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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  May 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? how much you can save the nba playoffs. i always get emotional, you more concerned about what's going on inside the nba than what's going on inside a you, you know, doc, right? and that's all the time we have. thanks for watching. are you cutting to a commercial western conference finals preserved by adhd begin tonight on tnt tonight. >> it's been shared millions of times on social media. a photo claiming to be cricket, the 14 month-old dog that was shot and killed by the south dakota governor kristi noem the only problem is this dog is not cricket. it is a dog named blue, very much alive. but how did blue end up? is the face of political scandal? oral are donie o'sullivan looked into it and found the picture came from a reddit user. it was posted more than a year ago, but then it was picked up on twitter when the kristi noem story went viral and the dog
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then was identified as cricket. it's spread light like wildfire, even published by one of the uk's biggest newspapers even though it's been debunked, it still popped up today as cricket. thanks for joining us. >> anderson starts now tonight on three 60 breaking news, no trial date, but already a fight between prosecutors and defense attorneys in the classified documents case four, fbi director james comey joins. >> i'll us ahead, also breaking news tonight in new york times report on a second controversial flag flown at the home owned by justice samuel alito. the report are on both stories is here. >> and nikki haley, she called trump, are unhinged, but now says she will vote for him well the republicans who voted for her do the same good evening. >> thanks for joining us. a shouting match or up to today. and in federal court in florida during the first of a series of pretrial motions in the long-delayed case against the former president for mishandling classified documents. there were two pretrial hearings today, bids by the former president and a
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co-defendants to throw the case out the classified documents case no longer has a trial date as you probably know, the judge in the case, aileen cannon has allowed a number of pretrial motions to stack up and delayed proceedings just last night, we reported on these photos, which we've not seen before. there are the co-defendant, walt nauta, trump's former valet from the white house, who still works closely with him the photos show nauta moving boxes around mar-a-lago on june 1, 2022 just before a trump attorney was supposed to search for those boxes at mar-a-lago for classified documents, something he had to do under subpoena prosecutors say that not a move the boxes as part of an alleged conspiracy to conceal classified material from federal designators. now, the photos were part of a federal judge's opinion saying that investigators had strong evidence that the former president intended to hide classified documents. she also noted that an empty folder marked classified evening summary was discovered in this bedroom months after the fbi's search that same filing from
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last night also included the standard operating procedure for when the fbi conducts a search. agents is they are always are in such a search. were armed, which has led trump and some of his supporters to suggest that the agency was out to kill him trump actually posted on his social media site wow. i just came out of the biden witch hunt trial, manhattan, the icebox and was shown reports that cricket joe biden's doj and they're illegal and unconstitutional rate of mar-a-lago authorize the fbi to use deadly lethal force congresswoman marjorie taylor greene's said the fbi were planning to assassinate president trump. they weren't. again, the agency was following protocol and secret service was made aware of the surge in advance and trump was not there. there is still no trial date in the classified documents case. and based on today's hearing, no indication of when a date will be set. evan perez joins us from florida outside the courthouse. what was the shouting match about what addison this was a
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hearing in part to hear these arguments by walt nauta and his attorney to stand woodward. they were arguing that walt nauta is the subject of selective and vindictive prosecution and one of the things that stan woodward, his attorney, was arguing today was that he recounted an episode where he said prosecutors reset we're essentially trying to pressure him to try to get walt nauta to cooperate with this investigation. he said there was this meeting where prosecutors mentioned the fact that he had applied for a judgeship and the chances of getting that judgeship now that prompted a very sharp reply from prosecutors david harb stood up and said that his interpretation of those events were fantasy. the judge, at one point had the tell everybody to calm down because things had gotten so heated during this hearing, these two hearings, anderson that took took over
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five hours for the judge to hear again. she didn't rule from the bench as she usually doesn't but she did seem skeptical of these efforts by the defendants. two who tried to dismiss these charges, anderson. >> so what is the latest on when the trial might actually happen we still don't know. >> i mean, every time we come down here, we show up thinking that perhaps this is the de, we're going to hear of a new trial date that did not happen today and look, today's hearing was an example and exemplified why this case is moving so slowly, so plotting only the judge allowed and in sort of indulge the defense to go down a number of rabbit holes. there was one point where the defendants were arguing that there was a discussion to delete video, if you recall, as part of this case is it's part of the obstruction charges. they said that just having a discussion about deleting surveillance video, including that it's surveillance video
