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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 20, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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only came after we hear exposed this tape of him violently beating her in a hotel hallway back in 2016. now, of course, this comes after months and months of denials. diddy gave a blanket statement back in december 2023, where he denied, quote, sickening allegations against him for many people. and at the time of the settlement, which one this case, once when this complaint was filed, it was settled within 24 hours and attorney for diddy this is what he said. he said, quote, a decision to settle a lawsuit especially in 2023, is in no way an admission of wrongdoing. he said mr. combs vehemently denies these offensive and outrageous allegations so again, we have denial after denial, both from diddy and from his attorneys. and now, after the video comes out that's when we get this apology. sara. elizabeth, we should also say that because
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the statute of limitations has run out on this abuse, he can't be charged as well. so the apology coming after knowing that as well, elizabeth wagmeister. thank you so much for breaking that story for us. now, if you or someone you know, is a victim of domestic violence and you need help. you can call the domestic hotline that number 800 safe, which is 807, 997233 a new our of cnn news central starts right now cnn breaking news we do have major breaking news for you this morning involving the israel-hamas war, the international criminal court just this morning announced it is seeking a warrants for israel's political and military leadership, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and israeli defense minister yoav them on, on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. >> and for three liters of
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hamas for the october 7 terrorist attack, including yahya sinwar, who is in gaza and ishmael honey, who lives in qatar and has been party to the ceasefire negotiations. cnn's chief international anchor a correspondent christiane amanpour broke this story in an exclusive interview with icc prosecutor karim khan on your joining us now from the hey, chris sean, can you give us what details stood out to you during this interview in an unprecedented move by the icc absolutely. >> in terms of unprecedented that's because the charges against israel off for the first time a charge against an actual democracy and a democratic leader. i think one must not de-emphasize and ignore the severity of the charges against hamas and they issue good this seeking approval for arrest warrants according to the timeline. so they laid out the arrest warrants that they want for hamas, which included eight
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counts of crimes against humanity and war crimes, which were mass killings. they call it extermination, torture rape, and sexual assault, even in captivity of the hostages all the things that went on against the civilians inside israel on october 7. and then they turn to what happened in the subsequently in israel's war against gaza and against hamas as where they focus quite heavily on starvation as a weapon of war. here is what icc chief prosecutor karim khan told me we're here at the icc you are today announcing that you are applying for arrest warrants for top military and political leadership in the israel gaza war. since the october 7 events first and foremost explain to me exactly
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what you're asking for and who you are charging today, christian, we've applied for warrants to the pre-trial chamber of the international criminal court. >> in relation to three individuals that are hamas members sinwar, who is in charge on the ground. >> that's yahya sinwar. absolutely. de who's in charge of the al-qassam brigade and hernia who's one of their political bureau based in doha what are the charges the charges are extermination murder, taking of hostages which is rape and sexual assault. in detention so these are the key crimes that are alleged to have been committed by these three individuals. the world was shocked on 7 october when people were ripped from their bedrooms, from their homes, from the different kibbutzim in israel and people have suffered enormously and we have a variety of evidence to support the applications that
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we've submitted to the judge's. >> you have also issued warrants against the top political and military leadership of the government of the state of israel. >> we've applied for warrants. of course, the judges must determine whether or not to issue them, but we've applied today will apply for warrants for prime minister netanyahu. and also minister of defense gallant for the crimes of causing extermination causing starvation as a method of war, including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies deliberately targeting civilians in conflict so again, this process right now is to request the arrest warrants that will be a panel of trial judges here at the icc will examine this request and then will rule on it one way or another. >> icc prosecutor khan was at pains to tell me that already
