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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  May 23, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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more time. oh, yeah. always use some more time. >> so well, i mean, what he's now facing these charges you think it's probably gonna be dropped. what do you think is going to happen for him personally? i mean, it has this actually enhanced his brand as a golf player so much, you have the biggest figures on the internet who are suddenly selling free. scottie merch, who are trying to get scottie all interviews, trying to get them all over there pages this is catapulted him from being just like the nice guy and golf to being the most viral figure in sports right now, it's huge for his career. >> yeah, i mean, it would be huge for anyone except that that's not really a great image to have i mean, it's a crazy, it's a crazy photo, but i guess whatever you all press is good press. >> right? and it's not like he did anything catastrophically terrible that any kind of press could impact his career so negatively, he's golfing just fine. yeah. alright. sara fisher. thank you. may appreciate you. and thank you for watching these night. laura coates live starts right now.
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>> well, tonight maga in the bronx i'll, trump tried to rallblack and hispanic voters while president biden punches back at trump's record on race, dr. ben carson is with me tonight to respond. justin donald trump breaks his silence. i'm nikki haley's support for him. what he's saying about the possibility of her joining his team tonight, alarm codes why you know, just this month president biden i'm told the room full of black supporters at their way. they were the reason he won in 2020, without them, he wouldn't be president. now he says he needs them again, but winning them over in the same numbers isn't looking easy by knows this, by the way, and so does donald trump tonight, trump to went to one of the most diverse and democratic counties in america.
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also, my husband's hometown, the bronx. now there's no chance trump will actually win new york. but this rally didn't seem to be about that. it was about trying to gain support among that key demographic these millions and millions of people that are coming into our country the biggest impact and the biggest negative impact is against our black population and are hispanic population. >> trump has been trying to win over black voters ever since he ran in 2016. do you remember his message back then what do you have to lose by trying something new? >> like trump? >> 12016, he won 9% of the black bow in 2020, it went up, he went 12 12% and 2024 polls show trump gaining 18% with biden slipping to 72% still
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overwhelmingly for biden, of course. but in a race as close as this one, the margin then some swing states might be extremely critical and you know, president by knows that it's why he's getting more aggressive and maybe hitting back this time by using trump's own words against him. in this new campaign ad of course, i hate these people. >> donald trump disrespecting black focus, nothing new. he was sued to reducing to rena's apartments to black families and called for the fusion of five innocent black and brown teenagers. >> and it's more than angle, it's hatred joining us now, trump's former secretary of housing and urban development, dr. ben carson. dr. carson, thank you so much for joining me. how are you this evening? >> i'm doing well, laura, it's good to be with you. thank you i'm really glad you're here looking forward to your insight on this because you know there was this huge rally today in the bronx. it's a democratic stronghold. everyone agrees on that. we're
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biden did get more than 80% of the vote back in 2021. >> do you think the former president made this? >> stop there? now well, i think he wants to make sure that people understand that. >> he wants to be the president of all the people. he doesn't want to just choose one demographic and place them ahead of everyone else. that seems to be a growing problem in our society dividing people on the basis of race, age, and calm political affiliation religion, gente gender and we need to stop it that was the atmosphere that was that i saw at that rally today we are one people were not this group versus that group. and if he can continue to work on that, i think it'd be wonderful for our country. it's not so much about democrats and republicans it's about whether we are one nation indivisible with liberty
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and justice for all don't forget this part. however, on those issues have liberty and justice. those seem to be the points in which people focus on a lot of the disparities among the different groups of people that you have articulated and certainly black voters, latino voters, women voters, none of whom are a monolith. but there is a specific appeal that is made to what are the perceived policy interests of each of those groups? >> why do you think that the support among black voters in particular is increased? >> he sing for trump since 2016 decreasing for the current president joe biden well, that's not just the case among black voters. >> that's the case among all voters because they're facing the same things when they go to the gas station and fill up their car, they're feeling the pain. they're feeling the pain hey, when they go to the grocery store, they're feeling a pain when they sit a utility
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bills and their rent bells and other mortgage and that is something that affects people, particularly when you've had a chance to juxtapose these two political, philosophy side-by-side. in recent time, do you think that there are particular policy interests that the former president donald trump should be looking at, particularly when it comes to black voters. i'll tell you that the former president has said that he thinks it's one reason that black voters embrace him is because of his four criminal indictments and i'm wondering what you make of that, given the information that one's contact with the criminal justice system would be more prominently felt among black voters. >> well, he's making reference to things that have happened in the past in this country that we all know where markedly unfair is there still some
