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tv   How It Really Happened  CNN  May 19, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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preferred, better science, better results by more than liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn cnn breaking news hello, and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. >> i'm paula newton and we are following breaking news out of or-awn or state media has now confirmed the deaths s of president ebrahim raisi and the country's foreign minister after a deadly helicopter crash. now rescue crews are now at a staging area. those are live pictures where they are trying to assess where exactly the wreckage is and to begin, their recovery efforts. iranian officials say the helicopter ran into trouble amid heavy fog on sunday afternoon. images of the crash site in her ons east azerbaijan province show the remote mountainous area where the aircraft went down. and you were looking at a photo of it
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right there. the president and other officials had been attending a ceremony morning for the opening of a new near the border with azerbaijan, rescuers faced difficult weather conditions overnight, including cold and heavy fog because they scrambled to local the crash site iranians were urged to pray for the president amid news of the crash. with the country's supreme leader vowing that there will be no disruption in her arms work. cnn's paula hancocks is falling. all these developments and joins us now live from abu dhabi. we should say state media has officially declared that their presence i didn't has died and we have not heard again from the supreme leader, but just if you can bring us right up to date on what happened in any reaction that you have coming in we'll pull away now, do know that nine people on board that helicopter lost their lives in the eastern azerbaijan province we know that the president was on board. >> the foreign minister. we
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understand the governor of that province also, an imam of friday prayers of that province along with security, the pilots, the crew, nine people in, all, went down with that helicopter. now you have mentioned the dire weather conditions. it took rescue teams around 16 hours to be able to locate and get to that area itself. the rescue teams were unable to put a helicopter into the air. they said because of the weather conditions, the fact that the okc was so thick visibility was very limited. we also heard from the rescue teams that there were sub-zero temperatures, that it was extremely cold in these areas. you can see from the images, a very mountainous area in an inhospitable terrain and sparsely populated. so that's the latest information we have. we do know also from state media that the government has convened an urgent meeting.
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they say that according to a photo that was provided by state media that the chair that's set president's raisi would usually sit in, had a black sash across it for morning. we understand from state media as well that there will be details in the hours to come about the morning procession, the process, the timing, the details, all those will come to us shortly through state media but people in iran will be waking up this monday morning to this shocking news that both the president and also the top diplomat have lost their lives in this helicopter crash of course, questions will be asked internally. now about what happened, about whether why this helicopter was in the air with such dire weather conditions. we know it was in a convoy. there were three helicopters and all carrying the delegation of president
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raisi from there's an operation of the dam project just on the border with azerbaijan. there were three helicopters, two of them landed safely but the one carrying the president's and the foreign minister we know now did not paula hancocks for us and other derby continuing to track reaction really appreciate it. >> i want to bring in cnn's chief international anchor now christiane amanpour. christiane really good to have your insights here. you interviewed the foreign a little bit over a year ago, you tried to interview the president. i just want to get your reaction to what really has been shocking news will pull. it is obviously shocking news. >> and it couldn't come at a more unstable time. so iran and for the region, iran faces, as you know, those internal protests and discontent that have been brutally in the aftermath of mahsa amini's debt. and that was under the direction of president racy and supreme leader and the iranian
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revolutionary guard corps. it also comes at a time when israel war on gaza against hamas continues. and as you note perennial shadow war between israel and iran that had been going on broke into the open over the last several weeks. that somewhat subsided after the reaction from both sides. but nonetheless, it shows the peril of the situation you can imagine for the united states, for the west, one of the most important issues if the iran nuclear issue that has been somewhat contain after the 2015 nuclear agreement that president obama negotiated with iran and with europe and was rubber stamp for rubber stamped into officialdom by the entire united nations process, president trump, as the urging also, prime minister benjamin netanyahu pool, the united states out of that and that caused much more uncertainty, instability over the process of de, around nuclear program we understand
