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tv   Trump Hush Money Trial  CNN  May 20, 2024 10:00am-1:00pm PDT

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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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than liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn welcome to cnn and special coverage. >> if former president trump's hush money criminal trial, i'm wolf blitzer in washington, along with abby phillip. who's just outside the courthouse in new york today, michael cohen, trump's former we're fixer and lawyer is back on the witness stand. prosecutors appear to have some work to do during their redirect of cohen after he made a purely stunning admission during cross-examination? today, defense attorney todd blanche was able to get cohen to admit to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the trump organization. abby, you were inside court today? playing, how it all went down that's right. >> wolf, earlier in the trial during the direct examination,
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cohen had actually said this, that he had pocketed monday money from the trump organization. that was meant for a technology company. but today, while he was being pressed by the defense attorney todd blanche cohen agreed that it was essentially plants said, quote, so you stole from the trump organization cohen that answered, yes, sir. with me now, cnn chief legal affairs for paula reid, also with cnn national correspondent kristen holmes court just took a break for lunch they were just having a little bit of a sidebar with the judge about a few different issues before after the jury left the room, but this was really of all the moments this morning as someone who's sitting in, i was in the overflow room today this probably the one moment when something happened that everybody's ears perked up, right and to michael cohen's credit, he didn't try to sugarcoat it but what do you think ultimately is the significance of this revelation that he received $100,000
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essentially from the trump organization and only gave 20 20,000 of it to the person or the entity that it was intended for. the blame here really lies with the prosecution because on direct as you just noted, they did they walked up to the line. they acknowledged that he did take some money at the top and there's $50,000, but they didn't follow up with the important question which is how much did you take? you took tens of thousands of dollars. you might have expected that, yeah. maybe he took a couple of grand, but take $30,000 and then to allow todd blanche on cross-examination to get cohen to admit that he stole from the trump organization that allowed todd blanche to land a punch so the prosecutors really could have staved off if they had gotten out ahead of this. now when they had a chance to go back at cohen he had a chance to explain it. he said, quote, i was angered because of the reduction in the bonus. he was upset about the amount of his bonus that year. >> and so i just felt like it was almost like self-help i wasn't going to let him have the benefit of this way as well. >> i wasn't going to correct that conversation i was having
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with allen weisselberg she's talking about when they sketched out those notes about how would be paid $420,000. i have not only protected him, trump to the best that i could, but it also laid out the money to red finch, a year-and-a-half earlier i've had again $130,000 to have my bonus cut by two-thirds was very upsetting to say the least. so not exactly a perfect english there, but what cohen seems to be saying is that he felt he was entitled to steal this money from the trump organization. not a great moment for prosecutors. they should have gotten out ahead of this, whether this will sink their case. i mean, it just depends how the jury sees this. yeah. i mean, it depends somehow the jury sees that and in and also the fact that michael cohen is not on he's not actually the defendant here, donald trump is but i want to just take a moment, kristen, because i i wonder and i think a lot of people wondered what on earth is red finch and what were they doing and we got an answer to that today. and the answer is, in some ways, it's very trumpian,
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but it has to do with a pole yeah. >> and and it turns out that they actually didn't. it was a cnbc poll and they didn't end up running the pole. and this was all about what it was going to say and making sure that everything was favorable to the former president. i think i do just want to touch on one thing here because i know that during this redirect, we have seen over and over again that michael cohen, we hear the prosecutors say michael cohen, you're not on trial, but the one thing to point out here is the fact that he is the only linking witness that actually links donald trump to a crime. so the fact that he's not on trial. yes. that is obviously true. but at the same time, the jury is going to make their decision based on whether or not they believe michael cohen. i cannot tell you the number of judges i have spoken to who have said that after a jury has found someone not guilty based on faulty witness, when they were asked about it, it was because they could not trust. they are judge asked them they said they could not trust this witness. so while the prosecution is technically right, that michael cohen is not on trial it is him that could determine the direction
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this case goes. >> on this and the reason i think the question of what is redfin to what they were doing is important is because it actually goes to a broader issue, which is that michael cohen and is a shady person. okay and he's doing shady things on behalf of donald trump, one of the interesting things about the red finch thing is that cohen testifies trump didn't want to pay them at all. they did this work for him. the poll was discarded for whatever reason by cnbc and trump didn't want to pay them at all yeah, he wasn't happy with how it was ferrying in the poll. >> so therefore, he did not want to pay them and initially cohen suggested that's why he only gave them $20,000, but under more questioning from todd then he admitted that in fact, he stole it and he seems to feel that he was entitled this seems incredibly problematic, not just because he's saying that he stole from the trump organization but this number, the amount that he was reimbursed, this is central to the allegedly falsified business records. and when you look at that math, one of the only pieces of information that
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we have from the other person son, who was allegedly engaged in this conspiracy, allen weisselberg this math matters that have to michael cohen, who gave false information about how this money should come back to him. i mean, that doesn't help the prosecution cool what they needed from cohen was credible testimony that trump was directing all of this and instead, cohen undermined himself. this could potentially be a real problem for prosecutors i'm going to go to kara scannell she just got out of the courthouse as well. kara, you were inside of the courtroom where all of this was unfolding will tell us so what you're big takeaways were from this morning of testimony at times, todd blanche was really slow going a little meandering until he got to this one mole comment in the testimony, how did that go down yeah, abby, so i mean, a lot of the cross-examination was a bit meandering and they were though trying to focus in on cohen's memory of a variety of things, including the one phone call in
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october of 2016, not the one that was the big blockbuster moment, but another one one where cohen had spoke with donald trump twice before he had gone to the bank and open up the bank account in order to transfer the money, the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels lawyer. >> and what todd blanche did in that moment was go through all the other things that michael cohen had on his plate, other things that he could have possibly been speaking with donald trump about at that time, again, to try to sow some doubt in the minds of the jury of what cohen's recollection was on all of these phone calls and part of the reason gets to what the prosecution is now trying to address on redirect just before we broke for lunch, prosecutors are trying to get in photos taken from october 24, 2016 at a rally of keith schiller and donald trump. and that's because that does go to this moment that it happened on thursday where michael cohen was shown text messages with keith schiller, the body guard just before he got on the phone with shiller, who? cohen had testified when asked by
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prosecutors that that's when he told donald trump that things were resolved with stormy daniels. they were moving ahead and then on cross-examination, he was shakier and was now confronted with these text messages that showed that cohen was texting the bodyguard about prankster, who was calling, harassing him. so the prosecutors want to get to this point right now, once we've returned from launch and they want to introduce photos from a campaign rally that were taken at 7:57 that show keith schiller and donald trump exiting the stage. so they're hoping to get that in so that they can argue that he keith schiller was with donald trump, but even one of the prosecutors, they acknowledge that doesn't completely address the bigger question here about the content of that phone call and whether cohen did in fact speak with donald trump, but they're trying to repair some of what cohen had got tangled up with last week on cross-examination and going to the issues of the of his memory and the strength of his memory to try to restore his credibility to the jury yeah. >> i mean, that is a critical moment from the crossing
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examination and a critical moment in the timelines that michael cohen is laid out about when and how he communicated with trump about this payment to stormy daniels, kara scannell. thank you. rematch of pollen, kristen, you guys will stay with me, wolf back to you all right. >> abby, thank you. let's bring in our panel of legal and political experts and elie, let me start with you, or what do you make of the redirect so far? are they doing an effective job cleaning up some of michael cohen's testimony, acknowledging, admitting that he actually stole money from the trump organization patient. while they are doing some measure of cleanup that's what you have to do on redirect and i do think there are succeeding to some extent in refocusing the jury on the fact that the charges here are about falsification of business records. >> you filled in donald trump on what was happening here, according to michael cohen. and therefore, he's guilty and they even asked michael cohen, but you're not the one on trial here, right? i mean, that's a standard then you ask and he said, no, donald trump is the one on trial. i think the revelation though this morning about the theft of $30,000, which was doubled because they covered his taxes. so $60,000
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came out in a glancing unclear why on direct, it came out like a bomb earlier today i don't know how much they can do to fix that. it just at a certain point, it is the fact michael cohen did steal this money. and what makes that really so important wolf is, it's not as if michael cohen was just stealing on the sayyed that would be bad enough the problem is he was stealing from the exact reimbursement at issue in this case. so the prosecution's core argument is donald trump do with that $420,000 was all about. he was totally read in on it. >> it turns out michael cohen was stealing from him within that 420,000. there is michael cohen's acknowledgment admission that external tens of thousands of dollars from the trump organization potentially opened them up, opened him up to further criminal criminal process. it's a great question. the answer is not anymore, because the statute of limitations has run out, but it's a very fair question to ask. jay folks of the jury. they gave him a free pass. he committed larceny. it's a higher degree of a felony. then what donald trump is charged
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with yet they gave michael cohen a free pass, even though he's now admitted that he stole what amounts to $60,000. it goes to his credibility, it goes to his relationship with the da elliot williams is with us as well. >> elegant. todd blanche to the attorney representing the former president, ended his testimony today, questioning cohen's motives and there was this exchange. i want to read it to you question because, if president trump is convicted, that would benefit you personally and financially, right? cohen no, sir. it's better if he's not for me because it gives me more to talk about in the future how do you expect prosecutors to respond? in their redirect, not much. >> and it is an lea was touching on this a little bit. it is not always in the interest of prosecutors to keep hammering a point when it comes to trying to rehabilitate a witness's credibility, they had 17 hours or however many was with him on the stab where they built up his credibility opened the door to some of the questions that we've been talking about today. they
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don't really benefit by getting into an extended back-and-forth with another hour of questioning tried to rebut everything that the defense put on. they can clean it up in their closing statement, maybe ask a question or two to this extent. because look, the defense has already made the argument that or at least alleging that michael cohen it seeks to benefit financially and has an interest in seeing the president taken down. that's nothing new to the jury. three, at this point. and so for prosecutors to keep beating, it just doesn't it could actually tire and where the jury, gloria prosecutors are made the case that trump, as we all know, seems to be meticulous, meticulous with his business and personal finances. does this testimony from cohen undercut that narrative? >> well, in a way it does. i mean, i kept thinking all during this exchange how upset donald trump must be because he's a micromanager any cheap and certainly nobody likes to have any money stolen from their business. and the question that i have is when donald trump found out about
