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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 22, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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lot on his mind. i mean, he's running for president of the united states the fact is donald trump is responsible for overturning roe, roe v. wade. he put the justices on the court to do it. so contraception this is the way that i would put it if i was a joe biden campaign, look if you want clarence thomas, samuel alito, and donald trump deciding what your wife does with her body reelect donald trump. >> they don't do well on this issue and they also don't do well on policy, which is why he stumbles people vote for donald trump for something else. they vote for donald trump for that machismo for that what they believed to be strength people don't vote for donald trump for policy debt because he has not, i mean, he has dumb trump has the policy depth of a shallow bathtub. and so that's what you see when you have them try to answer things about reproductive health. he simply cannot i will also say just some great as we've all lived through trump's first-term together that whenever he says i'm a policy coming in and
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coming out in two weeks, everyone should be dubious if that's actually is that seems to be a verbal sign for a verbal indication of know comment at the very least, mike, it's great to see you. >> it's been a minute and makari, i don't know if thanks, i guess sometimes love you. thank you a new our john there you go. >> new roc and a new central stars. now a new phase. and donald trump's classified, done humans case begins this morning as never before seen images, surface of an aide, moving boxes, cars, and flying through the air as tornadoes sweep through the midwest in the storm now threatened cities from texas to vermont, and new allegations us warning against p. >> diddy, a woman files a complaint saying he drugged sexually assaulted her. i'm john berman with kate bolduan, sara sidner is taking care of business. this is cnn new set
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okay so we're following developments in two of donald trump's legal battles today, the defense has rested in his criminal trial in new york and walk closing arguments won't begin until next tuesday. things are heating up in another case, the classified documents case out of florida, new photos from june 2022 shows this trump aide and co-defendant walt nauta, moving boxes around mar-a-lago prosecutors say that nauta move these boxes shortly before a trump attorney was going to look through them after getting a subpoena to turn over classified materials today, the judge in this case, judge aileen cannon, is expected to hold two hearings where she's going to be hearing motions to dismiss cases from cook co-defendants, including walt nauta, cnn's kaitlan, poland's has more on those forest. kaitlyn, bring us up to speed. these photos come out. what do we know? what do we
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need to know more about? >> okay. there's hundreds more documents available in the filings in this case in the southern district of florida, accusing donald trump, walt nauta carlos, de oliveira, of a conspiracy around hiding classified documents from the federal government, mishandling them. but kate, it's really a slow burn, a very slow burn as things progress toward trial in this case, that's because judge aileen cannon is taking all of the requests that the defense team has made in this case before trial, motions to dismiss, motions to suppress evidence, motions to toss out everything the fbi collected in the search of mar-a-lago in august previously in a previous year. all of that she's doing one at a time. and so today is a hearing on a part of some of those requests. today, she's looking at walt nauta as motion to dismiss his accusing the prosecutor's of unfairly choosing to charge him because
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chart our team with conspiracy and obstruction of justice because of his unwillingness to continue cooperating with the investigation. prosecutors say he lied to us. we charged him because we had a reason to charge him. he was much different than other witnesses in this case. but then there are other things that judge aileen cannon isn't going to talk about today in court, but she's going to have to work through specific plea. donald trump's request that we're now seeing all of these core papers on trying to toss out the evidence from the fbi search. he also is trying to toss a lot of testimony from his former lawyer, evan corcoran. he wants to cut out huge parts of the case against him. judge aileen cannon, we'll get to that eventually. but looking at the court papers now, it's giving us a fresh look at a lot of aspects of this case, including those new images of walt nauta carrying boxes after he was carrying boxes many months ago but he told the fbi he didn't know much about moving those
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boxes it's great to see you. >> thank you so much. kaitlan. john. >> all right. this morning and i will people are waking up to extreme damage, violent wins, reports have 17 tornadoes touching down once he reported wind gusts of 100 miles per hour, a damask disaster emergency has been declared for 15 counties officials say there are multiple fatalities, multiple. >> and also dozens and dozens of injuries from the storm seen as whitney wild is in greenfield, one of the hardest hit towns wouldn't you? >> what are you seeing? >> well, what we see at just outside of town is destruction. that is hundreds of yards wide. so i'll just give you a look here again, we're at the edge of greenfield. that is one of the hardest hit towns. and what you can see here just at the outskirts of town, john is mangled trees he, says huge pieces of metal strewn about and crumpled like they're pieces of paper tossed throughout these fields.
