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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 24, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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with custom gear, get started today. i'd customer >> i''m elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelioma
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victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 so sorry, labor day, the end of summer are used to signal the final push for presidential campaigns. >> but this is an election unlike any other, how campaigns are strategising as summer kicks into high gear? plus fighting for answers. the families of four marines killed in an osprey crash in the desert are now suing boeing and others for negligence. they claim there was a defect that they weren't warned about properly. one for their family members will join us live. >> and his nickname was gods influenced her now, this italian teenager and computer prodigy is set to become the catholic church occurs first millennial saint. we are following these stories and many more all coming in right here to see cnn news central
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turning up the heat as the race for the white house hits a critical point. we are learning new details about the biden and trump strategies for the next phase of the campaign. for the biden camp, the issue of abortion front and center just yesterday, biden argued that a new bill in louisiana to classify abortion inducing drugs as controlled dangerous substances is a quote direct result of trump overturning roe v. wade. >> i am today the biden campaign is airing and ad marketing two years since the uvalde school massacre, contrasting biden and trump when it comes to gun policy as former president trump nears the end of his hush money trial in new york he held a rally uptown in the bronx, trying to chord hispanic and black voters, both candidates are reading for next month's debate, which is, here's a plug right here on cnn. he won't want to miss it let's get some details now from cnn's senior white house correspondent, mj lee. >> mj, what are you hearing about this next phase of
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biden's campaign especially as we get closer to that big debate. yeah the biden campaign, like all of us, they have no idea what next week is going to bring. >> they don't know if the former president is going to be found guilty. not guilty. is there going to be a mistrial? is even going to end up next week, but they do know that ultimately, when the trial does end the cover, it's that has taken up so much time and so much space that is also going to end as well. and they do see an opportunity for there to be just more space, more room, more opportunities to make their case in a way that they haven't been able to in the last several weeks and a source familiar that i was talking to says that end of the trial for the trump at new york case is going to coincide with this more aggressive phase of the campaign for the biden folks whether it is on the kinds of ads that they're going to run the messaging, the rhetoric that we're going to hear from the campaign, including from the president himself. and we did see sort of an unofficial launch of that next phase with
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the new scorching add from the biden campaign that is narrated by robert de niro and it is called snap to take a look from. midnight tweets to drinking bleach, to tear gassing citizens and staging a photo op we knew trump was out of control when he was president. then he lost the 2020 election and snap. trump wants revenge. and just stop at nothing to get it the campaign is obviously going to have to calibrate their strategy, their messaging depending on exactly what happens with the trial. but what i'm told is that guilty or not a convicted felon or not? the thrust of their message and running after donald trump is largely going to remain the same. one interesting thing from the sources that i was told is that the biden campaign is still grappling with the reality that the vast majority of voters still don't see election day as a choice between donald trump and joe biden. this is something that they've been grappling with for months and
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really is one of the key obstacles that they're really trying to fight. they want to drive home the message that it is going to be between joe biden and donald trump in november. >> and it is going to be a long campaign season mj lee, thanks so much for the update now for more on the trump campaigns next phase, let's bring in sin and steve contorno joining us. steve, the former president, was targeting black and latino voters last night at his rally in the bronx not exactly a purple area where he's likely to win, but it is part of a strategy shift by the trump team more can you tell us that's right, borse we have seen the trump campaign really zero in on the struggles that the biden campaign and democrats have had in recent campaign cycles, holding onto their majority support with black and hispanic voters. >> and obviously this event yesterday was cater to those communities. now a look, donald trump was in the bronx partially because he was originally scheduled to be in
