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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  May 21, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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released a statement saying, my friends, family, and the general public all noted how much but the newest system named sky sounded like me. >> i was shocked angered, and in disbelief altman fired back saying the voice of sky is not scarlett johansson. and it was never intended to resemble hers. we cast the voice actor behind skies voice before any outreach to ms johanson an openai's blog it said the company wanted a voice that was timeless approachable, and it narrowed the field of more than 400 voice submissions and settled on a different actress saying, we believe that ai voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrities distinctive voice. altman would not reveal he'll who they hire to voice sky. he says to protect their privacy. johansson isn't buying that, saying, not only did altman reach out last september with an offer to have her voice chatgpt 4.0, which
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she says she declined. she also says two days before it was released. altman asked her agent if she would reconsider, then he tweeted this on may 13, the day of its release, just one word. >> her there's a lot of ethically questionable decision-making here. >> and i think it is concerning that despite scarlett saying no, they felt confident enough to push the envelope. >> anyway and good there's close to an imitation of her voice as possible. are you in a cool industries now office or something? people we spoke to were split on whether chatgpt sky sounds similar to johansen? >> definitely see how it sounds like her. >> do you think the voices sounds similar? >> no, not really. >> i don't think it sounds similar. i don't i think it's distinct to them. >> i can definitely see where it's coming. but where she's coming from. but i think it's sounds very robotic. >> i see you're wrong in an openai hoodie. >> people can debate all they want. johansson has hired legal
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counsel saying this is about protecting a person's like this and identity as for openai, it, pause the use of sky voice and its products. its ceo apologizing saying, we are sorry to miss oh, hansen, that we didn't communicate better and johansson is calling for more transparency, more oversight when it comes to how ai is used, there are many in the creative community who feel like they're only course of action. there are only protection when it comes to ai is to basically to lawyer up. >> but it's amazing think she's going through this and spending the money to do it and spending the money. >> yeah. >> jason carroll. thank you very much. there's an incredible story. >> thanks for joining us. the news continues now here on cnn happening now, breaking news the judge and lawyers in donald trump's criminal trial just wrapped up pivotal talks on jury instructions that could potentially influence the final
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outcome. >> closing arguments now set for next week, followed by jurors deliberations on the former president's fape also breaking newly revealed images of boxes being moved, at mar-a-lago as part of the alleged conspiracy to conceal classified documents from investigators, were pouring over court filings that were just released including a judge's opinion finding, quote, strong evidence of crimes, plus new video and terrifying details on a commercial flight that turned deadly when it was rocked by sudden and severe turbulence, will take you inside the mid-air emergency and get an update on the passengers who were killed or injured on board. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. >> i'm wolf blitzer, a urine the situation room the skis. cnn breaking news we begin with
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the breaking news on donald trump's hush money trial, now nearing its historic conclusion, discussions about jury instructions ending just a short while ago. >> both sides resting their cases and now preparing for closing arguments next week. as cnn's kara scannell reports the defense rested their case on tuesday without former president donald trump taking the stand in his historic hush money trial almost five weeks on monday the prosecution rested its case, having called 20 witnesses, over 19 days, totaling over 50 hours of tests stem one. >> meanwhile, trump's team called just two witnesses with about two hours of testimony. the majority of that time came from former adviser to trump's ex lawyer, michael cohen, robert costello, the defense hoped to use costello to attack cohen's credibility, but costello ended up angering the
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judge on monday, leading the judge to click you're the courtroom to address his decorum one of the case. >> my understanding prosecutors began their case approximately one month ago by questioning former national enquirer publisher, david pecker. >> pecker laid out the catch-and-kill scheme at the crux of the prosecution's case prosecutors allege trump falsified business records to cover up a $130,000 payment to adult film star stormy daniels to block her story of an alleged affair with trump from becoming public to influence the 2016 election, trump denies the affair. >> was it hush money to stay silent? >> yes the story was coming out again. all eyes were on daniel's when she took the stand prosecutors sought to bolster her testimony by having daniels recalls specific details of her alleged sexual encounter with trump and the events surrounding it. the prosecution spinal and star witness was michael cohen, the only one who can directly