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he had an independent in panel to look over these this step of the process and to judge whether they were on the right track and unanimously, they did. and there were very distinguished global jurors, including the theater ted, they're on who miran rather who was the former icc? president and also himself, a holocaust survivor. and at one point he was adviser to the israeli foreign ministry many decades ago so they have a very distinguished panel of juries who he ran all this by before, even making today's announcement. and what they agree is that the icc has requested and has presented what the evidence it says could get a conviction, not just that would stand up in a god and go to trial, but that could get a conviction based on all the evidence they have presented, some of which is in the public sphere on both sides, some of which they have received from talking to all the relevant
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individuals and parties, victims, and others christiane amanpour, such great reporting. >> this is huge news. it's going to have both political and diplomatic fallout. as we go out throughout the day and week and money months to go. thank you so much for all of your reporting, their appreciate you joining us right now is seeing a national security analyst plus former deputy director of national intelligence, beth santa ana, and bremmer, the president and founder of the eurasia group and g zero media. beth, i want to get your reaction to everything that cristian's laid out. what we've now learned from the icc and also this who just was handed a statement coming from benny gantz, a member of the israeli war cabinet. of course for someone who has clashed with netanyahu on strategy and for beyond, of recent, here's what benny gantz just put out in a statement, beth, while israel fights with one of the strictest moral codes in history, while complying with international law and boasting a robust, independent judiciary drawing parallels between the leaders of a democratic country
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determined to defend its itself from despicable terror two liters of a bloodthirsty terror organization is a deep distortion of justice and blatant blatant moral bankruptcy there's a lot here, right? >> let me just take the gantz point here what is going to happen as a result of this this first step, right? >> very much a first step. we don't know where it's going to go. we don't know that it will actually get to the going of arrest warrants but the effects of this are actually going to be quite counter. i think to what anybody who's rejoicing this kind of balanced with what they would kohn is trying to do is kind of a balanced approach to this because we're going to see a circling of the wagons in israel. i think this will bend netanyahu. and i think it also will make it very, very much difficult, more difficult to actually get to a ceasefire and
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that is an argument the united states has consistently made in terms of the icc intervention in in the poll palestinian israel conflict even before for this. but we have a couple of steps here to go and i'm not at all certain that it will result in actual arrest warrants for netanyahu and golani at the end of the day. >> but i'll stop there it stop there for now. >> i know there is a lot we need to pick through what do you see in this beth works best it has a really interesting point and looking for at the real and practical implications of this, she thinks it's going to meet this is going to make it harder to get to a ceasefire. what do you see here that's true. >> i think it's also been harder because not in was running the government and for him to stay in power. he needs to keep on board his own far right. which is making arguments that they should actually not only continue to occupy gaza, but kick the palestinians out. so that's
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making it most difficult to get to any form of ceasefire or agreements. it's not first and foremost, the ice see, now i do accept at face value that if you are watching the cnn coverage this morning, if you are listening to what the icc has put out, the takeaway that any citizen would have is oh, well, the perspective is that the israeli leadership and hamas are somehow moral equivalents. and that's a horrible statement to make. i don't accept it at all, but i do accept that the vast majority of people on the planet are closer to the icc statement then they are us policy right now and that's a problem, right? the biden administration came out with a report. they delayed it a few days and they made clear that there wasn't enough evidence for them to say definitively that war crimes were being committed. >> but they believe the war crimes were being committed. >> that's one of the reasons
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that you see biden pulling back from providing some weaponry to the israeli government. so i mean, i will tell you that privately. >> the biden administration has been pushing the israeli government, saying if you guys go into rafah, one of the things that we will no longer be able to defend you around at least publicly, is that war crimes are being committed. >> and certainly the israelis don't accept benny gantz a statement that the israelis are doing everything possible to protect civilians, everything possible to get humanitarian aid. the americans don't step except that at all. so even though the americans don't, don't recognize the icc, there are a number of points made by the icc in this arrest warrant that privately us officials do actually accept. >> that's are seeking is a restaurant that's do you think this just was like do you think that this impacts the influence president biden and the