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this, and i'm sure he knew about it but for today's testimony, i'm sure whose lawyers informed him about it. there were some reporting that is shook his head today, and you must be furious about this because nobody steals $30,000 or six de thousand dollars from donald trump. i mean, if you if you buy the prosecution's argument that he knew about the stormy daniels payment, this might've been one payment that he did not know about it. and he could be furious about it because it was thievery and from his own attorney whom he apparently trusted jeff zeleny is with us as well. >> jeff as we all know, cohen had a lot of credibility problems long before his testimony in this trial. what does that say to you about trump's decision to keep hiring hiring him for years? >> well, look, i mean, he was an essential part of the pre president version of donald trump. i mean, for years he worked for them there's a long
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list of people summer in jail. some are thrown to the side who worked for donald trump before it was in the white house while there's no one house. and after who are not savory characters. so i think this is not that big of a surprise. the question is how does the jury's see all this? and we simply do not know the stealing this morning to me that rang slightly different. i mean, one, it was the surprise of it that we all knew and what gloria said, it is interesting in to know if donald trump knew that because he's been more engaged during this portion of the trial than any other because he has such a personal animus in relationship with donald trump and money is at the center of, i mean, he likes money more than virtually anything else, perhaps power as well. so i think that he seems to be guiding his attorneys so through this, but look at the end of the de we do not know how michael cohen's credibility is going to impact this. i mean, it is going to be a challenge. it's probably the biggest challenge for prosecutors without it out, you could argue that the gyri knew
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who michael cohen was before this was revealed. and the question is, how much impact as this particular incident have. i mean, he said look, i thought i was deserving of this, so i just took it which sounds like a five-year-olds explanation about why he took the extra piece of candy, right? i mean, i was deserving of it and self-help. yeah, that's that's a new definition. so so we don't know how the jury is going to react to this. whether they'll say, oh, jan, more of the same or well well, maybe the stormy daniels story isn't as he told it, it just takes one juror just takes one difference. >> said that he deserved this money because his bonus had been cut, right. and as a result, he deserved help us a very important are everybody standby a lot more coming up, much more of our special coverage of the hush money criminal trial of donald trump, including reaction from a judge two is in the courtroom
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neutrogena cser take allergy relief works fast. it lasts a full 24 hours. so dave can be the deliverer. >> dance. >> okay. dave let's be more than our allergies seize the day with xhr tech. >> you want to close out? >> should i? normally, i'd hold but taking the games as smart here, right? >> feel more competent. what's dog ratings from jp morgan analysts in the chase app, when you've got a decision to make, the answer is jp morgan wealth management? >> i'm sara marie and washington and this is cnn we're back with our breaking news coverage of donald trump's hush money criminal trial court, is it a break right now for lunch show when it comes back, the prosecution will continue trying to rehabilitate it. >> star witness michael cohen. after the defense spent hours hammering his credibility during cross-examination with us now, retired new york criminal court judge george grosso. he's a retired queens
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county supreme court judge in new york as well. he was inside court during the course of the morning. judge, facts is usual for joining us, as you know, earlier trump's attorney todd blanche god cone to admit on the stand under wrath. of course, that he stole money from the trump organization talk to us a little bit about that moment, how significant is that for the defense? >> well, here's my take on that wall fund. it's always good to be with you. i actually think it fell pretty flat for todd blanche and i thank cohen turned it around so that benefit of his credibility, in the sense that everybody already knows who michael cohen and who donald trump is. and these guys are not aboveboard dealers. cohen was that's offensive at all he explained it he originally had told trump and weisselberg that it was a $50,000 contract they didn't
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pay. he he made trump look very bad. one and he was talking about this pole of the most famous businessmen and trump wanted this red finch to work to manipulate ip addresses and things like that. and then when it came town time to sit down with weisselberg on the final payouts. cohen felt like he said he's already testified hi there in front of the jury that he felt he was shot, changed on his bonus that he thought this was a good time to make up for the bonus. he was the one who took care of red finch he thought he did trump a favor. i mean, objectively, is it honest is it ethical know what is it consistent with michael cohen's character? and the way did business, yes. so on balance, i don't think they hurt michael cohen's credibility at all. now, i think as a sideline, it just showed how devious donald trump could be in manipulating data in the truth to the general public. so i thought it was very flat moment for the
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defense on that point. so let me ask you this, judge, what more, if anything, do you think prosecutors need to do to clean up this? on redirect well you know breaking those were in the middle of it right now the da was going back into that infamous now for the prosecution, infamous october 24th, 802 p yeah, i'm phone call with keith schiller. >> and according to michael cohen, donald trump, where this 14 got into objected so the conversation so as we speak the judge is considering ruling on whether or not c-span footage that apparently show keith
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schiller and donald trump together at a rally at i believe seven forward that they are taking in showing that the da he knows they have work to do on that particular conversation where we're all waiting with bated breath to see how the judge rules and where it goes and i'll be able to discuss that's more of that with you likely later on this room. are good and we'll look forward to that as well, judge. merchan, who is overseeing this trial, of course, he expects closing arguments to begin. what next tuesday, they won't be a trial on friday or monday because of the memorial day holiday. well, what do you make of that well i don't know i think possibly causing arguments could begin tomorrow. >> well, he's going to have to charge the jury. so and then we've got. thursday. so but then we've got a four-day weekend. so there's a lot of balls in the air. so how it's going to act, how the plane is going to actually land.
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>> we don't know, but we are getting close wall if it doesn't get to the jury sometime on thursday it's definitely going to be getting to the jury next tuesday and we'll have closing arguments and then charging and it's all coming coming together. >> but i think we're pretty close to causing it to closing arguments right. >> judge. grassy. thanks so much for joining us. see you later as well. just ahead. how is transit camp reacting to what has unfolded in that courtroom today? i'll speak with his former communications director at the white house after a quick break the gentleman's just like every turn he can't stand mr. do.
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resole oma victims call now 30 billion in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 we're back now with our breaking news coverage of donald trump's hush money trial. before court broke just before lunch, prosecutors had begun questioning trump's former lawyer and fixer, michael cohen for a second time in this redirect, they were trying to repair any additional damage that had been done to cohen's credibility during the cross-examination. joining us now is a former communications director for trump, the trump administration, mike dub, key. he's the founding partner of the blackrock group. mike obviously, the goal of the defense was to really dang michael cohen yet again, they did it on several occasions. first, last week when it came to that key call that he said he had had with trump about the stormy daniel's case and then the second time came today when they pointed out that he had stolen money from the trump organization what do you think
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has been the impact on cohen's, frankly, already pretty damaged credibility in this case. >> well, he didn't he certainly didn't come into this case with the sterling reputation and i think the things that people have been saying about michael cohen for a long time or are really showing up on the stand they were two very strong points made by the by the defense and i've got to assume that the trump team is very happy with the corner that they've painted. michael cohen one thing i want to ask you though about that earlier in the hour we had judge a judge who was in the courtroom watching the proceedings and he pointed out that michael cohen's description of what this stolen payment was four, also had the added effect of digging up donald trump as well trump wanted to basically fix a poll that he didn't like from cnbc.
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>> do you think that this is kind of everybody who's getting dirty in these proceedings as these questions are being placed to michael cohen he's. explaining both his bad motives, but also perhaps donald trump's as well. >> well, perhaps i don't know my one takeaway from that from that one. communication. was that here's once again, michael cohen going out on his own and trying to pay red finch, i think it's their name for the work that was done? it's a so i'm actually surprised that there hasn't been a follow-up about this question of whether or not michael cohen was acting on his own when he was arranging the payment to stormy daniels, all this case, this case by the district attorney let me is really he's manipulated it like a pretzel to turn a misdemeanor into a felony, and it all is wrapped around michael cohen and time
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and time again, we see that he's not not just not a credible witness, he's not a credible person when it comes to a lot of this. so again, i i don't know that that really i don't know what the jurors are taking in, and i don't know what they knew about him before, but i can imagine they've got a good taste in their mouth after sitting for 16, 17 hours listening to his explanations yeah, i've extremely lengthy questioning here. >> michael cohen thank is going on in trump world right now. as a result of just the last couple of hours of cross-examination and a little bit of the redirect from the prosecution well, i suspect that what the trump team is doing right now is they're looking at the end game of the legal battle and letting the lawyers handle that, but they're also paying attention to what the american public right? is thinking about right now. made we've, we've talked about this before. there's two juries here. there's there's there's the jury in the courtroom and then there's the american public. and i think
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what they're putting together now, if i was them the trump team is putting together talking points that you have michael cohen, who's stolen money from trump. he no one else has in this case is pointed to donald trump knowing anything about this end. he's the infamous call was about a 14-year-old bully so i think what they're going to try to do is they're going to paint this is all on a former employee who is very upset at donald trump the prosecution it's built this case on, it. it's a it's a political case from the beginning they turned the prosecutors turned away from grand larceny $60,000 that michael cohen admitted to them. he stole. and now, how do you view this as anything but a political police? clinical case using the law to go after your political opponents i think that's probably what they're
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talking about. what they're going to try to spin when this case is all over. >> so i was in the courtroom in the overflow room watching as donald trump was, frankly many occasions, nodding off during this testimony at certain points and then at other points, he was focused on michael cohen but a lot of that his eyes were closed. he was leaning back. has drifting off into sleep at certain points what do you think is going through his mind? as some of this testimony is going on. i mean, there's some of this for show or is he truly bored by these proceedings where his liberty is in jeopardy i've got to imagine that he is a furious if these finding out only now for the first time that michael cohen stole $60,000 from him and he's got to operate i would also imagine that he's
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going through his mind thinking of how he presented himself to the jury since he's since he is on trial here i think we're making a lot about this nodding this nodding off or this so in of the eyes the leaning back that all, all of this i don't know that there's anything in particular that we can draw into that, frankly, it's a long court case it's been going on for weeks. >> and were near the end and i just think he's trying to present themselves in the best possible way to the jury all right. >> my tab key. good to see you. thank you very much. thank you, abby. good to see you and it had much more of our special coverage of the trump hush money trial. >> and another story that we are following very closely now, the death of the ron's hesitant after a helicopter crash, we will have a live report on that coming up next
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lip ttac at the white house and this is cnn we're also following new developments right now surrounding the death of the iranian president ebrahim raisi, the country's military is reportedly ordered an investigation into what caused sunday's death heavily crashed. >> president raisi has foreign minister, and seven others were all killed. whether they're helicopter went down in a remote mountainous region. there was very heavy fog at the time, technical experts and other officials are expected to visit the crash site. meantime, the bodies of the victims will be transferred to president raisi's hometown morrow, according to iranian media, cnn's pentagon correspondent oren liebermann is covering these developments for us.