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unfairness? there is. but obviously that has decreased markedly just in my lifetime. i remember as a child going down to the deep south and seeing whites and colored signs and people saying, be careful about this and be careful about that. and the other and in the same lifetime we have black admirals and generals and ceos of fortune 500 companies and heads of foundations and university presidents. we've had a black president i mean, things have changed as it nirvana yet no, it's not. but it's moving in the right direction. >> certainly, what you describe, i know you mentioned it was not yet nirvana. i wonder how close we are to reaching any of those things. and certainly you are a scholar of history. i know that you are quite prolific and your ability to retain and convey it. >> and we have moved the needle and some direction. >> but there is still a lot of things are a lot of things in this country that do spell out
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that we are still a work in progress as a country. i always wonder this dr. carson because i've seen over time the way people have looked at race and politics particular expect to trump that black supporters of trump are treated differently in villainized, in a different way than say, even white supporters of trump have you experienced that? and what is your response to those who wonder why as a black man, you would support him? >> have i experienced of course because there are a lot of people who see anybody who associates with trump as the devil incarnate that's a very micro view of things. and we have to have a much broader view of things in terms of who has policies that work for you, who has policies that improve the prospects for your children
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versus who has policies that increase criminal activity? releases repeat criminals into your neighborhood to threaten you and your children let's people come in from all over the world, many of whom may be terrorists to threaten your viability has energy policies that are driving inflation, that are hurting you economically those are the things you have to look at and more and more people, particularly in the black community, are starting to look at those things rather than being led around by the nose many have been looking at those issues and they still come to conclusion that democrats are in a better position to do just that that's up to the voters in the end otherwise, i can't help but wonder, while i'm hearing you articulate different policy stances were questions in particular to ask whether if you were asked to be the vice presidential running mate of donald trump, you would
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say yes. >> would you i would peripherally consider it recognizing that there's a lot of baggage that goes along with that and i have to make sure that my family would be okay. but i can guarantee you this. whether i do it from inside the government or outside the government, i will continue to focus my efforts on trying to bring our country together and to save it you several trump allies on that very point had been asked this very question about the country and saving the democracy or public, if you can keep it somewhat given a definitive answer, others have not. >> so i wanted to give you an opportunity to have your say will you accept the results of the 2024 election regardless of who? >> who wins yes or no accept the results. if it's done in a fair and transparent way, do you have reason to doubt that it would be done in a fair and transparent way?
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>> well, let me put it this way and the 2020 election, there were a lot of irregularities i think everybody on both sides should be aware of that and should be working to try to satisfy that well, the empirical and frankly, i know that you're somebody who is drawn to that there, is no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would have changed any results in the 2020 election. >> does that suggest to you that the elections and our democracy remain intact? >> the fact that there's so many people who are skeptical should raise questions for us. the fact that a country like france outlawed general mellon balloting in 1975 because they said they were too many opportunities for mischief that just could not be controlled. these are all things that we should look at where smart people we can put them in on the moon. we can figure out a
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transparent way that is satisfactory for the entire population, not for just one segment thereof. >> do you think that we shouldn't do mail-in ballots? >> i think mail-in ballots for people who can't get to the poles are appropriate. but i think having an election season versus an election day is a mistake. >> why is that because there's too many opportunities for mr. and when france change their system they have their results the same day or the next day that is true, although the united states has yet to endeavor to resemble france and the way that you described, i will say though it does provide greater participation and republicans often have used mail-in voting as a feather in the cap to promote increased electoral participation, dr. carson. thank you so much for joining us this evening it's
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been a pleasure. >> thank you, thank you let's continue the discussion now with former republican congressman joe walsh also cnn political commentator and former national coalitions director for the biden harris 2020 campaign. ashley allison. so good to have both of you here. i want get your reaction to what we've just heard. i'm dr. ben carson first joe, he is seeming going to talk about mail-in balloting as a problem, but it could create opportunities for mischief. republicans have used mail-in ballots the same way democrats have. it increases participation among the electorate. what's your reaction to this? the leader of the party, the republican party still has not conceded mean laura, think about the context here. that's why ben carson and all these other republicans cannot say, when you ask them, will you accept the results of the election if you lose and they can't answer that question because donald trump won't answer that question because four years later hitter