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court yesterday, but nevertheless, they saw this as an opportunity to maximize his time in new york and speak to these communities that they are hoping they can win on the margins. now, i'd like you said, he's not going to win the bronx. he's probably not going to win new york, but there are communities in detroit, in atlanta, in nevada, and arizona that they hope that they can speak to. and the question is, what is trump's pitch to these voters will take a listen to what he said yesterday. i did criminal justice reform at a level that nobody thought was possible. >> again, and i did that largely for the black and hispanic community where the ones i wanted opportunity zones with tim scott he was so much in favor of it and it's probably maybe the best economic development package ever for africa american history, hispanic americans, asian americans we did a lot of things that people couldn't believe we're able to get the former president talking there about how black americans fared
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under his administration. >> it really depends on what numbers you look at though when you want to compare apples to apples, pick we'll look at the unemployment numbers under president trump and under president biden the unemployment rate is actually lower under the current administration. so that's one area where president biden will be making the case that black americans latinos, and such, are doing better under biden than they than they were under trump. >> trump? >> outreach to unconventional audiences will continue this weekend. he is speaking saturday at the libertarian convention here in washington, dc. robert f. kennedy jr. is speaking to them tonight, really just showing a showdown for every last vote possible that these two are going to head to head even over the libertarian vote yeah, very interesting, steve contorno, thank you so much for that. >> it is the unofficial start of summer. >> and while we all know to pack are patients, especially boris, because it's this very favorite saying of all sayings. the real motto of the weekend is simply, we're all in this
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together be nice. all right. chill out a little bit, right? >> okay. the tsa is expected becky, more of us to fly, and that means even more of those people are going to be insecurity. leinz, then before the pandemic gas prices are nearly the same as last year. that helps about 38 million people hit the road. this holiday weekend, watching it all has cnn's pete man teen. he's got an eye on the roads ryan young has an eye on the sky. he's from the royals. he's live at the world's busiest airport in atlanta. ryan, let's start with you because we're midway through the day, the tsa is apparently screen more than 50,000 people where you aren't you've been there since this morning what of the crowd has been like well, you know what, let me just the people watching is that peek at this point, there are a lot of people who are traveling together for the first time. >> that's pretty obvious by the sides on their faces, bint del, who wanted to get here early and who was kinda dragging behind. but the tsa leinz had been opened. they've been flowing and so far we've been watching people as they've gone through here. let's know
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that they set a record yesterday with over one hundred and 11,000 people and to put that in perspective, even after the super bowl, they only had 109,000. they're already on track to break yesterday's record and we're talking about 2.9 million people traveled across the country yesterday. there's certainly breaking records. we've talked to people who are thinking about this is a first big trip after the pandemic they couldn't wait. they were going to bust their budget to have a good time the summer. listen to the passengers that we talked to who say they are excited about getting this summer tiktok the tsa line. with the crazy. >> so highly recommend digital id. >> it was a breeze, even free chalk and clear was a mr. traffic come when you're traveling dorn, holiday season are so there's some things to expect your next hey guys traveling look, we've talked
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to several different people who are at other airports and they're saying a parking is becoming a situation when you add the backlog of traffic that's going through some of these major cities. you have to add extra time to even make it to the the airport. one of the things you can do before arriving to the airport, a lot of the airport check points now are digitized, so you can see what a backlog is and see what the average wait time. here. hartsfield-jackson international airport, it's under 18 minutes as we stand right now, but that can flow, especially with all the people who are working. and you know, there'll be that last-minute hustle to get to the airport catch that flight. but they knew they were going to make before their boss that actually showed up on this friday. so there's a lot of conversation about just how that's going to move for prices are up. >> and we know that so people have been complaining about the idea that the ticket prices, something that the shock them. and you've got to think about this, a gap pre-check, or you have delta id, you need to know where those lanes are. a lot of people coming back to the airport for the first time, guys excited about traveling. we're forgetting about this
