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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  May 22, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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reported in the wake of tornadoes at tour across iowa late tuesday afternoon and evening, as we told you earlier in the show, iowa governor kim reynolds, who visited the area today's says the town of greenfield was flattened by a tornado. >> one positive note and all this horror, even though a tornado destroyed this family's home, it did avoid their outdoor kennel leading to this very happy reunion there is a new flag controversy involving supreme court justice samuel alito, believe it or not, the new york times reported during the show that two years after the upside-down american flag, the distress symbol was flown outside alito's virginia home during the stop the steal era the appeal to heaven flag was seen flying outside the family's vacation home and longabaugh, new jersey last summer the times reports that the flag was carried by rioters at the capitol on january 6, as well. and symbolizes both support for donald trump and a push to remake the us government in
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christian terms, the time says neither justice alito now, breaking news. >> nikki haley claire's she will vote for donald trump, endorsing the former rival. she fiercely attacked during are gop presidential bid. we're breaking down her announcement and the timing as she's still siphoning support from trump in the primaries, also tonight the judge in the trump classified documents case holds the first hearings since delaying the trial and a shouting match, erupts. this a bit new photos and revelations about the mar-a-lago search and the fbi investigation and sean diddy combs is facing another allegation of sexual assault.
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this time in a lawsuit filed by a former model. >> it's happening i mean, just days after cnn exclusively obtained a 2016 video showing the rapper kicking and dragging his then girlfriend welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i will flick their urine the situation room the skis, cnn, breaking news first up tonight, the breaking news more than two months after dropping out of the republican presidential race, nikki haley now says she will be voted for donald trump in remember that she urges him to do more to reach out to her supporters. >> let's bring in cnn's kylie out would follow the haley campaign during the gop primaries kylie, how is haley explaining this? >> well, she put it pretty clearly today. she said that former president trump is simply the better option over president joe biden. she made
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it very clear that she personally will be voting for him, and she also said that this is a situation where he's going to have to continue to earn the support of her voters. now, we should note wolf that when she dropped out of the race, she was running against the former president in the primary. she did not lucidly endorsed former president trump and it got pretty heated between the two of them on the campaign tries to recall at one point, she said trump was not qualified to be president because of the way that he had talked about military families. she said military families couldn't trust him to keep their loved ones out of harm's way. so there were some significant in jobs that were traded between the two of them. they still have not spoken since you dropped out of the race? more than two months ago now, but today, making it clear that she personally is going to be voting for him in november. listen to what she said. it's good to be as of voter i put my priorities on a president
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who's going to have the backs of our allies. >> and hold our enemies to account who would secure the border? no more excuses. a president who would support capitalism and freedom a president who understands we need less debt, not more debt trump has not been perfect on these policies. i've made that clear many, many times but biden has been a catastrophe so i will be voting for trump having said that i stand by what i said in my suspension speech trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continued to support me and not assume that they're just going to be with him and i genuinely hope he does that now both even
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after dropping out of the race, there were states in the primary where there were voters who voted for nikki haley in some states, she was able to garner close to 20% of the vote. >> so it is clear that even though the republican party has clearly coalesce behind former president trump and she is doing that even further today. there are still voters out there who wanted haley, who are making a protest vote and she is saying that the former president is going to have to reach out to them. now, the question remains, will former president trump make a phone call to nikki haley? they still haven't talked and will she do any campaigning on his behalf if she's asked to well, kylie out with reporting frehse, kylie. thank you very much. i'm gonna get some quick reaction to nikki, haley's dramatic announcement from the trump world for that, i want to bring in cnn's kristen holmes, who has been working her sources over there. kristen, how will this play? >> well, that's really interesting, and that's the big question here. i mean, despite the fact that nikki haley and trump had this somewhat bitter and personal rivalry, i'll
