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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  May 21, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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, my role in the whole process was to open up a conversation about blacks in the space and so i saw served a purpose. and i was very proud of and he should be proud many black astronauts, so credited dwight for paving the way for them. after putting his space dreams on hold for decades, dwight became an air force pilot. he worked for ibm. he started a construction company. he became a restaurant tour and a real estate developer. he also had as a master's degree in sculpting and has dedicated most of his life to art and to depicting black history. now, that is quite a life for any person, but now he finally got to cross become an astronaut off of his bucket list. >> a lot of people that we're happy. and i'm more worried about megan other people happy that make the muslim no worked out with if it were up to dwight, this would be just the beginning when he was asked
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what else on his bucket list is there that he wants to do? >> dwight says he'd like to go into orbit thank you so much for watching these night. laura coates live starts right now no more testimony, no more witnesses. the jury and the trump trial gets ready to finally have it say, plus trump says one thing about birth control restrictions i went to then say another. >> so what does he actually believe and there's a new twist of the death of matthew perry, why a criminal investigation is malbon launched, all tonight i'm laura coates live you know what occurs to me that something nights it might be really easy to forget that none of what we've been saying is actually anywhere near normal. >> that might be in the rear-view mirror frankly, if former president running for reelection surrounded by legal carnage, one might also become
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numb to the headlines but tonight is one of those nights where the flood of news very quickly remind you just how unusual this really all is. just bear with me for just a moment. remember the classified documents case? well, today, we learn something new that trump had some classified docs and his mar-a-lago bedroom? yes, his bedroom months after the fbi searched the resort. that's according to new court documents. and today we got some new photo showing his body man and co-defendant, walt nauta moving boxes around mar-a-lago before trump's attorney was even to review them? not an trump. they've both pleaded not guilty to mishandling the documents and that trial. >> however likely won't happen before the election. >> in arizona. go west. trump is not facing any charges there, but his allies are today, 11 of them, including rudy giuliani we're a rained on charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election.
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there in favor of course, of donald trump. giuliani and others have pleaded not guilty to what fraud conspiracy forgery then there's atlanta, where trump himself now is facing state charges for his efforts in trying to interfere with the 2020 election. and today, the da, their fani willis will sheet just won her democratic primary. but as far as the trial goes, there is absolutely no guarantee that she will be able to prosecute them this case before the election. >> and the case is stalled while accord here is an appeal to kick her off of the case. >> the judge that presides over that case, by the way, he was also up for an election member. he'd been appointed initially. well, he just won his election and now a four-year term as a result. now, it's a lot i confess and it is very unusual it's all part of the reason why the very case that people initially criticize the manhattan de alvin bragg for having me audacity to go first on. well, that criminal trial in manhattan, it didn't just go
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first we don't know how distant a second or a third or a fourth trial will ever be? so all eyes now are on that very trial, precisely because it is currently as we're sitting here today talking, the only case that is guaranteed to have a conclusion at all, let alone one that might come before the election. it should come before election i mean, you have closing arguments next week, got help us all if it does not come before the election but a conclusion that could now come in just a matter of days. and today on the date 20 of his hush money trial, the defense rested their case and low of a whole trump did not testify surprising exactly. no one. >> but the jury's going to have a lot of time to think things over, aren't they? >> because of trial? it's dark until next tuesday for closing arguments. so now forget 11,780 votes, 270 electoral college votes, 420,000 bucks, or even the number 34 for the counts. now, it's down to 12 jurors
