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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 21, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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voice, of course, across cnn programs. and on this show for many years, alice was wise, witty, and she never lost her cool as an analyst, you navigated contentious debates with authority and class and even as the political discourse became more and more enraged and pejorative, alice never wavered and being who she was, a person of decency it's not reality and i've said from the moment that election was called on november 3rd, the election was valid. we need to accept that. we need to congratulate joe biden and the democrats and all those who won we need to stop spreading misinformation. we need to restore the integrity and our election process alice had such incredible integrity and she was also personally deeply kind to all of us, always remembering things about everybody's personal lives an incredibly kind person and she will be deeply missed by everyone at cnn. >> and of course, viewers two.
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and we are sending our care to her family tonight. thanks so much for watching this room with wolf blitzer starts now it's tuesday, may 21, right now on cnn this morning and explosive admission from michael cohen in a dramatic clash between the judge and a witness in the final hours of the trump hush money trial, plus an angry response from president biden after the international criminal well, court decided to see an arrest warrant for israel's prime minister. >> was growing uncertainty in the middle east. what's next for iran after the sudden death of their president? >> alright, by they, i'm hearing washington alive. look at new york city on this tuesday morning. >> good morning, everyone. kasie hunt. wonderful to have you with us in just hours. donald trump's criminal hush
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money trial set to resume in new york. this comes after an explosive monday in court. former trump fixer, michael cohen, admitting to stealing thousands of dollars from the trump organization. another hit to the credibility of the prosecution's key witness plus a dramatic exchange between judge juan merchan and a defense witness. robert costello acted as a legal adviser to cohen after the fbi searched his home and office. cohen's home and office, he complained costello complained when the judge sustained an objection to a question he was being asked the judge warning, costello, quote, when there's a witness on the stand, if you don't like my ruling, you don't say, jeez. >> okay. >> and then you don't say strike it. because i am the only one that can strike testimony in the courtroom. and then if you don't like my ruling, you don't give me side. eye and you don't roll your eyes after court ended for
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the day, trump made his now standard complaints about the case and the judge and he added this one of the two, right bars now i'm going to ask somebody to be there again and again to the now i'm sitting here for almost five weeks freezing cold ice joining me now, wall street journal, white house reporter catherine lucy, catherine, i feel like it's normally us is complaining about things that are too cold. the man in their seats are but i ever that that courtroom is particularly particularly chile. so he stays s1 is false. i mean, it's i would have. a hard time, falling asleep i see cold box, right. >> that's fair. that is a fair point so let's talk about where we stand in this trial because i'm sure that you worked with michael cohen as you've covered politics over the course of the last decade or so, i certainly did. >> i think we all kind of
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looked up when he actually did acknowledge yes, he stole money from the trump organization. eric trump tweeted about it in real time. yeah. i mean, that wasn't noteworthy moment and that is a real issue here because i mean, the biggest thing as we go into the it seems like the end of this trial is his credibility. >> and what what did jurors make of this? because it's so much of the story rests on michael cohen's testimony and michael cohen's word, right. and so that does really i think, you saw prosecutor is really trying to steer it back to explain why this might have happened. but this is an issue i think yeah, let's walk through that. >> i mean, because we did see the prosecution. what's called redirect, michael cohen in the wake of the cross-examination what did you particularly hone in on in terms of what they focused on to try to rectify any mistakes that might've been made. >> you think you saw them trying to explain why this might have happened and what they really want to go back to and focus on is the core, the case, right? which is trump's,
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is the payments to stormy daniel's trunk three payment, et cetera? i think they're trying to get it back in that direction, but it is just this is a problematic piece of information, obviously yeah, absolutely. >> so let's talk about robert costello. so this guy is a lawyer who shows up in michael cohen and the trump campaigns orbit. after for michael cohen's home office hotel room have been raided by the fbi. this is in 2018 and the trump team is trying to convince michael cohen not to start working with prosecutors, right? not to flip as they put it. so costello, we can show you you a little bit. obviously, it's a huge challenge. there's no cameras in the courtroom, so we can't show you who these people are actually yesterday, i really wish we had them right now, especially after some of the juicy details that came out, but we can costello testified on capitol hill just in the last week or so. so let's show you a little bit of what he
