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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  May 23, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> that control with lipo flavanoid by more than lieberman at the pentagon. and this cnn welcome to the lead. i'm jake tapper this hour with donald trump in her backyard, new york governor kathy hocl will be here on the lead. her take on the 2024 race and on some of the biggest issues plaguing the empire state plus closing arguments in the hush money cover a proud now five days away, how this time off could impact the outcome. >> i'm going to ask a juror from another prominent case and leading this our a bipartisan border bill rejected on capitol hill the second time this year, this one blocked by republicans and democrats in the senate are covered. >> starts with cnn's my new roger on capitol hill and manu, the bipartisan border bill just failed for a second time in the senate today, what gibbs yeah, that's right. it actually fared worse than it did back in february and february, this
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failed along mostly along party lines, 49 to 50 needed 60 votes to advance and it's also needed 60 votes to advance today, they've failed 43 to 50, losing additional democratic and republican support. larger dollar members who are now voting no, believing they are, they're doing it out of protests because they believe this is being done for political reasons to try to force a vote that the democratic leaders and the white house new would fail, including the people who are voted against it today, senator james langford and centers kiersten cinema two of the coauthors of this bipartisan deal, but they criticize this process. now this initially failed back in february and large part because it was donald trump who came out and said that republicans should reject this bill out of hand even before this bill was released. and that was the point that democrats wanted to make by forcing this boat. they tried to lay the blame on what's happening at the border against donald trump denver republicans said this is all a political move to try to protect some vulnerable democrats over this issue of immigration. that's a question i put directly the senator john tester, who is facing a
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difficult reelection in montana republican say this vote today is all about protecting you. >> what he said about politics. yeah they do, they forget who told them to vote against a perfectly good border security bill that would have secured the border for polar linker for political reasons. >> really i don't think president biden is going to have enough piphus one or reverse the policies that he's pursued in the last three-and-a-half years, what you've been an unmitigated disaster. and that's what makes us so cynical but this bill jake democrats did move much closer to the republican position on a lot of these key issues. whether was overhauling asylum laws or giving the department of homeland security department homeland security more authority to push out migrants who have crossing over the border. if migrant crossings reach a certain certain threshold, but nevertheless, given the politics and the nature of things right now on capitol hill, this was going nowhere given that partisan divisions
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and going down today, making clear that congress still for decades has been unable to resolve immigration province on is not able to do it. this error either jake and today thousands or hundreds rather of students walked out of harvard's commencement ceremony. >> they were protesting. their fellow students who were barred from participating in their ceremony. in the ceremony because some of their protest activity had run afoul of rules but the issue of campus protests and anti semitism and how universities are dealing with all of this was the topic of another hearing on capitol hill today that became quite heated. tell us about that. >> yeah, it did become quite heated. this is one of the first hearings in the aftermath of all these protests breaking out along. we've seen across the country university presidents testifying for a house committee and there were some sharp exchanges on both sides of the aisle, one exchange here, at least a phonic, a new york republican, a member of the republican
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leadership going after the northwestern province isn't over this issue isn't it true that jewish northwest a jewish northwestern student was assaulted? so i want to question the premise of your question. no, no, no, no. >> i'm asking the questions. you're answering. once not a capitulation i'm asking a question. you're required to answer. isn't it true that a jewish northwestern student was assaulted? >> there are allegations that are jewish student was assaulted. we are investigating those allegations and there were also democrats who raised sharp concerns as well. >> some of them criticizing republicans themselves include pramila jayapal, who said that republicans are engaging in core political bullying rather than dealing with the or issues at the heart of these campus protests. also, ilhan omar criticize ucla for you saying it should be ashamed for not doing more to stop violence at
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the protest earlier as we've seen, the violence break out there. so jacob, very emotional in intense day and this house hearing earlier today all right. >> manu raju on capitol hill. thanks so much also in our politics lead on capitol hill. >> and unlikely duo has teamed up for a rare moment of bipartisanship and introduced a bill aimed at increasing transparency in the oval office. republican and i'm a democrat. we want americans to see for themselves now. and in the future whether or not are leaders in the white house or influence peddling the presidential ethics reform act would require a future presidents and vice presidents to disclose foreign payments, expensive gifts, loans, as well as tax returns for two years prior to taking office during their time in office. >> and for two years after they leave office joining us now is house oversight committee chairman congressman james comer of kentucky, and a member of that committee, democratic congresswoman katie porter of california. thanks to both of