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and six alternates joining us now, retired california superior court judge ladoris cordell. >> she's also the author of hur honore. >> also law enforcement reporter for the washington post, devlin barrett, who is in court today as he has been throughout this trial. your honor, let me begin with. you, because lawyer we'll see the final jury instructions. the day after tomorrow this case has complicated and trying to connect the different dots. the felony from a misdemeanor and beyond telling me just how important it's going to be to make these instructions clear. and also amenable to both sides thank you for having me on the jurors have two jobs. >> one is to be the finders of fact. and once they determine what the facts are, then they must apply the law and the law is given to them in these jury instructions. and it's really interesting to note that when guilty verdicts are reversed by
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the appellate courts, the most frequent reason is faulty. jury instructions. >> the judge is determined most judges hard to get it right. >> two and you saw today where the lawyers were going back and forth primarily about the instructions of what the law says about these crimes. they're going to be standard instructions about the credibility of witnesses and they're all of that that's kind of standard stuff. but it's the key to this is what instructions the judge is going to give about the crime, the elements of the crime, what intent? we'll have been instruction about misdemeanors. so this is absolutely important and the concern i have is that jury instructions, my understanding and i hope i'm wrong that in new york, the jury instructions on paper do not go in with the jurors when a deliberate how in the world can 12 people, even if two of them are lawyers, they were
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civil lawyers, they didn't do criminal work. how could they possibly have the ability to remember all the verbal instructions pages and pages that the judge will give them. but i was a trial judge. i always provided the jersey printed copies well, your honor, i think in new york there might be a possibility for the judge to make a motion to have on the record them to do that for the very reasons i'm sure you're talking about because i actually cannot imagine the idea of having a jury without at least something in front of them. >> and it also goes to reasons in part why judge merchan wants to have this not a start stop deliberation because jury notes and beyond are going to be impactful in all this me. bring you in here, devlin, because based on what you heard today, do you have an idea of what the key instruction the jury will be tasked with next week, i mean, the judge is obviously talking about the idea of what goes into the crime, all the different elements. but what was the most talked about today i think a lot of what they argued about today was really centered around some of the judge mentioned, which is intent this is the legal theory
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of this prosecution is pretty complicated. >> it's basically a crime within a crime within another crime. and so that's going to be complicated for the jury to sort out. but a lot of the argument today was about what do you have to prove trump knew or wanted out of this sequence of events and so i think in ten is a big part. there was a lot of different fights about that in different pieces of language. but again, this stuff is very complicated. i think it's very difficult for a lay person to sort through even when lawyers think they're being clear i mean, let's be honest, sometimes lawyers don't get it right, which is why you have the appeal process and people have this conundrum going on. you're honore, let me turn back to you though, because you mentioned something about there could be a misdemeanor instruction. this has been a very important point of reference because obviously there is the falsified business records in new york law that is a misdemeanor now, it becomes a felony when it's done to try to hide another crime, it appears that the theory they're using is either a conspiracy base or a campaign finance
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violation, or contribution or maybe even tax fraud that has to come out and summation in full. but what would be the instruction for the jurors? are you saying they could possibly police fine for a misdemeanor nonetheless right. >> the misdemeanor is called a lesser included offense. so felony is more serious because the penalty is more serious than a misdemeanor so it's really interesting because on the defense sayyed, they may say, yeah, we want judge, included instruction that says you could just convict him of the misdemeanor or misdemeanors the prosecution, however, may say, oh, no, no, no, we don't want this lesser included. we're going with the felony. it's all or nothing so sometimes these lesser included end up being a compromised by jurors if they just want to unanimous on something. so the prosecution may say, nope, we don't want it. the defense may say yes, we do. and then it's left to the judge to decide.
