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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 21, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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children. and that unwavering kindness that she brought to the table was something i will so always remember about her and we will really, really miss her very much. i know i already she was part of the shows that i had a chance to do here at santa and i was always incredibly grateful for her presence. i mean, she was willing to come in when we anchored overnight here from 2am to 5:00 a.m. in the morning and she was here with her sort of unfailing good cheer and i know elliott and the table. she was i think someone who brought something to all of our lives. >> yeah. and it's remarkable how consistent the comments have been for people who knew alice across the political spectrum, it should surprise no one that a lot of the folks martin maria cardona, who she was paired with diametrically opposed to politically, that they had such warm between them. but i speak to the
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kindness about asking about your kids, your family, your life, that she did every day this is tough. yeah. >> all right. >> alice stewart was 58 years young. we will miss her very much, thanks to all of you for being here this morning. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts next spartz lai, the judge clears the courtroom as the defense is poised to rest its case. >> in the criminal trial of donald trump. >> and we have some break he news for you, several people are injured. one person is dead after severe turbulence on a flight, we have the very latest reporting on that flight ahead a legal battle over elvis presley's graceland, his granddaughter now fighting a foreclosure sale of that historic home, and she's alleging fraud. >> i'm kate baldwin was sara sidner in john berman. thiis cnn news central trump so what
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will happen this morning after a moment, so tense, the judge cleared the courtroom, wants taught emotions flaring in the criminal case against donald trump his charged with falsifying records to cover up hush money payments to an adult film actress. >> all to influence the 2016 election. shortly, the man who was likely the final defense robert costello retakes the stand now, trump's lawyers might be wishing they never called him as the judge found his behavior. so over the top that the judge lashed out at the witness, threatening destroy his entire testimony, but this could be it. we could be done with testimony in the next few hours. cnn is brynn gingras that live outside the courthouse for what really looks like the final day of testimony, brynn final stretch, john less and it was a wild day in court yesterday as you just said, michael cohen had been on
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the stands for 17 hours over four days, but before he left the cross-examination wasn't tens. >> they got michael cohen to admit that he stole $60,000 from the trump organization, essentially admitting that he asked for reimbursement from allen weisselberg and kept much of that money for himself when prosecution had its chance to redirect, they basically just tried to elicit more of the testimony that they had got from michael we'll cohen bringing up evidence to corroborate his story and then they rested for the de and it was the defense's turn and that's when it really did get wild as you just explained, robert costello was the second witness to take the stand for the defense. now, he is an attorney. they advised michael cohen when michael cohen's home was rated in 2018 the team by the fbi. and essentially he didn't like much of what the judge was sustaining when prosecutors were objecting to some of the questioning by defense attorneys so much so that he was rolling his eyes.
