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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 24, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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been the families had been working desperately advocating for their children. this isn't about money they they settled for the policy limits of the city that the city should attend two years ago, they didn't want to they don't want to break the city. they want police officers to be fired, not one has been fired other than pete era arredondo, the dps trooper that we told that we're told her fired was asked to retire, and the other guy that they fired as still on the payroll with the department of public safety? state of texas screwed up more than anybody in its officers. we have 95 officers on scene and none of them were able to do the right thing here senator gutierrez, appreciate you joining us this morning. >> thank you very much. another hour of cnn news central starts right now can get his tune.
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>> donald trump now has only nice things to say about his former republican rival. what is he signaling now? we all love good in company if you're traveling from memorial day, you'll be in very good company, a record breaking weekend expected on the roads at an airports across the country new technology meant to shut down r& and shoplifting is costing retailers and you, the consumer, the customer billions of dollars on kate bolduan with john berman, amara walker is in for sarah. this as cnn news central this morning and the immortal words of jim carrey. >> so you are saying there is a chance donald trump opens the door to nikki haley for something. maybe the day after haley said she would vote for donald trump, we are hearing from him for the first time on what that might mean moving forward, cnn, steve contorno
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with us now on what he's saying, steve zhai, he's going from bird brain to extending an olive branch to nikki haley on this coming after she said that she is going to vote for trump. >> this november, we have been told four weeks that even though these two sides haven't talked trump, would be willing to welcome nikki haley back into the fold as long as she made the first move while she did that this week and yesterday, trump said he would quote she would be on our team in some form. now we're a long way away from understanding what being on their team means that she can help fundraise. does he mean maybe be having a job and his administration like she did when she was ambassador, that remains to be seen, but this is sort of the first step in some sort of cun byod between these former rivals and we're looking at pictures right now on the screen, steve, of donald trump speaking in the bronx, he held a big rally there. >> what was this all about? >> well, this is part of his outreach toward black and
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hispanic voters. he has been making this case that biden is losing these demographics and there's an opportunity for people in these communities to consider donald trump. this go around and he was asked by fox after yesterday's events what his pitch to these voters is. this is what he said so you're different why? because i did things that he offers that nobody else has done criminal justice reform i did criminal justice reform at a level that nobody thought was possible. and i did that largely for the black and hispanic community. they're the ones i wanted opportunity zones with tim scott and he was so much in favor of it. he's probably maybe the best economic development package ever for african american hispanic americans, asian americans. >> we did a lot of things he said people couldn't believe we're able to get done. now, this rally was held in a heavily democratic area. there's little risk of the
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brock's going for donald trump. this november. but look, this is part of his outreach that he is trying to make a case in communities all across the country and especially in these swing states phrases like detroit, atlanta, parts of the country where a little bit of a change in the feeling of certain communities one way or another could ultimately decide this election, john. >> all right. steve crescendo covering this for a seat. thank you very much. >> so let's talk more about this right now. harry, when you're learning here, antennas here, sorry weekend right harry is just always here steve was talking about the effort that donald trump and his campaign have been making to try to make inroads with black and hispanic voting communities. you see that with this intent? to go into deep blue, the deep-blue bronx. but you actually think there's a larger story at play here that people aren't talking. >> i think there are a few things. number one, you guys, if you just put this newspaper
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up on the screen, look, this is donald trump's hometown paper, the new york post. he got the headline that he want out of this, and this is something that trump is so important him, but it's more than that case. look at the cortona park area, right? the cortona park precinct where that rally was held yesterday. it's a majority hispanic precinct, and i want you to take look essentially at the election results over the last few cycles and what you would see there is essentially say that look, this is a very democratic precinct, right but look at the margin trend line here. you see obama 94 obama nine 96, clinton nine to biden won it, but by only 69 points, there's a only 16. why is why is that important? because look at that. that's 23 percentage points less than hillary clinton want to buy. this is a sign of the hispanic movement that we saw last cycle, right where we saw, although hispanics still favored the democratic candidate in july joe biden, they were less likely to favor him than they did hillary clinton or barak obama both times. and it's not just there that happened. we saw it in hispanic precincts
