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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 24, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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just a brief appearance from him. but as you mentioned, and you're seeing the images there, there was a lot of former president bill clinton hillary clinton there as well as washington types like secretary of state antony blinken and attorney general garland. so another night kept here at the white house and glitzy, one, two, honore a us ally all right. for scylla alvarez. for us at the white house. thanks so much for the panel it was i think the most fun thing we did this morning was look at all the attendees. >> we were walking through and they announced them. >> so we've got to see anybody's favorite of the people that they saw coming through or any the will more valid me wrong. >> i got to me because i just didn't play some at the white house state dinner, but i don't fund. what did we miss it here? because you had you had a good one. >> i don't know what you never know who you're going to see at a stage. all right. thank you to all of you for being here. have a great memorial day weekend. we appreciate it. and
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thank you for joining us this morning. i'm jessicica dean, cnn news infrastructure right now from campaign rivals to running mates, potentially maybe, who knows donald trump is talking about nikki haley in a whole new way today, the nicknames hey, attack leinz now distant history after she said she would vote for him, it is projected to be the busiest travel weekend and over two decades, what you need to know if you're one of the millions of americans set to head out for memorial day overnight. >> a monumental shift in college sports, revenue sharing with athletes and other words schools will pay them directly to play. the huge range of implications from this major decision. i'm john berman with kate bolduan, amara walker is in for sarah in this is cnn news central so what is this,
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what an olive branch looks like in 2024, you be the judge after their bitter rivalry during the republican primary, gone are the days and trump calling nikki haley bird brain, not mocking her name making one of her husband who was serving overseas at the time. >> now, donald trump is talking nice and definitely not shutting down speculation that she could be joining his campaign at some point very soon. of course, this comes after nikki haley made the first move saying just one day before that, you'd be voting for him in november. cnn, steve contorno has much more on this, so we heard donald trump speaking. what is he saying? what, what are you learning? >> well, kate, it's still very early in this kumbaya to know what kind of role donald trump in visions for nikki haley up until a few days ago, there were still a standoff between trump's camp and haley's camp
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over whether these two could ever even get together. but after nikki haley said that she would vote for donald trump, trump said this about what he sees her, how he sees her helping his campaign well, i think she's gonna be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, the same thoughts i appreciated what she said. >> you know, we had a nasty campaign. it was pretty nasty but she's a very capable person and i'm sure she's gonna be on our team in some form. absolutely as you mentioned, kait, that that nasty campaign included calling her bird brain and salting her husband. >> she also shot back that trump was not fit to lead the country however, trump's campaign has always indicated to us that they believed that they could put that rivalry aside for the betterment of the party. it was just up to her to make the first move and take the knee as it were. but now that she's done that, she is
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back in the mix and in truck really needs her help, whether that's fundraising or convincing republicans who still prefer her to get inside of the trump camp because she's still keeps winning a large chunk. and these republican primary contests that she's no longer even competing and kate safe internal. >> thank you so much. john for sure what the game of thrones reference. bending the knee and it worked well they're happening now. millions of people, like the most millions and 24 years are set to hit the roads or take to the skies for memorial day, 38 million by car. another 3.5 million by play in nearly 2 million cillian, were opt for bus train, or maybe even a really big boat. cnn's piedmont teen, as far as i can tell, is in charge of all of this from maryland, pete, what are you seeing so far? we're right next to the chesapeake bay bridge, john, this is the gateway to the beaches and notions city, maryland, also the delaware beaches. >> and maryland and visuals here anticipate 330,000 people
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will travel over the bridge which we today and monday really fits into this theme of what will be a huge memorial day travel weekend. we're talking bigger than 2019 before the pandemic, bigger than 2005 after the slump caused by nine, 11, the biggest since 2000 think before the iphone even before the ipod, they can put a year later in 2001, 38.4 million people let dissipated to drive 50 miles or more according to aaa. and here is what aaa says is driving this gas prices are about the same as where they were last year. the national average for a gallon of gas, $3.61 according to aaa, those of you with a good memory might think that is high. but remember people are really splurging now on trips and travel, this revenge travel thing is really baked in to the fiber of society. now and people may be cutting back on things like like eating out. the bottom line here is you
