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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  May 22, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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assignments are going the tornado here you cannot out
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swim this. >> you cannot outrun it really is charges against former president donald trump painting those documents were refusing to turn them over after leaving office last night and unsealed opinion from another federal judge delivered a startling revelation in the case that trump's attorneys found additional documents in his bedroom four months after the
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fbi's mar-a-lago rate and take a look at this here in new footage from the department of justice, trump aide walt nauta is seen moving boxes just days before trump's lawyers searched his florida residents that led judge, how to conclude there as quote, strong evidence that trump intended to hide boxes from his attorneys the bid to throw out this case, we should note comes after former president scored a big win earlier this month with the trump-appointed judge who postpone the trial and definitely drawn criticism from many legal experts. cnn's evan perez is outside the courthouse. four is down in florida evan, tell us what you know about this hearing? >> what james, one of these times when we come to these hearings by judge aileen cannon, we might get a new trial date we're of course, going to be watching to see if that happens. that hearing. >> the first of two hearings is now getting underway at the courthouse behind me and we have a couple of different requests from the former
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president and from walt nauta, his aid and co-defendant. >> couple of things not as asking for for the charges against him, obstruction charges chiefly to be tossed because he claims that this is a vindictive prosecution by the by the government. the former president and all of the defendants they're asking for a lot of this evidence that the government has and this investigation. but to be tossed out in the case of the former president, he's saying that the evidence from the fbi search that extraordinary search that happened at mar-a-lago two summers ago, that all of that evidence needs to be tossed, as well as testimony from evan corcoran his former lawyer, who helped oversee the receiving of those subpoenas from the government for those documents to be turned over. now, jim, ahead of this hearing, we saw those new documents, those pictures that the prosecution says are of walt nauta, moving boxes before evan corcoran the former president's attorney bernie i got a chance to search for those documents. we also
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saw, according to prosecutors days, they said that there was a search that happened four months after the mar-a-lago search, and that during that search, there was a there was a found classified documents, including a folder labeled classified evening summary for additional documents were found in the in an office there at mar-a-lago. and now all of this is what explains some of the mystery here behind the scenes, jim, of why a judge ruled that evan corcoran, the former lawyer for donald trump, why he needed to provide testimony. i'll read you just a part of what she says in approving that she says that the government has proffered sufficient evidence that the former president used person 18 in this case, does evan corcoran as a front man to obstruct the government investigation. again, that hearing is now getting underway at the courthouse behind me and we'll see jim, whether we hear here are more on these two motions that are being made in court
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today. >> jim alright. evan perez. thank you very much. and cnn legal analyst, joey jackson joins me now he's also a criminal defense attorney for prosecutor. joey. i mean, this appears to be pretty stuff trump's own lawyers finding additional documents in his bedroom and these photographs, his aid seen moving boxes days before. their search. >> what do you make of all that? >> yeah, jim, good to be with you without question. well, as to the aid mr. nauta, the claim by the attorneys for him is that he would have no knowledge or information with respect to the content to those boxes. why is that relevant? >> because it defeats the notion of knowledge. >> it's defeats the notion of conspiracy. and they attorneys are arguing for walt nauta, the valais to the former president, that he shouldn't be prosecuted to the extent that he was not engaged in a conspiracy because he did not know that the boxes that he was following are carrying out on behalf of art the behest of the former president had any classified
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documents, so that will be their core argument, right and so with regard to trump's argument, we know that there's been a number of grievances. he's brought up about the case and why it should be dismissed. we know also gem that there was an attack as to the constitutionality of the espionage act fact that ship has sailed. the judge said no, the espionage act, which underlies this is very much constitutional. the matter can go forward. we know that he tried to get it dismissed on the presidential records act saying, hey, the president's records are his records if they're personal, therefore, he doesn't have to turn over. and so we get to today, which is the issue as to whether but we're not the seizure and actually the documents being taken where they predicated on probable cause was the warrant appropriate? was this a selective prosecution? was it a vindictive prosecution? should he be shielded by immunity? i think you'll see a number of arguments advanced the by the trump team as to why the indictment should not move forward. >> and joy, i wonder if you saw this trump is also claiming he's making this bogus claim
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without evidence that president biden was quote, locked and loaded to take me out in the mar-a-lago raid. this appears to be a reference to the fbi search warrant, which authorized the use of deadly force in situations where officers lives are at mistake, but isn't that a typical provision in search warrants i mean, what do you make of that yeah. >> so jim, i make of it that obviously rhetoric is very important, particularly when you have a bully pulpit like the former president does with regard to people who believe this stuff and actually could act upon it? that's, why we've seen a number of gag orders with regard to his current case in new york and other cases. right. where the president perhaps former president is a little loose with the language. just to be clear to your original point, when you do do a search warrant, obviously, you enlarge enforcement. there are measures of protection around you. you do come the fbi comes but a number of people in positions of authority carrying guns, et cetera. it's not a