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and counties across the country from southeast florida, southern texas, even in the los angeles area. >> so you pass to talk about present what, what are the trends you're seeing among hispanic voters this year? >> yes. so we saw a trend among hispanic voters from 2016 to 2020, where they became less democratic. look at the trend that we're seeing right now in the polling, right? so if you look back at hispanic voters at this point in the 2020 cycle, joe biden had a 25 point lead look at where that lead is today. it's just seven points. donald trump right now at 44% if that helped, would be the best performance for republican candidate among hispanic voters since george w bush back in 2000. 2004. and this is part of a larger trend line kait that we're seeing among non-white ters as well. we've discussed that on this program before, whereby they're much more favorable to donald trump than they were four years ago. and of course, donald trump did better amongst those both of those groups. and 2020 versus how he did in 2016, wrap it all up as we see it right now what does that mean for president
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biden's pathway to two 70. what does that? they liked electoral votes exactly right. so essentially what that means is if you look nationally, hispanics make about 10% of likely voters. all right so where do they make up a lower percentage of that? they make him up in the great lake battleground states, look at that lower percentage, lower percentage, 3% in michigan, 2% of pennsylvania, 4% in wisconsin. we have been harping over and over and over again that joe biden's beth best path to reelection is to run through the great lakes and polling and results that we saw like in cortona park in 2020 and appalling that we see in 2024 just reinforce that he is going to probably do best were white voters make up the vast majority of voters? he still has a path to two 70 at this point, even though he's doing poorly, more poorly amongst hispanics and black voters, and he did four years ago because his numbers seemed to be holding with white voters who make up the vast majority of voters in those great like batteries, watching the possibility of the realignment of coalitions as a fascinating
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thing. >> we're saying it truly is. you know, oftentimes we think that politics are static, but the truth is, politics aren't static. they change all the time. if you had told me in 1976 that the the dpp south to be completely republican by 2024. i wouldn't believe you if you had told me ten years ago that donald trump would be doing this well with hispanic voters and black voters. i wouldn't believe you, but politics has an ability to surprises it's really fascinating, really good, interesting analysis here. >> thank you. thank you. >> amber another state, take steps to limit women's reproductive rights. louisiana, it could soon criminalize certain abortion medications and a game changer. the deal that paves away to give cash to college athletes. planes, trains, and automobiles will be the, will be packed through the weekend. we're tracking that traveled trouble hello, spots between you and your holiday russia for trying to spy on us we were spying on them. i'm sorry, frank this is a war but
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the stanley cup, fairclough life is on the line right now. >> now, if the distractions goodness still feel hot guy and i this morning, many, many americans may be a unofficially kicking off their summer within official traffic jam over the holiday weekend, 38 million people will be traveling by car. another three-and-a-half million by plane and nearly 2 million others will be on a cruise, a bus, or a train according to aaa, we have not seen broads this packed since 2000. >> cnn's pete maintain and ryan young are covering it all. and first let's start with up to the roads there. a lot of people hitting the roads a lot
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of people are hitting the road. did back it's a little light right now, although it will get busier here, the judge big bay bridge as the de and the weekend go on. >> there anticipating 300,000 cars passing through this spot alone is the gateway to the beaches ocean city, maryland, the delaware beaches really fits into the theme of this huge weekend for road trips. you mentioned the superlative from aaa, the biggest since 2038, 0.4 million people traveling 50 miles or more. but think about that for a second. that's bigger than 2019 before the pandemic, 4% bigger than last year, bigger than 2005, which was also a huge year after the slump of travel following nine 11, the big thing that is driving this according to aaa, are gas prices, the national average of a gallon of gas now $3.61 can bear that last year, about the same people with longer memories might think think that is high, but you have to consider that so many people now are budgeting for travel. this whole idea of revenge travel is really ingrained into
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society of america right now. and i exit de, from aaa says, people really aren't seeming to budge on their plans yes, prices though have never really been a factor in terms of keeping people home. aaa has always found that people will just budget around gas prices. it's certainly nice that we're not paying some astronomical number right now, but it doesn't really hold people back the, bottom line here is your have to leave early if you're going to hit the road the best times to travel between before 11:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. the worst times the middle of the day between noon and 7:00 p.m. especially in a day like today? >> hey, when there is still normal traffic and normal commuters out there because it is still a workday for so many people. so as the day goes on, there may be a confluence, not one of normal commuters, but also that holiday traffic could be a big jam in the air to the