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over the last week or so, they would some word from the iaea, the un nuclear agency, that they were back in talks with iran to make sure that everything was happening above board and within the nuclear regulations, the non-proliferation treaty beattie we wait to see what kind of work they were doing on that. and it's known that the united states is trying to stabilize issues with iran, given the volatility the of the region right now as we're inside iran, as you mentioned, the supreme leader ali khamenei, issued many statements before the news that he had it's actually did actually been found dead saying that the nation was praying and you're bound to see days if not weeks of official morning organized it's all over the country. he also said that the affairs of the country will not be disrupted or disturbed. to that point, there is a active
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succession. there is a line of succession. there's the first there's the first vice president, and you're bound to see at least interim measures being put in place. to ensure the continuous running of the system at one point before the mahsa amini death and before the protests that's the riots back in 2022 raisi, a very hard line fundamentalist with being considered a successor the supreme leader ali, how who himself is elderly, news of his ill-health and sort of frailty has appear to be vastly overstated over the years. however, he is aging and there needs to be a succession. there in place if that system is to continue writing, was then considered to have some words disqualified himself will this merged and sally, his reputation given the political
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and popular uprisings against him inside iran, as well as the economy being really bad for the people. he is not considered to have brought prosperity at all to the iranian nation if you look online on social media, you can see the reaction for many, many people both outside and inside iran. his most recent legacy will have been the brutal crackdown on the freedom life processes, the women life freedom protesters. and from his very early days, he was a very senior. it's not headed the judiciary process. and he had been accused or not to choose here. he had been overseeing some of the trials in the very early days of the revolution. and in one point, signing off on one that led to the execution of thousands of anti, anti regime us officials or accidents. so his career has
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been incredibly checkered, but nonetheless, it's a big change and shop in a very volatile region are very volatile places. and as for hussein, amir, yes, i interviewed him and he is somebody who's had a huge amount of interaction with the un with international governments. and he's known very well around the world paula, because john, do you think that that will be a bit of a loss as discussing earlier, just that he was a man who certainly was nuanced in his foreign policy. perhaps did the work that president, that iec didn't want to do or wasn't capable of doing. do you think that at this pivotal time in the region and beyond that is quite a loss for iran as well. >> you know, pulling the truth of the matter is that iran is run by the supreme leader and more and more by the iranian revolutionary guard corps those
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are the people who run the country. the rest are acting at their service and their behest they are not independent you can have nuance you can have styled differences that can either be more abrasive or less. but the actual running of the country is is from a much higher level. so i think certainly an international affairs and as national security affairs. so i believe that that is likely not to change. and croissant, given that they're going to have to have alexa so as i about 50 days, i guess they've had these elections that a times give them certainly the veneer of legitimacy, if not in fact, a legitimacy do you believe that there's a potential for problems they're given there was such low turnout in the election in which president, president and i, you see was elected and given as you rightly point out, the oppressive nature of the regime and the economic turmoil
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especially what that very large young population in iran well i think that is something we need to look for. i think one of the most important political statements by the people in recent years well, since the upright things in the protests over the death of my son the desperate desire for democracy and freedom and an economic future. i think that it was very sick if he can't. and the iranian structure, the regime was shocked at the very low turnout in those recent midterm parliamentary elections. regional elections, i think the turnout was 41%, which was a historic low and for them no matter how manage these so-called elections are. and in the last several years, certainly on the raisi and before there was almost no choice. i mean, before they would play it, having some kind of choice, there would be
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potentially somebody from the reform crowd being allowed to run this time? not at all during the last presidential election, a highly managed. and so when they came to these recent elections they use that, they hoped the regime as a barometer of faith in the system where they were told that the faith and the system is crumbling because the turnout was extremely low. so i think that is something to watch very carefully for in any future election. and i do also think it's important to watch whether people decide to use this moment to again vent their anger and frustration. what they believe is incredibly bad governance failure to deliver so on their basic human needs, not to mention their human rights so i think that it is an important moment to take stock. certainly the international community g has to be fairly careful how they react. and we'll see how, how they react inside iran.
