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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 23, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! it worth? >> bumper before you buy good morning, everyone. >> i'm kasie hunt. just wonderful to be with you. this is a massive week in politics. i hate to come i call you out right off the top. it is wonderful to see these women athletes finally get the recognition they deserve. you ever want to try on new james bond cnn this morning, next tonight it's been shared millions of times on social media. >> a photo claiming to be cricket, the 14 month-old dog that was shot and killed by the south dakota governor kristi noem. the only problem is this dog is not cricket. it is a dog named blue, very much alive. but how did blue end up as the face of political scandal? while are donie o'sullivan looked into it. in fact, the picture came from a reddit user. it was posted more than a year ago, but then it was picked up on twitter when the kristi noem story went viral and the dog then was identified as cricket. it's spread like wildfire, even published by one
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of the uk's biggest newspapers. even though it's been debunked, it still popped up today as cricket thanks for joining us. >> the news continues right here on cnn it's thursday, may 23, right now on cnn this morning, another controversial flag one flown by rioters on january 6, seen flying outside of home owned by supreme court justice samuel alito, plus a strong gust of wind causes a stage to collapse in mexico, the death toll is now rising and nikki haley announcing she'll vote for donald trump. and offering some advice for the former president 5:00 a.m. here in washington, alive. >> look at tahoe on this thursday morning. >> morning, everyone, i'm kasie hunt it's wonderful to have you with us. >> another provocative flags
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outside of home belonging to supreme court justice samuel alito, causing new controversy this morning, the new york times was first to report the appeal to heaven flag that was seen on display at alito's newark, new jersey vacation home last summer. >> the flag dates back to the revolutionary war, but it's become a symbol of the stop, the steal movement, especially the christian wing and was used by trump's supporters during the january 6 riot at the us capitol alito and the supreme court have not responded to requests for comment. >> this is now the second time alito has been found to be flying a controversial flag at one of his properties last week. the times published a photo of an upside-down american flag flown at alito's home in virginia in 2021 the. justice said that the flag was raised by his wife in response to a spat with neighbors meanwhile also this yesterday, former trump rival nikki haley, now saying that she will vote
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for the former president in november this was not however, an an explicit endorsement trump has not been perfect on these policies. >> i made that clear many, many times but biden has been a catastrophe so i will be voting for trump okay. >> joining me to discuss washington correspondent for the atlantic constitution, tea mitchell, tia. good morning to you. >> so let's start with samuel alito and these flags that have been flying because this particular one, if we're able to put it up, we can show people exactly what we're talking about here. it is a flag that dates back to the revolutionary war. >> and there you see it. this is his long beach island beach. house. and it says an appeal to heaven on top. >> it's a reference to john locke, the philosopher for those who want to go back that
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far. but it really does date back to the founding of the country. it is one of these symbols that has now been appropriated by the. stop the steal movement. and it does seem as though there are more people out there defending this particular flag. we saw john bolton on with my colleague wolf blitzer. and then this was senator ted cruz, also on cnn last night talk, swatch i think this entire hoopla is greatly overstated and i think there is a concerted effort that is driven by democrats in the senate to try to delegitimize the court and to try to demonize we're seeing it with justice clarence thomas. >> we're seeing it with justice samuel alito. i think the whole thing is disgraceful. >> this language is a little bit stronger than the language that i heard from republicans on the hill. lindsey graham said it was bad judgment to fly the upside-down american flag. now that said samuel alito is
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still a justice of the supreme court. and there are legitimate questions about the portrayal and the perception that people have in terms of being able to trust that the court can be impartial yeah. >> i mean, there are so many things here. number one these flags are symbols and you can say, well, he's just going back to the revolutionary war and john locke at the end of the day that fled, fell out of fashion until it was resurfaced. buy the stop the steal white christian nationalism arm of the republican party. so, yes, justice alito can say, well, we're waiting on him quite frankly to say what he meant by flying the flag. but if you're on the outside looking in, you know, the current usages. so many people are going to assume he is aligning himself with those you usages as he is also a sitting justice with very pertinent cases before the court dealing with former president trump, dealing with stop the steal. so i understand republicans would like to paint
