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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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cloud, you okay? because checking in on a friend can create a safe space. - the first step on our new journey. you coming? reach out to a friend about their mental health. seize the awkward. it's totally worth it. or visit coventry assignments are going off. >> the tornado here you cannot
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out swim you cannot outrun it really is a terrifying experience. >> it is the stuff of nightmares you could hear it and feel it is my throat. we're burning i'm thinking i'm going to die. >> and i thought that was it i would urge with liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn donald trump will not be in the courtroom, but the classified documents munn case against him is taking a step forward today. critics saying it is long overdue. as the judge seems to have play into trump's favorite legal strategy of delay, delay lay, plus an unprecedented step by three country's leading to a furious reaction from israel. how the decision to recognize a palestinian state is playing out in gaza. israel and around the world and as miami swelters under record, heat, a meteorologist has some advice for his viewers, get out and
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vote why his message about climate change in politics is striking a nerve florida and beyond. >> we are falling these major developing stories and many more, they're all coming in right here to see in a news central right now, former president donald trump's lawyers are inside a florida good courtroom arguing in front of a federal judge trying to get trump's classified documents case dismissed. >> it's the first day of pretrial hearings since judge aileen cannon delayed indefinitely the start of the trial, it had been scheduled to begin as early as this week. >> so the hearing comes less than 24 hours after newly unsealed records revealed new details on trump's pledged attempts to hide documents at mar-a-lago, including classified material found in the former president's own bedroom months after the fbi search. >> cnn's kaitlan poll answers joining us now, and kaitlan, let's start first with this new information that we're learning from these unsealed
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documents, right? >> so these sealed documents, they were sealed. now they're on sale. would just got them yesterday, hundreds of pages. >> and they're part of a pile of requests that the defense team's donald trump and his co-defendants, walt nauta, carlos de oliveira, have made to judge aileen cannon. she's working through them. there's a backlog of them, but one of them that is going to end up being a major issue that she has to figure out before trial oh, is whether the testimony from donald trump's former lawyer, evan corcoran, can be part of this case. he basically said trump misled him and didn't give him all the class, didn't max this top of classified documents when they had to turn everything over to the federal government. thus that's the obstruction case, primarily against donald trump. judge beryl howell had looked at this issue a while ago with evan corcoran and said, yeah actually it looks like there could be evidence of a crime year one of the things that was part of her analysis, she looked at a bunch of evidence is before donald trump was charged and she noted that even
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after the fbi scoured mar-a-lago for classified records, finding hundreds of mark documents, ultimately charging about 21 from that collection. the team for donald trump found four additional classified records at mar-a-lago, as well as an empty folder and a quote, mostly empty folder marked classified evening summary found in donald trump's bedroom judge, howell wrote, at the time months ago, notably no excuse is provided as to how the former president could miss the classified-marked documents found in his own bedroom at mar-a-lago. thus, he gave prosecutors access to his former attorney that's all going to be revisited quite a bit in this case coming forward. >> and as far as today's proceedings, some tense moments as we're getting updates from inside the courtroom, notably it's not like the case in new york in the courtroom, there are where electronics are allowed in the room. you can't record things, but you can send messages in florida. you're
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handing physical written notes out of the courtroom, right. so we're getting updates slowly. >> i've been presence in their hannah and bandwidth. who's in they're passing notes out with information from what's going on the morning hearing was one of these motions to dismiss. >> there's an afternoon hearing about that as well. there were tense moments basically about a some bad blood that has existed between the defense attorney for walt nauta and one of the prosecutors on jack smith's special counsel's team going back months. that's what erupted in court. but what was being argued? didn't watch edge can and will have to decide based on the arguments today is whether the charges against walt nauta, the man in video and photos, moving boxes, allegedly on behalf of donald trump to hide them from the federal government. whether he was selectively and vindictively prosecuted, that he was being pressured to cooperate against trump, didn't. and that's why he got charged. his attorney takes issue with that. judge cannon, we'll look at it and we will get a ruling probably not
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today, but you never know once it's been argued, she could roll it anytime all right. >> katelyn polantz with all the updates. thanks so much for that reporting. and let's talk more about this with cnn. legal analyst karen friedman, agnifilo. agnifilo walt nauta claims he's being vindictively prosecuted by the doj in retaliation for declining to cooperate with this justice department's investigation as caitlin was just al finding the hearing this morning to discuss this claim devolved into a shouting match do you think that not as argument has a chance here i think there's a common tactic that prosecutors use when they are looking to bring a case and they see people in varying degrees of culpability, obviously, donald trump is most culpable here, and walt nauta is merely upon in this scheme to possess classified documents. >> and so it's very common when you see someone who is a low level person in a criminal
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pharisee or a case to approach that person and give them an opportunity to cooperate and not necessarily have to be prosecuted in the same way that the head of the mastermind or whatever you want to call it, the main player in the crime hi, i'm and so he he he he was given that opportunity. it looks like to cooperate in lieu of being prosecuted, but i don't see any evidence nor am i familiar with any tactic to vindictively prosecute someone because they don't cooperate. but like i said, giving hey, i'm an opportunity to cooperate prior to prosecution is fairly standard. and so i don't think this should go anywhere because this is a fairly standard tactic that prosecutors utilize when they have a case against someone already built going back to some of the details that were