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>> yeah, when you talk about that carefully for reaction, it is quite delicate for the us administration, but also how israel reacts to this is this potentially quite de-stabilizing as you've already pointed out at quite a pivotal time in the region i think it is. >> and was israel took that? it hasn't admitted it. but the initial action to blow up the iranian consulate, embassy in damascus, syria in april, which then led to the rather potentially very dangerous, so-called for tat between iran sending some 300 missiles i wasn't drones into israel followed by an israeli strike around an area which houses one of the iran nuclear plants that could have escalated far beyond. but i remember at that point, in fact, it might have been abdullah jan or it was it was it was several officials who said that this is now done
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and they sort of put a full stop on that escalation and that which in the open conflict there, we don't know whether israel might want to use this time for any other situation, thinking that it can maybe effect some change inside iran is very unclear. certainly the us national security adviser secretary of state, was there last week and this week maybe, but us national security adviser the was there and he's going to excited radio, is there over the weekend i'm not sure but there will for sure have been some kind of discussions as everyone when he was waiting overnight to see what the results of this rescue mission was. now it's a recovery mission in east either by john province into i think the whole region saudi arabia particularly is trying to get a bilateral defense deal with the united states. and one of their
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main issues is iran of course, the united states wants to make that a trilateral with israel to ensure that the palestinian situation is properly reflected and that there is progress and meaningful progress. finally, on palestinian rights and eventually their own statehood. so it really does come they're at a very complicated time. on the other hand, it is a country which is led by above the president and foreign minister as i said the revolutionary guard corps has a huge hand in running almost all aspects of the country. most certainly the military. and foreign affairs and hand-in-hand with the supreme leader christiane. we will leave it there for now. we really appreciate you helping us a parse. what is very shocking news, the sour christiane amanpour for us. thanks so much now, i'll leave i as is the international crisis group's ron's project
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director and he joins me now from doha. thanks for being with us and we're just going to pick off or pick up where christiane left off there for us. i'm wondering what you believe will be the regional reaction here. and beyond to what has been just stunning news in the last few hours okay. >> thank. >> amid all the volatility in turmoil that we've seen the region. this is one additional point of uncertainty that the region just didn't want to see. but the reality is that iranian president's have very little say on foreign policy, even foreign minister but it's not more than a spokesperson for the ministry. and in that sense, it is really the supreme leader and the revolutionary guards who make the final decisions. and even in the region, mostly implement iran's regional policy i think overall we will see more continuity than change when you say more continuity than change though, given the fact that as i said, they want this these elections held, these they have
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to be held and 50 days is there not a risk there though, of some type of destabilization especially given the health of the supreme leader look in this region, there is always that kind of risk. but the reality is that in the next 50 days, i think the iranians will be more internally focused because they would have to organized a high-stakes election in a very short period of time. usually the vetting process in iran is quite complicated although conservatives are in control of all levers of power, but they are engaged in very serious infighting and the rupture between the states and the society is quite serious. so the system would be most likely concerned about internal undressed during the next few weeks. and in that sense, i think it's not going to focus on region as was the case in the past. let's remember that just two weeks ago, iran had a one-off parliamentary election in which only 8% of the
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capitals reddit residents actually participated at the polls. and that just shows how unpopular the region jim is at this moment in time, right and teetering towards being illegitimate given the kind of process that's in front of people. >> and only 8%, as you said, showed up for that election given that there is a risk, right? of what could happen after 50 days in this election, you mentioned that in fact, they would be internally focused. now, where do you think? leaves iranian militias proxies and how they will handle the next uncertainty in the coming weeks. and the couple of months look, we've seen a period of relative calm in iraq and syria in terms of impacts on us forces in the past last few months, i think that is likely to continue we saw the very dangerous tit-for-tat between iran and israel that thankfully did not end in an all-out war because neither iran israel really had an appetite for all war.