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he was sighing. he said, jeez, audibly ridiculous the judge warned him in without a jury in his presence, and then essentially, robert costello gave the judge along the glare to which the judge basically said, are you staring me down? and then he cleared the courtroom. let's go to the transcript so i can read exactly what happened at that point. judge merchan sean said the fact that i had to clear the courtroom and that the court officers, including the captain, had great difficulty clearing the courtroom and that there was argument back and forth between the press and including council for the press goes to y i had to clear the courtroom in the first place, and that is, sir your conduct is contemptuous right now. i'm putting you on notice that your conduct is contemptuous. if you try to steer me down one more time i will remove you from the stand. i will strike his entire testimony. du you understand me and defense attorneys said they did understand them or sean said listened to the question and answer the question to
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robert costello to which he he said, can i say something, please? and the judge said, no, no. >> this is not a conversation, so that was an intense moment with robert costello. he is expected to come back to the stand. prosecutors think they have about a half an hour or so left of testimony of questions of robert costello, and then we do expect the defense to rest its case. now, what happens in the next few days is not clear remember, there was no court tomorrow. there was already know core on friday. it's unclear if in the afternoon session today if they're going to go through jury instructions or what, but it's up in the air. what's going to happen on thursday? we already know that clubs closing arguments in this case are set for tuesday and then the jurors have a clear runway to deliberate this historic trial. >> john, we have a timeline. we had some sparks. we will we'll see what happens in the next few hours. brynn gingras, you very much for that, sarah what a day in court. >> all right. it's from heads to court today. he is also facing fierce new criticism
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after a video shared on his social media implied there would be a unified reich if trump wins this november, the term linked to naziism, his team now trying to walk it back, cnn's alayna treene has more on this. can, can you tell us exactly what was posted in the context of all of this because this is truly disturbing it is it's it's pretty stunning. sara and luck, as you said, donald trump's social media account shared a video that includes language that references a germany around world war i hypothetical newspaper articles and one of them referred to quote, the creation of a unified reich under the head headline, what's next for america? just take a look at this video. i want to show you it so our viewers can see it with their own eyes what happens after donald trump with what's the next for america? so you can
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see there, sarah, it's, it's a little it's a small tax at the bottom of this video, but still obviously drew face very fierce backlash for many people, including the biden campaign. and i want to be clear the word right, typically refers to german empires. however, it's leslie been more closely associated with adolf hitler's third reich. and that's why, of course this is phase receiving so much backlash. now, the trump campaign in a statement to me this morning, tried to walk this back. they said that this was a video that was shared by a staffer, wild donald trump was in the courtroom and that they did not realize that it had this language in it and tried to really distance themselves. here's a statement from trump campaign spokesperson karoline leavitt. she said, quote, this was not a campaign video. it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word while the president was in court. now despite that, i will say the video is still up and this was brought to
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their attention yesterday, i asked the trump campaign if this is what you're saying, why haven't you removed this video from donald trump's account? we did not get an answer to that. now, here's what the biden campaign is pushing back on. they said quote america stops growing and pay attention i'm on trump is not playing games. he's telling america exactly what he intends to do if he regains power, rule as a dictator over a unified right. and that's from biden campaign spokesperson james singer and luck. we did see as well the associated press first reported this, but the language in that video seems to be copied it word for word for word, from a wikipedia page referencing world war one. and so this is very troubling and obviously we know that donald trump has shared some kind of anti-semitic rhetoric and images on social media before. and so this is something that many people are calling attention to. of course, we saw the biden campaign speaking out against this very sharply, sara, i think the key thing
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that you just reported is that you brought it up to them. you asked about it. they tried to step back from it, but it's still up. so clearly at this point, they stand by it along the train. thank you so much for your reporting. appreciate it. okay. >> so the numbers are in president biden's campaign poster, $51 million fundraising in total for last month. why donald trump's team is celebrating that hall plus breaking news, one person has died after a flight headed to singapore hit severe turbulence. several other people are also injured. we have more details that are coming in and scarlett johansson is threatening legal action over openai's new virtual assistant, a new voice paste that johansen says sounds to yearly familiar let's amplify the drama. once upon a time in a world hold on to different from ours. there was a robot named byte in the stanley cup well, klopp wipers on the line right now now, the
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visit to learn more. doc? >> and maria already asked her budget reminder you've got this you have some breaking news. one person is dead now from severe turbulence. so after severe turbulence hit a flight that was going from london to singapore this morning the flight's been diverted to bangkok for several more passengers were reported have also reported injuries. let's get the very latest from marc stewart. he's standing by with more details. mark, what are you learning about this? >> hi there, kate. as investigators try to figure out a timeline as to what happens. so are we this involves singapore airlines flight 321. it was heading from london to
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singapore when i'm about halfway through this 13 hour flight, it encountered what is being described by the airline wine as severe turbulence and based off of what we have been seen from some of the different flight records, it made a very quick to sent to bangkok to help take care of the injured. as we are reporting, one person is dead, several others injured. this is a boeing triple seven, 300. it's a very large aircraft, a jumbo jet it flies these long-haul flights all the time for carriers like singapore, 211 people were onboard as well as a crew of 18. we don't know if these the jury's involved crew members or if involve passengers, but if this flight was well underway, it's very likely that meal service perhaps was taking place or or passengers were sleeping. we have some video that we got in from the scene. and as you will be able to see an army of ambulances greeted this aircraft.