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oren. what are you hearing? what's the latest well, the us is watching this very closely, but defense secretary lloyd austin, who was the first senior us official to make comments on camera about the crash, was very careful in the words he chose it was and what he wanted to say about the crash of president ebrahim raisi's helicopter. >> he said to us has no insights into what possibly cause this crash or what might have happened that led up to the events and the crash itself. he said the us is watching this very closely. but in terms of the investigation of what happened, he said, the us will leave that to the iranian and wait to see what information the iranians put forward. >> of course, he was asked several times about this at a press conference that wrapped just a short time ago, and he said, look, there is no answer or cause that the us has right now. >> and you said it could be any number of things from mechanical failure to pilot error or a number of other possibilities that could have led to this crash us at this point, simply does not know. he was asked point blank if the us had any involvement or what us
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would do it for. ron decided to blame it or israel for being involved in this crash. and he said, very bluntly that the us had no part in this crash. and that's a fact he made that one of the clearer statements throughout the course the press conference that the us was not involved in his crash. we saw president joe biden was briefed on it in the hours afterwards. but even at that point yesterday, there was no public comment as the us waited to see how this unfolded. what happened and what happened to those on board the accident onboard the helicopter? at this point, austan still keeping his distance and saying we're watching what's happening. the us is monitoring what's happening. but at this point, wolf no insight into what caused that helicopter crash on sunday and very quickly or in before i let you go, this was an old us made helicopter that had been provided to iran when us iranian relations were very strong during the regime of the shot, the late shot, right from what we understand, that's correct. and that shouldn't be too much of a surprise, and that's because much of a
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ron's air force, including many of their fighter jets, are old us fighter jets, f4, f4 teens, f, f5s. these are fighter jets and aircraft including helicopters that the us retired decades ago. and yet iran still uses them. and because of us sanctions, it's difficult to get the necessary equipment and the necessary tools to keep these up-to-date. could that have played a part? certainly. do we know for sure at this point? no, the us waiting to see what iranian investigators find before coming to its own conclusion, wolf so the us sanctions against iran right now prevent spare parts and other equipment from going to iran. is that right correct. >> the us isn't going to help iran from maintaining old us fighter jets even if they were originally american equipment. and i suspect that applies to helicopters as well. >> i suspect you're right. are liebermann at the pentagon? thank you very, very much. abby, back to you thanks. >> wealth and we are also following major developments and the israel hamas war just moments ago, president biden
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called the international criminal courts arrest warrant applications against israeli leaders outrageous. he also pledged to stand with israel. the statement is coming after the icc announced that it is seeking arrest warrants for top israeli and hamas officials. and that includes prime minister benjamin human netanyahu and israeli defense minister yoav golan for the assault on gaza. now the court is also seeking warrants for hamas top political and military leader peters for crimes against humanity for the october 7 terrorist attack. the courts chief prosecutor discuss the warrants in an exclusive interview with cnn's christiane amanpour the way i very simply tried to do things as look at the evidence, look at the conduct look at the victims and airbrushed out the nationality and if a crime has been committed, we should move forward. >> nobody is above the law. no. people by dint to birth or passport religion, nationality, or the color of their skin,
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have a get out of jail free card, have a free pass to say what the law doesn't apply to us. israel has every right and he did an obligation to get hostages back but you must do so by complying with the law. >> the fact that hamas fighters need water doesn't justify denial. >> water from all the civilian population of gaza israeli an hamas leaders have denounced the icc arrest warrant applications. then yahoo also has vowed to continue the war until the hostages are released. and hamas is destroyed and up next for us, we'll return to our coverage of the donald trump hush money trial. the trial is expected to resume so just a few minutes from now, we'll have much more ahead this is a secret. >> war, secrets and spies premier sunday, june 2, attempt on cnn if you were moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you and your tracks
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make of this, the date the schiller's a top aide in the oval office. two then president trump, the former charge of security, the trump organization, along relationship with trump, what do you make of this? so this is a crucial phone call, a crucial moment in this trial. >> michael cohen testified on direct examination being questioned by prosecutors that on october 24, 2016 at 8:02 pm, he was shown phone records. i had this crucial call. i called keith schiller cell phone. he was donald trump's right-hand man. and then schiller put me on with trump or put me on speaker clinton. remember and i basically said to trump, okay, stormy daniels situation is resolved on cross-examination. now, donald trump's lawyers got up and they confront to michael kohler with a series of texts. and if we look at the timeline, we can see that basically lead up to that 8:02 call all and then after the 8:02 called, and what they reveal does that you, michael cohen were texting with keith schiller leading up to that 8:02 pm call about something totally different about this 14 year-old who was harassing you a text and then
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you had the call at 8:02 and then right after the call, cohen sent the phone number of the 14-year-old, the key chillers, so they argued what you were really doing was talking to keith schiller about the 14-year-old, not donald trump, about the stormy daniels payment. now, to the photograph prosecutors want to show this photograph which is pulled off of c-span, showing that at 7:57, five minutes before this call, donald trump and keith schiller, we're physically together because prosecutors want to argue cohen could have talked to both of them at the same time, which is a good point for prosecutors. it doesn't really undo the effect of the cross-examination but it does give them a bit of a fallback. i don't think cohen would even argue with that. he could have talked to them both at the same time, but prosecutors want to score this point. schiller and trump were physically together, could have talked to both of them about both the 14 and storing it was a short phone call, right? it's a minute. 37 minute, 30 yes. so the duration doesn't bother me. i don't have so much of a hard time understanding how they could have i think they easily could have talked about both things in a minute, 36, a bigger problem was
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michael cohen said nothing about the 14-year-old on his direct testimony, he said nothing about this phone call at all in front of the grand jury. and so the defense arguments can be something cohen made up on the fly or do you think the judge is going to rule on this? >> i have a hard time seeing how the judge keeps it out. it's important to look at what the bases might be for keeping evidence out. is it here, say is it not authenticated? is it bad evidence? is it fabricated, whatever else? and certainly it speaks to a key point. it's relevant to the trial. it helps prove hoover disprove something that's an issue at trial which is wet weather or when this conversation happened. so i would think the judge would let it in, but again, it's a judgment call entirely up to the judge. but the second old ellie's points, it doesn't really change this question of what they talked about on the call, but search sure. it helps the prosecution almost have a gotcha. moment saying, but look, here's a photograph of the two of them just fine. and that's before this phone call. ladies and gentlemen, you ought to believe that they that they did it makes the case that donald trump was in the know about the money to stormy,
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right? >> because what what michael cohen is testifying to that he basically said to him, done it's done. it's a done deal. it doesn't take a lot of time to say that, but it draws him into this conspiracy. it doesn't disprove the defense narrative, but it has a prostate exam excellent what exactly? >> sure. and agree on. how is the trump world right now reacting to this cross-examination, look, they think overall they've been fairly happy the advisers that i've spoken to about the entire testimony, michael cohen, because this is something that it was credibility is central now, it's been called into question, but again, we have no idea what the jury let's think of this and there's the retired judge was just saying a few moments ago, a wolf when you were speaking to him he thought it fell flat in there and michael cohen said that he essentially stole money from the trunk. organization. so it really doesn't matter what the trump advisers think of it. it's more what their client thinks and he probably was pleased at the fact that
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michael cohen has been embarrassed. he's been he's been outed as a as a fraud, a liar, a stealer. but again, overall, the the question i guess hanging over this now as we head into this week is trump going to testify or not nothing that has happened, nothing that has indicated that that is going to happen. his bluster of saying one's testified he's long stop saying that. so that would be a true stunner. are there been some minor centers but that would be a true center if he testifies, i can't imagine it. >> the other point that the judge made, which i thought was interesting and valid is that this whole exchange about red finch fixing the poll joe is donald trump to be a cheater and that's not good for donald trump, someone who complains about stolen elections, et cetera, et cetera, that it's not good for him his reputation either all right, guys, everybody standby. >> there's a lot more we're following right now the action
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in the courtroom is about to resume much more on the donald trump hush money trial after a quick break from medium rare well done so many ways to save life ready, while it happy that's 3605 by whole foods market. >> not flossing. well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is five times more effective than floss at reducing class above the gulf in line for a cleaner, healthier mouth this three feel the world thinking i'm thinking about her honeymoon, about africa so far hot air balloon ride i swim with elephants weight three, four to safari. >> great question. like everything takes a little planning or what the mind towards a down payment on a ranch in montana with horses. >> let's take a look at those scenarios.
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president donald trump's hush money in new york city. wolf blitzer is in washington and we are just moments from court getting back into session following a get lunch break. we're expecting michael cohen, trump's former fixer to return to the witness stand for the prosecution's redirect. that will follows a blistering defense cross-examination that ended earlier today. trump's attorneys grilled cohen in total for more than eight hours over the course of three days, wealth truly amazing stuff that's going on right now. some truly stunning moments in the courtroom to be sure earlier today, cohen admitting to stashing tens of thousands of dollars from trump back in 2016, that was intended to go to a technology company. trump attorney todd blanche asked him directly and i'm quoting now. so you stole from
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the trump organization cohen replying quote, yes, sir cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, elie honig has joining us right now. he's over at the magic well for sle, walk us through all of this right now, what do you see as the most important moments to come out of today's testimony. so far. yeah. well that was a riveting morning of testimony and the most important point as you just mentioned, is where michael cohen admitted squarely that he had stolen money from the trump organization. now, let's understand why that was so important. the core pay off at issue here was a two-part path. michael cohen first paid $130,000, essentially out of his own pocket to stormy dan right before the 2016 election to ensure her silence after that, donald trump and the trump organization reimbursed michael cohen a total of $420,000, and that is really the heart of the charges in this case. now, if we look at the way the $420,000 that we
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use to reimburse michael cohen what structured. here's what we see. $130,000 of that money payback michael cohen for the stormy daniel's payments another 50,000 went to pay michael cohen back for this company, red finch. we're going to come back to that in a second. they then doubled it and gave michael cohen $180,000 to cover his income taxes on those two payments. and then there was a $60,000 payment to michael cohen that adds up toward 20. take my word for it. what we learned this morning, however, was that out of this $50,000 to red finch, michael cohen actually only paid red finch 20,000. he pocketed and kept for himself $30,000 of it. so the testimony now has been clarified. here's how michael cohen talked about that transaction on his direct testimony last week, he was asked by the prosecutor and why did you then ask for $50,000 back? cohen said, because that's what was owed and i didn't feel mr. trump deserve the benefit of the difference
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this morning on cross-examinati on, we sought put in a much more direct, much more clear way. he was as you did steal from the trump organization based on the expected reimbursement from red finch and michael cohen admitted? yes, sir. he did steal from donald trump's organization on the key transaction at issue in this case, a couple of other important areas that were touched on this morning. michael cohen was asked a series of questions about robert costello, a lawyer who did some legal work for michael cohen, apparently has some contradictory information to what cohen testified about. it seems the defense may be setting the stage to call mr. costello as a defense witness. it seems that's up in the air right now. >> prosecutor now on redirect, when the prosecutor has got to read question michael cohen, they showed him a letter that he had written to the fcc, the federal election commission in 2018, were michael cohen wrote the payment to ms clifford stormy daniel's was lawful and was not a campaign contribution or campaign expenditure by anyone and michael cohen testified to the prosecutor that was a lie. >> and i the told that lie in order to protect donald trump