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said on the hill gives you a little bit of a flavor. her, this is again, the guy who's wrong on his eyes at the judge that gets admonished yesterday. watch this what he tries to do is he picks out cherry, picks certain emails or text messages and tries to make them look like something else. >> the story he told yesterday was that rudy giuliani and i wish somehow conspiring to try and keep him quiet to try and keep them come from flipping. that's the term we use in the trade for cooperating that's ridiculous so that was the guy that we saw on the stand yesterday. >> were you surprised how far he was willing to go? he's a liar. he should know how judge would react to this kind of behavior. >> also saying, jeez, i super helpful we haven't really seen a moment like this in the courtroom yet, right? reporters were cleared from the room. the judge was clearly very angry use the kind of language as someone who's my kids that was not a suit. >> i flashback to. i was like slip affairs we are rolling their eyes. yeah. yeah. don't
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you know, don't roll my i get to make the ruling is a felt like a real parental moment yeah, it doesn't seem like that was helpful, obviously, for the defense. >> what they are trying to do is pick apart as we've seen throughout, pick apart cohen's case suggest other reasons some of these conversations might have happened, suggest get question. the version of events that he's putting forward. yeah. >> i will say a kind of big picture here. obviously, the jury is going to get to decide the legal answer we're not in the jury's heads. right now. >> but politically speaking, there does seem to be something of a tie that has turned a little bit in terms of thinking about the trial considering some of the holes that that seemed to have appeared in michael cohen's testimony. >> do you think that does the trump team feel like they have more ground to stand on? saying that this trial are these charges shouldn't have been brought certainly that's the argument. >> they're making. they're
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really and they have i think we saw this yesterday he's been fundraising off of this. make the arguments that all of these cases are political, are unfair and he's raised a lot of money doing that. so i think there is certainly sympathy at least for some voters, for that idea. and i think you're gonna continue to see them really trying to steer it in that direction. >> all right. catherine lucy for a start and south this morning. thank you so much for being here. >> alright. coming up next whenever these warrants may imply there is no equivalence between israel and hamas. president president. biden slamming the icc's decision to seek an arrest warrant for the prime minister of israel plus where did giuliani expected in an arizona court this morning to face? arraignment on election subversion charges and senator ted cruz introducing new legislation to protect ivf. is he doing that now you're calling some people find there's at an early age, others later in life are
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welcome back, president biden is swimming the international criminal court after they announced in an exclusive interview with cnn but they're seeking warrants for war crimes against israeli leaders and several hamas leaders biden called the move outrageous let me be clear. >> we reject the icc's application arrest warrants against his will whatever these warrants may imply. there's no equivalence between israel and hamas it's clear there isn't wants to all do all it can to ensure civilian protection. but let me be clear contract allegations against israel made by the international court of justice what's happening is not genocide so the decision from the court puts prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the company of russian president vladimir putin. >> and the late libyan strongman moammar gadhafi, joining me now is san an international anchor, max foster. max, good morning to you. there is a line to walk
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here in that the us administration does support an effort against putin here to investigate alleged war crimes in ukraine but at the same time, very strong words there from president biden yeah, it's obviously meant to be an independent court i mean, it's this idea isn't it of false equivalence? so comparing a terrorist organization as it seen by his bill in the us, of course, hamas to legitimately elected government of israel. i think that's part of the issue here is the optics, the way that they've been put into the same ruling. if you like. and it's difficult for present biden because he wants to support exactly what the icc has done in relation with president putin, as you say, and have a huge issue about trying to compare effectively pres prime minister netanyahu to president putin so it's all
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of these equivalencies that have appeared as a result of this, which has made it extremely difficult. but the icc, of course, we should point out, isn't anywhere near actually issuing a warrant or indeed finding any of the people here actually guilty. so we're some way off, but it's the idea that that could potentially happen which has caused a lot of diplomatic tension yeah, one and biden was pretty clear there in saying that what's happening here is not genocide. i mean, that strikes that, you know, what the icc is looking at here. and also from a political perspective here at home, that is obviously what at many who are say protesting on college campuses are saying about what it's going on in gaza. so that's a choice from the president in that regard yeah. >> and who who who's the arbiter on what is genocide? i mean, people are going to disagree, aren't they? i have, as they have done for the whole of human civilization, about walls and whether or not it's a genocide or a fight for freedom in terms of who decides a
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genocide. a lot of people would hold the icc as the ultimate arbiter is the best example they've got all of an independent international court that's been set up to decide exactly this sort of thing. either government's leave them to make those independent choices, or they get involved in president biden has decided to get involved because is pretty clear. it does not see what israel is doing as a genocide. there are many of course, who will disagree in seen that of course some protests, as you say yeah, well, i mean, i think there's always of course the question of intent here and of course the focus seems to be on is, are the israel is doing enough to protect? the civilian population? they of course, say that they are intending to do that. whether that's actually what's happening. another question, max foster for us, max always grateful to have you. thank you very much. >> alright coming. up next year, the supreme court is allowing one state to ban assault rifles, at least for now. plus a heated exchange change in congress now spilled onto social media and we now
