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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 23, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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jury in 2022 as a supporting witness in los angeles where weinstein was convicted on three of seven charges in sentence two 16 years in prison. and at the end of the trial, i spoke to one of the jurors and i remember he said to me, if ambra was tied to charges, i would have felt that harvey weinstein was guilty 100% i see you getting emotional and if you want to take a moment, so no knowing that if maybe i could have just find the right person to release those recordings i wouldn't lose everything i lost and many people would have not been in the position that they are in right now because could have just finished everything in 2015 and our. thanks to elizabeth wagmeister for that report. i knew hour of cnn news central starts now
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donald trump putting the campaign trail today in deep blue bronx, new york. >> one question, why? another question? >> will he be thinking, nikki haley? >> today? >> and there's also new video coming into it shows the aftermath of a relentless attack on ukraine's second-largest city of kharkiv. ukraine's president, putting the blame for that fact on a lack of air defenses and a presidential campaign rally turned into a nightmare. nine people are dead. why that candidate in mexico? the this facing real questions, this morning. i'm kate father-in-law, john berman. amara walker is in for sarah. this is cnn news central all right, this morning it's not a big surprise that nikki haley will vote for donald trump, even though she has said he's too old to unhinged and to
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chaotic to be president. >> but there are big questions from trump these numbers matter a lot to trump right now after nikki haley dropped out of the race she still picked up notable votes and five state primaries. and this morning, her message to her ms clear, don't assume these voters are with you. will he thank her an appeal to her voters later today when he heads to the incredibly blue area of the brock's, he got trounced there in 2020. cnn's kristen holmes is joining me now. so kristin, of course, the big question is, will trump utter those words, nikki haley, when please on that stage tonight will emmer. >> there are certainly those in trump's orbit who hope that he does not only mentioned her name, but his gracious about it, but i will remind you that they also hoped that he would be gracious when she suspended her campaign and we saw that he was well not really at all. but when i talked to republicans across the country, they say they really hope that donald trump starts to court these nikki haley voters. you put up some of those numbers of
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republicans voting in primaries after halley had dropped out in critical battleground states the most jarring really being in pennsylvania where she got 16% of the vote again, in a state, the donald trump's team believes they need to win. so whether or not donald trump is going to start courting those voters remains to be seen, but he is going to be up in new york today in the bronx trying to court minority voters. now this was planned before court wrapped on tuesday. they had tried to plan a series of different events around this state of new york because he could only travel on wednesdays and saturdays and sundays outside of the state when he didn't have court. however, they are doubling down on this rally. they say that there are thousands of people that they expect to be there. we will obviously be there to see whether or not that is true. but donald trump has continued to insist that he could win new york pork or at least make a play for new york even said that last night in a truth social post, i will remind you that no republican has one in the states since 1984 that is a
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statistic to keep in mind. >> all right, kristen holmes. thank you very much. john. >> for this morning, new reaction from lawmakers after report found photos of a second controversial flat a flag that was used by some january 6 rioters flying over justice samuel alito's vacation home. k casebook with the chair of the senate judiciary committee, senator dick durbin. this is what he said you start to wonder, is this just a chance in discretion, or is it a conscious declaration of his maga loyalty? i mean that is not expected when it comes to the supreme court, we expect the men and women on that court to be above this sort of activity you and you say, when you start to wonder which do you think it is? >> another listen, i don't think it's a coincidence in the second instance, i think he is speaking pretty clearly as to his political loyalties this is shane remember that's the chair of the senate judiciary committee with me now is the former director of strategic