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that you showed their clips of walt nauta moving boxes that that does not indicate a crime. again, the judge indulging a lot of these things over the course of five hours. again, she did not rule from the bench on any of the motions. and a reminder that we have probably at least another eight motions that the judge is planning to go through with hearings like this one, anderson empress. thanks very much. want to get some perspective now from former federal prosecutor elie honig, former us district court judge shira scheindlin former trump white house communications director anthony scaramucci. he's also the author from wall street to the white house and back the scaramucci guide to unbreakable resilience. also with his karen friedman agnifilo, a former and hadn't chief assistant ta who is now a criminal defense attorney, anthony, i mean, even for president trump idea that he's claiming the fbi was out to assassinate him or shoot him is bananas. >> well, it's bananas. everything was handled appropriately in standard operating procedure, but there's a little projection in
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that. you see if he says that about the other side, he thinks it takes a little bit of heat off of him and the unified reich rap and all the other things that he's doing on his sayyed to try to galvanize as base. so that's a typical classic trump projection manipulation move. i can tell you everything is in the playbook. if you have time, karen, what do you think judge? >> i mean what are the chances? this is going to happen the trial, you mean it doesn't seem like she is poised to have a trial anytime soon. >> there's critical hearings that need to happen. today's hearings were just two of many that have to happen and the fact that she won't even set a trial date. i don't think she has any plans or any intent tensions have seeing this case go to trial anytime soon judge. on the search warrants that you've signed off on, plenty of search warrants. i have. and it's not that hard. you look for probable cause that a crime has been committed. you look for probable cause that material are evidence of that crime will be found in that
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location. it's presented to you by an agent. if you find it, you signed it and if you're wrong, there's still a good faith exception. it's called so there's no way that this this search warrants gotta get suppressed. but that's that's the way trump's handling it. they make motions of every kind repeatedly, don't really expect to win them, but they want to tie her up. that's how i look at it. if they if they make 30 motions, then that means 30 more reasons to delay and course, she should be ruling from the bench on some of these. they're just frivolous and there's no reason to hold back on them. they denied what does that mean? ruling from the bench. i mean, she shouldn't, be able to just make the ruling absolutely. they present the arguments. it's probably letters are briefs just decide there's no reason to hold off in reserve on every single motion i aid say it again, denied. denied. exactly. right. i mean, she should know on some of these at their frivolous just frivolous, why why would she not be ruling from the bench? >> i mean, is it just my answer she's insecure absolutely. she's in secure. a secure judge who knows what they're
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doing like judge kaplan, like judge marsha, and their two judges who were eight able to control trump. they know what they're doing, they're very experienced, and they're confident. so they rule. we call it rule enroll that we did. she doesn't rule and roles she rules on reserves are reserves and doesn't rule. and that's not the way to move a case along. let me just vouch, having been ruled enrolled via your honor, judge, finland does know how to move a case quickly. >> i think it's important that we call out again this lie that is spreading now, alarmingly quickly that there was some effort to hesitate, didn't say, but to assassinate donald trump. it's so ridiculous, but i think the most important way to understand it is if we see where the light comes it's from. so in the search warrant documents in a federal search warrant, and i think we have this and we can put up on the screen, there is a standard piece of paper that basically says here, law enforcement officers of the department of justice may use deadly force only when necessary. that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force is threatening image bodily harm, or imminent death to another
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person. in other words, it is limiting. it says, do not use your gun. cops, fbi agents, unless it is absolutely necessary to save a life. and then that document goes on to say, and here were all the circumstances. you cannot use your weapon if someone's fleeing, if someone's in a car. so this is a standard form. it correctly states the law and if anything, it is narrowing to a very tiny sliver and elsewhere you can use your gut and it doesn't happen the search warrants go down all the time without bio and it's boilerplate language. >> and they made sure trump wouldn't be at mar-a-lago at the time they executed a search warrant, and they went in wearing shirts instead of uniforms to try to keep it calm. i mean, they did they coordinated with secret service and advance a word talking about it. >> she and the fact that we're talking about it, trump is winning because he has a trigger braunton. >> and he says, what can i do today on truth social, that's going to trigger people to talk about this and it galvanized this is bayes. it may upset the people that want to vote for joe biden. but absolutely
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galvanize. this is based if l is basis, if people what about the urine? this is fixed. what about those voters. who are not yet decided? i don't think this plays well to the independence that biden is trying to assassinate trump in decided. >> but it is one of those drums and you know, again, i just forget. but he needs money right now. your honor. and so what's happening to him? he's flying around the country is lending and places like texas. and he and he's projecting he saying all the things that he's going to do if you were to win, he's not going to win by the way, but he will do. and the galvanizes is based and they opened up their checkbook. they start writing checks because he's way money. what he knows, he can't win we definitely not going to win anderson and maybe you we've got to snap out of the fever that he may when he's not gonna win. >> he doesn't firmly 11 of money. >> number two, he's not going to have the operations that are properly in the swing states. number three, i want you to identify the people that are going to now vote for trump.