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the 3693, cnn central. today at seven eastern all right 20 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. later on this morning. >> rudy giuliani, mark meadows, and others will face a judge in arizona. >> they will be arranged on charges related to that states 2020 election subversion case. the charges include conspiracy and forgery the supreme court allows maryland's ban on assault style weapons to stand at least for now. justices declined to hear the case on monday and the law bans dozens
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of guns, including the ar 50 trump media says they lost more than 300 million last quarter and generate it is little revenue. the company owns the truth social platform with of course the former president as the majority owner. and a frequent user. >> soccer's down five present at the close coming up next here a bombshell admission from michael cohen on the stand plus marjorie taylor greene clapping back by pumping iron can the riva support your brain health? very janet, hey, no frazer,
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the darkness of bipolar one and two depression kept lighter can help you, let in the light and ask your doctor about capillary, find savings aboard a capital >> i'm tom forming in washington. and this is cnn right? 5:26 a.m. here on the east coast. >> alive. look at trump liberty on this tuesday morning for you, running kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us. a bombshell revelation from michael cohen as he wraps nearly 17 hours of testimony in donald trump's hush money trial. cohen admitting he stole tens of thousands of dollars from the trump organization that led trump attorney todd blanche to ask, so you stole from the trump organization. cohen responding, yes, sir? >> under redirect examination with the prosecution, cohen explained he did so because his annual bonus had been slashed, saying quote, to have my bonus cut by two-thirds was very upsetting to say the least, i just felt it was almost like
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self-help trump's son, eric weight in. >> he posted this in real time quote, this just got interesting. michael cohen is now admitting to stealing money from our company. let's bring in former january 6 investigative counsel markets childress marcus. good morning. quite a day in court yesterday. this admission from michael cohen and i guess my first thought was, oh man, it's getting himself in trouble by admitting this. it sounds like the statute of limitations means that that's no longer the case. but were you surprised that he was as clear as he was and saying i stole from the trump organization. and what impact do you think it has with the jury? >> not surprised at all, actually, because it came out on direct this visit already come out already. and if we saw one thing that was consists about michael cohen was that he was comfortable with his lies. he was comfortable with his past acts. he kinda owned it, which is actually was a wildcard going into this direct examination was whether michael cohen's mille to keep his cool and own his past acts. and i think he completed his testimony without blowing up on the defense or trying to
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minimize his prior conduct. and i think that might give him an a weird way credibility with the jury will see. >> yeah, it's picking the jury mean our reporters in the room noted that they seem to be shifting in their seats kind of near the end of the cross-examination. it's obviously impossible to know exactly what that means, but it was the first time that they had reported that. and i think our sense was maybe that it showed that they were a little bit over what todd blanche was doing. do you think he's spent too much time on these kinds of things? >> so there's two ways you can typically approach a cross-examination at tight cross where you're just hitting the points that you want to highlight in your closing argument. and then there's an approach that we saw from blanche over the past couple of days where you're throwing out lots of theories and kind of drilling a witness on every lie, every ms de that they might have done because you don't know what's going to stick all right. and so what i took from the cross-examination is that they're looking for one jury that they can one juror like in hanging their hat on one of the pieces of cross
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to maybe hold out and get a hung jury whereas when you see the tighter crosses you're looking for an acquittal because you know that your case is strong to maybe get an acquittal. and so that's the way i look at this longer, more meandering type cross style that's interesting. >> i hadn't thought about it that way. >> so the other thing that we saw yesterday that turned a lot of heads was the defense put a witness on the stand, robert costello an attorney bernie, and the judge actually, the questioning of mr. costello became so contentious that the judge actually, through the audience out of the courtroom, which included many reporters but there were exchanges that we witnessed in then obviously we learned from the transcript later he had a couple of warnings. >> one of them was that he was putting them on notice about his conduct being contemptuous. if you try to stare me down one more time, i will remove you from the stand. >> immer sean said, in another one costello tries to interject. >> he says can i say something,