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linked trump to the alleged crimes? >> i just wanted to get through this so that i can start my own life again. >> cohen walked the jury through trump's involvement. we're counting conversations with trump when he directed cohen to pay off daniels before the 2016 election? chen as well as the 11 checks, including ones trump personally signed to reimburse cohen for the funds that he paid to daniels out of his pocket and he says to me something to the effect of don't worry, michael, you're january and february reimbursement checks are coming. cohen testified the check stubs were false because they said the payments are made for a retainer agreement during intense cross-examination, trump's team's main objective was to undercut cohen's credibility, aiming to paint him as a vengeful liar who hates trump michael cohen is a convicted liar and he's got no credibility whatsoever. >> trump attorney todd blanche got cohen to admit he stole from the trump organization in one of the most dramatic moments in the trial, cohen was
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pressed over his memory of a key phone conversation when cohen said he told trump daniels deal was getting resolved now what if this afternoon lawyers for trump and the prosecution's sparred over the instructions that the judge would give the jury to explain the law that they need to fly in this case. closing arguments are expected for tuesday. the judge asieh jurors to come in on wednesday, which is normally a de because he said he expects deliberations to get underway, and this jury of seven men and five women will decide whether donald trump becomes the first former president to be convicted of a crime your sql reporting for us from new york, kara, thank you very much. >> we're also following breaking news in the trump classified documents case, hundreds of pages of court documents were just unsealed, including newly revealed photos of boxes being moved over at borrow logo, cnn senior justice correspondent evan perez is in florida. he's got details for us. what can you tell us? seven
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well, in these hundreds of pages of documents, we're getting a little bit of a behind the scenes look of the scramble that was going on as the government was trying to reach retrieved documents from the possession of donald trump. here in here in florida. >> what we're seeing in some of these documents is some images of walt nauta, who is one of the co-defendants. he is somebody who works for the former president. and these these these images are from surveillance video appear to show him moving boxes sometime around june of 2022. now this is after trump had received a subpoena ordering him to turn over documents and his lawyer was going to do a search to try to find some of these documents. what the government is saying is that this is proof that not at the direction of the former president was trying to move boxes, move classified documents, so that the lawyer would not be able to find it. now part of this is all
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explaining why judge beryl howell in washington ordered evan corcoran, who is a former lawyer for the former president, ordered him to provide information to provide documents to the prosecution. what she said as part of her ruling, she said that there was sufficient evidence that the former president was using person 18, who is evan corcoran identified as having corcoran as an instrumentality or as a front man? to obstruct the government's investigation and allow the former president to continue with holding these documents from the investigation. now, howell said that this was their strong evidence that this was enough reason for the crime-fraud exception that required corcoran to provide information to problem persecution. this all comes ahead. >> wolf, of a hearing we have here in fort pierce tomorrow where the the defense is trying to remove some of the some of the some of the evidence that they say was gathered as part
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of this investigation. >> walt nauta and co-defendants, along with the former president, they're all making arguments against the prosecution here tomorrow. wealth. >> very interesting indeed, evan perez and florida for us. thank you very much. let's break all of this down with our legal experts and i'll start with laura coates. laura on the hush money trial right now, the instructions that were hashed out today will be what the last words the jury will hear before donald trump's fate? is known, break all this down for us. is very dramatic and very important. >> it's dramatic after a history is already being made by having a former united states president on trial, a criminal trial for matters related to the election back in 2020, 2016, excuse me. and also the idea of him violating or having falsified business records the jury infections are the most important part of the case second, owing to the presentation of the evidence obvious the prosecution has got to meet their burden of proof, but now the jury is going to have instructions that tell them how they need to actually follow the law, how they need to view the evidence that was
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given to them circumstantial evidence, for example, a commonly used instruction to tell them they don't necessarily have to have direct evidence. we can use things like the ot comment or phrases. if you go to bet at night, there's grass on the ground and it's green and you wake up in the morning that it's covered in snow. you it probably snowed last night. what can you use for indirect testimony? also, the big part of it will be about the issue of what is substantial. remember, they are trying to show from a on a case that donald trump falsified business records, normally a misdemeanor in new york with the intent of trying to hide another crime that being it seems a conspiracy or campaign contribution that campaign contribution though has to be made in furtherance of the campaign, not for a private matter. the term for the jury they will be how to figure out how to evaluate his motivation was to protect his wife and family or was it to protect the election in some way or is odd. he's going to be really too important aspects of the instructions. but this is going to be the most consequential matter and will hear them in full next week. >> we certainly will. all
