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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 23, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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celebrate your milestones with customers gear, get started today. i'd custom >> this source with kaitlan collins tonight at nine close captioning brought to you by guilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices knew every day, hurry. >> there'll be gone in a flash designer say get up to 70% or so of today we begin
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this hour with breaking news that the white house were any minute now we're expecting president biden to speak at a news conference with kenya's president william ruto. >> the two are marking 60 years of diplomatic ties between these two countries. >> yesterday, president biden rolled out the red carpet for brudos arrival the first official state visit of an african leader since 2008. and it's happening as both china and russia expand, there fluence in africa cnn's mj lee is live for us waiting for president biden at the white house. and j, what more can you tell us about what's on the agenda today yet boris, we are running just a little bit behind schedule, but we do expect eddie moment here. >> president biden and president ruto of kenya to walk into the east room i'm for that too, and to press conference, that of course, refers to the fact that each leader is going to get to call on to reporters of their choice from the respective press delegation. but one of the major announcements that we do expect to see coming out of
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their bilateral meeting is the designation of kenya as a major non-nato ally. this of course, gets too the point of the us wanting to demonstrate its dedication to strengthening the us kenyan relationship. and importantly, just keep in mind this broader ai dynamic where we are seeing a lot of competition by not just the united states, but including its rivals as well, including china, including russia, to really court kenya. we have seeing that play out over the course of a number of months. and the us up for example, is concerned about the fact that kenya is saddled with a huge amount of debt. a lot of that coming from high interests. bones coming from beijing. and it wants to make the point and send the message that it would like to play a role in alleviating that kind of debt burden on a country like kenya and other developing countries. now, this invitation to washington, where we're really seeing the full red carpet treatment being given to the president of kenya keep in mind the context here that president biden had said had promised that he would be visiting
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africa sometime. this year. it definitely looks like that is not going to happen. and yesterday we he did hear him telling reporters that perhaps he will make that visit in february once he is reelected and you're one way of course that you can show a world leader. >> you're very happy to have them here in washington is to have one of these big black black-tie state dinners that's happening tonight. mj tell us more about that. >> yeah. and, you know, weeks and months of planning usually go into the coming together of a state dinner like this and we expect to see a lot of pomp and circumstance, a lot of glitz. and one of the things that the white house previewed is that the entertainment, the music is going to come from the country star brad paisley, and also the howard gospel choir is going to be performing and according to the white house, that reflects the fact that they understand the president ruto and first lady rachel ruto, really do love our country music and gospel music and also when you look at even just the menu, the dinner for the evening, that tends to represent sort a tribute to the visiting country
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as well. i can just tell you the starter is going to be a chilled heirloom tomatoes soup. and then the main course is going to be according to the white house, it butter poached lobster and a smoked beef, short ribs. the white house, going to some lengths to say this is a representation of really a reflection of the two countries and the relationship between the two countries. so there's going to be again, a lot of pomp and circumstance coming later this evening. but for now, we are awaiting that press conference between the two liters breanna heirloom, tomato soup, and some short sounds pretty good. >> mj lee will come back to we'll come back to you as the situation develops at the white house thanks so much so the us now says, it's keeping very close tabs on the situation in taiwan after china launched large scale military drills around the self-governing ireland, it is a massive to day operation involving china's army navy, air force and rocket force and it comes just days after taiwan's newly elected president took office. we have cnn's chief national security analysts, jim sciutto, here with us to talk more about it.
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jim, i know you're watching this carefully and bejing is calling the exercises punishment for what will their punishment they're also practice and that's the real concern here the us believes china is at a minimum preparing for an attack on taiwan. in the next several years, whether the president makes that decision to do so. we don't know, but at least preparing for it. and in terms of how that attack might look there's been talk of an invasion of d-day style invasion or something like these very exercises, which is two encircle taiwan basically blockade taiwan and kind of push it, force it into submission. so what you're seeing is practice here for one of the chinese options to not just punish taiwan for punishment for what, for electing a leader who is not for real unification with china, right? i mean, that's basically his seen in the view of chinese leadership. and i know that the taiwanese are taking this very seriously. and certainly the us officials, us officials watching taiwan are taking it serious and that newly elected leader, this is the first real test for them.