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communications for donald trump's 2020 campaign. mark lauder, also with this veteran democratic strategist and consult with simon rosenberg simon what do you see going on here it's a tragedy. >> i mean, i think the corruption of the judiciary and the supreme court is a major issue. i mean, this is now important american institution which appears to be compromised and to be on the verge of illegitimacy. and it's going to matter. i mean, the simple thing that can happen now that alito should do is you should recuse himself from any of the discussions of january 6 or trump in the elections that would be a simple step forward trend to take and relieve. i think a lot of the concerns about the corruption we've seen with clarence thomas and the things that he's done. this year. but this is a crisis. i think we're in an we have a crisis in one of our most important institutions and it's something that we have to discuss and it's going to be a major part of the conversation in this election so mark, even if you don't see this as a fly connected to january 6, we
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should note that speaker mike johnson has flown this flag outside his office periodically over time. even if you don't see it as a january 6 flag should a supreme court justice be flying a flag that has political implications at all well, i mean, i think that's up to each of those justices to design that, but i mean, i remember ruth bader ginsburg basically coming out and trashing donald trump. she didn't recuse herself on any of the cases that came before her that involved the former for president. so look, i mean, our our justices all have their own personal political beliefs. they're able to do that. that is their right. the question is, how did they rule on the law? and i think obviously justice alito is probably one of the most respected constitutional scholars. there is an regardless of his personal political leanings or that of his family as long. as it doesn't interfere with his interpretation of the constitution. and i think it's just americans being americans. >> look, i just that gives berg actually ultimately sort of apologize for that for coming out. the statement you made
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about donald trump do you feel are you comfortable? >> with the justice advertising their political beliefs mark i i'm concerned about how they rule on the law. >> we often have people who have personal political beliefs, but they have to set those aside when it comes to administering the law or executing justice, or the laws of america. so so long as he's able to do that, then he has my full confidence. all americans have their personal beliefs. sometimes we have to set them aside to do our work and what yet, but supreme court justices aren't all americans that are pretty select group of nine people held to a different standard by some, although no specific legal standard, it does turn out i want to play some sound from steve bannon's podcast over the last 24 hours where he was reacting to a discussion apparently about donald trump's statement that he wanted to be a dictator only on day one. but listen to what steve mann and said son we mark
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your fear. >> we want you to fear it's gonna be accountability. accountability responsibility and that will come with authority. >> the authority of donald john trump is 47th president of the united states basically simon saying, you will be held to account. we want your fear. what do you think the message is that that's listen, i think we have to every day that we engage in these conversations, we have to remember that in 20 donald trump tried to overturn and legitimate american election and install himself as a dictator in the united states. >> and he did it through an armed attack on the capitol. once you've done something like that, i don't know that you need any more information about the intention of where he's going or where he'll go in a second term i mean, we have a guy who has tried to end
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american democracy for all time once he decided that he needed to run again so he could finish the job in january 2025. and i think that this is a central area of engagement and this election, the democratic party us preserve and strengthen american democracy through republicans want to end it. let's have that debate in this election, more. >> you seem like a positive guy. i mean, what do you think of a campaign that's run on welcoming the fear of political opponents well, i think what he's saying is basically that the america first movement, the maga movement is tired of platitudes. they want action, they expect whether it's the president, whether it's a member of congress, that when we elect you and you say and campaign on doing something, we expect you to get it done. i think one of the big takeaways back from 2016 and now moving forward that we don't want just are politicians in washington, dc to talk. >> we want them to actually solve the problems.