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right. thank you very much, laura standby we've got more to discuss. only go to david shown right now, david, the defense got michael cohen to admit that he still what some $60,000 from trump then brought robert costello to the stand. a very risky witness, i should say, who has sparred with the actual judge in this case? was that a mistake on the part of the defense no, not at all. >> the first i have to say laura coates just gave you a terrific presentation, overview, and detailed a summation i think of what's next in the case and what's important and terrific and very informative no, i think with proper preparation, bob jello would have been an absolute home run witness in the case there was not that proper preparation, frankly, but alan dershowitz wrote an interesting piece today about the whole interchange with the judge. in fact ambassador eyes is a guest star in that article. and to his tribute, he cleared up some misconceptions others in the
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media had written about their conversation, but alan dershowitz, i think, got it right. i've had experience with this, judge, notwithstanding what we've seen, the precedent even tempered, i find them to be a bully, and i find it to be in competent in the case that i had at least i think it was totally out of order. what he did with bob costello. bob costello is muttering, wasn't appropriate either. >> but as far as whether costello was a mistake or not, castello should have been. >> and in some sense, and wall street journal reports, he scored some points. he should have been a dynamite witness is a bright guy, former chief deputy chief of the criminal division, southern district, new york prosecutor, and the question of whether he presented michael cohen or not. i think is answered not just by the email exchange between them but the fed's had michael cohen sign a privilege waiver with bob costello before it got bob costello met with the feds and so on. and what he's said is, i think a key for mike about michael cohen up, wrap it up without talking too much more. that is that he told hold
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michael cohen at the time his motivation was the greatest at that point to turn over donald trump. if donald trump did anything wrong with respect to the stormy daniels thing. and he said over and over again, michael cohen said to him, bob, i can't do it. it's not true trump had nothing to do with it. so in that sense, he was an important witness. >> well, david, you mentioned norm eisen. he's with us, of course and normal you've been inside the courtroom every day. give us your reaction to what we just heard. what do you think well, i think that bob costello was, a disaster for the defense here, wealth and the points that they had scored on michael cohen were substantially subtracted from by bob costello's testimony, the problem is that assistant district attorney susan hoffinger very expertly took castello through his own words in email on cross-examination insinuating that he was
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attempting to control michael cohen tip benefit castellows friend longtime associate rudy giuliani. >> and giuliani's client donald trump, at the expense of cooperating and she used his extremely i thought unsavory words suggesting that the white house was keeping an eye on him. you have friends there. you can rest easy tonight. you are loved it had the aroma of witness interference or possible witness tampering. that's what the prosecution was suggesting. castello was an unpleasant witness. i think the judge was right to chastise him, although the judge should not have cleared the courtroom interesting, very interesting. laura, let me get your thoughts because the prosecution and correct me if i'm wrong, still hasn't necessarily fully spelled out to the jury the second crime against trump that would make this case a felony if there's one crime, could be a misdemeanor to crimes
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potentially a felony. why is that? is that enough to just lay he out? all that in closing arguments, there'll be coming next week. >> that's interesting point. the prosecution has the burden of proof of showing that the charges of the crime that they've actually charged had been proven. you have to add the intent to defraud or the intent to actually falsify the business records. there are 34 counts and comprising invoices, ledger entries also personal checks. and you had to do to elevate from a misdemeanor to a felony that you were doing so to try to hide another crime. now, it's actually quite mind-boggling too many people that were sitting here today at the conclusion of several weeks of trial and don't clearly know what is the precise law they're going to use. instead? summation in the closing arguments and say, here is the crime they were trying to hide. there are two different theories. one could be a conspiracy to commit a crime. the other one could be that they were having a campaign finance contribution that they did not disclose. and that's where the idea of why the money was paid comes into play here. but you don't have to actually prove the underlying crime.