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this as a partisan thing and just an attack on the court. but if they're doing that, they're not really addressing the core concerns as to whether this justice is posting symbols to indicate he is aligned with a very partisan. and many people would believe problematic thread of the republican party. >> and we shouldn't. i mean, there is just this difference between mike johnson has displayed this flag in his i office. he asked is the speaker of the house, but he is an elected leader who is accountable to voters, not the case in the supreme court, right? so let's talk about nikki haley for a second because she did say she was going to vote for trump i'm interested to know how her supporters do that if they're going to be disappointed. however, she she could have gotten farther and said, i'm going to endorse him. i want to be on the stage of the convention. >> i think it's noteworthy that we are not there yet she did say that she thinks trump would be smart to reach out to her supporters trump would be
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smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me and not assume that they're just going to be with him. >> and i genuinely hope he does that it doesn't seem to me necessarily like trump is doing direct outreach to her supporters. >> although my guess is there are people inside his campaign who want him to because this chunk of people is a challenge. i mean, i think she's correct that they can't assume that those people going to be with him? >> yeah. and we know that the biden campaign has been trying to make overtures to that wing of the republican party. i think there's a lot of bad blood personally between trump in haley that is going to be probably a little bit hard for trump to get over. and i think that's where a lot of nikki haley voters and quite frankly, the democrats who hope to get the nikki haley voters were disappointed to see her saying she's going to vote oh, for him, given all the red flag, she's raised about the former president. and so yes, she
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didn't go as far as maybe some republicans who want to get nikki haley back in the fold, back on and back. in support of trump, didn't go as far as is as they would like. but just heard simply saying she would vote for him is a win for him in his campaign he doesn't necessarily need her on stage, probably doesn't necessarily want her on stage, but the fact that she said despite everything she said about donald trump's, she's still believes he would make a better president than joe biden is still a powerful message yeah. >> i mean, speaking of everything that she has said about donald trump, we have we have a little bit of a stack of that. can we just remind everyone this is what nikki haley was saying about trump during the primary at. >> some point, maybe we should say the reason that america keeps losing is because of donald trump i feel no need to kiss the ring on when trump got out there and just through a temper tantrum, we lost in 2018.
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>> we lost in 2020. we lost in 2022, and donald trump's fingerprints were on all of it. how much more losing do we have to do before we realize maybe donald trump is the problem i mean, the losing thing in particular, it hit home at the time, right? and i'm sure again, we know donald trump does not like being called the loser. he's, he's very sensitive to those types of the tax. and again, i'm not sure that nikki haley and donald trump will be able to get over that hump completely. but also, i think we have to keep in mind nikki haley wants to see a future for herself as a republican party leader. and i think that that would be difficult for her if she weren't to support the party nominee at the end one of the day that's donald trump yeah. >> no, i think that's what this is about. the bottom the bottom line timit you. thanks for kicking us off today. i really appreciate it. >> all right. coming up here a second case of bird flu detected this time they michigan farm worker plus a snap election in the uk, prime minister turnaround his dire
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pull numbers and six short weeks. and are voters paying any attention to donald trump's hush money trial will show you the new numbers ahead assignments are going on the tornado here i'm thinking, i'm going to die. and i thought that was it fondling earth with liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn. life diabetes there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose glissando to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carbs, steady glue, sirna, bring on the day hi, i'm sharon and alice, 52 pounds angola i realized i needed to make a change when i looked in the mirror and did not recognize myself, i saw the goal of commercial and i liked how they weren't actors they just seem like people that were just happy with themselves and had true results since been on
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the bigger picture. >> heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat could mean something the more serious cold attr cme are rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you call your cardiac justin asked about attr cme rahel solomon in new york this cnf welcome back. the families of seven female idf soldiers captured by hamas on october 7. have released graphic footage of the kidnapping, hoping to pressure the israeli government to into securing their release would do want to warn you, this video is disturbing the young women are seen lined up their hands, bound, their faces are bruised and bloodied officials say one woman was rescued, another was killed, and five of them remain in captivity. the footage released by hamas was
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edited by the israeli military, according to the hostages families forum from now this british prime minister rishi sunak calling for a snap election on 4 july, he was required to schedule a vote by january of next year sunak explaining why he decided not to wait this election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it has been since the end of the cold putin's, russia is waging a brutal war in ukraine and will not stop there if he succeeds that war is also made it all too clear. the risk to our energy security. in the middle east, the forces are visible the most extremism, threaten regional and ultimately globals stability polling in the uk shows sunak's conservative party faces an uphill climb to extend its 14 year grip on power. >> cnn's max foster joins me now, live from london. max, good morning. there's a lot going on in this announcement. i mean, he's just like drenched with the rain and that