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donald trump's still has an acknowledged that he lost the 2020 election. that's why so many republicans are skeptical about our elections. process. i mean, ashley, he talked about being unwilling to unconditionally, frankly, unconditionally accept the terms earlier with ashley with abby on mine or show, she had congressman baron donald don who had a similar response about sort of a conditional response you've heard that time and time again and how is this telling you? >> what will happen in november? i mean, obviously baked into the question is, assuming we are fair and free elections, will you accept the actual election results? and we should assume so when we have fair and free elections yes. >> so i want to go back to 2020 and the republican party was playing the same game around this time period, we were entering covid, they were casting doubt on the us postal service they were casting doubt on vote by mail. we were in a global pandemic. of course, we
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needed to adjust because we were restricted to our houses under donald trump's leadership during that pandemic. and so they started to see doubt in our election so that when, if and when he lost, which he did, they would be able to mobilize their base for a january 6, which they did. and so they're playing this playbook again and they're trying to give their base a permission structure that if and when donald trump loses in the november election, that they should perhaps recreate january 6, but not stop when it doesn't go as planned, fight until the end. and that is why so many people are talking about the danger for our democracy is because the people in not just donald trump, but the people he is surrounding himself with will not just answer a simple question to accept the results of the alliance, but going back to that, i want you to respond to this joe going back the pandemic, don't we remember when rnc was really clutching their pearls and thinking,
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well, hold on candidate trump, do you really want to suggest we don't want mail imbalance because that actually has a nerd. >> two are benefit for a very long time. and there's a pandemic, obviously, but also before the pandemic, we want mail-in ballots. you shore, we should so that doubt lord, the difference this year with 20 is donald trump was the only republican before the election who said, if i lose, i won't accept the results. you've got almost every single republican now refusing to answer that question, this is scary and the end game, laura, is violence plain simple. it's violence. >> well, that wasn't that wasn't obviously encouraged by dr. carson, but the thigh, the american public? yes remembering what took place when one does not accept or encourages something other than the peaceful transition, because our, and that's, that's the concern here. stick around both you, please. joe and ashley you stand by it because i head the battle for nikki haley's supporters, president biden is already trying to woo them and tonight,
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8:21 pm this is cnn the world's news well, justin tonight, donald trump extending an olive branch to nikki haley after his rally in the bronx, hoping that she'll join his campaign well, i think she's going to be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, the same thoughts i appreciated what she said. >> you know, we had a nasty campaign. it was pretty nasty but she's a very capable person and i'm sure she's going to be on our team in some form. absolutely absolutely. >> how well he didn't elaborate and didn't say if she
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was on his vp shortlist or what it meant to be on the team and what that some way would be trump's overture coming a day after biden held a zoom call with haley supporters just last night, hours after her announcement that she would vote for donald trump. it was actually a scheduled before she announced her decision the biden camp e-m-mailing out this very message saying, quote to haley voters there's a home for you on team biden harris. they even released this video showing some haley voters saying what they would do if haley wasn't the nominee? >> anything but trump that was your priority is that the biggest reason you supported nikki haley? yeah. i try because of donald trump? yes. >> i would vote for joe biden, never done and trump than a heart republican plan. >> what do you do with that denominator for joe biden well,
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joining me now are two haley supporters, chris row and and also logan williams. thank you both for being here. let me begin with you, chris, because i am really curious given your supportive nikki haley, what was your reaction to her decision? >> to vote for trump oh gosh, i was deeply disappointed because it worked so hard on her campaign, but also because she had called out trump on all of his false during her campaign and to say that she was going to vote for someone who had that many false was again, it was disappointing. >> i'm still wrestling with it. a lot of my friends that i speak to are who were nikki his supporters are also dealing with it in their own way. but at the same time at the end of the day, i still respect her very much and respect your decision. she's a very smart woman and she's going places well, that respect translate to you following her decision to vote for trump and translate to
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how you will vote as well. no, certainly not. i consider myself a not just a principal republican, but country first. and i will not support her vote for donald trump. >> logan, let me ask you the same question. how did you react when you heard that haley would vote for trump well, first, laura, thank you so much for having me. >> it's great to be here i don't believe nicky's endorsement will immediately have her supporters flock to president trump but laura, growing up, my mom always told me to eat my vegetables and mall at the time. i don't think it was most enjoyable thing for her to do. it was probably the best thing to do with her having my best intentions at heart. and so i think the endorsement for nikki haley now i'm probably wasn't the most enjoyable thing for her to do, but factoring in part a unity, i think she had the party it's best interests in mind and phi endorsing president trump so are you also going to eat this brussels sprout then go ahead and vote the way she does yeah.
