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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 23, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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funding for countries that are taking steps to enhance the resilience important partners in africa have the capital leinz says sure they have their capital, they need to invest in their futures we heard them and we stand with now, that's why we've worked with congress to enable the united states to make available in the coming weeks, up to $21 billion. a new lending resources to the the imf trust fund that provides concessional lending as the poorest countries. so little like having a go when you're in debt, having to go and find someone help you out, that this is about we believe supported friends and in this partnership is happy we're happy to do our part and look we've also doubled our commitment to the idea. and i'm proud of the united states, the biggest donor. the idea in the cycle, and proud to be working so as alongside. kenyan to support robust financing and policy
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package are going to help the most vulnerable countries address there trying to reuse international lending organizations that's what. it's about this concludes the press conference. >> thanks, everybody a boisterous and they're to the press briefing, reporters shouting questions as president biden. >> thank you, everybody. and president ruto fluted. there press briefing. a lot of topics that reporters toss questions at the two leaders about multiple questions about haiti, specifically, biden was asked to about the us decision not to
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deploy troops there the president of kenya was asked about his decision to send troops in and to lead the effort to help rebuild haiti after months of cataclysmic political situation there, notably president biden was asked one question about israel. he seemed a bit irritated at the question. i think it's fair to say right? >> he was asked specifically of the united states had any evidence that would either prove or negate the icc's issuing of warrants out for prime minister benjamin netanyahu. specifically over whether the israel has used famine in gaza as a weapon the war, the president saying that the white house has made its opposition to these warrants clear. he said, quote, it's simple, we don't think there's an equivalence lands between hamas and israel. >> yeah, this meeting here coming in a very critical time but it was also interesting how he was asked that question about committing kenya or an
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african nation to be engaged in a long-term conflict without committing american troops, which obviously there would not be an appetite for. certainly. and so he was trying i think to answer for some of that. but joining us now, let's talk to judy more senior policy fellow at the center for global development judo thing judy, thank you so much for talking with us. >> tell us a little bit more about this critical moment obviously, we're seeing huge shifts in africa where the us footprint there has been waning. the military footprint has been waning. the us just kicked out of new share chat as well. and russia and china have really made and really maids some way in the continent. how do you see this time thanks again for having me. >> i think you're right. i think over the last 20 years ago, the us was basically the only game in town but over the last 20 years, new and emerging powers have coming to africa, especially china, whose grown and influence and so far as the us is concerned, it seems as if every increase in china's
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influence has come on american experience expense. and so the us the biden administration came to power, look into strengthen and upgrade us relationship with africa. and we've seen that happen here. so i think if you place the kidney a state visit within the context of that, this this is just a continuation of what the biden administration has tried to do in terms of shoring up american presence in africa we also have cnn's mj lee with us. >> she was in the room for the press briefing. andrew, what we remain takeaways boris, one of the clearest ways in which the us can demonstrate great. >> its commitment when ally is by doing exactly this, hosting a state visit. and we saw that really on full display with this two and two press conference. president biden announcing some of these major areas of cooperation including, of course, that major announcement that we were talking about before of designating kennedy yeah, as a major non-nato ally, this is,
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of course symbolic but is going to carry a lot of weight in terms of the symbolism particularly given that kenya is now the first subsaharan african nation to receive that designation. the president also talked about other areas of economic cooperation but another big area of discussion, was finding ways to alleviate the debt burden that countries like kenya and other nations developing nations face. one moment that i thought was quite noteworthy from kenyan president ruto. he said, this visit comes at a time when he believes democracies appear to be retreating world worldwide, that line stood out to me because the message that some biden administration officials would say is being delivered to the kenyan leader today, is basically you're better off working with us to democracy like the united states rather than say a country like china or iran, or russia. so that was an interesting line. of course, we saw the president take a number of questions, including on the issue of haiti also on the issue of israel on that
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issue when he was asked about the icc issuing these arrest warrants, he said pretty bluntly, i'm going to reiterate what i have said before that he does not believe that that is an appropriate step that the icc is trying to take. and he also said that there are simply no equivalence between hamas leaders and israeli leaders. so that's something that we expect the president. and frankly, administration officials to continue repeating that point that they really do not see this as an appropriate step that the icc is trying to tell yeah we're keeping an eye on that. of course, mj. thank you. and juda, just to you is us officials are trying to they're trying to say that there's china fatigue on the african continent. i wonder if, if you think that is true no, i think and i think they did instructive thing about kenya is that can you hasn't really renounced this relationship with china can you add remains one of china's biggest eyeline is and partners on the