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>> and so i think what you saw there with feedback and it seemed say that whether you are a republican or a democrat, if you're gonna be elected, we expect you do things on behalf of the american people and not just talk about it nikki haley says she is voting for donald trump, simon, i put this to both of you who needs nikki haley voters more? president biden, or donald trump, simon first you the arctic. >> this is going to be an area of engagement by both parties. i mean, we know from pulling that a large number of nikki haley voters are very open to voting for joe biden now the two campaigns are going to have to go compete to go when those voters, but i think it's important to recognize that the republican party has splintered. i mean, the opposition to trump inside the republican party, to former vice president's former party nominee for vice presidential nominee former speaker of the house, many dozens and dozens of elected officials officials who served under trump in the
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administration are openly campaigning against donald trump. we've never seen this kind of opposition inside a party by party leaders against their nominee. and so i think the danger for trump is that, look, he lost the last election. he needs more voters. these voters are much more important to him. then us and he's got i've been a little surprised how the campaign has been handling this to date. >> marks gotta be quick. how bad is donald trump need nikki haley, voters i. >> think both sides dated, but the benefit is that we have the policy and the results on our side. people do not like joe biden's inflation immigration. and if you want to see an end of it, you can't vote for joe biden, personality differences. those will get put aside. people are going to want to see a change in direction, but american got it, signs and inflation is coming down. but i take your point mark lottery, simon rosenberg. thanks to both of you so there is new video in of what the ukrainian president describes as an extremely brutal russian attack. >> and zelenskyy is now sounding new alarm after
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civilians were targeted in multiple strikes on ukraine's second-largest city, plus a deadly collapse. the terrifying moment, a wind gust causes a stage to fall at a campaign rally in mexico, crushing people underneath and if you are planning to fly this weekend prepare the faa says this will be the busiest weekend of travel in 14 years sirens are going off and the tornado here i'm thinking going to die. and i thought that was it fallen earth with liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cn. how can experian boost help if finds payments i already made, like insurance streaming foam to build my credit. and it's from experience, the credit experts more ways to build credit, download the experian app the
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that terrifying stage claps in mexico has now risen to 70 people. >> it all happened at a presidential candidates rally you can see this structure are not large screen fill right on to the audience. they're blaming a strong wind gust that came through nine people, including a minor, are now dead. cnn stefano pozzebon is with us now once more, seven and what more you learning? >> well, okayed, we're learning that at least 70 people are being treated for injuries in relation to that tragedy. thankfully no more deaths on updates. nine people have been killed. one of them, just like he said either minor, but in the early hours of this thursday, kait, we're learning from cnn web 13 in atlanta. what could possibly have happened for the stage to
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collapse. they sent us in the last hour, a fresh new reports about the conditions in monterey is saying that the stage it was impacted by a gust front. they said which is when gusty winds push out in all directions from thunderstorm that these can cause winds to suddenly pick up. and if you see those terrifying images that we're receiving from social media out across mexico. you can see that the wind is very pretty precedent that the candidates were on the stage same gainer, and chanting campaign slogans when all of a sudden the windsor suddenly pick up and cause they stay which to collapse. now, the main question hanging over mexico this morning, katie, is, how could these events take place? so because we know that the mexican mythological service he said he be sure a stark warning about these possibility with winds forecaster two up to 40 miles per hour and late last night, the mexican presidential candidate, jorge alvarez manias, was on that stage said
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that such a tragedy was very hard to forecast you can listen to what he said to be do is go more into wrong came what happened was a strong wind that must have lasted five minutes maximum and took down trees is quite hence, there's a lot of news coverage about it. >> the disaster that caused this accident was not a common weather event it wasn't an ongoing store or is it wasn't a predictable weather events as it has been speculated, that bit of money now kate's cake, this tragedy has a cast songbird shadow on the entire mexican campaign. >> the mexicans will hold to the poll also on june the second to elect a new candidates, a new precedent after andres manuel lopez obrador stefano. >> thank you very much for the
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report. according amara new overnight seven people are dead. >> 23 had been injured in the north eastern ukrainian city of kharkiv after what ukrainian president is linsky called an extremely brutal russian attack. the images coming out of the area are extremely district kirby official say, all ten strikes hit civilian infrastructure are nick paton walsh is in eastern ukraine right now. nick, can you tell us more about where things stand with russia's offensive in ukraine's largest second largest city. and we'll ukraine most importantly, be able to hold on look this horrifying tack in kharkiv this morning and about 10:00, it shook us, frankly in the supermarket that we he was standing and even though it was kilometers away, appear to be two locations hit we know about one of them are printing press where it appears the seven individuals dies. >> we drove past that area near a well retract. we think and saw firefighters crouching for