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>> as far as lingering questions because there are a lot right now. >> number one is whether as someone who's covered aviation for a very long time, i can tell you that you could look out the window, the skies could be blue, the sun could be shining. yet this sudden air turbulence can strike at any time, even in the best of weather conditions. and then the second question is, was the seat belts? sign on if this was mid-flight it's very likely that it was turned off and crew members were walking around and in that case, if this turbulence was as strong as it is believed to be it likely through people to the ceiling and then back to the ground. and that can result in some very series injuries. in fact, pilot say during the flight itself, the biggest danger two passengers is turbulence, as appears to be the case here. we are talking to authorities and thailand's soon as we get more will certainly pass that along. >> mark. thank you so much.
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it's just a tragedy. you're seeing video from the airport is your invention thing a sea of ambulances on site, you see someone being taken over on a stretcher. just horrible here this marc, thank you. john. >> right. how donald trump's new trade proposals could cost the average family at least $1,700 a year. then illegitimate disgusting in the cloud that's how fulton county de a fani willis described congressman jim jordan in a scathing new interview as she bass is a primary data old spice gentlemen super hydration, body wash. >> now that is 24/7 moisture rotation with vitamin b3 are you and all the. >> old spice it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed palace the farmers dog is fresh food made with
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now in it's called poppy in the stanley cup fairclough wipers on the line right now two now, the distractions good still feel bad. sky high any is primary de in georgia on the ballot, two key players overseeing the state's election subversion case district attorney fani willis and judge scott mcafee and willis had a lot to say in a rare interview. >> see it as ryan young live outside of polling station in atlanta, a lot of the line today, ryan absolutely john looking out at a time here at 7:20, and i can tell you so far, you'd normally would see a lot more people at some of these polling centers look as a person who's been in this community for quite some time behind this is one of the polling centers that were always at because this is
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normally where we see long lines, people showing up to vote. >> you can see a couple of people walking toward that door. no longlines this morning. look, this is a primary usually, if you build it, they will come that tension hasn't really been here. fani willis has been far in the lead in this community when it comes to what polars say about what could happen next in this election. they talked about last night she did do an interview. she didn't have a lot of things to say about the election. and also about standing up against people, trying to take her down. and the prosecution of donald trump. take a listen i am at a point where i need fulton county voters to get out and vote. >> i need people around the country to support me. big and small to say that we are going to be a country that still believes in the rule of law. we are not going to allow people to be attacked while they do their job on having in prosecutors that are free from interference and are allowed to just look at cases, look at the facts, and if people brought
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the broke the law to bring charges, has to go on for us to live in a free society hey john, fani willis and the judge scott mcafee both are up in this primary. they are both expected to win. the tension here really is about the conversation about the support that they both are getting for being involved in this case. but it seems like the voters are fulton county, at least believed that fani willis, khuza'a, her first should continue to move forward. the polling really shows that she's probably going to win this going away. but hopefully there's no voter apathy because we do believe there'll be less voters in this area, but look, it's a chamber of commerce dates beautiful outside. there's no rain, there's nothing wrong. we've only seen a handful of people go inside this polling center to vote we should also note that fulton county, according to wsb-tv here in town, it's opening a new fulton county election center where you'll be actually able to watch online as they do the council. i'm sure there'll be people from across the country logging in
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to watch that count happened. but at the same time no drama right now in this race a great to have you there, ryan young, nice to see you this morning. >> i appreciate it sir. >> all right. now, to the good stuff graduates of the university of massachusetts, dartmouth received more than just their diplomas as they cross the stage. billionaire philanthropists rob hail, surprise graduates with this. take a listen he's trying times of heightened the need for sharing, caring, and giving our community needs. >> you and your generosity more than ever there are 3,000 customers in full envelopes in that truck over there. you see that truck over there one says gift one says give the first in every one of you is getting at two of them. the first is our gift to you. the second is a gift for you to give as i mentioned, that your greatest joys in life that we have experienced have come from