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>> again, at the edge of greenfield, this is in southwest iowa. >> this is where the brunt of these storms hit in neighboring montgomery county, for example, 28 homes were impacted and i'll take you across the street here at the edge of greenfield where you can see really the expanse, john, of how far this debris was tossed around. this is not a highly populated area right where we're standing. it's not like there are homes crunched together and still you see all of this bree strewn about on these fields here in a dare county just to put in perspective, john, how big of an impact a tornado like this is having an a town leg greenfield. greenfield is small, it's only 2000 people. the square footage is less than two miles and that massive tornado just ripped through town around four i'm between four and 4405 yesterday afternoon ever since then, it was a search and rescue effort. here is a moment when one woman in this heart, of this heart-wrenching moment was able to reunite with her dog. here is that moment? i'm just
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thinking jesus they were all in my last thing was like i knew my daughter was she was a take care and all my family and friends who like live right here, we're all okay. but the dog who wasn't here but we found her, so i'm just so thankful to god that we're all here there is so much gratitude here. >> people are so thankful that they have their lives when they're looking at the path of destruction here, john, again, you said that there are multiple fatalities. we don't yet know how many fatalities we don't yet know the dollar amount of this damage. what we do know is that later today, governor kim reynolds is expected and you come out and survey the damage and we'll bring you the very latest. we are just to put this in perspective again, we're at the edge of greenfield. there's a curfew there. we expect to go into town and we'll bring our cnn viewers the latest pictures from inside that town with a hardest hit. the hardest hit spots from that time tornado are still trying to rebuild john. >> all right. when you while
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outside greenfield much our audience saw it, but we had this overhead footage of the town and you clearly see the path of destruction that tornado took as it went through just a straight line of houses destroyed there, but the houses on either side of it, amazingly still standing so francis foreign ministers speaking out against the three countries that just announced, they will formally recognize a palestinian state also has israel threatens serious consequences this toward ireland, spain, and norway shoes, ipads, phones cushions, people go flying through the cabin. >> what passengers to say they experienced? it's onboard that singapore airlines flight as it hit deadly turbulence, we have new descriptions coming in and caitlin clark just hit a level of success so as not seen, since michael jordan russia were trying to spy on us we were spying on them saudi friday this is a war, but
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bag like a bunch of groceries, alice cheese and greens just contemplate freedom. >> you can take your eyes off the new 2024 jeep wrangler in glen ideator sheep, there's only one top off this memorial day with 2000 bonus cash allowance. i'm 2024 jeep wrangler gas-powered models and cheap gladiator. stop by your local dealer for a test drive and experience open-air freedom today, the nba playoffs, i always get emotional. you more concerned about what's going on inside the nba and what's going on inside of you? you know, doc, you're right. and that's all the time we have. thanks for watching. are you cutting to a commercial western conference finals presented by at&t began tonight on tnt to new reaction this morning from world leaders after ireland, spain, and norway, just announced the nations will soon formally recognize a palestinian state. francis foreign minister speaking out and just poke out saying that now is not the right time for any of its eu neighbors to recognize palestinian statehood. so joining us right now is democratic senator chris coons of delaware are key
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member of the senate foreign relations committee. thanks so much for coming on. so let's talk through this norway, ireland, spain, and quick session. they announced these plans to recognize a palestinian state. hamas comes out with a statement of plotting the announcement saying, we call on countries around the world to recognize our legitimate national rights support. the struggle of our people for liberation and independence and the end of the zionist occupation of our land. that's a statement from hamas and israel. obviously they are condemning this every way they can recalling embed passengers and saying that this shows the world that terrorism pays what do you think of this? what do you want to hear from president biden well, i expect what we'll hear from president biden is a continued strong stance of support for israel's right to exist and for the ongoing effort to try and resolve the arab-israeli conflict by reconciling saudi arabia and israel something that president biden and his senior team and a group of us here in the senate have dedicated a lot of time to