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remind you that he called her names. that's certain point he made fun of her husband and his military service. now you see her really falling in line behind them. a pattern that we've seen from republicans since 20 16, with these fuse between donald trump and other republicans and then them eventually saying that they would come out and vote for donald trump. now the interesting part here is, as kylie mentioned, whether or not this actually moves the needle with these protests, voters, with these haley supporters, i will remind you, we showed a list there of some of the states in which haley really outperform what she should have given the fact that she was had dropped out of the race, pennsylvania really being the key one. this was over a month after she dropped out. pennsylvania is a state that is considered completely purple. it is a battleground state and one that the trump team wants. she got over 16% of pennsylvania republican voters. that is a huge number and others still republicans who believed that these nikki haley supporters are critical for
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donald trump. there, even republicans that are in donald trump's immediate circle who have suggested that he reached out to her, who have suggested that he even consider her for vice president. now, that is something that he himself has almost completely lately ruled out. he said that on social media that he would not be considering her for vice president. we have yet to hear any reaction from trump or his team on nikki haley saying she would vote for him. i will remind you, he's currently in texas attending a series of fundraisers with these oil and energy executives. will kristen holmes reported in kristen, thank you very much. >> let's get someone else. let's just from our political experts said, let me start with david chilean, or political director are how significant is this nikki haley endorsement of trump? was a significant development because she did something she hasn't done before, which is publicly say in with him and i'm gonna vote for donald trump i don't think this is a terribly surprising development. i don't think there was anywhere else for nikki haley, the land in this race, if she wanted to preserve any kind of future in the republican party, it's donald trump's republican party and
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he's remade it in his image. so i think the political calculation was always sort of inevitable that we'd get here. but i do think it is interesting because she she said that biden would be a catastrophe and yes trump isn't been perfect on these things. that is very different from when she talked to dana bash in new hampshire and she said, these guys are equally bad. she clearly has moved in her calculation on that as she made this decision about who she was, country certainly hasn't. and gloria, i want to remind our viewers of some of the things that nikki haley use to say use to say about donald trump. listen to this, the tape. >> the other day, donald trump accused me of not providing security at the capital on january no i have long called for mental competency test for politicians over the age of 75, chaos follows him and we can't have a country in disarray in a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos. we won't survive it. i feel no
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need to kiss the ring i have no fear of trump's retribution. that's the chaos that comes with donald trump. that's the offensiveness. is going to happen every day between now and the general election, which is why continue to say hey donald trump cannot win a general election. >> he won't gloria, what's your reaction here you go. >> never mind, right? i mean, look, today, her endorsement was not exactly what i would call full-throated. she did not tell her voters, you've got to vote for donald trump. number one number two, it wasn't in her speech. >> it came in reaction at the end of her speech when somebody asked her a question, who you're going to endorse, and then she went into her spiel about it so this is a candidate
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who called donald trump on hinged and everything else that you just showed so i don't think they're ever going to be great buddies, but i think she wants to have a future in the report. >> public party. and if she wants to have a future and the republican party, this was the only choice for her as david was saying, yeah, good point you to scott jennings. haley said trump would be smart to reach out to the people who voted for her even though she had dropped out of the republican primaries, haley did win votes from a significant amount of republican voters, including an key battleground states like arizona pennsylvania, and wisconsin, how much is this endorsement endorsement realistically help bring haley voters over to trump? i think the endorsement itself doesn't bring that may voters, but i think her doing it today ought to be a flashing red i'd like to the biden campaign about how much their outreach to these voters is failing. >> and i'm just over the last few weeks, i have heard from a ton of people who never liked
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donald trump supported nikki haley, who are saying things like, i'm radicalized all, all of a sudden because of how mortified i am about joe biden. i feel like today's haley endorsement fits this pattern of republicans who've just never really been trump, people who were saying i would rather do this than by that ought to send shivers down the spines of people who thought biden was going to be able to attract these folks. do you think suddenly they're going to accept donald trump? they are currently accepting him because of biden on you name it, student loans, israel, you go down the line. they are currently accepting it into their hearts because of how much they do not like this president maria did the biden campaign in prison biden for that matter, make a mistake and not more assertively, aggressively going after the nikki haley voters. >> oh, they've been pretty assertive wolf and this is one of the things because i wanted to point out and underscore in this conversation of the two candidates between joe biden and donald trump. only joe biden has actually welcomed
