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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  May 24, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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advantage, the more it almost feeds into donald trump's argument, which is, this is all political, this is all just to keep me out of the white house. so prison and biden has a very fine line he's got a walk in terms of trying to capitalize on this politically the more he says about it in some ways, i think the worst, both for him and for the country, frankly maria, we got about 50 seconds left in the show. what do you think i don't think he has had to do it thus yet caitlin, but i think that if there is a verdict, you might see something from the white house, but i don't think he'll lean into it. >> he doesn't need to. this is going to be something that it is going to hurt donald trump, i believe in the long run. and joe biden does not need to help him do that. >> yeah. it's just fascinating because a month almost from today, there'll be on the debate stage together. we will note the verdict certainly. by then, maria cardona, kristin sold to sandra, said great to have you both here on a friday. so much kaitlyn. >> thanks. >> and thank you all so much for joining us here on this friday and i hope you have a great memorial day weekend. law codes live starts right now
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good evening and welcome to a special early edition. >> i'm laura coates. live. we begin with breaking news. special counsel jack smith is now thinking a gag order against donald trump in the classified documents case. jack smith is asking the judge to quote, make clear that trump may not make statements that pose a significant imminent and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents who are participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case. >> so now, why is it special counsel asking for this? >> you might be asking, well, it's because of what donald trump said this week when he falsely claimed, but fbi agents who searched mar-a-lago or quote, locked and loaded and authorized to shoot him. he was misrepresenting the standard language and documents and the fbi says it uses routinely. here's by the way, how attorney general merrick garland explain it just yesterday okay. and that one
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that allegation is false and it is extremely dangerous the document that is being referred to in the allegation is the justice department standard policy limiting the use of force as he fbi advisers it is part of the standard operations plan for searches. and in fact, it was even used in the consensual search of president biden's home now, unsurprisingly, trump's team has opposed the request for the gag order. keep in mind this isn't even if this is the first time it has a counsel jack smith is actually sought one in this case, and he did apparently do so on the friday night before memorial day, seemingly because he very strongly feels the need for this guy egg order with me now for friday, we're prosecutor jennifer rodgers, also criminal defense attorney, joey jackson, both are cnn legal analysts may begin with you here. >> jennifer, because this is
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significant for so when we first heard about the statement, the locked and loaded terminology that was being used it is not accurate. it was not what was actually going on. and yet it has caught fire. how dangerous is this, given that he wants have a gag order now? >> yeah. well, this is the problem. might it's one thing for the former president to say things that aren't true about what the difference your special counsel cases are doing and so forth. but this is saying fbi agents were effectively coming to assassinate me. i mean, it's ridiculous. i night you can see some of his followers kind of take that as an invitation to go out and do some violence of their own, possibly against law enforcement. so i think that's why everyone is so concerned about this and they want to really tamp down on it as soon as possible. >> i joey, he's fundraising off of this, by the way, on the same misrepresentation here. and this request i mean, nothing nothing. the federal government doesn't move as quickly as other entity shall we say, it is the friday before
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memorial day weekend. of course. and this suggests that in many respects, the urgency for ag girl and to come out and talk about this as well and why this is so significant i mean, the idea of putting maybe agents and danger over this is incredible. >> yeah, lord, this is troubling for a lot of reasons just in terms of a fact check, i think two things are very significant. the first is that he was not at the location at the time mar-a-lago when it was searched, very critical number to the secret service was informed with respect to the actual search. and those things i say because it puts it in context, it's not like he was there and ducking with his family while bullets were flying. and i think we have to everyone needs to understand that language and rhetoric have consequences right. and people if the wrong thing or said, particularly when you have a bully pulpit like he does where he has many millions of followers. people can take it in the wrong way. and when you're talking about law enforcement and what they're not doing, right? he saying they are doing that, trying to assassinate him. it puts people in danger in jeopardy. last
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point and i will continue to say we saw this as it related to the former speaker of the house and what happened to her husband, some deranged person goes and really attacks him, right? and that's a problem. >> so to avoid any type of just danger to anybody else, you need to consider a gag order to stop things that are said that irresponsible and remember, i mean, after there was the search, the executed search warrant, they're calling it the raid on the mar-a-lago compound in the state there were threats to kill or post that was said to kill all federal agents. there were people who were doxxed. there were incidents where even fbi field offices had different threats made against them and beyond. so it's not just a prospective issue. we can look back not too long ago and see something like this. this is before a judge cannon no, jan and judge cannon has had a lot of headlines around perceptions that she's not going to take this case as
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seriously moving the needle and moving the case forward she says all these motions that are still pending that she could resolve at least half of them in the ordinary course of things. will this judge take this seriously, this request? well, it's interesting because one of the things that was so contentious between judge cannon and the special counsel was the issue of information about witness this is identifying people who had testified in the grand jury and potentially putting them at the risk of intimidation or threats and there was a lot of back-and-forth where she was really pushing back against the notion that this information should or shouldn't become public. so my concern is that she doesn't really take seriously this notion that people's lives can be in jeopardy or turned upside down if they their information becomes known to the public, which makes makes me think she might not move on this as quickly as she should, but we'll see joy. there are multiple gag orders now that are pending or requested against donald trump as the