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in recent months there is a positive path forward here, kate, that would lead to a palestinian self-governing territory. >> but through negotiations directly we're saudi arabia would recognize israel israel would announce a new path forward for negotiations directly for a palestinian self-governing. say, and the united states would provide security guarantees. there's been a lot of effort put into this. that's what was underway just before the october 7 attacks next by hamas, let's be clear, hamas is a hateful terrorist organization dedicated to killing jews and destroying israel so that they put out a statement today, cheering on these announcements by spain in norway, in ireland, should suggest that this is not a constructive step at this time and we should continue pressing for a two-state solution through negotiations. >> is there any way to dial it? is there any way to roll this back? you can't put the genie
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back in this bottle after this announcement, right? >> it'll be difficult for those three countries to pull back their recognition. yes. but frankly, we need to get both sides back to the negotiating table. for the release of hostages. i'll remind you, there are americans still being held by hamas in the tunnels under gaza. i'm just after this interview, i'll be me getting with rachel and john whose son hersh, we now know is alive but has been there. i believe 228 days a ceasefire in exchange for a hostage release and the negotiations for a path forward would be a significant a positive step forward. it would allow humanitarian relief in two gaza, and it would allow now these families who have waited and prayed and worked so hard for so long to get the return of their loved ones. i'll remind you, kate, those hostages are of many faiths from many countries and many backgrounds being held in terrible conditions in the tunnels under gaza house
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speaker mike johnson is threatening right now to move ahead without the senate to invite the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to come and dress. >> it would just be the house chamber. he first floated the idea of having a netanyahu come to make it and address back in march. but since then, the icc announcement seeking their arrest warrant for netanyahu, do you want to extend the invitation to benjamin netanyahu to come speak before congress right now well, i'd like to see prime minister netanyahu dedicated to the effort to get the hostages released and listening to the repeated input over many months from our military leaders ship and from president biden to put forward a concrete plan i'd love to hear from prime minister netanyahu a concrete plan both for the relocation of civilian refugees away from the potential for fighting in rafah and for the day after, for what happens, what's the future of gaza? >> as you know, benny gantz a
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decorated military leader of israel and now a part of the war cabinet, has said that he will leave the governing coalition by june 8 if there isn't some plan, there's deep frustration i think both inside israel and here in the united states about the lack of a path forward. so what is it that prime minister netanyahu will be saying to us, hopefully it's that he recognizes the absence of a plan for a positive path forward is a real challenge. >> one of the reasons i want to ask about that address is because at the same time democrats, i've seen are upset that i'll call it a similar imitation has not been extended to kenya's president who is in washington right now for a state visit. your meeting with him today, and this state visit is the first by an african president since 2008. and this in the speaker's office said that president ruto didn't get the invite due to scheduling restraints. what do you think is going on here? >> i think that was a huge mistake by speaker johnson. i think he should have invited president ruto to address a
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full joint session of congress but this is a significant, substantial state visit obviously, there will be a one-on-one meeting with our president. there will be events and meetings hosted by our vice president, by the secretary defense secretary of state, secretary of commerce the chamber of commerce and president ruto will be meeting with senate leadership, house leadership, and i'm co-hosting a lunch for him with dozens and dozens of members of congress hi grows later today. at the library of congress for him to speak about his leadership role on advancing conservation, promoting a bio-diversity and his leadership in the region. president ruto is a great partner in a significant democracy in a troubled region. just look at the countries around him, like somalia and sudan and ethiopia and he has a good partner in security, in public health, in promoting opportunity and the digital economy, we have a talented ambassador, meg whitman there and this long overdue state visit will be a great
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opportunity for our president and leaders in our congress to show that they recognize the critical importance of kenya in east africa, but also in the world will say, i mean, you've been there multiple times over the last year. it is a real it's a real recognition of just while our focus can be so narrowly our attention can be so narrowly focused sometimes the world's issues and the partners of the united states all deserve so much attention. and that's going to be a bright light is going to be shined on that today with your mail things with president of kenya. thank you so much. i really appreciate your time thank you thank you. thank you. coming up for us. sean diddy combs is facing new allegations of sexual abuse this morning. what his new accuser the new accuser says happened, why she says columns needs help. the lawsuit that has been filed, new evidence also that vivid nightmares could be the first sign of serious health issues