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have to leave early especially for those traveling today. here is aaas i exit diaz who says today is a workday for a lot of people. so if you leave in the evening, that is what holiday traffic really meets regular traffic you're going to have a mix of commuters, just people go into work and travelers trying to hit the road. so leave as early as possible, avoid those rush hour windows worst times to travelled today between noon and 7:00 p.m. best times before 11:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. so if you can get a start this morning, do it, or wait until after the dinner hour. >> we're also going to see a huge day for air travel in the us, maybe a record according to tsa 2.9 million people expected to be screened at airports nationwide today by tsa. the bottom line here is a leinz are
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going to be long. you have to to get to the airport and honest two hours early, do not cut it close. the good news here is that the weather is looking pretty good, although the faa anticipating maybe grounds dubs today in minneapolis, atlanta, and chicago because i've done or storms in the forecast, john, he very quickly what exactly is revenge travel? because it sounds like something i can get into it is the idea that people sort of put off travel during the pandemic. and now we're in this post pandemic era. >> people just really want to get out and we were seeing it throughout the travel space. >> it is not just air travel and is driving and even cruises are seeing a bit of a bump interesting is every time i get on a plane, i yell avenge me, he mateen in annapolis, maryland. >> thank you very much for painting their amara all right. huge news and the college sports world. and the only three billion-dollar legal settlement clears away for schools to pay their student athletes also breaking overnight. yet another woman coming forward to accuse sean
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diddy combs of sexual assault. and this new lawsuit alleges that had happened four different times. also ahead fee and on talks to two actors who claim an artificial intelligence firm stole their voices. what it means for the future of the industry? >> in one of the most active 22 seasons. >> you can't control a tornado. >> what kinds of interventions can we design go inside? the store? >> premiere of one and earth with liev schreiber, june 2 had nine on cnn, sometimes investing can feel like you're going at it alone especially when? >> it comes to adding crypto to your portfolio but it doesn't have to be that way as the? >> world's largest crypto asset manager, you'll find a lot of people holding grayscale funds which means you're
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bestsellers. >> joy bird, design your world differently way to start the conference finals magic if coverage begins tonight at 7:30. nba western conference finals presented by at&t on tnt with western conference finals old cast on trutv breaking overnight a historic deal that paves the way for colleges and
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universities to pay student athletes. the nc doublet and five power conferences have settled on terms that also included fluids $2.7 billion in damages to past and current college athletes, andy scholz's here with more andy. this is obviously huge, but it also opens up a huge can of worms. and many, many questions. what do we know? >> well, i am or what we know the days of the amateur college athlete are basically over the incident. ray and the power five conferences hope by reaching this settlement, they can stabilize college athletics after years and years of lawsuits, but lots of questions remained with these settlements. but any athlete who played a division one sport from 2016 to the present, they have a claim for some of that 2.7 billion. now, how they plan on paying the star quarterback versus the pole vaulter. that's still not clear. the $2.7 billion. it's expected to be paid out over a ten-year period. now, if athletes op
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into these settlements, they have to agree they're not going to do in any further antitrust lawsuit against the ncaa doublet. now, as a part of the settlement, each school moving forward, it's going to have the ability to spend a maximum of roughly 20 million per year on direct payment to athletes, which is something that's never been done before. an insoluble a history, and it's going to be up to each school on how much they to allocate that money while remaining compliant with title nine laws. now, the direct paid athletes that could actually start as soon as the fall of 2025. the deal still must be approved by the federal judge. that's overseeing this case, but still so much to be determined like, what is this going to do? roster sizes in particularly football amara, they will likely going to have to have less than 120 players if they're paying everyone. and what does this mean for olympic sports that typically don't make any money for the school if they got to pay, the athletes, are they going to continue to have those sports so amara, you know, we have a
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settlement, but still so many questions now, a lot of the answers are going to be tbd, like you say, andy scholes, good to see you. thanks so much i will today is sentencing de for one of the five americans arrested in turks and caicos 4:00 a.m. possession. what we know as he faces possible 12 year sentence in prison. >> and celine dion pulling back the veil behind the scenes of our battle to get back on stage. >> as she fights for debilitating neurological disease, stiff person syndrome russia were trying to spy on us we were spying on them. saudi friday this is a war but secret war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game. >> premier sunday, june 2 at ten on cnn prover ticket, we've been perfecting that the perfect length fit and feel