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tsa says of the last but we have seen five of the top ten, 20, top ten days for air travel in may and just yesterday was the second biggest day for area travel of all time to 0.9 million people screened at airports nationwide and i mean, lots of traffic out there. >> pateman team. thanks so much. spring and ryan young now at atlanta hartfield, jackson international airport for the latest on what's going on in the skies. i can see tsa there behind you. it looks like the lines are moving quickly i'm arriving there in about eight hours from now, so what should i expect yeah. >> look, amara, you know, there's airport very well in terms of the crowds and how it packs up very, very quickly. all the tsa guidelines, tools they have this fully staffed today, ready for that russia, we've been talking to customers as they've been rolling in here, they've been telling us they've been trying to arrive least two hours early because they knew about the
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issues. it actually kinda goes along with what pete's talking about because the traffic to get to the airport has been astronomically crazy. see you and everything's been backed up. that's probably going to play out across airports all across the country. they do believe this will be the largest run of people coming to the airport since 2019 3.5 million people. and look not many things do better numbers in the super bowl. >> here, just yesterday, they did over 111,000 passengers through tsa that was more than 104,000 the day after super bowl. >> so you know, the impact when it comes to people who are going to be out here traveling back and forth. >> but looking at this security, leinz already starting at 7:00 this morning, them in backed up and this will be a ripple effect across the country. they believe that traveling will be up some 9% across the country. as 3.5 million people hit the air, you know, when you add all this together and you think about the fact there is some weather out there everyone is sort of packing their patients so i talked to one lady who says they're just trying to make it the florida so they can have a
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good time and be on the beach before the school year is amor will wait to see you a little later on. >> yeah, i'll see you later. i'm keeping here's cross that there are no weather-related delays. ryan? yeah. and good to see you okay. so new dollar signs for college athletes, the new settlement that could rock college sports and could have college pain hey athletes. colleges paying at this directly for the first time. and he 100 plus year history of college sports and 22 passengers from that term. in singapore airlines flight that left one person dead, had been hospitalized with spinal injuries. what they're facing now one of the most active 22 seasons. >> you can't control a tornado. >> what kinds of interventions can we design? let's go inside the store the premiere of violent earth with liev schreiber, june 2 at nine on cnn what the theory i'm exposure right in your brokerage account get it with the symbol eth grayscale
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for budget reminder hey, in this matter. he has a judge by got it. >> got abbas, daughter. you got this. >> the nba playoffs. >> i always get emotional. you more concerned about what's going on inside the nba than what's going on inside a youth, you know, doc all right. and that's all the time we have. thanks for watch or you couldn't to a commercial western conference finals presented by at&t, continue on to and historic move for college athletes.
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>> the nc doublet and the power five conferences, promising to pay out billions to current and former college players in a new settlement if approved, it would be it would put to rest three antitrust lawsuits. but in reality, it is could be so much more. it could change the entire business of college sports in that schools would be paying players directly for the first time ever. the deal includes payments north of $2.7 billion to past and current student-athletes. the parties also agreed to a revenue-sharing plan allowing schools to fair up to roughly 20 million per year with athletes cnn's sports analyst, christine brennan joins us now for more on this. i just want your take. what do you think of the deal? what is it going to do and who wins? christine? >> well, certainly, the student athletes the athletes when there's no doubt about that, the fact that for decades we heard, of course, they're amateurs and you can't make money and people were getting in trouble recruiting violations and athletes been declared an eligible because of
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the fact that they took money those days are long gone and this has been happening. anyone who has been paying attention, the domino's had been falling and they've been falling over the last few days, last few years. in particular in terms of lawsuits, the state of california saying we want to let them make money on their name, image, and likeness efforts when hearing nil name, image and likeness, that's what's been happening over the last few years to the point we reach this moment where the ncaa and the college is really realized that if they didn't settle for, as you said, 2.77 billion, that they could be bankrupt because they would have lost much more in those lawsuits if they had gone to court. so that's where we are and it's a great day for for the student athletes. there will be chaos and confusion and there's certainly our concerns as well as we move forward. >> let's talk about one immediate question that definitely popped in my mind is what does this mean for female athletes? were women be compensated fairly? >> well? they'll have to because title nine is the law