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it's a thorough in the game the assignments are going off. the tornado here you cannot outs one this you cannot outrun it really is a terrifying experience. >> it is a stuff of nightmares he could hear it and feel it. >> nick eyes and my throat or brain. >> i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it earth with we have shrunk premieres june 2 at nine on cnn, new allegations have been brought against sean diddy combs just days after we apologize for attacking a former girlfriend and 2016 now a former model has filed a lawsuit against combs claiming he drugged and sexually assaulted her in 2003 when they met at a new york fashion event also with wagmeister, who has
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been way out in front of the story is with us this morning, elizabeth, what do you learn now good morning, john. >> yes. so this is the seventh lawsuit to come out against sean diddy combs. now, one of those lawsuits has been settled. of course, that was as from casie. now, this lawsuit comes from a former model who claims that when she was 22 years old back in 2003, that she was drugged and sexually assaulted by sean diddy combs in new york. now i do want to point out that i have reached out to his team. i have not heard back yet. >> so we will update you if and when we have any statement from him. now, also, in addition to this lawsuit, misa hilton, who is the x of sean diddy combs. they share a child. this is diddy's oldest son. she has now come out and reacted to the surveillance video that we unveiled here at an then she is
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supporting cassie and she says that it has actually triggered her own trauma. i want to read part of that now to hear to you, john sorry about that. just pulling up the statement, she says, quote, i am heartbroken that cassie must relive the horror of her abuse in my heart goes out to her. i know exactly how she feels and through my empathy, it is triggered my own trauma. combs needs help and i am praying that he truly does the personal work and receives it so john now so not only are we hearing from another woman very much inside diddy circle coming forward to support cassie. but with this lawsuit from this model in 2003, we are now getting a continued pattern established of this alleged behavior in that lawsuit. these claims are villi very similar to some other claims that we have seen in these past lawsuits. and i do want to point out it's a new accuser, new allegations, and a new attorney who is not representing any of these other
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women all right elizabeth wagmeister, keep us posted on all of these new developments all hell broke loose. passengers described the moments of fatal turbulence on a flight that left one person dead and more than 100 fissured. in new this morning, the white house wipes away billions more of student loan debt. how to find out if you're one of the borrowers who may benefit one. >> can one. >> i wanted do and to be with my family i want you to join your brothers in the rain welcome to the show i just love being out there with you guys the thing that matters to me read the door now streaming exclusively on macs if advanced lung cancer has you searching
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always get emotional. you more concerned about what's going on inside the nba than what's going on inside of you, you know, doc, right? and that's all the time we have. thanks for watching. are you cutting to a commercial western conference finals presented by at&t began tonight on tnt i would do a breaking news just in the white house responding for the first time to the announcement this morning by iran hello, in spain and norway, that the nation's will soon be formally recognizing a palestinian state. >> cnn's pro scylla alvarez is at the white house force. i was just talking to democratic senator chris coons about this, him giving his take on what he thinks we'll be hearing from the white house. what are you learning from the white house now, priscilla yeah. kait, they are pushing back saying that this should be done through diplomatic negotiations, not simply through recognition in a statement and national security council spokesperson saying the following quote, the president is a strong supporter of a two-state solution and has been throughout his career, goes on to say he believes a palestinian state should be realized through direct negotiations between the
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parties, not through unilateral recognition. >> of course, the president has said that he supports a two-state solution. he said so last weekend during his address at morehouse college saying, are calling it, quote, the only solution where two people live in peace, security, and dignity we've heard from senior administration officials over the last several weeks and days who say that they are working toward this and what this would look like post-conflict. and that is all underway. but what is clear through this statement is that it's not going to happen simply through recognition, but rather that it is involves direct negotiations, diplomatic negotiations, and that is something think that the administration is currently engaged on. >> priscilla. thank you so much. and the point we heard from senator coons, we also heard from israel is that the fear is, is that this, this coming out now from these three nations is a hindrance to the ceasefire process, not helping it along. thank you so much. jump. >> all right. this morning, 20 people are still in the icu after a singapore airlines flight hit severe turbulence. we have new images from inside