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giving. we want to share that gift of giving with you today. each of you is getting a $1,000 there's cash, right yeah. >> heard the applause there a 1,000 ducats, thousand greenbacks. this is the form for this year in a row, hail has given similar guests to a group of graduate students graduating one graduates from mouth or jaw. >> i was like drunk. >> yeah, a year, thank you i've gone up is still for us president biden, slamming the international criminal court's decision to bring charges against and seek arrest warrants for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the israeli defense minister why he says the call for their arrest is outrageous. and the lawyer for world number one golfer scottie scheffler, speaks with cnn, their plans to fight the charges over scheffler's arrest that happened just hours before his second round tee time at the pga championship the good stuff
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assignments are going on and the tornado here i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it violent earth with the liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn this morning, secretary of state antony blinken will be on capitol hill. he is there to discuss the state department's budget, but of course, we're likely face a lot of questions about israel's war in gaza against hamas blinken blasted the international criminal court for requesting arrest warrants for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his defense minister. you have glaad along with hamas leaders. he said the us rejects the prosecutors equivalents of israel with hamas and called the move shameful. cnn's alex marquardt is in washington alex, what can we expect today? this is congress, so things could get cuckoo so we can expect all kinds of things. this is obviously a pivotal moment on a range of international issues. it's a
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very busy day for secretary blinken on capitol hill, ostensibly, as you said, two up there to talk about the state department's budget. but really, he is going to get pressed on all of these international issues front and center. of course israel's war in gaza, questions there's over the us support for israel, particularly when it comes to military aid. we have seen recently the us hold back that shipment of 502,000 pound bombs for israel over concerns about what israel is doing in rafah. israel's ramping up its operations, their concerns by the us i could turn into a major operation which the us says it has still not seen, but president biden, of course, as threatened to cut off more offensive weaponry for israel if they do step up that operation, we can expect secretary blinken to say that the defense of israel for the us is ironclad and that will continue. but this pair of senate hearings sara, coming the day after the icc said it would seek those arrest warrants for the israeli prime
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minister and defense minister both blinken and his boss president biden, have come out swinging against the icc's moves. as you noted, secretary blinken saying that it was shameful that he fundamentally rejected because this equivalence between israel and hamas, excuse me. but then there, of course there are a number of other international issues that we can also expect the centers to try to get to we have the death of the iranian president's and a helicopter crash over the weekend, major questions over the direction of that the country, both in the short and the long-term because the supreme leader is getting older questions about succession there. and then when it comes to ukraine, of course that fight is still raging. the us has just said that it will commit another $60 billion in aid to ukraine. questions about where that aid will go as russia advances for in the northern part of the country. so plenty to get to for these senators. as secretary
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blinken's sits down in front of them twice today. zara, there are a lot of things going on around the world and we will surely, here are some questions on all of those issues. >> alex marquardt. thank you so much. appreciate it. john and with me now is the former israeli prime minister enough totally bennett mr.. >> bennett, thank you so much for being with us this morning. the icc has a request now for an arrest warrant for the prime minister benjamin netanyahu that puts them essentially in the same legal category as far as the icc is concerned. as vladimir putin in more, more qaddafi, what's your reaction to that farce? >> it's a moment of shame for the icc. >> and for the international community. if anyone supports that act a word democracy and grading golf false moral equivalence. equivalence between are terror organization that deliberately went out and the murdered families, burnt babies, raped women to