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and sometimes, for example, in california, there are mandatory instructions that say if there is a lesser included, it has to be given. so i don't know what the procedure there's a new york but it's certainly an issue of importance to both sides. >> judge, the doors cordell. thank you so much for joining at devlin barrett. please stand standby as well because we are a week away from closing arguments in this trial. i mean, another week, i want to talk about now is cnn legal commentator and former trump attorney tim predatory, also for bella process it's a keeter, elise adamson is with us as well. okay. let's just get to this idea of instructions. i know this is the nerdy part. we're talking about the law. this is the most important part though, because first of all, the closing arguments, you want this primacy recency, right what the jury is going to hear it, they got a whole week alise before they hear that, and then come the instructions by the judge if you're prosecuting this case, what are you going to hang your hat on for these instructions well, i would definitely be fighting the defense on what they want
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included. >> i mean, again, their standard instructions, you're going to get the reasonable doubt in section you're going to get the credibility of the witness instructions. this is this is true and all cases, but what we've seen today is the defense wanting extra instructions included, like they're telling of how the jury needs to be explained, what the intent to defraud means for instance. so if i was the prosecutor right now, it'd be thinking two things. number one, and we just heard this. how are we going? thank to protect the record on appeal, you don't want to fight too hard because if something is not given to the jury, that is later to be term and should have been then the case is going to be reversed and you don't want that, but you also don't want too much coming in. you don't want the jury to be so confused by the instruction set, it almost seems like their burden is enhanced right? so that's it's a difficult needle to thread, but that's what i would do. >> the closing arguments, tim. >> so important. >> i mean, this is the time that a lot of lawyers become
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all the more performative they are trying to shine. >> they are going to cherry pick the out of their cases and say, remember this, this, this, this, and this and the defense size leads pointing out they're going to counter and every way you've been a defense attorney, you will also done these case at cases that are similar to the fact pattern of falsified records and beyond when to documents, case how do you make it to the jury is not eyes glazed over. what are you going to turn to? >> oh, you got to keep it interesting that's trial is drama. >> to show. and it's theater. so you have to keep the jury interested and here, i would structure it all around the jury instructions. the jury instructions specifically on the falsified business records are very clear as to what all the elements are and so i would keep coming back to that, but then we've in you saw this you saw that keep going back to the testimony and at the same time, i think they're going to spend a lot of time talking about michael cohen. >> the defense sayyed, i
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absolutely i think they're going to spend a lot of time talking about michael cohen and his credibility i wouldn't be surprised. in fact, i would advise them stay away from stormy day you don't you don't have to talk about her at all because the reality is, it is a totally irrelevant trial within a trial is to whether what she said is true because the reality is whether there was relations between the two of them are not it doesn't matter what matters is she had an embarrassing story to tell. >> they paid the hush money to keep her from telling it whether it was true or not, is irrelevant. so i would kinda try to shove her to the sayyed as much as possible and just say that's not really relevant. what we're really here to talk about is this when the prosecution, they're gonna go on for very long time. >> well, why do you agree with that, at least would you also have a similar philosophy, respect stormy daniels? >> he personally, i wanted because i think stormy to andrew's provides a very powerful motive for the former president to want this story kept out of the public eye.
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>> and i hear what you're saying that even if it's not true and i think that's what michael cohen initially said wright and his what he's saying now is as false statement, even if something is not true, it can still be harmful. >> but what i think it being true kind of lens more credibility to the entire narrative. >> why was he so panicked? well he didn't want this to come out. this was an embarrassing story. we heard stormy daniels in painful detail recount this encounter. he didn't want that out in the public eye, so i wouldn't necessarily sidestep it. i wouldn't spend too much time on it because i agree. there are more relevant issues that you're going to want to describe to the jury, but i would spend a little time on it and they want to focus on it. it's just if you're the prosecution, i've met your burden of proof. you want to focus on the fact that there was an incentive to actually have him pay someone because of the election. but that's the price that because the election part is where i think the jury is going to have some questions, don't you? think because is it for personal reasons that he was trying to cover it up because he's trying
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to protect his wife and his family, or is it for the election? they only have the word substantial to go on. how do they judge it? >> yeah, it becomes very difficult and really what i would do is the prosecution is going to go on for a very long time, even though they're going second you know that they're going to go on for a very long time. they're going to get very detailed. they're going to get very, quite frankly boring as defense, the best way to counter that is to take the whole story and make it as simple as possible. and kind of acknowledge right out the gate. there are a lot of aspects to this case that are not in dispute, so we don't need to spend a whole bunch of time hi, i'm on it. yeah. they've proven beyond a reasonable doubt that there was catching kill. they've proven that there was a hush money paid. they've proven that michael cohen was paid back for it but that's not what he's charged with. what he's charged with is the falsification of these records. so really try and focus in on that. i mean, i try the case in front of judge merchan once where i went to the moves of mixture of misdemeanor and felony and i
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said to the jury, hey, counts two and three, good. find him guilty on that. they did that. let's talk about count one and is much of the stuff that's not in dispute, just kinda throw it to the side, you know, the prosecutor is going to spend a bunch of time trying to prove the jordi admitted piece focus them and just say this is the one piece. >> if you can't, if they can't prove this one tiny little piece than the whole case falls apart. this is the name stuck there's is 34 counts and of course, a jury is not going to be asked just one question is if it was a wire fraud and the federal case are gonna be asked look through each of these different document each time, but speaking of documents, i had to turn them mar-a-lago for a second. >> i'm looking at you for a second because we have learned that there are new unsealed court filings in the classified documents case. one of what, three or four. now that trump is facing a federal judge saying that additional classified docs were discovered months after the fbi search and they were in the bedroom in mar-a-lago. trump's bedroom.