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it's all going down all the way to start the conference finals fires pick you can magic if covered, begins tonight at seven i'm 30 nba western conference finals presented by at&t on tnt. with western conference finals old cast on trutv breaking overnight. sean diddy combs now
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faces another sexual assault lawsuit, according to the complaint filed thursday in new york, april lamppost says combs accosted her four times from the mid 90s to the early 2000s. now, she included these photos of her and combs in the lawsuit. she says he began mentoring her after she shared that she wanted to work in the fashion industry, but the relationship quickly turned abusive and coercive. now, in a statement to cnn, lampposts dead in part that she's confident justice will prevail. so no other woman will have to endure what she did this is the eighth lawsuit against combs since november and comes just two days after former model crystal mckinney came forward, john this morning, one of the five americans arrested in turks and caicos learns his fate after he says he mistakenly brought ammunition, their will on vacation. bryan hagerich faces up to 12 years behind bars for violating the country's firearms laws. >> he has pleaded guilty to those charges.
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>> now, kate had a chance to speak with one of the other detainees about his situation bryan hagerich from pennsylvania is the one that's living with us. >> as well as sharitta, a tree degree are from florida we moved her in this past weekend as well. we're all in this together. we are the most uniquely woven quilt to exist. i we've at this point, but we are here to support one another. and there's, there are nuances to each and every case. however, there's so many similarities through these five cases that we're all watching very closely each other's cases cia is called a suarez has the latest for us this morning. so carlos, what are the range of possibilities here while we know around the 10:00 hour whether or just how all of this is really going to play out, whether some of these people who have been accused are going to be sentenced for time served or whether they're gonna be given a longer sentence.
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>> we know that today's sentencing go is taking place as this back-and-forth between officials in the turks and caicos islands and the us has picked up a yesterday, the country's premier year when after comments that were made by some us lawmakers accusing officials of targeting americans. now a core according to the premier, in the past six years of the 195 people convicted for firearm offenses in the country, only seven of them seven of them were us citizen. now, heydrich, who is from pennsylvania, is one of these five americans that were arrested in recent months. for having ammunition in the caribbean country now in each case, american officials have said that the accused did not know that they were traveling with ammunition and officials in turks and caicos, will they've pushed back on this argument that the government should get involved in their cases, saying that the judicial process there really has to play out. and they noted that judges there there have the discretion and handing down the sentences according to the premier no american has ever
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received the mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years in prison. heydrich, who was arrested in february, said that he forgot his hunting ammunition in his bag now, in an interview with a cnn affiliate, he lamented missing several family events, saying in parts of quotes, the events that i've missed that i haven't been able to show up for my family. i've watched both of my children celebrate their birthdays on facetime. i've watched my daughter graduated kindergarten on facetime i've watched countless of baseball games on facetime now, official tools again in the turks and caicos islands have said, look, let's let this play out. let's see where this goes. again, judges have the discretion here heydrich is scheduled to be sentenced at 10:00 in the morning. now some us lawmakers said that depending on how these cases play out, they could, they could push for a do not travel advisory which would no doubt impact act of tourism on the island. there's another american who will learn his fate next week and then the
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remaining group, they're going to be in court in june and july. >> john carson, bob good made that threat right here on cnn news central, we will know a lot more at the sentencing hearing at 10:00. carlos suarez, keep us posted. thank you very much. >> okay. >> so there's a surprise guest at the state dinner at the white house just going to get tip good there's a price guessed at the state dinner at the white house last night. hint he's vendor a few state dinners in the past. >> does this and his presence opera since now into the focus for joe biden's reelection. >> bid more on that. and it is not just scarlet johansson, more actors are suing over ai and their likeness what they hey, are saying now check you're, or nothing. >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing. >> it's a series of events. >> is that part of the wing