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unsealed and some of the emotions that will likely see the defense file in the future. i'm curious about this argument that the defense is making about judge howell and her assessment over some of the classified documents that were found in mar-a-lago months after the fbi's search of the property, she essentially use that as justification to allow the prosecution to extract evidence from evan corcoran, a former attorney for donald trump, that the prosecution argues he used as a front man, essentially, even blocking some of the information that was held at mar-a-lago from his own attorney according to the prosecution, what do you make of that argument from the defense? and judge house rulings or her assertion that trump that there was evidence that trump seriously intended to commit a crime yeah. i mean, look, evan corcoran is definitely in the middle of all this and i think he knew he was being used as a pawn at the
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time because he took a detailed notes about every interaction with trump regarding these these files, including things like his facial expression and things like that? >> because i think it which is very uncommon by the way, if you're representing someone that you're going to almost keep a diary not just notes for yourself, but this is like verbatim word for word description and i think it's, i think he did it because i think he knew he was being potentially used as upon to help facilitate these crimes and so i'm not surprised that judge howell found that to be the case, and therefore pierced the attorney-client privilege and he's very much in play as somebody involved in this case for both for the prosecution karen agnifilo, we have to leave the conversation there. appreciate your perspective. thanks for being with us thank you. so as donald trump's lawyers are trying to get his classified documents case
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dismissed in florida. the former president is back on the campaign trail today in texas, attending a series of fundraisers with wealthy donors, including energy and oil executives, senior national correspondent kristen holmes is joining us now. kristen, what more can you tell us about his plans for today, his travels. >> he is attending this series of fundraisers across texas and we're talking about big money here, not just the wealthiest people in texas, but will wealthiest people in the entire country, billionaires. now the reason why it matters is that he has a series of fundraisers hosted by energy and oil executives. this comes about a month after he hosted the same group down at mar-a-lago for dinner and reportedly essentially said to them when they were complaining about some of the restrictions that biden administration has put into effect well, why don't you give my campaign $1 billion? all go back to the white house. and when i go back to the white house, all of that's going to be reversed. now, obviously that has sparked some criticism from democrats but it is interesting to see him down there in the lone star state and stay off court as he is getting ready for this jury
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deliberation spending his time trying to continue to get that cash christine, he's also trying to walk back some comments he made about banning contraceptives, right? yeah. >> this is going to be a continuation of a problem for donald trump because anything surrounding women's rights, reproductive rights is going to be something democrats seize on immediately and donald trump continues to have missteps when it comes to the issue, even though he continues to try and walk this fine line between being the modern-day architect of overturning roe v. wade, but also not really wanting to talk about abortion. so this latest incident happened after donald trump was asked during a local interview if he had any plans or any would ever support any restrictions on contraceptives. this is what he said do you support any restrictions on a person's right to contraception we're looking at that and i'm going to have a policy on that very shortly. and i think it's something that you'll find interesting. well, that suggests that that you may want to support some restrictions like the morning
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after pill or some here we are also things really do have a lot to do with the states so this is like canned answer for anything involving reproductive rights, but this is not something that he has ever said privately or with his team when it comes to birth control, are contraceptives almost immediately after this interviewed eric aired and started getting pickup. he went on to truth social and posted the us and all caps. he said never that he had never will have advocate imposing restrictions on birth control. also adding, i do not support a ban on birth control and neither will the republican party clearly they're trying to backtrack. >> he said, yes, exactly. he deployed a line. >> we've heard from him often which is sort of like two weeks, like weight two weeks, we're going to show you something in about two weeks, right. >> and then instead of instead of waiting that we just got our truth social right away, we're going to hear anything else? >> exactly. kristen holmes
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thinks up ahead, israel's responding after three us allies announced plans to formally recognize a palestinian state. plus the families of those students killed in uvalde nearly two years ago, are filing a new lawsuit against more than 90 of the officers who responded to that deadly shooting. >> and florida lawmakers are removing references to climate change from state laws as it deals with record-breaking heat and flooding. and one local meteorologist has a message for everyone in his stake the assignments are going off and playing the tornado here i'm thinking, i'm going to die and i thought that was it finally, earth liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn fashion moves fast, setting trends is our business. >> we need to scale with customer demand in real time so
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can stop you from answering it i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms defined emerge as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin eye four months. >> and the majority stayed clearer at five years. >> cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerge trim fired after dr.. about trump via today at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. >> thanks to you. >> were getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back, we can use less new plastic.