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you guys council at one judge, how was wrong? joe's house wrong. i was there. so you were in the bedroom? >> i wasn't in his bedroom, but i did help to recover what they're talking about he was an empty folder that said classified evening summary on it. it didn't have anything in it. and classified is not at a level of classification the exact same folder is on display in the bar in trump tower the exact same folder is you can buy it off of ebay it was something and i was i was here on cnn talking about it at the time with paula reid where he had this classified evening summary folder covering his phone, his desk phone to keep the blue light outs when he was sleeping. >> okay. >> it was it was there. are things i do a lot of booby traps in my head as well. i'm just saying that to try to figure out how to get the best sleep possible but you know, and i want to bring you in this lease on this issue we have
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seen images of documents being moved around. we know that there are different places in mar-a-lago, the crux of this entire case can can be ultimate confidence that he ran out, that he was fully forthcoming about where all the documents were. i mean, you're talking about one file. is that is it popular is not more than one. >> my team is the one that were covered i lead the thing you fully trust that they showed you everything unnatural. >> this because i hired the team, i supervise the team that did at jim trusty supervised that search in mar-a-lago? that particular folder was there on his phone in his bedroom when the fbi searched the fbi knew that that was not something that was responsive to the search warrant. >> they left it there for tim. >> how can you be so confident about trump having had everything in the locations he told you to search when we have seen and co-defendant cases and superseding indictment that changed where they are showing that others knew and they moved it. it sounds like they were
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not on the up and up. even council. why are you so confident in my team? >> they gave us not just not your can find what with the defendants did evan corcoran search was a bit different when my team went in they gave us no restrictions. we could go anywhere we want. we chose where to search. >> okay elisa, what are your thoughts on this issue and i wasn't there, although i would have been in the medicine cabinet. >> that's just me. i'm nosy. but when you look at these issues, the fact that we're finding this information out now, and are no more closer to a trial date in that case. that surprise you. >> i mean, nothing surprises me at this point with these cases, right? i've this is we're in unprecedented territory for tori here and look, it's hard for me to speculate. i'm sitting next to somebody who actually perform these searches you know, what happened before you got there, who can say, we do have some evidence. i think there were some photos of people moving boxes, so who knows, we don't know unless you as your to your point lore, we're learning more and more
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as we go along. so i think we're just going to have to wait and see how this how this turns out, but nothing nothing would surprise me if only we had a thing called a trial yeah presentation of evidence and then we could figure out the prosecution has met their burden of proof. what was that? it's something is on the tip of my tongue. tim predatory adams. >> thank you both so much ahead. donald trump's can set contraception, confusion. his bid walked back after suggesting that he was open to restrict ding birth control and how the biden campaign was all over it. plus a criminal investigation into matthew perry's death. what law enforcement is now looking into? he that has multiple different agencies all working together my doctor gave me breads tree for my copd. things changed for race treat me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduce flare-ups. registry won't
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everyday million say, i use splea i'm kayla tausche at the white house, and this is cnn donald trump having a bad backtracked on comments he made about potentially wanting to impose restrictions on birth control. here's reset earlier today do you support any restrictions on a person's right to contraception but we're looking at that and i'm
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going to have a policy on that very shortly. >> and i think it's something that you'll find interesting that's suggests that that you may want to support some restrictions like the morning after pill or some here er. >> we are also things really do i have a lot to do with the states and some states are going to have different policies than others. but i'm coming out within a week or so with a very comprehensive policy which i'll get to you immediately. >> a week or so, but immediately. >> okay. well, then hours later came the cleanup trump posting to the social media site in all caps, of course, saying, i have never and will never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control let's do right. to sarah matthews, former trump white house deputy press secretary, also here, charlie dent or republican former congressmen and lulu garcia-navarro contributor and new york times journalists and podcast host. okay, we'd meet with you, sarah here because