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song that was playing. you can give me some more context on this, but it's things can only get better, which i guess is a throwback to the tony blair era britain were you surprised that he decided to move forward into the sooner that he had two and what what are the years? specialist in optics. what what does this all say? >> what we're renaming it, drowning street number one i so the music was being blasted for the end of downing street where labour supporters, the opposition party supporters and they were playing the tune that swept tony blair to power. >> so they were trawling and basically, and for some reason, the downing street people didn't manage to sort out the sound. so that was into it, interrupting it. all people are distracted by the brain, the bigger question though, exactly what you're saying. it was a shock announcement because i mean to say it's an uphill struggle for him. i think you're being very polite. they're casey gaza's your way
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it's an i mean, it's his polling numbers could not be worse he by any standard is not going to win this election if things carry on as they are. but he has to have an election by the end of the year and he's had some relatively good economic numbers inflation figures came down and that's meant to be as thing a former banker he's very bright guy, he knows about the economy. so i think he's banking on the fact that inflation numbers have come up a bit and that might be enough. but i think the people behind him there, for example they're thinking about a lot of other things. so i mean, it's a real is really big gamble. >> yeah, it max me what do you attribute his low polling to? i mean, is it the economy is ticking upward? what is it that people are unhappy with right now in britain? >> not achieving anything? he there's nothing he can really point to that he's done that as turn things around. the big issue for the conservatives is that they are seen as a pro pro-business, pro free market, low tax party and taxes have
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never been higher. they are rigueur highs because because of all the issues is hard with covid and all the things he's had to pay out. so it's very difficult to see what a conservative voter will get from him when they go into the polling booth. as opposed to his opposition figure keir starmer, who most people don't even know in this country but is a blair rights and tony blair was the last sort of big, powerful change maker that we had in this country. so at the moment he's heading towards downing street, it looks like hence the hence the song. i suppose. yeah. >> all right. max foster for us live in london. max, thank you very much. >> all right. >> i had here the cause of a deadly stage collapse at an election rally in mexico, plus china in circles taiwan with a large scale military drill as a quote, strong punishment and tell you what's going on there as we're. trying to spy on us.
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as 700 credits for me at i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. and this is cnn all right. >> 22 minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup, terrifying video out of mexico where a strong gust of wind caused a state each to collapse, at least nine people are dead and there are dozens more injured among those hurt wasn't mexican presidential candidate who was onstage when it happened. health official say a farm worker in michigan is the second human case of bird flu in the us. links to infected cattle. the state health department says the person's hubbard and the risk to the public is low the dc headquarters of the republican national committee locked down yesterday after a suspicious and cover package was discovered. but early wednesday, a police source says
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it contained two vials of blood, two ice packs in a korean bible. >> very strange the historic graceland, a state stays the hands of elvis presley's granddaughter for now, a tendency judge ruled company trying to foreclose on the property likely committed fraud. >> and that same company has also dropped its while six are developing this morning, china launching military drills surrounding taiwan. beijing says that the exercises are quote, a strong punishment coming just days after taiwan's newly elected president took office, cnn's will ripley is in taipei for us at will good morning to you. very grateful to have you. this seems to be in response to a speech that was given that talked about democracy and taiwan and their commitments there. what is happening and why did, why are we here? >> good morning, casey. yeah, a couple of days you go to taiwan's new president light light-chain gave a speech where he asked china to recognize the
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existence of taiwan. and this was believed to be more provocative, less cautious than his predecessor sign when here we are now like clockwork two days later, china launching these massive military drills involving dozens of warships and war planes and coast guard vessels. all of them essentially sent to encircle taiwan during a period of two days. they're calling it joint sword, 2024 which begs the question, are they planning a, b or a c? obviously this operation didn't just it's come together right after president lai speech, china has been expected to do this. they'd been bracing for this here in taiwan. they're looking for any excuse. some analysts believe to stage these military exercises which are widely seen, not just as a provocative show of propaganda force, but also a potential dress rehearsal for an invasion of taiwan down the road. owed, which china has never ruled out because they claim this democracy, this self-governing island, even though the communist rulers in beijing have never controlled it,
