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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  May 23, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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announced today that they've reached a $2 million settlement with the city. the families also say they're suing 92 officers and the school district over the failed shooting response now this comes just a day after the new uvalde school district police chief submitted his resignation. the man who held that position during the massacre was fired months after the shooting as you may know, 19 children and two teachers were killed and you've all these robb elementary school after the shooter barricaded himself in a classroom? it took 77 minutes for officers to breach that classroom door and kill the government. >> the news continues right here on cnn outfront next trump, tonight's spreading a lie that the fbi tried to kill him, even though it's been widely be debunked. >> this is a hearing on trump's classified documents case devolved into a shouting match tonight plus breaking news. >> justice samuel alito under fire for a second, flag outside his home this one carried by rioters on january 6. >> will he use the mrs. alito? >> did it excuse again.
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>> and on the ground in tehran tonight is mourners flocked to the presidents funeral and a top official reveals what happened on that president's helicopter that someone had survived for hours. it's go out front and good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news trump claims deadly force authorized the quotes. the former president and his allies absurdly accusing president biden of trying to assassinate trump. but moments ago, trump's team sent out this newsletter, just got came into my email. they call it the palm beach playbook, but it comes from donald j. the very first line under top news, falsely claims that deadly force was authorized against trump bring an fbi rate at mar-a-lago that you know, the intent of that being possible assassination, the newsletter coming just an hour after trump gave this radio interview newly released court filings showed that the fbi was authorized to use deadly force if needed
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during the rate of your private home in august 2022. >> it stunning. you're a former president of united states. what was your reaction that it was authorized by biden's doj? >> well, these are officials staple as 0s a fascist, communist go to the wording here very carefully in just a moment. first, i want you to know how much this claim of an assassination has been steamrolling in the maga world. trump claiming on social media that there are quote, reports that crooked joe biden's deal doj, and they're illegal and unconstitutional rate of mar-a-lago. all caps authorized the fbi to use deadly lethal force and trump's allies are running with that narrative they authorized deadly force. they had a medic they had a plan to triage the one that they had a trauma center 18 miles away in a map this was an attempted assassination attempt on donald john trump, or people associated with him. biden
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unleashed armed agents into trump's house authorizing them to use deadly force all right i'm again, i'm going to get to this authorizing bad deadly force in a moment, but more maga marjorie taylor greene on social media, quote, the biden doj fbi were planning to assassinate president trump and gave the green light congressman paul gosar biden ordered the hit on trump at mar-a-lago a hit, an assassination. these are sitting congress of course that i just quoted. they're accusing the sitting president and the fbi of trying to assassinate if former president. now they're basing this on newly unsealed documents related to the 2022 search of mar-a-lago now, among those documents with something called a law enforcement operations order, which explains what agents are allowed to do and what they're allowed to bring with them. in this case, when they searched mar-a-lago. so what's in there is boilerplate language from the justice department manual about the use of force is a boilerplate. it's everywhere when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an
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imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person. the language is standard and it is directly from the departments manual. by the way, they also knew that trump was thousand miles away when they went in. so they knew he wasn't even there. but the former fbi deputy operations chief robbed emiko, tells out front that the language in included here is quote, standard language for every single operation bar, none boilerplate, every single situation with trump is saying is just a disinformation campaign highlighting it for people who don't know now, a disinformation campaign about a case that trump is trying to stop from ever coming to trial today at the first hearing, judge aileen cannon is actually held since she indefinitely postponed the documents case. >> the proceedings quickly devolved into a shouting match between the defense and the prosecution the judge school did the prosecutor telling him to quote, calm down. evan perez is out front i want to start with those hearings here because this was the first time we had heard from judge aileen