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pleasant experience, but they're there right for our show of force to get what the warrant authorizes you to get. and in this case classified documents. i should also hasten to add that those are the documents that of course they try to negotiate. that is the government with getting them back. and that's why i wanted to try this is willfully retaining right. are some charges relating to willfully retaining documents they tried they couldn't. and so as a result, they have to execute a warrant to go and get them in the way that they did alright. joey jackson? yeah. pointing i mean, this is what the fbi does. and again, i mean consistent theme through all of trump's complaints about all of these trials that he's going through, that it somehow a plot from the current president. there's just, there's no evidence to back that up no. >> none whatsoever. joey jackson. thanks a lot as always. appreciate it. also breaking another court case and tell you about the granddaughter of elvis presley is inside a tennessee court right now fighting the foreclosure sale of graceland, you might not have heard about this, but listen up riley keough alleging fraud and says
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the company behind the sale does not even exist. the historic memphis, the state has reportedly worth hundreds of billions of dollars and is the nation's second most visited home after the white house units isabelle rosamira's joins us now, isabel, i mean, people might be focusing in on this and wondering, okay, wait a minute. is it possible that elvis presley, his family could lose graceland and i suppose that is what's at the heart of this case here that could happen good morning jim yeah, this is a bizarre legal story. the future of graceland is certainly under the microscope and it could be determined today as we speak, there is a hearing happening happening at a chancery court in its shelby county, tennessee. this is a live feed of it right now. you can see the judge speaking and it will determine the next steps here, whether the foreclosure auction of graceland can proceed, that will closure skin sale is scheduled for tomorrow. so we have riley keough. she's the granddaughter of elvis and the
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legal heir to this property after her mother, lisa marie presley, passed back in january of 2023, she fall hello. restraining order to fight for the property through a lawsuit that she has also filed. it states that the company behind this foreclosure sale, noss one investments and private lending, llc produce documents claiming that they wrote a 3.8 million dollar loan to lisa marie presley, and that she used graceland as collateral for that loan. but then she failed to pay back that loan. she defaulted and therefore, graceland belongs to them. we'll chios saying this is absolutely wrong, that the documents here are fake, that her mother never borrowed that money, she never use graceland ask collapse adderall, and that noss one appears to be a fake entity that this is all part of a scheme to defraud the family and it also the lawsuit points to a notary out of florida that was all over the paperwork
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here, the loan paperwork. well, that notary signed an affidavit saying she never met the summary presley and she never notarized any documents for her. now, cnn has reached out to that company. we tried by phone that line was disconnected. we tried by email. we've got a automate automatic response to that. and that entity appears to be for missouri. well, we reached out to the secretary of state's office we couldn't find that company you couldn't find the company. >> and so does that kind of bolster the argument that riley is saying here that they don't know what this company is, what's going on here right there. >> they're going to have to prove this in court, but certainly a lot of red flags are seemingly popping up here, especially that florida what are you saying that? yes, my signature is on here i never mentally summary presley a lot of things will be popping up in court. >> all right savile row salah's. thank you very much. fascinated case. we're going to keep talking about here. let's bring in the mayor of memphis,
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paul young mr. mayor thanks for joining us. what is your reaction to this potential sale of graceland and what is your response to what the king's family is saying about all of those elvis has family as saying this is not right. what's happening here? >> well, certainly we're going to let the court process play out, but we hope that it stays with the family. graceland means so much to our community it does so much for our economy. we attract over 600 visitors each year to the city. as a result of graceland and so we'll let the process play out, but we are certainly hopeful that the family maintains ownership and keeps that great amenity going for our community. >> and have you been in touch with the family about this i haven't spoken to the family directly, but i have spoken with the management team and they feel confident that the family will maintain ownership we want to make sure that we maintain this amazing attraction for memphis because
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so many people know memphis as a result, available as presley and we want to make sure that that legacy remained strong yeah, i've been out to graceland before. >> i mean, it's an amazing historical site. what would that mean for the city of memphis if it's somehow got sold off? >> well, i don't even like to think like that i think we're going to focus on the family maintaining it. memphis is an amazing city with so many historical assets and music is in our dna. and we want to elvis to fit ever be a part of our store all, right very good. mr. mayor. thank you very much for joining us. we're going to keep our eyes on that live hearing that's taking place right now. we know you will as well. mega young. thanks very much for your time this morning. appreciate it. >> so much. >> all right. still ahead. donald trump posting and then removing a video with a disturbing reference to hitler and nazi germany, plus a powerful tornado flattens a small town and i will tell you about that as well.