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casey. so this happened for the first time at this scale after nancy pelosi's controversial visit, it's happened a few times cents. so here we are once again, this controversial unpopular president who's talked about taiwan independence in the past. now beijing responding military force and we just have to wait and see what happens over the next day or so. >> really remarkable. all right, we'll roughly, for us, we'll thank you very much for that report i come up next chaos at a florida hearing in the trump classified documents case plus the nba's western conference finals are on our bleacher report coming up laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn temper repeated breeze makes sleep, feel cool. >> so no more sweating all night or blasting the air conditioning because the temper breeze feels up to ten degrees cooler all night long. for a limited time, save up to $500
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use holes adrenaline just like every turn morning, good came shot of adrenaline, right to the heart all right. 5:30 a.m. here on the east coast there's two 30 out west. a live luck with the washington monument and the white house. sun's coming up on this thursday. good morning, everyone of kasie hunt, it's wonderful to have you with us brand new polling this morning, revealing what we basically already know, the race between president biden and donald trump could not be closer. a quinnipiac poll of registered voters shows biden ahead 48 to 47%. it's within the margin of error. so the way we would characterize this is there is no clear leader, as you can let's see on the screen. here's what happens when you put third party candidates into the mix. biden's margin over trump increases a little bit, 41 for
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biden, trump comes in at 38. robert f. kennedy jr. at 14%, and then you got cornel west and jill stein getting 2% a piece worth noting, we're just a month away from the first debate between biden and trump is gonna be right here on cnn and of course, both campaigns have some concern. rfk jr. could act as a spoiler candidate and either one of them seemed to want him on the debate stage, either joining me now is someone kim, the white house reporter for the associated press. i'm and good morning to you. thank you so much for being here having this obviously is a national poll. but when you dig into the swing-state polls, honestly things get even worse for biden. you look at those recent new york times polling, but there's been some reporting that he simply does not believe the polls. is that does that line up with your understanding of where his team is and should they be more concerned? they are right. >> i will their philosophy all along is, don't really believe the polls. believe what the voters tell you when they vote. so they've looked at, they pointed to primary results especially in the republican primary results that shows this
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justin block of republican voters who will not support trump at the end of the day, even months after nikki haley dropped out of the race, they say that's what matters instead of pulling that may have some flaws or ask registered voters versus likely voters. so they're really looking to that. they're really looking towards the voting as what that matter is obviously political campaigns all look at polling. they're not they're not shy to point out pulls that are actually wear them asleep. >> but through the whole theory of the case right now, it's still remains that they still feel the a lot of their electorate, a lot of the voters who will eventually come home to the democratic party to home to them are still not quite two indent, which is one of the reasons why they push that debate so early on in the general election calendar, they really believed that seeing that or other reasons is they really believe that seeing those two candidates on the stage help crystallize that choice for voters much earlier than perhaps september or october, right? >> and of course, early voting, where people start casting
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their votes in september. so one thing we noticed that stuck out to us in this in this pole is couldn't be asked how likely are you to change your mind about who you're going to vote for. and if we could throw that up on the screen, we've got 3% of voters who say they are very likely to change their minds, but 16 in percent say they are somewhat likely to change their minds. i feel like this probably comes as a surprise to some folks who feel like, i mean, if you're not already on your side, like have you been paying attention for however many years we've been doing this exactly. i mean, that's basically one in five voters, which is actually, which can be a pretty influential we need block of voters, what i did find interesting and the quinnipiac pole is that it's actually biden voters are people who are more likely inclined to support president biden that are more likely mind trump voters are much more set in their candidate relatively speaking, then biden voters. so i think that is a challenge for the biden campaign. make sure that people who are likely to vote
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for the president at this point and stay in their full will continue to tout their accomplishments, continue to make that contrast with donald trump that they feel is politically effective. >> yeah. i mean, in this is, i think really illustrates to biden or donald trump has a lower or a higher floor, if you will, right? like his supporters are more committed, right? the question is, how high is his ceiling, right? and i think that 15% might suggest maybe it is a little higher than the biden team would hope, right? >> right. and it's also because the his his because of that because of that ceiling level and because of the fact because of the unpredictable unpredictable influence that robert f. kennedy could have. that's why you've seen particularly both campaigns really try to beat down rfk on his positions on his on his ability to be a presidential candidate. because it's still unclear who he really hurts yeah, i don't think this poll