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of the land. the 1972 law that opened the floodgates for girls and women to play sports and including girls and women like you and me and the opportunity that exists now, we have never seen the likes of what we're seeing in women's college sports and pro sports of course caitlin clark comes to mind and thankfully, this is happening right then. so these schools cannot ignore women's sports and the idea would be, they're going to get, schools will get about 20 million to spread around to their athletes. and i'm sure lots of people are thinking football and men's basketball. well, think again because it's gotta be women's basketball and it needs to be all kinds of other women's sports for example, if you're paying 100 male athletes, football and men's basketball, you probably have to pay 100 female athletes, which would involve women's basketball, volleyball, maybe softball, lacrosse, whatever it is to get to equality. and we'll we'll see lawsuits i ensure kate, if that does not happen. so watch that as it moves forward one
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law professor can talk about the uncertainty going forward in the cows. >> one law professor, illinois reacted to this settlement, proposed settlement this way, it's both a historic and deeply flawed agreement. the idea that schools are paying millions of dollars to the people who are selling the tv contracts and filling the seats. >> that's good. >> but it closes one pandora's box and opens four or five others. >> what is not known about this settlement? and christine, it seems pretty significant yeah. >> well, i think we're going to see if athletes actually become employees. that's not in this. but is that where we're headed? and you can picture all kinds of issues that involve being employed versus being a student at a university so that's certainly one. and then corruption and the money flowing. we've already seen nil money, name, image, and likeness that where you've got boosters, just paying kids to come to a school that's going to continue where there's lots of money, there can be lots of corruption and concern. and
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will we potentially lose men's minor sports, women's minor sports are olympic sports because they're not going to be getting part of the cat and yet still and getting the money. and what does that do to the us olympic effort? because our colleges are the feeder system for the us olympic and paralympic teams. and that's something i think congress will get involved, kait, because you're gonna look at this and say, if we're not paying or if we're going to lose the women's and men's golf team and i'll walk hundred polo team and the soccer teams because we've got to pay the men's and women's basketball, football, et cetera. which could happen. and we'll see how it all plays out. then what happens not only to those young people in terms of representing their schools and giving back for the next 50 years. but also what happens when us olympic movement suffers or is impacted because that feeder system no longer exists the way it does now i mean, you raise really, really important questions, not simply not insignificant issues that need to be ironed out. and it's one of those things you
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don't want to build that airplane while you're flying it. but it's likely exactly what we're going it's great to see you, christine. thank you so much and always fun to have an opportunity to celebrate title nine. >> john, already, right? the new extreme measures being taken by retailers to stop shop lifters and why it might make price is higher for you and we know they are here, the ominous warning from officials that great white sharks we lurking in the water this memorial day weekend. so if the weather does not get you, the sharks might russia for trying to spy on us. we were spying on them. >> i was already friday the war but secret war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game, premier sunday, june 2 at ten bonds. >> hi, my name is damian clarke. and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news
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deborah cupboards begins tonight at seven 30 nba western conference finals presented by at&t on the interior with western conference finals, old cast on trutv louisiana is on the verge of becoming the first state to classify abortion drugs as controlled, dangerous substances. >> the bill passed by the louisiana state legislature would classify drugs like mifepristone as schedule for drugs. so that puts them in the same category of controlled substances like xanax, valium, and ambien. now the amendment has added to a bill that would make it a crime to give abortion medication to a person without their consent? and the bill now goes to the republican governor jeff landry, who is expected to sign it into law. abortion is already banned in louisiana with no exceptions for rape or incest. cnn's in gallagher's joining me now with more diana. what does this mean then for the women who are already in possession? of mifepristone so ammar, that is
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one exception to this bill. >> if in fact governor jeff landry does signed it into law, as we expect him to a pregnant woman in possession of either mifepristone or misoprostol for her own consumption is not, it's not applicable to her or she is an exception to this bill. >> but look, louisiana is poised to make themselves the first state in the nation to classify those as controlled dangerous substances. >> schedule four. and again, we do expect the governor to sign this into law, even though abortion is already banned in the state with no exceptions for rape or incest possession of these drugs, which are again, are commonly used to induce abortion would potentially be a felony, punishable with up to five years in prison and hefty fines of up to $5,000. if you were charged with intent to distribute these drugs those penalties triple. now, the