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continent. and i think the us government has gone out of his way to say that it isn't trying to force african countries into that position where they have to make a choice between either the united states or china, because both the united states and china are important. and each of them has unique competencies that makes it difficult for one to replace the other. >> but i think here the biden administration from the leaders summit two now a state visit and the problem i miss if he wins a second term of visit to africa, i think that the cherry on this would be that biting if he gets elected, reelected sees through the re-authorization of our gore. >> i think that strengthens the us position vis-a-vis china although because china spends so march on infrastructure, china is going to continue to be an important partner there. but i think the body has ministration has gone a long way in ensuring up and strengthened in american presence on the continent yeah you heard that from the kenyan president saying that the
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african continent, and can you specifically has a great partner in joe biden, judy more. you have to leave the conversation there. >> appreciate you sharing your perspective with us. >> of course thank you it's just moments senate democrats are going to revive that bipartisan border bill that the senate already rejected. did back in february. this is the bill that would have brought major reform to border enforcement that hasn't been seen in a generation or so. but after months of republican and democratic negotiations, donald trump effectively pressured his party to reject it. yeah, very effectively and did so killing the bill, paving away for trump to continue leveraging the border as a campaign issue. and today, republicans are expected to reject the bill. once again, this time even more democrats could be joining them on that. we have cnn's lauren fox up on the hill for us. lauren tell us what's happening in the chances for this bill yeah, we expect that this vote will get underway shortly. there were closing speeches happening on the floor. a few moments ago.
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one thing to keep an eye on in today's vote is how democrats actually vote on this legislation. tisha, and that, is because all right, we have lost lauren fox. there are unfortunately we're going to try to re-establish that connection meantime, former president donald trump is hitting the trail today in new york, a democratic stronghold, specifically the bronx a county that trump lost by wide margins in both 2016 and 2020. yeah. and trump is expected to attack biden on the economy. he's trying to chip away at biden's support among black and hispanic voters. we have seen a national correspondent, kristen holmes, who is in the bronx ahead of trump's rally. kristin talk to us a little bit about the strategy here, because obviously it's not always about winning over a ton of people. it might just be about trying to convince a few to stay home and in close elections that can really mean the difference breanna, it sometimes it's just the fact that you're supposed to be in
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court four days a week and you need a rally location that's nearby. but there are multiple things that are true at one time, that being the donald trump does see an opening when it comes to black and latino voters. and that's something we've really seen in recent polling, shows some kind of movement towards republican party and towards trump as well. so that's what you're seeing here today. now the other part of this, of course, being that they believed he was going to be in court today. court wrapped on tuesday. they thought the trial was going to be a little bit longer and they have been planning this rally for a number of months. but what we're seeing here on the ground is really we interesting because it is a complete mix of people here in the bronx. we've had people drive by telling donald trump to get out of here, but we've also had people saying that they voted for joe biden in the last election and maybe they don't feel like they have as much to lose with voting for donald trump. in the next one. and again, that is the opening that his team is hoping for when it comes to minority voters, which is the large demographic in this area in the bronx. now, all of that being said, donald trump has routinely since 2016
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said that the state of new york is in play. 2016, he lost by more than 20 points, 2020 said the same thing, lost by more than 28 we'll see what happens this time around. we give you the demographics of the very location that we are in, in 2020, donald trump lost a joe biden and bronx county 15.9%. that's what trump had to biden's at 3.4%. so you'd have to see a very substantial movement. you're going to see trump pull off a county like bronx county here, but people are lining up. they want to hear what the former president has to say yes substantial movement as you put it there, kristen holmes, let's let's start about nikki haley, the former south carolina governor. and of course, republican presidential candidate, is now saying that she is going to vote for former president trump talked to us about what's behind this analysis altman well, there's a lot of significance here given how deeply personal and bid or the rivalry was between nikki haley and donald trump. and donald
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trump's seem really was not sure that she was ever going to come out and say she would vote for donald trump or endorse seven, which obviously she stopped short of doing yesterday when she was talking, but we still haven't heard from the former president. now there is an entire group of republicans in his orbit who really hope that he will be gracious, that he will reach out to the former south carolina governor. they believed that he really we need these kind of independent voters and the republican party who are looking for an alternative to donald trump, one of the most jarring numbers that i'm pointed to a lot by these republicans who again, are hoping that donald trump can make inroads with these voters is what happened in pennsylvania after haley dropped out. this is a critical swing state in 2024 is critical in 2020 and in 2016 and 16.5% of republicans given no independence no democrats voted for nikki haley in that primary. that is an alarming number two, people on the ground and pennsylvania and two republicans across the country who think that pennsylvania is a must-win state. so they are