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administration has been trying to have over israel's approach to this war. does it strengthen? it doesn't weaken it. >> what do you think? >> well, i think it complicates everything which is not the intention of the icc because i do think that khan is is trying to play it straight here but i do think it makes everything more complicated. and as i said before, i think that, you lets understand that a majority that we're seeing protests in the streets over the hostages and netanyahu's de, prayer his nation of hostages over prosecuting this war most of really still support the way that this war has been prosecuted. so i think actually in the end, if these warrants go through, it's going to weaken biden's hand because it will only course i think in
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some ways israelis to double down i know that's a little, your honor. pardon? >> but the israelis say things like we're going to eat grass rather than, accept the dictat of foreign voices in how we conduct this war. and that actually has been proven in polling. that's where the israeli public is. so i think that they would go forward and that makes everything here at home domestically much, much more complicated by santa and bremmer. >> it's always good to see you guys and thank you so much for jumping on with this breaking news, sir. >> all right. we also have more breaking news for you because overnight the iranian president and foreign minister and others have been confirmed dead after a helicopter crash in iran. details on who may be next in line to lead the country and what it means for a region that is in crisis. we're also watching for donald trump's return. the court before his defense team takes aim once again at his former fixer,
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michael cohen and overnight powerful tornadoes strike the planes while hundreds of thousands are now facing extreme heat without power because it was knocked out by the storm days ago, we'll go there the russians were trying to spy on us. we were spying on them. >> i was happy friday this is a war but secret war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game per year, sunday, june 2 at ten on cnn zehr take allergy relief works fast it lasts a false 24 hours they can be deliverer, dance okay dave let's be more than our allergies. seize the day with zyrtec with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. you don't even have to be an actual family i'd be the dad on the day he physically it's clear that i'm the dad. >> okay. so which data is pain?
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soda as now, it's called poppy this before in the stanley cup playoffs, fairclough wipers on the line right now to now to distractions good still feel bad. guy any moment now, donald trump will arrive at court as his hush money trial gets an early start today. >> michael cohen, his former fixer, will return to the stand as cross-examination resumes.
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last one week, defense attorney slammed cohen questioning his credibility and portraying him as a liar to the jury. cnn is brynn grasses, joining us now, a brynn, we've got time is ticking here on this case, expecting cross-examination and potentially redirect, or do we know? >> yeah, it certainly redirect will be coming up, but obviously there was that big moment with a defense last thursday when we last time chord where they really were able to pull out a michael cohen that they say he was lying about a very crucial part of the prosecutor since k is a conversation that michael cohen said he had with trump regarding those hush money payments to stormy daniels. now, sarah, are understanding is the former president is here in the courthouse now, cord is actually going to begin a little bit earlier this morning at about 8:45, so that they could go over some outside evidentiary issues. before the jury actually comes into the room at the normal time of nine, 30. and when that happens, michael cohen will be back on the stand and our understanding there is that the
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defense has about another hour or two of cross-examination before they can give it back to the prosecution. and then of course, the prosecution needs to tie up their entire case and we're understanding they are going to rust. their case at some point today. and then of course, it's the defense's turn to bring forward their case. it's very unclear at the moment. maybe we'll learn more once the court starts back up, what exactly the defense is going to bring. are there any witnesses that are going to be called to a stand, possibly a campaign finance expert, possibly even donald trump himself. they did say last week that they haven't ruled that out. so we'll see how that goes. >> in the end though the judge did say, as we're figuring out the timing here, that they do what he does want both sides to be reading for closing arguments by tomorrow. >> so we'll see if we'll actually get to those tomorrow and then as a short court week, guys only three days ahead of the memorial day weekend, but it could go to the jurors some point this week or early next, guys, this could wrap up fast. brynn gen. grass. thank you so much for your reporting out
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there. i'll type court in new york all right. knew this morning rawlins, acting president, holds a quote extraordinary meeting with state leadership after president raisi what happens now after that settled helicopter crash killed the president and the foreign minister. also rap mogul sean diddy combs now apologize zhang and admitting his actions after force a surveillance video surface showing him beating his then-girlfriend, cassie ventura, what his admission could being for the other lawsuits that are pending against him. that's ahead doug lima, someone needs to customize and save hundreds some car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly chief i,