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you for being here first of all, chairman, how did this come about this partnership? >> well, katie has been a great member of the house oversight committee for the entire cost i'm very we've become close we develop relationship through an unlikely source, her mother is a very famous member of the paducah, kentucky quilt museum hall of fame. and that's in my district, so that's kinda how we struck up a good relationship. >> and i was very impressed when i went to visit mr. combs office for the first time that he had framed his effort buffet future farmers of america jacket. and i was in ffa and i was able to recite the motto and he was very impressed. >> that's pretty cool. so republicans have been investigating biden family's practices, specifically hunter biden, when trump was in office democrats investigated trump's children and so this bill we should point out would also require ethics disclosures from family members of presidents and vice presidents, right? >> that's right. it will require disclosure from their close family members. so we're talking about siblings parents
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sister and brother in law's, and we think that's important to have that transparency and confidence we've seen more the president's involve their adult children involve their family, and we think that's likely to continue in the future. >> so is this speaker of the house on board? we have let me just say it sounds like a great bill. i mean, more disclosure always always for everybody. does this speaker support the bill? do you think it's going to be brought to the floor for a vote? >> i feel confident it'll be about to the floor for a vote. well, i plan on having a markup in committee. katy narrow and the committee, obviously, we have bipartisan support. we're going to continue to build support. but the conversations with mike johnson haven't even begun yet with respect to the bill, but i would be surprised if he wasn't anything but fully supportive. >> what about the white house says president biden support the bill? >> president, biden has an incredible track record of transparency. for example disclosing 26 years of tax returns. so i can't think of any good reason why he wouldn't be willing, for example, to do what are bill requires, which is to disclose
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two years. so what the bill starts taking effect upon taking office. so it goes back than two years and time. so given his track record, given that he's campaigning on ethics, i expect him to be enthusiastic about the bell. >> what about mr. drain, the swamp? president trump, do you think he'll support it? i would be shocked if he wouldn't. >> i mean, this is this is part of draining the swamp. this has been an issue that both parties have complained about for the last three or four administration. they're both parties have accused the the other of conflicts of interests of potential ethics violations the truth of the matter. and one thing we've learned through our investigation, there are a lot of loopholes. there are a lot of gray areas, and this legislation is a sincere, credible evidence to try to define what exactly constitutes influence, peddling and prevent it from happening in the future. >> do you think that members of congress and members of the judiciary especially supreme court justices, should be held to the same standard. is that something that you might also consider well, there's definitely a number of ethics reforms, whether it's been in congressional stock trading.
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>> i support, for example, extending a ban on former members of congress being able to lobby we've talked a lot about supreme court ethics. so i think if the bill and when the bill moves to the floor, i would expect we would see other members try to move different kinds of ethical requirements. >> what do you think? i agree and katie talked about that a look the oversight committee has jurisdiction over the executive branch, so the bill is written pertaining to the executive branch. >> once the bill boats to the floor, then it could be amended to include ethics reform for members of congress, like a ban on stock trading, it could even potentially include things pertaining to ethics reform for the supreme court. so i think this bill is a vehicle for a lot of potential good that both parties have complained about for decades so this is we always like to harold bipartisanship on the show. and this is really remarkable and the fact that you're both on the house oversight committee makes us next question a little bit difficult, but there was some moment on your committee.
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last week, just to remind our viewers, this is what it was i think your fake eyelashes are messing up oh girl, baby girl. oh, really don't even play if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde, bad built butch body that would not be engaging in personalities, correct. what now? >> i want now is what might be my favorite part of that quote. but what was going through your head during that kate believe that this isn't congressional hearing is very unfortunate wasn't the first time. >> i hope it's the last time. the members that have been constant repeat offenders of breaking, decorum have both have all been called it out and hopefully it won't happen again. but you're not supposed to engage in personalities. and unfortunately, that's what happened in the last committee hearing representing greene's words were struck. i think
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represent crockett said some very inappropriate things as well. it's unfortunate because that was a very important committee hearing that that got hijacked by a few unfortunate sale bonds. what are you saying? >> well, i think over the course of this congress, we've seen get worse and worse the atmosphere i think people now are coming into those committee hearings kind of hot and ready. to do battle. and so i think that was certainly true, right from the start, there was a lot of sparring and i think for me when chairman comer said, i can't hear what everyone's saying that's really the most fundamental breakdown of lawmaking. how can he keep order if people are scouting back and forth at each other? so look i mean, i i think i know the video makes pretty clear who started it, but i don't think pouring fuel onto that kind of that kind of personal attack is ultimately helpful. i think what we saw and heard back in california and i'm sure you've heard it too. is american people don't want to see us acting like children. they want to see us acting like grownups like this.