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hoping that donald trump's shows, please, some graciousness in following what haley had to say kristen holmes lie for us in the bronx, new york. thank you so much it wasn't that long ago that haley called trump to unhinged to ever be president again and said that trump couldn't be joe biden. let's listen to nikki haley earlier this year chaos follows him and we can't have a country in disarray in a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos. we won't survive it we're joined now by bryan lanza to discuss halos announcement and more. he was the deputy communications director of donald trump's 2016 presidential campaign. he's also a partner at mercury public affairs. brian, thanks so much for being with us. even after nikki haley dropped out she's received somewhere around the neighborhood of 20% of the vote in republican primaries, including in battlegrounds like pennsylvania. these voters are casting ballots against donald
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trump what work do you think he needs to do to regain those voters? is it possible that he could win a general election without them? >> first of all, thank you for having me, boris. so the answer is yes. i mean, he has to do everything he's running for president. he has to go where the ground is very fertile and those voters are very fertile for him. so he's gonna go there, he's going to make the appeal. it looks like nikki haley is going to be part of that team. the help that make the appeal, and he can't he can't get them back. well, we seen in 2016 when you had a lot of opposition in the primary against president trump to the very end, that by the, by the following november, they lined up and they voted for president trump. so we've seen this phenomenon before. frustrated republicans are sort of ultimately not happy that president trump's the nominee, but we've also seen them fall in line in november and that's ultimately what matters. >> what about independent voters? because i imagine that democrats are going to take some of the soundbites from nikki haley's saying that he's enhanced and some of these other things and use it in ads against donald trump. could he do much to regain those voters that share
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haley's distaste for trump, at least her distaste when the primary was still on yeah. >> listen, i think independent voters like nikki haley had to sit back and sort of look at the environments, see what suits them. i mean, nikki haley came to this difficult decision sort of comparing the binary choice between president trump and president biden. and if you heard some of her statements, she said, you know, you need you we need to be in highlighter that can be reliable ally to our partners. those are direct shot at present the empire on the international stage, which she cares about foreign policy. she's basically saying joe biden and abandon israel has abandoned afghanistan and is not really given ukraine the weapons two are the tools they need to win. and so that played a significant role in nikki haley supporting president trump. i suspect those issues will play significant role to those who support her and she's going to make that message pretty clear. she clearly thinks that president biden is a strong is a stronger threat to the future of this country than president trump. and that's what she assessed. >> shifting gears and talking about trump's rally in the bronx today brian, we both know donald trump is not going to
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win in the bronx, right? i see you laughing why have that rally today? i've been i've been in the receiving end where the president says there, then candidate says way we're going to win california. alma, california. i've never seen a circumstance where republican can win california, but i think it's important sort of understand the president's president's movement is his the people behind them. they're not there, they're they're bianna partisans. there are a lot of working class democrats, working class independence that are sort of shifting over the republican party and president trump's season opportunity to step in and say, hey, there's an alternative here to the coalition that was promised you in 2020. i mean, inflation has hit these communities, these working class communities, these middle-class communities harder than everyone else, including the minority groups and so when he goes in there, he goes with the message listen, it's been a difficult four years. do you remember what it was when i was here and i can bring that economic opportunity and the hope back. and i think that's the message that you'll see today. >> ahead of donald trump's rally, the biden campaign has been running ads hitting trump for comments that he's made in
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the past, specifically about black americans, the trump campaign is calling these ads cheap attempt to gaslight black voters are some of those past comments that democrats are highlighting specifically about the central park five, the rally in charlottesville and others. do you see those as a problem for trump as he tries to court african-americans. >> you know, i don't think it's a problem for trump. >> just like job joe biden's previous statements about the african and african-american community or in a problem for him and his statements have been pretty rages. it's really more egregious anything that president trump has ever said about the african-american community really is. >> i don't go out, let me do you wanna go back to those pores and review that might be embarrassed to read them to my mom and you should be two. >> but what i would say is when they make that comparison today of what the future looks like. joe biden is not running on the future for the african american community because the future is pretty glebe. if you look at what the past it has been, the reason he's able to president trump's i'm able to make inroads is because inflation is because the community is suffering tremendously under joe biden. that's why those inroads are taking place. it has nothing to do with what was said in the past, but it has to
