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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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rough electrical aisle for our customers are pro contractors, but this is what your typical home depot looks like. >> retail, says brown has already locked down their merchandise impacting the consumer from inconvenience to higher prices this how would they get? >> pathless though? >> we've had certain crews that have caught locks and cables and broken into some of the fixtures that we've built inside of our stores. >> what, you see here is because he explosion of online shopping has made it easier than ever to move stolen merchandise sold to a consumer hunting for a deal 20 years ago, i needed to store front in order to sell laundry detergent. now, i can do it from my phone california has now put hundreds of millions of dollars towards company adding this problem, enabling law enforcement here in santa clara county to break up a major crime ring recovering $150,000 and stolen merchandise this authority say from six retailers, how big of a heist
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was this? this happens daily across stores, even with all those measures that you've got to see an door, we're still impacted at this level local and state law enforcement, as well as these national retailers do you want more intelligence sharing so they are all backing a proposed federal bill called the combating organized retail crime act. >> that would establish an intelligence sharing hub. but this federal bill, which does have bipartisan the port is stalled in congress qing law, cnn, los angeles in a store at settlement that could change the landscape of college sports forever. >> it is hugely complicated, but the main thing is that athletes are about to get get paid directly by the school's the massive implications and
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this could be the busiest travel weekend in decades, frankly, you probably should have left already but if you haven't, what you need to know to have any chance of getting where you're going and then breaking overnight a new sexual assault lawsuit has been filed against sean diddy combs details behind these new disturbing allegations i'm john berman with kate bolduan, amara walker is in for sarah and this is cnn news central happy friday friends, and to make it even happier, it's a long weekend kind of friday with millions of americans hitting the roads and skies. former memorial, for the memorial day holiday records already being set when it comes to air travel this weekend, 38 million people will be taking a road trip. >> and other three three-and-a-half million will travel by a plane and nearly two who million others we're going to hop on a bus or train, or jumping a cruise. and forget party, like it's 1999. this
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time we're throwing back to 2000. that is the last time that we saw traffic on the nation's highways that is being that are being expected like this, this time around cnn's ryan young and pete mundane are in charge of it all. so you know where to send your complaints when things don't work out for you, pete people need to know well the big thing now is that the traffic is going to be huge and we're here next to the chesapeake bay bridge. it is already backing up eastbound the gateway to the beaches in ocean city, maryland and the delaware beaches maryland officials here expect 300,000 cars to pass over the bay bridge. really fits into the theme of his huge weekend for road trips, 38 million people anticipated to drive 50 she miles or more according to aaa, that is significant because the gas prices are about the same as what they were last year. the national average for a gallon of regular about $3.60. it was it's about the same memorial day weekend a year ago, and i exit d does of aaa
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says gas prices really aren't playing much of a factor. so many people are just budget fitting for travel. they have to do it post pandemic big, so cooped up, they call that revenge travel and now it's really just something that people do automatically four years it's away from the start of the pandemic. the big bottom line here is to make sure that you leave early and today, we'll be especially tricky, especially in the evening hours, because that is when this holiday traffic also meets normal commuting traffic for folks who are also going to work on there's normal workday, here's what aaa said about them you're going to have a mix of commuters, just people going to work, and travelers trying to hit the road. >> so leave as early as possible, avoid those rush hour windows, maybe mid day might be a good time, but avoid that like 8:00 a.m. timeframe and then avoid when people are leaving work here are the best and worst times to drive in
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general, according to aaa leave before 11:00 a.m. or after eight p.m. try to avoid the middle of the day, 12 noon does 7:00 p.m. that's when traffic will be its worst in some major metro areas, traffic that they could be two for three times the norm. >> so you have to plan accordingly and hit the road soon absolutely. >> paid. okay. please standby ryan. you're taking over pizza role normally, which is why i was a little bit confused this morning. you're out the urine atlanta's airport how many people are you seeing who define themselves as a revenge traveler today i think a lot of people would define themselves as being a revenge shovel. >> i talked to a lot of people who say forget the budget when it comes to this, they want to get out of town how did they want to get out of town now, behind us here at the airport, they are ready. it's like there's a violin is playing. i am the one by michael jackson as it were alive here as i tried to get people through security. so when you have mood music playing while people were