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cover because one common tactic seen now is one missile hits the target and a second one lands. moments later to try and get the rescue as the first responders who rushed to help absolutely brutal president volodymyr zelenskyy of ukraine, referring to this as an example, frankly, of the world failing ukraine to give them the air defenses they need to hold these missiles back. but amara, we've been seeing over the past days, russia pushing for went through kharkiv region from its border down towards ukraine second city. and we were in one of the key towns or villages that ukraine simply cannot lose moscow wants to get its artillery within range of that million strong city. so it can inflict regular damage like that. we just been talking about. here's what we saw in a key town, lip see that putin so desperately needs some towns. they can never let putin take. and this lyptsi is one of them destroyed artillery on the streets homes, aflame from an airstrike. they can only move
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at night lights off it's a perilous grip they keep. but lose here and russian artillery will be in range of ukraine's second city, kharkiv you can still smell the smoke here from an airstrike that landed just in the last hour or so is life under the dran, with the first porter's into the heart of the town only soldiers left here on the ground. the harb 13th national guard first tackled russia's new offensive assembly by actually equipment so polite each. >> do you think they'll good enough fortifications here? >> they will only show to the peanut his signature obviously the lower the loss knowledge ten incipient the dolan in prophecy new is going dr. get
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up. >> there were eight airstrikes just in the last hour. so we leave soon a positive noise nearest, very close. and the only way they know who's drone this is, is if it attacks are the most thrown off around kharkiv that i'd have enough guns and the russians have too many drones but 92nd assault brigade show us something that isn't even there's russian artillery piece that they captured in the first war and the fighting in kharkiv region. and now they use strangely french mortar rounds to fire from here it's just a sign of how little appropriate ammunition they have available to them the throne of this wire as a protection from at levy drones above easy to drone with two battery packs, a long-range scout around basement. >> it is not friendly if you can tell it's an attack drone,
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hide this seems to be a scout, so running is better before it calls and shelling another artillery unit wants to show us something not even russian, but soviet made in the 1940s. it can still find newer polish shells. in the autumn, it was 100 a day. now it is ten extraordinary to see something here that's three times the age of either these two guys holding backer, new russian offensive in 2024 i said a metal so old that limits the number of times that sound warms another drone is incoming and back in the bunker, they show us the online board, $30 gadget that is their best warning mechanism the team here. >> embody ukraine's exhaustion and resilience older guys wounded infantry measure our tour has drone shrapnel in his
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arm still no pick option. you will could you just saw an orlan russian drone passing overhead? so saying but a stance on the way back into the city, we see what fuels this defense. this was a lakeside resort, football cocktails, a beach extraordinary devastation in there to collect the bodies mobile, mobile a seven months pregnant women was among the seven dead here another body found later just fragments in the mulch russia's advance looms over whatever life persists belching out over holmes the dark is little salvation this may be a drone being hit, but they killed two when they crash and failure
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flares, breach the enforced blackout moscow is getting nearer again. and they're always too many blasts before door nothing. >> it's important just to understand here the relentless less and the patience of russia's military here, there may not have massive headlines sweeps through to a city like that. but to its north lyptsi continually under pressure day after day and eventually it does hey, off that pushing multiple prongs along that border frontline and also two in the east, taking advantage of ukraine's desperate need to rush reinforcements to defend kharkiv, leaving gaps in their defenses, make no mistake we're likely to see russian advances and insignificant fashion the weeks ahead because they just stretching ukraine's so thin right now, i'm just so striking to see the second hand, third hand, fourth hand weapons all weapons as you pointed out, that they are using their on the front lines in ukraine. nick paton walsh,
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always good to have you. thanks so much. john some more than 53,000 flights will take to this guys today in a very busy keep kickoff to the memorial day weekend when to head out for your holiday, if you want to beat the rush houston check. we year, nothing. >> the space shuttle accident excuse me. not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart space shuttle columbia, the final flight now streaming on max home-style chicken salad, rafah, subway. >> this is how you do it savory chicken chris veggies, all wrapped up. >> these maps are amazing people can hear my thoughts that's a problem. >> stay fresh out there. all new reps from subway what makes ewc so special? we do a really great job at sharing all of our associates to be the best of the best one thing that we're never going to do as double-dip comfort wax is only appearing to the hair never the skin
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sustainable mission innovation in health care means nothing. >> if no one can afford at evercore. >> we're helping to unlock barriers using are 35 plus years of pharmacy benefits management experience to save businesses billions while boosting medication adherence, helping plan sponsors, and their members be at their best and they're all coming?