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>> and of course, the united states tried to its best to prevent expansion of the conflict in gaza and all of those fundamentals, i think will still be in place in the next 50 days. however, there are uncertainties as well. for instance, iranian allies like the houthis in yemen we're not really an iranian proxy and have a long track record of ignoring iranian advice. can take unilateral action without coordinating with tehran. but if it did result in significant number of casualties it might actually escalate tensions significantly. same applies to the fact that iran and israel have been in the process of rewriting the rules of the game or the old rules are out, but the new rules are not yet established in that space. there is possibility of miscalculation. and finally, their attentions between israel and iran, closest ally in the region, hezbollah in lebanon that could again, at any moment
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flare up and spiral out of control. so the risks are quite significant i want to ask you about what you believe the reaction will be. >> sayyed iran. i don't think anyone believes that there will be an uprising, but what do you think is the danger there for the supreme leader as obviously he tried? nice to convince people that in his words, there will be no disruption look, this is a system that in the past few years has been focused on minimizing the risks and making sure that everything is predictable. >> in the run-up to the prospect of the supreme leaders succession and they were grooming president raisi to be a potential successor to the supreme leader, not necessarily because he was the most competent, but because it was one of the most loyal to the deepstate in iran represented by the office of the supreme leader and the revolutionary guards now, this creates a vacuum that i'm sure rivals
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and iran will try to fill. and it definitely throws all the plans that the office of the supreme leader probably had out of the window but having said this, there is no shortage of people who are subservient and belong to the old guard of the islamic republic, who could potentially stepped in. and so they have to go back to the drawing board but i don't expect this to be again, a fundamental game changer is it important right now that regional allies where you are in the region and the united states, israel really handle this, what some type of diplomacy right now that these are delicate situations depending on the kind of reaction right now. absolutely but not only, i think the regional countries and even the west and the united states should handle this crisis quite carefully. it makes sure it doesn't again, create space for miscalculation or further
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escalation especially because iran sees itself now in a position, a position of vulnerability and often acts more aggressively when it's in in such circumstances. >> but also because it actually provides an opportunity. >> there is a rupture with the pattern that we have seen in the past three years. and iran could potentially please be nudged with a more open election towards a government that would be more representative and therefore would be able to reduce tensions in the region and between iran and the west. i'm not holding my breath. >> that would happen but i'm saying that the west should not miss this opportunity to encourage iran to move in that direction. i believe they call it do not waste a good crisis. we will see what happens in the region, especially in the coming hours as we await reaction. in the united states from israel and beyond oliver sacks so much really appreciate it and we will be right back
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azerbaijan province earlier, former us defense secretary leon panetta explained to cnn why he was surprised that there were so many high-ranking officials on board flying and dangerous conditions usually don't want to put your top officials in one helicopter. >> that's not a good policy to follow. and when i was chief of staff, we never did that with the president or the vice president and others we normally would want to have them goh and separate helicopters. this was a big event evidently in azerbaijan they were dedicating a dam and so the president and the foreign minister went up there together they probably decided to ride together in the helicopter, which was a mistake so what happens now that are anz president is confirmed data according to a ron's constitution, the first vice
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president, mohamed, will take over the role with the approval of supreme leader ayatollah khomeini next, the heads of the three branches of government must arrange for an election to choose a new leader within 50 days. >> all right, i see was elected president in 2021 the next presidential election was due to take place next year, but now it will take place by early july. cnn's i've and watson has been tracking all of these developments for so he joins us now live from hong kong. yeah, i've an incredibly studying news people in iran still just waking up to this right now, the staging area is set for those recovered every operations. there in that remote area. and one has to imagine a pretty complicated investigation as well for sure. >> in the meantime, we are for seeing the signs, all the hallmarks of ushering in a period of official morning with the deadly crash now and the result that the president of
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the country has died, ebrahim raisi. so for example, there has been an urgent meeting of the iranian government and they showed images of ebrahim raisi's empty seat. there with a black sash over that seat the iranian state television anchors right now, they are wearing black. ebrahim raisi being described as a martyr and if you want another example of that, take a look at the front page of the tehran times english language newspaper there. that declares martyrdom in the line of duty and the entire concept of martyrdom is very, very important. certainly in iran and in the political culture, there so this is just the very beginning. the iranian stock market is reported literally being closed as a result of this and we'll be following further the official
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the official responses and reactions and commemoration of the death of ebrahim raisi, who rose through the ranks since the islamic revolution of 1979 he was a judge. and in fact was such a sanctioned by the us department of treasury which accused him of being responsible for the deaths of many people in the 1980s, executions of political opponents of the islamic republic so here's his legacy inside the country is very mixed in a country that is very polarized and has seen the security forces repeatedly, repeatedly brought out to crack down on any form of dissent in the streets. certainly since the death of the woman in 2022, which triggered another round of protest movements that's most mahsa amini, who, who died in police custody paula?
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>> yes, certainly incredible controversy see, that's happened under president and i eca and those uprisings. >> and yet the repression has been incredibly severe i'm wondering, i've given the hostilities in the region, what the regional reaction may be, and how delicate of a balanced many nations are going to have to find in the coming hours and days right. >> well, this is effectively the death of the untimely death of a head of state. so even countries with complicated relations with tehran, and there are many that have that in the aftermath of the crash are coming out with messages of solidarity. i'll point out pakistan for example where iran bombed a border region of pakistan in january and triggered widespread anger within the the political elite and military elite in pakistan sending messages of condolence and support in the wake of the news coming out of this. now, deadly helicopter crash the
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president of azerbaijan is the last head of state to have seen raisi face-to-face. this was sunday when the two leaders met at the border to inaugurate the new dam project and it is from that location that raisi was flying in a helicopter when the aircraft went down. so it'll have a put out a statement saying that he was troubled by news of the helicopter crash and he said our prayers to allah, almighty for president raisi and for the delegation offering any help possible turkey, a neighbor of iran sent a drone that helped with the search for the crash and russia also sent aircraft and dozens of rescuers to come to the scene to try to help with that.