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standing in the security line, you know, there's gonna be a long life. we always ask about the factors disney style lie considered atl. so you never know how far away you really do. >> but things moving smoothly, but get this nothing ever beat the super bowl when it comes to numbers here in atlanta yesterday they beat the numbers from the super bowl because overall hundred 11,000 passengers went through the tsa yesterday. that is a record here during the super bowl. here a few years ago, 104,000 passengers pass through here. look, we've talked to one passenger and listened to her. just talk about the idea of being ready for the amount of people who are going to they say it's gonna be the busiest travel day since 2019. did you go where are you okay with that? >> i was a little i was a little scared and assign it. so we love super early so we're used to atlanta traffic. we know you had to leave early. one of the parking decks was close, so we're good now once we get through tsa, let's ask
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what's your first and last name jimmy low level. spell your personalized jam ila so look all those people all across the country, not just in lana, you're talking about new york, miami, la, we know traffic is going to be up some ten 10%. yeah, i stole this from peat because we knew this location. we're going to be busy all the airport leinz are very long. >> tsa pre-check could see people who are just dying to get out of town we are told one family told us they spent $2,000 on tickets. >> they decided to make the decision to get out of towns is late. so kate, all bets are off. let's go. >> it's not called stealing. if you give attribution. >> so you're just being accurate. that's what alice exactly it's great. i didn't see you, ryan. thank you. thank you. as always, era breaking overnight, a historic deal that paves away for colleges and universities to pay student athletes. the mc doublet and
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five power conferences agreed to terms that also include two 2.7 billion in damages to past and current college athletes. cnn sport's inke or and scholz is joining us with more now. andy, this is a major change what do we know? >> well, amara, we know that the days of the amidror college athlete are basically over the ncaa doublet and power five conferences. they hope by reaching this settlement that they can stabilize college athletics after just years and years of lawsuits, but we still have lots of questions. i'll remaining even with these settlements, but any athletes who played a division one sport from 2016 to the present, they have a claim for some of that $2.7 billion. now, how they plan on paying the star quarterback versus the pole vaulter, that's still not clear. the $2.7 billion expected to be paid out over a ten-year period. now, if athletes opt into the settlements they have to agree to not sue in any further antitrust lawsuit against the ncaa doublet. a big part of
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this deal is the news that schools will now for the first time ever directly pay athletes in the future. so each school in the big four conferences moving forward and i say four because the pac-12 is no longer those those conferences in those schools, they're gonna the ability to spend a maximum of roughly 20 million per year on direct payments to their athletes. and it's going to be up to each school on how much to allocate that money to each athlete while remaining compliant with title nine laws now, the direct paid athletes, it could start as soon as the fall of 2025, the deal it still has to be approved by the federal judges overseeing the case and m are like i mentioned still so much to be determined with this settlement life, for example, what's what's this going to do to the roster size is particularly in football, they're likely going to have to have less than 120 players if they're paying everyone and you know, what does this mean for all of those olympic sports out there that typically don't make take any money for schools will they keep those around? so we have a settlement, but like
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i mentioned, amara is still so many things to be determined with it. >> yeah absolutely. and what about the schools? are you hearing anything in terms of reaction? >> well, we've heard we've heard from notre dame. there aren't very happy with the settlement, but they understand it was necessary there. president reverend john jenkins, they released a statement and i'll read it to you. this is what he said the settlement though undesirable in many respects, and promising only temporary stability is necessary to avoid what would be the bankruptcy of college athletics to save the great american institution of college sports congress must pass legislation that will preempt the current patchwork of state laws established that our athletes are not employees, but students seeking college degrees and provide protection from further antitrust lawsuits that will allow colleges to make and enforce rules that will protect our student athletes and help ensure competitive equity among our teams. so amortize you can see, you notre dame and other colleges around the country. they still want congress to step in here because there's still needs to be a greater