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democracy. that's defending itself against those vary beast that's a moment of shin for the icc we only reject a false equivalence is essentially the words that anthony blinken in the white house used in their reaction to the icc. how do you feel about what the us has been saying since this news? broke well, i think president biden and secretary blinken there on the money that you're absolutely right. >> i mean, it would be as if you'd accused bin laden and george bush side-by-side, it's ridiculous we're are robust democracy and vibrant democracy, as you can see, we have free press independent and strong judicial system we don't need folks from europe in hog telling us how to conduct a moral war. >> we have the lowest ratio of collateral damage i managed in the history of urban warfare
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we've been inserting thousands and thousands, hundreds of thousands of tons of food and aid into gaza strip. >> this is simply unacceptable the aid, though international organizations say, is not getting to the people. and in fact, this request for a warrant from committee or con accuses netanyahu and you all have a lot. the defense minister of intentionally causing death starvation and great suffering how much responsibility does israel baer to get the food to the people who need it? >> absolutely aligned. none. >> israel has allowed 24,000 trucks of food and aid into gaza over 400,000 tons. that's 30% more than before the war right? there's more food entering gaza but you do have hamas, who is rating those trucks and using the food to
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starve its own people. so then comes the icc and accuses us, you know, that we've lost soldiers, that were defending the kerem shalom crossing that allows the aid in because hamas was bombing, that how twisted a mind could you have accused israel of what hamas is doing to tone people? >> a member of the war cabinet, benny gantz has issued something of an ultimatum to the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, giving him a few weeks to come up with a formal plan for a post-war gaza among other things, how much confidence du, you have in the netanyahu government? how much longer should he be? you'll allowed to lead your country look, i'm here speaking on social media and i support whatever policy that the government of israel has. >> i would say that i think we should have taken over rafah,
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destroyed hamas four months ago. i think we're waiting way too long. i think vacillation is not a good policy. and we just got to get it done and stop talking about it. so if anything, i think everything should have been done much faster. but having said that, but the country is united behind it, the most just war and israel's history. we have no choice. we have genocidal savage jihadi regime on our border obviously we need to make it go away not totally bunny former prime minister of israel, we appreciate your time this morning. thanks so much for being with us thank you. okay. >> donald trump has vowed to up the ante if reelected on a trade war. he started with china during his first term saying that he plans to impose aggressive new tariffs as a way of protecting the working class. but a new report suggested would actually do the exact opposite. cnn's matt egan has more on that. he's
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here with us now. what does this report saying that well, keith donald trump number he loves tariffs so much that he called himself the tariff man and he's promised missing that the school is gonna be even bigger than the original. he's promising to impose a 60% tariff on chinese goods. that's massive. it would hit everything from toys and furniture, two iphones. he also wants a 10% tariff on us import as you mentioned, he's champion tariffs as a way to protect middle-class, working class americans. but this new research from the peterson institute finds would actually do the opposite, saying that his terrorists would cost consumers 500 billion a year. that's 1.8% of gdp. >> that's huge. some contexts, it's almost five times bigger than the cost of the last terrorist during the trump administration. >> and the average family be typical middle-income family would get $1,700 in costs here. now, it's hard to make out how much of trump's tariff talk is just bluster and how much of it is real. but we do know that the power of the president has
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massive power when it comes to treat. so we do have to take what he says very seriously. we reach out to the trump campaign on this they put out a statement saying the american people don't need papers from alleged experts to know bidenomics has robbed them up thousands of hard-earned dollars and they will have money back in their pockets with president trump back in the white house. now, we should note that of course the biden menstruation, they're leaning on tariffs to regimen president biden. he's had over three years to roll back tariffs. he hasn't done that. he's actually upped the ante, imposing new tariffs just last week on chinese aluminum steel, computer chips, electric vehicles. but the big difference here is this scale. >> the scale is why i didn't use targeting 18 billion of chinese goods. >> trump 3 trillion of all us imports. so the scale here, the difference is massive. one of them is surgical the other one is basically taking a sledgehammer. peterson institute estimates that the typical family would get hit by about $30 a year, 30 in costs