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>> in the. furnished room. and then i heard like a train a train. and then insulation came from the basement. one of the basement windows and came in. and i heard it and i knew it was hitting sirens are going off and playing the tornado here i'm thinking language and i thought that was it finally, earth with liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on sieht. >> you want to close out should i normally, i'd hold but taking the games of smart here right feel more competent. >> what's dog ratings from jp morgan analysts in the chase app when you've got a decision to make, the answer is jpmorgan wealth management you know what's brilliant think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps mold to a rocket and hurdles and into space? >> boring. >> boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start off because it's smart,
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you can see it right there, highlighted on your screen the word reich, of course, is most often associated with nazi germany, not many other associations out there. trump's campaign claims that did not create the video and is blaming and oblivious staffer for posting it while trump was in court but the former president's flirtation with nazi rhetoric is nothing new. he's defended and dine with white nationalists at mar-a-lago. he's told confidence that hitler did some good things and he's used incendiary language to dehumanize political opponents and immigrants even suggesting, as adolf hitler did, that they're poisoning the blood of our country they're poisoning the blood of our country that's what they've done. >> country changing, country threatening and their country wrecking than not yemen not yemen's their animals. i'll use the word animal because that's what they are. we don't want them coming into our country with contagious diseases and they haven't. >> we will root out the communists, marxists, fascists,
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and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country animals, diseases, and vermont words you wouldn't probably use to describe a human being that's not language that echoes adolf hitler's rhetoric that is, adolf hitler's rhetoric poison or toxin animals or rats, diseases, or viruses, vermin, or cockroaches where's the difference? >> the truth is, there isn't one. and when confronted with that reality trump, he feigns ignorance, claiming he didn't know hitler used those words. well now he knows and regardless, he continues to pair it that language today that's an alarming choice for man who as often struggled to unequivocally denounce white supremacist. you recall these moments like me to condemn proud assess, and ripe proud to stand back and standby starlets to protest you had some very bad people in that group very
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fine people on both sides those words, those words have power, they have meaning and went, donald trump speaks the world, listens neo-nazis and white supremacists certainly listen. so why can't he denounced them? why can't he reject it? your support. why does he continue to use rhetoric with dark historical parallels? let's discuss with cnn, senior political commentator, former republican congressman from illinois, adam kensington adam, i guess, what's your reaction to all of this? i saw you reacted on on x formerly known as twitter, where a lot of these right-wing white supremacist folks sort of mill around and gobble up trump's rhetoric and i guess one of the questions that stands out to me is, why did it take so long for trump to take it down? >> jim that was the first time i've ever tweeted an f bomb on twitter. and i don't do that light. we but i just there was no other way to express the outrage. i felt. and let me
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just say to my fellow christians out there, if you somehow can defend this, then you haven't read or fall the same jesus, i follow. i'm just saying that now why did it takes a long it's obvious. so what donald trump does now as donald trump really a goose stepping nazi probably not right? i don't think he is. but he always does the old do you know this? you've covered him for four years. he does the old kind of wink and nod like the old. oh, i'm not really hey guys, right? i'm i'm i'm kinda with you like i'm not with the nazis, but if the nazis are with me, that's okay. and that's what he does the whole stand back and standby with the proud boys. look, if you were if you want, he would come on and say, well, i actually denounced them. i told him to stand back yeah. okay. but then the proud boys, i remember actually i was in vegas not that long after he said that. and i saw some proud boys with a shirt that said stand back and standby. that's what he does. he signals
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anybody is walking bint as the superpower of a cult to always forgive and always welcome yeah, i mean, these aren't dog whistles anymore and trump is also made anti-semitic comments about jewish democrats are vote for joe biden. and here's what he said outside of court just yesterday, we should note he has said this a number of other ways. at other moments, but here he said it yesterday as well. let's look, let's listen jewish people that vote for biden and the democrats, they should have their head examined your reaction to that i mean, it's more of the same. >> and actually this is kind of something i had heard a lot in the republican party, which is we don't understand how jewish people can vote for democrats because of israel, it's like really putting onto jewish folks that they're basically just one-dimensional voters like they actually, they care about a lot of things. and quite honestly i'm not sure really where trump is on israel anymore, but yeah, i mean, this is just again i like to play the game of if biden did this, okay.