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>> we know that vladimir putin, according to iran's ambassador to moscow, had effectively an emergency meeting with the iranian diplomat, which i think underscores the close ties between moscow and tehran and will likely see more of these kinds of outpourings of support in the days and weeks ahead. >> yeah. and we will continue to track it for arm and watson for us in hong kong. thanks so much. appreciate it and we will be right back with more news in a moment. you are watching cnn russia were trying to spy on us we were spying on them how do you frank this is a secret, war. >> secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2, that ten on cnn you give, you give and you give. >> now it's time to get with straight talk wireless that you get unlimited data talk in text, you get america's most
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are all around what must be done four to repeat either tin streaming makes me first exclusively on macs more now and the breaking news out ron, iranian news agencies say the government, there has convened an urgent meeting following the announcement that iranian president ebrahim raisi has died in a helicopter crash his chair at that meeting was left vacant and a black sash was placed in his memory. >> eight other people were onboard that includes ron's foreign minister rainy and officials say the helicopter or ran into trouble in heavy fog on sunday. >> it was returning from a trip to the iranian or azerbaijan border where the president had attended a ceremony for the opening of a new dam. now this video shows president and auc during that trip on board a helicopter over the weekend, he was elected in 20 he 21, that runs government is expected to move quickly to elect his replacements. paula hancocks
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has been following all of this for us from abu dhabi and grateful to have you as we continue to parse exactly what's gone on. and the stunning news that are radians are just waking up to really a paul quito post more about what the investigation might look like at this point, we continue to have live pictures out of that staging area in that remote location where the crash happened? >> we'll pull obviously, the questions will be asked as to the weather conditions. >> so which is something we have been hearing about can still consistently from rescue teams who were trying to locate the area of the crash, would they said that they were unable to put a helicopter into the air two they the area to try and pinpoint quicker exactly where this helicopter went down because conditions did not allow it. so that just shows how bad the weather conditions were it recently raises questions as to why the helicopter carrying the
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president and the foreign minister, among others was allowed to get into the air and two and two fly through this very inhospitable terrain. >> now we heard from cnn meteorologist department that there was low hanging cloud in the area at the time of the crash, saying it is very difficult to get exact readings in this very remote area of northwestern are but ten in pictures appear to be lower than they would usually have been. that has been backed up by what we heard as well from the iranian red crescent, from rescued been how bitterly cold the situation was, and the fact that they were having to try and track this location on foot. we know that it took about 16 hours from the time that the helicopter was reported to have lost lost any contact with anybody and to the
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time when it was actually fine. so that's a substantial amount of time the past before it was able to be located. so these are all the considerations that will be taken when investigators are trying to find out exactly what happened. also, i think the question will be asked as to why the president and the foreign minister, we're on the same helicopter now, certainly in many countries, the process critical would be that the two such vips would not be on the same helicopter. we know that there was a convoy of three helicopters that were traveling from eastern azerbaijan province where the president and his delegation had been attending an inauguration of a dam and we know that two of those helicopters land and did safely. one, however, did not. so what the investigators will be looking at is the weather conditions, whether this helicopter should have been in the air. obviously, looking at all those on board, we know nine people we're on board. the president, the foreign
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minister, a governor, also, an imam. there was security personnel, the pilot copilot and crew. so these are the sorts of things that we'll be looked at at this point as they are trying to be trying to be yeah investigated. polar and polar as you're speaking, news into cnn, that the bodies of those killed in that helicopter crash are now being transported to breeze to breezes that regional hub where we had seen that video of that staging area that was according to the news agency in iran they are quoting ron's red crescent and we should say has been pivotal throughout all of this, including in the search and rescue and getting information from the site paul, given everything that's gone on in terms of regional sensitivities here, do you have a sense of what the regional reaction will be now certainly there was a lot of solidarity in the early hours, everyone offering help.