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how his taiwan responding. >> so they're responding. we were just showing some video there which is just from the last 24 hours shared by taiwan, the taiwanese the defense forces, they scrambled their jets to respond to the chinese jets who were surrounding the island they also had a number of ships and the taiwan strait and elsewhere who are in effect monitoring those chinese exercises. and it's actually interesting, one of the bases you just saw that jet take off from well, there's one right there. i visited last year in taiwan visiting taiwanese forces as they trained for this very possibility. they don't, they don't treat this as a effect. those are some of those trainings thank sessions right there. you're seeing on the screen as a theoretical or hypothetical possibility. they they train for it every day as a defense, they might very well have to put up to keep their island that independent. they don't use the word independent but still separate from china. and one thing president leinz seven, is an operation speech which particularly we're up to the chinese is he said in
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effect that taiwan is equal with china, that we are peers in effect, china doesn't like that. china looks at taiwan as a sort of renegade province how much does the us feel that it has a sense of what china means by what it's doing, that they understand china the us approach basically is not today. >> that's their approach that they can't make it. so that china will never attack taiwan but they want to supply taiwan with weapons. they want to inform china the consequences of an invasion so that every day china decides not to invade in effect, just kind of push it out, push it out. so it never happens. that said, you speak to people in the pentagon. they say it's not a matter of if china attacks taiwan, it's a matter of when we'll see how long that pastor from the us can help put off what seems like the inevitable jim sciutto. thanks so much for the report. >> thanks, jim. so turning now to another big story today, that a lot of people can relate to if you're frustrated by sky high ticket prices, extra fees
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you just never really know what something's going to cost, right? the department of justice sees you, the doj suing to break up live nation the parent company of ticketmaster's accusing the company of abusing its monopoly power over live events in the us and just it's driving up those prices. >> you may recall live nation made headlines back in 2022 and millions of people were fuming that they couldn't buy tickets for taylor swift's errors tour because of glitches on ticketmaster's website cnn's kaitlan polantz is with us now. katelyn, what more you learning about the lawsuit? >> well, this lawsuit has been filed. it's in the southern district of new york and the justice department and 30 state governments, republican led governments, democrat led governments. they want it to go to a jury with the intention of essentially breaking up ticket master and live nation. so the justice department is suing this company, live nation, and its subsidiary, ticketmaster because of the dominance that they have and the lock that
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they have on ticket sales, on venues and artists that perform in their venues. the justice department today was quite strong in saying that ticket master essentially puts a tax on consumers by collecting many, many service fees and stacking them on top of one another. here's a little bit more from attorney general merrick garland, who spoke at a news conference this morning. >> with exclusive agreements that cover more than 70% of concert ticket sales at major concert venues across the country ticketmaster can impose a seemingly endless list of fees on fans those include ticketing fees service fees convenience fees, platinum fees, price master fees, per order fees, handling fees, and payment processing fees among others. >> so general garland, in his comments as well, cited how
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personal this issue is to so many fans. it was something that came into the public discussion last year when there were glitches on taylor swift's erez tour and the ticket sales around that general garland, though, he mentioned whenever he was a concert fan as a year and seeing bonnie raitt perform with bruce springsteen years ago no. >> sounds like it was a great concert. i wonder if it was his frustrating to buy tickets for. so if successful, caitlin how would this change the industry and how quickly? >> well, breanna lawsuit like this takes time not only to try, but even to get to the point of a lawsuit. so it could take some time for this to be worked out. but a senior justice department official to tell us that a breakup of live nation is potentially on the table here. and some of the things that the officials from the justice department were saying this morning in that news conference, is that this is not a lawsuit that is just about inconvenience or
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frustration around ticket sales and how people can resell their tickets only he within certain platforms that this is anticompetitive and it's illegal. now, live nation is going to be fighting back against this and they have reiterated over and over again, they believe that their practices do allow artist to set their own pricing and that they have done much for the industry to keep scalpers from gouging consumers. but there's a lot that the courts and potentially a jury may have to work out here all right. we looking for that, caitlin. >> thank you for that report still or comments. >> our justice alito's got a controversial flag problem the first time he blamed his wife what's the explanation for this latest? it's provocative flag scene outside one of his properties. and officials are giving an update on the investigation of golfer scottie scheffler. the new video just released showing his arrest what his attorneys saying about the case when we come back i