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>> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> can be up next to the closing arguments that will soon have all eyes on a manhattan courtroom for the hush money cover-up case here, what it's really like to be or juror on such a high profile case. plus the major move just hours ago and louisiana putting the state on track to becoming the first in the nation to classify abortion drugs as controlled, dangerous substances, unquote, stay with us tuesday the evidence is in the testimony has ended, but it's not over yet before the jury gets the final say prosecutors and trump's defense team get the final word. >> live coverage closing arguments in the trump hush money trial begin tuesday at nine eastern and the furniture business, things move fast. >> ziprecruiter helps us hire qualified candidates who keep up. we needed a project manager yesterday, we posted a job on ziprecruiter and had our guy on-site and five days, he was qualified and everyone zip recruit finds the best candidates all our jobs
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ep. amanda brainard, it's jake tapper. can you hear me? >> yes, i can. >> thanks so much for joining us. >> thanks for having me
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n our lawn justice lead and just five days, the jury will be back in the courtroom in donald trump's hush money cover-up for our closing arguments are set for next tuesday. >> jury deliberations could start as soon as this wednesday, joining us now is amanda brainer and she knows what it's like to serve as a juror on a high-profile new york city case. she served as a juror and harvey weinstein's 2020 k is how everyone's doing this. you may recall and
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overturned. amanda, when court broke for the week on tuesday, judge merchan instructor the jurors to not discuss the case to avoid any media coverage of the trial. you also were asked to do that as a juror on the weinstein trial trial that. most of america was talking about while it was underway, how hard is it to not discuss the case, not google, it, not watch late night. i'm late night. probably more of a factor with trump than with weinstein, but to really just shut yourself off from any discussion of it with friends and family that seems like it would be tough to me. >> it's difficult i think more difficult than shutting yourself off from social media and watching it on television is friends and family pinging you all the time saying, oh my god, i can't believe you're on that case. what are you going to do? i'm just trying to block that out. i mean, there was a lot of noise about the weinstein trial, but the trump trial was deafening. so it's i
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think in a way that the jurors for the trump trial haven't even harder than we did in terms of blocking out what's going on in the world. i mean, you basically have to live in a cave to ignore it and it's a real challenge. >> yeah. what the way i envision memorial day weekend, people are getting together with friends and family. maybe they're going to honor fallen troops. maybe they're also just getting together with friends, family, having a barbecue, whatever they're doing, it's a social weekend and somebody says, hey, did you know that frank was on the france on the jury? i can't imagine that not coming up. well, i mean, we're all just human beings. >> i think they're just going to have to put up the hand and say, i just can't talk about it, or they're going to have to stay home with all the shades down what, what about the media coverage? you say it's easier to avoid the media coverage and the social media. >> i think i think actually one of the reasons you get put on
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these high-profile trials is that you don't pay that much attention to the news and social media, and you're able to block that kind of thing out. i hadn't followed weinstein at all. and wasn't interested. and it was important that the jurors were able to not get sidelined by all of that. trump is much more difficult, as i mentioned, because everybody is paying attention trump. he was our president, was not just a hollywood mogul, right? >> and as we've been covering the trial, there have been some real standout moments of testimony. >> we're sitting around with analysts pulling these moments out of testimony, discussing them murder, boarding them this week that's not anything like what the jury is going through we are hammering home moments. uh, we think are significant. >> that's not how the, how the jurors are experiencing this at all. no, but i think what's really important to understand is that when you're a juror on a high-profile case, the nature of the case or the or the fact
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that it is high-profile cannot be relevant. you have to focus on what's really important, which is the job that the judge gives you in the first place, which is to listen to the testimony and make your decision based on what's presented to you in court and nothing else? so any preconceived notions of who this person is what they've done in their lives, that all has to be completely out of your mind and you have to just focus on the facts as they're presented and only as they're presented in court. and it's the same with the prosecution has the burden of proof. we had to to determine that once he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and that is a pretty significant burden. so it didn't matter who he was. he could have been anyone and it should be the same for the jurors on the trump trial big picture. >> what was it like to be a juror deciding such a high-profile case? >> honestly it was harrowing. it was much more traumatic than