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rarely, there's another option one, dose quickly stops migrant in its tracks. treated anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late, do not take with strong cyp 3a4 inhibitors, allergic reactions to broadly can happen. most common side effects are nausea and sleepiness migraine pain relief starts with you
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>> we take pride that everyday million say, i use splenda let's try this again. >> what do you see? >> my first step in easton second championship sall's not winning a championship. >> getty. this try and stay positive. or positive. he didn't win a ring oh my god you if all the breaking news the world is reacting, starting to react right now to the news coming from the international criminal court, from israel to the united states, the impact is just starting to be filled after the icc's decision to seek arrest warrants for the political and military for leaders of hamas and also the political and military leadership of the state of israel. >> cnn's jeremy diamond is in
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jerusalem. sentence kylie, i would is that the state department gerami first you what are you hearing now? from israeli leaders? >> well, reaction is beginning to flow in, although we still have not yet heard from the two men for whom the icc is seeking arrest warrants. that's the israeli prime minister and the defense minister, but we are starting to hear from other israeli political leaders and one of the common themes that we are hearing is the outrage at the at the way in which hamas and israel's leaders are being, are attempting to be charged at the same time, the equivalency effectively that the icbc is drawing here between hamas and the state of israel. benny gantz a member of the israeli war cabinet, a former member of the opposition, saying that this seeking of arrest warrants is quote, drawing parallels between the leaders of a democratic country determined to defend itself from a despicable terror two liters of a bloodthirsty organization, terrorist organization is a
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quote, deep distortion of justice. he says, yair lapid, the member, the leader of the opposition, is also calling this a complete pleat moral failure. we should note that among the charges that are listed here for against israel's leaders are crimes against humanity. there is also this notion of using starvation as a weapon of war. and that is something that the icc really has drilled down on here. and prosecutor karim khan focused on on the fact that as this was happening, as there were appear to be limits on the entry of humanitarian aid into gaza as there were condemnations of israel not allowing enough a1 that he issued multiple warnings saying that israel needed to turn the spigot of aid back on and warned of consequences should they not? and these consequences appear to now be flowing in as he seeks arrest warrants against both the israeli prime minister and the defense minister. we also have yet to hear from hamas directly reacting to this and the charges that they are
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facing are extermination as a crime against humanity. the taking of hostages as a war crime, rape and other there acts of sexual violence. a big focus on the crimes that hamas committed on october 7, and the crimes that the icc says they continue to commit by continuing to hold nearly 130 hostages captive, including the allegations of sexual assault against some of those hostages and against the victims of october two over seven, karim khan, the prosecutor here actually did visit the site of the massacre that took place on october 7 in israel. and he notes that in his statement today. >> all right. jerry standby, kylie, you're at the state department. i was speaking about san are just minutes ago and she said all of this makes things even that much more complicated now for the biden administration what are you hearing i think that's a fair assessment. >> k because the biden administration has been very clear in saying that they really, really oppose the icc investigation into the israeli
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palestinian conflict. they have said that they don't believe the icc has jurisdiction over this they say that there's two reasons for that. first of all, because israel is not a party to the icc. therefore, they haven't consented to them actually having jurisdiction over israel. and then they point that the palestinians and of course hamas do not actually make a state and therefore, they cannot participate or delegate in the jurisdiction of the icc, so they just simply don't think that the ice icc should be looking into this matter and they've been very clear in their opposition on that front. so now how do they respond? that's the key question here, kate, we have heard from lawmakers who have said, if the icc moves forward with these arrest warrants, which we of course saw today that they believed that the biden administration should put sanctions on icc officials. those sanctions were in place during the trump administration, the biden administration reversed those sanctions. the state department hasn't said if they would