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do what the future looks like. >> i certainly remember the way that each of them treated the first african american president and questions about a phantom birth certificate from some others. i have i remember joe biden using the n word on the floor before, so it'd be we have to be careful with that. we're going to do comparisons. i've never heard trump, president trump use the n word, whereas joe biden, i do think an intent matters. certainly brian, i think the words we have to please the conversation there. thanks for being with us. we look forward to having you on again. >> thank you still have this hour on cnn news central for the first time since cnn uncovered video of her being violently beaten by sean diddy combs cassie ventura is speaking out what she wants the public look to know. >> plus inside a town that ukraine can't afford to lose cnn was granted exclusive access to a village under attack by russia and the soldiers fighting to save it. >> and this year's hurricane forecast includes a dire warning that you can expect
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coming on. what you can expect, i should say coming up this our on cnn new central assignments are going off and playing the tornado here i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it while and earth with the liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn that's how, you make like it never even happened serve for your mom rice, diabetes is no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose glue sirna to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carb steady glue, cerner, bring on the day what makes ewc so special? we do a really great job at sharing all of our
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a decision and now mom is so well cared for hello to an experts, senior living advisor today at no cost to your family some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you with all state because they are people out there who aren't you a lot of them and you don't drive like what my child being braced by a robot, other drivers or not you? >> yes. thank you so much. all 50 of my subscribers no, definitely not. >> you save with dr. wise and get a rate based on you doing good hands with all sdi i'm katie lilla in washington and this is cnn cassie ventura is breaking her silence about a 2016 domestic violence incident involving her, then boyfriend rapper sean diddy combs. last week, cnn exclusively uncovered surveillance video of the attack showing combs physically
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assaulting her inside of a hotel since then, ventura says that she's received an outpouring of support. >> cnn entertainment reporter elizabeth wagmeister first broke the story. she has been following get very closely all along. elizabeth, what is ventura saying here so this is the first that we are hearing from cassie ventura and she is thanking her friends, her family, strangers in the public, for the outpouring of love and support. >> she says that she feels the support and she says that it has helped her younger self really settle into who she is today. now, she says that her journey for recovery will be ongoing, but that she is doing much better today and i want to read you part of her very powerful statement. she says domestic violence is the issue. it broke me down to someone i never for thought i would become with a lot of hard work. i am better today, but i will always be recovering from my past. she goes on to say, thank you to everyone that is taken
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the time to take this matter seriously. my only ask is that everyone open your heart to believing victims. the first time it takes a lot of hard to tell the truth out of a situation you are powerless in. now, really, again, powerful words their from casie because she is shining a light on the larger issue of domestic violence, which we know statistically so many people are suffering from in their own home certainly here in america, and with her sharing her thanks for the love and support she has said hey, this is an issue that goes far beyond me and essentially saying that she hopes to be a symbol that you can get out of it and that you are not alone elizabeth wagmeister. >> thank you so much for the update. we have some remarkable video just into cnn showing a mass walkout during harvard university's commencement this afternoon, hundreds of people, including graduates, leaving the ceremony in protest over the school's decision to bar some 13 students from participating over there
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pro-palestinian activism. >> that walkout happening is more university presidents were being grilled by lawmakers over their handling of campus antisemitism and pro-palestinian protesters. there were leaders from northwestern, ucla and ruckers who had been in the hotseat on capitol hill today, some house republicans saying they failed to protect jewish students on their campuses while democrats say gop lawmakers are playing politics we know what it costs to go to your schools. >> it's unbelievable how much it costs. that's what we should be focusing on not this pretend argument about equity when really they are just pretending here cnn's matt again, is following the hearing for us. >> obviously, a lot of people invested in this map. this is the committees third such hearing since the war in gaza began, what's the latest? >> yeah, that's right. briana and boris once getting college presidents, getting grilled by lawmakers about campus
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antisemitism. and there were some contentious moments. republicans accusing the president's of ucla ruckers and northwestern of failing to police hate speech and tolerating a anti-semites isn't much charge that the college presidents, of course denied. then you heard from democrats accusing republicans of playing political games and pretending to care about the quality now the toughest questions by far went to michael shell he's the president of northwestern. >> he tried to defend his decision to reach a deal with the pro-palestinian protesters on campus to end, their encampment. >> and he said that it's something that he would do again, that they tried to listen to all members of their community, but listen to this firing exchange between the president of northwestern and republican congresswoman elise stefanik isn't it also true that the northwestern earned an f for your failure to respond and combat antisemitism. and they called for your resignation. is that correct?
