues of black americans. those are the key things that i think he has to do dan that anthony read president and ceo of aka. i thank you so much for being with us this afternoon thank you for inviting us and let me tell you, it was a very informative meeting and the group of the divine nine, we all agree. >> we will work together thank you. >> wonderful. thanks so much in that all right. >> it's telecom following a terrifying storm of that left all large swath of the houston area without power for people there will now have to deal
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remains safe. it's the latest hurdle for the region as they race against today's severe weather cnn sener, national correspondent at 11, has more from houston it might be tornado season, but the storm system that ripped through southeast texas on thursday evening left damage that was more reminiscent of a hurricane. >> this it is a popular dance club in downtown houston. the winds were so ferocious hurricanes, strength winds that rip through here. it ripped away the back wall of this let's dance, dance club, dropping almost three stories worth of briggs onto a parking lot and crushing a car here. the devastation in the damage throughout downtown houston has been extensive. windows blown out from high-rise buildings. several people killed by falling trees and a crane that was blown over as i mentioned, there was a hurricane strength winds and now city officials are saying that it could be several weeks before power
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electrical power is fully restored cord across harris county here in houston in many parts of southeast texas at the pekah was nearly 1 million people who were left with power. and the bulk of that we will take to get those people back online. we are told is going to take several days and now officials are saying it could be several weeks before all of the powers restore them it'll be in the days after hurricane ike and terrible hurricane system that struck here in the houston area years ago. and as i mentioned, this has been a deadly storm, the ferocious winds that rip through here we're incredibly intense, especially in the downtown area of houston, but we have seen the power lines trees devastation really just kinda extensive. but what is coming this weekend is also rather troubling with so many people out of power. the temperatures are supposed to go up and heat indexes approaching 100 degrees this weekend. so that combination with tens of
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thousands of people without power we'll make it very different, very difficult time here in the houston area as well as many parts of southeast texas. back to you. >> all right. thank you so much. ed lavandera in houston all right when we come back, the inspirational story of one of howard university's newest graduates that shows us age is nothing but a number we are. >> living with a family and over 400,000 of us have less blood thinners behind for life. >> we've cut our stroke risk and said goodbye to our bleeding, worried with the watchman implant watchmen it's one time for a lifetime. what is circle surplus appeal to take flight circle is the
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>> it's never too late to follow your dreams. and one of howard university's newest graduates is proof positive of that. >> at 83 years young murray fowler, there she is becoming the most senior member of this year's graduating class at howard university. >> she received her doctorate in divinity more than 60 years after earning a bachelor's and two master's degrees joining us right now, dr. murray fowler. dr. fowler welcome. >> congratulations thank you so much. >> federica. thanks for having me. >> this is fantastic. so wait a minute a bachelor's wasn't enough to masters, not enough. and then you decided why not? i'm gonna go ahead and pursue this doctorate what inspired you to do is you know, my father wasn't inspiration to me growing up because because
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they could not read and write and his always said to all of us a mine is a terrible thing to waste and because he could not and my mom could not. >> that was no reason that i could not succeed. >> one, even though after this was after i had done 35 years with the federal but government retired and then i had this calling to pursue a deeper growth. >> with that, with god so i enrolled in maple springs baptist bible college and pursued my degree. i got my undergrad my bachelor's. then went ahead, got the masters and then masters of divinity. so why not do doctorate that why not? >> well, i love you heard your
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calling and so when you made that decision to say okay, i'm going to step back into the classroom. what has that experience been like being back in the classroom? being with fellow students who you could teach a thing or two, but you are all learning at the same time. what was that experience like? >> at the beginning, it was kind of challenging because i did not have a disruption for study. so i had to acquire that and when when i registered at maple springs i ask got that to help me because it was almost as if i was having a conversation with him and i said, god, you know, that i do not have a discipline for study you now, so get up and out since 1959. >> so sex you are sending me to learn more about you, then
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you're going to have to help me and i was very specific what i want it as his god, you're going to help you gonna have to help me have the ability to steady also, open my mind so that i can receive and decipher information and also be able to interpret what it is that the instructors and the bible would be saying to me. >> and i can tell you if i break so all of those things it happened i will say oldest obviously oldest. >> every class. >> yeah and then most of my professors and older than all of my professors at howard, that so great. >> but my goodness, your vitality. i mean, you are just simply and because you are so unstoppable, i have to ask you what's next because something tells me dr. murray fowler there's a next for you there
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is there is a next. >> trust me, i am not looking for employment. but what what i what i plan to drink it you know, to grow deeper in my church and i want to write a book about my experience and share my knowledge, share knowledge of god with other people. there is absolutely no reason that, that after doing all of this, that i keep all of this knowledge to myself. so i intend to share it through different program grams. maybe speaking, et cetera, with those who are willing to listen and so that they can learn what i have because i don't want anyone to not be able to understand what the bible is saying. the bible is not a book to be afraid of. and i want to share that knowledge with those who were like me at one time. you're trying to read the bible and as you know,
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fredricka, i'm sure that you have read the bible at one time or another where you say my god, all these and that thousand the begets and all of that, not be very intimidating incriminating dr. murray fowler. this has been such a pleasure and everyone who will continue to grow and be inspired by you. i mean what a gift it will be. so all the best to you congratulations. again, you're now my fellow our night. so i loved that too. thank you so much. thank you. you know. yeah, you know. but hey, i was slouch. i only have one degree but, you know what? i look to you. i'm so inspired. dr. murray fowler. thank you so much. >> all the best. >> we'll be right back sanity needs to save space you have a show were right and left talk to each other cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tonight a date on cnn so we
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your first cleaning today for just $19 this is cnn. the world's news hello again everyone. >> thank you so much for joining me on fredricka whitfield and we've got breaking news for you right now. israeli war cabinet member and former deputy prime minister benny gantz a short time ago delivering an ultimatum to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, telling him the cabinet must agree on a six point plan for the gaza common flicked by june 8th, he also threatened to leave the coalition government if netanyahu does not meet his expectations. cnn's elliott gucken is in in tel aviv for us. so tell me


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