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>> bottles are day to be remade this making you uncomfortable good. when you've got type two diabetes like me, you have up to four times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or worse death even when meeting your a1c goal. >> discomfort can help you act i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you to get real with your health care provider. >> talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke party attack or death liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. >> i know i've been telling everyone how, many people. did you tell? only pay for what you need like, i'm arlette saenz at the white house and this is cnn the, biden administration is acknowledging concern about israel's potentially growing
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diplomatic isolation. amid its latest spat with several european countries. today, the leaders of norway spain, and ireland moved to recognize a palestinian state in the coming days, calling it an important step toward peace next tuesday on the 28th, i may. >> spain will approve his council of ministers, the recognition of the state of palestine this is an investment in the only solution that can bring lasting peace in the middle east. >> in the lead up to today's announcement, i've spoken with a number of other leaders and counterparts, and i'm confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step earlier, the white house underscored president biden's support for a two-state solution, but said that a palestinian state should be realized through direct negotiations between the parties, not through unilateral recognition. >> so cnn's jeremy diamond has been following the story line from jerusalem for us, jeremy, israel is obviously condemning this move. what more can you tell us about the reaction
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there yeah the israeli government not only condemning this move, but also taking the diplomatic step of recalling it's ambassadors to spain, ireland, and norway, the israeli foreign minister also summoning the those countries ambassadors to israel, to the foreign ministry for a formal reprimand saying, even then he would make them watch a video of israeli women being kidnapped on october 7, the israeli prime minister for his part saying that recognizing and palestinian state is tantamount to offering a reward for terror. >> and he's also making clear that he opposes the establishment of a palestinian state altogether, saying that he believes a palestinian state published today would be a quote, unquote, terror state something that obviously the palestinian authority and the countries that recognize the state of palestine today, very much disagree with. that's also a view very much at odds with the united states is seeking a two-state solution, hoping that this all full war that has unfolded in gaza over
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the course of the last seven months could potentially lead to a pathway to a two-state solution. now, in terms of consequences, the israeli foreign minister saying that there will be consequences for these countries. and its finance minister bezalel smotrich, a far-right member of netanyahu's governing coalition indicating that he will seek the approval of tens of thousands of housing units in israeli settlements in the occupied west bank establishing new settlements in the west bank and also, he's pushing to withhold tax revenue palestinian tax revenue in which israel collects. but that is meant to go to the palestinian authority already cash-strapped, that could certainly be consequential overall though this move by these three countries are very much a symbolic step, but one that once again underscores israel's growing isolation on the world stage. >> jeremy diamond, life force in jerusalem. thank you so much let's discuss all of this with frank lowenstein. he's a former special envoy to the israeli palestinian
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negotiators. thanks so much for being with us frank. this move by spain, norway in ireland, pledging to join more than 140 other nations recognizing palestinian statehood how do you see it? >> well, i think it's really a reflection of just how frustrated the world has become with prime minister netanyahu. and his unwillingness to move in the direction of the two-state solution. norway in particular was interesting to me because they obviously brokered the oslo accords, which is the underlying agreement that governs the israeli palestinian relationship right now. so they're obviously very invested in in a negotiated outcome here. and for them to say, we're gonna go ahead and recognize a palestinian state in the absence of any negotiations, suggests to me it just an extreme amount of frustration that pervades really the united states and all around the world is it ultimately just a symbolic move though yeah, it's, it's entirely small as jeremy mentioned, there's been 140 countries have already recognized palestine. >> i think the real question is whether this puts additional pressure on prime minister netanyahu. the israelis have a tendency to really close ranks
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and view the world as lined up against them. they sort of consolidate their position around that. but there is increasing pressure on prime minister, nothing from within his coalition to at least agree to some kind of a plan for the day after. and i think if nothing, you continues to refuse to do that. we may very well see his coalition crumble, in which case you'd go to elections and you might have a very different sort of government in israel i'm wondering how realistic you find the approach or the statement put out by the white house signaling their approach. they say that will president biden is a strong supporter of a two-state solution that ultimately a palestinian state should be brought about through direct negotiations between the two parties. is that a realistic goal? is that likely to come about that way we're a long way away from that right now. >> and i think that's why you're seeing states unilaterally recognize palestine. i think the biden administration is really pushing this notion of a grand bargain where saudi arabia would normalize relations with israel in return for israel agreeing to a pathway the