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>> i have great respect for the adl, not i'm not asking you respect for the i'm asking is it a fact that you earned an f and they call for your resignation? isn't it true that a jewish northwestern student was assaulted? >> there are allegations that are jewish student was assaulted. we are investigating those allegations. >> isn't it true that a jewish student was verbally harassed and stock to hillel there are allegations of that sort, and we are investigating them. >> isn't it true that a jewish student wearing a yarmulke was spat on all of these are allegations that are being investigated never she'll who is jewish himself? he stressed that these investigations could yet lead to disciplinary measures for the students. >> now, gene block, the chancellor of ucla, he also faced tough questions from some lawmakers including a democrat, congresswoman omar, who really pressed him on the situation late last month, where there
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was actually violence on campus. she said that the chancellor should be ashamed of the fact that the university did not move in faster. the chancellor, he said that in hindsight, he does think they could have moved faster here to try to end that encampment and protect the students who were attacked. as you can see, by counter-protesters. >> at the end of the day this issue, of course, is not going anywhere at the end of the hearing of virginia foxx, the republican chair woman. >> she said that this investigation is not ending, that this is just the beginning, so more to come on this front for sure for some briana. >> all right. matt, thank you for that report next, a view from the front lines. >> you will only see here on cnn, our team and ukraine granted access looser of access to a ghost town that ukraine can afford to lose a soldiers short on amylin weapons. try to hold off russian forces you
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started today. i'm under roger capitol hill. this is cnn the ukrainian city of kharkiv is reeling after another brutal attack by russia officials there say the city was hit by ten strikes. that's just today alone. one of them smashed into a printing company. it killed seven people there. kharkiv, which is the second biggest city in ukraine, has been facing relentless attacks in over two years of war, cnn was given exclusive access to a small village, but is critical if ukraine is hoping to keep kharkiv and its hands cnn's nick paton walsh visited the soldiers hold up there, and filed this report. we should warn you some of the videos shows victims of an attack. and it can be hard to watch some towns they can never
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let putin take. and this lyptsi is one of them destroyed artillery on the streets homes, aflame from an airstrike. they can only move at night lots of it's a perilous grip. they keep but lose here. and russian artillery will be in range of ukraine's second city, kharkiv. you can still smell the smoke here from an airstrike that landed just in the last hour or so this is life under the drone. with the first report, waters into the heart of the town only soldiers left here underground. the harder tear 13th national guard. first tackled russia's new offensive assembly bicycle equipment. >> several in do you think they'll good enough fortifications here? >> they will only show to be the davino signature on those
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initial dr. there were eight airstrikes, just in the last hour. >> so we leave soon a positive noise nearest very close. and the only way they know who's drone this is, is if the tax for the most brawner around kharkiv that don't have enough guns. and the russians have too many drones but 92nd assault brigade show us something that isn't even there's russian artillery piece that they captioned in the first award when the fighting in kharkiv region. and now they use strangely french mortar rounds to fire from here. it's just a sign of how little appropriate ammunition they have available to be redrawn of this wire as a protection from mpv drones suck
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above, he sees a drone with two battery packs, a long-range scout around basement. >> it is not friendly if you can tell it's an attack drone, hide this seems to be a scout. so running is better before it calls in shelling another artillery unit wants to show us something not even russian, but soviet made in the 1940s. it can still find newer polish shells. in the autumn, it was 100 a day. now it is ten extraordinary summing here. that's three times the age of either of these two guys holding backer new russian offensive in 2024 i said a metal so old that limits the number of times that sound warns another drone is incoming. >> and back in the bunker, they show us the online board, $30 gadget. that is their best warning mechanism the team here embody ukraine's exhaustion
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and resilience. older guys, wounded infantry manager our tour has drawing shrapnel in his arms still no pick option. >> you could you just saw an orlan russian drone passing overhead? so saying better, stay inside on the way back into the city, we see what fuels this defense this was a lakeside resort, football cocktails, a beach extraordinary devastation. and they had to collect the bodies the problem a little bit more seven months, pregnant women was among the seven dead here another body found later, just fragments in the mulch russia's advance looms over whatever life persists here, belching out over holmes the