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it's south in terms of the spears, your otherwise or that this actual encounter that was alleged even happen. it has to be the falsified business records. >> very interesting david, while i have you, i want to get your reaction to the newly unsealed, ruling in the classified documents case down at mar-a-lago. what's your reaction to this new evidence where the special counsel says trump? former lawyer erin cochran, was essentially his front man and obstructing the government's investigation yeah. >> i know evan corcoran very well is a fine fellow, actually, former justice department lawyer i don't think he would potentially be in front man for any crime. i know that he wouldn't be. >> i think that a central issue in that case is going frankly, judge howell's rulings ruling on the crime-fraud exception. >> in other words, she had evan corcoran's nodes, personal notes turned over in wholesale fashion without him even having an opportunity to review the any edit list and all of that. based on her finding, there was a crime-fraud exception, which pierces then the attorney-client privilege i
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think she was dead wrong. and i think that that could well be a significant issue in the case, and i can return one one seconds is something ms coat said, i think she's absolutely right that it's mind-boggling. we don't know what the target crime is. i think it's worse than that. i think that that's a makes the indictment defective. the judge said originally, while the prosecution has given four put theories for what that target crime could be, you cannot defend the case consistent with due process and other fifth and sixth amendment rights without knowing that crime from the grand jury, even a bill of particulars wouldn't have sufficed in my view, one would guess it's 17152 of the election law, but we shouldn't be in a position of guessing norm what's your reaction? >> what do you think well, to those of us in the courtroom, it's been clear from day one what the crime is. >> it was stated in the openings. it's been articulated in the evidence we heard about it again today in the chart arjun conference number one, feca, the federal election law. you cannot make a
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contribution of $130,000 wealth when the contribution limit is $2,400, was over $127,000 in excess, alleged by the prosecution number two, election conspiracy number three, tax fraud because of those gross up documents, smoking gun, three crimes. very clearly stated. now it'll be to the jury to decide if they occurred interesting guys. thank you very, very much. laura, stay with us. we've got more to discuss with you. just ahead. today's other big case, rudy giuliani arraigned in arizona, the former new york city mayor, entering a plea on charges he tried to overturn the 2020 presidential election results ocd is more than what you see on tv. >> and in the movies he comes with unrelenting intrusive images, thoughts, and urges. if you have ocd and need help, you can get better. who specialized
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other trump allies, qiang, walk us through the arraignment well what happened today was very procedural wall if it was a total of 11 who are rain today, there are in this indictment a total of 18 defendants really a lot of trump allies nationally, but try primarily those so-called fake electors here in arizona. so that's what this case overall is about. today's the arraignment, but it was a for the drama of trying to get rudy giuliani to appear here for the last three weeks that took center stage and really was the attention getter the day. so the way it was laid out in court is that agents from the attorney general's office had been chasing giuliani from new york to florida that he had been livestream both in new york and most recently at his birthday party in his 80th birthday party in palm beach, florida. he had also been tweeting from that party he's saying essentially can't find me and this had been this
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online discussion between him and agents who are trying to find him. so in court today because he was served as he was leaving the party to appear here in court as the court proceeding unraveled, what you heard the attorney general's office say is that they want him to now be ordered to appear here within 30 days and have to pay a bond. it is something that giuliani certainly felt was unfair. take a listen i've been indicted georgia and appeared on every occasion i've been concerned about 20 to 25 times by very, very similar movement to this one which is the lexical we can do to destroy donald trump. okay this i'm at a complete embarrassment. >> so the american legal system, but i just don't no tendency not to comply. i show up for every court appearance and they must have been about
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20 to 30, isn't there is no history, it's my being witches, the basis thank you so i think it'd be on this issue said this and this completely and it's completely political case that comes very, very late three years leni, i don't want to mute you, but i we need to move on. >> give me just a moment. i understand what your position is regarding release conditions the judge was not amused she did order that he has to appear in the next 30 days, as well as pay ten $10,000 bond wolf. >> that means elect to get his mug shot and be fingerprinted when you arrives here in arizona, both mr. b. america's mayor and all of this going on all right. thanks very much. karam law out in arizona for a cnn anchor and chief legal analyst. for cnn. laura coates is back with us right now. all or how strong is this case against giuliani and the 17 other defendants?