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those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. spotless house for $19 the western conference final presented by geico is set as ed making faces off stars game one covers begins tonight at 7:30 on tnt so this memorial day travel weekend is expected to be the busiest and 14 years the faa says there should be more than 53,000 flights in the air.
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>> today alone. cnn aviation correspondent and in-sync backup dancer pete mateen is with us this morning. this is gonna be a busy weekend i would have been the cute one, john, the russia officially starts today according to aaa and it's really five days of bumper to bumper traffic in some spot, especially those beach areas. >> but it really also extends to maybe a bit of gridlock in the air and on airport tarmac, as you mentioned, the faa says today will be the the biggest de of the holiday weekend in terms of the number of flights scheduled, more than 53,000 flights scheduled in the us today, american airlines says 6,200 of those flights will be its own metal. a lot of people getting an early start to the holiday, which matches this trend of the post pandemic era work schedules a lot more flexible than they were before 2020. in fact, the tsa says, of the top ten traveled days of all time for happened in this month notably, last friday. and
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this past sunday were huge when 2.8 million people were screened at airports nationwide, the tsa says it will probably see a similarly huge number today and even more people tomorrow. one tsa checkpoints are expected to hit their peak of the holiday weekend. here is the big tip from tsa especially if he cut a close like me get to the airport two hours early, not only will the lines belong at security, but also line it's getting into the airport. there's gonna be a lot of car traffic. this is especially true if you're flying in the morning and i want you to listen now to what tsa administrator david, because he said about this to traveling in the early morning hours or in the mid to late afternoon institute, early evening. those are peak travel times in any airport across the country. if you can schedule your travel around those times, you would likely find the wait times to be a little bit less remember, a lot more people going to be
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driving this holiday weekend rather than flying aaa says 38 million people will drive up to 50 miles or more. it's up 4% from leinz job 2% from 2019 pre-pandemic, the biggest number tsa or sorry, aaa is anticipating since the year 2000, jon, and again, the pete man teen theorem for how to avoid holiday travel is leave early and stay late. >> they late. >> that's right if you can tweak it, do it if you could tweak it, do it. that's another metric to live by, right there. p monday. thank you very much amara. >> all right. moments from now, university heads from ucla, ruckers, and northwestern will testify before congress about the protests on campus this is andy allegations of antisemitism riyadh say's new album is breaking records gets to say what country is comey
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allegations of assault which were the basis of a now-settled federal lawsuit that she filed back in november. now, if you or someone, you know, it was a victim of domestic violence and need help, you can call the domestic violence hotline. that number is when 80799 safe. again, that's 18007, 9723 three all right. >> any moment now the president's of several major universities are set to testify before congress about recent protests on their campuses, just last week, demonstrations on ucla's campus ended in violent clashes when counter-protesters tried to take down a pro-palestinian encampment well, this morning we will hear from ucla's president along with the president's of ruckers and northwestern, cnn's matt egan joining me now with more on what to expect them in the last time we saw here when like this, it didn't really go well for are some of the president's right at these universities that's right number i think we can expect some fireworks and a good amount of good old fashion political theater. this is the
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third hearing on campus antisemitism. >> the first one was back in december and dan one wins so terribly for the university cities that within weeks two of the three presidents from harvard and pen, we're out of jobs then there was the columbia hearing last month. they're really set the stage for those who historic protests on campus. now we're talking about rutgers. you seal that n northwestern and look, i think that these college presidents, they have the advantage of going after the other her earrings, so they kind of know the line of questioning, but they also the disadvantage of testifying at a moment of his historic turmoil on campus. and these presidents, they are facing pressure really from all sides, right? i mean, republicans and donors have accused them of sort of allowing and tolerating antisemitism on campus, which is something that day deny. but then you hear from students and faculty who fears though they feel like some of the protesters have actually been silenced. so this is going to be a very challenging moment for these college presidents, rutgers, northwestern, they're going to face questions about the agreements that they reached with the