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maybe there's a few on the margin, but there is just not enough to bring him to an electoral college victory. and the last thing i know the guy he's kinda implode himself as we get closer and closer. and we also know that president biden is way more together than the right-wing media suggesting or even the trump campaign is reinforcing what donald trump and i think he gets his club i cleaned in these two debates by president biden. so now he's not going to win, but he needs money and that's why he's pressing the trigger buttons right now. that the president was trying to assassinate me, even though i wasn't in mar-a-lago, there was a threat to my life and karen just in terms of the the documents, case, i mean, how have you seen judges like this before? >> is it because this judge judge gentleman was saying it's it's inexperience essentially. >> i mean, there is also the other option which is that it's intentional she she has made a lot of rulings that have caused a lot of people two question her fitness to sit in
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this particular case. i mean, she has really even from the beginning, at the time of the search warrant, that was that was signed, she appointed a special master, which is totally inappropriate. appropriate to do. she got reversed by the 11th circuit. so it's hard to know. i've not seen a judge, frankly, this ill-equipped to handle a case such as this it's really highly unusual. >> she should comes off as a rookie. it's insecurity as well as insignia experience. you have to be secure to rural promptly to reopen the bench, you have to believe in your ruling. she doesn't have a confidence to do it. she's really the wrong judge for this case. >> if you were calling me insecure, i'd be going in for life coaching. i mean, the way you say it very bow your honor. >> judge, didn't know. thank you very much, everybody. thank you. appreciate it. more. breaking news. the new york times is reporting on a second controversial flag that's becoming my symbol of the stop the steal movement that flew above the home of justice samuel alito, plus a three 60 exclusive or harvey weinstein
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flag dates back to the revolutionary war and fell into obscurity until it was resurrected recently as a symbol of support for the former president by religious faction of the so-called stop the steal movement, which falsely claims that biden lost the election this follows a separate new york times report last week about an upside american flag flown at the alito home in virginia in 2021. justice alito said it was raised by his wife during a clash with a neighbor who had cursed at her. both stories come is alito and the supreme court are due to rule on cases related to the january 6 riot, including the question of presidential well immunity. joy, and joined by jodi kantor who reported on both storage with the times and by norm eisen, former council house democrats during trump's first impeachment, joedae, can you just walk us through your reporting about this flag at the beach house this appeal to heaven flag sure. >> so actually it's similar to the virginia story in terms of i think it's helpful to start with the neighbors. this is a
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popular beach destination. there are a lot of voters. the alito houses in a pretty prominent place. and last summer neighbors and voters who are just going by they're saying will pack, is this flag, and they're googling it. >> and it turns out at something called the appeal to happen flag, which as you say, date stamp back to the revolution revolutionary war. >> but in the last decade has taken on a really freighted meaning and became very associated with the stop, the steal so campaign at popped up a lot in the crowd at the riot. now anderson, as you know, it's just a baseline bedrock rule that judges are not supposed to have political displays so the question becomes, what is justice samuel alito doing displaying this flag? which is so politically sensitive, which appears to connote an opinion, although we don't know that much about the particulars of exactly who raised it why he didn't want to answer questions. but he's
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doing this. first of all, last summer as the obstruction case that is so key to the prosecution of january 6 is arriving at the court. and now we're finding out about it just as these opinions are going to come out in a few weeks. >> and the i mean, clearly somebody in the alito household knows enough about flag flying. an american flag upside down. they would know the meaning of this flag and the the sort of the current incarnation of this flag. i mean norm with justice alito now facing to flag controversies, how much of an ethics problem is this forum in more broadly for the court? >> anderson, i think the court is in an absolute ethics crisis this latest expression of an
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apparent opinion siding, with the far-right activists, including those who flew this flag on january 6, comes on top of on top of undisclosed luxury vacations by justice alito, also, justice thomas justice thomas, his wife, a witness this in the january 6 cases and now these two flag photographs expressing that opinion under federal law, if there's a reasonable basis to question just the question anderson the impartiality of a justice the log expressly mentioned justices of the supreme court they are supposed to step aside and given the situation that we're in it's not just the coming decisions the january 6 case was set for trial at the beginning of march. we know from the questioning that