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a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to the sky rizzi nothing on my skin means every that's your dermatologist about sky resi learn how abbvie could help you save violin earth with liev schreiber premieres june 2, had nine on cnn today, officials in louisville released new video of world number one golfer scottie scheffler, being arrested during last week's pga you championship. >> take a look at this footage from a pole camera across the street from the incident in the top-left corner, you see that officer and a yellow jacket. he appears to run up on scheffler's vehicle and it looks like the officer possibly strikes it just before it comes to a stop a little later in the clip, you can see what appears to be scheffler being led away. there so let's get to cnn's gabe cohen, who is live in louisville gabe police. they're just gave an update on its internal probe. they're doing into scheffler's arrest. tell us about what you learned well,
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look, they didn't say much as you mentioned, they released those two new angles of the arrest, the really relevant one is the one from the traffic pole nearby. >> it is hard to see the arrest is it happens really way up in the left corner of the video, but you can see officer gillis chasing scheffler's vehicle. he appears as you mentioned, to strike the vehicle, then you can see him speaking with scheffler through the driver's side i'd window, it's hard to tell what that back-and-forth is like before other officers come in and scheffler's removed from the vehicle and taken away. and then of course the other the dashcam angle you mentioned shows scheffler being led away in handcuffs in terms of the update. really not much from the police chief and the mayor who said they want the legal process to be able to play out. they did talk about the fact that the officer who arrested scheffler, who was allegedly dragged by the car did not have his body worn cameras, body cameras turned on at the time, which is a violation of the police departments policy, and take a listen. here's a little bit of the police chief addressing
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that detective gillis did not have his body-worn camera operator operationally ready as required by our policy he was performing a law enforcement action as defined in our policy. we understand the seriousness of the failure to capture this interaction, which is why our officer has he should receive corrective action for this policy violation but they didn't. >> boris and breanna address the charges. that's scottie scheffler is facing. he's facing four charges, but by far the most serious is that second-degree assault of a police officer charge. it is a felony, as i mentioned, and as i've been reporting over the past 24 hours, a source has told me that behind closed doors at least some of the top brass within the police department have started voicing some concern that perhaps that felony charge is excessive. that source telling me that during a recent meeting that included italy, some high
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ranking officials within the police department. they had voiced concern about the charge and perhaps saying that it should be reduced, but they didn't talk about that and they did not take any questions since borse and briana, so we don't know if that those feelings have been shared with the county prosecutor's office. i will say the police department, they told me yesterday in response to my reporting that i should listen in today that it would be there'll be no question, no doubt about where they stand on these issues. but as of now, there are still a lot of lingering doubts and a lot of questions yeah. >> so glad that you point that out also, listen, they want to take this all the way with a felony charge and then you don't have bodycam video. >> we'll see how that goes. i'm gabe cohen. thank you in about a half hour or so, senators are going to hold a vote that is expected to go nowhere. >> senate democrats are going to put up a procedural motion to revive what would have been a landmark border bill, but was reject put it back in february donald trump pressured republicans to kill it. and
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this afternoon they're likely to reject the measure once again, but this time, more democrats could be joining the no votes. however, several democratic senators signaled this revote will give them ammunition against republicans come november. listen thank you. >> have to look at a republicans is basically being very hypocritical and are hypocrites. they, they just want to use this as a campaign issue, but they're not willing to actually the debate these issues and vote on these issues, which is necessary for us to make sure we have a secure border. >> did they forget who told them to vote against a perfectly good border security? we know that would have secured the border for pallor liquor for political reasons really let's discuss with democratic senator chris murphy of connecticut, who was one of the bipartisan negotiators of the initial border bill. >> senator, thank you so much for being with us. you said that you plan to vote to move forward with this bill. does it really stand a chance of passing? >> well it could pass if
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republicans decided to vote for it. remember the entire reason that we entered into this bipartisan negotiation was at the request of republicans republicans that we want to pass bipartisan border security legislation. they appointed a negotiator center mecole, the leader of the republicans, was in the room and we negotiated for four months so we delivered on every single priority that republicans asked for the leadership of the republican senate caucus signed off on the final product and then donald trump said stop, don't pass any border security legislation because i want the border to be a mess for this election. and republicans turned on a dime now when you think border security is important. the people we represent think border security is important. and so we don't want to just abandon this bipartisan bill that we worked so hard on after one fail to attempts so yes, we brought up before the senate again this week to see if maybe republicans and changed their mind. maybe they were going to choose the security of this country and bipartisan cooperation patient on the border, instead of choosing donald trump who wants the