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legislation again does not apply to pregnant women and proponents of the legislation we shouldn't say that this is simply protecting expectant mothers. the bill sponsor said that he was inspired to bruce present this legislation because his sister was given me some pro saw against her will without her consent they note that doctors are still allowed to prescribe these drugs, but medical professionals more than 200 of them in the state of louisiana had been sounding alarms about concerns that this is going to add more hurdles. it's willing to add confusion and stigma and may potentially delay care for people who need these drugs. they also note that neither of these pills are addictive or they show signs for abuse, nor do they have highly adverse side effects. and both of these drugs have other uses aside from being commonly used to induce abortion, they are used for miscarriage management,
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inducing labor, as well as stopping hemorrhaging, even treating stomach ulcers i'll look abortion rights activists say they worry that other states are going to follow suit after louisiana, especially as the us supreme court is considering a case that is challenging the fda approval of may if a press stone, president joe biden weighing in on thursday, calling it a quote, scary time for women across america, he issued a statement pinning the blame for this on his political rival, former president donald trump, because he appointed three of the conservative justices, who of course, issued that landmark dobbs decision in 2021 on overturning roe versus wade, president biden saying, quote, if donald trump regains power, he will try to make what is happening in states like louisiana a reality mission why camera? >> diane gallagher. thank you very much. john. >> so a major development overnight, the boston celtics have taken a two-goal lead over the indiana pacers and the eastern conference finals.
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jaylen brown clearly unbothered by his all nba snub match to career play off pi with 40 points on route to a 126110 victory with us. now cnn anchor and chief national correspondent john king. john, i assume that's why you were booked to come on this morning. the implications of the celtics victory overnight two oh, baby, we got rid of that game to play off curse. we've had this this playoff run, john, so that's a good thing. we still gotta go onto indianapolis as a former patriot coach might say. but this is a great thing right there, looking good. my son at the beginning of the season predicted celtics timberwolves, my 12th now, 12-year-old, predicted timberwolves are down onenote a dallas right now but we'll see if he's right. >> it and look as you always say at the magic wall, we have to wait until all the votes are counted. >> in this case, that means all the games that are actually played, but you'd rather be the celtics as you often say, you'd rather be the celtics in the the pacers right now as the early votes company would? yeah. all right. you would that's all we need to talk about, john. that's it. >> okay. yeah. okay. thanks so much for joining us. have a great weekend the new york
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times had an interesting article this morning on tom cotton, michael bender of the times throughout the tom cotton, the arkansas republican center is emerging as a top possible pick to be a running me to donald trump that caught my attention because of all the names that are being thrown out there. it seems like he's doing the least amount of public jockey and kate asked him about this when he's on the other day, listen do you think it's important for anyone who wants to be vp to have to show up to this trial. i mean, do you think anyone do you think someone can get the job without it? >> okay. i. turned in my law license 20 years ago and i haven't seen inside of a courtroom since then, and i don't have any plans to do so in the future. >> sweden, he didn't go to court for donald trump. he didn't show up to that sort of weird cattle call viv stakes catechol and florida, either. and i'm just wondering if maybe playing hard to get might be a better strategy.
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>> well, i think this is evidenced of the people around donald trump, as much as the evidence of donald trump and what he's looking for. remember back in 2016, a lot of people, donald trump is reflexive. he is visceral. he's instinctive. he won't take, he won't study all the data. when he picked mike pence in 2016, that was to stop a revolt of the convention. they said you pick a good solid christian conservative from the middle of america and you'll stop ted cruz's plans to disrupt and try to steal the nomination. take the nomination at the convention. so this would be a more traditional pick. now, it's an interesting pick, right? tom cotton, military service that would help good on television. that would help a discipline campaigner, that would help would it helped donald trump in the suburbs on the abortion issue you just turned dire and gallagher giving evidence of how biden hopes to make this a big issue in the suburbs. so you have to swing the balances of what is trump looking for. but if you're looking for a solid conservative with a discipline campaign or with some things on his resume that donald trump doesn't have cotton makes sense? >> yeah. i mean, one of the most disciplined politicians that is out there today, trump also continues to say that he