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>> yeah. i i think that president biden has failed our country in a variety of ways, from open border policies too bad economic policies, just as week alone, he's announced more student loan forgiveness and depleted our oil reserves and folks chose to work hard and not go to college and have to pay for mine and we should be unleashing american can energy and building up our reserves. and so i think that decisions like these are why i will choose to support donald trump this november. >> chris, let me go back to you on this because some of the issues that were raised just now by logan energy, the economy obviously, a number of other factors are going to be top of mind, some of these areas are the precise ones in which nikki haley disagreed vehemently with the former president in states. i understand you were on the call with president biden after haley announced her decision to vote for trump can you describe a little bit about what that call was like well, actually it wasn't president biden was on
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the call, but representatives campaign and in discussing it it was to try to reach out from the biden campaign and i felt it was very genuine actually that they wanted to see if there were some ways where we could come together and they wanted i think genuinely to hear from us in that group exactly what our feelings were. >> the border was actually one of the biggest topics for us. foreign policy where can we find middle ground of common ground? and we wanted to see the president move a little bit more toward the center. and particularly on the border. and that's not so much a center his shoe that's an issue that affects the entire country republicans and democrats. and we haven't seen much effort there except for the failed attempted to bill again today but we'd like to see an executive order or just some action on that this of course,
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as you mentioned what happened the senate today, but many believed that every state is becoming ever so a border state. >> another issue, top of mind, logan. there was a comment that the former president made today while he was campaigning in the bronx and he said that he's sure that nikki haley will join their team and some form. >> do you want to see nikki haley a campaigning with the former president and b. do you think she ought to be a running mate? that's a question on everybody's mind. laura for me, one of the reasons i chose the caucus for nikki haley. you're and i went back in january. was her ability to tackle some of these social issues in a way that could unite voters on both sides of the aisle. and so i think for strategic reasons, donald trump should definitely consider nikki haley's if vice presidential candidate chris real quick to you, if nikki haley is the vp running mate, would that change your mind about voting for trump no i wouldn't because i still consider donald trump, unfortunately, to be just too
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much of a threat to democracy with many of the statements that he's made as well as a log, his own base supporters and the people who would be surrounding him as a congressman walsh pointed out in the previous segment. >> that's why so many people who worked with him previously won't work with him again. so who is he going to surround himself with? and he's been throwing out verbal verbage is on his truth social about a third reich these are nazism statements. and taking over entire republican party, throwing out 60 people have worked there and putting in yes, men that sounds like mussolini. and dictator type stuff. and i know that sounds dramatic, but we don't want to see that in this country. >> that's why i put our republic first i'm just trying i'm hoping this see america survivors chris roman, login williams. >> thank you both so much joe
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walsh and ashley allison are back with the now pretty remarkable to hear even that if nikki haley were a vice presidents are running mate, it still wouldn't change his mind of a former haley is supporting but or to vote for trump. >> two takeaways. nikki haley will embrace trump will campaign with trump, will speak at the convention and could be the vp. but the bigger takeaway, laura, is these voters are datable these haley voters because they weren't pro nikki voters. they are anti trump voters. so they're get a bill for team biden, but team biden, pardon my language, needs to get off of its butt and go get these voters. >> well, they had scheduled this call prior to even maybe knowing the announcement but of course the timing is not ideal for them to have the perception that they were following the actual ball. >> yeah. i mean, i think that that will that concern my fall to the wayside in the next 24 hour news cycle, i think it is important that they continue to engage those voters. i have to say that i am encouraged to
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hear that voters say that he is choosing party over country. and i wish more publican leaders would follow that voters lead because donald trump is a threat to our democracy, joe and is politics might not be the same on many things, but we know donald trump is a threatened, is glad to hear that voter realize that, realizes that as well. well david, from how the atlantic questioned why haley made the decision, even choose trump and some looking at it as maybe, maybe self-interested. >> he wrote this, haley is making a calculation about 20:28 perhaps it will work out for her. i doubt it, but who knows the question before those who wants back to her is more immediate. so what is behind her decision isn't 2024, running mate 2028, future. >> it's simple. >> her career. >> she wants to remain a republican. >> if you do a joe walsh, a liz cheney, or an atom qin zinger, and you publicly opposed trump as a republican. you're done as a republican. she doesn't want to do that. >> i'll just also say like i'm not surprised, this is