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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you feel the wind tuesday, the evidence is in the testimony has ended, but it's not over yet before the jury gets the final say. prosecutor present trump's defense team, get the final word. live coverage of closing arguments in the trump hush money trial begin tuesday at nine externa brand new cnn reporting this morning, we are getting a look behind the scenes as president biden and former president trump prepare for their very first presidential debate. of the 2024 campaign right here on cnn, the candidates are gearing up for the showdown in very different ways. one is prepping extensively, the other, not so much, but both see the june 27th debate as a crucial opportunity to win over undecided voters, including those that support nikki haley, cnn's isaac dovere joining us now with more so what are you learning? isaac about their prep styles? >> good morning at look, we see
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from joe biden the preparations for that are similar to what he's done in the past, that they are expecting it to be a lot of time around a table, not really doing mock debates as much as just going deepen on policy. sometimes too deep too far off on tangents, aids the worked within the past, tell me that part of this process with him is getting him focused, getting him to keep the answers short. whereas with donald trump aides have told us that they so far do not expect any formal prep to be part of things. and if it is that it'll probably be more meetings and conversations, then again and standing at a podium and the sorts of things that we think of from tv shows in the movies so two very different approaches to debating. and of course, this is the first time in history that two presidents have debated like this and neither of them had debated anyone for four years since the last time they debated each other? >> and are you getting a sense of which issues any of these candidates biden or trump will
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be trying to hammer home or what kind of lines of attacks they may be taking sure like for the trump campaign has been very clear. they want to focus on the economy, on inflation and immigration, on the feeling that joe biden is just not up to the job for the biden campaign. they have laid out a pretty extensive list of things that they're going to be talking about over the course of next couple of months abortion democracy all sorts of things related to gun control, all these core issues and what they say and you see this in a new ad they have at this morning. that's narrated by robert de niro. >> they feel like they can put this to donald trump and say, how do you answer for your positions on these things? >> and really what the biden campaign tells me is that they feel like there's not any kind of answer that donald trump can can give to these questions that the american voters are going to agree with. we'll see if that's true. we've got obviously a month leading up to this for this to all keep going on and i'm sure we'll have more from both the campaigns of what they're expecting into
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it. >> i'd like to vera. thanks so much, john. thank write a surprise. guest at the state dinner overnight at it's time for the big reveal. i guess that was the big reveal brazil alvarez at the white house this morning, so who are we looking at? who showed up? >> former president barack obama, of course, john he if you recall, his father was born in kenya. and so this was a brief appearance that he made at the state dinner last night. it was where if he didn't stay for the seated portion of the dinner, but he hadn't met with the kenyan leader earlier in the day at blair house fair an official described their conversations as quote, productive, but don this was a glamorous night here at the white house. the white house rolled out the red carpet for hundreds of guests to honore the kenyan leader, of course, a state dinner is one of the highest diplomatic tools at the white house. can employ to honor a top us ally that's exactly what they were doing last night in this transparent
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pavilion on the south lawn that according to the first lady's office, was adorned with over 1,000 candles. now the guests enjoyed a three-course dinner and entertainment headlined by brad paisley. as well as the howard gospel choir both two honore the canyon in president's interests in both country music and gospel music. and it was also a way to end of what has been a pretty momentous state visit. this was the first state visit of an african leader since 2008. and over the course of the de, and the visit, the, the two presidents had much to discuss a broad range of issues going from economic cooperation to the importance of democracy, as well as the spiraling situation in haiti where can you has helped. word is trying to help manage that situation. and so this was a moment really, you're seeing there the president giving his toes to mark their 60 year relationship after a day of meetings. and so what from now, the president says that he is all in on africa. he says he'll visit
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africa at some points adjusting that he would win a second term. but glitzy night here at the white house, john i'm saying he would visit in february, kind of a little hidden meeting their facil alvarez great to see you this morning. thank you very much donald trump took his campaign to the deep blue bronx yesterday, trying to make inroads with black and hispanic voters and leaning into his fear mongering rhetoric that has become traditional and his campaign to do so african americans are getting slaughtered. >> hispanic americans are getting slaughtered. and these millions and millions of people that are coming into our country, the biggest impact and the biggest negative impact is against our black population shouldn't and are hispanic population who are losing their jobs, losing their housing, losing everything they can lose down from also using very different rhetoric. >> now, when it comes to his