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>> just think about what your point-wise. there's more than 50 defendants now across four states, all stemming from actions taken trying to provide promote the false notion that donald trump won the election. he did not in 2020. now you have this case where they are all charged with ford forgery fraud and also conspiracy to different degrees. this all comes on the heels of false electors and schemes to try to suggest that he hadn't fact won the election. now the timing of it, which of course he raises very importantly is what is going to give the narrative and the promotion of a political motivation here. but the evidence as it currently stands, is that there is documentary evidence and knowledge about conversations and otherwise it's just they in fact, work conspiratorial in this. he has a presumption of innocence as they all do some of the figures who are part of the co-defendant cases are people who are the former head of the republican party arizona, somebody who currently is election integrity council for the rnc. we're talking about very significant figures even today unlike the georgia election subversion case, donald trump isn't a defendant in arizona. >> why is that well, that is
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one of the questions people have asked and he's an unindicted coconspirator. >> unindicted person in this case as well, we've seen that before at one point in time during michael cohen's case, and a very different and distinct matter, but that was one of the frustrations some of these defendants have had to suggest. well, if this was all part of the conspiracy to try to promote him, then why is he not a part of it now that's the discretion of the prosecutors and what to do. it might be that there's not the dots that connect to the actual person donald trump or it might be that there's evidence that they are not yet able to have a corroborate their claim. they can always sue proceed an indictment and change it. but as it stands right now, he has more than enough legal troubles very interesting. we've also just learned laura than it a new and the new agreement. and we just learned about this giuliani has now agreed to never again publicly accused to georgia election workers of tampering with the 2020 election results ruby freeman and shaye moss spoke to the january 6 select committee. as you and i well, remember want to play some of that powerful
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testimony. watch this i've lost my name and i lost my reputation i've lost my sense of security all because a group of people starting with number 45 and his ally, rudy giuliani decided to escape goat me. >> and my daughter shai freeman and mahsa one what, $148,000,000,000 judgment against him. so how does this agreement impact that? and then they filed another lawsuit. i think the next after getting that agreement and that judgment against them, first of all, for what all that they described. her daughter also described never feeling safe, not wind to have her name said in public because they it passed a mint to one another and actual edible meant and they were accused of having committed election interference and different evidence to undermine the election, none of which was spanish unit are true. and so defamation case came and was very strong convert indictment of him, but we don't yet know whether your
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course is in bankruptcy, which does not mean you don't have to pay your judgment for intentional actions i don't yet know where this stipulation in fact means he will have to pay anything. but right now, they do have a lot more power and control over him. if he decides to act again, they have that much more leverage. >> interesting, very interesting indeed, laura coates, thanks very much. and a note to our viewers, laura, of course, when you back later tonight, 11:00 p.m. eastern for her show, laura coates live will be project coming up. donald trump trying to clean up to the campaign issues after democrats pounds what he's now saying about banning birth control. and what his campaign is saying about a he are deleted from his social media account kait made progress with your mental health, but her medication caused unintentional movements in your face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia or td so her doctor prescribed us dead oh, xr a once-daily td treatment for adults costello xr significantly reduced kate's td movements.
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white house, the president slamming trump buffer using hitler's language cnn's kristen holmes has more on the post and the backlash what happens after donald trump wins what's next for america? >> former president donald trump posting, then removing a video to social media site truth social, referring to the creation of a unified reich. if he wins a second term, the 30-second video shared monday feature to hypothetical headlines styled as world war i era newspaper clippings the american dream is back and the best is yet to come. >> the text, unified reich, a term often associated with nazi germany under adolf hitler, appears under one headline that reads, what's next for america. >> and again at the end of the video, under the text maga, make america great. >> again a spokesperson told cnn the trump campaign did not create the video and it was quote, reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word. the video was eventually
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deleted tuesday morning from the former president's truth social account, but not before sparking a backlash led by president joe biden's campaign and administration this kind of rhetoric is unsurprising coming from the former president. and it is appalling it shows our freedom and our very democracy are at stake biden calling out his republican rival directly in an online video, a unified reich that schindler's language, that's not america's. >> the video is just the latest example in a string of comments and social media posts by the former president invoking racist or anti-semitic rhetoric. >> any democrat or most for biden to have their head exam trump has also echoed languaged use by authoritarian leaders when describing undocumented migrants that destroying the blood of our country that's what they're doing. and those he perceives as political enemies. >> we will root out the communists, marxists, fascists,
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and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. >> the inflammatory rhetoric was an emblem of trump's first run for office. and during his time in the white house in 2017, after the deadly white supremacists protest in charlottesville trump delivered this statement. >> some very bad people in that group. but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. >> and during the 2016 campaign, trump tweeted a graphic of hillary clinton, that future a pile of cash and a six-pointed star with the words, most corrupt candidate ever from later claim, the star represented a sheriff's badge and not the star of david, though he eventually deleted the post and replaced it with a new image and this posting of the video comes as many on trump's team actually believe there is an opening with jewish american voters including democrats, because they are unhappy with biden's handling of the israel-gaza war.