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consider that move. here's what the state department spokesperson said when asked about that earlier this month i can't make any predictions or any announcements one way or the other about what we will do about something that has not yet happened. i'll just make clear that we do not believe the icc has jurisdiction in this matter and were opposed to their investigation? yeah. >> so we'll watch and see how the biden administration responds. and specifically what action they take, if any against the icc, to back their opposition, which is expected now we're still waiting to hear word from the white house, from the state department all the above, kalisa shelby, bring it to us. >> thank you so much, kylie still ahead for us. the dali cargo ship is now on the move, 55 days after it crashed into baltimore's key bridge, a crash killed six people hello it's germs day off, but neutrogena, ultra hsi or
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you heard of comedy central daily show tonight? >> and comedy central next day on paramount plus that they plugged the road, m101, comfortable, yet there's plenty of space what no, no, no, no don't most wagon atlas with three rows and seating for seven everyone wants arrive okay. >> i gave and see despicable me before and theaters july 3rd rated pg xhr take allergy relief works fast. >> it last the full 24 hours. so days can be the deliverer dance okay. >> dave let's be more than our allergies seize the day with zyrtec when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice,
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right it out with the trade-offs of treating or push through the pain and symptoms with you there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain treated anytime anywhere without wearing where you want or if it's too late, do not take with strong cyp 3a4 inhibitors, allergic reactions to you bravais, can you have most common side effects are nausea and sleeping my dream pain relief starts with, you. ask about your brow learn how amphi to help you kept evolving okay. you doesn't blow and gave a cutscene going garden guns diving and good with and balls, getting blunders good both types things into a petition soon as they were not law and deep launch typhon, good nodes and ready. >> again, it's not abiding vision works. >> see the difference in the stanley cup their blood life is
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on the line right now two now, the distractions goodness serious still feel guy and i moments ago, a uk court has ruled that wikileaks founder julian assange has the right to appeal his extradition to the us. a win for assange. the ruling allowed assange to make a final challenge to his extradition and is the latest development in a years-long legal battle assange's wanted by us authorities on espionage charges connected to his organs possessions, publication of thousands of classified documents and diplomatic cables in 2010 and 2011. he faces life in prison. if he is convicted on those charges here in the united states all right. today, cargo ship dali, which slammed into baltimore's francis scott key bridge eight weeks ago, was being refloated and towed finally, to our marine terminal after controlled explosions freed it from the wreckage of that bridge which was lying on
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top of it. the collision killed six people working on the bridge, collapsing the bridge, and forcing the port to close with the shifts removal officials expect to reopen the port finally, and economic juggernaut by months end restoring shipping and easing traffic congestions there. and wildfire in arizona is burning out of control. it has more than doubled in size overnight, fire officials say the wildcat fire has left more than 12,000 acres so the state's largest national forests scorched. it is 0% contained at moment and firefighter say they're being hampered by more than weather, but by drone operators fire officials are pleading with drone operators to stop flying near the fire because the drones interfere with firefighter efforts from the sky and could cause midair collisions. there message, if you fly, we can't so right now, nearly 50 million people across the central plains are under threat of severe weather yesterday we saw a tornado was
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seen near oklahoma city. >> take a look at this video. it's terrifying in texas, more than 200,000 customers are still without power in the wake of last week's devastating storms record high temperatures are expected to hit houston this week just as people there are picking up the pieces from the wild hurricane force winds that cause serious damage and at least seven people were killed in those storms. rosa flores is in houston. she's fallen all this rows of what's happening there now well, it's still a very active scene, kate, you can see that there is police stay behind me, big equipment, but i want to start with a skyline because that is why we are here. >> you can see that some of these high-rise buildings look like checkerboards. the city of houston has established what they call is an exclusive zone. it's an area that's about six blocks wide where a lot of this glass crashed on the streets and the sidewalks. and it's still too dangerous for people to transit through that area