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please? and merchan says, no this is not a conversation. what was going on with this witness? >> i actually have no idea because typically right. it's the judges courtroom. and so the fact that you have a witness showing up the judge in any type of way? it's honestly probably we expect it from michael cohen, which is why i was saying in some weird way is michael cohen had credibility, especially when you compare them. so castellows conduct after the fact one thing i think i always worry about as someone in the courtroom is is the witness going to be a poor reflection of me right? they can be a poor reflection of themselves. but as he going to be a poor reflection of me. and that's which i think the defense counsel has to be worried about here with costello, but it was quite a contrast to talk about how cohen testified last week and yesterday compared to how castello, who is an attorney and prior was a prosecutor, how he acted yesterday as well. yeah. i mean, this went on to judge merchan when there's a witness on the stand. >> if you don't like my ruling, you don't say jeez,
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you don't give me a sayyed i and you don't roll your eyes when have you been in a situation where you've had witnesses rolling their eyes at the judge or i mean, my eye, you have i have unfortunately and we've seen the judge control the courtroom. he's given former president trump a little bit of leeway because he's a defendant. but now you see the judge saying, look, you're a witness. i'm not going to give you the same kind of slack that maybe the former president gets. defense table. and he got control of the courtroom pretty quickly in a way that's keeping this trial moving efficiently and in an orderly fashion. i thought it was a pretty impressive display of keeping the court in order and keeping everyone focused and not wasting the jury verys time. >> yeah, i'm a woman we've talked to some of our legal experts here of actually have had cases before this, judge and they they do speak of him in that way that he runs a real tight so marcus, what do you expect today? i mean, this trial we do seem to be nearing the end. i mean, the looming question is still is will trump testify, but we seem to mostly get an answer to that yesterday. and then we don't
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move until closing arguments until next week. right. >> so i expect there might be one additional witness from the defense and expert from the federal election campaign federal election campaign. so i think that might be the last person who testifies and that would just be too hard. about the law of campaign finance, the definitions, things of that nature. but i don't expect to see very many more witnesses and the ventral probably rest here soon and start moving towards summations this week do you have a sense of where you think the jury is going to go? >> it's really so i was talking in the green room just now about how it's a case of right. either you look at the whole picture here are the prosecution what they displayed, or you look at the singular acts at the defense highlighted. i think one of the critical timelines is going to be and i talked about time until you a couple of weeks ago. yeah. this october 24 to 27 the period that was what the 14 year-old text message that was highlighted on cross. if you look in october, cohen talks to trump 20 times. there was a phone call on the 26 for about two times at 8:30 a.m. before michael cohen opened up the llc he then followed that
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up by transferring the money on the 27th and then paying we daniel's on the 28th and he says that i didn't open up the money or transfer without talking to the boss and those phone calls corroborated and we didn't see any cross on those specific phone calls. so i would expect the prosecution are really hammer that home through any remaining crops as or even in their summations. but it's going to be whether the jury looks at the full picture of the conspiracy or whether they focus on individual bad acts of michael cohen and making that decision really interesting way to think about it. marcus children's for us this morning, marcus, thank you. really appreciate it all right. >> now, this widespread condemnation from both sides of the aisle, democrats and republicans furious over the international criminal court's decision to seek arrest warrants against let's israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and seeming to put an equivalence with him and leaders of hamas the icc prosecutor's decision seeking arrest warrants for israeli leaders alongside hamas terrorists is not only profoundly unfair, but it is
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reprehensible the ic50 shaded only in discredited thing. it felt even further as a rogue kangaroo court all right. house republicans now threatening the icc with sanctions. house speaker mike johnson wrote this on the platform formerly known as twitter quote, congress is reviewing all options, including sanctions to punish the icc and insurance leadership faces consequences if they proceed with me now punchbowl news reported max cohen. max, good morning. wonderful to have you what does this sanctions situation actually look like in practice right now, it's not clear what is clear is that republicans want to force democrats into another tough vote on israel mike johnson from the past couple of weeks have tried to bring up bills to the floor which divide the democratic caucus, right? >> which some members are strongly pro-israel and some members support what the icc is doing. so we're not sure what the alonso's legislation is
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yet, but they want to have a response i'll just republicans united against what the icc is doing, right? >> so a bernie sanders yesterday said this quote, the icc prosecutor is right to issue arrest warrants for political leaders who engage in war crimes. the global community must uphold international law. i think it's worth also showing and i'm going to give everyone a second back there because i'm not sure we have it stacked, but what price? biden had to say about this yesterday because his condemnation was pretty strong. but max bernie sanders, are there others who are with him in this i mean, how deep is the group of people that are willing to say that right now? >> yeah, i'd say it's pretty limited. >> you have members of the democratic squad and the house slick representative alexandria ocasio-cortez, who also support with the icc is doing. but when she statements from all four top party leaders, right? jeffries johnson, when carnal schumer, all on the same page condemning the icc, that gives a sense of how congress is mainly united they do not like what the icc did in terms of you mentioned at the top similarly an equivalence between hamas, a terrorist