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in 2018 and on that note, the prosecutor really tried to bring the jury back to the heart of the matter. the prosecutor on redirect asked michael cohen, i know it may feel like you're on trial here after cross-examination, but are you actually on trial here? and michael cohen said, no, ma'am. now a wolf, where we left off, we're about to pick up in a few minutes is really a bit of a cliffhanger. this goes back to the big revelation last week about this crucial october 24, 2016 phone call, cohen had testified on direct that he called over to keith schiller and donald trump at 8:02 pm that night to tell them the stormy deal was taking care of. but then egn donald trump's team showed michael cohen a series of texts leading up to and right after that call suggesting that the actual purpose of the call was to talk about some 14 year-old kid who was sending michael cohen harassing text messages. so when we pick up the prosecutor, the ada susan hoffinger, she was starting to ask michael cohen about this call. she's got to do really, really important moment here as she
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tries to rehabilitate him and clarify what did and did not happen on that call wolf, we'll see that coverage resume in just a few minutes we'll be watching together with you, elie honig. >> excellent explanation. thanks very much. abby, back to you all right. >> well, we're going to pick up where elie just laughed off cnn's paula reid and kristen holmes are back with me now. i want to play actually the video that was being talked about by the judge and the council just before going to the lunch break. this is a video of trump and prosecution believes keith schiller at a trump rally at around the time when this key phone call was supposed to have happened. the prosecution, they want to admit this video into evidence or a picture of this scene into evidence and that's going to be a crucial moment. apala, a couple of things about this. one, there's a dispute here about whether this is in fact keith schiller, whether they can prove it. do they need
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to bring in another witness in order to positively identify him? and then secondly, why would the prosecution want to establish that keith schiller and donald trump were together at that particular moment. >> one of the biggest blows that blanche landa during his cross-examination of michael cohen is getting colon to concede that it's possible that the conversation that he had testified that he had with john about the hush money payment that night, may have actually only been about a prank call there. now they did get them to say that, yeah, maybe i could have talked about both. what this video would suggest is that trump and keith schiller were in proximity that night. so it would have been possible that schiller could have quickly gotten trump on the phone. cohen could have briefly mentioned the hush money payment and therefore not been caught in a lie. now, todd blanche bought against the admission of that video as hard to see as spotted since the admission of anything so far in this trial, it's not much, but again, it would potentially undermine one of his big successes on cross. yeah, that would be a crucial point. and
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kristen, i know, you know, keith schiller was always with donald trump and secondly, it's not a typical, if you want to talk to donald trump, you got to call somebody else who was around him. so that would be key just sort of bolstering michael cohen's testimony that maybe it was about multiple things that they talked about in that in that phone call. >> well, i certainly think that this video would be some form of redemption for michael cohen again, we have no idea that michael cohen i've actually talked to donald trump or talked with keith schiller and donald trump about the hush money payment. but just the idea that they were actually together, given what we know, given we know that michael cohen had texted case-shiller, right before about this 14 we're all prankster. and again, as you said, this was really todd blanche's big punch that he landed. and as you noted, abeid, most people who are around donald trump were used to getting phone calls on his behalf. it was molly best or how do we heard from hope hicks, keith schiller anyone who isn't as the acidity that's usually who you would call if you are trying to get in touch with them. so it's not out of the realm of possibility. this would give a little bit more protection to
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michael cohen after that punch landed from todd blanche lesson. >> and it's potentially not over yet, right? i mean, we still have to see what kind of case the defense puts on if they decide to do so. and what are the things that they did in the questioning of michael cohen today? it was bring up this issue of bob. >> bob costello, who was sort of kind of not really and actually donald trump is walking back into court right now just to note, he did not stop to say anything or addressed the cameras. >> he's going straight into the court, were expecting court to read zoom in just a couple of minutes and obviously, we will be getting those alerts on the left of your screen there prosecutors are also back in the courtroom, but bob costello, paula, is a figure who is looming a little bit over this. they got some questions in about him too. day about the relationship between him and michael cohen. i have to admit it's a little bit complicated and the big question for the defense is going to be do they open that
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can of worms when they have the opportunity to or did they do enough today to seen some doubts about michael cohen's account. >> so we've been following this for about a week now, midway through last week, vodka cell is absolutely not going to be called. i was told on multiple sources. then he testified before congress and kristen and i learned that the former president was very impressed and there was outreach from his legal team about the possibility of testify. but as and now it does not seem likely that bob costello was going to take the stand. instead, what you saw todd blanche do is get out what they needed. that was relevant to undercutting michael cohen's testability testimony and his his credibility from cohen directly without having to put costello on the stand because bob costello, he is he's a longtime trump ally. he is represented rudy giuliani four years he was called before the grand jury in this case. he was the only defense witness, was little confusing why the defense wasn't going to call them here, but as of now, it doesn't look like they need to because they have done enough to undercut michael cohen's
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credibility and anything else that costello would have offered about his time advising michael cohen. they were able to elicit from collin himself. so at this point, i would expect that the defense case may only be one really short election witness, so his name's brad smith, will be on there for about ten minutes. >> and earlier this morning, there was a lengthy conversation with the judge about that very witness really limiting the scope of the testimony that he would be able to give a big blow to the defense in that case as well, a christian and policy with me we've got a lot more to come. the trial is set to resume in just a couple of minutes will take you right there. stay with us in the stanley cup. >> fairclough life is on the line right now. >> two now if the distractions goodness still feel hi, sky high a lot of new dry eye patients in my office. tell me about their frequent dry eyes,
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>> we're gonna get an a minute. okay representative meanwhile, at a vrbo, when other vacation rentals leave you hanging dry, one where you can reach a human in about a minute. >> i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn welcome back to cnn special live coverage of the hush money criminal trial of donald trump. >> the prosecution has begun to try to repair the damage from the cross-examination of star witness, michael cohen. today, the defense got cohen to admit he still more than $30,000 from the trump organization after his bonus was cut. my panel is back with the right now, elie, let's talk about testimony expected to resume any moment now, what prosecutors need to do. >> well, they have to undo some damage and they have to get the jury to focus back on the indictment, back on the charges i don't think look, you can't eliminate all the damage that was done by a couple of moments. we've seen they can't change the fact that michael cohen stole money from the
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trump organization on the key transaction. they can't change the fact that there are texts that undermine a key portion of michael cohen's testimony about that october 24 call, and that's where they're going to pick up wealth. but i think they've started to claw back a little well, i think the most important points that the prosecution is scored on redirect this morning was just when they asked michael cohen and it's a standard sort of prosecutor gambit. but just who's on trial here, you or donald trump? donald trump you want the jury's focus sort of shifting away from that witness box and back over to the defense table. what do you think so i think prosecutors have to keep it short and it's really just a couple of questions. >> number one, do you remember speaking with donald trump and or keith schiller about the stormy daniels case? yes. and just get the one word answer. did you believe when you carried out the actions you did that you were acting at the correction and with the full knowledge of donald trump, it's a compound question. you wouldn't ask it that way, but the answer is also yes to both of those no further questions. again, it's not worth bickering with the defense
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through the witness, just get out there. what their cases and fix it in their closing argument and say, look, no witnesses. perfect. he has some credit the only questions, however, much of what he said has been corroborated and supported by the documents full stop. >> how do you think gloria trump's defense team is gearing up to present their case. >> well, look, i think they've already presented their case and what they have to do is take all the strings and tie it together in a nice, in a nice little bow. and they have to show that michael cohen, while not the perfect witness, was corroborated. time and time again that he was corroborated by david pecker, that he was corroborated by the banker that he was corroborated you know, buy even by hope hicks in a way. so that what they have to do is say, look, you know, the guys not perfect, but we didn't hire him. donald trump hired him and also show that donald trump was a micromanager
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and knew about most things, although maybe not the extra bonus for michael cohen, but knew about most things that were going on within his organization. and this was something so big and so important that it would have been absurd for michael cohen not to be talking to donald trump about it? that it would, it would be completely unbelievable for, for for donald trump candidate for president not to know about this particularly in the days after the access hollywood tape for his manager look, i mean, as we're watching what's happening in the courtroom as we speak, the judge's rereading if he's going to allow that photograph into evidence, are not seeing how c-span verifies the video. >> there's no doubt the video is accurate because we played our own video there and that's from a network of pool feed from the week before the election. i think that takes us back to the important moment here. this was october 24. you can see the video there. this was after a rally in tampa,
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florida. so if the judge decides to allow this, it shows that they were the same place and michael cohen could have been speaking on the phone with donald trump as well in that very brief phone calls. so that's why this is important. we're basically and clean up right now of everything we've heard so far, but we're also nearing the end of this. i think i'm again going back to the retired judge. you i had on this morning and spoke with or this afternoon, he said it landed flat in the courtroom. so the jury may not realize that this is a big deal that he stole that have been so many allegations and things. >> so i'm not sure i was struck by his comment that it landed flat and the courtroom, so that is one of the reasons perhaps the prosecution is not going to dwell on on this. they want to move on and he's leaning back or the former president with his eyes closed. perhaps a good time to take a break and sleep. >> the judge merchan aren't continues to read the transcript as trump is leaning back, closing his eyes the defense doesn't have to agree
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to allowing this this evidence into stipulate to it. >> admission into court. but but a couple things, as jeff said, we've already had testimony authenticating are walking through how c-span verifies the information it does. so it's not there isn't much to be gained from bickering back-and-forth over the admissibility of this photograph. now, gibbs prosecutors a small win quite frankly, that every thing that they can successfully introduced plants in the jury's head that they did something minor, but this is the kind of thing that they could probably just agree. >> and i called keith schiller to testify well, because we're only going to be nosy he's going to say, number one if prosecutors call him, he may not actually be helpful prosecution witness. we're just getting this from our folks inside the courtroom that he's not allowing the district attorney's office to bring in the photos as they are seeking to now to now through a paralegal that's interesting. well though so the problem with the photographs is as a
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prosecutor, you have to authenticate them. so if you're going to say these are photographs or videos taken from c-span you need someone who can say, yeah, that's actually what was on. >> but legal who obviously watched all this video. >> we saw the parietal testifying last week, i think to look do the text message right. and not allowing the season spam video to be admitted as evidenced by trump pointed to something in front of his attorney blast time. guess steinglass said they may recall the cspan archivist to testify a judge marsha and s for a time video that we just saw, have donald trump and keith schiller together that we'll get to the jury. it's just a question of do they have to drag this guy from c-span back into the courtroom to say, yes, i'm what c-span. yes, that's a video that we aired. yes, that's where october 24. that'll happen. but the judge is saying, okay, well, look i can make the defense at greta this so prosecutors, you may need to call this guy back and it sounds like they went they need to i'm all for defense attorneys holding their ground. and this. >> we'll see the transcript