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cannon on this matter since basically the case was sent to purgatory any understanding here of where this case is vis-a-vis a trial? >> well today really gives you an example of why this case is moving so slowly. so plotting only because over the course of five hours, these were, these are two separate hearings. there were accusations there was shouting as you pointed out, in the end, the judge didn't rule on any of the motion trends, the emotions that were made by the defendants to dismiss some of these charges. the shouting happened because a standard woodward one of the attorneys is an attorney representing walt nauta he claimed that this is there there's evidence of a selective and vindictive prosecution of his client he, said that during a meeting with prosecutors they mentioned the fact that he was recommended for a judgeship and he implicate. he said the insinuation was that he should
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try to get nauta to cooperate with this investigation. this is something of course that got a very sharp reply from prosecutors. they said that this was pure fantasy. now, the judge did not seem like she was going to grant these motions to dismiss, but she didn't seem a lot more sympathetic to the idea that this is a complicated case, and the jurors may have a hard time understanding it now ahead of the hearing, erin, we saw those hundreds of pages of new documents of documents. we had not seen before including those images of walt nauta moving boxes at mar-a-lago, according to prosecutors, this is in june of 2022, after after the trump team had received subpoena for those documents to be turned to be turned over to the to the government yes. and so what we heard today was a lot of argument about what this obstruction case and whether the government had enough proof
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for this case to even go to trial at the end, aaron, we did not hear a new trial date from judge aileen cannon. >> there. of course, the bottom line, evan, thank you very much outside of that courthouse in florida the former trump white house layer ty cobb is out front with me now and i just wanted to start here are a couple of things here, judge cannon unsealed a large batch batch of documents at trump's request. and among them, of course, the boilerplate search warrant that trump now claims was an assassination attempt. you heard steve bannon, everybody's saying was assassination attempt, it was a hit for biden to kill trump that's false. it's in robbed. emiko said and will say in a moment, it's an every single one of these orders. >> but what was your reaction when you hear trump coming out? >> and pushing this assassination claim things get crazy or every day or and always nice to be with you trump as a consistent record of lying about the judicial process and and and his his
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perception of that process is really odd for example you're correct at these these pleadings were on earth that his insistence and not there are no longer sealed are available to the public there's there's one sentence maybe two sentences in the 87 page opinion by judge how who was i believe chief judge at the time in dc when she ruled on the issue of the attorney-client privilege and crime-fraud exception that is favorable to trump, where she cautions the government with regard to a question that they asked one to trump's lawyers yeah. but the rest of that 87 page opinion is eviscerate strunk. and frankly, if judge cannon's having a hard time understanding this case but she
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clearly is. she should read that opinion because it takes it from soup to nuts and makes it very clear how guilty the president is in this case, which has been laid out so clearly, were you surprised devin was just saying what judge cannon said today that she thought that it would be hard for a jury to understand this case do you think there's anything to that i think most jurors will have a triple digit iq and that's probably not familiar territory for judge cannon, but i don't i don't think they'll have the difficulty that she perceives and frankly, anybody who struggles to understand this should reach judge house 87 page opinion with regard to the crime-fraud exception, where she makes it very clear that the evidence is really overwhelming. and so the commission of the crimes and trump's attempt to use his own lawyer as an instrumentality of the crimes by hiding documents from him and moving documents out of the storage facility. so that when he searched it, he
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would not find the classified documents so sutaj that this was the first time we heard from judge cannon since she indefinitely postponed the trial. >> first hearing devolved into a shouting match as we were just saying what do you think there's any possibility? but. this case moves at all. there's no trial date. now. she's made that formal no, i don't think this case will move at all, and i think the fact that she's scheduling hearings, multiple hearings. >> yeah, sort of one or two motions at a time is is compelling evidence that they're most most federal judges would have long ago ruled on all the pending motions. and frankly, this is a case that should have started trial yesterday. when are two days ago when the original trial date was set? this case could have easily gotten to trial only her and competence and perceived bias and has prevented that hi, ty. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it my pleasure. >> nice to be with you. >> all right. you too. and now on this echo chamber that is