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nikki haley's voters to his campaign. they have run ads in battleground states to these voters about all of the issues that those voters care about to win man, to independence, to moderates. they are having back-channel conversations with nikki haley's donors. i actually disagree a little bit with my friends scott here because i have heard from a lot of those voters as well. and you're amazing cnn's amazing reporters have been on the ground talking to a lot of the folks who wanted to vote from nikki haley? >> yes. some of them say yeah, i guess i'm going to think about voting for donald trump, but many more have said there is no way in hell i will vote for donald trump if nikki haley is not the candidate. >> and the fact that there's so much support for her, even as she left the race, i think should be chilling. and is a huge challenge. nikki haley uncovered a huge deficit for donald trump that he has done absolutely nothing to try to fix. >> so you think it's bad that nikki haley endorse donald trump, you think that's bad for trump i think i don't think
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it was actually a full throat and endorsement. >> if that wasn't endorsement then yeah, i actually don't think it's good for him and endorsement means get a look. voters, people who voted for me go out and vote for this person. i'm going to go campaign for this person. i'm gonna go raise money for this reaction, gave him that they still come. this is step one but she still wants to have a future in the party when she got out of the race and we had all this conversation about the halo voters. we always i think like any right analysis of this would say the vast preponderance of those voters voting in the republican party are likely to return home to the republican nominee, kinda like nikki haley just did. >> now beyond just her statewide totals, what's so interesting is if you go inside the states where she even did more business, got more votes than she did statewide. >> or in the suburban areas, it's not just that we didn't arizona. what. she did america county, it's what you did in the file's suburbs. i think that is still on the to-do list of donald trump, of making sure
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those voters are part of his coalition he does need those voters that i don't i agree with scott. i'm not sure this automatically brings those voters, but clearly, this is one of the best pieces of political news that the trump team has had in quite some time. the last holdout from his rivals saying is getting the national it's the national security voters she was a national security candidate, a traditional reagan national security candidate. and i think a lot of the people who were voting for her for those reasons have recently become very, very happy with she was though she was also somebody who gave the republican party hope that the republican party can make a dent on the issue of choice because according to ladder republicans, i didn't agree. my dear your friend alice, are different. alice always talked about this that nikki haley actually talk to republicans in a much more centered, nuanced way about the issue of choice. she is now not i mean, she's still might do that but donald trump certainly won't. he's already talked
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about some ways that are going to continue to tell those voters. this is not a party for you i don't want to give women the right to make decisions. big question for donald trump is, and we might know the answer to this is, can he be magnanimous well, we know the answer now that she has made the first overture and i don't think it was full-throated, but it she said she is endorsing him. that's plenty will he now say thank you, nikki haley doesn't have to say she's going to be as vice president, but will he come out and put his arm around her and say, thank you very much. and i hope you're voting we'll see smart he would, but he hasn't thus far in joe biden. well it's only point out. >> i will point out that earlier this month to david, you remember this trump posted this nikki haley is not under consideration for the vp slop, but i wish her well well, that
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was yeah. >> yeah i wish her well, maybe was the entree like harvey, listen, joe biden doesn't need all of nikki haley voters. he needs some slice of them and there are probably some of them that are still within reach. but today, she showed that she's in trump's can scott this has been a bumpy week as we all know, a couple of weeks for trump, given his trial in new york and all of that so why do you think she's making this endorsement now? >> yeah. i'm with glory. it didn't seem like it was planned for today. it felt like it was in response to something. but look, the campaign is short. i mean, we're already here in may. we were convictions are coming up. i mean, eventually, if you want to be seen in your party as being part of the winning team and go in for the big time. such touchdown. you, you gotta get on the field at some point now is as good a time as any the campaign is all we've got debates on the schedule. it's time for people to lose out there alone. also, everyone else had done endorsed him. it was time for her to do something that you did that today buddy. thank you very, very much. just just ahead. new