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border to be a mess you are right, as we're nearing this vote, it doesn't look like we have changed the mind of enough republicans to get this across the finish line, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try. that doesn't mean that we shouldn't hold a vote to try to take advantage of this opportunity. it's once in a day okay. when we get republicans and democrats to agree on a bipartisan security, border security bill. that's why we're bringing it before the chambers today. >> i imagine a number of republicans would disagree with some of your characterizations and the response speaker johnson was on fox this morning. he said that president biden was quote, in denial about what's happening at the border. he added white house has no interest in his view of solving the crisis you mentioned just now that part of the reason that this bill came about is because republicans signaled that they wanted to get something john on this, it did take roughly three years and record-breaking migrant crossings for the white house to really make this a priority. why do you think that is? >> well, i just don't think
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that's true. the biden administration issued some very tough new rules on how to deal with migrants at the border. but the the courts struck down much of what the biden menstruation was trying to do. why because you have to change the law. the question does the question though is timing on those it was rule changes because those are those real changes happened in the first two years of the biden administration, what the courts have said is that you cannot as an administration changed can use the laws of the country, vitamin station doesn't have the ability to just reorient and conjured out of thin air new resources congress has to change the law. congress it asked to put more resources to the border. republicans talk a tough game when it comes to changing the law and delivering more resources versus to the border. but when they have the opportunity to do it, instead, they choose to keep the border a mess. i i just think we had a chance here to do something really important and i'm sorry that we're not getting there. >> well, one of your negotiating partners for the bill republican senator james langford of oklahoma so that
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he's not supporting this procedural motion today. let's listen to what he has to say let's at least sit down and figure out what will pass. let's not just keep pulling the same builds up over and over again that we know we're not going to pass in pretend we're doing something, we're not getting it solved we know it's not going to pass. again, sinner schumer's just bringing this up for a political reason on it. and i've said, hey, senator schumer, if you want to actually pass something, let's sit down actually work this out. but this is not a bipartisan attempt to be able to solve something. this is a partisan attempt for fundraising or for whatever its emf they're trying to do what's your response to the argument from republicans that this is being put up for a revote purely for political reasons. >> well, obviously i have a great deal of respect for center langford here. can i were locked in a room for four months negotiating this bill and i know that he supports the bill. he would tell you he supports the bill this vote we're taking today it's not final passage on the bill, right? this is just a vote to start debate on the bill. if
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republicans want to amend the underlying proposal within vote start to bait and then we can have an amendment process. this is how the senate used to work you'd begin debate on a bill and then you would try to change it so that you can eventually get the 50 or 60 votes that you needed i just think republicans refusal to even begin debate on this bill is a signal that they are listening to donald trump, who does not want the border fixed. that's not james link for it. james link for wants to fix this problem sincerely, but he is unfortunately in the vast minority right now in his caucus. >> senator, i also want to ask you about democrats that don't want to see this bill pass. i'm thinking of examples like senator cory booker who said that parts of this bill violate americans shared values alex padilla says that this should not be the democratic starting point for border security. what's your message to those members of your party well listen, it's frankly proof that this is an actual
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bipartisan bill. >> i mean, if all 51 democratic senators were voting for this bill, it wouldn't suggests, that, we had made many compromises. we didn't make compromises. that's in fact why there will be a handful of democrats that are voting no on this proposal. but the proposal will likely fail today, not because there are too many democrats voting against it. there will be a handful of democrats. many of my friends voting no but they will fail because almost every single republican will vote against it. again, a compromise is a compromise that means that there are going to be democrats i don't support a bill like this and i just think america wants us to compromise. they want us to find room in the middle. that's just unfortunately not going to happen here because republicans are refusing to support the compromise that they helped negotiate. >> senator chris murphy, we have to leave the conversation there are joining us. >> thank you still had were keeping a close eye on the white house where president biden is set to hold a news