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group, and the government of israel. >> no matter how critical people like chuck schumer had been, benjamin netanyahu, they don't respect with the icc did putting it on the same level, appearing when the announcements together. yeah, let's watch how president biden put it. take a look let me be clear. we reject the icc's application arrest warrants against his want whenever these warrants may imply there is no equivalence between israel and hamas it's clear there isn't once to all do all it can to ensure civilian protection. but let me be clear contrary to allegations against israel made by the international court of justice. what's happening is not genocide so he's very clear there what's happening is not genocide, which is of course with the icc zeroed in on that's not the language that people like aoc and others use yeah, it is a big divide on the left here. >> and what we're seeing is that democrats, especially young democrats, are seeing what's happened in college
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campuses and saying, are party shifting on this issue? >> there's a huge generational divide among voters on support and views for israel. >> and the next generation of democratic leadership, people like aoc see the tide shifting. so the old guard like joe biden, might have a different view, but among younger voters, there's more pressure to condemn israel and more forceful terms max, let's switch gears here to we saw an effort in the last week or so from senator ted cruz and senator katie britt two republicans on ivf in vitro fertilization, which of course, in the wake of the fall of roe has become a lightning rod, especially after that ruling in alabama. here's what ted cruz had to say about this earlier this week, as he makes this up, push, watch, we'll talk about it i think that's a moral decision. any person can make, and that's a decision they can make with according to their faith and according to their
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understanding of god's teachings. >> but, but as a matter of law, this should be a choice that is available for parents interesting that it's ted cruz that's out there doing this. there are some layers here, including the fact that he's up for reelection. 100%. >> and this is very much an election year gambit in my opinion, katie britt is a figure who is from alabama, the state where as you mentioned, the supreme court threatened access to ivf so that is that makes sense. but ted cruz is someone who is facing a challenge from collin all red and republicans nationwide. know ivf is an issue for them. women voters, suburban voters are shifting away from the party in many ways because of the stance on abortion and when the abortion stance expands to things like ivf, which many republicans support may democrats and republicans and the hill, this is not a partisan issue, conceiving a child should not be something that restricted by the government. so to sign that they know this is a vulnerability. and ted cruz as being the spearhead of it, is assigned. i know it might be an election-year issue, too. >> well. >> to zero in on that for a second. i mean, there are some
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big differences between cruises, opponent and situation. now, then when we have talked about it in the past, texas is a red state, right? the idea that democrats could win a senate race. there has been something that there's been a lot of hope and a lot of money poured into that, but it's never really, actually panned out. collin all read might be a little bit different. he has a much different profile as a candidate y we'll call it already is someone who was exciting the democratic base in texas and he's also someone who has been experienced winning a tough cd flipped or republican-held seat in 2018, and he's raising an incredible amount of money even more money than beto o'rourke raised when he first challenge cruise six years ago. >> so the d sec, the democratic campaign committee is very excited about calling. all right. and they think even if he doesn't win texas, you can try to devote divert republican resources to that safe red state, probably away from other states when democrats might be threatened. >> all right, mexico enforce this morning maximum very grateful to have you and thanks for being here all right, ten now for whether severe storms are threatening more than 25 million people across the
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midwest today, thunderstorms, heavy rain, hail, strong tornadoes could be in the mix. let's get to our meteorologist allison chinchar our allison. good morning. what are you seeing? >> right? so we do have that other threat again today, backup to a moderate risk yet again, across portions of the midwest. and we're talking some pretty big cities here. chicago, milwaukee minneapolis, stretching all the way back down through dallas. it's good. we're talking about significant wind gusts could be an excessive 70, 75 miles per hour, very large hail larger than golf balls. and yes, the potential for some strong tornadoes there will push this forward here and we can see you do have that severe thunderstorm watch that's in effect until 7:00 a.m. central time today. so 8:00 a.m. eastern time as this first round of thunderstorms continues to make its way through the area here you can see the forecast for the rest of the day. you really start to to see more of those thunderstorms begin to ramp up this afternoon. those will continue into the evening hours, especially for states like illinois wisconsin, southern missouri, and even portion of arkansas. and then tomorrow morning still dealing with some of those lingering showers. so that does mean
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overnight tonight, we are still going to have that potential for severe thunderstorms. it's also not a very fast moving the system, so there is the potential for some isolated flooding. most of these areas expected to get maybe about one day even as much as three inches, you've already got some flash flood warnings there widespread casey, we're talking about two to four inches, but again, some of these areas could pick up as much as five inches of rain total all right, allison chinchar for us this morning. >> alison, thanks very much. >> are coming up next here. >> what to expect next from iran after the sudden death of their president plus if not, you're not a true baller, i guess i don't know caitlin clark now, a true wnba ball or after an injury scare on the court carney isolde, it's gotten me. i saw them. >> that's what i said. gathered near saada, got a nice