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>> they are putting plans to court jewish voters. however, of course, this kind of rhetoric is unlikely. get to help with that wolf. >> all right, kristen, thanks very much. i want to bring in c an a political commentators, karen finney and david urban and david, let me ask you quickly, how badly did the trump campaign fumble this issue a rif, remember the nazis call their regime the third row. >> sure, so to be clear, api story on this is pretty good, very factual. the language just not trump's language, it's language is lifted from wikipedia and posted there. no, no, it was it was reposted. a kid who a gentleman, a person ramble rants, posted the language says specifically after world war ii, germany, german industrial strength and production significantly increased after 18, 71 driven by the creator patient of a unified wrike that's the language it was posted and clip there historically. now listen, it's like the third rail of politics using the word rake at any context is bad, especially when we should be talking about your hitler, you know, because the third reich, right, so
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especially when we should be talking about what israel condemned widely yesterday, as you know, on the floor, un security council, we had a moment of silence where the un deputy national the deputy ambassador to the un stood in a moment of science honoring a butcher of tehran, right? this is a horrific person and the biden administration sued for ammonia size. that is what is disgraceful. we should be talking about, not some missing step by a kid on a campaign trail. and yet we're doing it and that's the unforced error here. what do you think? well, i think the problem is that as christians pays pointed out, we've heard this rhetoric from former president trump over and over and over again. but i think to david's point, i don't think it's going to have much of an impact, but what it does do, it's a distraction and it reminds us that were in that part of the campaign where all these little things manner and i certainly think it will matter to people who are now being reminded. this is what it was like when donald trump was president
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right? >> there were some tweet, some something that got out that wasn't about them. it wasn't about their lives, it wasn't about you know, what he might be doing to make their lives better. instead, it's about his own agenda or his own thoughts. >> all right. i want to move back to another sensitive political issue david, let me get your thoughts so there's another trump video getting a lot of attention right now. the biden campaign tweeted this clip from trump's interview with kdka earlier today, watching this are related to this is the whole issue of contraceptives do you support any restrictions on a person's right to contraception? >> well, we're looking at that and i'm going to have a policy on that very shortly. and i think it's something that you'll find interesting and i'd say it's another issue that's very interesting, but you will, you will find it. i think very smart. i think it's mark decision, but will be releasing it very soon after that interview aired is, you
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know, david are the trump campaign quickly released the statement which reads in part, let me quote, i have never and will never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control or other contraceptives. >> this is a democratic, democrat fabricated lie, but it just earlier you heard what he said any kind of problem. so jon delano there happens to be a good friend of mine. it was a little he was he was he was eager today. we were texting this morning about he was eager to talk to the present. i'm not so sure he's he's is eager now after these created this controversy here, you create the cow. oh, i understand president. the president, the president fumble if found with the question, right. he was given a question. straightforward answer should have been we're not going to restrict it, should have been exactly what was tweeted out on his truth, social, and and now we've got to clean up on il-6 here. right. so that's where we are right now. and i think it shows also that the president is so rapid up in his own grievance narrative. >> he's not actually paying attention to what's going on in the country. because if he was he would know that actually
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measures around access to contraception are making their way through legislatures throughout the country republicans are blocking those measures. in fact, on 15, 15 states, we've been talking a lot about abortion access measures, while 15 states actually now have access to contraception measures on their ballot. and there's a measure that will come up with before the senate. we think sometime in june. so this is actually a very real issue that he simply has not been paying mentioned to you. >> he knows the characters sensitive issues, super sensitive he walked away from after the the learn how to talk about these things. >> in a more coherent fashion, because it's going to drive, drive the suburban women voters away. >> but i think part of the problem specifically on this issue is certainly in the congress the susan b. anthony group is going to score that vote and it's been, it's another problem for republicans on this issue, for the david urban guys. thank you very, very much. i'm just ahead
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qizan life with dr. sanjay gupta. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts flight to singapore turns deadly a sudden and severe turbulence strikes were learning more right now about what happened aboard the boeing jet and the fate of its passage. >> jurors, including one who was killed and more than 70 who were injured. brian todd is working this story for us. brian, the flight made in an emergency landing and thailand, what more do we know? wolf and ntsb team is now on route to singapore to aid in the investigation we have new information tonight on this deadly incident in the air that also left some passengers with broken bones inside the cabin. the ceiling has broken open, debris is everywhere. blood runs down an arm rest passengers have to be evacuated. some on stretchers the aftermath of severe turbulence experienced by singapore airlines flight 3201 and incident that left one passenger dead and more than 70 others injured. some severely. the flight carrying more than