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justice alito and justice thomas are entertaining this absurd idea that seal team six is allowed under presidential immunity to commit political assassinations were already in crisis just because of the delay of that case. and the chief justice and congress must act. >> joedae what i don't understand is the first flag, the upside down flag outside the alito home? he said that was in response to a neighbor using a nasty word to his wife in an argument, was that argument about an anti-trump sign on the neighbor's lawn? i think we just lost her norm. there are a lot of people who viewed the supreme court from a different lens in recent years because of ethics issues like this that keep happening has the court faced anything like this before? >> justice at for us during the
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1960s, johnson administration, he was at johnson, johnson kotb fanon two was put on the supreme court stepped off, the supreme court because he had excepted a retainer about $20,000 from an individual who had been accused of securities wrongdoing he afford us was not actually accused of wrongdoing himself, but he had a sense of shame. anderson. >> this is the fordist scandal on steroids and the combination of undisclosed substantial luxury vacation from those with interests ideological or business before the court and the spouses. >> alito is pointed, does spouse on that upside down flag ginni thomas, we know was a witness and now a second expression of a political opinion constituting a parent bias. we don't have to find
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bias. the chief judge has the power to investigate. congress, has the power to investigate. it is an ethnic crisis joedae, can you hear me? i just wanted to ask you. i'm sorry. we lost you sorted for the problem the upside down flag at the alito home that we basically reporting that was in response to a neighbor who had put an anti-trump sign on their lawn. is that correct? and words were exchanged between that at neighbor and alito's wife that's what justice alito tez. >> but part of what's so interesting about new flag story is that we have pictures of the slag up in july and august and september of last year was up the whole time, but it appears to be a kind of sustained period so even after taking down this upside down flag, this other flag, then there was there already or then
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popped up. >> jodi kantor. appreciate the reporting. norm eisen still ahead after suspending her presidential campaign in margin, nikki haley's announced she'll vote for former president trump in november 1 of my upcoming guests as he's not surprised, i'll ask him why next? >> she random place like a puppy again, his number two a new door ball and less than a year in people switch their dogs food from kibble to the farmers dog. >> the authors say that it feels like magic. >> but there's no magic involved it's simply fresh meat and vegetables with all the nutrients dogs need instead of drive pellets, just food made for the health of dogs delivered impacts portion for your dog it's amazing what real food can do this, let's romantics welcome. i'm your host checkup i wish weather getting up here. fine, but i think we're just gonna go up to bad and we believe it goes
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started today, in our first public speech since leaving the republican presidential primary race more than two months go today, former south carolina governor nikki haley finally announced who she will be supporting in the election. trump has not been perfect on these policies. i've made that clear many, many times but biden has been a catastrophe so i will be voting for trump. i stand by what i said in my suspension speech trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me since leaving the race, haley, who served as trump's us ambassador to the un, has avoided endorsing him
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directly telling her voters to oppose him. she didn't hold back and went after him during the primary campaign. >> he is on hand. t is more diminished and then he was the reason that america keeps losing is because of donald trump. and the most harm he's ever possibly had is getting hit by golf ball when he's sitting in a golf cart chaos follows him. >> and we can't have a country in disarray in a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos. >> we won't survive it american needs a captain who will steady the ship, not tap size it. >> that's the chaos that comes with donald trump. that's the offensiveness. it's going to happen every day between now and general election, which is why i continue to say donald trump cannot win a general election. >> he won't with me now cnn senior data reporter harry antonin, cnn senior political commentator, former republican congressman adam kinsey. i mean, congressman can zinger. i saw, you tweeted after haley now she's gonna vote for