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thing back there, which can always kind of short-circuit your travel if you don't plan ahead. >> yeah. that excited about traveling. excited about that sweet music that is mine. ryan i know. and he's not going crazy strangely enough okay. pete, your their road trips are expected to set a record this holiday weekend. what what are we expecting? >> it's starting to get slower. briana here just in front of the chesapeake bay bridge on the western shore near annapolis. this is the gateway to ocean city, maryland till the delaware beaches because they're expecting 330,000 cars to travel over the bridge between now and monday, 38 38.4 million people expected by aaa to drive 50 miles or more. that's a 4% increase over last year and 2% increase over 2019 before the pandemic, even bigger than 2005 f the
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post nine 11 travel slump, the biggest since 2000, think in sync, but you couldn't even play it on your ipod because wasn't going to be released for another year think about this. >> there's a lot of grenache grim economic news lately, but aaa says, people simply want to travel. >> they prioritize spending on travel. here is triple a's. i exit diaz that would be the biggest number that we've seen for road traveled for memorial day weekend ever. >> we just keep seeing this increase i don't know when the pullback finally going to start happening, but we haven't seen it yet traffic going to be 90% higher than usual in some spots today, we are in the worst of it right now. the advice from aaa, wait until after seven or eight people kim tonight tomorrow, it'll be worst in the middle of the day between about one and 5:00 p.m. if you're going to drive today, know that this evening? is going to be
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really hard, especially when you consider the fact that it's still a workday for a lot of folks, a lot of people will be still commuting on top of the holiday traffic is going to be especially tough today. >> very important to remember ryan, pete. thank you so much for the reports for the music, for the good cheer. we appreciate it. and this just in one of the five americans who was detained in turks and caicos on those ammunition charges, they found ammunition in their luggage is on his way home. this picture of bryan hagerich boarding a plane was just shared by a group that works to get wrongfully detained americans released earlier today, he was given a one-year suspended sentence. that means he doesn't actually have to serve any time though he did have to pay a $6,700 fine before other americans facing ammunitions charges have been released on bail while they await court dates. one of them, michael lee evans has been allowed to return to the united states for medical reasons. they all say they
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inadvertently brought ammo into the territory. story. we will continue to keep an eye on coming up. it could trigger a seismic shift and the multi-billion-dollar world of college sports i had were talking with a lawyer who's lawsuit could mean schools. finally have to pay their student athletes directly plus hollywood stars like scarlett johansson, the only ones we're worried about, ai copying their likeness my voice are saying these words that i did not agree to say. >> i gave no consent how a pair of voice actors are now fighting back. and it was a moment that captain i'm sure the world's attention following hurricane katrina, the man leading the response holding infant twins, how the twins are now honoring him nearly two decades later in one of the most active tornado seasons ever, you can't control tornado. what kinds of interventions can we design go inside the store?
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shipping? from the united states postal service the leaf with jake tapper to the ed for on cnn college athletes could soon have one major thing in common with the pros. >> getting paid for their work after a years of lawsuits, the end cwa and a five major conferences have reached a landmark settlement that will let schools pay their student athletes directly according to multiple reports, any division one athletes since 2016 could get a share of more than $2.7 billion in damages. the parties have also agreed to a plan allowing each school to share up to $20 million per year with its players a judge still needs to sign off on all of this and there are a lot of unanswered questions about how this is going to look and be executed moving forward with us now is george zoox. he's an attorney representing the plaintiff and one of the lawsuits against the nc doublet, george. thanks so