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i ever imagined. it would be i cried at the dinner table every night. it was really a challenge and also because frankly, you i you have to have some kind of empathy. i mean talking about sending a person to jail, possibly for the rest of their lives and it's not anything that you can take lightly as i mentioned your juror on the harvey weinstein, new york trial that found him guilty of criminal sexual assault and third-degree rape conviction. >> that was just recently overturned because inference not because they thought the jury did anything wrong, but because evidence was introduced at a higher court decided should not have been introduced in that trial. what was your reaction when you heard that news? did you think that was going to be possible? i'm sure that the defense objected to the inclusion of that other testimony. >> i was horrified by the decision, although i knew that he was appealing that he'd gone
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through, i think it's two appeals to get to this point. and i think probably all of us were horrified, you know, when you go in for jury duty, they give you this inspirational videos about your service to your country and our justice system and the sanctity of our justice system, how well it works. and then two have us, i'll take that so seriously. and then to just flip it over it's really a travesty mean. it's so disappointing. and i just think that i hope that that is not what happens in this trial amanda brainer. >> thank you. so much really in france, get it really, really interesting. i don't think i'll ever be picked for a jury, and i certainly understand why you might be surprised i don't think so. anyway, amanda, thanks so much. good to see a live images from the south bronx right now, donald trump is just minutes away from a rally. they're aiming to court black and hispanic voters. remember this is a lecture of margins. i mean, if you improve
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your standing with black voters by 5%, that could mean victory. new york's governor kathy hochul is going to join us next. we're gonna get her take on trump in her backyard and other big issues in her state riyadh say's new album is breaking records gets what country is comey country bianna say a niche? those renaissance monday, but aid on cnn the day you get your clear choice dental implants makes every day now let's dig in day a chow down day a tick, a big bite. >> day a perfectly delicious de, love my new teeth day because you're clear choice de as the de everything is back on the menu a clear choice day changes every day. >> schedule, a free consultation see idp disrupts
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world's news network in our politics lead while not considered a critical swing state in november, new york has taken center stage as former president trump's hush money nspiracy trial plays out in manhattan courtroom. >> the state is also, of course, grappling with a number of key issues. >> top of mind for voters, immigration also crime. i'm joined now by new york democratic governor kathy hochul. governor hochul, thanks so much for joining us. so donald trump, former president
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trump, he's holding an event shortly in the bronx in an effort to attract voters of color latinos and african-americans historically, a loyal voting block for democrats, especially african-americans but the truth is this is, this is a sport, this is a politics of margins. >> what more to democrats need to do to solidify and mobilize their base well i'll tell you, won't make a difference at all. jay, can that is for donald trump to be the ring leader of an invite. all his clowns to a place like the bronx. new york will never, ever support donald trump for president we know him better than anyone, and that means we understand what he's all about is just for himself. so this state will go solidly behind joe biden for president as it has in the past. so he wants to spend his time doing these made up fake rallies and pretending they're supporter. be my guess because while you're doing that, donald trump, joe biden's out there on the other
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side, making serious delivering for all americans. and so go ahead, spend all your time you want new york because we'll be with joe biden and you biden's out their winning over the rest of the battleground states. >> so let's turn to an issue i'm sure former president trump will bring up in the bronx and that's crime and crime in new york, specifically by the numbers we see from the nypd, violent crime is down in new york city in april, yet obviously, there is still violent crime. we see incidents such as 69 year-old woman randomly punched in the face earlier this month day later, akre of steve buscemi also randomly punched in the face while walking in manhattan. what more needs to be done to bring crime down again, i know the numbers overall are down with violent crime, but there's still is crime. and there was, there was an epidemic of young women getting punched in the face, i think in march manhattan know that's deeply concerning, but let me first say this donald trump is trying all his best and said
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he'll do this if it becomes present again to unwind all the gun laws that protect people. so while in the state of new york, we're getting more guns off the streets donald trump. donald trump says, he wants everybody to have guns and so you can't say you're serious about fighting crime if you're not serious about getting illegal guns off the streets, something that i and other democrats have been focused on. that's why the crime rate has been going down. that's why our subway numbers were 19% lower than we were before the pandemic. so we're making progress now. yes, there are still crimes and there's a sense of anxiety out there that is very real. and democrats acknowledged this, but we're the ones out there in the trenches doing something about it. i put the national guard in the new york state subway just and working with mayor eric adams and our police force to stabilize are subway system, which is the lifeline of this, this part of our state. it's made a real difference. so