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palestinian state, i think there's been a lot of frustration with the biden administration in terms of premise or nothing, house unwillingness to even talk about a palestinian state right now. if you really want to make progress in that direction, you would have to have i think something like that. they give the israelis an incentive to change course, that they don't feel like they currently have yeah i mean, let's break down that incentive for netanyahu because if he does broke her this still this normalization with saudi arabia in exchange for the united states entering into this sort of packed with saudi arabia as part of a tribe lateral agreement, you could call it what's in it ultimately for israel here well, normalization with saudi arabia is the grand prize for the israelis. and when i was working on this issue under president obama, premise units, yahoo was adamant that that was what the ultimate goal was for his because with saudi arabia normalization comes normalization with the entire arab world, which is the promise of the arab peace initiative for israel. >> this is the kind of thing
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that in the past they would have jumped on. i think the fact that they're not even willing to pretend that there shouldn't two-state solution is a function of prime minister netanyahu was really extreme coalition and their unwillingness to do anything it would help the palestinian authority or let alone advanced towards two states yeah, i want to ask you about the cnn report yesterday that the ceasefire deal with hamas agreed to earlier this month had been changed, that it had been altered by egyptian intelligence after israel had signed off on it. >> a moment that led us officials, according to sources, to be embarrassed and enraged. how do you think this could happen well, i think that the egyptians in qatar ease are feeling an enormous amount of pressure to move towards a ceasefire. >> and i think they felt like they were really at a dead end there. and so they were willing to push it a little beyond what the israelis had agreed to in order to get hamas on board and hopes that they could get and get the israelis on board. but i think the bigger question is does nothing, i don't want a ceasefire. does hamas want a ceasefire? and my sense is neither side really wants a
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ceasefire at this point, a bb wants to continue. the rafah attack and otherwise prosecute the war to its conclusion in his view, i think hamas thinks said nothing i was stepping into a trap in rafah and they're seeing all this isolation that israel is experiencing and thinking that the war is going in their, in their favor. so whatever may have happened specifically within negotiations, i think the bigger picture is that neither side was really ready frank lowenstein, thanks for being with us thanks for having me still to come two years after the deadly school shooting in uvalde, texas, families of the victims have reached a major settlement with city leaders. but they say, are they're fight is as far from over the situation with blitzer denied it six, once cnn, its parent yeah. nice going though. nothing like a little confidence boost to help ease you back into the dating scene that includes having a smile. you feel good about unfortunately, aspen dental specializes and dentures and implants made just for you and
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heart health, rushed to walmart and find total beans this
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before in the stanley cup flowers fairclough, life is on the line right now to now to distractions good serious drop still feel high. >> white guy and i felt like breaking news this afternoon, the company attempting to foreclose on elvis presley's memphis home, graceland it says they will not proceed now with their claims as soon as he several for solace has been following this for us, he said, what's the latest? boris, jessica, it's another crazy chapter to this world wind bizarre legal battle. this foreclosure auction that was scheduled for tomorrow, but now the company behind this foreclosure attempts on graceland says that it will not move forward with their claim. that is according to a statement released to cnn by someone who identified themselves as a representative of noss. any investments in private lending llc, the company saying that this came after consultation with their
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lawyers, part of the reason for dropping this claim, the company does it the loan was not correctly recorded with the with the county saying that there was no harm meant on mrs. keough for her mother's lisa maree presley's miss habits and mismanagement of the money the company will be withdrawing all claims with prejudice that final part right there with prejudice, that typically means that they are not planning to refile. so it sounds like this company is abandoning all efforts to foreclose on graceland. now, there is still an a lawsuit and play in all of this a lawsuit by riley keough, the daughter, lisa marie presley, the air to elvis's entire legacy, to graceland. and she claimed it's in her suit that this company nah, sonny presented documents claiming that her mother agreed to alone 3.8 million and then defaulted on that loan, meaning the graceland would belong to them. what she says. >> that's not what happened. >> these documents are fake. my mother never signed off on this