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framework of how all of this and the nil money and how all that will work. because it's just been chaos in college football, in college sports altogether since nil came around and without really strict laws, it's still a lot of uncertainty. >> yeah, absolutely. so many questions to be answered still, andy scholes get to see you. thank you so much, john so one of the americans charged for having ammunition and turks and caicos is about to learn his fate this morning. sentencing really just minutes away. it could mean up to 12 years in prison and breaking overnight. sean diddy combs hit with a new lawsuit. another woman is accusing duty of sexually assaulting her four different times as we look at the extreme weather threats that persists this holiday weekend the national hurricane center has released an ominous outlook for hurricanes this year in one of the most active tornado seasons
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of under wires will knicks makes wireless bras that you will love. their supportive, they're comfortable and may fit up to a jica join the millions of women who have switched to a wireless broth find yours, and, the nba playoffs. >> i always get emotional. you more concerned about what's going on inside the nba than what's going on inside. >> uh, you, you know, doc you're right. and that's all the time we have. >> thanks for watching. are you cutting to a commercial western conference finals presented by at&t, continue on to interior. >> so new this morning, the biden campaign in enlisting movistar in known trump critic robert de niro, for an ad targeting what they see as the dangerous of a second trump presidency we knew trump was out of control when he was president. and then he lost the 2020 election and snap desperately trying to hold on the power. >> now he's running again. >> this time threatening to be a dictator determining what constitution right with us now, democratic strategists map
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bennett and cnn senior political commentator scott jennings about what do you think about this look, i know it's not the only messaging that the biden campaign is doing, but how much do you focus on the issue that the dictator in quotation marks? >> issue as opposed to other things while i think there's a lot of evidence that americans are really worried about a return to power of a guy who's as unstable and chaotic is trump. >> and it is just undeniably true that he has been saying things every single day that are incredibly alarming to people who believe in the american system of government. so this has been the theme that joe biden has been running on since the day he announced his run for president in 2020. he is never really changed his opponent. obviously it's going to be the same this time. so i think it's a consistent theme that has worked before and i think it is goes to the heart of the thing that americans are most worried about when it comes to trump, they may be looking back at his economy through rose-colored glasses, but they know that he is an
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agent of chaos and it's very dangerous scott, what happens when americans are reminded of these things well, you can just ask the pollsters as americans reflect on trump and biden and their respective presidencies overwhelmingly, donald trump is getting the nadh from the american people. >> they remember his presidency far better than what matt just described. i mean, these videos, ms it's really what joe biden has, its fear and dishonesty i mean, terminate the constitution in that is a fear tactic. no one's running on terminating the united states constitution, but i think biden is getting increasingly panicky and increasingly dishonest and i think you're gonna see more, more of that. they think their base is more motivated by this kind of panicky fear, mongering than they are by joe biden's policy, which maybe that's true because if you look at the poles, even democrats aren't so hot to try it on what biden is accomplished in office look, i will say when we were in the video yesterday, we don't have it right now, but steve bannon, big trump supporter, is out
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there saying, we want your fear. we welcome your fear this is what you're going to see when trump is elected authority matt. so is there a double-edge sword here in mat if if americans did care as much about this, i'm not going to spec, same whether they should or not, but if they did want you see more evidence of it in the polls. >> i don't think yet. at the moment, people are still responding. pollsters with a real focus on the things that they're seeing in their lives. and there's no question that people are worried about inflation that is probably the thing that is driving the poles at the moment. but scott can try to wish this away. all he wants donald trump's said that he would terminate parts of the constitution. king bright out of his mouth. and there's a whole bunch of things that you're going to see in biden campaign ads over the course of the next five months that make clear to people that he cannot
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be entrusted with power. that is the most fundamental question. will he keep us safe? that is that is the first question people ask when they pick a president and trump cannot be trusted to keep us safe. he is too chaotic. he is to authoritarian minded, and he's too narcissistic to be the president united states. >> it's got, i want to shift gears if i can to the messaging we heard from donald trump in the bronx overnight reaching out overtly to minority voters. listen african americans are getting slaughtered, hispanic americans are getting slaughtered. >> and these millions and millions of people that are coming into our country, the biggest impact and the biggest negative impact is against are black population and are hispanic population who are losing their jobs, losing their housing losing everything they can hello, is the right message