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later. >> de and see exactly how this played out. this seems to be kind of silly because they could agree to, because there's no disk dispute realistically, that the cspan video is what it says is and we'd had testimony or earlier in the trial regarding how c-span does this. so if there's no problem, if it's not offensive, prejudicial hearsay, whatever else you just let it into court just getting answered as well. >> joshua steinglass, the one of the prosecutors, says that. they will move quickly on all of this and they're going to maybe decide to call this witness from c-span me obviously think it's important enough because what they what it what it does is it says, you know, michael cohen may have had the opportunity to speak with donald trump and tell him that the stormy daniels track and to action had been accomplished. and they obviously believe that's important. >> judge merchan responded, i know i have the authority. i know it's discretionary, so
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he's saying but i'm going to make you go through the motions yeah. this is the right thing for a judge to the kicks out. >> i mean, i think if you're judged mug shot, you don't want to cut any corners or do anything that potentially could could have an appeal, go forward after a verdict, particularly its pro prosecution. >> i mean, he can he can rule things in favor of the defense ruling for the prosecution's always fraught with peril and then we just got a note saying blanche has you saying both sides may rest their cases today, which a tells me that defense is anticipating few, if any, witnesses may be just this election fraud expert. >> and that what blanche what blanche is saying is this book is about to be closed. >> and we're not going to hold off on closing it until they can get the cspan guy back in the trump attorney says, we have a few witnesses here. there is a likelihood that we will arrest today. >> they have two hours and seven minutes left before the end of their day when he says there's a likelihood that we will rest today. he's going to ask if he'd bring anybody up. he'll ask a few questions and send the witnesses. >> i think there bob costello up to say that michael cohen
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cannot be trusted hi, perry. >> i'm not sure that he will be a witness it sounds to me like it's more of a technical witnesses like the alleged experts said, what they don't want those to have to wait for the cspan expert to come in, which he's obviously not waiting in the wings so that would be hours away. things war is not, is not a long time at all in cork, years. and so i'm anticipating, as jeff was saying, it's not that many people or that substantive, it remains to be seen, but i truly think they can finish today it's not going to be da's office probably has a detective car waiting at cspan headquarters in new york i mean, that's what i would do, but that's down the street here as well. >> yeah. if they have some sort of new york office, i would have we have a lot going on right now. we're going to stay on top of all of the developments from inside the courtroom will speak with the judge about the case and how it's going for prosecutors and the defense team. lots of news going on and we'll be right
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get celebrate your milestones with custom gear, get started today,, your assignment with aue cornish. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts welcome back to cnn special coverage of donald trump's hush money criminal trial cnn's paula reid and kristen holmes are with me here. there are outside of the courthouse in manhattan. just to review. while we've been in break, a couple of things have been happening in the courthouse. they are now taking a break because they are still dealing with this this issue of
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a c-span video that shows purportedly donald trump and keith schiller, his body man together on the de that michael cohen said he had a key phone call with the two men now, the attorneys, the defense of the prosecution, paula, are still arguing over this and there's a question about whether or not they will have to bring that a c-span technical witness to basically stipulate that this video is what they say, that it is that it was taken at the time that it says that it was this might actually potentially delay the end of this trial and the beginning of the next phase of it, which would be jury instructions and perhaps closing argument at this point, the judge is asking him to see if this witness his name is robert browning. he's one of the first people we heard from, you remember he got on a standard, he's guy from indiana, he's the c-span archives testified how he was so nervous and the only reason he had to testifies because the two sides wouldn't have agree to bring in some c-span archival footage. well, oddly, as we expect this case to
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close, we are back arguing over another piece of c-span archival footage, a potentially important piece of footage that shows trump with his body man, keith schiller on the same day that michael cohen has previously testified he called trump to talk about the hush money payment, but defense attorneys got them to admit that he may instead of talking about a 14-year-old prankery. now the reason this video is important is because it suggests that both men were together and perhaps when cohen called trump are called schiller he could have easily spoken to trump if they were in physical proximity. todd blanche has fought against this as hard as he fought against anything, but it can't come in without it being verified because the two sides won't agree. so right now, a trump heading back into court, right now, they are trying to get this poor archivist back from deanna on the stand tomorrow, which would mean walking back into the courthouse with his attorney, todd blanche, walking right behind him. >> this would mean that the jury would have to come back in tomorrow, which we didn't in fact, they would come in tomorrow. we expect that the lawyers would be here to argue other issues. but this would be quite an inconvenience for the jury, but prosecutors clearly
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think that this is such a significant, if not very brief piece of video footage that they have to go through these steps. so this is really a markable little event here. >> it very much is, and i want to bring in now former federal judge john e. jones, the third judge jones. thank you for being here. as we're discussing here. this is a crucial question before judge merchan he has to decide how this goes. he's already said he doesn't want to just allow this into evidence first of all, do you think that was the right call here, given that the cspan way? it has already been on the stand for other footage, doesn't make sense to have him come back to admit this piece of video unfortunately abby, it does and he's just being careful, judge, merchan as being careful because there's a very strenuous objections by the defense the foundation wasn't laid for this particular part of evidence. and so judgment, sean is saying, look, i hate to do this
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but you're going to have to lay a proper foundation. i'm sure the conversation at first at sidebar, the judge was looking at defense council and saying, are you kidding me? you know, that this is authentic. why can't you just stipulate? but this is a death cage match and they're not going to stipulate to anything at this point. so i think that's what he's doing so what he has to do yeah. >> and just to underscore for people, why this matters in this is really the crux of both the defenses best shot that they've taken at michael cohen and his credibility, and also, it establishes a key part of the prosecution's argument, which is that michael cohen informed trump at a very key moment about what he was doing to resolve the stormy daniels matter. if this is not handled properly, uh, you alluded to this is a concern here from judge marsha and that this could be a huge issue upon
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appeal well, you have to have a substantial error or set of errors to have a case come back to be retried. >> there are errors that affect the integrity pretty of the proceedings, and there are harmless errors. i can't say whether letting it in over the defense's objection would be harmless or not under the circumstances but obviously, the defense thinks that this is highly damaging because it goes to the heart of where they think they scored points on their direct examination he should and that's why blanche and judge to interrupt you, judge i'm sorry to interrupt you, judgment. we are back in session here. they had just taken a quick break. it sounds like the prosecution is saying that c-span is prepared to book travel for this witness, which could mean the jury's back tomorrow and they've got to hear this yeah. >> i think that's what's going to happen because again, the
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foundation for one doesn't mean foundation for all and the jury's not going to like this. they're not going to know exactly why it happened this way, but it's prolonging they're time. i frankly think that jury has to be getting fatigued now, there's also the issue of recency with the jury that they can see this this clip close in time to when they're going to hear closing arguments, the charge and deliberations that may resonate with them. and that's i think why the defense is fighting so hard. >> judge. my sean is saying if scheduling were an issue, if time where of the essence, i would agree with you. it sounds it's not entirely clear what that's a reference to scheduling might be an issue, but time is not necessarily the limiting factor here. judge merchan also saying we agreed this morning, we're basically going to have a week downward sending the jury home for a week to do nothing. there's no
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prejudice. there is a scheduling thing here that was dealt with this morning. it was thought initially that they could get to closing arguments by this week, the judge said, it's not going to be until next tuesday. some of it is about the timing of when closing arguments occurs. does it make sense to you that going into a long weekend like memorial day weekend, that maybe neither the prosecution or the defense would want to present summations before such a long period of time when the jury would not really be able to deliberate well, there's two problems with that. >> number one is that you don't want to have closings and then for de break and then come back in charge. the jury next week, nor do you want to charge the jury this week perhaps, and send them out on a thursday afternoon where they may feel rushed in their deliberations. i think he's still exactly the right thing. you have to take into account these long holidays. it's better come back fresh year the closing in arguments next week. and then here the charge right
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after the closing arguments, that's more seamless and that's what he's saying that look, i know you have to fly this guy in, but we've got time i'm to present. another witness yeah. >> and as we're speaking here, it sounds like judge merchan is going to allow this witness to be called donald trump reacting a little bit to it in the courthouse this is a blow for the defense for sure. judge. john e. jones. a third. thank you very much for joining us thanks for having me and much more much more of our special coverage of the hush money trial of donald trump after a quick blake break. plus the prosecutor of the international criminal for is seeking arrest warrants for the leader of hamas and for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. cnn is live from the hey, that's next riyadh says new album is breaking records gets to say what country is columbia
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exclusive interview with the icc prosecutor, karim khan. she's joining us now, live from the hague christiane, us secretary of state, antony blinken released a statement earlier today saying the us rejects the prosecutors equivalents of israel with him hamas saying and i'm quoting him now, it is shameful. how is the icc responding well, it's responding by a saying that there's no equivalence and actually i also talked to other us very senior juries, including former leaders of a war crimes trial against law. >> but amylose of age, you remember during the balkan wars and he says there's no equivalence. these, these are just charges where the evidence leads. now, in terms of the other criticism which is israel is a democracy. and this is the first time the leaders of a democracy have been dust charged by the icc why couldn't they do it? i did osc the prosecutor about this and he told me that they had tried
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over a period of years that they hadn't got the kind of meaningful responses from certainly not recently from the israeli authorities to do it themselves. and this is part of that conversation. israel is a democracy they have a judiciary, they have low enforcement, they have elected leaders why do you need to do this when they have a system that could do this i'd much rather israel does it i mean israeli, right? it has ray good supreme court, it has very qualified, brilliant lawyers but even if you read recently public information, for example, in the new york times, i think the bergman and metallic report, if one goes back to the 80s and look at the cupp report a deputy attorney general of israel who said that israel was unwilling and unable to investigate crimes in the occupied territories. if one looks at the sassoon report if
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one looks at general us three-star general that was in washington, dc between 2019 and 2021, who said there's no accountability? the simple truth is that for all the application of the law in the territory of israel, unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be applied with vigor or sincerity in the occupied territories while in gaza. and this is why we have to move forward so on the substance of the charges he leveled a charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the three hamas leaders, including obviously for mass killing, they call that extermination of, for the taking of hostages, for these rapes and sexual abuse it's even in captivity for torture. >> and the others on the israeli sayyed, they also talked about mass killings. they cited that inside gaza of civilians, but they also focused very heavily on using starvation as a weapon of war.