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dark is little salvation this may be a drone being hit, but they kill two when they crash and failure flares breach the enforced blackout. >> moscow is getting nearer again and they're always too many blasts before dawn nick paton walsh, cnn, kharkiv, ukraine are thanks to nick paton walsh for that story please stay with cnn. we're back in just a few minutes. >> i brought in a job, max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks i'll take that ensure not to protein 30 grams protein and one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals in a new fiber blend would have prebiotic ms bath row so must david's new fast acting drop-in tab a
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been dental is in your corner this will be a goldmine of local intel, just you way. so tell us about this corn festival. he got your corn pudding. you've got your corn chowder. it's always it safe for anterior sometimes? >> the family of eight were to need a cold plunge. >> where would they find it? >> then they dip it in better and bam, it goes right, really cute vampire bar like reverend does like a blessing on the colmar doughnut shops. how far? parker oh, no eyebrows. >> think about light. it'll feel in the summer. we kind of run 11,000 or neighborhoods to go homes closed captioning brought to you by meso our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with ms call us now? >> the new york times is reporting a second controversial flag that was spotted outside of home owned by supreme court justice samuel alito. photographs obtained by
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the news outlet show this flag. it's an appeal to heaven flag with a pine tree. they're flying above alito's beach house in new jersey last summer. this is a flag that dates back to the revolutionary war, but recently has been used by trump's supporters and was notably carried by some of the capitol rioters on january 6 just last week, the times reported that an upside-down american flag was flown outside of alito's virginia home in 2021. in that case, the justice said his wife had put it up there. now, some lawmakers are calling on alito to recuse himself from critical cases involving trump in january 6, neither the justice nor the court have responded to requests for comment from cnn and the new york times joining us now is former florida governor jeff swartz. he also is a former chairman of the florida supreme court's judicial ethics advisory committee, which is obviously an important perspective as we talk about this sir, according to the supreme court's code of ethics a justice should recuse
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himself or herself if there is any doubt that the justice could be impartial based on that, is it time for justice alito to recuse himself in your opinion? >> hi, it's been time for awhile. it's been time for justice. thomas for awhile if the things that they have done in the appearance today have created was done by a trial court judge, whether it's state or federal. those judges either would have been disciplined or remove to longtime ago it is the appearance of the impropriety that's important. it doesn't matter whether it's your spouse or your children. in this particular case, you have flags flying over your house. >> you live in those homes, you know, those flags are flying and yet you do nothing to change the appearance that has been created gated, the justice alito in particular, seems to be leaning towards insurrectionists and, or at the accuracy which some of us believe he has already indicated he wants. >> and therefore should
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disqualify himself from, any cases involving january 6, and that includes cases involving the former president of the united states there are some republican lawmakers, for instance, house judiciary committee chair jim jordan who is defending alito. >> he's blaming democrats this is what senator ted cruz told our colleague kaitlan collins last night i think this entire hoopla is greatly overstated, dated, and i think there is a concerted effort that is driven by democrats in the senate to try to delegitimize the court he said he didn't have anything to do with it, that it was his wife. it did it. >> but number two, this is all about trying to delegitimize the court how do you see this? it's becoming partisan but if you were to flip this on its head how do you think lawmakers should be responding if this was something that say the
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justices who are nominated by liberals were to be behaving like i can tell you that senator cruz is response to that would be exactly the opposite of what he's spoken up. except for he said that they're trying to deal legitimate ties. the court that democrats are trying to do that. and people who are objecting to justice, alito and justice thomas are in fact doing that. that is exactly what justice alito and thomas are doing. they are creating an appearance of partiality body. and political is position of the court that clearly affects the respect the court has and affects their ability to have the respect of people around them to enforce their edx and their their opinions. remember, the supreme court doesn't have an army it is the fact that people, in fact respect what they say and believe in their