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scott well, that whole rally, the crowd, the message, it is reflective of the new republican party that trump is remaking more working class multi-racial mean it more populist mean. >> this is a message that is, i think working with different populations and he singled him right out. hispanics and african-americans, particularly a working class, uh, portions of those two groups. i think you're going to continue to hear it and this is going to the core of who we have always thought democrats are rated themselves as the party of the working class. we'll trump's going right after it and he's not and he's agnostic about race. he's going right after it, no matter what kind of working class american you are, he wants you matt and you forked on the idea of political realignments for years do you see a political realignment underway there's no question that there is some lot of a realignment around educational attainment the democrats are
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attracting a lot more college-educated voters than we did before. >> and scott is right, there is there has been an erosion of democratic support among non college votes twitter's of all races. and that is very worrying i mean, biden's going to win black voters by overwhelming margins, but not by the same margin's probably that he did last time. and that means we have real work to do to communicate to the people of all races about what next, biden administration would look like? and if they entrust the government to trump, what that would mean for them. and how dangerous that would be matt bennett, scott jennings, both you have a wonderful holiday weekend. >> stay safe. thank you. >> today marks two years since the massacre at robb elementary school and uvalde, texas, two years since nine 19 children and two teachers were killed there, and two years later, the families of those children frank, are still fighting for accountability and announcing a new settlement. i'm just speak
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with one of those families next in an imitation to the israeli prime minister to address congress is fighting the democratic party right now, the length, some democrats say they're ready to go to show their opposition we'll be back riyadh saves new album is breaking records gets to say what country is cold because you beyond say a nashville's renaissance monday, but aid on cnn okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition are strengthened the energy ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein we'll have to alert suppliers coordinate shipments already alerted already coordinated since when can we just scale up mid cycle since we brought in vd0, people who know no vdo power e trades easy
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that a comfortable one shot at one place and that state of liberty, the nba playoffs, i always get emotional. >> you more concerned about what's going on inside the nba and what's going i don't want inside, uh, you, you know, doc. right. and that's all the time we have. thanks for watching are you cutting to a commercial western conference finals presented by at&t, continue on to today marks two years since a gunman entered an elementary school and uvalde, texas killing 19 children and two of their teachers and one of the worst school shootings in history. it was a day defined by colossal failure law
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enforcement on the scene waited 77 minutes before going into take out the gunman, a police response that shocked and horrified the nation in the two years since the families have fought and fought for answers and accountability in what the justice department eventually concluded were quote, cascading failures in the police response. >> the family's this week reached a $2 million settlement with the city of uvalde, and there also have promised more legal action to come today. all of these suite faces these fourth-grade children would be should be celebrating the end of sixth grade among them should be nine-year-old jackie casarez i spoke with her uncle on this tragic anniversary last year it's silver whelming sadness, somber moment. you know, this this is a day that you reflect. you think about their loved to be shared the children and with jackins like
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you can lean on faith and you can lean on your friends and the community and the people that reach out from across the world and until is email that they love us. and so we lean on that. we can love it but tomorrow is another day and tomorrow, the same questions linger. >> sweetie jackie's uncle jesse rizzo is with us once again it's an anniversary that i you know, it breaks my heart that i have been marking with you now more than once does it feel like it's been a year since our last conversation? >> i mean, does it feel like it's been two years since you lost jack a. jesse in some ways, it seems like an like an eternity. in some ways it seems like it was just yesterday even though the moments leading up to today, the moments leading up to 11, 30 this morning very difficult at the beginning of the month of may is very challenging to everybody in the
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community. obviously, especially the parents. the last goodbyes, the last hugs, the last pictures that they had a day. so the award ceremony, everything just comes right back. it resurfaces the most challenging thing will occur today. around that time, you know, and it's going to be heartbreaking heart-wrenching. it will reach your soul and he says it's very difficult. yes, ma'am yeah. yeah. some things i was taking note of kind of making a list of some of the things that have changed in the last year the justice department report came out pointing to cast this cascade of failures as they put it on the part of the city and law enforcement that de the tube million dollars settlement just announced, as i said, with the city of uvalde for the families and a huge federal lawsuit filed against nearly 100 officers involved that day. and i'll go play for everyone. i know, you know, but i want to play for everyone with