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conference with kenya's president we're going to bring you those remarks live once they begin, right here on cnn news central in the stanley cup. fairclough life is on the line right now two now, the distractions. goodness serious still feel high sky i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i'll take back in sure. >> not to protein 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic with armor all a little bit of this protects you from a lot of that armor all west work more clean by $20, get five back through may 31st from medium rare well so many
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fulfillment of years of collaboration our joint check counterterrorism operations have degraded isis and al shabaab across east africa are mutual support for ukraine as rally the world to stand behind the un charter. and our work together on haiti is helping pave the way to reduce instability insecurity thank you mr. president, can jen is in leadership from multinational security support mission in haiti. are new partner, global partnerships going to build on all this progress? we're going to make meet new challenges and with more resources and it's going to stretch to the security of our countries and our countries around the world second for deepen our economic cooperation both president ruto and i have focused on growing economies are growing economy and growing them from the bottom up, the middle out, the bottom-up, and when that happens happens everybody does not the top down because when the middle-class does well, the poor have a ladder up and the wealthy still
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do very well. as to we kenya. that's true in america, and that's to around the world right now, many companies, many countries, debt stands in the way of growth too many nations are forced to make a choice between development and dead between investing in their people and paying back their creditors. so today we're launching what we're calling the nairobi washington vision this this initiative is going to bring together international financial institutions there's a nation's mall around the world to mobilize more resources for countries saddled with debt, to open more opportunities to the private sector financing, which promote transparent sustainable, and affordable lending practices these are big goals. it's going to take time to see lasting progress. but we're providing $250 million. the united states is the world bank and a crisis response window. and the coming weeks, united states going to make an additional 21 billion available to the international monetary fund today, i'm proud to announce. there'll be $250
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billion in new lending capacity for multilateral development banks like the world bank, tell flowing combinations of best in their development and tackle growing challenges this is supported by the united states and many other countries as well. next, we're launching a new era. protect knowledge to technological cooperation between the united states in kenya, that means new partnerships, new partnerships with industry artificial intelligence semiconductors, and cybersecurity company new initiatives to expand affordable internet all across east africa, to education programs are going to bring kenyan students to the united states to study in the stem fields i'm proud to announce that i'm working with congress to make kenya the first country in africa to receive funding through the chips and science act, which has served us well. this funding will link their supply chains. united states, and to our partners and spur innovation and extends from silicon valley in california according to two silicons,
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savannah and kenya, which by the way is already a $1 tech comm already. will it, but billion-dollar tech finally we're ensuring democracy delivers for our people that includes kenya is diasporic community here in the united states. >> two years ago first, black vice president and president kamala harris, launched the nation's first presidential advisory council on african diaspora engagement today, we're building on her work work to strengthen longstanding bonds between our people. he also want to thank you, mr. president, for taking action to implement the long-awaited public benefits organization act ms provides historic protections for civil society and ngos all across kenya. like q. i believe the future is gonna be won by countries that are on least full potential. the full potential of the population, including civil society, women and young people i look forward to working together to implement this act. and jumps to already cardiogenic corruption for reforms to democratic values of
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to bind our nations together. now let me close this. taken together, these are responsibilities kenyan american must meet in the years ahead to meet them together as partners. for security, for prosperity, for innovation. and most importantly, for democracy. but another of these responsibilities will wake the best tennis. and i know we'll bring up not only bring our nation's together, i want to thank you for again, mr. president forbade here knowing we. have even bigger dreams set of cooperation. our country's floor is yours thank you. >> mr. president. and i won to in a very, very sincere way thank you. miss that president, for inviting me to make this that visit to the united states on behalf of the people and moment of kenya. i also take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for the warm welcome we have received on arrival and the excellent
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hospitality 30 of the american people my visit provides us mr. president, with the opportunity to celebrate 60 years of bilateral relations. did on shared values of freedom, democracy, rule of law, equality, and inclusivity my visit takes place at a time when democracy is perceived to be retreating worldwide the accelerating drift towards regimes in indifferent two democratic values is a dip concern to us and i believe it is time the us working with kenya deploys its capabilities and rally like-minded democratic countries to set up the course for democracy during our discussions, we agreed on the significant opportunity for the us to run recalibrate its strategy and strengthen its