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much for being with us. what's your reaction to the settlement? how significant do you think this is certainly it's a starting place, it's a significant amount of money. >> it's the result of litigation that's been going on for a number of years. we filed the case in november of last year. that was the first one to actually seek a person seven-inch a revenues representing therapy, play therapy for athletes for the services that they provided. and i think the settlement is triggered in part by the filing of the case and is a good first step. >> why do you think the nc who is to settle instead of letting this play out in court that based upon the results that they've seen in prior cases, i think they properly sense that the last place they want it to be trying to enforce limitations on pay for athlete workers was in front of a jury of their peers. that's the last
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place the nc doublet wants to deal with these issues now judge, claudia wilken still has to approve the settlement terms that could take several months i wonder what you anticipate this a look like one schools actually start paying it's, tough, to say, keep in mind that the actual details of the proposed settlement had not been filed in court yet, so most of the information that we have in the fontanelle case that's the case pending in colorado that seeks a percentage of all revenues for student athletes is not clear to us, but we'll review whatever the proposal is in detail and see if there are additional suggestions we can make or whether elements of it may be running need to be renegotiated, or even if people need to opt out, but it's certainly a good first step. >> sure. it's probably too early to say exactly how it's going to be executed, i imagine. but one of the big questions is, how title nine is
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going to be addressed because in the settlement terms, it's not the end cw president suggested that the federal law about title nine doesn't apply to monetary compensation obviously in an uneven split of revenue potentially could put schools at risk for a lawsuit, right? how do you imagine that's going to be addressed there are all sorts of issues that the settlement does not seem to address in the view of some, it's simply replaces one unfair cap on compensation with another. >> so it's premature for us to be able to say until we see the terms as to how title nine or some of these other issues are going to be solved. >> what do you say to the argument that congress should intervene and pass legislation to essentially wipe out this settlement. and compensation for college athletes i think the best resolution of issues
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like this, as always a negotiated resolution between the parties and i think that's ultimately going to get done. >> the odds that congress has the will and the ability in the near future to resolve an issue like this legislatively doesn't make sense to me they can't really agree on much, can they? >> george zoox, thanks so much for sharing your perspective with us thank you. of course. >> i had a pair of voice actors have been shocked to learn that ai versions of them online have appeared years after doing a gig for academic research, why they believe their voice this is were stolen. and how a teenager who passed away nearly 20 years ago is set to become the catholic churches first, millennials, st in the stanley cup fairclough light is on the line right now to now? fractions.
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whisker family and try literal by today i had hanako montgomery in tokyo. and this is cnn to voice actor say they're the victims of ai, and they're suing an artificial intelligence firm called low vo for allegedly creating clones of their voices without permission. the voice actors are now seeking more than $5 million in damages cnn's clare duffy sat down with the two actors and clear that they were shocked to hear their own voices and clips online. >> yeah, this all started back in 2019 and 2020 when they say they were hired to do jobs, they didn't know exactly who the clients were but they said they repeatedly asked how these voice samples would be used and
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they were told they would be used for internal purposes only for academic research and test radio ads. but years later, they said they made what was for them a shocking discovery first, paul came across a youtube video that sounded like it was narrated by his voice, but it was not words that he had ever said then they were listening to a podcast about the dangers of ai, where the host was interviewing a chat bot. but it sounded like paul, that the couples do they eventually traced these and other samples that they say sounded like their voice back to this company logo, which markets ai generated voices for marketing purposes or online trainings. and they're now suing well, as you said, for allegedly stealing their voices and selling ai generated clones. when i sat down with them this week, we had paul compare his voice to the ai voice and i think we have a clip that we could show you what that introducing jennie by levo artificial intelligence that makes it fast and easy to create voiceovers from marketing e-learning documentaries, animations, games, audio books, anymore?