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200 passengers and crew members was on route from london to singapore. it was hit by the turbulence over myanmar and had to divert to bangkok the brian end in breaking the deceased passengers is a 73 year-old british man, one passenger describes seeing people hit their heads on baggage compartments, others hitting and breaking through overhead light and mask panels flight data from the plane shows violent maneuvers up and down, lasting at least a minute. >> experts say the plane likely experienced clear air turbulence. >> essentially, it's to weather systems that have high-speed winds, currents within them meeting at altitude and creates a profound wind shear situation when you're in it it can dramatically alter the course of the aircraft in a split
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second, analysts say part of what makes clear air turbulence. so dangerous is that there's no visible warning it doesn't show up on forward-looking radar. what pilots rely on today are pilot reports. >> in other words, the aircraft that flies ahead of an individual airliner will notify others of turbulence and the air traffic controllers would advise the following aircraft to avoid last year, all of tons of flight from texas to germany suddenly dropped about 1,000 feet, injuring seven people. in 2020 to severe turbulence on a hawaiian airlines flight from phoenix to honolulu injured at least 36 people experts say the obvious safeguard is to keep your seat belt on, but some on-board are still vulnerable. >> why did attendance are at most risk? because they're out of their teeth when those carts start flying around, people can get very badly injured and aviation researchers say clear turbulence is only going to get worse because of climate change
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causing more instability in the jet streams. one researcher says by the year 2050 pilots can expect to encounter at least twice as much severe clear-air turbulence as they do now, wulf, maybe more of these incidents coming, it's horrifying. it's scary indeed. all right. brian tyler. thank you very much coming up breaking news, coming into cnn, a live picture here out of iowa after a severe weather outbreak will have an update on the multiple tornadoes cited. they're causing major damage. that's next if you're shopping
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>> do you feel the wind i'm arlette saenz at the white house. and this is cnn we're tracking a very dangerous outbreak of severe weather in the midwest, right now, including multiple tornadoes and western iowa that have
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caused major damage in at least one death are meteorologist chad myers has the breaking news versus chad. >> what can you tell us? >> well, if anywhere that you see a color, if you live in that area, you need to pay attention this evening. these tornadoes, we'll go through the evening hours and possibly even two after dark, they are very dangerous when they're after dark because sometimes you don't hear the warning or see the alert on your tv, whatever it might be. here are the ground jobs that we're seeing right now from green field, iowa, that about an hour-and-a-half ago was hit by a direct hit. i'm thinking this is at least ef2, possibly an ef-3 tornado, very large tornado on the ground. it was even it was even what was knocking over the power transmission windmills that we're in the field near this town. it was a devastating tornado all the way up to the town. we knew it was coming to the town. i tweeted out, please take cover because this is what it looks like now. and then.
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here are some drone pictures that we just acquired here at cnn about two blocks wide. but the damage is so significant to those middle part of those blocks. this is what the tornado looks like here on the ground obviously the trees are stripped of their leaves. some of the trees are stripped of the bark, wolf, and the very large limbs are completely gone. there will be more of this potential tonight as we work our way all the way through midnight this evening, farther to the east of here. but look at the damage, how the cars were tossed, how the roofs were completely disintegrated there, and many of the people there knew it was coming. they got away they got in their permanent shelter wherever it is inside your room. and so far so good. there are injuries, but not hearing of anything else other than injuries in this town. now, let's go to the drone. if we have it because i think this really tells a story of where this storm started. it started in the southwest corner of
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greenfield, iowa and i guess maybe we don't have that video. that's okay. this is what i this is a home right here and the home itself is completely flattened. if even if you were in the middle part of a room, you would still have to be really rescued from something like this. so yes, search and rescue out there still looking for people. we know there's a grid search going on in this this town right now. there was also a tornado on the ground in cambridge. and cambridge, iowa, and that storm did damage as well, still searching is how much damage came to that here are some some soundbites here's some, some words from one of the residents that came home to a house that technically wasn't even there it was actually all god like, you can't even tell where we lived so just kinda crazy i know that's still very fresh it's going i'm just thinking jesus, they were all here hey, wake last thing was like i knew my daughter was okay.