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jackie's father, javier said about these lawsuits no amount of money worth of jewelry is our lives when we're children justice in the call ability has always been my main concern. we bill it down so many times the time has come through the right thing and in the last year, you also got elected to the validate school board randomly got elected to the validate school board since last year what do all of these changes in the last year mean for you mean for your family mean for jackie's parents it's very difficult because no amount of money is mr. javier had mentioned there's gonna bring your child back and only they will understand justice for example, is different definitions for different people and to them, i respected
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decision in doing that. and it's very tough it's the way it to heal it. it's difficult. i can only imagine in their shoes as far as like the school board election, the people, the community came out of the supported the sent a strong message that they wanted a voice there. they wanted somebody that could hopefully bring some kind of understanding and healing in sort of min, things difficulties may be, but it's going to hopefully mend that division is within their community it's it's a long journey ahead of us, but i think that we can do that. i think that would compassionate and understanding. i think that we can get there yeah. i mean, do you feel like you have answers now that accountability seems still woefully inadequate we. don't you know that there's still there's still so much, you know, mr. bodyguards who's took the phone call, he basically hangs a phone call he
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knows that there's children there he walks away from the situation and to see him in town, to see him in the position that he asked there is no accountability there. the settlement basically put some things to risk. what do we hope we're hopeful that the district attorney is going to press some kind of charges against them, indict dynam. people on those. another example, i'm hoping that they're going to do that there is no hearing. hearing javier its voice, my brother-in-law here and have used voice just breaks my heart it's tough for him as a father to go up there and make that statement. i can only imagine what he deals with it night. as he drives home, as he tries to detect matairie today and to be with his daughter it's gonna be very tough, but to answer your question, there has there has not been any type of accountability. there has been little things, for example, significant things, right? but they're small things as well. >> it's the changes that are coming. >> the agreement that they had the work that they're going to
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be doing with the community that's that's hopeful and it's promising but ultimately, you would want the people that fill these children and teachers to pay the ultimate prices. that is to be going through the court system and being held accountable in some way or the public can hear their justification as to why they stood behind that door and didn't even try to open that door then try to toggle the doorknob yeah exactly jesse jackie would be 11 years old today what do you think when you hear that now, when you know that that time and the 11:00 hours ticking near knowing her and knowing the type of person that she was probably is most of those innocent children were, you know, i think that she would want the entire world to take a moment at 11:30 11 30 this
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morning. >> and just embrace each other moment of silence. whether it's a stranger on the train, whether it's somebody that your coworker in hug each other until each other that you love them, and be there for each other. that's what i would think. i thought about it on the way. and the way you to town this morning and i said what she one right. and that's what i think she would want for them to just be compassionate to show that loved that she had towards everybody, strangers, friends, loved ones relatives that's what i would think that she would want today. it at this time go to mass go to whatever religion you practice just take a moment out there and just say a little prayer hopefully everybody, just for that period of time that they just come together and they just live on each other i wish i could reach out and give you a hug right now thanks, joseph. thank you thank you. you're
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healthcare and strengthening small businesses this game changing technology is supporting every sector of america's economy. >> today, america leads the world than ai, because our companies are investing billions in this new technology. but china wants to leap ahead of america and become the global leader in technology. are leaders in congress need to stand up for innovation and protect america's competitive edge or we do have breaking news, the united nations top court, the international court of justice has just ordered israel to immediately halt its military offensive in rafah. >> now, this is unlikely to have any practical impact. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been invited to address the us congress. the exact date of that is unknown but the invitation is dividing some democrats was some planning to boycott the visit a terrible idea of no, i won't go that was pretty sanders right