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under the biden tariffs versus 1,700 under the trump tariffs. kait, the last point here is no matter who wins tariffs are here, right there. they're not going anywhere. they'd become a bible partisan tool. both parties have embraced them, and it's also becal an important tool in an interesting part of the very co between the us and china. >> absolutely good to see you. thank you so much, man. >> it's all right. >> a dramatic day of testimony lies healing and. the judge clears the courtroom over disrespect trump's lawyers began their defense yesterday and things quickly got heated at one point, the judge clear the courtroom and threatened to remove a witness. the defense witness, from the stand, joining us now, cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney, or goe jackson look, there is so many things that happened in court that we're filled with drama. i'm going to start with cohen admitting during cross-examination that he stole 30,000 some odd dollars from the trump organization. now, the
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prosecution did bring this up in their direct however, when a jury has heard this person who has admitted to lying, now, admitted to stealing, can a jury have you ever seen a jury get past those things and say, okay, but i believe him in this instance so good morning, sara ganim. >> be with you. the argument is going to be whether you believe him or not, there's so much else to believe, including your common sense that we don't want you to let go of that you need to vic, that's gonna be the argument. the other argument is going to be who is going to be a person who is not going to front $130,000, a guy who's stealing, right? this is a person he stealing money from you. he's got a front money for you. are you serious? so there's a way to flip that, right? so there's no question about the facts. are that cohen when is damaged goods, we all know that and that's why the prosecutors spent a lot of time corroborating him what don't you have corroboration for the essence of the actual meeting, the events. did donald trump
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tell him did he not? and that comes to the issue. what we're going to see on closing argument use your common sense and good judgment. we know that sharpie pen, we know about the reimbursements. we know about the access hollywood tape and the lead up to why he would not want another story out there. these are all thank you. meant so prosecution is going to make. so yes, michael cohen was a detriment the prosecution will try to resume him in some way and tell the jury whether you don't have to put your faith in him to convict. that'll be what they say. all right. i want to go to the defense now, they call the first witness, robert costello, who was cohen's former attorney here's what the defense wanted the jury to hear. he testified saying, i really want you to explain to me why what my options are. this is what cohen was saying to him. what's my escape brute that phrase that he used and costello says, i explained to michael collin that the entire legal problem that he was facing would be resolved by the end of the week if he had truthful information on donald
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trump and cooperated with the southern district of new york who was going after collin at that time had a case against him, casella says he made that same statement that he made about ten or 12 times that de quote, i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump this is his attorney making this comment. how much of the damage did he do with this very thing because you would think as someone who is under the gun, being looked at for legal issues that you would do anything to try to clear your name? yeah. without question. so the defense will argue and then we'll get to costello and whether he was effective fans will argue, you not going to be believe a liar, a perjury, a thief, a criminal, a disbarred person who has a motivation and animus against the president who literally rants about them who's made money off of them, is this who you're going to trust? is this who you're going to allow yourself to convict the former president of united states, but 34 counts on his word. it's ridiculous. and what we we've
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got bob costello, who he's spoken to his own attorney or whether he was attorney or legal adviser, whatever. but the reality is is he told them he has nothing on trump. what else did he say? he said that he paid out of his own pocket and that trump had nothing to do with it. so what story is it? now, here's what i don't like sour what i don't like is the fact that if mr. stella just came in and dispassionately said, look, we had those conversations, michael cohen and myself. he said he has nothing on the president that's what he told me. he told me numerous times that he did this on his own korde that donald trump had nothing to do with it. but instead he comes in, he's got an ax to grind. he's glaring at the judge is saying, jeez, and this is ridiculous. look, when you're honest and we should be clear ekg monitor exactly. clear. the court and says you, sir, are about to be in contempt of court, but this kind of behavior, right. >> and sarah, as it should be, right. the bottom line is, look, you're a witness, you answer questions, whether something gets sustained, objected to. overruled. that's none of your concern. you're just there to do your job. and so the reality is he could have