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may not make the pick until the convention itself as an in the convention, i think the last time that happened was with barack obama and joe biden, right? he sent out the texts during the convention. it's hard to do in this day and age i keep it under wraps that long. >> it is hard to do, but you can keep it under wraps if you actually haven't made a final decision, right? so that's the question. when do they get trump to make the final decision? we do know this, especially if you're going to make a more traditional pick like a tom cotton trump's a showman. trump like suspense trump likes the drama of television. so can he do it? does he have the discipline? complain to hold it that long if he's actually made a decision, it would be interesting. it would add excitement. i'm skeptical yeah. >> yeah. again, it is it is hard to keep zero the best way to keep it a secret is to not make the decision as you say another statistic caught my eye. >> this was in the new york times, but this something harry has been talking about. harriet has been talking about for some time, john traditionally and all the campaigns that we've covered when you're talking about likely voters, it tends
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to favor republicans. it has tended to favor republicans, but there may be a switch going on right now, the new york times had this graphic right here. i think we have put it up on the screen so people can see well, i can just describe it to you so you know, basically, there you go. among people who did not vote in 2020 donald trump has a huge lead among 14, 14% in the new york times, see sienna polls among 2020 voters biden actually leads. i'm wondering what that might mean for both sides going forward. if it is the likely voters that people with a higher propensity to vote who may be more app to support to you biden when the country is so polarized, when we're looking at such a narrow slice of the electorate that might swing back and forth, turning people out becomes optimal, right and so donald trump got more votes in 2020. >> they didn't. 2016, even though he lost in 2020. so let's be careful here, right? he can we know he can turn out voters i do think it is a key point in the sense that the way i look at the election now and
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the election is still in november not now is if i can tell you from my travels, john, the american people of all stripes want change. they want change. they're frustrated after covid with inflation. even talking just yesterday to trump voters in 16 biden voters in 2020 who are doing this, like what do i do right here so part of the challenge here is to motivate people to turn out for the president, the democratic coalition is a lot more complicated. so if you lose a tiny percentage of black voters who stay home, a tiny percentage latino voters are either switch to trump or stay home. young voters who are mad about israel-hamas, for example the democratic coalition is more complicated. he needs to try to recreate the 2020 electric trump is trying to get people who may have not shown up before, but are disenchanted, want something new to come out that's the big competition. who can motivate, especially again, it's a pretty narrow slice that's willing to go either way we'll see john king, great to see you have a wonderful holiday weekend. thanks so much let's go to indianapolis. let's do it like
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an invite. thank you, guys. okay. so the definition of an addict may very well defined the future of hunter biden's upcoming gun trial in delaware the prosecution says they plan to show evidence that biden was using illegal drugs when he bought the gun in 2018, a federal crime. but in a late night filing, biden's attorneys raised an issue with whether or not hundred himself believed he was a drug user or addict when this all happened and there's an important hearing today about his case cnn's kaitlan, poland's has more on this. she's joining us. kaitlan. what's going on here? bring us up to speed okay, this is the final hearing for the judge to set the terms of the trial. >> there's a couple of different things that are happening, but the main thing is that hunter biden's lawyers in court in wilmington delaware are saying to a federal judge the law isn't said here. the judge needs to figure this out. the law that they're talking about is the law that biden is charged with violating that
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prosecutors say that when he signed a form to buy a gun in october of 2018 he was filling out background forms and said he was not an addict or a user of a controlled substance. but de hunter biden's legal team is now saying the terms user, an addict, it wasn't fully understandable but what that meant at that time, he might not have known he was an addict, then they say someone like mr. biden, who had just completed an 11 day rehabilitation program at that time and lived with a sober companion after that, could shortly believe he was not a present tense uterus user or addict even on the eve of trial, we still do not know the constitutionally adequate elements of the charges in this case. so that is what we are going to be hearing arguing from 100 biden's defense lawyer at the trial is on june 3rd, so not long from now. prosecutors say this is not something that they need to be disputing right now because
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hunter biden, even in his own memoir, was saying he was an addict for four years up until 2019. so he knew he was an addict. that's something that doesn't need to be defined further, there are other things that issue at this hearing two, that are gonna be pretty interesting things that hunter biden's defense team wants to cut out. they don't want the jury to hear about his other set of criminal federal charges out in california related to tax issues that he led a lavish or extravagant lifestyle or that he had a child support dispute with a woman in arkansas all of that is going to be before the federal judge in delaware today. and we'll see how this all shakes out and exactly how juicy this trial might be it will be what very interesting what his attorneys are raising in this filing i'm very interested to see how the judge handles it and sets the terms here. >> thanks for laying out caitlin amara the surge and shoplifting sometimes turns violent as criminals rush out