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support for africa. as discussed at the us african leadership summit by enhancing its investment in the institutions of african integration and increasing support for peace and security as we take these historic step of elevating our partnership to be more effective in droves, in addressing global child it is important for us to appreciate that many countries in africa, including kenya, are struggling with an overwhelming convergent since of multiple shocks, including extreme climate events, debt distress and the disrupt, disruptive up lever, upheavals in europe and the middle east, whose cumulative impact is to die. but national resources from investment in people and economic growth into managing climate in induced crisis and servicing sovereign
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debt for this reason, i have underscored the imperative for our partnership to facilitate recovery from these multiple crisis. and particularly for the united states of america okay to take a leading role in a comprehensive debt resolution framework by doubling contribution to the concessionary financing. window of the world bank. and also to work with the imf, henry channeling fdr's to institutions like the african development bank to further leverage on private sector funding to support countries. unless this is done and done immediately the values of freedom democracy, and the rule of law are in ingrate. geo body on regional peace and security in the horn of africa. and the great lakes region i expressed optimism that kenya under the us will innovatively design
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appropriate defense and security frameworks to help kenya as the anchor state under region in general to deal with a peace and security challenges that are undermining human well-being. slowing down development, and also having a negative impact on democracy. we affirm our mutual commitment to the stabilization of haiti through the multinational security support mission. the kenner you climate and clean energy industry as you're partnership. we have just committed to is encouraging milestone on our collective journey and builds on the paradigm shift. we we have inaugurated at the africa climate summit in nairobi last year accordingly, africa's resource potential is a huge opportunity. to deploy us technology and investment to catalyze unprecedented growth
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through green industrialization we've also agreed to heston the renewal of the african growth, and opportunities act to sustain the pricing momentum oba investments and exports in the manufacturing space. similarly, we agreed to undertake tenable green growth by facilitating conclusion of our strategic trade and investment partnership. alongside the renewal of a goal during our discussions, i witnessed firsthand president biden's and the us government's determination to make our partnership work and resolve to spread and deepen the roots of freedom. democracy security, and prosperity throughout well, as my visit comes to a close i am confident that our engagements have laid a solid foundation for asked to
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continue the work, the good work we have begun with stronger faith and greater hope for success, because in joe biden kenya and africa. >> have a strong and committed friend. i think you thank you. >> president, you do have a friend and the african cons kind of 1 billion people not to sue your idea. we're going to ignore it makes no sense at all first question. michael, well-known when cauchi thank you, mr. president. >> two questions. if i may, on no one i'm going. to do, my level. best on on haiti and on israel your administration went on a worldwide search for security forces bending please forces, bangladeshi canadian shove in any, but american forces to stand up this multinational security support mission for haiti before can
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you stood up to lead? can you explain why it is that you believe on the one hand that this mission is so critical and on the other why it is that you have categorically ruled out contributing us forces to this effort is it your goal to beat back haiti's gangs or to contain them end on israel. does the united one question? >> thanks for your question. okay the question would be question of regard to haiti use we concluded that for the united states to deploy forces in the hemisphere, just raises all all kinds of questions that can be easily misrepresented about what we're trying to do and be able to be used by those who disagree with us. against our let's the interest of haiti and the united states. so we set out to find a partner or partners who would lead that effort that we would participate in. not with american can forces both supplies and making sure they have what they needed. and so i'm very grateful, president
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root of leadership here. multinational buffer, but kennedy's willingness to really lead this matter matters. not the only country, but you're leading this effort. and there's going to be us forces, none on the ground now, we're going to supply logistics intelligence, and equipment. out of fact, some equipments already arrived and kenya's stepping up with police and other countries planned to do as well. united states going to support the collective effort here and of course, kenyan won't be going in alone. we're working with congress to provide 300 for million dollars to mss mission and additional 60 million for equipment assistance. and we've also we've received and are continuing to bring major your contributions from other partners in as well present ruto and i agree that haitian people deserve better. the deserve pieces security and i thank you. him for taking on this responsibility, but we have his back and were there all the way you have a question