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pro-palestinian protests. there's and the ucla chancellor, he's going to face some tough questions about that violence that happened on campus, specifically the counter counter-protesters attacking the pro-palestinian protests are so a lot to come in the next few hours in this front, amara, well, watch closely with you, madigan. >> thanks so much kate. >> this morning, donald trump is bronx bound, making it somewhat rare campaign stop for really any republican presidential candidate to rally. and the deeply blue part of new york city. his target to push his appeal to black and hispanic voters voters who definitely helped joe biden win in 2020. and also a group of voters that recent polls show are warming to donald trump despite the fact that 83% of the bronx vote in 2021 to biden and biden also won the whole state in 2020. donald from sayss he can win new york state this time around with a big, if you really think there's a chance that new york blue state could be in play this election season well, i do if we can have an honest election and if we can
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let the facts out joining me right now, republican congresswoman from new york, nicole malliotakis, congresswoman. >> thank you so much for taking time. donald trump there. >> he's again questioning if the election in questioning, throwing out the possibility of questioning over election result, the difference is, this time he's questioning the reliability potentially of the election results in new york, throwing out the possibility of not trusting the outcome of new york elections. do you question the election results in new york, including the results of your election from 2020 well i think, that new york has a very good system in place with our voting in fact, new york post did report unfortunately that there were a few dead people well, that did vote in our elections in 26, 28 been a 2020 rather. >> but the issue is that regardless of that, i do believe that we have the ability to have a fair election
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in new york, and i do believe that president trump is right when he says that we have the ability to potentially win new york, if not, when do very well as leave zeldin de when he ran for governor, why because people in new york are fed up with the one party democratic rule. we are seeing all sorts of chaos york from illegal immigrant gang members that have created a lot of crime, including murder. we are seeing congestion pricing and other tax grab from governor kathy hochul to enter the city center. that's going to crush, crush new yorkers that live in the outer boroughs we see the bail reform law and and how that has increased crime and people feel less safe in our city. they are less safe in our city. and so i think that there's a lot of potential for republicans to make inroads. and we proved that last year with the bronx. we did when we flipped a city council seat right in the heart of alexandria ocasio-cortez district. we also flip the senate emily seats within my congressional district. and so
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we are making inroads in the state of new york. and it is a combination between the failed policies of the democrats that are running new york and also what republicans have offered and what we're fighting for, okay, we want to see low energy costs. we want to see low, lower inflation. we want to see safer streets, secure borders. that's what we fight for unfortunately, president biden has allowed all that stuff to happen under his watch. he created a lot but by the policies that he put in place do you think that new yorkers should be a target as a pickup for donald trump to spend money his campaign to poor resources in you think he should do that to target, to try to win new york in 2024 well, we'll have to see how the polling continues. >> i know for a fact that there have been polls conducted that show that he has he has a possibility of winning new york and it's one of the states, it is the state where we flipped multiple cool congressional districts last cycle and we are
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in a very good position to perhaps flip a couple of more. so i think it is in play and the fact that he's spending there's so much time right now in new york and people are seeing what is happening to him. they believe that is being politically prosecuted. i will tell you that i represent a lot of immigrants people when i speak to in the chinese community, albanian community, egyptian community for example, have told me that they are not happy with the way this president has been targeted by the by the prosecutors. and they are afraid of this is this is what they saw in their homeland. they don't want it happening here in the united states. i think that's actually going to help him tremendously with the immigrant communities. but again, at the end of the day comes down to pocket issues. the people in the bronx, people in new york, they paying more for everything to commute into manhattan. they're paying more put food on their table to having difficulty putting a roof. are the head why? because inflation has risen under this president, they have the anti energy policies that have crushed new york do you know that the new york state, they shut down indian point powerplant nuclear
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power plant, which was 26% of new york city's electricity and costs have skyrocketed for new yorkers. so all of these policies that the democrats have done are gonna be hurtful and that's why president trump has an advantage. >> i want to ask you about nikki haley. she says that she he's now said that she's going to be voting for donald trump. it has been suggested that stead donald trump should pick her to be his running mate, despite the contentious primary great would you like to see nikki haley as donald trump's running mate i liked nikki haley. >> she's a friend and i do believe that she could be very good helping us unite this party. she is still getting a significant number of votes in some primaries across the country, despite not even running anymore. and we should not turn a blind eye to that if there is a way that the two of them can you night, we should i think move forward with that. that would be a very strong ticket. i also so like senator tim scott, i also think elise stefanik from new york. great