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getting louder and louder about this assassination attempt as a trump and his allies are describing it. robbed amigo is a former fbi supervisory special agent. so rob, you explained to us and others have also saying and ties explaining that it is standard procedure in every fbi operation to authorize the use of force and the conditions that were laid out so what do you say to trump and those who are calling this an assassination attempt, even just an hour ago i actually fight if, if people weren't taking a serious, i'd find it humerus because it's so outrageous. it's so so over the top that the fbi would assassinate anyone. it's one of those things that every aap has this in it. every aap has a triage plan. every aap has a map to the trauma center. >> if you look at every single operation, fbi's done, you're going to find the exact same thing in each one of them. >> it goes back to there was some during ruby ridge, there
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was a conversation about changing the rules of force and fbi got prosecuted for trying to cover that up because it wasn't legal. but you go back to this one it's one of those cases that if trump was there and they knew he's going to be 1,000 miles away. they knew he's gonna be in new york anyhow. >> but even if he was there, he probably be the safest person in the planet. >> if the fbi came in and did a search warrant there because they're not going to allow anything to happen to him in their presence. it's one of those i arrested a somali pirate and africa and literally when we're on a blacked out tarmac with disclosed jet and he looked at me when i told him he was under arrest and he looked at me, he said, are you going to kill me? and i said you're actually the safest person on the planet because you're under fbi custody now, and it goes back to the same thing too. doozy and you can talk about politics of doj and fbi and a prosecution. but to go to the fact that they're going to assassinate a former president is just so outlandish
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that it just hurts that anyone in this country would believe that bianna to do that. >> well, and that i think is what scary is it? people can't believe things like this. people will well, things like this. and just to make the point and you shouldn't even have to make the point because you're as you're laying out, it's in every case that you're all of it's in every single situation and the point is that you would be completely safe. but then there is on top of this, again, shouldn't have to make this point, but that the fbi knew trump was thousand miles away when they did the rate they knew he was not there and he was given another accommodations, right. because a former president they're coordinated with the secret service, so they knew where is location was going to be. >> and then you they did go into some things that were not on normal search warrants where they talked about not wearing a ray jacket, that it'd be a polo you wanted to keep your weapon hidden from plain sight and things. >> so the sensitivities of what they were doing was actually put into the search warrant telling the agents like, hey,
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this isn't a normal one. it's we want to be a little bit lower key. we want to be a little bit more discreet, uncertain things. so the sensitivities of who we were who he is, were taken into account. >> all right. rob, thank you very much. i appreciate your explaining it and i i hope it will also have an echo chambers, so thank you. >> thank you. >> next breaking news. another january 6 flags bought it over a different home belonging to justice samuel alito, according to the new york times will alito recuse himself from the trial? i'm cases a new details about the helicopter crash that killed or ron's president and foreign minister. >> play by play, eyewitness account of what happened in those moments plus they claim to be russians embracing china. >> but their ai generated fakes blessed by the communist government which in the sam, when human drawing goren, you might django should you should see a untrained the for down
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preserve my adhd. begin tonight on tnt breaking news, a second flag showing support for the january 6 insurrection has been spotted over a second of supreme court justice samuel alito's homes the new york times. >> again, they did the first flag. now they found the second, uncovering photos of the appeal to heaven flag. this is the one with an image of a pine tree and it is at justice alito's new jersey beaches. they found at this past summer, it's the same flag that was carried by capitol rioters on january 6. and you can see it on images taken that day. as we said, this is the second instance, the new york times at un uncovered this photo taken just days after january 6 of the american flag flown upside down outside alito's primary residence and virginia, it is a known symbol of solidarity among trump's supporters who think the election was stolen. that time, alito blamed his wife he said, quote, it was briefly placed by mrs. alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs but it comes in the context of the supreme court at