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republicans say all they want on crime yes, crime exists in cities, but we are driving the numbers down in a way that renew yorkers are starting to realize yesterday, i spoke with nathan vasquez, who's are on track to unseat progressive district attorney in portland, oregon. this comes after a similar unseating happened to a progressive district attorney in san francisco a year or two ago. do you think that this is a sign that democrats need to take a harder line on crime to win selections. >> i will say that democrats like myself, have always say, we're against crime, mean who is for crime? let's be serious about this we are the ones that are out there working against hate crime comes and domestic violence and retail theft. i just passed to an historic budget with serious laws to protect, you brokers from retail theft, shutting down illegal cannabis shops. so, so this whole republican narrative that democrats are not as hard as we need to be on public safety is just false and no one
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should be buying it. so i reject that premise. we are out there making sure that an r number one priority will continue to be psafety job number one for all of us. >> well, what about that incident? not long ago where there were a number of undocumented immigrants who were arrested and then let free with no cash bail and they have, i think a couple of them were seeing getting into a physical altercation with police. i of course, nobody's favor of crime, but some policies allow violent criminals or people who end up being violent criminals to get away with it and not be locked up. you don't know what people are talking about when they talk about no. >> no, no. i know exactly what they're talking about. jake and this is it there were changes to the bail laws in the state of new york. i as governor, working with the legislature, was able to roll back some of those changes and give power back to the judges to hold people like that. now, i can't force a judge to
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follow the laws as we've changed them, but i fly rejected what happened in that altered for occasion with our new york state police are an nypd. they deserve to be able to be protected when they're performing their duties to protect all of us. so i said those people should have been held. they never should have been let loose and judges need to be focusing on applying the laws and using the power we now have them. so yes, there was a problem i accept that, but thankfully, we're able to get significant changes to make sure that the judges in the district attorney's now the power to do it they should, which is to protect the people on our streets. >> so new york has obviously seen a stark rise in migrants arriving many of them on documented and obviously it is strained resources from healthcare to shelters, to schools across the state is this an issue that is creating a vulnerability for democrats in november? and how should it be addressed? >> well, it syncing, they were talking about this today just
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hours ago, jake and washington republicans rejected said flat out, no to the opportunity to help start stabilizing the war. let's shut down the border right now we have an influx of people that is unmanageable and unsustainable in the state of new york. and another state? well, so we recognize we need sensible common sense immigration laws and the republicans know that if we can do this, it'll be a win for joe biden. that's exactly why the first time this came up. president, former president trump wait in and said to republicans that he controls in the house and the senate do not support this bipartisan bill because it'll be a win for joe biden and we don't want that just examine what that's all about and happened again today. >> suddenly, number of democrats voted against it to something that's good for our country. something that the majority of americans want. and certainly the majority of new yorkers want the ability to stop fentanyl from coming over
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our borders. the ability to beef up the border patrol, not just on the southern border, but we have a border with canada to the north. so this would have been good for the state of new york and we have ten republican members of congress who, if they use their cloud here in the state of new york, go into the speaker's office and say we demand that you do something that is good for our constituents, that they're clamoring for. and guess what? they refuse this will be an issue against them and the november election as well. so there is a path to deal with the border crisis. it makes sense, and republicans rejected at once again today, again, some democrats voted against that too, but i want to ask you, because all of this is adding to new york struggles with tourism. >> the empire state is still reeling from declines in tourism during the covid, pandemic, i want to ask you about the fallout continued fallout from covid because your predecessor, former governor cuomo is set to testify before congress in a few days, june 11, about alligator patients
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that his administration falsified the number of deaths in nursing homes and is also under fire for implementing that policy that contributed to those deaths governor cuomo denies wrong we'll doing what do you think happened and what degree do you think new york's government was at fault my job was the current governor of the state of new york is to make sure that we move forward, jake, and that's what i'm focused on, is that we are putting policies in place to make sure there are more safeguards to protect new yorkers should this ever happen again? >> again, what you mentioned, the impact on our economy here in new york. we are coming back, we're in a much better place, even one year later from where we were last here at this time. i just spoke to people on broadway well, we're almost back to normal with respected people coming to plays and tourism. if you walk the streets of new york, especially around on time square in our tourist areas, they are packed, so people are excited back. there's an energy and electricity that was, that was shuttered and shutdown for such a long time, but i would say