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really clears up. clears that up either so that's why you're seeing a lot of those tactics from both campaigns. >> yeah, really interesting sharretts and making for assignment. thank you. it's really appreciate you being here. >> all right. donald trump's criminal hush money trial on track to go to the jury early next week, and voters are paying attention. we're learning that new cube poll finds 70%, say they're following the trial, either very or somewhat closely. and on the key question, will the verdict impact their vote most 65% say a conviction would have no impact on their choice for president. about a fifth of voters though say that they would be less inclined to vote for trump if he were found guilty. and one in ten, say a conviction would make them more likely to vote for trump the former president never followed through on multiple promises that he made to testify in the case i certainly wasn't surprised by that, but you might have been trump did explain why you decided not to take the stand when he spoke
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yesterday? >> he made rulings that makes it very difficult to testify anything i did anything i did in the past, i can bring everything up then, you know what i've had a great past, but anything. the other reason is because they have no case. in other words, why would why? testify when they have no case all right. >> join me now to discuss former us attorney michael moore. michael good morning to you. thank you so much for being here. >> i mean, his wife testify when you have no case is the trumpian way of saying what i'm sure the lawyers were telling him, which is don't give them anything to add to their case. >> why would you take the stand trump always has had this issue of getting of, well, how should i frame this? people who have tried to get donald trump to do what they want and a campaign contexts have long struggled. his campaign managers, his white house advisors, and others. >> but it seems like he was willing to listen to the lawyers in this instance. yeah. well, good morning. i'm glad to
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be with you i do think that is lawyers work some magic to get him to pay attention and that's been a difficult fee for lawyers before and you've seen loggers drop off the cases for various reasons and probably disagreements with how to handle okay. so it's moving forward in a criminal case like this ultimately is frankly, the defendants, whether that's trump or anybody else that's their decision and their right to testify if they want to do that, they don't have to. they're under no obligation under the law. the judge is going to tell the jury the defense has to put up no evidence. they don't have to do anything except sit here, frankly the entire burden is on the state to prove guilt here. so there really was no upside for them to testify in. i do think that some of the information he kind of reference i didn't one of his reasonings for not doing it you that things in the past we've come out, he could have been asked about things. in details about the relationship with ms daniels. he could have been asked about the other allegations and things that have gone on and that doesn't help him what he needed to do is sort of follows large advice
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just stand down and listen to the evidence in the case. let the jury consider the impact of cross-examination. oh, mr. cohen, and ultimately that's what it's going to boil down to do. they believe viking go in or not? does does a jury have some basis to substantiate a conviction outside of mr. cohen, if they feel like they have enough other evidence so now i can do that or does it just simply going to be because they have feelings that they predisposed one way or another. they may not have disclosed your jury selection. so that's that's kind of where we're at. there just was no gain for you yeah. >> to testify. and i think frankly, kudos to the lawyers that were able to convince him to follow some sand legal advice alright. >> well, i guess it's first going to get underway. next week. number dull moment, but michael, i do i want him move to florida because there was a hearing yesterday in trump's classified documents case, and it apparently devolved into a shouting match among the attorneys. and i'm going to lay this out. it happened when
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trump co-defendant, walt nauta as defense attorney stanley woodward claimed that the prosecutor, jay bratt, attempted to pressure him into convincing nauta to cooperate against trump during a meeting that was back in 2022. and then the prosecutor, david harbach, shouted, quote, mr. woodward's story of what happened at the meeting is a fantasy. it did not happen and he banged his hand on an electron in front of him. what's going on here yeah. >> it was a moment of some high drama, i guess it's unusual to have this gut outburst in front of a judge during during a hearing. >> frankly, you've got a situation where mr. nauta had filed a motion to have the case dismissed because of selective and vindictive prosecution. and was i think he's lawyers bacon arguments about that as it related to with some reference had been made to the attorneys auction their choice maybe to be a judge, efforts to secure that position and an allegation
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that the assist us attorney had my some comments in regards to that and how this might impact i think his judicial chances, i believe is at the end of the de were they were at and so you know, no lawyer likes to have their credibility question, frankly, that's all that you have. you'll remember in the new york case not to bounce back up the coast there, but you know, you remember when the judge barked it? mr. trump's lawyer sayyed, you're losing credibility with the court. everybody was a gas like, oh my gosh, this is a terrible thing that somebody is losing credibility. so no lawyer, it's a big deal so that's really all you have is the ability to make an argument in a straight face argument is a lawyer. and so you want to hang on to that credibility and i think you probably saw the prosecutor felt like his credibility and been questioned by this motion the motion that mr. nauta is lawyer made. we'll go nowhere. >> i think it was probably dead on arrival when it got to the courthouse. i don't blame lawyers for filing motions. i mean, it's times obviously frivolous motions. i think they