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but now that it is confirmed that the president and the foreign minister are both dead given the turmoil in the region right now, what do you think? the sum of the reaction we can, we will hear about what pool there are certainly difficult relations between iran and a number of countries in this region but the fact remains that a head of states has been killed ahead of state has died. and this will likely over supersede the the individual relations, at least in the short-term, you would expect other heads of states to show their solidarity, to give the condolence so what has happened and we sorted suddenly saw in the first few hours after the helicopter had been reported as missing, that a number of countries were offering help. we know that the european union was offering help with satellites tracking. we know the turkey, for example, had that heat drone, which was if at all in finding the location
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of the crash, paula yeah, extraordinary. >> that even the eu was pitching in in those hours to try and find any survivors. >> it's there were none. >> as we said, that the bodies of those killed and helicopter crash. >> now returning to that staging area at tabriz paula hancocks for us and abu dhabi. thanks so much. still ahead for us. we will continue to bring you the latest news out of iran. >> we'll be right back in a minute when the genes came out, i thought, oh my god on both has a friend expect blind loyalty turn zhao, when you have a whole lot of money people are willing to do things for you can you. >> do when your best friend kills your other best friend robby surprises surprises
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and raphael roma, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. >> this is cnn now back to our breaking news with the deaths of the present iran and his foreign minister in that helicopter crash, abbas us lonnie is an iranian journalist and a senior research fellow at the center for middle east strategic studies and he joins me now from tehran, i want to thank you for being with us and just want to hear your reaction. >> this morning. so many iranians waking up to really what has been a shocking incident with both the leader the president, and his foreign minister now confirmed dead in a helicopter crash well polar, what was happening yesterday was on in the country it and nobody knows that what had happened. >> but today, it's clear that the president, as well as foreign minister and a few
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passengers onboard were amid, died as a result both of the helicopter crash. what has been happening as of last night? i think most prominently by the leader, they have been trying to make sure that the situation in control and they will survive this in order to prepare for a transition for early election you ran in cabinet, had an emergency meeting this morning. they had an official statement in the end saying that they will try to make sure that the administration of the government will face no problems they want to somehow a people that this situation will be in control, meaning that there will be no chaos because this has been questioned that what will happen in the aftermath of this incident when you say question though, i'm just wondering what the reaction is there in iran, both from people that you spoken to and also from what you're seeing in the media, obviously, we have heard the president was quite a divisum figure well,
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you know, the president as well as the foreign minister when it comes to the foreign policy are significant and high ranking officials in the country but, you know, now the government, the cabinet, after assuming the responsibility by the first vice president, will have 50 days in order to hold early elections. >> the new parliament, which is expected to take office and started work in the coming days also will be important and head the parliament as well as the judiciary. they will try to work in a canceled with the first vice president to make sure that the election is held smoothly so far, i think through the remarks made by the leader and today by the cabinet they want to somehow make sure that the transition will happen successfully. this is a significant loss for the country however, i think the most important thing that now
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they are focusing on is that to survive this situation i think this can most importantly, to some extent impacted domestic political landscape in the country. but when it comes to the foreign policy to meet, seems that it's going to be the issue of subject to continue to rather than change and when we talk about what's happening internally though, this is quite a power vacuum. there are many factions that will be fighting to even just bianna ballot for the presidency. do you believe that turmoil could bd for the country i think the impact will show and be reflected in a form of rivalry between more specifically, the conservatives. >> they will be now focusing and, you know trying to find a new candidate. to run for the president. and some other
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conservative rivals will be hopeful to run for the president in this way, i think this can impact the domestic politics and this can create a kind of heat in the election to come in about two months but nobody now today is filling a turmoil in the country because the infrastructure or the establishment of the system is mostly in place and i think it can be subject to rival relieved dan term all right. >> have asked a slightly from tehran, we'll leave it there. thanks so much. we'll be right back with more news in a moment. you are watching see you then assignments are going off. >> the tornado here you cannot out swim this you cannot outrun it really is a terrifying
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cnn newsroom continues with kristie lu stout and becky anderson after this short brea k when the jinx came out i thought, oh my god when bob has a friend he expects blind loyalty. turns out, when you have a whole lot of money people are willing to do things for you what do you do when your best friend kills your other best friend robby surprises and supplies what this looks romantic. welcome. >> i'm your host.
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