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right now, new york has back all alright, new york governor kathy hochul, thanks so much. really appreciate it. thank you. >> this just in we're learning a brand new efforts by the united states to revive ceasefire talks between israel and hamas, and to get more hostages released. we're back with the new reporting. next russia is we're trying to spy on us. we were spying on them i miss sorry, frank this is a war, but secret war. >> secrets and spies, a nuclear game per year, sunday, june 2, that ten on saturday at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. thanks to you we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic new bottles made using no new plastic, you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back we can use less new plastic bottles are day to be
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i'm tom foreman in washington. and this is cnn just into our worldly at a us official tells cnn that cia director bill burns is traveling back to europe to try again to get an israel hamas ceasefire and hostage release deal back on track. >> let's get straight to our alex moore quite ox. what's the status of the talks right now are they still had a standstill? >> they're very much at a standstill there at this impasse. they had been for about the past three weeks, officials have been telling me that they've been paused, but clearly the us and the other parties are trying to get them going against cia director bill burns, going back to europe to
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revive the talks. i'm told by a us official separately, a qatari official also tells me that there are prime minister is going to be meeting with burns. i know that right now. he's in paris. it's not exactly clear where these talks are taking place, but in the past, jake, the top officials from these main countries israel, egypt, qatar, and the us, have all met in paris, mainly the intelligence chiefs plus the qatari prime minister they're known as the quad. there's no real sense that we're on the cusp of anything immediately. but after the past three weeks where the military operation in rafah, the israeli operation has grown. it does appear that the us is really trying to revive these and these were talks that did appear to be close at hand before they fell apart three weeks you go you reported earlier this week that israel agreed to certain terms and a ceasefire deal. but then egyptian officials quietly changed the terms before presenting it to hamas. even assuming the best intentions that they are trying to make a deal go through it certainly
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didn't help. it kind of exploded everything confidence is a us have in the process going forward. >> well, i think they still recognize very much that the egyptians and the guitars are vital partners because they are dealing with hamas in a way that the us and israel certainly aren't but they were frustrated with what egypt did, which was essentially a bait and switch. >> they took this framework that israel had agreed to they realized that hamas wasn't going to agree to that. so they changed some of the terms without telling the other partners. we reported that bill burns, the cia director, was that he almost blew a gasket that he was very, very frustrated with this. but at the same time, going forward, they know that egypt will have to be part of the egypt been particular deals with hamas in gaza. and so we do here what this us official told me, which is that the egyptians and qatar's are both very engaged that to me says that the us is emphasizing that despite this screw up, essentially by the egyptians, but they're still vital player in this. now it's our current with the latest on
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that. let's hope there is some sort of progress there and get those hostages home. also in our world, lead the critical transition period for iran is funerals ramp for president ebrahim raisi. there are questions about who will be the next president of iran. questions about fairness and elections, questions about iran's nuclear capabilities, questions about iran's role in provocations that could send us troops back into the region. but now we want to take you directly into the streets of iran itself, where cnn's fred pleitgen is covering the funeral of the iranian president the streets of mug shot jam packed with people, mourning the late president ebrahim raisi as a truck with his casket made its way to the imam reza shrine, one of the most important holy sites in iran. hundreds of thousands of people have come out here on the streets of mug shot. this is really very much the political and the spiritual home land of a right raisi and the people here say, while they are in great sorrow, they hope
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that iran continues down that conservative trajectory that was common pretty right? raisi's administration's, the smith low in power for three years. ebrahim raisi was a conservative hardliner overseeing a crackdown on protests against iran, strict hijab laws in 2022 but also the first ever strikes against israel from iranian soil in retaliation for the bombing of iran embassy compound in syria crowds at the funeral screaming death to israel death to america, vowing to remain loyal to read partly agenda, not that 100%, 100%. this man says, these are all races and they will continue and this woman says, we have come here to say, if they took raisi from us, we still have our supreme leader and be back in and we'll never leave him alone i'm michele.