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there with us now is democratic congressman gregory meeks from new york, ranking member of the house foreign affairs committee congressman if netanyahu addresses congress, do you intend to go? well, i think i have the responsibility to be there at the ranking member, but i'm very upset with speaker johnson because of his snub of president ruto bhutto. last night, he exit first african head of state to be here and almost 18 years so since anyone has had a been able to address the full session of congress and to have him snub and the way that he was just shows disrespect. i think of an african nation. as you see that all others that have come have been honore with reference to being at a joint center it's and of congress. so for the speaker to make this announcement even while president ruto is here and snubbed him, just seems to me that speaker johnson just
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playing political games here. >> if i'm not mistaken, you did skip the 2015 address by netanyahu to congress. so you did not go to that one, but you would go to this one i did not go to that one because i was in actually the honduras within vice president biden so i was traveling traveling with the vice president at that particular time and so at this one, though, i disagree with many of the things and some of the things that prime minister netanyahu has said and done that being, for example, having a two-state solution and start talking about the end result as many members i've his own war cabinet has said recently, but i think i have the responsibility to listen to hear what he has to say although i know the intent of speaker johnson is just simply to try to divide and use israel as a political tool, as opposed
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so doing what we've done for my entire tenure in congress, we view 90 democrats and republicans coming together to make sure because we have no stronger ally, then in the middle east, then israel and we've stood by all of the way and the president continues to stand by them he's done. >> what no other president has done. >> he sent military troops in the air when was the act by iran something that no president has? >> i don't have advice for the speaker to play politics in this way, simply is an uncalled for i don't know if you've just heard, but the the international court of justice at the united nations has ordered israel to stop its offensive in rafah based on what you have seen as the ranking member of the house foreign affairs committee in your opinion, has israel crossed the line where the united states should stop sending offensive weapons? >> to israel because of the
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operation in rafah as of right now, no, they have not. >> what my concern had been as it's better for a while and it's as is the president's concerned, the dropping of 2000 pound bombs. and two rafah in these densely areas that would cause substantial innocent civilian deaths and that's far in rafah, we have not seen that kind of bombing. there's been the kind of attacks that secretary blinken just testified before our committee a couple of days ago, where it's on the ground, is targeted it's focused on getting at the four brigades of hamas terrorists that are in rafah in various tunnels. and it minimises that up. >> can i shift gears here to a subject i'm not sure you've had much time to think about this. but the ncaa settle a class action lawsuit overnight that may ultimately italy leader will ultimately lead to athletes in college being paid
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directly by the school's for the time being one of the possibilities going forward though it is that congress could give the nc doublet in sports an antitrust exemption and that might allow schools to get out of paying. the athletes are changed, the atmosphere. have you thought about how you might vote on that or where you are on that subject? >> yeah, i probably would vote against that. i've put years thought that the athletes student athletes they people are making millions of dollars billions of dollars. so some degree off of them. >> and many of them would be were being suspended just for trying to get them a lot of these young people coming from poor homes. and there's a great need for their families and they'd been penalized by the nc doublet for any a that they've been able to get so i think that we've got to work out all the rules. and i think that's got to be carefully thought out and done. >> but i think that defined a way that a student athlete we
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can get paid for i think you have to look at what it does, how much money it makes for the school, et cetera. that coaches getting millions and millions of dollars research, find a way for some student athletes to receive some compensation coach jim harb on the other end of the line for you right there send a year. now, listen, congressman gregory meeks, thanks so much for being with us. i appreciate your time this morning thank you for having me. >> amara, i sean diddy combs hit with a seventh lawsuit directly accusing him of sexual assault. what we're learning about the latest accusations and officials are predicting the most active hurricane season ever recorded. what's fueling the ominous warning my friends call me sam. >> i naturally hold a lot of stress in my digestive system as a lot of women do when i