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former republican rival, nikki haley well, i think she's gonna be on her team because we have a lot of the same ideas, the same thoughts. i appreciated what she said you know, we had a nasty campaign. it was pretty nasty but, she's a very capable person and i'm sure she's gonna be on our team in some form. and absolutely joining us right now, a cnn political commentator, karen finished, is also a former spokesperson for hillary clinton's 2016 campaign in bryan lanza, former deputy communications director for donald trump's 2016 campaign. it's good to see you guys. brian, nikki haley as v up perfect fit or super fraught, go first of all, thank you for having me. yeah. listen, you got to put the politics of sayyed. it would be a perfect fit. it would just cause a huge commotion with a certain part of the base starting with don junior. but i think it's probably survivable of the name's karen that are being talked about as top contenders for donald trump's running mate this time around
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would she be the worst night feet might nightmare for the biden-harris ticket as i have seen, some republicans describing it no, i don't think so. >> look, she's going to have to overcome a big hurdle in terms of she basically was on the campaign trail for months saying that he was too chaotic, a danger to the country. so she's going to have to, if she were on the ticket, i think there's gonna be a big credibility gap that you'd have to overcome quite frankly. and i have every confidence, particularly in a debate that vice president harris would absolutely come out the winner in that kind of a matchup. >> brian, i want to read for you some new reporting. we also have in from michael vendor under this is the headline trump's vp pageant has an unexpectedly strong contender, tom cotton and he writes this, that the former president has said privately that he views mr. cotton as a reliable and effective communicator in cable
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news interview mr. trump is also praised. mr. cotton's army service, which included deployments to iraq and afghanistan, and the fact that he is a fellow ivy league graduate cotton was on the show. it was late last week and i know that he has said in the past the classic line of i'm not focused here, i'm focused on pushing donald trump's priorities and agenda, but what do you think? >> for me this crystallizes the question of what do you think donald trump needs in a running mate? this time you don't listen, i've always said this in first of all, i think tom cotton would be a strong contender, but i think the biggest sort of lins on what who's going to become the vp nominee for president trump is the ability not to outshine president trump. >> i've said this before. he sort of he is the star of his own show. he's the director, he's the executive producer. so i just find it hard to believe he's going to bring somebody. they just sort of brings a tremendous amount of star power that will take attention away from him. and i think cotton very much fits that sort of similar mike pence model, who strong on the
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policy, who's strong with certain parts of the base, but does not have the ability doubt shine him. and i think that it'd be a strong candidate. >> tom cotton, also one of those more disciplined politicians you can come across in quite awhile. >> karen, what do different take also on polling because i know you love when i asked you about pulling back or last conversation, i was like, wow brought this up this morning of visits analysis you saw on the new york times and i was like this has to be perfect for garrett today because this is what this analysis, the new york times says backstory is karen doesn't believe pulling the new york times as an analysis out this morning and it's saying that trump's lead, that we have seen consistently in the polling narrowly in places is quote, built on gains among voters who aren't paying close attention to politics, who don't follow traditional news and who don't regularly vote, disengaged voters. and the president biden in this analysis has actually led in the last three times santa national polls among those who voted in the 2020
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election, even as he's trailed among registered voters overall, does that make you feel better about biden's path? >> does that what does that say to you? >> skeptic of polling about polar? yes. >> you know what that says to me. as you know, i am a little skeptical about pulling at the same time that says to me that the biden campaign and their cash advantage, which means they're opening more field offices and have more money to actually communicate with voters those are voters. they've got to be talking to because again, we've been having this conversation also about how some voters have forgotten the chaos of the trump years that may be true with those voters. so i'd want to understand what is it for those voters who haven't really been paying attention? that appeals about trump that you might be able to communicate with them and move them to the biden column that would be what i would want to know now, i can combine these two things, brian with the appeal that donald trump was trying.