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the cabin that show the aftermath. look at that more than 100 people were hurt. one passenger double died. >> you can see just the debris every where in there this happened ten hours in to a 13 hour flight from london to singapore. >> the pilot declared a medical emergency, diverted the flight to bangkok, the ntsb is now joining the investigation with us now a cnn aviation and aerospace analysts, miles a bar in miles always great to see you. this much turbulence to cause so much damage. you how does it happen? >> how does it happen while we're talking about what we think in this case is clear air turbulence, john, which literally comes out of the blue and is something that an aircraft cannot detect air traffic control, cannot detect weather forecasters can not predict and there are rivers of air up there. >> we call them jet streams traveling along at hundreds of
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miles an hour, sometimes. >> it's a bit like a layer cake, and sometimes the direction of those layers changes dramatically. >> and as an aircraft encounters that it can suddenly change the amount of lift that the wing receives and that causes that abrupt change. it's not getting as much lift as it got very suddenly. now this trend is actually getting worse. there's a study from the university of reading which shows that over the north atlantic, over the past 50 years, severe air turbulence events. and the time which they have occurred have increased 55% and that has a lot to do with a changing climate we're looking at this footage shared miles and you can just see debris strewn about the cabin. what does it tell you based on what you've seen of these images? what does it tell you? just a really there was no warning at all? >> well it's interesting, no warning at all, but we're told
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the seat belt light was on. so for some reason the flight crew had anticipated some turbulence. now, what pilots do primarily an it is de, with all the technology we have is we rely on reports of pilots ahead of us to tell us there's turbulence. perhaps there was a so-called pi rep or pilot report to that end and that's why they put the light on, but it's difficult to predict when you get something like this. but the big takeaway i have from this and looking at this it's just a reminder. those of us who fly when you're in your seat, keep betsy belt buckle. no one who's seat belt was buckled was in harm's way in this case and it's very important to do, to pay attention to that light. i mean, obviously 12 flight, you've got to get up occasionally but while you're in your seat, stay buckled it's really good advice just miles i've heard you say this before, hidden at once again pilots need to relay the weather back in one of the best
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ways that pilots can get information is from other people who've been in the air yeah, pilot reports and which is fine if you have somebody going ahead of you and they see it an anticipated that helps. >> but if you're the first flight in the first aircraft in, that's not going to help you, of course. and of course it's a dynamic thing which changes and can worsen very suddenly so a lot of it is just those reports clearly, there are other kinds of turbulence associated with big cumulus clouds and thunderstorms which pilots and weather radar, et cetera. can see and avoid. but there is this category of turbulence which remains invisible. and we really don't have technology to detect it. >> miles o'brien always great to see you. thank you for explaining this so well, thanks, miles. okay. >> i'm virginia man is staring down the possibility of a 12 sentence and a foreign prison right now. all because he mistakenly brought ammunition into turks and caicos tyler wenrich, he pleaded guilty to
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charges yesterday and he's one of five americans facing similar charges there right now, a group of us lawmakers also just returned from the country in an attempt to plead for their release to no avail. cnn's carlos suarez has much more on this. so carlos, he pleaded guilty. what happens? now yeah. >> so that is the big question. this morning. k to us lawmakers, as you noted, visited the eyelid over the weekend and they've stopped short of calling for a do not travel advisory, but said that really could change depending on how these court cases play out. now, we could get a better sense of things next week on may 28, when one of the five americans that were arrested is expected to be sentenced yesterday, 31 year-old, the tyler wenrich, a pleaded guilty to two counts of possessing ammunition. now his plea came a day after this bipartisan group of us lawmakers, they traveled to turks caicos and they met with officials there, including
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the island's governor, as well as the attorney general, the lawmakers, they've been calling for these americans to be released for some time now, arguing that these group, the group of americans rather all unknown to each other, did not know that they had ammunition in their luggage when they travel hold it to the country. the americans that they are facing a minimum of 12 years in prison for bringing ammunition into the country. here now is virginia republican congressman bob good on the message that he said he delivered to officials we're appealing to the good nature of the turks and caicos officials that, hey, this is the unintended consequence. but if they, if they were to continue to allow americans to suffer as if they had criminal attend to be treated like they were bringing multiple machine guns and full magazines and things like that with they're going to treat them that way. then we would have to advise an asieh, our own state department to issue a travel advisory by going to turks and caicos, which would have a tremendous negative impact on their tourism dollars all right.