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what nikki haley is doing. she stood on the debate stage and raised her hand and said, i'm going to support the republican nominee we were looking for people on that moment to have courage and say no, we won't support donald trump to put a disruption our intervention into the current republican party. and they, i think chris christie, maybe esa hutchinson at that time were the only two that said no, they would not so if the haley voters were ganim was nikki haley ganim to support biden? no. no. no. no. because nikki haley wants to remain a republican and get elected again as republican. >> he's a politician well, there you have it really important. joe and ashley. thank you both so much ahead. a groundbreaking lawsuit against the biggest concert giant in the nation will it cut down all those fees you gotta okay senator amy klobuchar is backing the lawsuit and is here to talk about all of it. plus five americans each facing a dozen years in prison in turks okay. goes one joins me to explain why you didn't check.
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palo v0 to three-to-one, three-to-one. today, i'm katelyn polantz at the federal court in washington. >> and this is cnn the department of justice is suing discipline up ticket master, and live nation. the biggest ticketing website and concert promoter in the entire country. and they're alleging that live nation ticketmaster's parent company has a monopoly in the live entertainment industry. so how do we get here? >> let's go back to november 1, 2020 to taylor swift announced the erez tour. >> fans rush to get tickets, but ticket master could not keep up. eventually canceling the general sale and leaving many fans in the lurch and furious, taylor swift spoke out calling it excruciating to watch ticketmaster apologized now fast forward to january 24,
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24, 2023, the senate holds an anti-trust hearing and well, it's full of taylor swift references ticketmaster auto look in the mirror and say, i'm the problem. it's me, a lot of people seem to think that somehow a solution, i think it's a nightmare dress like a daydream. >> you can't have too much consolidation, something that unfortunately for this country as a ode to taylor swift, i will say we know all too well well, this brings us to today. >> the doj's lawsuit, and it's not just taylor swift that brought this about, by the way fans for a long time have been complaining about ticketmaster's exorbitant fees so let's take a closer look. >> now say for example, i wanted to go with my husband to see bad bunny this sunday in miami as an example, two goods seats go for $303.90. >> but when you get to check out, the price is nearly 100
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bucks more. so let's break it down 30390 for the tickets 59, at for a service fee, 9504 facility charge, 6305 for an order processing fee, and then $21.28 for tax that brings your grand total to $400 $400.83 so what does live nation have to say about the suit well, they're calling it quote, baseless, saying in part, the doj is lawsuit won't solve the issue spans care about relating to ticket prices service fees access to in-demand shows, calling ticketmaster a monopoly may be a pr win for the doj and the short term, but it will lose in court because it ignores the basic economics of live entertainment. i want to bring in minnesota senator amy klobuchar, chair over to the judiciary subcommittee and antitrust competition policy and consumer rights. and did i
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mention a fellow minnesotan good to see you, senator. how are you? >> great to be on again, laura thanks. >> now, senator, you've heard a lot about this lawsuit. you're embracing this lawsuit, frankly, what is your response to what ticket master is claiming that this isn't going to have an impact on all the things that are inferior creating to consumers those service fees. is that true i think this is going to have a big impact on for consumer. >> its first of all, the mere fact that this lawsuit was filed in which the department of justice the united states attorney general stands up in front of the nation and a enumerate this monopoly conduct in which they're retaliating against venues and others, the partners that won't go with them won't use their services. and what is really going on here, it's really a three-headed monopoly. one. they have a monopoly over ticketing in percent of billboard top 40 tours and
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professional sports venues. they have 80% of large venues and 70% of all ticketing. that's monopoly number one. monopoly number two, promotions. they have 60% of promotions in large venues. laura, and then number three, there owning a whole bunch of arenas as well, or they're asking for long-term contracts in order to get there promotions and their acts in order to lock in those venues. so others can compete. so if you're someone like me that believes in capitalism and believes in competition some of the solutions here and number of them are if you had competing venues they could offer more innovative services if there were other ticketing services, if there were other promoters, they could offer better deals gordon gekko may say that greed is good, but you're right consumer. are benefited by competition. but there are those who are looking at this suit and intimating, if not outright, saying that the