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>> the inroads, he's trying to make with black and hispanic voters. and you saw that in his campaign event rally in the bronx yesterday is not going to win in the bronx very, very unlikely, but he either, he is showing signs and these are the areas where he's making gains and what do you what does that tell you? what this analysis about disengaged voters, about what the trump campaign needs to be doing from here you know, it's focus, i think give you date back to 2016 and during his presidency, he focused a lot on the african-american community. sort of record funding for historical black colleges, record, record, entrepreneurship and black communities. and i think he's going back on that economic message and we let's be clear, the communities that have suffered the most are and president biden's administration has been communities of color, whether it's the latino community or whether it's the black community they've suffered tremendously under inflation. they've, they've maxed out their credit cards, they've burned out their savings and truthfully, i don't see a lot of hope going forward, and i think what the black community season president trump and latino communities, but we see in him this sort of a hopeful,
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optimistic sort of look of the economy. what it looks it's like because we remember what it looked like during the four years of trump, and we compare it to three years of biden and tailor the tape is not pretty good for joe biden in any of these communities go ahead. >> go ahead very quickly. >> obviously, i disagree. i'm one of his the african-american s and latinos were suffering under donald trump during covid, as and not getting a lot of relief. and actually we're seeing the numbers for african americans and latinos in terms of unemployment down, entrepreneurship, up saying similar historic investments in hbcus at the same time though, here's the problem that donald trump has he cannot control himself when he he starts talking about poisoning the blood of our country. guess what? that nazi esq., language that actually came from jim crow and african-americans, because the nazis actually studied jim crow, african-americans understand what that kind of language really means. i also want us to remember going back to polling real quick. president trump
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only needs to get two or so more percent here and there to make those gains. whereas the challenge for president biden is he's gotta get exactly the coalition he gotten 2020 look, i would may i have one the de i'm john finney, believe in poland today in just a matter of minutes it's great to see you both. thank you for coming guys. that to voice actors are suing an ai firm for what they claim stealing their voices without their permission. let's compare ai to the real thing we're going to play part of an ad that used ai for the voice over paris this introducing jennie by levo artificial intelligence that makes it fast and easy to create voiceovers for marketing e-learning, documentaries, animations, games, audiobooks, and more all right now listen. to voice actor paul sky lerman reading the same script introducing jennie by levo
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artificial intelligence that makes it fast and easy to create voiceovers from marketing, e-learning documentaries, animations, games, audio books, and more it's pretty remarkable, sounds identical to me. >> cnn business technology reporter clare duffy has more, claire, what did these actors tell you? >> yeah emmer these, two actors, paul sky lerman and linnaeus age say that they were hired in 2019 and 2020 and they didn't know exactly who the client was, but they asked repeatedly how their voice samples were used and were told they would be internal only for academic research purposes and test radio ads then a few years later they come across. paul first comes across his what sounds like his voice narrating a youtube video, then they were driving in the car listening to a podcast about the dangers of artificial intelligence. and the host was having a communication with a chat bot. and it sounds a lot like paul, they say that they then traced that back to this company the
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lobo, which is cells ai generated voices for marketing commercials online trainings. they are now suing that company for what they say is stealing their voices without permission and creating these ai generated clones that they then sold to clients. now, i asked paul what this has meant for his career and his life. let's listen to that it's still infuriating not just because of the implications for my career though, because of the violation of me of my individuality, my likeness, my voice are saying these words that i did not agree to say. >> i gave no consent nor was there any proper compensation and i no longer have control and viewers will notice that this sounds a lot like the claims from actress scarlett johansson this week who has alleged that openai created a chatgpt voice that was meant to resemble her as openai has denied those claims. >> but what is really at the heart of all of this is because these real anxieties from