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we have always expressed our position towards the us. this man says, just like the policy of the president and the martyr qassem soleimani need to struggle against arrogance we won't allow the arm of arrogance to go around the world will cut it down after raisi, ron's foreign minister hossein amir abdollahian and several others were killed in a chopper crash in northern iran on sunday tack, ron says a new president will be elected in late june. >> is that this? >> suite has been one of mourning, culminating in the funeral pairs for raisi inside the imam reza shrine oh, he has the body of ebrahim raisi was brought to its final resting place iran is looking ahead when a bus is toughest, adversaries soon to decide its political future i think we're
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having trouble with fred's audio there in iran live for us, obviously, i've read like in tehran. thanks so much. a bill is now headed to the governor's desk and louisiana at aims to classify abortion drugs, as controlled dangerous substances. this is a first in the nation move will talk about the law and the impact next five good things. listen wherever you get your podcasts water would help with this dry spots. that's long disease, but scott, healthy plus will cure lung disease going around. >> so like other people have it and it's not pick up a bag and the newscaster field are healthy plus lawn through today kinda riva support your brain health. >> married janet. hey, eddie know, fraser, franck. franck, bread. how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva
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try literal by today closed captioning brought to you by meso our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call us now in our health lead louisiana is now set to become the first state to classify abortion drugs as controlled, dangerous substances. >> louisiana state lawmakers gave the bill final approval today. now heads to the desk of republican governor jeff landry, who is expected to sign it into law. abortion is ready banned in louisiana with no exceptions for rape or incest. cnn's medical correspondent, meg tirrell joins us now, live and meg, we've talked about
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these drugs before mifepristone and misoprostol, how common are they and what does this decision mean for the women and girls of louisiana? >> yeah. jake, i mean, medication abortion is the most common way that people access abortion in the united states. so it accounted for 63% of all abortions in 2023 according to data from the goodman mocker institute, there were more than 1 million abortions in 2023. so that's more than 600,000 times this regimen was he used for medication, abortion, as you pointed out, abortion is already illegal in louisiana as a near-total ban. and so medication abortion is not allowed in louisiana already, but doctors argue that classifying these two drugs as schedule for controlled substance, which puts it in the same category of drugs like xanax and ambien, valium, things that have the potential for abuse and pendens creates the false perception that they are dangerous. importantly, these drugs are also used for
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other uses. mifepristone and misoprostol together are used for miscarriage management, for example, miser postal alone is also used for hemorrhaging in gynecological applications. and for other uses as well. so for treating gi ulcers and so there was a letter from more than 200 health care providers in louisiana to the state lawmaker who sponsored this bill. and they said mischaracterizing misoprostol, a drug routinely. and safely used on labor units throughout the state as a dangerous drug of abuse creates confusion and misinformation and harms women seeking high-quality maternity care. they are worried that this is going to really threaten their autonomy as health care providers in louisiana and take they point out that louisiana already has pretty bad maternal mortality rate. it's among the worst in the country, about 37 per 100,000 live. births in 2022, compared with the national average that's closer to 23 per hundred thousand,
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jake. >> all right. meg tirrell. thanks so much. >> vibe shift that the white house, the red carpets out for tonight's state dinner. >> some of the names and faces in attendance. >> next and university of maryland global campus getting a bachelor's degree doesn't have to mean starting from scratch. >> here, you can earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience. what will your next success fee i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms defined emerge as you withdrawn via most people and 90% clear skin, at four months. and the majority stake clearer at five years. >> cbs allergic reactions may occur, can five may increase your risk of infections and
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police today release new videos showing golfer scottie scheffler's arrest last friday is vehicle makes a left turn, police run up to it and scheffler is led away. the arresting officer is in trouble for not reporting the incident on his body camera scheffler faces felony and lesser charges for allegedly ignoring police instructions in the wake of an earlier accident. scheffler says he did not know about it is state dinner time at the white house. we're watching people arrive for these six state dinner of the biden administration. my invitation apparently got lost in the mail moments ago. our cameras spotted actor and director and activist sean penn, also akre levada berg, who tonight's speech is in honor of a visit by the president and first lady of kenya william and rachel ruto it is the first white house state dinner for an apprehended states since president george w bush posted the leader of ghana in 2008, you can follow the show on x at the lee cnn, if you ever miss an episode, the lead you can
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