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reporting about another provocative flag flown at a second home of the supreme court, justice samuel alito. and what the judge in the trump classified documents case appears to be signaling right now about her views on new bids get the charges tossed those situation room with wolf blitzer. >> he's brought to you by progressive save when you bundled motorcycle, rv, and boat insurance visit, you know, when i take the bike, i like this, all my stress is just melt away. >> i hear that bad boy can fix anything yeah. >> tough day at work. nice cruises sorts. you write out when i'm writing, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity he shouldn't ignore it. >> and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills and it's hopped on the bike, man, i'll come on. you got to pay your bid you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number one motorcycle insurer? >> well, you definitely do those things unrelated so that is a vibrating pain one reading
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going off and bang the tornado here i'm thinking, i'm going to die. >> and i thought that was it violent earth with the liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn, closed captioning is brought to you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, i can having utis for ten years. >> you, cora. we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary tract help product. >> you cora is a life stage write today at you or a the breaking news this our involving the us supreme court justice samuel alito for the second time in two weeks, there is now reporting that a provocative flag embraced by trump supporters was flown at one of samuel alito owns this time, it's to this vacation house out in new jersey. >> are justice correspondent jessica senators joining us now? she's got the details. tell us about this new york times report. this latest one, jesse. yeah. wolf, apparently numerous neighbors at that long beach island home or talking to
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the new york times telling them about this most recent flag. of course, it was just last week on friday say that there were those reports of the upside down are inverted american flag that was seemed carried by supporters of the stop the steal moving around january 6 at alito's alito's virginia home. this time it's this so-called appeal to heaven flag. you're seeing it there, flown outside his home on long beach island new jersey. now it has a history dating back to the revolutionary war, but it has recently become a symbol for supporters of former president donald trump. >> now, as for this most recent revelation, justice alito has not responded to these pictures published by the new york times we did hear from justice alito on friday he released a statement saying that the inverted flag outside is virginia home. >> that was placed there leading up to joe biden's inauguration in 2021. he said it was placed there by his wife in response to a spat with neighbors as for this time with the revelations of the flag outside his new jersey beach
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home, our team has reached out to the court. we have not heard back. >> it's interesting and maybe important to note our producer on capitol hill actually saw this same appeal to heaven flag flying outside house speaker mike johnson's office just tonight she talked to the speaker and he said, it's george washington's flag. >> it goes back to the founders era. i've always flown that flag it has nothing to do with that when asked about associations with stop the steal or donald trump now of course, will speaker john johnson is a politician. justice alito is really supposed to be an impartial justice here. one of nine sitting on the country's highest court and already from last week, we heard democrats calling for justice alito to recuse himself from any cases associated with january 6 and there are two that we are awaiting rulings on one actually involves whether certain capitol rioters charged with obstruction can still be charged under a particular federal statute. the other
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case, of course, is the big one, whether donald trump's should be immune from criminal prosecution as it relates to his january 6 case. we have not heard any comment from justice alito about those calls to recuse. and we also haven't heard a statement from justice alito about this most recent isn't revelation from the new york times, but no doubt wolfe calls could keep growing now that this latest revelation has come out in the new york times, we will be watching the reaction jessica. thank you very much joining us now, donald trump's former national security adviser, john bolton, these also the former us ambassador to the un faster. thanks for joining us. so as you just heard a second flag related to the january 6 events was flown outside another one of justice, samuel alito foams. does this in your mind raised concerns about whether he can impartially serve on the us supreme court absolutely not. i think it is outrageous outrageous, and unacceptable
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for people to take a flag from the american revolution and say that because some january 6 protesters fluid that it's now unacceptable to fly that flag. and i'd like to hear a democratic party politician say that expressly. >> you know the january 6 people flew a lot of flags. >> the gadsden flag don't tread on me they don't have the right or the ability to expropriate a patriotic symbol of the united states and then have everybody else say it belongs to them and condemn sam alito or anybody else for flying that flag. >> i think what's unacceptable? is this rush to find some reason to criticize alito i first heard about the upside down american flag as being a january 6 symbol. when i read about it in the new york times, about a week ago i have no idea what was on justice alito's