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doj is just caving to political pressure, trying to do something to appease and placate the consumer. the doj and turn is saying, no, they're not suing because of ticketmaster's frustrating business practices. >> they're doing it because of illegal practices. >> so when you look at this, the consumers, this is do you think this is political pressure or this is them actually targeting illegal activity? >> now when bid, i mean it is ticketmaster live nation that has basically hired every lobbyist people that are trying to stop this. and its tracks. so i don't believe that at all when i look at this, i look way back this deal should never been approved to begin with, and it's one of the problems with our antitrust laws right now, i want to turn first second to a court that we often look to when there are disputes across circuits and people are wondering about major issues. i'm talking about the supreme court. of course the supreme court is back in the news as you know, senator four, again, the wrong reasons they would say supreme court justice alito
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flying with soon as the appeal to heaven flag at his beach house, the american flag upside down at his home in virginia. here's what some of your colleagues had to say about this my understanding is wife turned upside down, at least in one case, i think it may have been a spouse. >> he said he didn't have anything to do with it. >> it was his wife. >> so these flags, they are embraced by the far-right, whether they originated with them or not is a different question, but they are embraced by the far-right. what is your response to having these flown at a supreme court justices home? >> what bothers me about this is that the justice has cases pending before him and has been adjudicating cases that are about this very issue this is something where i think if there is a conflict of interest or there is an appearance of conflict of interest then other judges recuse themselves from the cases. that means they let the other justices decide them.
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they stand out that case, they don't even have to give the reason why. but right now, there's such a breakdown of trust with our court system, with the supreme court they have sort of fiddled around with saying we're you're going to have ethics roles. but i think congress actually needs to pass a law that says they abide by the same ethics rules as other federal judges. and that includes rules of recusal. and that's a bill that my colleague, senator whitehouse is leading that i'm supportive of and a co-sponsor of so i just think we need to make this very clear because there pupils are going to lose trust in this when you see this kind of conduct justices have recused themselves for all kinds of recent clarence thomas recused himself from a case regarding virginia tech because his kid went there and then you see him making decisions regarding january 6 cases. when in fact, we know the activities that his wife was in kitchen. so i just
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i don't buy this at all and i think that they should be recused themselves for the good of the court and the good of the country from these the cases. >> senator amy klobuchar. thank you so much for joining us. >> it was great to be on laura. thank you ahead several american tourists spacing 12 years in prison in turks and caicos one of them is my guess. next russia were trying to spy on us. we respond hang on them. >> i'm sorry, frank this is a war, but secret war. secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2, warm when i'm cold, wait, no, i'm always hot. >> sleep number. does that can i make my side softer? >> i like my sayyed firmer squeeze number. does that can
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americans are facing up to 12 years in prison for allegedly bringing ammunition and to turks and caicos. and here's the thing. these are all different instanances happening in the last six months. none of them knew each other. >> they say it was all an honest mistake at the bullets inadvertently ended up in their luggage and they didn't notice them but turks and caicos has strict firearms and ammo laws. >> and now the whole saga is turning into a diplomatic dusk step. several us politicians are calling to hit turks and caicos where it hurts their bottom line i think americans need to know hey, let's, let's hit it, hit them in their pocket book. >> let's stop traveling to turkey. >> it's not reasonable how they treat our citizens. and i think we ought to issue a do not travel advisory we all also look at cutting off any funding turks and caicos, the biden administration should warn of a do not travel four turks and caicos to make sure that we're getting these americans back in