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looking at the procession and official prayers help this morning in the northwestern city of tabriz, the bodies of the victims will be taken to turron for large ceremonies tomorrow. >> as tensions simmer in the middle east, defense secretary lloyd austin insists the us had no part in the crash the united states had no part to play in that crash. >> and so that's, that's a fact plane and something and israel, are you afraid they're going to blame israel i won't speculate as to what they would tell blame. >> again, they have to conduct an investigation patient to see what the cause of the crash was it could be a number of things, mechanical failure, pilot error, or you name it it. >> the islamic republic has now facing an uncertain future after raisi's sudden death and election has been scheduled for late june, joining me now cnn global affairs analyst at kim dosha. kim. good morning. election in quotation marks this obviously going to be something that is closed. but what is next for iran?
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>> well, you're going to have a bit of a scuffle positioning as various actors by, for this opened up by area of power the big question will be, who becomes the obvious successor to ayatollah khamenei. it was present racy now there's talk of maybe comedy will make his son the successor. it's the kind of uncertainty that for right now, iranian policy doesn't change just because the president and foreign minister gone the ayatollah's makes the policy, the supreme leader makes the policy and so that won't change. but in this skirmish, for power, who will rise to the top? will it be someone as extreme more extreme and uncertainty in politics is never a good thing and that has the white house concerned yeah, so politico wrote this monday about this quote. >> and this is a us official. >> they're quoting there was
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fear the turron my quickly allege israel in the us had sabotaged arson transport. even though there was no initial intelligence to suggest anything other than a crash in bad weather for a little while, it was not a crazy question to ask. is this how world war three begins? said one of the officials, was that a valid fear and what are we seeing the iranian the official explanation coming out of iran does seem to be whether although there are some conspiracy theories swirling, are we out of the danger zone that this official posits until they found the crash site and the debris. this was a major fear because if there had been any sign of foul play like a sign of an explosive device or something scorching and hitting the craft. but it seems like the worst iran has alleged so far, is that because of sanctions, they weren't able to update some of the radar systems. things you need on an aircraft to fly safely in bad weather but that doesn't seem to be sticking. i think you'd see a lot more or of messaging
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across the board from different iranian officials. and we're not seeing that so far. >> and what doesn't tell you about iranian interests that they don't want to try to take advantage of the situation more aggressively. they are very carefully threading the needle not to trigger an all-out conflict with israel, with the us, with anyone, adele, use these things to their advantage, but if they were to try to blame israel for this, for instance, then they would be crediting israel with taking out two of their top leaders. they don't want to do that. also, then they would set up the expectation in their public of some sort of response they also don't want to do that right now. it is a situation where things are unstable in this post raisi age. so until they get leadership settled, i don't think they're gonna be making risky moves. >> so when you say, in terms of settling leadership and you kind of went through all those leader be extreme will be more
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extreme. what kind of policy areas are we looking at in terms of especially the west and questions? like the nuclear program. i mean, what are, what are the ways in which a new leader, a new president, a different president, would take a rock in a different direction that might concern the us well, the president has influences, is mostly they do what the supreme leader tells them, but they do have influencing that they have access then again, the person that looks like the next in line is the vice president. >> he's a former iranian quds force member. it's much over much nas. they're all the same level of extreme and they want to a little bit like putin threatens using a tactical nuke. they want to threaten the world that they might build a nuclear weapon and they find it useful to have that threat out there. i think you're going to see that policy continue. >> all right. kim dozer for us this morning. kim always craved from your perspective. thank
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you so much for being here all right. >> time now for sports, the euler's ice, the connects to win thank game seven, thriller in the stanley cup playoffs, carolyn maddow has this one is bleacher report. carolyn, good morning. >> good morning. casey for the second time in three seasons, edmonton is going to the western the conference fondo with the chance to bring the stanley cup back to canada for the first time since 1993, the euler's looked like they were in cruise control after scoring three straight in the second in period, cody cc got things started. it was zach hyman scoring on a tip and after that, before ryan new john hopkins putting another through the net for the conducts wouldn't not go quietly into the night. they struck halfway through the third period of this game. and then again, just four minutes later to make it a nail-biter to the final horn, the oil huller's hang on to win 3-2. next up a series against the dallas stars that begins on thursday meghan stressful great, 15 minutes excuse me away.