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this moment deciding to crucial cases involving trump's efforts to overturn the election in front. now, joan biskupic, she is cnn's senior supreme court analyst. joan august because i no one knows more about what you're allowed to do or not or what what would cause a situation on the supreme court, then you tonight mounting pressure on justice alito to recuse himself from trump's cases. the second instance with flag now uncovered by the new york times do you expect that he will stay defined in the face of these? calls for him to use. >> well, it's good to see you, aaron. and i think we're going to just see those calls from democrats and activists really ramp up. but we have seen no signs from justice alito that he will heed any calls to take himself out of the case. now, just last november, you remember that the justice has put in place a more formal code of conduct that was after reports of wealthy conservative interests paying for lavish trips for clarence thomas and
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samuel alito himself. and what the code set out were some rules to try to inspire confidence in the judiciary and the code specifically says that a justice should disqualify himself or herself in a case when the justices impartiality might reasonably be questioned. that is, where an unbiased and reasonable person who is aware of all the relevant circumstances would doubt that the justice could be could fairly discharge his or her duties. but here's the key thing. here and all nine of them signs that. but all nine of them are the ones who would be the arbiters of whether there's any conflict the justices are judges, so to speak, of their own cases. and there is no way to bring a complaint in any formal way that it would be aired and these are all lifetime appointees. the only way to really have a punishment is through impeachment a new, a new way to use judge and jury so this report itself, though
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finding a second flag at this time the timing is very interesting. >> do you read anything into it? >> well, i have to say beginning tomorrow morning, aaron, the justices will begin handing down the most closely watched cases of their session, and it will begin tomorrow and run through the end of june. and as you mentioned earlier, two of the most important cases involve donald, former president donald trump's efforts that culminated on january 6 at the capitol. all part of the stop the steal campaign one of those cases goes to weather former president trump should be put to a criminal trial for four counts of election subversion. that special counsel jack smith on behalf of the justice department, the american people, has brought that's one really important case involving potential immunity and the other is more directed january 6, and it involves defendants so you do not want to be subject to obstruction charges of an official proceeding. so
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or in big cases to be decided based around big cases. and this on the eve of that potentially happening, joan. thank you so much. >> thank you. and we do have more breaking news and this quote from nikki haley, she said, quote, i will be voting for trump those are the words of the former republican presidential candidate. she broke her silence. today's speaking out nearly 80 days after dropping out of the presidential race jeff zeleny is outfront i will be voting for trump with those words today, nikki haley became the biggest republican rival to fall into line behind donald trump trump has not been perfect on these policies. >> i've made that clear many, many times but biden has been a catastrophe huli were turned to the public stage for the first time since suspending her presidential campaign to deliver a foreign policy address, a dangerous worldview has risen on both sides of the aisle once again, it threatens
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our prosperity and security we need to take this one seriously, but her remarks about the threats facing the us were overshadowed by a remarkable political one at over one pivoting away from being in trump's nemesis, how much more losing do we have to do before we realized maybe donald trump is the problem to becoming his supporter. i will be voting for trump, having said that i stand by what i said in my suspension speech, trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me. and not assume that they're just going to be with him and i genuinely hope he does that since leaving the race in march, the former south carolina governor has stayed out of the public eye reconnecting with her family aide, said, including her husband, michael, who returned from a year-long oversee these deployment. but even in her absence, she's been winning votes and one republican primary after another.