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i'm mj lee at the white house and this is cnn sean diddy combs is now facing a seventh sexual assault. >> assault lawsuit. his second lawsuit just this week, according to the new complaint filed yesterday in new york, which included some of these photos that we're showing you here. april lamp rose met combs in the 90s and expressed her desire to work in the fashion industry. she says, he started mentoring her, but that the relationship she she alleges quickly turned abusive and coercive. cnn's elizabeth wagmeister, tracking all of this for us. it's more and more to be tracking here, elizabeth, what are you learning? >> that's right, kate, as you said, this is the seventh lawsuit directly accusing sean diddy combs of sexual assault. the eighth lawsuit, though, over all, now, april lamb prose, as you said, she was a
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student working in fashion in new york. she first met in 1994? and in this new lawsuit that came out yesterday, filed in new york, she claims that there were four separate incidents of sexual assault. she claims that she was sexually assaulted and battered by the mogul. she also claims that she was drugged now, i have obtained a statement from april land process. this is what she tells us here at cnn, kate, she says, quote, i'm confident that justice will prevail in the veil will be removed. so no other woman will have to under what i did. now, i have reached out to diddy's team. i have not heard back yet. >> this is the second lawsuit kait, just let's to come this week. >> of course, following the exclusive surveillance footage that we released here at cnn last week. so we all know that diddy release that apology video after the surveillance footage came out, but since then and since these two new
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lawsuits have come out, both accusing him of very graphic fixed sexual assault now, he has been silent. i have followed up with his team many times, but this is now continuing as you hit on at the top of this conversation paid, this is continuing a pattern of alleged abuse against diddy. the lawsuits just keep on coming and these allegations are all very similar. >> elizabeth. >> thank you very mu >> well, the official start of the atlantic hurrine season is almost here and experts warn it is going to be hyper active. the impacts of climate change play as warmer water, of course, favors these kinds of storms causing hurricanes to become even more powerful and dangerous. cnn chief climate correspondent bill, we're is here with me with more on this. hello, bill? the season, i mean, we're almost at the start of the season as a june 1st, it's right. what's
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looking like buckle up is what they're telling us. >> this is the most bullish forecast ever. the last time, no, i'll put out a forecast this extreme 2005 year the broadest hurricanes katrina and rita, you can look at the charts. colorado state also has a various steam tropical dorm a program there, so they put out productions as well. but know is calling between 17 to 25 named storms. that means they're going to run out of names. they, you know, they have the names we start with alberto through william, the 21 names could blow past that. they're predicting eight to 13 hurricanes four to seven major, that's category three or above colorado state a little more conservative with five major storms but still it means that we need to prepare. it means that coastal communities up and down number, especially in the gulf coast along the atlantic coast of florida, especially it could be a rough year. >> well, i know you've been talking about this climate change, obviously warming the waters and obviously hurricanes and these storms love the warm waters and they gave their energy from it. but there's also el nino. >> so there's two things happening. there's the natural
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cycle of a cooling pacific when the pacific gets cooler, the odds for hurricanes go up in the atlantic. oddly enough, because of this wind shear phenomenon. but el nino is cycling into la nina, cooler from the pacific. that means more prime for the jet stream conditions to create and birth those hurricanes down in the atlantic. but really comes down to sea surface temperatures which are off the charts. it's hard to even describe. you talked to marine ecologists about these sorts of things. look at this line chart comparing sea-surface temperatures today and even last year two historical trends or almost a full degree above. look at all the gray spaghetti at the bottom. that is our lifetime, the average sea surface temperature that that line in the middle there was last year, we're already exceeded seeing it right now. this is means horrible conditions for coral reefs which are bleaching marine life just can adapt fast enough. we're heading to an ocean where jellyfish it's the only thing that we can really thrive in this. but again, that is
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hurricane fuel. it kicks up. these storms make some bigger, makes them last longer and here we are. so it's the combination global warming and a natural trend he said, buckle up, that's right where knowledge is power. >> we've got to prepare for these sorts of things, right? >> friends, jellyfish and nothing else? yeah. do you mean the ocean which isn't terrifying? it is it is terrible firing. and every 100th of a degree we avoid from doing that would be fantastic ironically the desantis administration and florida just strip the words climate change out of legislation slate of language going forward. so there's the human nature and then there's nature. and we've got to figure out how to survive both thanks so much bill thank you. ever walk for being here with us. thank you. great to have you on board. thank you all for joining us. have a new thing you. >> i'm very great. thank you. thank you have a great holiday weekend, everyone, make good choices. >> most israel, joe gaza up
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