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somethings are just a yes or no answer why do you think he more than once now and it's coming to reproductive rights, abortion now, birth control. he is waiting to give a policy a weaker so immediately from now yeah, this is the classic trump answer when he doesn't know how to answer a policy question, he says, oh, we're going to be issuing our policy opinion on this and two weeks, it's going to be great. >> everyone's going to love it. and then two weeks comes and never happens and i think with this one, he's very concerned with how voters feel about this and particularly the base. so that's brian. thank you. saw him try to push this off and answering because he doesn't maybe know where his base lands on contraceptives. i also think there's a chance two, that he might have been confused between contraceptives and mifepristone, the abortion pill and so those are two totally different things. i think that there's a chance that he was also maybe confused still on that, but i think that at the end of the day when you're looking at the project 25, which is backed by trump,
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former staffers who are creating an agenda for what a potential second trump term would look like. they float ideas like this of banning or restricting things like contraceptives and mifepristone. and so trump needs have his feet held to the fire and have an answer on this strikes me maybe as anyone else feeling like old enough to remember when. i don't know, the candidate had a position and then they waited to see if the base would follow as opposed to what do you it's not a focus group, it's an election. >> he doesn't understand public policy on nuanced basis. i've been in meetings with them. he doesn't care about public policy, so contraception, emergency contraception, the abortion pills, border fashions mifepristone. he has understand the difference and so he gets on there. he's asked about contraception. he probably thinks we're talking about the abortion pills. he he doesn't understand this, so that's why they have to do mop duty afterwards because he does simply doesn't have a basic grasp on many public policy issues. and particularly when as complex as contraception and abortion pills he just doesn't understand it shocking.
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>> well, i think what's interesting to me is that it isn't complicated. contraception. i mean, this is one of the founding things that women understand what it does and what it's for men agree if you see polling on this, this is not the abortion issue. this has to do with women, women's right? right. to actually decide when they have children. and the big fear this is a gift for democrats. i mean, they've already, the minute he said this, this was like a cheer went up in the white house because they've been campaigning on abortion. but the idea that trump might take a position on something like contraception. this is what democrats have been warning about, and this is what they wanted but here from, from trump and he walked in the vice president harris, she posted trump's comments along with the campaign statement that says it's not enough for trump that women's lives are being put at risk. doctors are being threatened with jail time and extreme bands are being enacted with no exceptions for rape or incest he wants to rip away our freedom to access birth control, two, i have to tell you i mean, i don't understand
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when you talking about contraceptives i find it very stunning that a presidential candidate who by the way, has been a president before, could not decipher it and delineate in his response between i don't know, say, a condom a birth control pill, and emergency contraceptive pill, or the idea of medical abortions. these are not that complex. what's her weight? her israel views. do you know? >> well, i just think as we noted, it seems like he just doesn't have a grasp on what the policy is. he's obviously distracted with things like his current trials. and so this isn't us certainly a focus for him when it should be because this is a pressing issue and americans want to know where he stands on these things. and so he should answer these questions. and i think it's smart of the biden campaign to seize on this and capitalize on it. but it is why you saw such a quick cleanup from trump and his camp because they know that this is an issue that is concerning to women, and that is the group most that he needs to win over in a general election to be successful, i wonder if he's lula when i get your opinion on this as well, but i also want to bring in