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>> so congressman good, it says that that he's hopeful that these americans will be sentenced perhaps to time served as well as a fine. now, officials in turks and caicos said that the judges could lower the minimum sentence here and there they could adjust these finds are the remaining americans. they have hearings next week. one of them has another hearing in june, and then we're talking about one other american that is expected in court in early july yeah. >> you see next to you, carlos, the names of the americans who are all being charged as much more on this ahead, carlos, thank you. because just ahead, we're going to be speaking with one another. one of these americans charged in turks and caicos, ryan watson, he'll be joining us along with his wife valerie, john her new study is providing remarkable insight into nightmares and what they could be signaling about your health research from the journal eclinicalmedicine finds that people who describe having horrific nightmares might be experiencing the onset or progression of certain chronic diseases see it as make turrell
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is with us now, shaking my head mean nightmares are bad enough, but it can mean something even worse. >> yeah. in specific situations, i mean, this study primarily looked at folks with lupus, which is a chronic autoimmune disease. it can affect all parts of the body and what they found lupus affects more than 1 million people in the united states in more than 5 million people worldwide. and they found that this could be an early warning sign, perhaps for either disease onset or for a flare-up of disease. they used surveys and conversations, interviews with both patients with lupus and other autoimmune diseases, and also clinicians, folks who are taking care of these people and they said they really recognize that things like nightmares or even what they called daymares or hallucinations could are actually more common than a lot of people thought that they were in association with lupus. so they found about three-fifths of people have these before they had a diagnosis. but they found some of those folks had these in after diagnoses. and so if you could recognize that the disease is coming earlier, you could have an earlier diagnosis or a correct diagnosis because
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if they found sometimes these things were misdiagnosed as other disorders that you can also improve treatment. also, if you have a flare coming on, this could perhaps enable you to treat it earlier and lead to fewer complications. >> really interesting, just treatment for the underlying disease doesn't perhaps reduce the nightmares, doesn't work like that. >> they good question. they didn't steady this in this particular their study, but i think that would be the hope that if you could treat the underlying disease, maybe you would tamped down on some of these effects you're feeling in your brain two, it really is interesting. the connection through the body and the brain. make sure well, thank you very much. to roll that new warning signs about the influence of elaborate deep fakes and other tricks on the 2024 election. and how basketball superstar caitlin clark is rising to the ranks of michael jordan in one key metric already hello, this morning, brought to you by amgen learn more about thyroid disease at, is it you,
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were diagnosed with thyroid? disease a long time ago and year after year, you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind? but even after all this time, your thyroid eye disease could still change restoration is still possible learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at ted they say we should stop eating so much meat so we made meet out of plants because we aren't quitters impossible. >> we're solving the meat problem with more meat. listen, i can't go into this ipo blindly. how do we make sure we're ready to meet all regulatory requirements? chris that is a great question steve. >> it's an important question. >> tyler. >> i'd even say a critical question three, with tyler.
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assignments are going off and playing the tornado here i'm thinking, i'm going to die and i thought that was it. marlin earth with liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn hey, this morning, the biden administration is wiping away 7.7 billion and student loan debt for 160,000 additional americans, bringing the total of americans who have benefited from some sort of student debt relief to nearly 5 million. >> this is after the supreme court rejected biden's broader plan, which aimed to erase up to $20,000 dollars 443 million americans caitlin clark doing something that no other athlete has done since the goat michael jordan the iowa superstar turn wnba pro, has signed a contract with wilson. the league's official basketball supplier, and wilson said that clark will test advise, and provide feedback on a range which of its basketball products becoming a brand ambassador and
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releasing new collections that celebrate her throughout the rest of 2024 animals at the brookfield zoo in chicago are benefiting from this year's history doric cicada emergence, the nightmare continues and enjoying the insects as a tasty snack. oh wait, this is a good news story. thank god. averagin paid to dogs sloppy bears, and brown bears are just some of the animals who have been feasting on the protein-rich street the cicadas are appearing to fold this spring if you have if you would involved on social video yeah. you know, i'm obsessed with this because of rare emergence of two types of cicadas all emerging at the same time, billions of the insects are expected to take over and swarm eastern parts of the united states, including all cities. on, i'm just going to say all cities and you have been warned and you should be terrified john, as you do know, kate, it tastes like chicken delicious all right. i do need more protein in my diet. >> this morning new warnings