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according to the mayor of houston, they are still trying to assess how many buildings were damaged in in this area. damage assessments are still ongoing. they're still trying to figure all of that out. >> but one of the big problems is power outages. >> and before i talk about households being without power, i want to talk about traffic lights because if you've ever been to houston, you know that our traffic here is a nightmare and there's about 2,500 traffic lights in the city of houston, about 400 of them are impacted. nearly three hundred are without power. so there are grooves here in houston from all across the state trying to restore these lights because it makes it a very dangerous situation. tuition, when lights across the city are without a power. so city officials are urging people that they don't have to be on these roadways, that they don't need to be on the roadways. now, here's the good news about power outages at the height of this storm, there were nearly 1 million customers without power in this
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region, right? now in harris county, that number is about 200,000 and there's about 7,000 workers that are trying to restore power very quickly. now, here's the bad news. take a look at the heat index and if you have ever been in houston in may, it is hot, it is magee and you can see that heat index, night 89 today and 100 and over for the rest of the week. and kate, that's the worry. city officials that are very concerned because it is hot, it is humid, and some people still don't have power, which means that don't have air conditioning. >> i'm statement, rosa. thank you so much sir. all right. >> hip hop mogul, sean diddy combs, posted an apology video on sunday that was following the release of footage obtained by cnn that showed him mercilessly beating his then-girlfriend, cassie ventura in the hallway of the hotel in 2016 i take full responsibility
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for my actions in that video disgusted i was discussing dan when i did it. i'm disgusted now. i'm not asking for forgiveness truly. sorry. >> the video is so disturbing and attorney for ventura responded to his apology saying, in part, quote combs, most recent statement is more about himself than the many people he has hurt. entertainment attorney and former litigate or lisa bonner is joining me now to discuss these developments. i want to start with this. so sean combs, does this apology after first vehemently denying the allegations that were brought in a lawsuit, then settling the lawsuit the next day and still failing to apologize. and now that the video is out, he suddenly moved to apologize, calculated pr stunt or something is attorneys told him to do i can imagine first of all, good morning, sarah. i
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can't imagine that his attorneys told him to issue that foe policy is i would call it did nothing to further his character. it did nothing to further his any kind of evidence that he had spoken four actually, he it shows that he actually lied and his attorneys live. so i don't understand what that was four, he did not apologize to cassie ventura at all. so that was more it seemed like a more of a self-serving type of situation to try and rehabilitate his image, which i think is partially beyond me habilitation at this point. >> i do want to ask him he he knew that he couldn't be prosecuted for this horrifying abuse because there was a statue of limitations in the area. are for this case. >> but could this potentially hurt him legal legally in several other cases that are being brought against him, including accusations of rape and sexual assault yes, this
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actually the video actually has probative value because it can use, it can be used to show a pattern of abuse several of his people that several of the complaints that have been alleged against him do contain excuse me, elements of domestic violence and this is clearly shows him beating ms ventura, and it shows that he has the potential to do this. so it certainly has probative value for other cases that are lined up against him. and it also could be used in sentencing. so the fact that it has been on earth is crt does nothing for him in terms of any it doesn't do any good for him irrespective of the fact that he cannot be prosecuted because of the statute of limitations so in this case, that video was out. he now has the apology. could those two things together, what would attorneys and the other cases be doing now, having seen the video and
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now having seen the apology, what would be their move in their cases? >> well, they would go and make sure that they are excuse me. they had some issues of domestic violence and allegations of domestic violence that were outlined in there. they would be sure to beef those up to make sure that they tracked they would they could use it for any number of issues in terms of saying proving that he lied because the apology is on his video on his instagram feed as is his denial so it doesn't do anything for to show that he is truthful. in fact, it does the opposite. and it does it just serves no purpose and if i were his attorney, i would have told him not to speak and he needs to hire a crisis pr firm. i'm i'm i'm surprised that that hasn't happened yet. maybe it has, and maybe he just felt the need to issue that apology. i