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should not file motions are a way to protect the defendant's rights and they need to be heard. it protects and creating hey, it's a record for an appellate court to consider but in this case to say somehow that there was an off the record conversation that serves as the basis suddenly for this motion, unless he's got some other proof, unless he's got some evidence, unless he he's got an email, a conversation, or witness to this comment that somehow that can tie back to the government's choice to decision to use their discretion to actually charge mr. nauta unless they have some other evidence. i just think this motion going nowhere. and so the tensions were high and it blew up it's unfortunate but so sometimes it happens in the heated litigation. >> sure thing. all. right. michael moore for us michael, thanks very much for being here. i really appreciate your time great to be with this war alright, coming up next here, where does donald trump get all of those papers that he is always carrying? >> turns out he has a human
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printer well, explain, plus, the mavericks go one game up in the western kohn spine bleach report, come up russia were trying to spy on us we were spying on them. i was hadi frank this is a war but secret war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game we're sunday, june 2 at ten on cnn high. it's christina again. i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi bathroom model you don't want to miss. you already know jacuzzi has been making water-filled great for more than 65 years. and now they're bringing you this special tv offer. were waving all installation costs and postponing all payments for up to one year to cruzy bathroom model has a design you'll love at a price you can afford and best of all, they can install and as little as one day with no stress and no meds, are you ready to see your new shower
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years later, harb has become a critical part of donald trump's inner circle. >> and she is the focus of the new piece from mark caputova, who writes in the bulwark, this quote, harps nickname on the campaign, the human printer under plays her importance that's because in trump's orbit, proximity to the principal is power. if you want the president to see something, the best route is natalie says a knowledgeable source. the piece explainshat her nickname, the human printer, comes from her propensity for carrying around a portable printer and constantly printing news articles for trump to read in court and on the campaign trail, you see him there with his giant stack of papers, always at the ready joining me now is marked caputova of the bulwark mark. thank you so much for being here. it's great to see you again. this is a fascinating story because anyone who has covered donald trump knows that this is how he operated he requires paper. >> this is not a man who i don't know if he has one now,
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but for years didn't have an email address. >> typically, does not text. and this is an incredible amount of power. i mean, it's honestly, it's kind of genius to actually carry the printer around with you to make this happen. how did you learn about this and what and what more? or can you tell us about who natalie harb is or heard about months and months ago or actually maybe last year after she first got hired, i think the first reference to her was in a washington post piece. it was just maybe a paragraph like, hey, look at this because she had been spotted at at a golf course but with a printer. and then the daily mail, it also i. mentioned it as well. but to your point, yeah, it is genius and it's also really indicative of how donald trump operates. donald trump creates his own solar system. he's the sun at the center of but he's the center of gravity or the place, the focal point around which everything revolves. and everyone has a role. and in this role per job is to make
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sure that he doesn't have to strain as 77 year-old eyes and read his iphone or be stuck in front of a computer is got this aid right there. who can print up anything he wants. and also knows the things he wants. to read. >> so in addition, a news articles she prints out favorable posts on social media that he gets to read and the like. >> and he certainly appreciates her and that's one of the reasons she sort of risen in a steam and risen in an estimation and power within his inner circle. >> so marked what kinds of of how does the campaign apparatus proper view and interact with natalie harb and chris lacivita susie wiles, because i'm thinking back to when trump was in the white house and there was a lot of thought given and i know your piece kinda digs into how paper was like what paper got in front of the president was something they spent a lot of time managing and didn't they also have somebody who is in charge of actually, he would tear paper up and they would have to put it back together right? that's another another unique job that was created under trump is under the presidential records