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of stores now retailers are rolling out new weapons to shut the thieves down simons are going north and the tornado i'm thinking language to die. and i thought that was it. >> earth with liev schreiber premieres june 2 had nine on suit, kinda riva support your brain health. >> very janet. hey eddie, know, fraser, franck, franck, read, how are you, fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge an alternative to the pills, walter and is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source, volterra and the joy of movement the all new temper p-adic adapt actress was designed to help me aches and pains. >> a thing of the past because
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passions don't pay bills but what they didn't know is that dreamers make their own victory carney isolde, it's gotten me. >> i saw them. >> that's what i said. >> god, gobnit saada gotten got to me voting corral today at america's beverage companies are bottles might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. thanks to you. we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back we can use less new plastic bottles are to be remade from roger two. we there
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yet so many ways to save life readnow up to 50% off, but i
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go riyadh says new album is breaking records gets to sit what country is comey country? bianna, say a nashville's renaissance monday, but aid on cnn i'm tom forming in washington. and this is cnn new this morning, the israel defense forces said that they have now recovered the bodies of three more hostages from gaza two of those recovered were attending the nova music festival when they were killed. >> and the other is a man who was on his way to pick up his four-year-old granddaughter. they were all killed on october 7 believed from bodies taken to gaza where they had been sent the idf says there are still 121 hostages being held in gaza from the terrorist attack by hamas a landslide in a remote
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region of papa, new guinea is believed to have killed more than 100 people. >> officials say the landslide covered approximately an area equivalent to three please football fields and varied homes in six rural villages, rescue efforts were delayed because of how hard to reach these villages work. >> and also the lack of infrastructure along the way. >> and a heads-up from the new england aquarium telling the public to be aware of increased shark activity near the massachusetts coast after marine mammals we're showing up bitten by a great whites. >> look at those attacks well, scientists haven't seen a great white yet. >> they quote, know they're there. >> and that is not ominous at all. >> officials encourage anyone to report shark sightings using the atlantic white shark conservancy. he's shark activity out that's navy amara we are learning new details about the injuries sustained by some of the passengers on that terrifying singapore airlines flight that experienced severe
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turbulence the hospital where patients are being treated in bangkok says more than 20 people are suffering from spinal injuries, joining me now is dr. dr. todd alberta spine surgeon at the hospital for special surgery. doctor. thank you so much for your time this morning. we also understand the six passengers have skull and brain injuries. total of 20 are in the intensive care unit. i mean, what is your reaction hearing about these types of very serious injuries? i mean, what kind of violent thrusting or shaking causes these types of injuries? >> well, thank you for having me amara you need a significant significant force and different kinds of forests, like when i hear skull injuries and head injuries, i'm thinking those patients didn't have their seat belt on and probably got the plane dropped and their head went, right very hard against the ceiling. >> in some form or another that would give them the skull
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injury or went forward with a giant a very violent jerking motion in terms of spinal injuries, there's lots of ways those can happen that can happen with a belt on if there's such a thing called a seat belt injury, that's typical spinal injury where the body flexes very hard forward. against a breaking motion or collision, but also if they're rotating or violently shaking back and forth you could get a spinal injury. there's a difference between a bony spinal injury and an injury that would cause a neurologic injury or an injury to the spinal cord. so there's different types of injuries, some as benign, as a muscle strain that's significant and or a little fracture that needs to heal with a brace or time or others that injured the neural elements or what's inside the spinal canal that can be increasingly serious. >> so then what kinds of
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injuries to the spine would require a spinal operations? because the hospital in bangkok is saying that is 17 patients had to undergo spinal surgery yeah. so those are either what's called a fracture dislocation, meaning the spine literally disconnects and has to be reconnected. and those can be associated with significant paralysis or party michelle paralysis that will then require rehabilitation afterwards. they could also have injured their neck because if you think about violent shaking and stopping and going forward and backwards, they can get a dislocation there or a fracture of the bone that requires stabilization because it's remember it's a lot of points bones loaded on top of one another and connected with disks and joints. and those joints can get injured. >> it's terrifying to hear about these kinds of injuries as many of us fly right on, a