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introducing jennie, bye lava, artificial intelligence that makes it fast and easy to create voiceovers for marketing, e-learning, documentaries, animations, games, audiobooks, and more. >> need to create high-quality voice over content. >> but we just listened to what you say is the ai clone of your voice. >> what's your reaction to that? >> this, it's still infuriating not just because of the implications for my career but because of the violation of me of my individuality, my likeness, my voice now for us in briana, i should say that lobo did not respond to our requests for comment, but as we were reminded this week, these two actors are not the only ones concerned about artificial intelligence. >> scarlett johansson accused openai of creating a voice for chapter at gpt that resembled hers without her permission. although openai has denied that, but what's really at the heart of this is that so many actors, artists, authors are concerned about the ways that
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these ai platforms may have been trained with their work or with something as intrinsic to them, as their voice. and then profiting off of that without ever giving the artery this compensation or credit that has gotten to be such an uncanny feeling to hear ai essentially imitating your voice and so closely to what your voice sounds like. wow, clare duffy, thanks so much for bringing us that story. >> thanks new today, an italian teenager who used his computer skills to promote the catholic faith is on it. >> his way to becoming the catholic churches first millennials, st. carlo a co-teachers who gained the nickname god's influencer, passed away in 2006 when he was 50 team. but a second miracle attributed to him has just been recognized by pope francis father and rebecca is with us now to talk a little bit about this new saint soon to be, tell us more about carlo father back and how he sort of used his skills to spread awareness of
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catholicism well, as you know, and you said he's the first millennial to be named a saint. so it's rather modern in modern times. and he was known as god's influencer i mean, he had developed computer skills because he liked video games and then what he did was he began the website to host a website for his parish, and he liked to research eucharistic miracles throughout the world. and he posted those on the website, including marion apparitions so he was a young man of faith and yet he was also a soccer player and as i said, video game play there and it kind of sounds like a normal kid too. so it's interesting that his faith was so developed at such a young age. in fact, his mother said that he brought her back to the faith. i mean, she had drifted away from the church and to seeing her own son. she was influenced by talking about god influencer, shamefully influenced his own
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mother to come back to the faith. so it's rather remarkable that someone so young would have been so devoted and so instrumental. i think a father, the pope is now recognized to miracles attributed to carlo. >> i'm wondering what qualifies as a miracle and how do they formerly get recognized by the pope well the report is made that someone prayed specifically to carlo and went to his shrine. >> there was a brazilian child, i believe with pancreatic disease and he was cured of that after prayers specifically, two for carlo to intercede. >> and then the second miracle was a costa rica and girl who had a bicycle accident in florence. >> and she had brain trauma and once again i believe it was her mother who heard about carlo and when to his shrine does a shrine to him already in the cz and trade to him. and they were able to take this girl out of
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this coma and this brain trauma unexplainable. the doctor said it just kind of damage just appeared after awhile. then those things are investigated by the vatican and medical sources are interviewed and then if it is seen to be accurate they move toward the out of the cation, which is the first step you need one miracle for beautification. >> and then once the second miracle is verified, then you can move towards canonization. >> i have to say though it's really quick process for this young man i mean, john paul the second in our lifetime is be out of five and canonized rather quickly. but he was a pope i mean, this young man, as you said, just died in 2006 and was already be out a fight in 2020. >> and now, maybe sainthood. so it's really a very quick beatific cation and canonization which i suppose has positives and negatives. but it's remarkable because i think a lot of young people may be can identify with them. i
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don't know if you've seen the stained glass window, but he's carrying already, there's this thing glass window to him. he's carrying a knapsack and wearing sneakers when was the last time you saw a teenager st. for the knapsack and sneakers. so again, he's inspirational. too many young people i think yeah. >> so interesting. all right, we'll continue to follow this father back. thank you so much for being with us. >> thanks for having me the makers of the v22 osprey, which no doubt you've heard of. >> it's a military aircraft are facing a new lawsuit claiming they fail to address issues that led to a crash that killed five marines ahead, we're talking with the family of one of those marines about the new legal action and the changes they want to see every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. >> it's the five essential stories of the morning in five i've minutes or less. >> cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays,