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act, which actually links back to the classified documents case since you're talking about earlier, all these records that a president sees are supposed to be preserved, but donald trump doesn't like to keep things around. so after he'd read a record or a paper, he'd tear it up and throw it in the trash bag or trash can. >> and so they had a bunch of white house aides who java was a political story written at the time to dig back through the trash and peace everything back together, kind of retake the puzzle pieces into a reconstituted presidential record. but as far as information flow, this has just been a constant thing for the people who work under donald trump, whether it was in the white house or his prior campaigns as he gets lots of information from lots of different people. all of the time, there's no real way to sort of control that info flow. and trump doesn't want to be controlled. and in this case, natalie harb though a campaign employee, is sort of separate and apart from the rest of the campaign, she answers sort directly to the president, not to susie wiles and chris lacivita, the cocaine campaign managers. and what you've seen
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this year or this cycle out of them is understanding that donald trump is just going to be donald trump and so sort of like saying the serenity prayer, where they can accept the things they cannot change. well, one of the things that they campaign managers cannot change it, that sort of fundamental nature of donald trump's. so they, they trust natalie and so they just sort of let her do her thing and they understand that trump is going to do his thing. and sometimes the campaign and the candidate match up and sometimes they don't be interesting to know if someone has as that hanging on the wall of an office working for donald trump serenity prayer, right? >> that's the serenity, correct yeah. >> markup udo. very grateful to have you. thanks very much for being here. see you soon. i hope that's the case. >> all right. comma in sports, the dallas mavericks kicked off the nbc nba's western conference finals with a big road win against the minnesota timberwolves, carolyn man who has this morning it's report carolyn, good morning. >> hey, good morning. casey. dallas is not known for getting off to a strong starts in the playoffs under head coach jason kidd, their own five in games,
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ones, at least they work for heading into last night, neither team was really able to hold onto the lead for long kyrie irving on fire in the first half of this game, scoring 24 of his 30 points before the break minnesota star anthony edwards really got the home crowd excited a clutch three-point or just under four minutes to go in the game. but the mavericks led by mvp final let's luka doncic went on a roll scoring eight unanswered points to take control of this game, luca with a game-high 33, 15 of them coming in the final quarter as dallas gets the rare your game one win, what await one of five, the final were really hard to get this one i think were known for game one that we know. so we tried to make but that's only one. we've got three more to go meantime, the florida panther is putting on a golden in clinic against new york rangers and game one of hotkeys eastern conference final sergei but barofsky's scoping all 23 shots. >> he faced in the three nothing when the blue shirts, have only been shut out once and 92 regular season and then
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playoff games entering this series. and that was way back on december 9 when they lost for nothing to the washington capitals. this was bob brodsky is verse shut out of the postseason but he says the most important thing is getting a w on the fall season. you don't think about the goals or anything. there's only wins and losses and then you focus on one a moment at the time and we don't think about anything else. it's around nothing now are exactly where we want it to be before the before the game and he just good for us. i think we we can build on this very well. >> the indiana fever also looking to build this season. they're going to have to wait at least a couple of days to get there. first, lyn following last night 85, 83, loss, the seattle we'll store murthy caitlin clark still finding her way, finishing with 21 points on 6416 shooting. she added seven rebounds and seven assists. so the fever now, oh, and five for the season next facing the la sparks and second overall wnba draft thick, cameron brink on friday you'll
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never happy to lose it's not fun. but at the same time like i don't know. i think there's just there's just a lot of things to build on and you know, that's what i'm trying to just be as positive as possible. continue or to stack days and our first one will be right around the chiefs are responding to criticism facing the team's kicker harrison butker after a polarizing recent commencement address led to a number of flashpoint discussions around women in the workplace. >> pride month, abortion, among others, patrick homes defending butker's character while head coaching can you read underscore players freedoms to express our opinion and casey, you're baltimore orioles streets is snapped after an incredible 106 series without being swept and an hour-and-a-half rain delay in the fourth inning. brendan donovan doubled to runs home and then scored the go ahead, run a throwing air to lift the
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cardinals to have five, four win on wednesday. but the good news is the joseph won eight of their last ten, they have a number of players stepping up as you know, but this records spanning more than two years, pretty cool to see them not be selecting that time. i think it has to come to an end at some point, but still looking pretty good this year. >> i agree. >> it is. it has been fun to see that. i'm bomb that bet it ended, but i'm keeping the faith, man. i've kept the faith. all these years. okay. i'm finally at some of it's coming back, coming home here we go. macro mode. all right, carolyn, thank you. i really appreciate it. >> and covered up next, another troubling flags seen hanging outside a home owned by supreme court justice samuel alito will dig into that plus the mooc, anthony scaramucci is here. he was hired and fired by the white house in a span of 11 days. >> now he wants to be in your life coach? when you want to
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