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>> what if biden would have said anything about how jews should be voting? >> what if biden would have said? stand back and standby, what a biden would have put out this, you know, reich newspaper thing. >> it would be 24/7 all over a different news channel that you and i know exists feigning outrage over this. >> this is a real issue and it's taught from a media perspective of how do you cover him because he basically throws so much garbage spaghetti on the wall. you have to kind of pick and choose, but this is what we as a country cannot become numb two, and i'm worried that we're going to become numb to it well, it leads me to my question about your work on the january 6 committee, adam, because we all know that this was an attack on the capitol and attack on democracy, but it was carried out by people who absorb this rhetoric that donald trump puts out there. >> people like the proud boys, people like the oath keepers and so on. there was a guy famously photographed that de, wearing the camp auschwitz
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t-shirt. there was the guy marching through the capital with the confederate flag so it raises the question, why does trump continued to put this stuff out there why, why are why are he and his folks putting out videos that say unified reich and then leaving them up for almost 24 hours i mean, let's look at it. >> it's working. >> i mean, let's take the morals out of it. >> it's working. i mean, donald trump went from this disgraced stain on our history to the republican nominee now, and probably if the election were today, he would be the next president. i mean, this is working because it's again, it's, it's the difficulty of the coalition of the seine, of those on the seine, right the center in the left that are trying to defend our democracy. we get exhausted fostered by all this chaos. the forces of chaos feed on it and they get excited. so that's why, because it works until we as a
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country vomit this stuff out, this garbage out and say, this is not who we are as americans, and we inflict that electorial pain on donald trump for that he's going to continue because look, there is a small group of americans you know, that believed this stuff. and he wants their votes so adam what do you think the right response is to all of this what do, you think is going on here? >> is it amnesia? is that people's purposefully sticking their head on the ground? is it that the biden campaign in the president, they aren't responding to this stuff. fortunately enough, we saw the president did condemn it the biden campaign pounced on it a couple of nights ago. what's the answer on your view well, what again, none of us that i know of have been even reached out to by the biden campaign since january when i was told they'll reach back out after nikki haley drops out, not saying that for my ego. >> i don't care about it. right. >> but you've got reach out to
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those 20% of republicans every democrat i talked he was saying, i don't know what they're doing on that. so there is a messaging and there is an energy issue on the democratic side, on the republican side, look, what can we do look at your you got to look at your heart at some point and say, what kind of country do i want my kids to grow up in? in is this, this this divided angry at each other country. and then from a media perspective, you do what you're doing very well. and what cnn does very well, which is you've got to just cover it. like people may get tired of the comments, but you've got to cover it. if people get numb to it, that's not cnn's responsibility. but we as a country all have to make that decision take the weight of the world off your shoulders, realize, were one in 1 million even though we're also one of 1 1,000,001 of 1 million is people fighting the same this country? >> yeah. i mean, one way to look at adam is, i mean, if you were to take the name trump out of it and insert any other politicians name? posted a video that said unified reich at it. how much coverage would you get and should that be the
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same amount of covers that we give donald trump? and it's just not at this point because you're right, people are worn down. they want to move on, they don't want to talk about this stuff all the time. of course, you have to, you can't stick your head in the sand adam can zinger. thanks very much for your time. appreciate it new today, ireland, spain, and neu announced they will formally recognize palestinian statehood later this month, cnn's jeremy diamond joins us now from jerusalem, jeremy, how significant is this? how are the israelis responding? >> well, certainly jen, this is a move that's going to have a lot more symbolic power than actually changing any realities on the ground. but it is one that is drawing outrage from top israeli officials and one that could result in consequences for the palestinian authority. and that's because these really foreign minister today, not only did he recalls israel's ambassadors to those three countries he also summoned the ambassadors of those countries who are here in israel two for a formal reprimand, one during which he plans on showing them footage from october 7 and he