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grandfather. when get that moment every day. >> close captioning bronchi by meso book our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelial, call us now nearly two years after the deadly crash of an osprey aircraft, the families of four of the five us marines killed in the tragedy are suing boeing and other manufacturing companies for negligence. >> the companies involved have not yet responded to requests for comment from cnn, the marines who were stationed at camp pendleton in southern california were on a training mission in june of 2022 when they're aircraft crashed into the desert, a and marine investigation found the accident was caused by mechanical failure that there was no error on the the part of the pilots of the crew and there was nothing they could have done to prevent it. i'm joined now by brett strickland, his son, lance corporal evan strickland was killed in this crash and tim loranger, the lawyer who is representing the
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families in this lawsuit, run. i'm so sorry, i know this isn't a especially tough time for you and your families. you're coming up here on two years since evans death. can you tell us about what you're hoping this lawsuit can achieve? i know you've been frustrated by what you see is a lack of meaningful information about the crash i think what we're looking for really is just like you said, accountability, information and a corrective fix it seemed like the common thread is they don't know why, but they think they fixed it into us. >> that's just not good enough. >> yeah. i mean, to your point, there, i mean, tim, there's been this mandate of a new part, right? a new part. and yet the crux of the issue still seems quite foggy. what is really the root of the problem here? here are the lawsuit alleges in part that there was a failure to warn that this osprey was known to have a defect, but not enough steps were taken to correct it. tell us about that that's exactly
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the issue that the families are dealing with now, that what they're hearing from the military through their investigation is that they they they've made some change, but and they think that they've fixed a problem. >> but at the end of the day, they don't know what the root cause is and what that does is it creates he's an incredible amount of insecurity and uncertainty for the families and for marines who are operating this aircraft, they deserve to know what exactly has happened here. and for corrective action to be taken. and that's what we're looking for from through this lawsuit there were other crashes. >> of course following the one that killed your son, then there was a recent grounding and the lifting of that grounding in march, do you think that this plane should be flying? i think what any of us want is just to know that when the plane is flying, that they've done their due diligence and they know why certain things work or why they
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don't work the only thing we want our y in all of this is just to try to make sure that the men and women, the fly on the osprey are as safe as can be and brett, i i was reading about how people who deal with aircraft safety and certainly defenders of the osprey will point to they'll say it's statistically speaking, the offeree is an osprey is a pretty safe military aircraft but then in your case, i think people would be shocked to learn that a young marine who brought a lot of comfort to your family in the wake of evans death, who was a paul bearer at his funeral, ended up going on about a year after evans death to also die in an osprey crash. >> how do you make sense of when you hear someone defending the ospreys safety record and then knowing that reality of what your family has experienced is it's not easy easy one to answer, is it i understand.
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>> yeah. i mean, they love the aircraft. a lot of the air crew and the pilots, they really do love the platform and for us, it's just a redundancy is not a redundancy when it's no longer working and so that's the issue for us. it hurts that was a huge wound. >> it was shortly after we had received our mishap briefing and he was like family and so it was devastating in the wound, was torn open again so i mean i understand why they would defend and i understand this statistics. but when you're on this side of it, this statistics really don't mean much yeah, tim, can can you speak a little bit to that as well when you're looking at the statistics, but also what you think the duty is of these manufacturers and what they need to get better? what we've learned through this investigation is that the hard clutch engagement issue that's
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spoken about has been known for quite a long time this statistics look good. the number of crashes compared to the number of hours that the aircraft is, has been operating looks really good. good but there has been this thread, this issue that they've been dealing with for years, and it hasn't been resolved. and very likely this issue that was known years ago has started, has developed into a bigger problem. so wear and tear on the aircraft has led to more malfunctions. and now we've seen at least one and potentially more crashes resulting from that. of course, the investigation from the crash of the japan or cropped has not come out yet and we're waiting to see if there's a common thread. but we know is that this is an issue that's been dealt with for a long on time, and there has not been a root cause found and it has not been resolved as far as we can tell and brett, i do want to give the final word to you. >> we're coming up here, obviously on memorial day. i
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know you're going to be remembering your son tell us a little bit about him, someone who obviously felt so compelled to serve his country at a young age you know he wise beyond his years it's cliche to say that, but it's true. >> he wanted to do good i think some of the missions he was most wanting to be a part of would be humanitarian missions. and being memorial day, this is actually one of the last pictures and text message i proceed from him was memorial day of 22 amir week before he passed and it was him out jet skiing, enjoying life collecting memories as i like to tell them but he wants he loved life, he loved music, he loved jazz he is a saxophone player he really was just a friend to everybody. and i think he liked to make