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is a reference alice, i guess the partial end to this lattice strains saga yeah, thank you so much. >> thanks. >> this just in a cnn, a source tells cnn that high-ranking police officials in louisville have privately voiced concern but the felony charge against world number one golfer scottie scheffler, is excessive it is the first indication that some top brass and the louisville metro police department believed the charges against scheffler should be reduced. cnn's gabe cohen is here now and following this game, what more are you hearing? >> yes. so remember scottie scheffler is charged with four counts related to that arrest last week as he was rad arriving at a golf course for a tournament in louisville. he's facing charges of criminal mischief, reckless driving, disregarding safe signals from officers. but the most serious one by far is this second-degree assault on an officer charge that is a felony. and now we're learning that privately, at least some high high-ranking officials within the louisville police
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department have been expressing can cern that that might be an excessive charge, that felony charge might be excessive here, as you mentioned, it's really the first indication that we're hearing from anyone that police are concerned about it and feel that the charges should be reduced. we have learned through a source that there was some sort of meeting that included at least some of those top brass officials from the louisville police department. and they were really in consensus that that charge felt excessive, though, to be clear, they're not the ones prosecuting the case. it has now moved to the county attorney's office. we don't know what's been shared, what of those opinions have been shared with the county prosecutor's office? but it'll be interesting to see how it plays out. we know the police department is holding a press conference tomorrow. they're expected to release additional video of the arrest from a traffic pole in the area as of now, we don't believe there's any video of the initial incident when the police officer was knocked over, but we're hoping to get more video
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and we don't know if police are going to address some of these concerns or anything more about the case, but look, we're also learning that there are some local officials in louisville who are starting to raise these concerns that perhaps the case is being overcharged. i spoke with a council member, anthony pageant teeny. he represents the district where the arrests unfolded. he told me he definitely feels that this is being overcharged. he has been speaking to a lot of the parties involved here. i want to read you a quote. he said, i think the charges should either be dropped in entirely or at least be dropped down to a very, very tiny misdemeanor. i don't know every piece of evidence, but i know enough to say the officer was trying to do his job. mr. scheffler was trying to do his job and an unfortunate circumstance happened so again, now, we're starting to get that indication that there may be some agreement within the police department but we don't know we're going to say all alright, gave calling with the latest on that. >> thank you so much. this friday marks two years since the tragic mass shooting at robb elementary school in uvalde, texas 19 children and
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two teachers were killed a mass shooting as law enforcement weighted more than an hour to confront the shooter. today, the families of the victims announced they have reached a $2 million settlement with city leaders. but they say their fight for accountability is not over. the attorney for the families also announced they're suing the school district as well as 92 officers who they say failed to protect their loved ones. >> what have they done a lot of talk, a lot of blame what is the state of texas done other than prevent these families from getting the information that they sowed? >> deserve cnn senior national correspondent ed lavandera joins us now with more details. >> ed how are families reacting to the settlement well, it significant that this particular settlement announcement and the lawsuit involves 17 families of
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students that were killed in the shooting at robb elementary almost two years ago as well as two children who survived the attack on that elementary school. >> and as you mentioned, this this lawsuit or this settlement, i should say falls a $2,000,000 financial settlement with these families, but it also goes beyond that and what the lawyers to described as restorative justice. so a series of programs trump's to enhance training for police officers, setting a standard of fitness for duty for officers in the city of uvalde, as well as the school district, as well? it also goes toward the city agreeing to establish may 24, the anniversary of the shooting as a national de as a day of remembrance there in the city, as well as efforts to maintain an upkeep, a memorial for the victims of the shooting, and the cemeteries were the cemetery where the victims are buried. so that is the significant part of that particular settlement with the city, but also significant here