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for you, president ruto. >> but before i do i do very briefly have a question on whether the united states has any evidence at all that would substantiate the icc process curators specific allegations against israeli leaders that they are using starvation as a tactic of war in gaza. the or exculpatory evidence for that matter. and if you would commit to releasing that information before any potential issuance of icc arrest warrants and president ruto at the mission that kenya is about to leave he'd in haiti is obviously a support mission that as well known but the fact is that haiti's national police have been internationally funded and trained for some time. and nevertheless, plus, have obviously fail to beat back
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these games will kenyan forces in partnership? with the mss be out front in the fight against these gangs? or will they be a static force behind the hnp? and are you concerned? turned about casualties among the enforces thank you very much can you believe? but the responsibility of peace and security anywhere in the world including in haiti, is the collective responsibility of all nations and all peoples who believe in freedom self-determination democracy, and justice and it is the reason why i cannot took up this responsibility because we have been participating in peacemaking and we have been participating in peacekeeping over the plus 40 years in 47
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countries, including very difficult neighborhoods like what we're going to face in haiti we are going to take up that responsibility alongside the haitian police. >> and we have clear modus operandi, how we are going to relate with the situation on the ground that has been agreed under the united nations framework so we are looking forward but to this deployment, because we believe that the women and children in haiti deserve peace. like all other women and children and people around the world icc, you guys never keep the deal, but that's okay we've made our position clear on the icc. we don't think the we don't recognize that jurisdiction hi icc, the way it's being exercised and it's that
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simple. we don't think there's an equivalence between what israel did, what hamas okay, next thing i do is the next question as well let me ask hi you up decoded from kenya for the next question. >> is i boy, hi. >> thank you, mr. president. thank you. one question and this is on haiti present. >> biden kenya is rather lit, doing the heavy lifting in tableau and phrygian somalia, south sudan, the democratic republic of the congo washington, as you have mentioned, as committed millions of dollars for the course in haiti isn't it? ironic that while america is ending its forever, wallace and afghanistan, the latest in 2021 under your leadership when you do trips from kabul, and that you're committing kenya to another foreign wars taller thousand kilometers away from nairobi. i mean, why the
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discrepancy, why the dichotomy while you're on the forever was of assists was yet you're committing kenya to haiti. >> can explain that very easily reason why afghanistan has been known as the graveyard of empires likelihood of anybody uniting afghanistan is highly, highly, highly unlikely. number one, number two, there are ways to control isis, other than oxygen he pupae in afghanistan it was an unnecessary need now with regard to haiti haiti is an area of the caribbean that is very volatile there's a lot going on in this hemisphere, and we're in a situation where we want to do all we can without us looking like america once again is stepping over and sayyed, this is what must be done. paces are looking for help as well as folks in the caribbean and looking for help. and so we checked out with a
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number of other countries the one who stepped up with haiti we've committed to provide remember where with all the intelligence and equipment and the like to haiti and so it's a logical thing and you have a first rate cut kick capability and you keep your we're that's an important dynamic i agree with president biden that. can you ask participation in haiti? it's not so much about what happened in the past it's about what we believe in the peace and security of humanity and we don't find that the us is committing kenya because the us cannot commit, can i am the president of kenya. it's me to make that decision it's the people of kenya to commit their own using their own structures. we've gone through the processes in kenya, parliament as approved
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we have a clear mandate. we have a clear framework i'd it is us the people of kenya who met this decision in the interests of sobbing peace and stability as a responsible global citizen. an understanding that insecurity, instability anywhere is insecurity and stability everywhere by the way you asked about your implying we weren't doing anything anywhere else well, we've kind of occupancy right around the world were awesome. >> who engages in congo and neighborhood and we can look kinda help alleviate human suffering there united states the largest humanitarian donor providing 375 million humanitarian funding just this year can we support more than 6 million displaced people? the drc? so we are engaged in more than one place full up to my
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president, dr. ruto you said that kenya has committed and in new your cutters fiction atlanta, you said it's based on humanitarianism, helping haiti out but can you explain the geopolitical it's called goal 12,000 kilometers away from nairobi. when schools in the counties of berlingo, whisper code, and turkana have not yet opened because of the bandage. a problem yeah you're committing our national police force to haiti and waste the priorities. this being one of your major manifesto, pilus, talking about security. and to the extent that even the defense cabinet secretary talked about the deployment of if it'd be the kenyan military or the special personnel to make sure that schools are your pin children go to school in areas that have been with prone in kenya. why you're committing to haiti when we have a problem back home, is an irony that you are putting the fire in the fire away. neighbor's home when you're on own home is on fire thank you very much. >> i made a commitment to the people of kenya to sort out