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everybody feel like they were important i know he loved the people in his life and those most important to him, his family members and you thank you so much for sharing a little bit about him with us and for telling us about this experience that you're going through with this lawsuit will continue to follow it, brett. >> thank you, tim. thank you to you both thank you. >> thank you so much. >> and we'll be right back the russian for trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them i was hadi friday this is a war, but secret war. secrets and spies, a nuclear game. >> premier sunday, june 2, that ten on see it sale through the heart of historic cities, an unforgettable scenery with faking unpack once, and get closer two iconic landmarks loca life and cultural treasures because when you experienced europe on a viking
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natasha bertrand at the pentagon and this is cnn nearly 19 years ago, hurricane katrina struck new orleans and areas along the gulf coast, causing more than 1,000 and catastrophic flooding as numerous levy's failed around the city, among the survivors
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were twin boys, just babies at the time and their mom. now they are young men who just graduated high school one their thinking, the general, who they say save their lives here. stephanie ylim with their story from hurricane evacuees congratulations. class that's one 1204 tau high school graduates for twins. >> your mariana mari reynolds. this is a moment that seemed improbable at the beginning of their lives right now, hurricane katrina, luck in the summer of 2005, hurricane katrina ravaged new orleans. the feeding many of the levees surrounding the city, flooding its streets and killing nearly 1,400 people survivors pot, challenging circumstances to stay alive, we hadn't eaten and maybe six days alexandria wheeler knowing she needed to find help for her 6.5 month old son's waited through the water. >> her feet and countering unspeakable horrors and the
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turbid waters. >> there was two bodies collided like this when the trio finally made it to the convention center, turned makeshift shelter in the muggy heat. they were starving and dehydrated. the infants nearly limp. that's when lieutenant general russell honore, the decorated commander, who led the military response let's to hurricanes katrina and rita came to their aid washington diaa were looking at calendars and we were looking at a clock. it was a moment's. cnn caught on camera. >> he was like, god's angel if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be here today for years. >> wheeler says she tried to get in contact with a honore to thank him for his kindness, but it would take another storm, hurricane harvey, threatening their new home in houston in 2017 to bring them together again, i was then as a moon at boys over here hi, wheelers in honore, a message on social media, and he responded, we don't even have worst to put
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inside my house that thank you enough. >> ought to repeat back for what you did. >> now, nearly 19 years after their life altering and counter honore take time to celebrate the boy's achievement if facially referred to you as the katrina twins because the world got to meet you that b. >> but your mariana murray after a lifetime made possible by the man in uniform are honouring honore each and his own way, who would first tamari and things see you how be a future edition to the united states marine corps? >> i'd say that we're who robbed. >> i chose to be in a marine's because how watched over the video and i kept watching and inspired me to want to help people a lot more than jamal murray. >> i would like. thank you so much for your bravery, your help. that would survive. >> i'm going to college to do automotive engineering. >> how do you feel hearing that these two young men are pursuing these careers that have been inspired in part by you.
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>> i feel so ratify. i mean, there's no greater service and the service to others the engineer that will change your world and the marine that's help protect our freedom and our democracy the twins now thriving after surviving hell and high water thanks to an undeterred mother, they're here to be because he knew and your tenacity and a compassionate commander that these young men will be game changers. >> i'm so proud of you stephanie ylim, cnn hampton, georgia oh, what a story, right. >> great. >> thanks to stephanie. heal them for that. we'll be right back. >> sirens are going off and playing the tornado i'm thinking thanks to die and i thought that was it fallen earth with liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn
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every day, curry, they'll be gone in a flash. >> designer sales at up to 70% or so of today we have some news just into cnn outer of the pentagon defense secretary lloyd austin is expected to undergo a non-surgical medical procedure at walter reed medical center tonight? >> the defense department says he will temporarily transfer his duties over to his deputy during this time. hi, this hospital visit is related to a bladder issue that austin has been dealing with earlier this year after undergoing treatment for prostate state cancer, there was some controversy. >> of course, around that time because he had these two surgeries. he didn't tell the president or his deputy about it. austin later said he should have told them any pledge to be more transparent. >> obviously, we wish the defense secretary the very best great to be back with you. finish out the week strong. it is great. yeah. yes, it's been a little minute since as we


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