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this because you mentioned the idea that maybe he's overwhelmed with other things and distracted. i mean, there was also this this shocking video that trump reposted on truth social. i know you're talking about and here it is. it was an under an image headline for a trump second term, the words unified reich. the campaign says it was not created by the campaign, but was reposted by a staffer and has since deleted the ad, this is anti-semitic messaging relate to the corner and talking about this, we've also seen part of this before, and this drumbeat continues how is it that these sort of messages can still be a part of the political conversation with the hopes of a successful campaign so the intern did it is a very tried and true tactic from politicians which we've seen over and over again, particularly from the trump campaign. so it was not surprising that that was immediately some unknown staffer was apparently behind us but it's not just
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anti-semitic. this isn't, this is actually nodding to the third reich. this is nodding to naziism. this is nodding to hitler and the very fact that this was put out there is a stain. if you needed another stain on the trump campaign but i will say i do not think that it will matter. i say this. i say this sadly, but he's been he said things like this before. the campaigns put out very questionable things before. and what we've seen is that it really hasn't made it done dan, your name has been invoked? yeah, highly dag what do you think? >> will it make a dent early probably not, but you would think that after charlottesville with the blood and soil comments and jews will not replace us. >> they will be really careful with things like go out in the name of the campaign and rice the references to the third reich, 1933 and 1945. they're not talking about the first reich, the holy roman empire, the second right, 18, 71 and 1918, they're talking about the third right. that's the problem. so they're tone deaf. there's a this is the disaster
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for trump today. i mean, you should be talking about reich's and nazis, and you shouldn't be i saying birth control should be a moment when you're seeing a rise and anti-semitic attacks when you are having the terrible events of october 7 in israel. and so it is a very sensitive time and the very fact that they put this out at this moment should raise questions and i will say too that it follows a disturbing trend with the campaign though that we've seen where they have used nazi rhetoric. he said that his political enemies were vermin. he said that he, immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country unfortunately, it probably won't make a dent because i think that republicans have normalized this behavior by refusing to condemn him when he makes these kinds of comments and they choose to stay silent and therefore are complicit. >> i mean, it did take several hours, i believe, to take it down but this is probably about conversation earlier today, charlie, about your your organization are what's it called our republican legacy? yeah. trying to get the party back to something normal based on thoughtful principles instead of this cult of personality, sarah charlie,
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lulu. >> thank you both. so all three, so my edge next the lapd making a huge announcement in the death of matthew perry why there conducting a criminal investigation. plus the battle between chatgpt and scarlett johansson, who says the company is voice assistant sounds eerily similar to her the original voice of siri is my guest we're excited to do business with you, but before we sign, i got to ask sure. anything? >> we searched you online and maybe you can explain this. >> kibble, leave that garbage is still coming in. >> that is so false, frustrated with your online search results. reputation defender today, to join tens of thousands of improved their online reputation. get your free reputation report card and reputation or call 187, 6805 55 red hot deal days are here at verizon. get our biggest deals of the season.
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could thank us later this situation with wolf blitzer tomorrow with six on cnn tonight, new details related to matthew perry's death and why the los angeles police department is carrying out a criminal investigation you remember that perry was found face down and is heated pool last october, but the mega examiner saying that he died of acute effects of ketamine i want to bring in cnn's veronica miracle veronica, thank you for being here. >> it's just not just the lapd, but two federal agencies are now involved the investigation. what are you looking for?