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from department of homeland security against the dangers of ai, specifically the ability to interfere with elections like this robo call with fake voices made before the new hampshire primary it's important that you save your vote for the november election, voting this tuesday only enables the republicans in their quest to reelect donald trump. again cnn cybersecurity reporter sean ligase joins us now with the new reporting. >> what's homeland security saying shot john. >> basically, they're saying that this is a ai as a means to really enhance and exacerbate misinformation and disinformation out there. now, we already know that there's a very chaotic information environment here in the us with a lot of portion of the dielectric not believing that the election results in 2020 were valid despite no evidence of widespread fraud about what will we see four years later is the advancement of ai easy to
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use tools like chat-gpt, but many others where you could just input a little bit sort of audio, a little bit, a little bit of video, or just one picture of someone. and then it can replicate that. and mimic it very easily. my colleagues and i recently reported last week that in 2020 us intelligence found evidence that iran and china had experimented, explored with, with deep deepfake technology to use on us voters, but they never did. four years later that technology is a lot easier to use. it's more advanced and it's going to, according to two us officials perhaps really accentuate the disinformation out there the main i'm concern is amplification, john, not really. any anything magical or things that we're not seeing that out there on the internet right now. but it's mainly things like at confusing voters on when polls are gonna be open or even a targeting election workers with disinformation. so
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it's really a new variable in the 22 24 election that we did not see in 2020, john. >> all right. sean lyngaas. thank you very much for that. luckily, one thing that absolutely cannot be faked under any circumstances harriet, harry, and you can try to make can make this amazingness impossible, impossible knowingness, whatever i was trying to be nice today, tomorrow, tomorrow we will revert back artificial intelligence though is everywhere the focus of lawmakers on congress plot leinz and hollywood big investments from big business how many people are familiar with the newest focus, openai's chatgpt, and so much more hairy antennas here. >> okay. so sean lyngaas was just talking about deep fakes and the influence of deepfake. how familiar are people with just this concept and what this is. a lot of folks have no idea what the heck we're talking about. >> and i think that's part of what's so worrying here. do you know what a deepfake is? this was a quiz that was given by the pew research center and the majority answer was no,
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they did not know what a deepfake was. just 42% of americans were correctly able to identify when given a list of sort of definitions, what exactly a deepfake is. so you know, we had shown up there, obviously we've had donie presenting all these packages. they're really interesting. but the fact is for the majority of americans, and this is what so worrisome, it's not getting through. so we're sort of talking to these folks and there's this whole other group of people out there who are just like what the heck are you talking about? >> well, and it gets too, if you don't know if you don't know what it is, you don't know how to do, you don't have to look for it and protect yourself. it gets to kinda like the literacy of artificial intelligence that we all need. openai is something that we, we it's a huge company, were becoming much more familiar with how people feel about it. >> yeah so basically, you know, when we're talking about artificial intelligence, what your top emotion when thinking about it, you know, what words do you sort of associate with it 51% of voters, americans
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nationwide associate a negative word, emotion reaction. in fact, just 17% have a positive one and i go on an openai, i type in these prompts, i think it's kinda fun to sort of do. but a lot of americans are not, in fact having this positive reaction. just 17%. the clear majority, 51%. and then of course there's this 31% who are just neutral are unsure, kate and i think that's a lot of what's going on with this technology, right? which is really unsure what to do with it. it's new, it's different 2024 is bringing new things that we couldn't have thought about in 2020. and that's what you're talking about. it's so difficult to disentangle. and i think a lot of folks are out there who might be presented with these deep fakes are sort of going, well, wait a minute, i don't necessarily know the difference. they're not even sure to really be looking out for it. >> can you and how they feel about it is here to stay. that's for sure. and i misspoke. we're talking this is artificial intelligence general. now, talk to me about the sensation that is openai. yes, so this is artificial intelligence in general. >> in general, notes, chatgpt. >> it's chatgpt, right? >> so this to me, although a
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lot of americans have a negative affiliation with a lot of americans don't necessarily know what a deepfake is, but there are a lot of folks were really interested. so this is global visits so chatgpt, you go back to november of 2020. it was just starting. there were zero visits, right? you jump forward to april 2023. look at that 1.8 billion visits. now that basically stayed steady through last month, 1.8 billion. but this month we're heading for a new record. were, on pace for two point 2 billion visits globally to chatgpt. so it does seem like after some months of just basically staying and they're and they're releasing their new version of it. >> that's exactly right. that's what's cook and they're releasing these new versions, these new versions that are getting better and better for him, better people are getting more interesting. so yeah, there are a lot of folks who have this sort of negative reaction, kinda pull back, but it slowly put churning ganim gaining market space and slowly but surely becoming a bigger part of not just america, but the global world as well.