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insecurity in the north rift i have followed that with action as we talk, there are 3,000 military officers in the north rift 2000 police officers in the road tripped. we have renovated the fast 15 schools and completed. we have reopened 20 schools already that were closed in the north rift. and that exercise is ongoing. we have made tremendous progress in making sure that we create security at home but that does not take away our responsibility even as we were deploying troops and policeman in our own country in north rift, too subtle the banditry problem. we still deployed 1,000 3,000 troops to drc congo because that is our neighborhood. we have 5,000
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troops in samadhi because equally, that is our responsibility and haiti should not be an exception that's why deploying 1,000 security meant to haiti speak to the same belief and commitment to peace and security next question from april ryan mr. president's president biden, present it's a great toe. thank you. first of all, when you talk about haiti, president ruto, you said haiti is a collective responsibility for all nations. for you, mr. president president biden and president ruto, do you believe that these nations can break the back of this militia, that his grip the nation and also when it comes to cargo. thank you, mr. president for bringing up what the united states is doing for the congo, especially
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as that flag was behind you morehouse. mr. president, could you tell me what the african union has dual as well as kenya's doing when it comes to the humanitarian crisis in the conflict what. >> was my, question sir? >> your question was haiti kids? >> united states and kenya or the nation's collectively break the backs of this coordinated militia that has the grips of the nation, that nation yes the very way we're doing it, we're not talking about a hey thousand person army is made up of train persian this is a crisis. >> it's able to be dealt with. and we think we can belt with this way with a multinational approach. with haiti leading the way and us providing intelligence as well as equipment gangs and criminals
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do not have nationalities. >> they have no religion they have no language which their language is one to deal with them family decisively within the parameters of the law and that's what we're building a coalition of nations beyond kenya and the us many were making contributions towards the mss force in haiti. to secure that country. and to break the buck of the gangs and the criminals that have visited untold suffering in that country on drc. >> the au the east african
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community, and kenya has seized without much, i've just told you but can you hard 1,000 troops in haiti we now have another 800 not in haiti, but in drc now have another 800 troops from sadik we are going to be having a meeting of the east african community i did send my minister of my foreign minister to kinshasa. >> they had a conversation and shortly we will be looking at how to begin the dialogue process under the nairobi process because we believe there is no military solution so what is going on in drc? but instead, dialogue should be able to give us the necessary momentum. and outcomes that would sell the matters in eastern drc. so both the au the
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east african community, and kenya as a country, are seized of that matter. we know that the humanitarian crisis in eastern drc has displaced close to 70 million people. and i want to thank the united states of america for stepping in with humanitarian support. for that region because it is a collaboration of different countries in different ways to deal with that situation. the rest of us are committing troops. we are committing our deploying, our infrastructure to still deleted the resolution of the metazoan drc let me ask nancy or guten? from kenya. >> she is, yeah. okay. nancy, faeser in africa is asking
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america to lead the way and double its contribution to the wilds banks international development assistance to help developing countries access more financing. 20 v8 debt distress. and to tackle climate change, what is your commitment of this? thank you you. i'm sorry, i didn't catch all your question sorry. >> i'm saying africa, is asking america to lead the way and doublets country to bhushan, to the world bank's international development assistance to help developing countries to access financing to alleviate debt distress and to tackle climate change. what is your commitment on this remained a major commitment to this number one you said the united states, as long championed in an international financial institutions that provide low-cost concessional resources versus to a enforce developing countries including from the imf to that end my administration helped design, establish gi match, new initiative, a provides low-cost
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funding for countries that are taking steps to enhance the resilience important partners in africa have the capital leinz says sure they have their capital, they need to invest in their futures we heard them and we stand with now, that's why we've worked with congress to enable the united states to make available in the coming weeks, up to $21 billion. a new lending resources to the the imf trust fund that provides concessional lending as the poorest countries. so little like having a go when you're in debt, having to go and find someone help you out, that this is about we believe supported friends and in this partnership is happy we're happy to do our part and look we've also doubled our commitment to the idea. and i'm proud of the united states, the biggest donor. the idea in the cycle, and proud to be working so as alongside. kenyan to support robust financing and policy


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