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actors, from authors, from writers that these big ai firms could be using their work and some things so intrinsic to them as their voice and training their ai models and profiting from them without ever actually crediting or compensating them. amara remarkable stuff. clare duffy, thank you so much for your reporting so she is in the fight of her life and she's also at the same time fighting it to get back on stage. and now celine dion is giving a new look at her very long journey along the way. watch this have been diagnosed with a very rare neurological disorder, and i wasn't traded to say anything before but i'm ready now i see my life and i love every piece of it. those are some of the scenes for new trailer for the documentary on the life of celine dion. cnn's lisa respers, at least the respers france is here. it's great to
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see you. you tell us more about what we're all going to see in this documentary. celine dion is so loved in this diagnosis so tragic it really is. >> and you know, kate she is such a dynamic performer. people are so used to seeing her in las vegas and one stage and what we're going to see in this documentary is really her battle with this rare neurological for syndrome. and she's been so missed. her presence has been so missed because she's been off the scene dealing with this. and it turns out that feeling is very mutual for saline as well. let's take a listen i'm working hard every day, but i have to admit it's been a struggle and less it's much i can walk i can walk won't stop
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as you can see, she's not giving up. she's battling this really rare neurological disorder which causes stiffness. it causes muscle spasms. it can cause pain, it affects the nervous system so of course the concern is how can she perform, how can she saying, but we learn from this documentary that she is very much fighting to get her way back to the fans because she wants to be able to take to the stage again, she wants to be able to tour, to be able to sing with that tremendous voice. and this is also why people were so excited back in february when she turned out to be a presenter at the grammys, she presented the album of the year to taylor swift, which was amazing because she had wanted decades before and also taylor ended up breaking a record with her fourth win for album of the year. so people were super excited to see celine dion there. and it's just indicative of the strength that she has. and we're going to
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get an opportunity to see that strength when the document errors on june 25th she's such a i mean, i'm not that i've had the chance demeanor read she's she's such a beautiful soul, not only her voice and her talent, but she just seems like such a wonderful person. >> at least that's great to see you. >> thank you. john. >> so are you set up for big holiday weekend plans? find out if the weather is about to ruin them all the sequel 36 years in the making of first glimpse of michael keaton in beetlejuice. >> beetlejuice the assignments are going off and playing the tornado here. i'm thinking, i'm going to die and i thought that was it. >> while and earth with liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cme. all new temper p-adic adapt actress was designed to help me aches and pains. a thing of the past, because only temper material
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denied bail by a russian court staff sergeant gordon black was arrested earlier this month on theft charges. >> he will remain in detention until at least july 2. staff sergeant black is stationed in south korea. he was not authorized to travel to russia this morning, officials are searching through the rubble for survival i was after a restaurant collapse at a popular spanish resort that left at least four people dead and more than a dozen injured. according to the city hall on my oraa go. all the injured or dutch nationals who were vacationing on the spanish island. >> a brand new trailer just released for beetlejuice. >> beetlejuice sequel to the building 1988. tim burton hit michael keaton, is back now on total. michael pete was actually only in 70 minutes of the original. he's back with some of the main co-stars from 90 days it also some familiar faces you may recognize why beetlejuice say that name. >> beetlejuice i'm serious
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three times. you will edl the truth is loose i'm gonna make you so happy what is truly shocking is some of our producers who sit right up there, including mallory leonard, have not seen the original fences? yes. yes. action will be taken okay. okay. so here's a question. are you excited about a sequel abilities? i am a yes, even though it's gonna be hard to stand up to the awesomeness of numero uno if there's a senior special on there, i'm excited. >> you all watch anything for a discount. okay. you see what i have to deal with? >> all the time. >> no fun. how about this gird, your loins, friends, if you are traveling from memorial day weekend, not only will you be contending with traffic and busy airports, there's also a continued threat of severe weather that across big portions of the country, especially the central plains,