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don't know. i'm when i saw that yesterday, i was scratching my head. i don't understand it. >> it was disingenuous and it served him no i think he ever named cassie. it was apologizing almost for the video itself being released his home was rated several weeks ago on potential sex trafficking king charges, according to sources to cnn, that was a long time ago. where do you see that going? and why it is potentially taking so long for potential charges there well, when you're building a case like this, you it takes time so the fact that they had enough evidence to go in and get a un obtain a a search warrant that shows that they had probable cause to get the search warrant to search his two homes. so once they thursday two homes, they took an ordinate amount of video evidence cell phone evidence,
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other computers, electronic surveillance everything they need to comb through this evidence piece by bit by bit, and build the case around. mr. combs, this takes time i do believe that charges will be filed against him again, it takes time. i'm hearing that it's possible week goh charge is might be filed against him so i'm not surprised at all that this is taking some time that was only a couple two months ago so this, like i said, it does take time to build a case to set forth complaint thanks. in allegations and specificity which you need to do. so i suspect that charges will be forthcoming in the not-too-distant future laser ban or thank you so much for explaining all of that to us. and i do want to let the audience know that if you're someone who was a victim of domestic violence and you need help or you know, someone who does, you can call the domestic violence hotline the number 80799 safe. that's 800 997233.
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certainly a split now, icc prosecutors have proposed these serious charges that include israel, a democratic country that has never been done before as well as hamas is leadership. how does biden handle this while already struggling with democratic voters over the issue of the war look, i think that some of the criticisms that the president has made in the midst of supporting, he's being hammered for supporting israel by democratic voters are some democratic voters. the in this case. there comes in the midst of a lot of criticism among members of his own war cabinet about the way the president is. the prime minister's handling this assault on gaza, the war on gaza, and planning for the post-war period so it just as the his political burdens there and i think the president
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deserves some credit for raising issues that now are being widely debated, even in israel how he deals with this is something that i'm going to have to consider. i don't think he's going to embrace the icc judgment about prime minister netanyahu, but we shall see the republicans have their plan of attack. they had already intimated that they were going to file sanctions against the icc if they went forward with charges towards israel we're just now hearing. lindsey graham says he will bring those sanctions. what can you tell us will be the response potentially from donald trump, knowing that you are hearing this from republicans now well, look you, know, donald trump actually had an executive order put in place when he was in office that actually said they would section the icc absurd if they went after individuals, whether it's us troops or even israeli troops, allies who do not recognize the legitimacy of the icc's rulings which the us
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and israel don't you saw sad or cotton last year, introduce a bill. >> was senator rubio and cruz on this exact same issue. and now you've seen them telegraphing those those moves for several weeks, given the noise coming out of the icc you're going to see president trump tick a strong stance. i would imagine against the icc, its potential claims thanks to jurisdiction against the israelis game. >> this is part and parcel way that donald trump is always run his campaigns. >> you go back to 2016. he talked about the global order. this is exactly what he was talking about. this global international court system, which is now claiming jurisdiction and nations that don't even recognize its legitimacy. and you're going to see him use this as another cuddle against president biden. >> you can talk about the fact that president biden rescinded that executive order that donald trump put in place initially, and then also this week, language coming out about the icc, i think president biden politically is to take a pretty hard line against it, not just for politics, but also the policy, given the preston,
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it would set should the icc be able to go after netanyahu means it could potentially come after us troops in a future incident as well you know, there's quite, a bit of chaos going on the role. >> let me let me let me go ahead, david. >> no, no. all i wanted to say is i don't think that anybody should accept the equivalence between netanyahu and hamas, which is a terrorist organization and initiated this war with a barbaric attack on israel. i think everybody's going to agree on that. i think also present then trump was pretty outspoken that long ago about the need to end the war to bring peace so i think there's some agreement on that, but there's no doubt that this is dropped in the middle of a political campaign will be political fodder for republicans who are trying to capitalize on on a very, very complex and difficult situation david, the president of iran