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had very favorable testimony. i don't know how the jury really connected with it just because of his demeanor and comport that might have been for a party of one donald trump sitting in the court didn't do all that well for his credibility as well. joey jackson. thank you so much junk why knew this morning in a statement to cnn an attorney for golfer, scottie scheffler says that jefferson county prosecutor's office, that's in kentucky, has given him no indication they plan to amend or drop the charges against his client. the attorney notes he believes scheffler did nothing wrong and a plea deal is completely off the table. >> scheffler was arrested and handcuffed outside valhalla golf club early friday morning for not following police orders during pedestrian fatality investigation. >> the ramen for scheffler, which was originally scheduled for today, has now been moved to monday, june 3 and fighting for graceland. now, elvis presley's granddaughter, granddaughter is alleging fraud. >> she's get ready to go to battle over the foreclosure sale of elvis is iconic memphis home and did openai rip off
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how are you? fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge i'm even macaj in washington and this is cnn actor scarlet johansson is threatening legal action against chatgpt claiming the ai platform used a new voice that sounded eerily similar to her own. here's johansen in the movie her, a film in which she voiced a super intelligent ai assistant good morning, theodore morning, e of a meeting in five minutes. >> you want to try getting added too funny get good. >> i'm funny funny. and here now chatgpt, new ai assistant named sky hey, how's it going hey, there, it's going great. >> how about you? i see you're wrong in an open ai hoodie. nice chilis johansson says
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openai ceo sam altman actually came to her in september asking her to be the voice of chatgpt is new virtual closest. >> and she says she turned him down after quote, much consideration and for personal reasons. and now lawyers for the oscar nominated actress tells cnn she's shocked, angered, and in disbelief if the company on sunday insisted the voice was not derived from johansson yet come monday openai reluctantly took down the voice of sky. john. >> it was not expecting you to engage in the conversation as well it was all very flirty. >> i didn't no. all virtual ai assistance for flirty. let's i'm gonna do pop up video over this entire thing. yes, joe all right. >> moving on. maybe we're going to move developing this morning. elvis presley's grad daughter is fighting to stop his historic memphis home, graceland from being sold in foreclosure. she says the company behind the sales it's not even exist in the documents they have presented are fraudulent cnn's diane
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gallagher has the latest here. >> i mean, we're talking about one of the most famous houses in the country, dyad that's right, john, in fact, graceland is the second most visited home in the country behind only the white house. >> so elvis, his granddaughter, danielle riley kiyo, is fighting to stop a foreclosure sale of the famous graceland property that's scheduled for later this week alleging fraud and claiming that the company behind the sale doesn't even exist, let alone own the rights to sell her family's property. i'll kill is the current owner of graceland after her mother, lisa marie presley, died last year, according to court documents that were obtained by cnn keil has been able to obtain a restraining order against the sale of the property before any court can rule on her application for injunctions. so how did we get to this point when it comes to graceland will in the lawsuit, can you says that last year? >> not sunny investment and
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private lending llc presented documents that claimed her mother had borrowed $3.8 million from the company. >> and use the deed for graceland as security collateral, if you will? from claims least some read defaulted on that loan. so therefore, graceland is now their property. but keels lawsuit says that those documents presented are fake. her mother never borrowed the money and never use graceland as collateral. >> the court documents go even further, identifying a florida notary who's name is on those documents presented to them, but that notary says, she quote never met lisa marie presley nor notarized any documents for her now, cnn has tried to reach noss any investments. >> we sent an email to their address and received an out of office responses, said they'd be back next week, we call the phone number and it was not there. we checked with the missouri secretary of state's office and there's no company listed by that name. we couldn't find one nationally. a statement from graceland dba,