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is vowing serious consequences. we are getting a taste of what those consequences may be from the israeli finance minister bezalel smotrich, a far-right member of netanyahu's governing coalition and he is vowing harsh punitive measures for the palestinian authority in response for this move by these three countries to recognize palestine as a state, he is seeking the approval of tens of thousands of housing units and israeli settlements in the occupied west bank. he wants to establish new settlements in the west bank in response to this. and he's also calling for the cancellation of crossing permits for palestinian authority officials to be able to travel to israel. he is also saying that he's going to withhold palestinian tax revenue that is collected by the israeli government, but that's supposed to go into palestinian authority coffers. that is a move that could have very, very serious ramifications for the palestinian authority, which is already quite cash-strapped,
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despite all of that, the palestinian authority's president mahmoud abbas is calling for for additional countries to continue to follow suit. a, he and other palestinians believed that these moves of unilateral recognition only bolster the case for a palestinian state. and he believes it could contribute to a two-state solution down the line that's obviously a view that this israeli government, which does not want a two-state solution, very much disagrees with jim. >> alright, jeremy diamond, a very important development will keep tabs on it. jeremy, thanks so much. still ahead. all hell broke loose. passengers are describing what happened, the moments there, plane hit severe term for berlant's leaving one man dead and many others injured. what we're learning about, what happened in that mid air nightmare you check. your nothing the space shuttle accidents usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part as the wing coming apart? >> space shuttle columbia, the
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gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. marquardt in washington, and this is cnn this morning, an investigation is underway under the extreme turbulence that hit a singapore airlines flight leaving one passenger dead and more than 100 others hurt here's what one passenger told my colleague, erin burnett about the incident there was some screaming and it was when he was actually realize the gravity of it. when i looked over my shoulder and soul, the people sitting behind me with a lady who had a big gash in her head and blood pulling down to face absolutely frightening or the flight from one and the
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singapore was diverted to bangkok yesterday, the national transportation safety board has sending a team from the us to help authorities in singapore find out what caused the sudden and violent change in altitude. >> cnn international correspondent marc stewart joins me now from beijing. mark, what's the latest with the investigation well zen, there is general agreement that this jumbo jet hit severe turbulence when it was flying at 37,000 feet. >> the real question now is what happened before during and after as part of a broader investigation that as you mentioned, will involve american investigators as well as those from singapore among the questions that these investigators will likely ask, one, what was the weather like? but also talk to the pilots to find out exactly what they were doing at the time. it could also include flight attendants, passengers also, the individuals from singapore airlines who help plan the route of this particular flight
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investigators will tell you it's not only about figuring what happened in this particular case, but also if any lessons can be learned from the future to prevent such widespread chaos from happening again, and chaos seems to be the appropriate term to describe what happened in the cabin. as you were hearing? from that passenger, we are getting some more insight. we are told that the seat belt wind light was turned on before all of this happened. despite these these movements a ban, a seven thrilled, you're mad sadly passed away in this incident we're told that cpr was performed for about 20 minutes in addition, as we have seen, there are scores of people are still in the hospital, some very severe injuries. >> but for the passengers who were able to travel a special flight was chartered by singapore airlines. >> that brought them back. this morning back to singapore all
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right. marc stewart and beijing for us. thank you very much. still had trump's defense rests. the jury now in a holding pattern until after memorial day. is that a good idea one, a verdict could come. we'll talk about that next. >> this is a secret, war. secrets and spies premier sunday, june 2, attempt on allergies with allegro. they won't stop me. nothing beats allegro. it's the fastest non drowsy 24 hour allergy relief live your greatness. >> these are people who are trying to change the world startups have this energy that energizes me i'm thriving by having others thrive every day. >> people who know no video row sparks engineered for the spontaneous, a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and cls faster acting and long-lasting grabbed the moment get started
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closed captioning brought to you by meso her firm only represents mesothelial of victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call us now in new york, both prosecution and defense teams are hunkering down, preparing their closing arguments and trump's hush money trial. those are set for next tuesday. the defense rested their case following testimonies from just two witnesses, trump, despite his repeated claims that he'd be willing to take the stand, did not do so. so the jury world now i'll move forward without hearing directly from the former president and joining me now, lawyer and jury consultant london moreno.