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and this is the first time that has been that charge has been leveled by this court would it would be the first time that that charge is prosecuted, if indeed, and this was only a first step. well, if indeed these demands for arrest warrants are upheld by the pretrial panel of judges at the icc which we assume it will be a christiana amanpour in the hague for us. excellent reporting. thank you very, very much. and just ahead, we'll go back to new york for the latest on the donald trump hush money trial major developments as the prosecution and defense reach a deal to admit a potentially key photograph into evidence. jurors are being shown the photograph, right now this is a secret. >> war, secrets and spies premier sunday they didn't second attempt bomb cnn every day, dirt and grind settles deep within your tiles grout leinz, stanley steamers, powerful custom-made equipment removes the dirt you see, and
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and stay positive or positive. he didn't win a ring oh, my god welcome. back to our special coverage of donald trump's criminal hush money trial. michael cohen is back on the stand after the prosecution and the defense struck a deal to admit a. photo showing keith schiller with donald trump on a key date and time just to catch you up here on what has transpired, the jurors were just shown the photo in the courtroom and michael cohen than was asked to identify keith schiller. we're going to show you now that video that the photo is from and kristen holmes, tell us which one is keith schiller and the red tie that's keith schihiller walking off within their see slow motion red tie, white shirt shirt. you can see him there and then they walk off the stage together and i just to be clear, this video was not admitted into court. just a still frame from it, and a stipulation was read. this was an order to not have to have the c-span archives. it's come back the stipulation was that
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the both parties have agreed that the steel photograph taken at the end of a video be submitted? >> video concluded at 7:57 p.m. on october 24, 2016. >> it's signed by both baja secretion and the defense today may 20, 2024 now obviously, what this shows is that the same time or roughly five minutes later, ten minutes later that you would know that miael cohen called keith schiller so this is the prosecution was wanting to have the entire video showing their walking off the stage together. i'd seven instead, they're just having this screenshot, but this was really the crowd books of both of their cases and a very important moment here, because this is the biggest punch that we saw. todd blanche land, because we know about that call. because the fact that michael cohen had been telling texting keith schiller beforehand. this shows that schiller and trump were together at that time. prosecution wanted to enter this in here. the defense really wanted it out. >> we were hearing a little open from inside the courtroom about trump seeming pretty agitated as this was being
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worked out. and there was a prospect that they could have to the everyone would have to come back to court with the season span witness to stipulate to this basic question of fact, whether or not the video is what they say that it is. the defense ended up caving here. we wouldn't be talking about this having just been resolved if they didn't just decide to let it go. yeah. finally, they agreed to stipulate it's pretty clear that everybody is getting a little restless for the first time or colleagues are reporting inside and a few we're able to see this. >> but while you were in courted, the jury even getting restless earlier during cross the defendant clearly restless. the judge is aggravated, right. people want to move this along so the defense we made the right move and just stipulating let it in and move forward. there were some choices made by both the defense and the prosecution to do an extremely lengthy cross and direct of michael cohen i mean, there were the jury this morning. i'm not surprised to hear that they weren't to a degree getting restless because as that process was going slowly, apollo going to update you from
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the court. i'm getting ahead of the side stream. don't don't kill me. control room. >> but right now, todd blanche is saying that yes, they're gonna put on bradley smith, who's the election expert. >> he'll be on briefly, potentially bob costello kristen and i broke the story last week that this is a possibility. it appear that they probably we wouldn't call him because they got did most of what they needed from michael cohen. but here, todd blanche telling the judge that they could potentially call mr. costello then they'd put a paralegal on just to get in some evidence, but that would be significant, that he's saying that honestly, we're going to think about mr. costello, depending on how this morning goes. so i was previously told that the decision about costello would rest on how michael cohen's testimony went. that's not over because they're clearly right now on redirect, then they'll have re-cross, but from what todd blanche is telling the judge, the possibility of collin costello is still yeah. true possible. it sounds like there's there's still deliberating over this real quick before you jump in paul it and how unusual isn't for at
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this stage, they're almost to the end of the prosecution's its final witness, and the defense is still not sure how they're going to proceed with their with their their defense case. >> this is something that you can always do or you don't have to definitively say who you are not going to call. you bring people in, you call them, or you don't. what's surprising to me is my reporting was pretty rough rock solid early last week that bob costello was not going to be called. but based on his performance before congress midway through last week, the defendant was so impressed he insisted that he needed to be called, and i do want to mention one thing about that testimony before congress. it was about michael cohen in which he talked about how michael cohen with a liar. so you can see why former president might want that internet designed to get trump's attention in a way, paula and christian stay with me. we're going to sneak in a quick break. we have much more of our special coverage of the trump hush money trial after a
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services team helped us get a design we loved. >> come together for a car get started today at i'm are let saenz at the white house. >> and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial more victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 we're, back with our special coverage. if former president trump's hush money criminal trial, i'm wolf blitzer in washington. abby phillip is outside the court in new york for us right now, trump's former lawyer and fixer, michael cohen, is back on the witness stand prosecutors are trying to clean up some of the damage to their star witnesses credibility after cohen admitted earlier today to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the trump organization. abby,
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you're following some of these breaking details. you're just outside the court update our viewers that's right. >> well, if the court just resumed after taking a quick break, they were having a bit of a technical issue, but now they are back in action. can the prosecution they are in redirect right now and they just played for michael cohen a video clip of michael cohen talking to keith davidson this is the lawyer for stormy daniel's and for karen mcdougal and in love video clip, it's actually quite lengthy, but the part that they are trying to, it seems highlight is where he says, i can't even say how many times he said to me, i hate the fact that we did it. my comment to him was every person that we've spoken to tells you it was the right move. he in that clip is donald trump. and this is what michael cohen just testified to and he's talking here about the payments that key keith davidson made on behalf of trump or i'm sorry that michael
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cohen made on behalf of trump for the stormy daniel's agreement. why do you think paula that this might be coming up here? a frankly, again, because this is not the first time we are hearing this piece of evidence. >> and again, they can bring up anything new redirect. so this is something that came up when keith davidson previously testified and they're showing that at least according to this, trump had some regret that this money was paid and then cohen goes on to talk about the fallout that this had on him. the fact that his entire life was turned upside down, he lost his law license. his business is financial security. and this is actually i'm just reading live updates from inside the court. i may be getting actually on par the side stream for one's redirect is over. so that's how the prosecutors chose to end. their redirect cohen to remind the jurors of the fallout that trump had regret and the fallout for michael cohen from making his hush money payment and could todd blanche, the attorney for donald trump? is back at the podium, will be
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seeing exactly what he'll be saying shortly. but one of the other things that happened a little earlier in the redirect was susan hoffinger the prosecutor, asking once again to michael cohen, would you have done anything? would you have paid $130,000 to stormy daniel's if donald trump had not explicitly authorized it, and michael cohen said, no, you really saw that during the defense's cross-examination, they were trying to paint a picture of someone who would have done it without being directed by donald trump, that this is someone who at the time was fiercely loyal would have done anything for donald trump. donald trump didn't actually have to tell him to do anything. now i do want to note again because i cannot not stress how important this is. the entire link between donald trump in this case rests on michael cohen, and that's why you've seen so much in the cross-examination, hear of him by todd blanche, them trying seem to undermine him to discredit him. and that's now what they're trying to do on redirect is to re credit and that's why they're going to end on this kind of emotional testimony from michael cohen saying his entire life i was ruined by this. that is also
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why you saw on the other side, the defense ending their examination with you with lie, someone who are loyal with you would lie them stand essentially. and so this is just the key witness here. it's really been interesting to see how they both try to paint him as a completely different your point or todd blanche saying to michael cohen you lost your law license. is that president trump's fault? michael cohen replies, in part, this is about maybe in a way, who is the dirtier of the characters here that are being presented to this jury. the defense is based basically saying michael cohen is responsible for michael cohen's own misdeeds because often when michael cohen has lived throughout this saga, he has said i did so in service to either candidate in a president trump form of present trump, whoever it is, he said that i did it to help him. but when you really parse out the specific things that he has pleaded guilty to, the also includes some things that had nothing to do with trump trump including issues that he had with the irs, issues that he had related to his taxi
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medallion business. so that's the point that blanche is making here. they're saying look like you lost sure. law license because trump no large part of that is what you did. this has been a common theme throughout their cross-examination. not surprising, they're revisiting it here. yeah, they're talking about the tax crimes as you just said, the false statement let's kick cohen made to the bank, which he did on his own accord by taking out that home equity line of credit to make this payment and not only that, but they were painting a picture earlier today of a man who has a lot of business dealings that really were occupying a lot of his time in october of 2016 of the things that they're trying to do here is paint michael cohen as somebody who has a lot of problems of his own blanche saying here he's confirming with cohen that if you are convicted of any felony in new york, you automatically lose your law license. cohen still blames trump's for losing his it's paula and kristen stay with me. we're still getting a lot of updates from inside of the courtroom, wolf back to you.
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>> all right, abby, thank you. a redirect is now over and trump. attorney todd blanche is now back to questioning michael cohen. want to bring in our panel of experts to discuss, first of all, elie walk us through where we are right now. so now todd blanche is engaging in reading he cross of michael cohen, the way it goes is direct. you get questioned by the prosecutor across he get question by the defense then susan hoffinger, the prosecutor just did a redirect and now there's re-cross. i would not be doing re-cross if i was the defense lawyer here as soon as susan hoffinger finished her redirect, i would've said no further questions. get them off the stand. they were in the really deep in the weeds here elliott out significant is this photo of this this screenshot of this c-span video that was taking place. >> so just a few days, maybe a couple of weeks, if that before november 8, 2016, presidential election. well, if it's fascinating that there where we see this it's fascinating that there was so much back-and-forth about this photo. one because there's nothing that controversial about the photograph. its admissibility. so the parties
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could have agreed to need to get it is they actually did. number two, nothing really changes. the defense's central argument that that michael cohen spoke about something other than stormy daniel's spoke about this fight with his 14 years get whether donald trump was photographed with keith schiller prior to that, doesn't really change the defense's argument now, what an ellie and i were talking about this in the break how this helps prosecutors is that prosecutors can now almost make this a perry mason gotcha. moment. sorts saying, well, look, we have the photograph of them standing together therefore, the defense's argument isn't as strong as you thought it was now, again, it doesn't negate or change the defense's argument. it doesn't change what the record of text messages that casts doubt on what michael cohen might have spoken about. but it's still a valuable piece of evidence that prosecutors can claim a small victory during the defense argument attacking michael coe was not you only talked to keith schiller and knock donald trump. the
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argument is what you talked to them about was the 14 year-old kid and not the hush money payment to stormy daniel's and again, it's worth no. i mean, so so prosecutors say a-ha, keith schiller was with donald trump, is when you must have talked about both, but that's not really the point of the defense argument. the bigger point also, the defense makes is you, michael cohen never told breed the word of any of this to the grand jury or on your direct testimony. so it takes a little bit of sting out, but 10% the point remains, who cares about the photograph and not been the jury would have seen any this playing out. they were sent out of the room, but that entire back and forth didn't really benefit either party in a meaningful way because whether it comes in and this is sort of the point that both of us making, whether it comes in, doesn't really change the defense's hand in one way or another because even if trump and schiller were together prior to that conversation, it doesn't change what the defense claims. let's talk about on the call it's interesting, gloria, because just a little while ago, the trump attorney, todd blanche, said that they could call
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former cohen lawyer bob costello, a paralegal campaign expert. >> but there's still undecided well, bob costello has a relationship with michael cohen that is not good. according to michael cohen costello, who also represented rudy giuliani as now suing and steve bannon is now suing both of those for unpaid leave. single bell you know, you are loved and that meant that you're loved by the boss, which would be donald trump. >> and tried to sort of get him in the fall to make sure that he didn't flip and that was michael cohen's read of it. we'll see what bob costello has to say about that. he may have a different read of it. what was also interesting to me is that todd blanche keeps drilling down on cohen's life
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and the term that it took that he lost his law license cohen said his his life was turned upside down and that he blames trump in part for it. >> and that even though there were the problem with the taxi medallions and the taxes and all the rest. >> he still is blaming donald trump for it. and that is something that the defense has saying, you know, you did this to yourself this isn't this isn't correct. you're blaming trump for your own faults and you shouldn't be doing that it's worth noting. >> so right here and i'm curious to see what the next update we get as wolf given that the defense is now returning to this photograph, blanche asks cohen if his testimony stands, that in the 92nd phone call, cohen talk to schiller? yes, sir. cohen? cohen says, i'm curious word the defense goes with this because again, they're going down a rabbit hole that they probably don't need to because they have a theory as to the at
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least according to them, the implausibility that cohen would have talked exclusively about stormy daniel's, despite the fact that he was texting about this fight with a 14-year-old in the minutes leading up to that? so why they revisited it, it's not clear. we'll just see where they go, but thought it was interesting and a jeff that todd blanche or the trump attorney also said today that the defense could rest their case today, later today, is it looking less and less likely? i assume it is? that donald trump himself might be called to testify. it absolutely is looking less likely. >> it was never very likely, but that was also hanging. it was always hanging over there as a possibility but this morning and the transcript that we got from earlier this morning that was flagged by our kara scannell, who's inside the courtroom. the former president's name was not mentioned when his lawyers were up at a sidebar having a conversation with the judge it's still not completely ruled out the door. i wasn't totally shut, but it's pretty much shut. and look, we knew this was going to be the case. we've seen in so many cases
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where donald trump has said, i'm going to testify one at my story out. his lawyers there's knew it was a bad idea. the question here is, again, this is very puzzling that they're going back down this road with michael cohen one thing you don't want to do is you guys i'm have repeatedly said his waist to jurors time, so they wonder, we're going over this old ground again. blanche is asking michael cohen if he lied to congress. they ready been over his lies, but i guess want to leave that in the mind of jurors that michael cohen as a liar we know he's a liar. so this is, i find this very interesting. don't you guys and they will have every opportunity get ready to have an unobstructed closing three hours in front of the jury to tie this all together. >> an argument you don't gain a ton. >> sorry, one thing we can report the prosecution has arrested folks inside of just heard that the prosecution has rested that significant. >> if i can, that's a big moment in a trial and this is very much like you'd see in a movie. you get to as the prosecutor stand up and say your honor, at this point, the