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wipes mind when she fluid. but if somebody hadn't told me that they thought it was a symbol of the january 6 people. i wouldn't have guessed it. i would thought maybe she was giving the finger to one of her neighbors and that may not be appropriate either. but i'm telling you it's gotten to a point where people tried to take symbols of american patriotism and turn them against supreme court justices is over the line, but surely us supreme court justice be using these flags that are clearly right now, at least have some political implications, as well as some historic, some history be there. but currently they have political implications should a us supreme court justices do not accept sure on that is just wrong. >> well, they do have political implications of these flags. >> well they don't have political coalitions can make six says used by those who supported the insurrection is,
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you know, and this other flag is also no, i didn't know that. i can well, i didn't know that until i read it and that's why it's controversial. >> here's the bottom line. >> are controversial for liberals no, listened well, it's controversial for liberals who have it in for sam alito, it's not controversial for me and i'm as against donald trump as anybody i know in this country. so the bottom line, as far as you're concerned, he should not recuse himself for the sake of the country well, if that's an unfair question, he should certainly not recuse himself. there's no indication that it was intended to express any support for january the sixth. and i tell you those who are using this tactic against alito now it will come back to haunt them. >> well, i will tell you that those who supported the insurrection are using his it's flagged displays as a basis of support for them well, look into an american patriotic flag. >> i support the right of antibody to fly it, period all
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right, let's talk about nikki haley's announcement today. you know her well, from serving during the trump administration together, you say trump is dangerous and unfit for office, much like she did when she was a republican candidate for the presidential, for the republican nomination. so what's your reaction to her announcement today? >> for your friendship well, i'm disappointed. >> i think she's obviously made a political calculation that it's in her interests to support donald trump i am disappointed, but but a lot of republicans are making the same calculation because the performance of the biden administration has been so appalling. and i believe if donald trump wins the election on election night, his victory speech should start off by thanking joe biden and the democratic party for nominating biden against him. >> you want to share with us who you are going to vote for
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and it was yeah, i've said before on your network, in fact, as in 2020, i'm going to write in the name of dick cheney. >> i don't think biden or trump are fit to be president and i'm not going to ruin my vote by voting for somebody who's not competent to hold the job. >> you've also warned vascular that trump would cause irreparable damage to us national security in a second term, that he could withdraw from nato. you've suggested that he could embolden america's enemies. what are the stakes of a second trump term? and as nikki haley helping to enable that well, i noticed that in her remarks, at least is reported in the press. she said that she wanted to support a president who would back america's allies and hold its enemies accountable. and that's not donald trump, that's not as record in office and i'm very much afraid that would not be his his, performance if he if he did get a second term i don't know
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what nicky's calculations are. i hope she's not thinking of being as vice president because i think for trump, the two the two questions that are most important in interviewing prospective vice presidents are, number one, do you think the 2020 election was stolen? and number two, if i asked you to do something akin to what i asked mike pence to do on january the six. would you do it? >> and anybody who answers yes to either one of those questions, i think is disqualified to be vice president, but i think if she's interested in in that nomination, she's going to have to answer affirmatively somewhere another to those two questions are always good to get your blunt views basket of john bolton. >> thank you very much. we'll continue this conversation hopefully down the road coming up. what the judge in the trump classified documents case appears to be signaling right now about her view i knew bids to get the charges tossed. and as the trump hush money trial nears its historic conclusion in the coming days, i'll ask michael cohen's lawyer about the impact of her clients
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what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. 908358 even mackenzie in washington. >> and this is cnn tonight. >> it's not clear when the judge in the trump classified documents case will rule on new efforts to get the criminal charges thrown out seeing that senior justice corresponded evan perez is in fort pierce, florida right now. that's where back-to-back hearings were held earlier today, evan you are in the courtroom. what can you tell us? >> well, we spent about five hours in court today. there were two hearings that the judge was was presiding over.