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>> they're making their great taylor to keep balance. nobody to earlier dance. that's we're going to respond really trying to the group meantime, a scary moment for wnba rookie sensation caitlin clark, she had to be held to the bench in the second quarter of the indiana fever is game against the connecticut sun after appearing to suffer an ankle injury, clarke battles, she ended up dropping 17 points, including one of those trademark logo threes, but it wasn't enough as a son went on to take the 88, 84 when dropping the fever to open boeing four for the season and go injuries every basketball players have nickel injury. >> if not, you're not a true baller, i guess. i don't know so it'll it'll be a little stiff, but i'll be good the eastern conference finals in the nba starts tonight with the top-seeded celtics taking on the six seed the pacers is2 last-minute in the playoffs in 2019 when boston swept indiana and boston did own the league's best regular season record. >> this is their third straight trip to this stage of the playoffs, and they're six and
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eight seasons, but that title is what has alluded them. indiana he's got a young, talented squad coming off a hard-fought series with the next may are led by their all-star point guard tyrese haliburton you expected to be here. >> the sameness surprise for us there's no fluid. we expect this from our group. everybody loves to say it's the same thing, same team, but each and every year we've grown each and every year we've learned we've gotten older, mature, and this is a different mix tip-off is set four tonight at at cern in boston. and saying with both so now the say that red sox are roughly deborah's is on a hot streak, is an understatement that third baseman said it seemed record yesterday after hitting a home run for the sixth straight game, the to run shot in the fourth inning against the rays, putting him ahead of six other players in boston history, including a hall of famer shimmy thoughts and of course a great ted williams and majorly record for homeworks and consecutive if games is set at eight, and here's the play of the day coming from a brewers
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outfielder, kristen yellow literally solar run against the marlin's last night, check it out. former national league can be he caught miami's defense of guard here, stole home plate in the sig sitting to make it as soon nothing game but the marlin's ended up having the last laugh, winning three to two intended things. i know that now that we're starting to talk about baseball, casey, this as you very excited as a proud baltimore fan, we're going to have to start forcing these owes highlights into keep you happy. yes, please. i especially because i got a bit too early to see all the night games, you gotta like, got to be there for me in the morning and tell me what happened now that we've logged. well, we're on but i love seeing the stolen, but the more stolen bases, i don't know. it's all to do with roles are what, but it's so much want to see more basis stolen. there are bunch at and nero's this weekend. >> all right. carolyn, thank you. always great to have you coming up next here. the trump hush money trial nearing its end, any chance the former president will testify. he promised, but let's just say we're skeptical. plus y scarlett johansson lawyers are demanding answers from open ai
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today. you could thank us later i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn it's tuesday, may 21, right now on cnn this morning, an explosive admission from michael cohen and a fiery clash between a witness and the judge as the trump hush money trial reaches its final days plus whenever these warrants larder, no equivalence between israel and hamas president biden outraged by an international court's decision to seek an arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu and rudy giuliani expected to appear today in an arizona courtroom to face arraignment on elections charges just before 6:00 a.m. here in washington i'm going to live look atew


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