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prosecution rests. that means they are done putting on their case if by the way, the defense says we rest, now, it's over. we're going to close it. i mean, the judges said closings won't happen until next week, but this means the prosecution believes it has met its burden of proof they're done. here we see cohen is off the witness stand. and so the next step we'll be does the defense have any case to put a now we're gonna get the question about the answer to the question about, well, they call robert costello. will they call this election expert? will they called donald trump? i mean, jeff is right there. it's clear now they're not calling battlefield. they've been formally said that, but just given the timeframe he's not taking the stand. >> trump used to say, i have nothing to hide. i'm more than happy to go and testify. >> and anyone who pleads guilty and all that kinda stuff forget forget about all of that. i mean, he said he was going to testify in the molar case, you know, it's not going to happen. no lawyer in his or her right mind correct me if i'm wrong. >> yeah. you're right. >> to testify in this case or
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in any case, by the way gloria hold on a second. we just lost your mic, but we will get that fixed and we'll get back. >> we are seeing, i mean, interestingly, again, this is a candidate for president and former president. it's history-making that's why we're talking about it. but trump did not look at michael cohen as he left the witness box for the last time, just the extraordinary nature of their relationship has gloria knows better than anyone you've critical this for so long that is going to this case is going to rise or fall on michael cohen and just their relationship there's really no parallel to michael cohen and donald trump like, no, you don't have a mic. >> well, we'll get that fixed. >> everybody standby will have much more of our special coverage of the hush money criminal trial of donald trump after a quick break the trump hush money trial gavel to gavel coverage, the weight only cnn can bring it to you. >> legal insight expert analysis, and real-time updates live from the courtroom follow the facts, follow the testimony, follows cnn do you,
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brain health challenge. >> anderson cooper 360 tonight at eight on cnn welcome back to cnn special live coverage as the first criminal trial of a former president enters its final stages. we are in date 19 of this case, and the prosecution has now rested its case the defense has also just now called its first witness. his name is daniel simcoe. he is a paralegal at the defense attorney todd blanche's law firm, and daniel is they're really for one basic technical reason which is to talk about and phone calls between michael cohen and bob costello. we were just talking about him in the last few hours. this paralegal basically has logged phone calls between these two men, and this was an issue paula earlier in the cross-examinatio n of michael cohen, a lot of phone calls and conversations between michael cohen and bob costello despite the fact that
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some of the emails between the two men might suggest that maybe michael cohen wanted to keep them at arm's length. they talked for a long time, michael cohen admitted on the witness witness stand, and that would also looks like perhaps the the defense might decide to just bring costello on as a witness. >> yeah. which kristen and i first reported that possibility late last week. and the thing is that bob costello and michael cohen don't agree about the nature of their professional relationship. rob costello says he wasn't attorney to michael cohen, that he he helped advise him while he became under him came under scrutiny by the justice department at one point, with past few years, michael cohen even had to waive attorney-client privilege, suggesting that there were privileged communications cohen tried to downplay how often they spoke, but it was revealed on cross-examination that actually spoke it looks like about 75 times michael cohen's insist that there was no retainer agreement we met therefore, costello was never formally his attorney, but they have a lot of conversations and during those conversations, costello learned a lot. he is
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testified both during the a grand jury in this case, before there was indictment, who's the only defense witness called? and now it appears he could be called again. and the purpose for calling him is to undercut cohen's credibility. >> would think changed kristen, between last week and this week about whether or not they wanted to call bob costello to the witness stand? >> well, there were a couple of things. one was this congressional testimony that costello was a part of in which he essentially went after michael cohen saying he was a liar. he's also done a series of interviews views recently on one of donald trump's favorite network fox news, in which he talked about how michael cohen directly told him at one point that it was his idea that he had to protect donald trump and that's likely what you're going to hear now. >> for the prosecution, if bob costello is called, now the prosecution tried to kind of get out in front of this. >> they talk to michael cohen when they're first originally questioning him saying, you know, what did you think of bob costello? you had michael cohen really trying to downplay it. think at one point he thought he was sketchy. he was trying to hold his relationship with rudy giuliani we only former
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president are then president donald trump over michael cohen, ted. but again, then it was revealed that they spoke here, go to the record, shows that there were 75 calls between cohen and costello answered and unanswered in april, may, and june of 2018. so they're entering all this the call logs into evidence after michael cohen tried to downplay their relationship and we also have with us bryan lanza, he was the deputy communications director for the trump 20 16 campaign. >> bryan the defense now has the floor so far they spent a lot of time a beating up on michael cohen, the star witness for the prosecution and what do you think was their biggest victory in that process if there was one, first of all, thank you for having me, abbey, listen, i think the reason they hammer down and cohen is that the only reason this is a any type of felony or any type of crime is as close as cohen controls that relationship of the conversation that took place. he's saying that took place about president trump trump's and he's not so it all hangs on michael cohen and
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the real all it is is this man who, who stretches, who stretches the lengths of credibility. he, he's clearly out for revenge. he is clearly lying. clearly making money about it thank you always have to attack michael cohen, attacking anything else doesn't make sense because the only thing that makes this an actual case is michael cohen's words against everything else. and i think that's the challenge. prosecution has, and that's been the ease of the defence because almost every door you open up, you find a michael cohen lie almost every door you open up, you find michael cohen ventures can make money off of this prosecution. and so it's almost to target two rich of a target, but you still have to narrow it down and hit the, hit the high notes that are going to work the most in the courtroom today. i watched his donald trump turned to michael cohen after really not looking at him, having his eyes closed, but he turned michael cohen at a key moment when the defense elicited something of an acknowledgment from cohen that perhaps he was eager to see trump convicted in
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this case why do you think? that trump is particularly interested in that line of questioning when it comes to michael cohen yeah, it goes to motives i think we've all talked about why would a prosecution put in a witness like michael cohen with so much credibility at stake, right? >> with so much behind his word and some of the some of the attorneys on on the television of setting. it's very similar to when it prosecution puts on a mobster who has flipped sort of a mob rat for lack of better words. and i would say the difference between a mob wrap and michael, a mob rat and michael cohen is rat is doing it too. two reasons this mob route would be doing it. one, to protect his family and to reduce his jail sentence. none of those are motivations from michael cohen. he's already served climb and he's actually not protecting his family. the only motivation from michael at this point is financial and revenge and he's made that point abundantly clear and so that's why you highlight those things. i mean, that's the difference of where michael cohen is a witness is different
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than any other type of witness that comes forward. is he actually has a financial benefit from sending donald trump did the jail, whereas you a mob enforcement or whatever you want, doesn't have that motivation to lie or to do anything because there's a checks and balance on him, whereas michael hill lie under oath. so there's really no check within lanza. thank you very much. >> thank you for more on our special coverage. >> the trump hush money trial. we'll be right back after a quick break it's terms day off, but neutrogena, ultra shear sunscreen is still on the clock. >> vital sun protection goh six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it's light, but it's working hard like me,
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i'm, alex mark ward in washington, and this is cnn we're back with our special coverage. the former president trump's hush money criminal trial. the defense has not presenting its case and trump's team just call their second and potentially final witness legal advice as you're to michael cohen, robert costello, our panel is back with us. what do you make of this? >> what i'm making this, i don't think they should spend a lot of time with him. robert costello is a witness that was called to the grand jury at the beginning of these proceedings. but at the request of the trump attorneys, basically to attack michael cohen's credibility. i my guess is that he's up to talk about places where he believes that michael cohen has lied. he's even been on other media outlets saying, i'm the one who can demonstrate that michael cohen is lying now, again, sort of as we've been talking about through this program it's not in the defense's interests. spend a lot of time with this witness, also, partly because every word
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that comes out of his mouth, prosecutors can attack him on in terms of contradictions. he's made the fact that he testified in congress just last week about all of this it would be easy for prosecutors to say that this witness is himself biased. again, another witness and his sort of clouded by his own judgment. so interesting, elie, the parties are at the bench before castellows actually brought into court, but he'll be brought in soon. >> we're told, and he will be called to testify. >> judge merchan is asking the jurors to step outside. they're probably trying to hash out what are the limits? patients and scope of what bob costello can testify to? i agree with elliott. i mean, not knowing yet exactly what he has to say. my inclination would be not to call him as the defense. it seems he's clearly going to undermine and contradict some aspects of michael cohen's testimony. one area where it seems likely given prior statements that he he's made in the lawyers have made is he's going to say, i believe that michael cohen did want and was hoping for a pardon. ultimately, cohen didn't get it. that grounds already largely been covered though,
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and there's other evidence to show. there's emails and other evidence in the case to show that cohen did want apartment at some point in time or was hoping or at least asking about it. what i'm really interested to see is, does cohen contradict any of michael cohen's core testimony about the hush money payments that were male because how sorry. yes, it does. thank you. does bob costello on any of michael cohen's core testimony about the hush money he might we don't we don't know the answer to that, but he did testify before congress. he presented himself to michael cohen as the back channel to donald trump. after his office was rated and all his phones were taken, we just heard in the quarter are folks inside. they're telling us that the judge just said, i do wish that we had discussed this earlier after trump's legal team called costello to the stand, right? >> well, okay. that is judged. speak for don't do this to me. again, you are playing games with the court's time. one never wishes to be in a position where a judge is short
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of scolding you directly saying that, look, we had a calendar here. we had witnesses wind up and it's sort of silly to be calling witnesses. now to be clear, the defense has the right to do that. they're less constrained than the prosecution has, and they can just call someone to the stand, but lots of people's time, including the jury's, is at issue here when you suggest jasp was saying this during the break, but i think here i'm probably write that this is a witness that donald trump may well have said, you've got to put bob costello on the stand. he knows all of this because salah represented rudy giuliani represented steve bannon he called michael cohen and said, you know, you're loved and presented himself as a back channel to donald trump, which he may well have been so i think that it may well be something that trump wanted. this is interesting here. prosecutors are seeking to park2 preclude or block castello from testifying. i mean, this is certainly understand me in lieu of
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testifying himself, which on trump i mean, given his druthers, of course, he would want to be in the courtroom talking about this, but the legal ramifications are too severe. so of course this was his idea. he has been in consultation with his lawyers, but this is very, very interesting he did the castellows from testing ground, they do that, they can if there's if there's some reason why there's no basis for calling him whatsoever. >> the prosecution rested, but the defense has a right. >> i mean, they can't advance can present the case. they went i spent the prosecutors would probably going to make some argument that this is outside the scope of the trial. he has nothing to add. again, this is precisely why the judge says, i wish you raised this with me before because they now have to have a legal back-and-forth outside the presence of the jury to figure out whether they ought to admit this witness. they could have sorted this out days ago if the defense had decided had made clear that they were going to call this one thing that was done in the 11th power wouldn't you agree? yes, but this is the defense case the defense does not have to put its case on or commit to anything until 15 minutes ago
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when the prosecution rested. but let me given it sort of educated speculation about what the dispute is here. i think prosecutors are saying you the defence cannot call some outside witness to attack michael cohen's credibility around the core of this case at the margin. so you can't call a witness to say, well, he lied about let's say, the pardon because the pardon is not central to this case. >> what you can call an outside witness, bob, because stella to do is to attack the credibility on the core of this case, on the hush money payments. >> and i would hazard a guess. i don't know. we're not inside the courtroom, but that's what they're debating, right? >> clarify one thing he said there they did not need to do this at 3:33 p.m. this morning, if they knew that they outside the presence of the jury, if they knew that they might have called this witness they could have raised that with the court and sort of this out hours ago. >> yeah. so hoffinger is now saying they should be limited. >> cohen didn't recall costello telling him costello that he should cooperate against trump. >> i think we're there going hear is a conversation that
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castello and michael cohen had about should you, michael cohen cooperate against donald trump castellows being described as a legal adviser to cohen? yeah, there's some dispute about whether he ever entered a formal attorney-client relationship. >> cohen maintains that they did not stella was on team trump and, you know, that that is indisputable and he didn't cohn was in a tough situation, right? >> he just been raided by the fbi and he was worried about his future. and so costello calls him and says don't worry, your loved, the boss loves you. stay in the family and that issue here are the phone calls that's why the paralegal was on the stand talking about those records. so we're talking i think about some 75 phone calls over a three-month period in 20181 way. so that is what six minutes sounds like some was put on or something. >> i have now, we have an understanding. this is what we were speculated that right the testimony that the defense wants to put on from costello is that costello said to michael cohen? you might want to consider flipping cooperating against donald
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trump. and according to costello, michael cohen said, but i don't have anything on him. and now they're fighting about whether that can come in bove who's one of the defense lawyers, also says trump's legal team let the prosecutors know they were likely to pick castello on the stand days ago. so that gets back to the timing and logistical issue. >> and cohen said he was lying when he answered that question because he was afraid of retribution, right? right yeah. >> for the additional that additional meeting, beauvais, emil bove, one of the what of the trump attorneys said castellows recollection is different from cohen's recollection it makes you wonder as we end the de here, the jurors who are outside the room, they are not there. what their thing, but it's been a long time ago since michael cohen said that he stole from the trump organization. so to me that's what all this is sort of interesting. is that they're not going home today with that fresh in their minds and beauvais added this castello recalls cohen saying president trump did not know about the payment me daniels, which as the defense is extremely probative of the core
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issues in this case, i suspect what the judge is going to do is allow the defense to call bob costello. i don't think he's going to block it, but keeping on a very tightly. >> but then cohen says he was lying when he said that. so then does cone go back on the stand? >> depends on i mean, who wants to be mr. last word here as my guide that's cause remember, as i said, that the prosecution has rested, the defense has not yet rested let's see what happens. >> it's very dramatic. everybody standby much more of our special coverage of this trial coming up. a debate over a witness unfolding, right now in court stay with us. we'll be right back. >> adrenaline every turn party came stand up, play out of
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victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now welcome back to cnn special coverage of donald trump's hush money criminal trial back with me now cnn's paula reid and kristen holmes. >> i want to catch you up on what's been going on just the last few minutes inside of that courtroom, they are taking just some very brief break but there in the middle of a big dispute over the defense's next witness, a man named bob costello, who was a legal adviser to michael cohen. >> one of the things that went to trump's lawyers male beauvais has just said is that he believes that costello can provide direct evidence that cohen committed perjury on that witness stand and that's a big allegation to be making and not only that, but there is a dispute and trump land in trump's legal world proud about whether or not this is a wise course of action.