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trump. he said, not surprising but pathetic i certainly got the pathetic part. why not surprising to you well, let me first off say she said in the thing you played that we won't survive four more hears of trump's. >> she said, we will not survive four more years of trump and just endorsed it. well, the titanic, we should endorse him credit for that. >> she just said she was going to vote before him it's not surprising anderson because we've seen this playbook over and over again with very few exceptions that been somebody like chris christie, where people will go after donald trump, look at bill barr all these terrible things that trump is going to do to the country. but when it comes down to it, party over for country. and so that's why i'm not surprised about nikki haley. it's disappointing she said in another one of those soundbites that trump needs to reach out to her voters. i'll also say biden needs to reach out to her voters. i don't know what the biden administration or the biden campaign has been doing, but they're not reaching out to those voters. >> congressman, i mean, it
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clearly seems she wants a future, some sort of political future, or some sort of future on the lecture circuit in front of republican audiences. and nose if she's going to do that, she has to at this stage, continue to bend the knee to trump i mean, it seems like purely a political calculus it is, it is. and that's 100% true if she wants a future in the gop on this trajectory, i happen to believe the gop will be fixed someday, but she will have to the superpower of donald trump. and frankly, the maga call is they walk them. anybody back, right? just like any good church that says if you repent, you can come back. she will be walking back even if there's some tweets against her for now. and that's the superpower of donald trump. and she knows that if she wants a position in the administration may maybe if she wants to continue to be seen he was a republican in good standing.
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but as she said, in the very clip, you played four more years of donald trump will destroy this country. so she is putting her career and her interests over the country. i know it sounds dramatic. i'm just so passionate about the fact that donald trump would be nothing but terrible for the united states of america she's haley's continued to do relatively well in races. even though she's not in the race anymore. however, number has been yeah. >> i think it depends on the context, right. if you go to kentucky last night, she didn't do so well, she got in the single digits. you go to a place like maryland. she's getting 2020, 5% of the vote. but i like to look across the republican in contest and at this point, and the average republican contest, since she's gotten out, the race, she's got about 14% of the vote. that's not bad, right 14% of folks voting for someone who's not even in the race anymore is something that obviously both campaigns, both the biden and trump campaign should be interested in going after. but here's the thing i've heard over and over again. people well, sort of saying, oh, nikki, haley is
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getting these large shares of the votes even though she's not in the race, i should point out that four years ago, bernie sanders was getting about the exact same vote in the democratic primaries after he dropped out of the race. so this isn't something to me that's terribly unusual. the thing that would have been unusual was if nikki haley decided not that there are support behind donald trump, then it would've been very very interesting to see what happened to that 14% of voters. but at this particular point, this isn't something that's a historical anomaly. it's something well in line with history and congressman, do you think hayley gives now permission to republicans who may have been on the fence about voting for trump. i mean, the people who were voting for her and maryland yeah. >> she does. yeah. i mean, there's gonna be a lot that's still either the third party don't vote or vote for biden. >> but she does because if you think of it, if you're a republican and you hold strong to your values, like i do. >> but you're sitting around saying cash. i just can't bring myself to vote for biden, but maybe i will because trump's so bad. >> i really nikki haley when she comes out and says, i'm gonna vote for donald trump,
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despite everything she has said on the campaign trail, it does give you permission to say, oh, good. i got to tell you anderson, that's an ease that would be a relief like if all the sudden i could say, for instance, i'm in i'm on the trump train now. i'm a good republican again, it would be a personal relief because it takes that pressure off. so i think she gives a lot of people license to go for donald trump. this is again, the biden campaign has got to be doing a lot more to go after these kinds of folks. there are so many republicans that are ready to endorse biden that haven't heard a thing from the campaign and it's not, it's political malpractice dishonest. >> adam kinsey. thank you. harry anton as well. coming up next one-on-one with former fbi director james comey on the breaking news about the controversial flags or float supreme court justice alito's homes in new jersey and virginia also has taken the form president falsely claiming present biden tried to have him assassinated during the mar-a-lago search and details. mr. comey's new novel coming up with 13 million americans