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elvis presley enterprises was sent to cnn. it reads, quote, elvis presley enterprises can confirm that these claims are fraudulent. there is no foreclosure sale. simply put the counter lawsuit has been filed is to stop the fraud john, that foreclosure sale is scheduled for thursday of this week, but there is a chancery court hearing on this lawsuit tomorrow morning and shelby county, tennessee wow, so many unanswered questions there. all right. diane gallagher. thank you so much for that sarah. hi, john stick around happening today. >> president biden are returned to the campaign trail with stops in new hampshire and massachusetts this comes as his campaign is releasing new funding totals for last month and the results a bit mixed. cnn's priscilla alvarez is live at the white house give us a sense of these numbers. priscilla, and they are a bit mixed that's right there. and look, fundraising has been
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consistently a bright spot for the biden campaign and they're continuing to tout that even though as you see there, there was a drop in april compared to march, they raise $51 million in april and you compare that to the month of march that was 90 million in march. of course, that was also a month where they had their high-profile fundraiser in new york and there's more of those to come over the course of the summer now, if we break down these numbers, the campaign also noted that were occurring donors were contributed over 5.5 million. last month. they also continue to tout those grassroots fundraising numbers. the majority of donations coming in under $200. now, that's important. oftentimes when you talk to campaign officials, they pointed those numbers to note that there is continuing enthusiasm among voters despite the low poll numbers. now, big picture here the biden campaign has 84.5 million million dollars cash on hand. that's still outpaces the trump campaign. >> and when you combine the campaign and affiliated
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committees, that's $192 million. >> so there's still bringing in a lot of cash when they're using it to grow their ground operation, opening up more offices nationwide and hiring more staffers today, the president will go to new hampshire for an official she'll event on veterans issues and then we'll follow that with campaign fundraisers in boston. sarah, that is a huge amount of money. priscilla alvarez. thank you so much joining us right now to talking about exactly this cnn political commentator care and finney, who is former spokesperson for hillary clinton's 2016 campaign, and matt gorman republican strategist and former senior adviser to tim scott presidential campaign. >> karen, you heard the reporting right there. i'm gonna read you a headline from a month ago, some headlines from month ago, president joe biden raised more than $90 million because reelection campaign and the democratic party in march, a whopping hall in a month that saw him pivot to a general election posture. the campaign announced it has a war chest of $192 million in cash on hand, describing it as the highest total mass by any democratic candidate in history at this point in the cycle now
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a drop in fundraising for last month, karen sign of a problem no. >> i think when you have $192 million cash on hand, you're doing just fine and as priscilla was saying, when you're looking at those grassroots small donations, that really does give you so a sense of not just sort of countering the polis, but enthusiasm. >> if people are giving and they are, those are reoccurring donations, which again, those numbers are also quite high. >> that's a positive sign and don't forget. we don't have to, democrats don't have to spend any money on legal fees, which unfortunately certainly that's what we're seeing on the side of the trump campaign matt, the trump campaign said about their numbers in the last month, the money he's raised in april along with the polling show, the momentum is 100% on president trump's sayyed but
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when you've been outraged month after month after month, can this also be assigned that biden just has so much your cash on hand like karen saying he he he he can pay more in fundraise less i think a couple of things. >> it seems according to reports this morning, trump sandi rays by 76.2 million. he was always gonna get a bump once he got the official nomination, he can raise and larger amounts of money so we can really get about $800,000 a clip from the highest donations, right? i think you'd couple that with the fact the polls look a lot better for him. and i think there has been some depression among democratic akre this, but i'm having flashbacks. look dirty. little secret is every campaign will spin their fundraising numbers however, right? so if you don't have an impressive amount raised, you tout cash on hand, vice versa. so it's really, you can find anything in these sorts of reports to spin one way or another to make yourself look good. >> let's talk, talking about flashbacks. let's talk
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