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>> this is a wake-up call exposing a potential challenge facing trump in unifying the party, particularly in suburban areas of swing states like outside philadelphia, where he received nearly 25% of the vote in both chester and montgomery county please. >> while trump has not extended an olive branch to haley or her supporters, the biden campaign has targeted them through digital ads like this. >> thank you. hayley has made an unholy alliance with rhinos, never-trumper is hoping to remind her porter's of those insults and trying to win over voters eager to keep trump from returning to the white house biden campaign is closely studied. republican primary results, cnn has learned even in deep red states like indiana, where haley received more than 21% of the vote earlier this month, it's an open question. how many of those voters are lodging a temporary protest against trump or actually open to supporting biden haley did not say whether she would campaign for trump or if she's still believed the argument she made against him for more than a year got
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acknowledge the fact he can't win a general election, but she made clear she was back in the republican fold for whatever the future may hold, we have to face the hard truths and do harder work but i have faith that will rise to meet the challenge before us. if any country can still make it happen, it's hours. >> peleus comments were hardly a full-throated endorsement of donald trump. she did not mention his name ones during this speech. she gave but the point is, she said she would choose trump over biden. the question question is, what will hurt supporters do the biden campaign's still believes there are many voters out there who simply do not want trump to return to the white house for haley's part, well, she campaigned for donald trump or focus on her own future aaron jeff. >> thank you very much. and outfront now, from our trump white house insider and communications director it's a, farah griffin also, of course, on the view. so alyssa i mean, there's could be any day write any day that it happened, but
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it happened today. haley comes out major speech saying she'll vote for trump. did you see it coming? >> so it was disappointing, but not surprising. i mean, she joins a long list of people who are deeply critical of trump who have said he was unfit for office, who have launched every tack against them that they could. she of course, was also the first prominent republican after january 6 to speak to the republican party and say, you know, we need to move on. but then ultimately come back into the fold because at the end of the day career tourism, ambition, and being able to have a longstanding in the gop is more important to most politicians. what's interesting to me is this. she continues to put points on the board. the sensible vga primary that jeff mentioned i am not convinced that her voters necessarily go with her. and what i say, i why i say that is i think she was an avatar for never trump for some when other than trump, she was the person going the hardest after him. the best alternative, but i'm not convinced that even half of those end up going with her simply because she's backing trump. >> well, that and that's significant because obviously some of these states that could make all the difference, right
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and as jeff wow, it wasn't exactly a ringing endorsement, but nonetheless, she did it. she went and did it. so it didn't have to be ringing but she has been vicious in her attacks against trump. i mean, just here's a few of the examples we can't have someone who sits there and mocks our men and women who were trying to protect america. >> there is no way that the american people are going to vote for a convicted criminal. >> they're not. >> trump got out there and just through a temper tantrum, bring it, donald, show me what you got and she remember there was a time, you know, chris christie maybe maybe chris christie is going to be the one to harken back and say i was right? right. remember when he wouldn't but isn't this why people disliked politics so completely complete? donald trump would have to her family, her husband, who was serving in the military, brat and africa at the time, and she's still come is around to kiss the ring. i mean, it is it's shameful. it's embarrassing, it's pathetic, and i by the way, supported nikki haley but
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this just goes to show people that there's not going to be somebody who emerges from the old school of politics to save the republican party from where it's going. it's going to have to be somebody outside who is not beholden to wanting to have a longstanding future in the party who's trying to know angle for their next cabinet position. and i think that must be what nikki haley's doing. but what i would say is this note, the one most prominent republican who is not supporting donald trump this election, vice president mike pence, his own vice president, who was much closer to trump, was just steps from the oval office much closer than the un ambassador was, because he cannot in good conscience that he's backing someone who tries to overturn our election and is just fundamentally a threat to democracy. these other people know that, but mike pence knows the stakes are too high. >> that's and that's a fascinating point. but, but the bottom line here is, you actually don't think her voters necessarily go with her. >> i don't think so because i would consistently see what some of these nikki haley voters that they would go further than her we're in focus groups when they were interviewed in their criticisms of trump, they were actually often encouraging her to kinda lean the directions you did at the end. so i think that many
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of them are going to be on the fence watching to see where biden goes, but where it gets interesting for biden, the dynamics of the israel-hamas war. if he starts to seem like he's caving too much to the left. that's where these swing moderate republicans could ultimately hold their nose, i think, and be with donald trump. i mean, both sides are going to have to work for them, but it's not a given that they're with nikki. >> all right. but let's say it is great to see you. thank you. burning at both ends of the of the candle, as they say. >> all right. outfront nacs, cnn on the ground and tehran. >> why did the pilot of the helicopter carrying the president of iran tell the other two helicopters and the common why did dodge a cloud ahead? and then he didn't. and the helicopter disappear and new details and the investigation and the singapore airlines flight that turned deadly as more passengers i asked whether climate change is behind growing incidents of severe turbulence. bill nye is outfront do you use asleep numbers, smart bad climate. my sayyed sought after my side firmer sleep number. does that