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>> interesting, good to see you here. thank you. thank you, john wright knew important details about what happened as the iranian president's helicopter crashed. cnn is inside iran spot does it obediently wonderful pistachios get cracking, winning a bond on this project. >> i asked mark what here's an idea? >> let's ask marcum. >> that's good now now, lunch a couple of ones were the people with all the answers get all the answers. ask marcum, accountants and advisers, you're calling some people find there's at an early age others later in life no matter when you find it consider yourself lucky because it becomes your everything are calling was to build trucks.
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and that's why trucks so far what we do we put our everything in every truck so that when you find your calling nothing can stop you from i'm answering it shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling. this stub questions you up. his stub winds you down this stuff, deep, deep, glowing, and this stub keeps you going. so whatever care do you care about, there's a dove for everybody can the riba support your brain health, very janet. >> hey eddie. know, fraser, franck. franck, bred. how are you fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators putting your, memory joined the neretva brain health challenge with fast create factory great visual solutions to perfect your process that sides, make your
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meetings they billion with a b we've got this honore got this adrenaline just like the standard i can't stand my cup, play shot of adrenaline right to the heart this morning is tens of thousands of mourners gathered in tehran for the funeral of iranian president ebrahim raisi. >> new details are emerging about the hours after his helicopter went missing the hard-line conservative, his foreign minister and six others were killed with a helicopter crash in a mountainous region over the weekend, seen as frederik pleitgen is in tehran, frehse. i know you've seen the funeral procession. what's it like there this morning? >> hi there. danya. we were right in the middle of that
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funeral procession. i can tell you it was a huge amount of people that turned up there. a lot of them having signs with the people who died in that plane crash on them. of course, many of them paying their respects. it was a lot of sadness among many of the folks who, who passed by there. and then the caskets also were brought through seven central tehran, iran supreme leader, by the way, ayatollah ali khamenei, he himself oversaw the actual of funeral prayers and then the caskets were brought through the city. and again, the turnout was very, very large with a lot of people holding up those those posters with the likenesses of the deceased on them. and you're also absolutely right, john, it is quite critical well, that the chief of staff of ebrahim raisi, who was one of the other helicopters that was traveling in that convoy of choppers for the president's chopper went down. he did give some new details were first of all, he said that it was actually the president's helicopter that was in command of that convoy and told the choppers to increase their altitude to get over some clouds of cover. and then all of a sudden that chopper had disappeared. he also said that one of the
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people who was on the chopra that prayer leader of tabriz, the cleric that he survived for at least three hours after those choppers came down. and managed to communicate with the folks who had been in those other toppers. but of course, in the end it took a very long time to find the crash site and all of the people who were on the president's chopper were killed. so some new details coming out, but i can tell you from here today, this was a huge morning, sarah ceremony that took place, obviously something where the government wants people actively to be involved in all of this, this entire city is plastered full of billboards with the likenesses of those who were killed in that crash. of course, first and foremost, the iranian president ebrahim raisi, but also the foreign minister hossein amir abdollahian and ebrahim raisi himself will be laid to rest tomorrow in his hometown of mug shot, john i know there are clear concerns about stability and continuity there. frederik pleitgen in tehran for us this morning for a great to see you. thank you very much a new era
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of cnn news central starts right now donald trump's classified documents, case back before the judge and florida today and new evidence in that case. >> being released. >> devastation as far as the eye can see, communities and iowa left in just shreds after at least 17 tornadoes touched down. >> look at that path of destruction and a guilty plea for one of five americans facing prison for bringing ammunition into turks and caicos another american charged will be joining us from turks and caicos what's this hour i'm kate bolduan with john berman, sara is out this is seen a new central this morning major developments in new evidence that we have not seen in donald trump's closet. five documents, case we're standin


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