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is this lawsuit involving 90 state troopers, texas department of public safety troopers who were at the same that de there have been a number of reports in a great deal of criticism as we've reported over the last few years. but the failure of law enforcement responding to that shooting scene there at robb elementary. so significant part of this is the lawsuit against 92 specific officers who were they there at the scene, as well as the school's principal and the former school district police chief, pete, are addendum one family member who spoke at the press conference today announcing this law suit says, this is what the family has to do. these families have to do there's been an unknown variable two years we all, know who take our children's lives but there wasn't obvious systemic failure out there on may 24th. the whole row saw that no amount, of money in other words, the children's our lives when we're children justice in the column ability
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has always been my main concern. >> we been down so many times the time has come through the right thing so city of uvalde officials are saying that they're grateful to the families for reaching this settlement. we have reached out to the texas department permanent public safety, but have not heard back from them yet so far. force and erica is 11 dara for us with the latest reporting there. >> thank you so much as florida deals with record heat, the term climate change is being erased from state laws aimed at confronting that crisis. and now when meteorologists there is responding check, we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents usually not one thing. >> it's a series is that part of the wing coming apart space shuttle columbia, the final flight. now streaming on max. >> if you're one of the millions of men who suffer from outfit dysfunction, your prayers have been answered with
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represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call us now it's only me but record high temperatures are already gripping florida and one meteorologist in miami says enough is enough when it comes to the governor's indifference to climate change. listen the entire world is looking to florida to lead in climate change and our government is saying that climate change is no longer the priority, the most powerful climate change solution is the one you already have in the palm of your hands. >> the right to vote that's nbc six meteorologist steve maclaughlin he's furious over new florida legislation approved by governor ron desantis would scrubs out references to climate change in state laws and joining us now is siemens chief climate correspondent bill. >> we're bill, what did you make of this moment? and what does the data actually say about climate change impact on
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florida in particular well, it's a seismic moment for a number of reasons, actually, because florida is arguably the most vulnerable state in the nation to climate change, let's start with hurricanes, hurricane ian, the most expensive there's still picking at the pieces from that there's the algae blooms that are supercharged by warmer water. >> the coral bleaching, which would be devastating to the fishing and tourism industries in the keys and up and down the coast there as well. they're sea level rise which threatens a city like miami. it's the reason that miami is spending millions of dollars to raise streets and sewage systems to adapt to a new world. >> florida is almost some of the greatest climate scientists in the world at the university of miami, florida, gulf coast. all of these sorts of things. so this is pure economically driven politics. the analysts would say the only winners with this is the big fossil fuel interests. who don't want the words climate change bandied
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about it's a threat to their business models, right? what's interesting is that ron desantis, when he ran in 2018, there were dead fish all over the beaches due to red todd, he ran as a teddy roosevelt republican, made friends with duck hunters and fishermen. what promises to restore? for the everglades put a lot of money into that, but a lot of money into hardening the coastal cities against sea-level rise. but without mentioning the root cause and not to be able to talk about it, is like covering i mean, obviously there's no gag order on talking about it on the media. but not to be able to talk about it within legislation for the state is like bands guns or opioids from law enforcement legislation or planning. it is the source of everything going forward. it will it will inform business is how things are built. and it's the reason that the big three insurance companies have pulled out a florida or has limited coverage there because they've lost so much money that's the reality. and process to steve maclaughlin. every
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meteorologist and every market should be able to connect these unreal events, these unnatural disasters, with global trends, just lay out the science you don't have to get into the politics, but people need to know. >> this is real though we're thanks so much most 11 year-old's are worried about middle middle-school, not our next guess though. >> she just graduated from college how she did it, and wait until you hear why the nba playoffs, i always get emotional. you more concerned about what's going on inside the nba, then what's going on inside? you know, doc, right? and that's all the time we have. thanks for watching. are you cutting to a commercial western conference finals preserved by adhd begin tonight on tnt i thought we had a plan for dad he was set to go to the senior living community, right by my house, then a friend suggested i talked to a place for mom. >> they really opened my eyes. >> my advisor listened and understood his needs and showed us options that were still
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everyday million say, i use splenda violin earth with liev schreiber, premieres june 2 at nine on cnn athena lng is set to graduate college tomorrow. >> at just 11 years old. not only will she become the youngest person ever to graduate from irvine valley