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>> she was at take care in all my family and friends who like live right here. we're all okay. >> but the dog wasn't here but we founders, so so i'm just so thankful to god that we're all here i really need to knock the hair down on my legs and on my arms because when when puppies are found after that, when you don't know where they are, i think that's maybe more meaningful than anything else in a tornado event like that. so let's get to it here. where are the storms moving through and pass? that's the moyne at this point in time, but into wisconsin into minnesota, and later on today all the way into chicago, as far south as tulsa, these storms are really in a very long line, wolf, this is when the moisture in the humidity of spring, wants to be here and the cold front of winter says way not so fast so yes, this is a low pressure center, the dry air came out of the mountains, the cold air came out of the north. and we're firing these storms up. we still have purple boxes, which means that there are still tornadoes warnings would not saying they're on the ground yet some are just
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indicated by radar. you can see the rotation on the radar but when they get on the ground, this is when they're doing the most damage and you can see some of those right there. this is near glenwood. this would be missouri and that would be on the ground because it's colored in there. so you do know that's a confirmed tornado later on tonight, all the way through chicago possibly intimate walkie as far north as green bay, as far south as the gulf coast this is a long line of weather that could even bring some flooding. you get two to three inches of rainfall with some of these radars echoes and that's what we're going to see here for the rest of the evening. this is a major event for a big part of the country we knew it was coming this severe prediction center said it was coming yesterday. they even upgraded it again today. and here's what you get when you get this type of weather that does hit a town. so many times. well, if we just we know these storms are coming, we do. but we just hope that they hit the cornfield and not a town, but just like greensburg, kansas years ago at the ef5, this wasn't one, but
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greenfield, iowa took a direct hit here. is really it's going to take some time to clean all this mess up, at least so far, only one loss of life. and with the tornado that looks like that, that kind of damage it could have been a lot worse, could have been a lot worse on the intensity scale, chad, how bad can these tornadoes be later tonight? you say they're heading towards what milwaukee, chicago, other major cities yes certainly not tornadoes heading there. it's possible. but what i see here, i see ef-3 damage, possibly even very almost an ef4 type damage when you strip the bark off of the tree that takes some power, even in nebraska and parts of oklahoma that i live there. when you would strip the asphalt off the roadway that takes an awful lot of power and you see the pictures here. many of those trees are just basically stumps up what they were. and so this is likely an hundred and 50 mile per hour tornado, which puts it on that border, ef-3, possibly if it's hot they
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don't know if it's a big tornado, unless they find a very large and sturdy structure that got knocked down, you can't tell what kind of damage to a motor home or to a car. there's no such thing as an ef scale for a car. but when you see a brick structure, possibly the post office lesson, you see that get knocked down, you know, that that should be standing because it's a brick on stone structure. and if that's knocked down, that's when you get to that ef4 and likely not what this, not ef5 because it just wasn't widen up if i don't believe we're learning, we're learning chad, that at least one person has died because of these storms. reminder of viewers what they should do if there is a tornado warning in the area where they live? >> well i grew up in nebraska and we had a basement and that was very, very fortunate. but when i lived in oklahoma there were very few, if any, basements whatsoever because you were basically building on bedrock so you had to use blasting powder and dynamite to get to the basement in most people didn't you need to be inside your home away from the
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windows, put as many walls between you and the outside is possible. think about your outside wall between your bathroom and all of a sudden you have a closet behind it, behind there. so there's another wall. think about how many walls you can get and that's always on the interior of your room, never on the outside of the room. i remember so i moved in a raskin 76. they said get in the basement in southwest corner. well, as it turns out that was the most dangerous place to be. so yes, there are still myths, but look at this damage, this this just drone footage forces the drone video that you told us a lot earlier. >> yeah. >> i knew we had it. it was coming in. we were trying to get it into the system. sometimes it takes a minute, even with the speed of sound, the speed of light. but here you go. this is what the town looks like right now. >> folks, you have to be careful out there, chad. thank you very, very much. i will blitzer in this situation room. thanks very much for watching the news continues. next i'm cnn


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