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>> that's right, laura, the de and the united states postal service are part of this joint investigation and they are all looking into the source of the ketamine that was found in matthew paris body at the time of his death, when he died, he was reportedly receiving ketamine infusion therapy for his zaidi in his depression, but his last treatment was about a week and a half prior to his death, which would have been enough time for that ketamine to have left his body and the autopsy report states that he actually had a very high level of ketamine in his body at the time of his death. so these agencies, they're looking into where did matthew perry these drugs and who supplied them right now, the lapd says this investigation is criminal in nature. there was potential for criminal culpability, but they're not ready to release any more information at this point. >> laura frolic a miracle. thank you. please keep us posted. these next three words, maybe the most stigmatized and
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politics right now diversity, equity, and inclusion, 19 states rather past or introduced bills banning are regulating dei at colleges all across this country. and some businesses are backing away from dei and approaching it, quote under the radar. and in less prominent ways. but the retreat from dei, creating its own backlash nfl legend emmett smith, who is from florida, put it this way, if the usa today quote, when i see them destroying dei for the sake of politics it's not even common sense. this is just sheer out of spite and sheer power. well, tonight's smith's former league. the nfl is doubling down on dei efforts with what it calls its most expansive program to date. launching a program aimed at increasing the number of minority and women owned businesses that work with the nfl. here, talk about it, is jonathan beane, chief ceti, d20, chief dei officer at the
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nfl. i gave you a whole new title. i was putting you in the cia august said, jonathan, i'm glad you're here. thank you so much. listen at a time when businesses are pulling back from diversity initiatives, tell me why is the league doubling down we're doubling down because we see it as a foundation of our values and our culture. >> and we fundamentally believe that if we want to continue to be league, we are and be better and grow and mature, and welcome people from a variety of different backgrounds to witness this game play, this game, work with the organ in the organization of the nfl. we have to be committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion it's, it's fundamental to our progress as growing as an organization and we believe it'll lead to better business solutions, more innovation, and more creativity. >> do you expect or fear backlash from politicians? are
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voters and sensitive pass bills that restrict two ei look, we, when we're doing this, we are going by our north star. we're going by what we feel is the right thing to do. we see ourselves as a unifying organization and we're also seeing ourselves. we want to be a leader in this space and we don't want to be, we're not going to be influenced by any of the other things that are going on outside of whether it's at other states and what's going on politically. we do not see dei as a political issue we see it as a found foundational human issue. and we want to be a place that's inclusive. we want to welcome people from a variety of different backgrounds, and we believe the only way that we are going to continue to grow and be a league that we want to be and have the platform to unify people is to continue neither be committed to
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inclusion. >> there was a december 2023 report by the institute for diversity and ethics in sport and the majority of the players are people of color and the nfl hit a milestone with nine minority head coaches. now that are in the league but you know, the league still faces a lot of criticism for the lack of diversity among actual team owners how is the nfl's efforts regarding dei, addressing this? >> yeah, it's a great question and something we're certainly working on. we feel really good about it. we've had increase of diverse representation when it comes to the league office. and as you mentioned, gm positions and president positions and head coach positions, those are some of the highest numbers we've ever had as a league, but we still have challenges. we still have a long way to go. and those that biggest area is the area of ownership. and that has been something that we're very, very focused on. one right now,
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we have one person of color who is a primary owner that's shot kohn we are looking to have more primed very owners who happened to be women and people of color and also but when it comes to limited partnerships, we continue to make progress in that area. >> today, there is an announcement by arthur blank that there's two new i mean, for new limited partners who all happen to be african american who are limited partners in terms of owners of the atlanta falcons also the last two deals in terms of purchasing clubs, which was the denver broncos and also the washington commanders have multiple people, diverse people that are limited partners of that at those purchases. so we know that we still have a long way to go, but we are making progress and we believe that primary owners in addition to limited partnerships, are critical for us to focus on
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well, the combination of such may move the needle, but there is also the in the meantime, and what people are dang and sometimes the nfl is in the limelight for areas outside of what's happening in the ownership case in point jonathan, the kansas city chiefs, kicker harrison butker, a sparked a lot of controversy after his speech at benedictine college, that some are calling only sexes, but besides monistic homophobic, he's received support though from people i could be goldberg and from the family of the chiefs owner about his ability to speak his mind and his beliefs having been invited, and they were aware of his viewpoints i do wonder given the efforts with dei and the attention, something like this, for example, is received what role should the nfl be playing, if any, in addressing the reaction to his speech well we stand by the statement which i made last week is lucky. he was speaking in his personal capacity and he has every right to do that the we all we all do as citizens of