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>> now up to 50% off that awkward on we're now in a breaking news from earlier this hour, the new york times reporting a second controversial fly was found in the home owned by a family of justice, samuel alito. >> as we mentioned, the appeal to heaven flag was seen in the elite jersey beach home last summer, according to the times the flag dates back to the revolutionary war and it's become a symbol of the stop the steal movement that falsely claims biden lost the 2020 election. this follows a separate new york times report last week about an upside-down american flag at the alito home in virginia two years ago joining me as former fbi director james comey, who's the author for new fictional crime novel called westport i want to start with justice alito. there's reporting out that he flew or his family flu two different flags that are associated with january 6 over his homes at different times is
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that at all acceptable? >> well, no, it's deeply concerning. i don't understand enough about this second flag. i'm no expert and extremist flag waving. but they're both very concerning for someone in his position because public trust and confidence is everything in the institutions of justice, as you know, merger taylor greene and others are now accusing federal agents of seeking to assassinate former president trump during search at mar-a-lago. they cite this document that was unsealed by judge cannon, the classified documents case. it's entitled policy statement, use of deadly force. we're putting it up there do you know what this can you talk about? what this document is i'm smiling because it's so crazy if you put this in a novel, it would get rejected by your editor, would not write this in one of you would say i would not. >> this is the standard fbi protocol that applies to every search and is simply reminds the participants in the search of what the rules are around the use of deadly force it's not specific to mar-a-lago is
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not specific to any would be in any search any search, and every search with the criminal trial in new york. where do you think this is headed? >> i think it's highly likely to result in a conviction. you do. oh, yeah some a small possibility i think of a hung jury. >> i think there's almost no possibility of acquittal again, you can't i've tried a lot of cases. you can't know a case fully unless you've tried it or been in the courtroom for every second, hung juries are rare. they're rare, but it only requires one juror to say, i'm not quite there and to hold out. so that's why i say a small possibility, but not a real possibility given my experience over when i was the 80% chance of conviction, given the case they've put together. >> you think they did their job even with all the weaknesses in some of their witnesses? >> yeah. i think they built a case that was not subject to cross-examination, really, it's based on documents and texts and emails in the words of the defendant and then they presented their most controversial witness, the
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cooperating bag man. but the case i bet they even talked about whether to call him given the strength of their case before they put him on. i could see why they decided they had to put them on and look to me like the evidence crossed over, which is a term used by one a meeting they might not have even needed to call michael cohen. and i think they probably discussed it, whether that would they'd gotten the case in so smoothly and so many bricks to build conviction, building that they might have hesitated to call them do you think if the former president is found guilty, i mean, do you worry about what the response to that might be no no, i think it's i continued to worry about threats against individual poll workers and counsel people and that sort of thing. i'm not worried about an uprising of violence on donald trump's behalf. i don't think you've seen the crowds anywhere. he's gone. i think a message was sent after january 6 that your life will be ruined if you engage in that kind of behavior and his crowd are not jihadis looking to die for the orange god. they are
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people who are attached to him as a cult leader in a way and entertainment figure. but they're not going to lay themselves down for him. nikki haley now says she will vote for donald trump what do you think the if there is a another trump term, what does that mean for the department of justice, for the rule of law in this country dire threat to the department of justice's autonomy and independence and to the rule of law generally. and that's why i keep saying to people, i don't know what you're concerned. turns are from left or right about joe biden, but a vote for anybody but him is a vote for a threat to the rule of law that's how serious it is or isn't the institution not strong enough? are the pillars of the foundation of justice in this country. i mean, are they strong enough to withstand a trump term? >> i guess it depends on what you mean by withstand yeah, the institution would exist four years if he if he left after four years, would still be there, but it would be severely damaged, and maybe a cultural