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all of them having to do with motions by the former president and his co-defendants to try to dismiss the charges the judge seemed skeptical of those efforts. she said at a lot of the arguments appeared to be things that could be handled before a jury. however, she did say she did. she did seem sympathetic to the idea that she believed that jurors may have a hard time understanding some of the complexities of what she said this case presents i'll read you just a part of what she said from the bench. she says it's going to be hard for someone to detect what's different with these counts. now, that's part of the argument that the defendants have been making. they're saying that there's technical issues that were with the indictment of why they believe some of these charges should be tossed there was also a heated part of the hearing where where the defense there was an attorney stand, woodward, who represents walt nauta, one of the co-defendants. he accused
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prosecutors of essentially mentioning the fact that he was up for a potential judgeship as a way to try to get him and his client to try to cooperate with the investigation that prompted a response from david harb cuz one of the prosecutors, and he said this was simple fantasy. now, we'll at the end of this hearing, these two hearings, a judge did not make a ruling and one of the things we keep waiting for wolf is for a potential new trial date. the judge i had canceled the trial, which was supposed to get started sometime this week she has not yet set a set a trial date, but of course, as you know, we'll have several more months before the election and the judge has already scheduled multiple additional hearings for here in st. fort pierce. >> well, and some were sharing our viewers pictures of those boxes of highly classified documents lying all around mar-a-lago very, very open, open area, indeed all right,
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evan, thank you very much. i want to move on to donald trump's hush money trial right now tonight, the judge in that trial is working to finalize jury instructions aiming to present get them to both sides lawyers tomorrow. jurors are on track to get the case next week after closing arguments on tuesday, there deliberations could potentially hinge on the testimony of the prosecution's star witness, michael cohen joining us now, michael cohen's lawyer, danya perry dayana. thanks very much for joining us as your client, michael cohen, confident that the prosecutors successfully tied trump to the alleged illegal activity in this case and met their burden beyond a reasonable doubt. >> look, the trial is still pending, so i'll leave his feelings aside. and what matters here? the judge will. instruct the jury not feelings, but facts, cold, hard facts and michael cohen did lay out in what must have been
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excruciating detail for the defense many, many facts that if believed will establish the prosecution's case beyond a reasonable doubt. facts which were corroborated by some 20 witnesses and a mountain of evidence. phone records. in fact contemporaneous notes that whatever the defense let's to say about mr. cohen, he could not have made up. they were outside of his control, including a famous exhibit 35, which was allen weisselberg's contemporaneous notes about exactly how the illegal campaign contribution was going to be paid back as legal expenses to mr. cohen. >> so look, i will tell you felt i felt that his testimony came at great, both on direct and across and redirect and re-cross. >> so but we'll see the jury will have it in its hands on tuesday and all that matters is the way that they received the testimony, as you know, danya, judge merchan, he potentially could decide on jury
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instructions as soon as tomorrow, how significant do expect the instructions will be to the ultimate verdict in this case the instructions are always critical. it's the last thing a jury hears before they go into the jury room to deliberate. >> and this i was in the courtroom for a week i observed the jury closely. they are a they appear to be very attentive group. they appear to be in line with each other, which is always interesting. to look for and always something the prosecution will be happy to observe and they nodded along with a judge when he would give them just their ordinary day-to-day instructions about not to look at the press and not to talk about the case or form an opinion and so i've ever reason to believe they will take his instructions very, very seriously. and there are some serious matters that are under consideration. and so while it's not the most scandalous or scintillating part of the trial for the press corps. in fact, it is of utmost
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it's critical for the jury. >> they've heard five weeks now of testimony and now they have to lay those facts onto this legal scaffolding. >> and apply the facts to the law as instructed by the judge. always important and certainly important in this case, it's very important indeed, danya perry, thank you very much for joining us and just ahead we're following new developments on the newest lawsuit against sean diddy combs, where another woman is now publicly accusing the musician of sexual assault. >> hey, with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day physically it's clear that i'm the dad. >> okay. so which dad is paying guin's is quiet luxury at disruptive prices because uniform things should be before everyone with quince.
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slash tv to clean your $5 trial i'm kevin lip ttac at the white house. >> and this is cnn tonight, rapper and producer sean diddy combs is facing a new lawsuit accusing him of sexual assault. this comes just days after cnn obtained exclusive surveillance video of combs attacking his then girlfriend back in 2016, cns brian tatas, i report we have to warn our viewers. some may find some of the video in this report disturbing after meeting rap mogul sean diddy combs at a 2003 fashion week event in manhattan, the latest accuser alleges he drugged and
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sexually assaulted her. >> crystal mckinney in a new lawsuit alleged just combs promised to help advance her career, asked her to come to his studio later, gave her a laced marijuana joint and forced her to perform a sex act on him. she says afterwards, she lost consciousness and woke up riding in a ataxic. >> crystal mckinney is the southern belden mckinney who's career was launched five years earlier. >> once you want an mtv fashion model on test at age 70 says, she later suffered depression and substance abuse and attempted suicide. >> this is exactly what happens to victims of sexual violence. their lives are up ended. the depression in the self-blaming and the attempted suicide, as we saw in this case, is unfortunately quite commonplace and its tragic. >> the mckinney lawsuit comes just days after cnn obtained and aired exclusive surveillance video from 2016 showing combs kicking and dragging his then girlfriend, cassie ventura, in the hallway of the hotel. that attack was referenced in a civil lawsuit
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last year, that venture brought against combs venture allege that combs raped her and subjected her to repeated physical abuse over the course of their relationship. that lawsuit was settled comes as attorney said, at the time the settlement was not an admission of wrongdoing, but after cnn released the attack video, combs issued this video message that i make no excuses my behavior on that video excusable i take full responsibility for my actions in that video disgusted after the hotel assault video was released, misa hilton, the mother of combs is elder son, wrote on instagram about ventura, quote, i know exactly how she feels and through my empathy, it has triggered my own trump the complaint from crystal mckinney is the seventh lawsuit in which combs has been named in recent months, six of them containing allegations of sexual assault. >> combs has repeatedly denied wrongdoing. >> this also comes on the heels of a raid on two of his properties by homeland security unit that handles crimes, including human trafficking.