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stand up shot of adrenaline right? hill to iran's president and foreign minister, the former president, chief of staff. who was nearby and other helicopter. so the weather was perfect at the start of the flight, 45 minutes later, though the president's pilot ordered the other helicopters to increase altitude to avoid a cloud then the president's helicopter quote, suddenly disappeared fred pleitgen is out front in tehran roots of thousands lining the streets as the caskets made their way through tech wrong chanting, marching along hey they're final respects ever since that helicopter crash that killed iranian president ebrahim raisi, as well as a force the foreign minister hossein amir up all i gas and several others, which seems displays a
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public warning here around the country's law that was especially here in tehran we're this massive per session has one that is part of the legal processions delay two rest. the people who were in that helicopters brass i am here for my president. >> she says he did a lot for iran to prove that we loved him very much. >> oh man, no, no, no net movement around supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei, him so leading the funeral prayers, a low with foreign dignitaries, but also senior leaders of hamas in attendance while arounds investigation into the crash is ongoing, the president's chief of staff was traveling in a different chopper in the convoy saying one of those aboard the doom chopper was alive and communicating for at least three hours after the crash. it equals to have with the chief of staff also getting more details on the incident so copy of ton more mostafavi captain
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mostafavi, who was the pilot of the helicopter carrying the president and the commander of the helicopter convoy, ordered the other helicopters to gain altitude angle above the clouds. >> when we reached above the clouds. and after about 30 seconds, we realized the president's helicopter wasn't with us on the streets of tehran. many hold a iran's adversaries, the us and israel responsible you have all come here to prove that we will support this revolution and we won't back away. this woman says, and then chance deaf to israel and he says, i will support my revolution until the last drop of my blood morning, sorrow and anger in the massive crowd as iran's leaders vowed to maintain stability and fred, there is still some intrigue as
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to what exactly happened to the president's helicopter. what more of you learned? >> hey, aaron, will the iranians, of course, following all sorts of leads right now in their investigation about whether or not this may have been an accident caused by bad weather or whether or not there was something else? sit play like, for instance, a technical fault or something completely different a little bit intrigue was, of course, added by the fact that that chief of staff said that it was actually the presidential helicopter that ordered that convoy of choppers to fly above the clouds, but it was the only one that then never made it above the clouds. the other thing where there's new questions is how exactly the crash site was found. of course, initially we had heard that it was a turkey surveillance drone that founded, but now the iranians are coming out and saying that, yes, the turkey surveillance drone was there. but it actually failed to detect the crash site of the chopper. the iranians themselves, of course, al-sayyid, a substantial team on the ground searching for the wreckage. aaron all right fred. thank you and i'd run next anxiety in the skies after the deadly turbulence on the singapore airlines flight, as
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more and more people are asking if climate change is really playing a role in the growing number of incidents bill nye, the science guy, is out front next, and videos popping all over social media of supposedly russian women professing their love for china japan real, reliance on cool these women are generated by ai. >> they're not real, but they're hey, i and sanctioned by the chinese government will tell you what victims of mesothelioma and their families may be entitled to receive a cash award from the estimated $30 billion in asbestos trust funds with over $50 billion awarded. we have over 30 years of experience and have successfully recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for thousands of clients, even if a family member has passed due to mesothelioma or lung cancer, you may still be entitled to a cash award if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call wanting hundred 208 1721. now means
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your area at how do i love the let me count the ways love can get a little messy good thing. there's resolved love the love, resolve the mess. >> it's coming i found another body, you're recognizing never seen him before. the obs theory is an alkyl are used the flood to cover their tracks by be careful if i were you
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. and see what you could find out. >> try today i missed this adrenaline just like every turn we can't stand my cup, play on words, shot of
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adrenaline right to the hard tonight, about 20 passengers are still in intensive care after the singapore airlines flight hit severe turbulence on the way from london to singapore or leaving one person dead and many more critically fighting for their lives. one lucky passenger is now speaking out after just leaving the hospital there were lots of people in west positions and maybe laying out on the floor and i can our lives lucky, a lot of people who have got some spinal issues from hitting their head and back down. >> so quietly, scott, a lot people fadi move that back all right, well, this comes as growing evidence is pointing to rapidly developing thunderstorms causing the severe turbulence outfront. >> now, one of the world's top and most famous science experts, bill nye, the science guy, of course, known to all watching and bill, so thank you. >> all right. it look, this isn't a terrifying thing. and