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that we're talking about, potential of tornadoes and in some places record-breaking heat. cnn meteorologist derek van dam is tracking it all. >> the bearer of bad news. >> what do you watching right now? derek white watching john, getting excited about having to use his aarp discount we are dragging a line of severe storms, right now. so this is happening as we speak, a new severe thunderstorm watch that was issued across portions of northern illinois including chicago. but let's focus in on the storms that are about to impact davenport, iowa because there is a tornado-warned thunderstorm that is quickly approaching with this, what we call a bow echo is see how it's kind of bowing out in the front of it. that's where we find sometimes these spin up tornadoes, very powerful winds associated with that. but look at what's downstream i'll, we've got davenport and yeah, that's not far away from being impacted by this line of thunderstorms. that's got several hundred lightning
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strikes associated with it over the past couple of minutes. this is part of a broader system that's brought over 70 tornadoes since the beginning of the week. and this is our severe weather threat for the day today, including chicago stretching further south all the way to dallas, 80 million americans it's part of a multiday severe weather setup that's of course coincide in with our memorial weekend forecast. check this out. here's the forecast for tomorrow. >> already an enhanced risk across the southern plains. >> and then that shifts towards the lower mississippi and ohio river valleys for the day on sunday okay. okay. >> all right. derrick, thank you so much for that update, everyone can be watching this very close thing. amara. >> well, today marks two years since 19 children and two teachers lost their lives after a gunman opened fire at robb elementary school and uvalde, texas tonight, the community will come together to remember and honore their lives during a candlelight vigil, their families have agreed to a $2 million settlement with the city, but they are still fighting for any kind of
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accountability and announced a new $500 million lawsuit against the school district and nearly 100 police officers joining me now as texas state senator ronald gutierrez, really appreciate your time tonight. i know that you're going to be a families of the 19th students and two teachers who were massacred two years ago for this candlelight vigil had to comfort these families who are still looking for accountability. i mean, two years later yeah, amara, it doesn't really get it. thank you for your time. by the way. >> it doesn't get easier for these families. you would think that time heals all wounds. but as i talked to my friends and in uvalde, they it just doesn't get easier. you have to understand loss and understand that this is different. it's not like you're losing and your parent, you've lost your child 19 of them in such a tragic way every holiday is a remembrance. every holiday that a kid loves is a
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remembrance. and certainly these anniversaries are harder and harder. i had a parent yesterday, said it, can you send us some help because we want to get out? out of uvalde for the day. >> and so that was one of the children that had survived the tragedy. >> so we also have to remember those children that witnessed all of that horror and tortured for 77 minutes. >> let's not forget nearly 400 law enforcement officers state and at the federal level, they responded to the scene that day. >> and it's still took over an hour, 77 minutes before anything was done before they've reached those doors and kill this 18-year-old gunmen. >> we were mentioning this $2,000,000 loss settlement that was announced yesterday that was reached between the city and the families they're also suing 92 officers at the texas department of public safety. >> the school district individual employees. i want you to listen to what one father said yesterday. >> it's been on an unbearable two years we all know who take
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her children's lives but there was an obvious systemic failure out there on may 24th the whole role saw that no amount of money. >> in other words, the jewelry, our lives when we're children justice in the call ability has always been my main concern. >> we build a down so many times. the time has come through the right thing they had been let down so many times. >> the decision to file criminal charges against any of the first responders hasn't yet been made are you confident that, those responsible will be brought to justice yeah. >> you know, i mean, we've got a district attorney who's been dragging her feet for going on two years now finally announced some kind of criminal investigation. this last december. and yet no indictments have fourth, there have been forthcoming. i doubts any of them will be she has
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been the families had been working desperately advocating for their children. this isn't about money they they settled for the policy limits of the city that the city should attend two years ago, they didn't want to they don't want to break the city. they want police officers to be fired, not one has been fired other than pete era arredondo, the dps trooper that we told that we're told her fired was asked to retire, and the other guy that they fired as still on the payroll with the department of public safety? state of texas screwed up more than anybody in its officers. we have 95 officers on scene and none of them were able to do the right thing here senator gutierrez, appreciate you joining us this morning. >> thank you very much. another hour of cnn news central starts right now can get his tune.


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