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linda, thank you so much for being with us i guess first of all, what would the jury makeup in your view? i mean, i suppose there could be all over the place trump not taking the stand. and might they be aware of the fact that he was boasting that he would take the stand at some point will good morning, jim. >> good to be with you let's be honest, this is a jury of new yorkers and may or may not he cognizant that mr. trump was boasting and promising that he would take the stand and then he didn't. >> but briefly, the constitution doesn't impose that burden. and not only that, but the judge is going to instruct the jury they're absolutely forbidden to consider whether he takes the stand or not. they cannot hold that against him. that's a constitutional error and linda, what do you make of the fact that the judge said, okay, we're going to pick this up next week after memorial day weekend.
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>> it's like four or five days from now. is that a good idea to do with the jury? i mean, there probably on the edge of their seat ready to get this over with well, you know, i i think a few things about that and i think it might enter to the benefit of both parties. >> here's what i mean. this has been of course, a historic trial these jurors have been faithful and diligent than all the court observers have said they'd been quite committed to their role. and that's a lot of pressure on adjoa sits in a drunk or any kind of let alone a trial of this historic significance so i think they might welcome to break quite frankly to be with their families in some restorative pi the family setting. and don't forget we holiday that they're going to be celebrating is memorial day, which is the day that we honor those who died to protect our country, our constitution, and those principles that are duplicated
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in the very trial that mr. trump is in. they may be pondering that as well. and frankly i think that the time rate, the nerves to the benefit of mr. trump, especially after the last witness with the drama and the disruption, right. >> so little a perhaps a little time from from all of that play to summations on tuesday hey nerds going well, i mean, if you were the prosecution did do you kind of wish that you could go right now and get this these closing arguments over with and send it off to the jury given that dust up with costello, robert costello defenses final witness? >> well, i'm a defense lawyer, but i would say that what the prosecution probably likes about this is that it gives them more time to perfect their argument because they have to have a perfect summation going forward. so more time for both sides, we will lawyers are greedy. we like and trump was
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talking about judge merchan yesterday and very disparaging terms. let's listen to that hates that trump is take a look take a look at where it comes from. the judge. >> the judge is latino, obviously, the trump is making reference to his latino heritage. they're saying, okay, well, i can't get a fair truck. is the guy is latching. i mean does one has to think i mean, yes, there are gonna be thinking about the importance of memorial day and so on. let's hope. >> but folks are on their phones, they're looking at whatever apps they look at maybe this pops up on their feed is that a good idea for donald trump? >> to be going out there and saying that kind of thing. just strictly from a staying out of legal hot water standpoint, a juror might see that and take great offense to that. >> well, i take great offense to that. i'm a latina, but, uh, but i think these jurors
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have to rise above that. and that's what they're told to do they're told to leave their prejudices behind. that kind of out of courtroom commentary really is not anything they're supposed to consider that's not evidence. that's not witness testimony or document and if they're faithful to their oath and i believe they will be they won't consider that, but of course, i personally, i think it's been with return to have made those all right. linda moreno. thank you very much for your time. we appreciate it thank you. all right. still had breaking news in the fight for the family of elvis presley to keep graceland. we have some breaking news on that. be right back assignments are. going off and playing the tornado here i'm thinking, hi and i thought that was it. finally, earth with liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cn what makes
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get your first 30 days free. >> i'm katelyn polantz at the federal court in washington.