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>> yeah, i'm really surprised he's being called because last week i was told in no uncertain terms, he was not necessary to the defense's case. then on wednesday, he appeared before congress testifying about my michael cohen with the sole purpose of undercutting his credibility and really just kinda dumping on this case where he was a witness for the defense before the grand jury that trump's attention, kristen and i broke the story late last week that he was then suddenly under consideration to be called by getting think the defendants attention. they were able to go around people who weren't sure he needed to take the stand. and here we are today. he's about to take the sand. they just have to narrow down what it is he can testify so this is this is a significant change, of course, and it speaks to the power the defendant has this at issue here for michael cohen and bob castellows, this idea that he was the subject of a pressure campaign by trump through costello. that's how michael cohen has presented this. costello wants to give a different version of those events and trump's lawyers are
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arguing to the judge right now, this is a central issue and the judge has kind of questioning. are you sure you want to go there? you sure you want to deal with this, or is that kind of ancillary to this case? that's fundamentally about whether or not trump falsified these business records when it comes to the stormy daniel's payments, right. >> so two things to no one is this pressure campaign that michael cohen seem to kind of get at during his testimony, essentially saying that costello was reaching out to him on behalf of rudy giuliani with that that point was working for former president trump at the time, president trump. and that any messages that were being sent for sent through your costello to giuliani to get to trump there. now, again, cohen tried to downplay his relationship with costello saying that he thought he was sketchy, that he barely talked to him, that he knew was all going back to former president donald trump, interrupt you for just a second because it looks like the judge has just ruled that a mill beauvais, the defense counsel, can in fact question hi, stella. we can expect him now to take the stand. one of the things that we talk about perjury here, and what beauvais was essentially saying to the judge that you can prove that
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michael cohen perjured himself. >> we two because we've heard costello say this time and time again in various interviews that he will testify to the fact that michael cohen never told him or told him that this wasn't something he did at the direction of donald trump, but it was something that he did because he was trying to take care of the former present. this is something costello has that again over and over again. interviews so that is likely what he's going to say on the stand today as well. >> and a key thing here, judge marsha, is putting some parameters on this. he's making it clear. he's not comfortable with this idea. of trying to make this case about that pressure campaign. he says, i am not going to allow this to become a trial within a trial, he doesn't want this to devolve into a question about whether michael cohen is a liar or light about this particular issue. it's got to have a point point. >> and this could go off the rails really quickly. bob costello is a talker. >> i've been talking to him for nearly a decade, especially when it comes to michael cohen, he can go on and on and on the judge is wise to try to limit the scope here to make sure
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this doesn't go on forever. >> and that what he offers has relevance here. now what i would expect will definitely come up is the fact that rob costs hello has repeatedly said that during their conversations, michael cohen told him and he was under enormous pressure to come up with some sort of evidence of criminal wrongdoing related to them, president trump, to help himself because he was under scrutiny by federal investigators. and cohen repeatedly told costello that he had no evidence of any criminal wrongdoing by then president trump. so it's interesting, costello did not look at trump's table when he walked to the witness stand a little bit of bad blood between the two of them because castellows still has millions of dollars in outstanding legal bills from rudy giuliani and he costello and giuliani asked trump for help with those i still is still hasn't been paid, but let me tell you a costello is still 100% team trump and wants to do as much damage to michael cohen's credibility as he possibly can i have a feeling he is quite excited to be on this witness stand out. so he's not been sworn in in this case. we were talking in the break. this is not a one and done kind of
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thing. the defense doesn't just get the question their witness and call it a day. there will be across of bob costello and that's where this could get pretty messy well especially in terms of bucha going off the rails, as you said, i mean, he's the talker, he can continue to go, but i will say one thing here. >> i mean, again, we're now in the he said he said portion of this trial, all of this is going to ultimately come down to who the jury believes. and now we're going to see baba cell taking the tan going after michael cohen dense did not really have a witness to do that. now they do. >> alright. paula reid, kristen holmes. thank you very much. we have much much more of our special coverage of the trump hush money trial after a quick break new mr. clean ultra phobia, magic eraser or magic than ever with the scrubbing power magic eraser and the cleaning power of time, watching make soaps come here disappear and watch how sprays can lead grime like that with up to ten times a cleaning
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this is cnn the world's news we're back with our breaking news coverage of donald trump's hush money criminal trial right now, michael cohen's former legal adviser, robert costello, is on the stand with us now is jury consultant richard gabriel. >> it's been a very chaotic de richard, as you well know, the prosecution has already rested. what is going through the jury's mind right now is the
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defense really tries to make its case well the jury obviously is anticipating this because it's been a very long time. michael cohen's on this and i think they have a pretty good idea of exactly where the prosecution has gone with this. but really this is about the defense strategy here. they want this to be all about michael cohen and not about donald trump. so there folks because seeing on michael cohen's credibility, but i think for the jury, it's really not necessarily about credibility. it's about character is michael cohen the kind of guy that is going to fund this payment to stormy, stormy daniels to protect the president on his own? or is he really doing it at the direction of trump? that's really the issue i think there's are going to be narrowing in on of course, this could open up a lot of doors when mr. costello testifies in an effort to convince jurors that trump falsified business records. as you know, this this process is moving forward. the prosecution, as i said, as
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rested, the defense is not rested but they're looking to see if for trump false if trump falsified business records to cover up a payment to stormy daniel's right before the 2016 presidential election, do you think so far the prosecution has proved its case to the jury i think they've made a really good circumstantial case. >> i mean, we've had the elements of not only the evidentiary string or connecting pieces here, but they've also told a pretty good story. you've had mr. mr. are basically are our tabloid grandfather who testified about the sort of the property kanda element of the campaign. they've had the incident itself stormy daniels, who was a feisty but clearly an opportunist. and then they've had michael cohen and between the two of them, they've dropped in a lot of what i consider to be more significant people which are the correspondence, the communications, the evidence that really does link donald
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trump. i think they've made a pretty good case here, and i think what the defense has to do right now, you see if how they can dismantle some of these pieces and basically characterizes as the rogue opportunism of michael cohen just to gain favor of donald trump. >> the judge judge versha, and has said he expects closing arguments to begin this week. what do you make of that timeline? >> well i think he's given an opportunity both for the defense to put on whatever case they're gonna be putting on and they may have a very short case, but also the prosecutors may have some rebuttal witnesses, depending upon what mr. costello says. and then i think depending even if we end this week a little bit early, he's going to give both sides a real opportunity to number one, make motions and number to really prepare their closing arguments in the case. >> how do you think jurors feel about this case getting dragged out a little bit longer with closing arguments happening next week well, i think they've
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been really attentive up until this point. i think they are a little bit tired especially because there's very long examination on michael cohen. but i think right now they sense that they're moving into the final stages. and especially the lawyers on this jury, really, i think are going to understand we're now in the final, so i think there's this anticipation. what ends up happening in the jury at this point is they are really formulating what do they think is the story of this case, taking both pieces from the prosecution's case and pieces from the defense's cross-examination so far in trying to create this this puzzle picture of exactly what happened happened. >> richard gabriel facts as usual for joining us, we appreciate it no problem. >> much more of our special coverage of the hush money trial of donald trump right after a very quick rate from medium rare well done so many
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available in the baking the league with jake tapper. >> next on cnn we're back with our special live coverage of former president trump's hush money criminal trial, more drama, dramatic drama unfolding today in court the prosecution officially read i dig their case so they're final witness,
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the former trump fixer and lawyer michael cohen, leaving the witness stand just a short time ago, the prosecution's star witness faced a searing cross-examination by the defense totaling eight hours over three days there were several key moments in that testimony. >> cone admitting to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the trump organization. cohen also testifying that would benefit it would benefit him financially if trump were not convicted in this trial? the defense is now calling the star witnesses in this trial, including robert costello and a legal adviser who michael cohen was infrequent contact with during the timeline of events surrounding this case, judge juan, were shown now really just a short while ago, that costello can testify about potential so quote, inconsistent statements made by cohen during his testimony. thanks very much for joining us. i'll be back later today, 6:00 p.m. eastern in the situation room.


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