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candidates. so we'll see how this turns out at the end of the day, it's going to be the president's decision. i don't know what the personal dynamic i'm mix there are, but i do think that nikki haley would be an asset for president trump, but i do think that she can help bring over some independence and democrats know i didn't see if that is part of donald trump's message when he goes into deep blue bronx this evening. congresswoman, thank you for your time. thank you. >> john. it's like a malliotakis shortlist right there. i was like, oh, i'm taking you live nation expected to face a new antitrust lawsuit from the justice department today after chaos ensued when millions of taylor swift fans were blocked from purchasing tickets to the erez tour another telling people how they can save money with experience, with experience, you can see your recurrence subscriptions with one click. >> you can cancel i'd like that. it's so easy. i think even asher can do it that's amazing. >> thanks, ben, get started now
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direct redefining insurance. >> i'm sara marie and washington. and this is cnn may is mental health awareness month one in five us adults this early 60 million people deal with a form of mental illness every year former congressman patrick kennedy has written and spoken extensively about his own journey with mental health. >> and now he's writing about others in a new book titled profiles and mental health, courage here now is author and
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former rhode island congressman patrick kennedy. great to see you congressman. obviously the title of your book based on your uncle's book profile incurred fridge why do you think it's so important to talk about the different journeys that different people have in mental health thanks, john. >> well, i think everyone now feels less stigma about saying that they have a diagnosis or that they are in recovery. >> but we don't really understand what does that mean? >> we have various folks i, simone biles said that she had mental health issues, but no one can really understand why couldn't she get on the balance beam? what was it about her life that mental health really impacted? >> so in the point of these 12 stories is to hear from different people and different walks of life with different diagnosis? >> how do they relate to family, friends? how do they navigate life? how do they navigate the healthcare system how do they navigate employment? i mean, these are the real life stories of people
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who live with these illnesses and we really don't get that kind of in-depth perspective, which is, i think what we really need now in america for us to fully embrace more transparency in the way we discussed mental illness and addiction. >> i'm so glad you brought up simone biles because i was thinking about her. think about john fetterman. i was thinking about all the different places in different people now where we speak openly about mental health in ways i don't think we did ten years ago. i don't think we did in 2010 when you left congress to basically spend full-time all your time on this is the battle against mental health theta. we've winning the battle against smoking, right? are we winning the battle against mental health stigma? >> you know, as i said, on a superficial level. but i want to know how does john fetterman deal with his depression every single day? what are the specific ways that it impacts his quality of life? does it still impact it? >> how did he respond to treatment and what current
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treatment is he seeking? >> and all of that requires a new level of disclosure which frankly on the surface, it's enough of a big deal for him to say you got treatment or for simone biles or michael phelps to say that they got help, but what americans don't get is, what does this really mean in people's lives? and when they read these 12 profiles, they will understand the answer to that question because each of these people who use their own name tell the full story of how they navigate life living with these illnesses. and we as a nation are going to make a difference we have to have a better understanding and appreciation of what these illnesses look like and what are the ways that we can begin to address them? >> have one political question, obviously, your cousin is running for president as an independent harbor kennedy, he's got some platforms on health care that are controversial. i know you care a lot about health care. is
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this something you could support well my family's legacy is in public health and just like in mental health, we don't want anecdotal evidence. >> we want real science and real data. and that is what the kennedy legacy is about. it's not about distorted fact to make a point, it's about finding the right data to make good decisions. we're going to need to make those decisions if we're going to fund the right interventions to help people with mental illness and addiction. it's too fraught with feelings, emotions, opinions. we gotta get past that and go to exactly what works at what the science demonstrates, works best. >> it's such an important battle. you were right in the middle of that, patrick kennedy. thank you so much for being with us. thank you for the work you've done. on the issues surrounding mental health. >> thank you so much it's good to see the congressman again. >> yeah. really is.
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