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and this is cnn breaking news in the fight for the family of elvis presley to keep graceland, a tennessee judge has issued a stay putting the sale of the estate on-hold. cnn's isabelle row, saleh's joins us now, is about i've been all shook up over this. so whether or not grace level is going to get sold off for what's the latest, right. >> so graceland isn't safe for right now that chancellor out of shelby county, tennessee issuing a state essentially blocking the sale of graceland temporarily. so let me take a couple of steps back into what is happening in this bizarre legal case. and that is according to who a lawsuit filed by the era of the king of rock and roll, riley keough, the company behind the sail nominee investments, presented document saying that leaves some repressive before she passed had taken out a loan with them of $3.8 million and use graceland as collateral. well, when she defaulted on that loan, than company says that property belongs to us, we're allowed to foreclose on
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this and get our money back. well, riley keough stating in court and in the lawsuits that the documents are fake, her mother never agreed to this. you never use graceland as collateral and that the company is fake. she's accusing the company of being fake while the judge is specifically pointing in this will under ten minute hearing today to an issue of the notary, the person who signed off on this paperwork claiming that this is all legal. they filed a signed affidavit saying they never met lisa marie presley. they never notarized any documents for her. the chancellor saying that this brings into question the often two-city of lisa marie presley signature and stating that graceland is a very unique property. it's important to the history of tennessee and it would cause irreparable harm under tennessee law for this state to be sold. that chancellor saying he wants to wait for adequate discovery to come about for the merits so of the case to be argued in court before a sale happens and jim
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also wanting to let you know that this this estate, according to a press, the executive talking to the rolling stone back in 2020, is worth 400 to 500 million. and beyond that, behind the mansion is the final resting place of the king himself, elvis, and other family members. so that's an important and tricky detail. and in this entire story, that's right. >> the family of elvis presley can stay in the building at least for now. our isabel rosales i keep tabs on it. thanks so much. appreciate it. still ahead. i want to remember a good friend of mine, alice stewart, she passed away this past weekend, appeared on the show often i'll just want to share if you thoughts and memories about alice we'll be right back the nba playoffs. >> i always get emotional. >> you more concerned about what's going on inside the nba and what's going on inside a year? >> you know, doc, right? and that's all the time we have. thanks for watching or you couldn't to a commercial
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maria already asked her budget reminder of peanut butter, keep smarter, which mom by more i didn't want to end this program without saying goodbye to a special friend of mine last weekend, we lost the un political commentator alice stewart she was just 58 years old. i met alice more than a decade ago during the 2012 campaign. she was working for rick santorum, who was running for the gop presidential nomination during that cycle. and i'll never forget how alice wanted to take a jab at sanatoriums, rival mitt romney, who had an aide who said romney could just etch-a-sketch is old positions on issues in favor of new ones for the general election campaign. you can see this onscreen at one event, and marilyn, alice showed up with a bag full of etch-a-sketch is to
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hand out to the press that's how alice was. she was smart and savvy, but also kind to everybody she met a rarity here in washington. alice was also a person of principle, deeply conservative. alice was upfront about our criticism of donald trump, and she did not back down when she thought she was right. she became a fixture on my weekend show, paired with the wonderful maria cardona and they debuted on my first week de show back in february allison maria could disagree, yes. but without being disagreeable back in 2019, alice invited me up to harvard where she had a fellowship to talk to the students there there was one pro trump student who is giving me a hard time at this event after the event, alice told me i was being too nice to the guy and that she would have let him have it it was just her way of letting me know i did just fine. alice was always caring, always looking out for others. when she walked out on set, alice would have a big, bright smile on her face, eager to start mixing it up on whatever theic


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