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anybody can imagine being on a plane and you've been flying along and everything's fine and then all the sudden this horrific thing happens. what do you think is behind the growing number of cases of severe turbulence we're hearing about well, severe turbulence in this case, almost certainly is from a so-called severe thunderstorm. and this is it's not arbitrary, it just means where the wind speed along the ground is over 50 knots 60 miles an hour, hundred kilometers now are almost and so what happens, everybody is this business of wind shear. and you may have heard this word, but i brought a pair of shears just so we all understand we're talking about one thing going up and the other thing coming down. and so in a thunderstorm, we spared no expense here are in an a thunderstorm, you have rising air and the air is rising because cold air is squeezing warm air up and the reason the error is warm is because
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sunlight sitting here surface being re-radiated as heat and the atmosphere nowadays is holding in more heat than it used to. >> and i'm just want to give people an idea of the scale of the thing. you have a tiny airplane next to a huge column of rising air. and if the airplane passes through the area where the air is going up and coming down at the same time the plane can suffer in this case catastrophic changes in altitude and everybody, it sounds like it was a lot of gs a lot of g-force, but it sounds like the people who got injured were not wearing their seat belts. these are flight attendants were up there working for a living and people who who might have been out of their seats. and so the hit their heads. that's a really unexpected thing. and so everybody, you know, you may have heard this wear your seat belt, but it's a real thing. >> well, i know certainly an andrew davies. he was on the plane. he was actually sitting in front of the gentlemen who we know tragically died and the
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man's wife literally what it widowed on that plane. and he was talking about what happened beforehand and it was a normal flight, ten hours, 37,000 feet. nothing he said, in fact, no turbulence. and then this all hell broke loose the plane just felt like klopp's it probably only lasted a few seconds, but i remember vividly seeing shoes and ipads and iphones and cushions and blankets and cutlery and plates and cups, flying paying through the air and crashing to the ceiling. >> the gentleman next to me had a cup of coffee, which went straight all over me and up to the ceiling and then of course he stuck with the gash, is that he saw the blood. >> i mean, just just horrific. you talk about g-forces aero aerospace engineer told the wall street journal a little bit ago that force of the turbulence could have been what an astronaut experiences during
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a rocket launch, even more than that which is it really impossible. but is this when you aaron? yeah. go ahead. sure. >> well just astronauts might feel three, three-and-a-half jeez. it sounds like these people are into nine or ten gs for a few moments fighter pilots go through 7.5 and so on. the problem is when you're not ready for it, when you're up walking around and then this change in altitude happens so fast. compare what, happens to people in car crashes who are wearing seat belts with those people who might not be wearing seat belts. it's when you hit stuff and i got into trouble. >> but i just wanna ask you one thing because you had mentioned that the air is warmer. that's part of these in your seeing the clear-air turbulence we've heard is now partially because of climate change. but even this, a thunder storm driven incident, it sounds like you're also connecting possibly to what's happening in the climate oh, yes so as the world
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gets warmer, we expect more energy to be in the atmosphere. >> and this would be a term that includes two big ideas more heat, energy, which leads to more differences in temperature, which leads to more motion of the air up and down let's see, you might have a thunderstorm way off in the atmospheric distance that causes disturbances way over where the airplane is flying and the trouble is, it happens very fast. and you know, when the scale of things the airplane might be at 37,000 feet? it lost 1,000 feet at gained 400 feet in percentage. that's very small. it's the rate, the speed at which it happened. so everybody what do you do about it? first of all, we stopped putting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as fast as we're putting him in right now. and then in the coming decades, we develop ways to to take these greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. we need big, big ideas. let's go,
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what's getter done? >> that's go bag, big ideas. it says an optimistic way of looking at it. but those ideas can be, can be conceived of and achieved thank you very much, bill next men on chinese social media, ogling over videos of supposedly, supposedly russian women, but they are not real women why the strict chinese sensors want all of this to slip? the fbi and the internet thinks this is the 14 month-old puppy that south dakota governor kristi noem shot and killed. but this dog is very much alive and we'll explain was that your grandfather leading armies to battle was that you're great aunt keeping armies alive, drafting the plans, taking the pictures was it your family members? first who flew who fixed who fought who rose to the occasion when the world needed them. most discover, preserve, and share here are the stories of your
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drawing wherein you may drunk or should change, should unsure in the board. i don't go title schrager men, the women in these videos supposedly russian with messages appealing to the romantic fantasies and nationalist pride of some chinese men in japan, real, real. >> i'm john cool below the videos, comments like this, welcome to china, russia, and beauty. >> this is so creepy. >> olga loic is a student at the university of pennsylvania. she claims in this video on her youtube channel someone cloned her image in china and is pedaling products and propaganda with ai generated deep fakes of her the narratives my clothes for voicing sounded like blake and propaganda deepfakes designed to build a narrative of alliance and admiration between china and russia.