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change will have been worked. that would be very difficult to undo. >> that would be by what? by filling it with people who are doing his bidding, woo hoo or not? following the rule of law above, loyalty to the president. >> yeah, people he'll have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to staff the political positions, but there's plenty of scrapie is at the bottom of our national barrel. and so we'll put people in position who are willing to use the power, the investigative and prosecutor power to go after the president's enemies. do after people they don't like. and that's a very dangerous place to be. >> i want to talk about your new novel. we, you and i spoke. i think there's about a year ago, you were already writing or had written this book. >> it's called westport, what i liked about it is that it's i mean, it's a blend of both finance, their financial crimes, but also are a murderer for mystery. yeah. you're right. i had written it the way fiction works. i didn't know this before i started doing this is, you right? well ahead. i'm writing the third book. >> it's the same protagonist. >> yes. >> in the book, you don't need to have read the first book in
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order to enjoy this one. >> that's right. nora carlton, it was a federal prosecutor in the first book and now she's working enough financial industry and it's a murder who done it that i think that puts nor at the center in the cross hairs that i think it'd be a pretty good summer read for people and you're the protagonist, the main character nor carlton. >> how did you create her what what what was the inspiration? >> inspiration is my oldest daughter who's a tall federal prosecutor currently federal prosecutor in manhattan. and i put in other elements of my four daughters so i can if they don't like it, i can say that's your sister, but i can close my eyes and picture my oldest girl. when i write nora, and that makes it easy and a labor of love. >> and is there already a third in the works? >> yeah, the third is out for loving but brutal feedback from my family right now. so it'll be out this time next year jim's coming. >> thank you so much. >> great to be with you as always. >> kind of next to three, 60 exclusively, you'll hear from a woman who says movie mogul harvey weinstein assaulted her
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nearly a decade ago as part of an investigation into that alleged assault shoe, or a wire and got one seen on tape, giving an apparent admission to groping her. but prosecutors never brought charges. now, she's sharing details about the parallel she sees to the trump hush money trial same. she was also targeted by a catch and kill operation in the national enquirer nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. >> you see i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses, but i have people who count on me. so i talked to my cardiologist. i said there must be more can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called cancels. he said camps ios works by targeting what's causing my obstructive hcl. so he prescribed it i'm really glad he did. >> kim's ios is used to treat adults with symptomatic obstructive hcm kim's ios may
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. connected. >> upload your logo or start your design today had custom now, through 60 exclusive a harvey weinstein accusers speaking out as the former hollywood producer waits
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retrial in new york and a sex crimes case after his conviction was recently overturned by an appeals court the court said the trial judge wrongly admitted some testimony and incorrectly allowed prosecutors to question weinstein about verbal abuse. now, the woman you're about to hear from tonight had nothing to do with the case. prosecutors never brought charges based on her accusations. she says weinstein assaulted her nearly a decade ago johnson says she was silenced by a catch and kill effort by the national enquirer. just like the testimony in the former president's hush money trial. now she's talking exclusively with cnn's elizabeth wagmeister almost like a gut punch why is that happening? >> ombre botswana gutierrez stunned after a new york appeals court overturned the sex crimes conviction against disgrace movie mogul, harvey weinstein. the italian model, giving cnn a wide ranging interview and new details on previous efforts to keep her silent after she worked with the nypd on a sting operation
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in 2015, wore a wire and caught this on tape touch brings come on. >> i used to and do you know but i'm not despite an apparent admission of groping her new york prosecutors never move forward with the case. >> a decision that raise questions which we'll get to adding to her suspicions, someone was leaking her allegations to the press leading to tabloid headlines like grope, gao asked for movie part and secret life of harvey shy accuser. >> i was 22 years old and i was put under accusation of not being truthful and to be a prostitute or not perfect victim because i a model botswana gutierrez believed then and now the weinstein machine was behind it. all because it wasn't just him.