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>> a stunning turn for the normal honestly successful grammy award winning rapper record label executive and fashion mogul it is just stunning to see someone that we have a lot of us have grown up listening to his music and enjoying him as an entertainer. >> it's really difficult to think about that and to see him in that light after you see him doing this? in this video regarding the latest allegations from crystal mckinney cnn has reached out to representatives for sean combs and for mckinney for comment. we've also reached out to combs label bad boy records, sean john clothing, and to universal music group incorporated, which were also named as defendants in mckinney's lawsuit. we've not gotten comment from bryan todd reporting for us. thank you, brian, very much we'll be right back you built something people want. >> now, they want more of it this to credit helps you get the funds you need make sure your inventory as buttoned up
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more liebermann at the pentagon. and this cnn the families of seven female israeli soldiers have just released graphic video of their abduction by hamas. csb ana galadriel guy has the story for us. we want to warn our viewers. some of the footage is disturbing canal one lady, dr.
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horrific new video released of israeli female soldiers captured at their base at nahal laws along the gaza border on the morning of october 7 revealing the violent nature of their abduction and the brutality that they experienced at the hands of hamas. >> the video obtained by cnn was previously released by hamas, then edited by idf, and later released to the families of the hostages. in it, you can see several female idf soldiers all border observers they're faces bloodied and bruised, their hands bound as they're forced against the wall one, here's what they are outnumbered by hamas militants who are heard in a chaotic scene shouting praying and interrogating the soldiers five of the seven women's seen in the video are currently still believed to be held captive by hamas 229 days after being taken the three most
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prominently seen in the video are leery, albag, a ganim burger, and naama levy all 19 years old we spoke with numb as mother i yell at levy shachar shortly after the video was released, she was part of a youth program promoting peace. xi met with when she was on a delegation to california, she met with different youth from israel, palestine jewish americans this previously released video of naama being pulled out of a jeep, her pants bloodied, raised concern about hamas using sexual violence as a weapon of war. >> a united nations representative issued a report following a visit to israel and the west bank earlier this year we also have reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may still be ongoing against those still held in captivity the families of these soldiers agree to release this video. >> now out of frustration over
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what they view as inaction from officials, including israeli officials, to prioritize hostage deal. the hostage and missing families forum releasing this statement in part, the video serves as an indictment for a national failure and the abandoning of the hostages. >> we feel that time and time again the negotiations. are not proceeding. do two different reasons. obviously, the hamas have there, they're part of it. this cannot be aside story so, yes, i think this is the video that we agonized over if we should be having it published, et cetera and some of the families didn't even some of the family members didn't even watch it until now. >> i, think it should be shown to citizens in order to promote this to mobilize our government
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to put this in the top priority, and to move ahead and bring them all home. is it true that some members of the government did not want to watch this video the ministers and members of the government, where we're asked to watch a version of this video in their meetings. >> and some of them refused. and said, you we want to sleep at night, so we don't want to watch this now if this is the reaction when their duty is to watch all these materials of october 7 and everything from that point on. this is their job. >> so they can make correct decisions. >> then we would think that we should just put it out there for our citizens and for the world to see bianna golodryga, cnn thank you. beyond and we'll be right back vision works, see
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