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college, she's actually snatching that title from her big brother, who graduated last year, just days before his 12th birthday amazing. >> a female graduate can water with an associate's degree in liberal arts and athena and her mom, christina, are joining us now. a huge congratulations to you at bina and your mom for parenting you through this. how's it feel to be a college graduate? >> i'm really happy. i'm proud. i give you my brothers record so yeah, it sounds like that was important to you very heavily has been day competitive with him since he graduated at 12. and you at 11, how do you tease him now? you call them a slacker a little bit i teased him for not working hard because we all goof around a lot. he's definitely not as competitive as me. sound. think he cares as much, but amazing and
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christina, you have to be so proud. what's a moment like this for you? you now have a child who graduated at 12 and 11 yeah. it's a little surreal. >> such different kids and so this is one of the few things they have in common, but in totally different directions. so yeah i just i have like a logistical question. how how do you graduate from college by the age of 11, did you recognize that athena is really gifted at some point how does that work? >> i think it was really driven by a phenol fold her brother into calculus, and then just she, she wanted to do more classes. she wanted to explore. and then it just became this thing that it was possible i never did calculus. i didn't precalculus as he's like the basic requirements or isn't i went into a job where words are used? >> three, yeah not quite as much math what is it like to be 11 years old and no calculus
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like, what is the work like to get to that level i'm not sure to me, i feel like it's normal, but there's always a lot more study. it's always nice because, you know what my schedule is. so free all the time. because of that, i can manage my own schedule and stuff, but i help us understand that. how do you have so much free time? because i imagine you started college at nine. i imagined that the graduate wait by 11. you had a lot of coursework to go through all that all those years of schooling, kind of truncated that way. how are you so free with your schedule? >> i think it's community college, you know, you can do the homework when you want to see you just like manager on schedule and niger homework, i think. >> wow. >> and so a thena what comes next for you? i have so much life ahead of you. what do you want to do? what are you interested in? >> i'm really interested in. i
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want to become an actress. but for now, after this, i really want to get in nurse associates degree, maybe in like theater or music, or psychology that's amazing. >> what was this associate's degree in an emphasis in liberal arts? oh, interesting. so a really well-rounded education? yes. christina typically, when parents, kids graduate from college, they become empty nesters and they get to travel and then they get to do two different things. >> what's it going to be like for you i get to a chauffeur and i get to the a cheerleader cena has always been very independent. >> she takes just oldies classes and taekwondo dance, everything. so i think i'll continue to show for insurance plead that's my role now a phenol congratulations. >> again to you. we were really excited about what you're going to do next. and christina, i mean, you're like the parent of the century that's incredible.
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congratulations to you thank you. welcome. good luck with everything. >> stay with cnn. we're back into some moments when the competition it's a nuclear competitions spying is extraordinarily important the russians were trying to spy on us we were spying on them it's very difficult to determine whom you can trust. >> i was telling frank everything got out of control this is a war, but secret was secrets and spies, a nuclear game per year, sunday, june 2 at ten on cnn, this home-style chicken salad rafah subway. this is how you do it savory chicken. >> chris veggies all wrapped up perhaps are amazing people can hear my thoughts that's a problem. stay fresh out there.
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those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. for the lead with jake tapper on cnn let's just in now to cnn, hunter biden's tax evasion trial has been moved to september this after the presiding judge made 100 you're biden's attorney promise that he would not seek any further delays. that same attorneys cited the heavy workload involved with hunter's upcoming gun-related trial and delaware as justification for a delay. the tax trial is now set
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to begin on september 5th. the president's son has been accused of a years-long tax tax-avoidance conspiracy and now faces nine criminal counts in california. so september 5, is exactly 61 days, two months from november 5th. obviously, the presidential election already an unprecedented one. you have a former president who is mired with legal battles, who has been indicted how many possible mandible times? numerous counts, some 90 something charges against him facing a sitting president whose son is also mired in his own legal battles and potentially will be in court as early voting is going on in in three states. i think it is that early voting won't be happening. >> so i interviewed somebody the other day who said the thing about this election is it's an october surprise, almost every week. and there we're just going to have so many unprecedented things leading up to this. >> yeah, it is a long windup and we appreciate you joining


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