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>> i know there is more people behind him that have positions of power that he was using as well. >> but who bought to launch gutierrez believes part of the answer can be found here at former president donald trump's hush money trial. that's where former national enquirer boss, david pecker testified to paying off sources to protect trump's reputation by preventing negative stories from ever going public. while weinstein's named didn't come up on the stand, this tabloid news organization became a protection racket for the rich and powerful laughlin cartwright, a former editor for the enquirer, who now writes for the hollywood reporter, claims the imply protected weinstein, two, cartwright claims he was instructed by an editor who worked under pecker to buy bought to lana gutierrez a story later, learning it was to keep it from being told in to protect weinstein, who had a business relationship with the enquirer's parent company initially, amara about aligner
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was offered 20 thousand dollars by the national enquirer that we're trying to say, like, how much you want and i kept just answering being nothing. i wanted to tell my story, but i wanted to trust someone. >> cartwright says he was told to raise the stakes to 100 $150,000 for a story that the tabloid could have had for free. botswana gutierrez go-between texted back, she says no don't ask again. >> cartwright right. alleges he later learned that a top lawyer for the enquirer spoke to the manhattan da's office in an attempt to disparage bought to lana gutierrez's credibility and telling them that adverb atalanta was trying to sell her story was the complete opposite of what was actually going on because we were inducing adverb delano. she wasn't trying to sell her story. i felt sick to my stomach. the decision not to prosecute came from previous da cy vance, no longer in office.
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>> he told cnn i have no information that i recall presently that the national enquirer or anyone representing it spoke with our office about selling a story to the enquirer. weinstein told cnn through a spokesperson, the da's office knew all the facts and passed on this case had they felt they could pursue it, they would have neither pecker nor the enquirer's new parent company responded to requests for comment. botswana gutierrez says she also turned down a hush money from weinstein's lawyers. >> they went up to three 300, 700 the malian and i still turn down every time and then gutierrez as her brother back in italy, was approached by someone asking about her i got so scared. i remember that i call my lawyer right away. >> and i just said like whatever they said, just do it. >> just do it. she finally gave in and signed a non-disclosure agreement receiving money and
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agreeing not to talk. >> weinstein told cnn of the nda. >> ms gutierrez, his lawyers controlled those meetings and set the terms for it, adding his legal team later raise reasonable doubts about various aspects of her story during cross-examination in his los angeles sex crimes trial, he never faced charges and botswana gutierrez case, but she did tell her story to a jury in 2022 as a supporting witness in los angeles, where weinstein was convicted on three of seven charges and sentenced to 16 years in prison. >> and at the end of the trial, i spoke to one of the jurors and i remember he said to me, if ombre was tied to charges, i would have felt that harvey weinstein was guilty 100% i see you getting emotional and if you want to take a moment, so i know knowing that if maybe i could have just find the right person to release those recordings you know i wouldn't
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lose everything get lost and many people would have not been in the position that they are in right now because could have just finished everything in 2015 elizabeth wagmeister joins us now. so the current manhattan da has vowed to re-try. weinstein will embrace gutierrez, be involved in that trial. >> it's a great question anderson. and no, she won't. ombre told me that she is thrilled that they will retry this case, but honore testified in los angeles as a supporting witness, and these are the exact type of witnesses that are at the crux of why this conviction was overturned. the new york a court of appeal says that there was too much evidence to many women who testified because their testimony did not directly tie into these charges. so ombre is actually part of a network of accusers and survivors of sexual assault who are working towards changing these laws
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because they feel it is important for a jury to hear a pattern of alleged behavior. now, by the way, anderson, i do want to let you know that ombre is still under that non-disclosure agreement, but she broke that million dollar nda to speak to us in this interview, elizabeth, thanks so much. next it's been nearly two years since 19 children and two teachers were murdered in the vault of the school shooting. now the families, the victims have reached a settlement with the city over the shooting response details ahead transform your water and lives hydrates here for this more. it's liquid iv fashion moves fast so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level with a custom private 5g networks, we get more control production, efficiencies, and greater agility. >> that's enterprise intelligence. >> it's your vision, it's your verizon someone needs to
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unique algorithm. by it as is or customized to align with your goals all at your fingertips schwab investee 40 customizable themes, up to 25 stocks in just a few clicks this suis, but kaitlan collins, next as we approach the two-year anniversary of the evolving mass shooting this friday, 19 families the victims announced today that they've reached a $2 million settlement with the city. >> the families also say they're suing 92 officers and the school district over the failed shooting response now this comes just a day after the new uvalde school district police chief submitted his resignation, the man who held that position during the massacre was fired months after the shooting. as you may know, 19 children and two teachers were killed and you've all these robb elementary school after the shooter barricaded himself in a classroom? it took 77 minutes for officers to breach that classroom door and kill the gunman and sit for us. the news continues. i'll see you tomorrow. the source of kaitlan collinst