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killed. >> we now know overnight we've got word that he and his foreign minister killed in a helicopter crash in iran. there are so many things going on in the region. you've got the war, you've got this new information, you have of what's happening in ukraine with the war there and russia the chaos will biden be blamed because donald trump often blames him for a chaotic time that we are having a broad how does he deal with that? how does he spend that well, if you're asking me about this particular incident, i don't think any anyone is should be blamed for this that the government of iran itself. >> so there was it was a technical problem with a helicopter that caused it to crash in this remote region but listen, this is part of the, this is part of the burden of being president of the united states wars erupt and you are
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president. i think the president has handled it. well, bringing together allies in ukraine, for example, bringing together the force is at the israelis needed in israel to repel attacks from iran. but that is the burden of the presidency. what you should, what we should not want. matt talks about the global order. what we should not want is to be in a go it alone position in the world. we should want allies, we should want measured relationships between ourselves and other countries so that we can move together to try and bring some order when disorder erupts david axelrod, matt mauer is we will leave it to get the last word there. but matt morris, thank you so much for joining us, both of you this morning you have more on that breaking news out of iran this morning, president ebrahim raisi killed sunday when the helicopter that he was riding in crime national remote area
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of the country runs foreign minister and seven other people were also killed in the crash and a mountainous area near the border with azerbaijan the iranian government says in the aftermath of this shock, there will be no chaos, no disruption. >> the supreme leaders declared five days of public mourning, but big questions those still from about how this really impacts around and how it reverberates across the middle east, especially as a ron's long-running shadow war with israel just burst into the open last month joining me right now as norman rule, he was the national intelligence manager for iran at the office of the director of national intelligence from 2008 to 20 2017. norman, thank you so much. if you're back in your posts that odni or at the cia, what are the questions on your mind this morning? what are you watching most closely? >> good. morning. well, the first issue is going to be what does this mean for ron's posture in the region? will should we expect any changes? the short answer there is no
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and indeed the new acting foreign minister is a seasoned diplomat who has worked extensively on nuclear and hostile the issues and will be known to american diplomat, american diplomats and the european and chinese counterparts. the second question is going to be, what does this mean for ron's long-term stability? and here this becomes a problem. the supreme leader has one goal to transition iran to a new generation of leadership that can sustain the revenue solution and rice. he was part of that with his departure, he has a much smaller group of people to turn to to make that dream, that ambition real does this make around more vulnerable? i don't think so, not in the short term the revolutionary guard remains strong. the president did not have control over iran's foreign policy or ron's relationship with proxies. but i think what it does do is bring around one step closer to a time when it's revolutionary
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generation is a memory and its leadership is dominated by people who are associated with the revolutionary guard itself you didn't, you mentioned the supreme leader. >> i mean, he was seen as a contender, if you will, to replace a supreme leader who i believe is about 85 years old. what? >> how does this impact the plans of succession? i mean, what do you think? what do you think this means now the supreme leader is 85. >> he is in her health he has a focus as i've said, on setting up an architecture that sustains all of the ideals for which he has fought in iran for four decades this leaves him with a very small group of individuals with strong credentials. rice he had been the head of the judiciary, the head of a large paris station organization of proven hard line supporter of the supreme leader. >> he doesn't have someone like that i put in that chair.
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>> so the next president who they've got to identify in about 50 days is going to have to be someone in a second tier person who can assure us stability while they again, try to figure out what happens for succession, it is possible the supreme leader son may replace him, although he is unpopular, lacks courage just and lacks the religious and political credentials traditionally seen as important for the job and all of this wrapped up a lot of breaking news this morning norman, thank you. >> having someone on with your credentials to talk through this is very important for us today. thank you so much for your time. >> you're welcome. >> thank you and thank you all so much for sticking with us through breaking news upon breaking news this morning. >> and it will continue today. reaction coming into the trial cardona's coming before the from the international criminal court and more reaction coming into what all of this news out of ron means for that country and stability in the region. this is seen a new central special coverage of the trump trial


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