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warning other americans not to go to turks and caicos because of the danger that we face a group of lawmakers even traveled to the island is week, depressed for the americans release. >> but they came back empty handed and the premier of turks and caicos is accusing one congressmen of spreading well, you called diabolical falsehoods about what's going on joining me now is one of the americans whose been detained. his name is ryan watson. he was arrested in april while returning from a birthday celebration with his wife. he has a court appearance in two weeks and is now out on bail ryan, this sounds like a nightmare scenario. your wife was released from charges and also able to return to your home and oklahoma where she is with your two young kids. as i understand it, but you still there. >> what happened? how did the ammunition end up in your bag? it you say it was inadvertent oh, yes, ma'am. >> i have no recollection of ever put name initiative in that bag however, i do know
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that there was a time back in the fall whenever i was hunting de are in texas that i took the bag and had the rifle that uses that very specific ammunition with me on that trip so i'm only left to assume that the ammunition had fallen into the lining of the bag during that trip, somehow was there a weapon in your bags or the ammunition alone no, ma'am. >> there was just full rounds of a hunting ammunition was it discovered like do one of those magnetometers or had you check this bag? no so i carried the bag on through oklahoma city. it went through the scanner and oklahoma city. nothing was detected i've since learned that tsa has come out and it admitted that they had missed those. that ammunition and it was discovered while we were leaving the turks and caicos islands after our vacation apparently de do not scan bags
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upon entry on the silent this must be a terrifying experience for you to know what you're charged with, what you're facing. i understand that. one of the other americans arrested, his name is bryan hagerich. >> he has pleaded guilty. >> he's being sentenced beginning tomorrow morning. >> how are you feeling tonight knowing that there's a possibility according to their laws of a 12 year sentence, ryan i'm learning to pray and trust in god and new ways i brian's like a brother to me now i've been living together as well as sharitta and we've become a huge family. so i'm going to be watching my brother up there, but my fate is in the portland tomorrow as well. >> oklahoma's governor is urging the white house to get involved what do you want president biden to do? is he and do you feel that he is fighting for your release in any way?
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>> i've not been made aware that he's engaged at all. i'm not sure what he could be capable of doing, but if there is a phone call to be made, i just pray that there's that there's a reasonable solution to all of this since brian's arrest, we've been made aware that there were three other travelers to the turks and caicos islands that were discovered with ammunition upon exit and those travelers were apparently charged with under the customs act and man, i can only sit back and just wonder why that couldn't have been the case for the five of us. but but this is what we're facing and we're, just reminded in prayer it sounds like unbelievably difficult to think. >> and as you mentioned, the others who you have known, you all did not know each other before. now, here you are this kind of collision course meeting each other at this
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point in your lives? how are they dealing with all this? how are they doing i think it's an overwhelming scenario and it's there. >> it's just riddled with unknowns i think you know it's it's immediate, it's amazing to see how god has worked and hadn't woven us together. we're a very uniquely woven twill to this point where i call sharitta, my sister and i we cook and have fun and we joke with each other you know, brian and i'm not sure a couch. i was whenever we got sharitta out on bail i gave up my bedroom so that she'd have a comfortable place to sleep bless her heart. you'll after being chained to a chair for three nights in a row, sleeping on a floor she deserves a bet. and so these people are like family to me now, and it's this strangest fraternity i've ever
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been in. but i will i will love and support these people till i die it is so heart wrenching and heartwarming. >> de hear about the support that you all providing for each other. and i know they've become family you also have a family back home, including two young children how are they doing? how is your wife through this i'm the luckiest husband in the world to have her at home with my kids during this time she's just had so much grace and handle this amazing i know my kids are struggling we're starting to see cracks, you know, there's only so much a father can provide through facetime and i need to be home with those what those babies
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how old are your children, ryan my daughter, my daughter, ellie mae is seven, and my son ban is nine we have children similar in age, i can imagine. you being away from them. and for this to know you, we're just trying to have a vacation for your wife's birthday and you and others now find yourselves in this situation ryan. thank you so much for joining me and we will continue to follow what's happening. we certainly hope that all of you and the family you have now created, get to go home thank you. >> thank you for having me thank you all so much for watching. >> our coverage continues with anderson cooper 360 next, we want to live kim boehner, i want to be world heavyweight
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. book your first cleaning today for just $19. >> i'm kevin lip ttac at the white house. and this is cnn


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