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this country have the right to share your point of view and speak out about that. but at the same time, i think as an organization, we have that right to also say that that does not fall in line with the beliefs of the national football league, which is exactly what the quote says. so i, i, i stand behind that quote we as an organization do yeah. as you said, everyone in this country has the right to express the report view well, we will say we remember that statement quite well and will continue to follow the efforts that are being discussed. and will they be implemented in full? eliane i fell and beyond. thank you. jonathan beane for joining us. >> thank you. >> well, up next, did the maker of chatgpt still scarlett johansson voids are not? >> and where did the ai voice wars go from here? >> the original voice of siri is here to weigh in russia for
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bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn hey there it's going great. >> how about you well, it may not be going quite as great as chatgpt maker openai wants it to the bruhaha over scarlett johansson versus openai's digital assistance sky generating all sorts of takes online, just something for the headlines. >> one scarlett johansson is right to protect herself. another exactly how stupid was what open ai did this girl with johanson it's a story i brought you last night and to remind you how we got here. well why don't we ask chatgpt hey,
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chatgpt, it's laura i'm laura. how can i assist you today? >> what can you tell me why it's called johansson released a statement last night calling out your company openai scarlett johansson, recently released a statement claiming that openai used her voice without permission to create one of its voyage it's options in chatgpt. despite her declining a collaboration offer from openai ceo sam altman, johansson statement emphasized her disapproval of this unauthorized use of her voice, indicating that she had specifically refuse the offer to voice the system. >> this incident has sparked discussions about the ethics and legality of using synthetic voices based on real individuals without their consent well, thanks chatgpt your welcome, laura. >> now it's important to note the voice you just heard talking to me that was juniper because openai remove sky after scar joe's statement. but speaking of those ethical and legal concerns, we have got the
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perfect person to talk about all a bad. joining me now, susan bennett, a voice actor and the original voice of apple's digital assistant, siri. >> hi, susan, how are you? >> hello, i'm doing great my phone picked up. >> i just tried to answer this i even have not disturb apparently, you're a very powerful person. you can clone the voice that's amazing, okay, i'm not talking to my mom so i can just susan and stop at susan. i want to know how are you thinking about all of this. i mean, you obviously have heard about what's gone on. are you happy to see that openai is appearing to capitulate to johansson's complaints about her voice or likeness? >> yes. i'm and i really congratulate her for coming coming out about it and try and getting them to realized. that they're not doing right by her to have a voice on their device that sounds so much like hers.
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>> your voice, obviously the original of i spell it, sir, is my phone does not go crazy. all right. over here, but it must be a little bit spooky, an eerie when that it happens when you tell you how i'm always wondering how did that come to pass and you became this voice. >> did you have all of these ideas that this would actually become what it did? >> no, actually i did the recordings almost 20 years ago and i had to read of thousands and thousands of these weird sentences and phrases to get all the sound combinations in the language. and i've talked to the other original series and they had the same experience. we thought we were just doing recordings for phone messaging and all of a sudden, i got a phone call from a fellow voice actor in 2011 saying we're playing around with this new iphone four s, isn't this you? >> and i went so that's how you learned about my dad's feel when that happened. >> i mean, on the one hand is
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probably pretty cool, but that ahead. wait a second. >> yeah. yeah. i really had yes, i had definitely had both reactions part of it it's like, oh, wow. and then i what yeah. >> and it ended up being kind of a life lesson because unfortunately, none of the original series were paid. and that is because we didn't have non-disclosure agreements. so we can promote ourselves. i guess that was the feeling after us. the next group of voices did get paid openai to be there says that you could have a real dialogue with their new system, even having the virtual visit look at and react to what you are actually seeing in the world what does that feel like instinctively to you? do you have reservations about what that future could look like for me personally, i find it extremely creepy i really went when my voice was on the iphone, i couldn't talk to
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theory it was like i know her how do you feel about the trajectory of ai and the idea of it being able to be. >> so responsive to be able to absorb, compile, and then convey information. you were at really inadvertently at the ground of this all how do you feel about it today well, i think ai is going to be really incredibly helpful to the human race if it's used appropriately i don't think it should have anything to do with voiceover you know, it's it's i just think that a lot of people will lose work because of it if it's used in that way. >> so i'm very glad that scarlett johansson came forward and just said, look, this isn't right but for her, do you think they would listen i think that they listen a lot more because of her her success
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and her persona they would certainly listen to her more than they would listen to just a regular voice actor so i think she she has a bit more clout than many of us. >> so i'm very glad that she did people listen to your voice all around the world all the time as authoritative and maybe asked you how to respect one's intellectual property and individualities. theory. maybe they should ban at what a pleasure thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you and thank you all for watching our coverage continues with anderson cooper three 60 next i would say let's draw all over my instagram feed. i'm sure
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