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lot of us do end up taking up our seat belts, especially when you're ten hours into an overseas flight in your ad cruising altitude at 37,000 feet. let me ask you about this. 73 year-old british man who passed away. he died on that flight, which is just so tragic, he was flying with his wife as we hear on this ones that i lived before for this once in a lifetime dream vacation with her. his name was geoff kitchen. apparently had an existing heart condition but what what do you make of that? the fact that a passenger died on a flight when there was severe turbulence well its terror, it's tragic as you said, and it's terribly sad. but what i imagine is what i imagine is that he became so scared or had to be do think you've heard of the fight or flight response when something is happening like this and you're saying to yourself, i may die or what's going to happen here. you get so scared you have so much adrenaline. and if you have a heart that doesn't have extra
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compensation, so to speak, or the ability to tolerated. it might be the equivalent of making mr. kitchen go on a 200 yards sprint, which he may be can't do or his heart couldn't tolerate with the amount of adrenaline going through a system that's what i would envision could have happened. i'd say it is what happened, but that's that's what when i heard that that's what i go on. >> the cause of death has not been confirmed, but we do appreciate your expertise, dr. todd albert. thank you. >> so you have probably seen the videos teams of thieves blitzing through retail stores, smashing glass, grabbing items by the bag full and running out all within seconds. well now retailers are trying new tactics to try and crack down on the brazen wave of retail theft that we've been seeing across the country. but it is coming with a cost cnn's can law is explaining how customers are paying the price dawn raid your hand dozens of heavily
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armed deputies and investigators from the santa clara county sheriff's departments to round a house for in the doorway 12 people arrested and organized crime networks as law enforcement suspected of links to narcotics dealing and illegal gambling at another location der proper santa clara county deputies recovered the fuel for this alleged criminal network tons of packaged goods, some parts of the house looked like it was a store stolen from local businesses, but it is nothing like the shoplifting you've seen in the past. >> brazen thieves recorded racing out with carts full of merchandise, even attacking store workers in the process, this is not somebody who forgot to scan something at self-checkout or somebody who stole food. >> this is a large criminal organization with multiple factors. >> sean browne is not a cop. >> he works for home depot investigating organized retail crime. >> his job a growing field and
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store chains as criminal organizations branch out from guns and drugs to stolen goods a cnn review of court records and interviews with more than two dozen retail chains and law enforcement officials show that the private sector is not just helping the police, but often delivering the initial evidence that leads to search warrants. >> a lot of times, local and state resources don't have the capacity to invest let's take these crimes at that scale and incomes. >> we try to full-service the investigations home depot gave us a glimpse of a model replicated by multiple major retailers across the us. >> this is their high command center with electronic eyes on their stores throughout the country retailers have already move beyond searching for the thieves uc and viral videos to their bosses. >> they are the real targets known as the fences these ring leaders operate as the fence of this merchandise where they're converting it to cash drugs and other elicit items it sounds like you're talking about it
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often is conflated with what would be considered mob activities. bad actors will target specific merchandise usually directed by the ringleader, almost like a shopping list store chains have the financial muscle to deploy high-tech tracking like license plate readers and in-store monitors, capturing the crime as it happens, we use a lot of different investigative tactics and technologies to ensure that we can build the absolute best case for law enforcement and process the bad guys have the upper hand with respect to this issue. >> the sheer scale of organized store theft is so overwhelming. >> members of congress met with prosecutors and store chains looking for federal help. >> the organization and sophistication of these groups has grown exponentially in recent years. >> i think organized retail crime is one of the biggest issues that is facing our local economy this entire aisle on the side is almost completely locked up yeah, not the way we
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would like to envision are rough electrical aisle for our customers are pro contractors, but this is what your typical home depot looks like. >> retail, says brown has already locked down their merchandise impacting the consumer from inconvenience to higher prices this how would they get? >> pathless though? >> we've had certain crews that have caught locks and cables and broken into some of the fixtures that we've built inside of our stores. >> what, you see here is because he explosion of online shopping has made it easier than ever to move stolen merchandise sold to a consumer hunting for a deal 20 years ago, i needed to store front in order to sell laundry detergent. now, i can do it from my phone california has now put hundreds of millions of dollars towards company adding this problem, enabling law enforcement here in santa clara county to break up a major crime ring recovering $150,000 and stolen merchandise this authority say from six
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retailers, how big


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