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legitimacy in interpreting the constitution that makes them effective. if in fact people don't believe that then the court loses its legitimacy and that's exactly what is happening here. and i think that senator cruz having thank served as a clerk on that court, knows better than what he's saying and what some others are saying. they know full well, what's happening here, but somehow or another whatever they're saying seems to fit their scenario judge jeff swartz, always great to have you. thank you for your perspective thank you, briana, i have a great day. you, too. so next noaa has just released its forecast asked for hurricane season and it's not good. it is ominous to say the least. so we'll talk about why it is expected to be so bad time to press rewind with neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair, it has durham proven retinol expertly formulated to target stem cell turnover and fight not wanted, but five signs of aging physical results
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start your design today had custom >> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. and this is cnn the national hurricane services warning that it could be one of the worst hurricanes seasons in
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history. >> in history in the atlantic ocean the agency just put out its most active preseason forecast ever predicting stronger storms than usual. >> we have cnn meteorologist chad myers with us to talk about this. okay. so chad hurricane season is starting next week, june 1st. what are you going to be expecting here? >> a very active year, without a doubt, everybody is going active. the water is very warm and el nino is going away. so what did know i'll put out today, 17 to 25 named storms, eight to 13 hurricane chains with four to seven of them being major, which is three or greater, you know, the category three or greater. and all of this here is indicated by the warm water and that lack of el nino, 85% chance of a above-normal year and only a 5% chance of a below normal year. so we're way in that 85% above. >> but the biggest thing this is the headline to take away the ace forecast accumulated cyclone energy you'd may have never heard of it. go look it up. you go to a csu, colorado
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state university. they had know all about it. basically, they made it up hundred and 50 to 245% of normal for this year. what is ace? it's how much wind is in the atmosphere in these storms and for how long they added all up. and you see the number and a sub one, 50 2405, somewhere in these years of bone 45, 45 95145179 were above all, those last year's because the water is very warm back you up to the class time. we were even close to two 50 was 2005 emily, dennis, katrina wilma, rita, you get the idea. this is what may 22. look back in o5. here's what it looks like now, even warmer water and also the linea pushing the jet stream to the north relaxing the shear that terrors the storms apart. and what that shear does, or lack of shear, it allows the storms to continue to go. storms don't like to be pushed around by when they don't like any shear in the atmosphere, they want to be all by themselves three to five degrees above normal. in
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fact, many places here across where we going, where we're going to see the hurricanes start, are on the warmest level ever months ahead of schedule here for some of this heat alberto will be the first name storm and there will be other things going on here if you haven't been paying attention because you're in the northeast or the west. it has been a very wet spring. in fact, even for new orleans, almost ten inches of rain above-normal already the ground in the south is saturated. >> you get wind, you get more rain and look at the texas in the 579 inches 13 inches above normal for college station already, the ground is wet. >> what happens to trees in wet mud? they fall over what happens when the rain can soak in. it runs off, you get flash flooding and that's where we're going to be with his 2024 hurricane season. it's a rough season. it looks a lot like it could be 2005 and we know what happened in 2005. we i remember katrina, i remember emily, i remember dennis read it and hitting the texas coast. it was a rough year.
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>> and let's looks like something pretty close that's i mean that's very scary is we look at this so talk to us a little bit about the role of climate change in what we're seeing here. well, certainly the water is warm. a lot of people think about climate change being the air is warming. well, yes, the air is warming, but that warm air has to go somewhere. it gets sucked into the ocean. co2 gets sucked in but so does the heat when you make the heat in the ocean so high, then all of a sudden that's what the fuel to the fire is here at 5% chance above normal, because the water is so very warm. aside, el nino la nina that has nothing to do with climate change. it's always there, but it's the hot water that's going to be out there making these numbers quite scary. >> yeah. chad myers, thanks so much for the update i had next hour, the latest on this bipartisan border bill, the senate vote wrapped up just moments ago. >> we have more on the result and what it means for this issue as we get closer to november election. >> that's coming up after a quick break life.
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