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>> largely untouched by the government's heavy handed sensors cnn cannot independently verify the videos, which have now been taken down but not before loic says they racked up thousands of use here. did she already has 140,000 and she has a ton of videos when my face where she likes saying how much she likes russia, and how much russia needs chains, economics work as ukrainian, this has obviously been infuriating for me how this happened. >> while it says she has no idea cnn showed low x real and fake videos to people in taipei well, are they accompany light come with what couldn't tell the difference house or trainees ai, you can tell no, i well, i can tell which one is a an artificial intelligence is advancing so quickly, experts, so you need ai detection software just to identify some deep fakes. >> a general kind of
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undermining of a source of truth, please, amplifying the power of disinformation and not just in china his stage by the filipinos sayyed chinese state media is using ai enhanced videos on tiktok altering the reporter's voice and face. a disclosure on screen for just a few seconds. easy to miss. >> china's jurisdiction. the videos pushing beijing's narrative on the south china sea is this a threat? to democracy? >> most definitely, i think china has found a more cost-effective way to get its message across. >> turning today's digital landscape into a battleground for truth we're seeing is no longer believed interesting that this broadcast is not being censored in china right now, just like the majority's video is not being censored on the chinese internet. aaron i've done a lot of stories about deepfakes and every time it strikes me just how the quality keeps improving, our researcher young had to spend hours putting these videos through these algorithms to
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determine with 99% accuracy whether the video is real or fake, who on social media has time to do that is going to take the time to do that. and that's no macaj. >> people are watching these videos and then making decisions about how to vote sorry, i think well shot frozen, but we'll thank you. and it is i mean, it's unbelievable. just how realistic it is, even separate from all the crucial points that it makes about the chinese government loud front next, barking up the wrong tree, the south dakota governor did kill her dog, but it was not this dog. so why is this photo spreading like wildfire? online now, do i love thee? >> let me count the ways love can get a little messy good? >> thing. there's resolved love the love resolve the mess. >> why choose asleep numbers, smart bed. >> can i make my side softer my sayyed firmer sleep number. >> does that now say 50% of
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switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! it worth? >> bumper before you buy good morning, everyone. >> i'm kasie hunt. just wonderful to be with you. this is a massive week in politics. i hate to come i call you out right off the top. it is wonderful to see these women athletes finally get the recognition they deserve. you ever want to try on new james bond cnn this morning, next tonight it's been shared millions of times on social media. >> a photo claiming to be cricket, the 14 month-old dog that was shot and killed by the south dakota governor kristi noem. the only problem is this dog is not cricket. it is a dog named blue, very much alive. but how did blue end up as the face of political scandal? while are donie o'sullivan looked into it. in fact, the picture came from a reddit user. it was posted more than a year ago, but then it was picked up on twitter when the kristi noem story went viral and the dog then was identified as cricket. it's spread like wifi,