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defendant. we know of course the one on in manhattan, you've got judge merchan, the potential is only i think $3,000 or a certain amount per different violation, a maximum penalty he is not he already threatened for potentially jail the rise of go to the jury it's not going to happen anytime soon if at all does this indicate to you that this will be the moment he begins to take it more seriously, a new request a different jurisdiction. i federal court. >> yeah. >> laura, i certainly hope so. the fact of the matter is is that again, when you act and you say things that are irresponsible, people could be put in danger and to everyone who says first amendment, first amendment, yes, we have first amendment rights. but you're right to the first amendment ends, where someone else rights begin. we know you can't yell fire in a movie theater. why people will be endangered. you know, you can't defame people. why? because you're spreading falsity. that impair and impune their reputation. what am i saying? i'm saying there are limits with regard to what you should say. and when you have
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so many people who believe in by end two things that are false and irresponsible. the consequences could be dire. and so i hope so. >> what you're a wonderful defense attorney, so well-respected. have you ever seen an instance where is it typical for every american? dear to see? is it typical to have gag orders in place in your cases for the average defendant, not just because this particular one has its extensive pulpit that could be a bully pulpit. is it normal to have these gag orders? well, first, thank you for that, laura. >> um, you know, the answer is no. it's not because generally people follow the rules. there's a certain decorum and there's a certain protocol. and i think people understand and our process that that protocol needs to be respected. they respect the person in the robe and there's not a sense of entitlement because the normal person, when they do something, they say, excuse me, mr. jones, did you understand my rule? when you didn't? okay. officers take charge and when you don't have that to worry about, this is a different way that you comport yourself. i
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just hope that perhaps is a change in the rhetoric. i know there's an election, i get it. people can vote for who they vote for. everyone has a side. but at the end of the day, putting people in danger is not the place we want to be or not the thing you want to do. and so it's unusual, it shouldn't happen, it is happening and it's gotta get under control. >> well, let's i mentioned of course, judge merchan in this manhattan trial, the hush money trial, we know that there have now been jury instructions that had been finalized. the council's for the different parties du have them. the jury is not going to see them until obviously next next week when they returned to begin to hear instructions and also deliberate i want to go to you, jennifer, on this because this is going to be the most critical part of a trial. i know everyone thinks about the witnesses, of course but the idea of what it you're going to actually will decide on is so important. and one thing i'm looking at in particular is this idea of how they're going to quantify the word substantial when it comes to whether or not donald trump made this hush money payment reimbursement, or otherwise because he was looking at his
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marriage and his family or for the campaign, there's no quantifiable number attached to it. what are you looking for in these jury instructions for this jury? >> well, what's interesting as you probably know, is the jury actually doesn't take them with them in written form, so they're going to have to listen very carefully. and if they're confused about what they're supposed to do with the law, they'll have to ask for it to be re-read to them in the judge changed that in this case. i'm told no, i'm told that they can't go back with them in written form, so i don't know whether they're going to come back out and ask for clarification like you say, but we ask jurors to do this all the time, right? what is beyond a reasonable doubt mean? what does a preponderance of the evidence may like all these different terms. so i think they'll just talk amongst themselves, what does substantial mean to us in the jury room what was in his mind was more worried about the election was a more worried about his wife reputation kind of where did it all thought? all but to me, if a good chunk of that, whatever good chunk means substantial is that he was worried about the election and what was going to happen with respect to that, then
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that's probably good enough, you know, this is what jurors do. they take their everyday experience and their understanding of words like substantial, which is not a crazy legal term. and that's how they figure it out. and sometimes they can ignore all those things unbeknownst to us, right? and the rule any other way joy quick before i let you go what do you think the prosecution is going to have is the theme and what's the defense going to have? is there a theme? yes. so very quickly remember, prosecution has to end where they began conspiracy and cover up and what they will try to do is to minimize cohen with regard to what you have to believe and trust and maximize common sense and what the other witnesses did and establish that you can infer facts that the president certainly knew and that he hit it based upon the larger issue of impairing the election. >> and as a result of that, he's guilty in terms of the defense, they will maximize cohen. he's a liar, he's a hater of the former president. he was doing this it's motivated out of animus. he's the only one who establishes the direct connection. you can't believe him. and as a result of you not believing him, you have to acquit. those
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will be the competing narratives, but no glove at the end, no, if you can't, no blood will happen will be now those i mean, if it is i'll be watching it very close. thank you both so glad to have you all on tonight. jennifer rodgers and joey jackson. everyone ahead preparing for the gloves that come up see my transition point the biden campaign gets ready to enter a new aggressive phase as trump's hush money trial draws to a close, we're going to look like next sirens are going off tornadoes here, you cannot out swim this. you cannot outrun it it really. is a terrifying experience. >> it is a stuff nightmares. >> you just hear and feel it. my eyes and my throat were very i'm i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it.
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as some party have really encouraged him to speak out, so might a verdict in the manhattan trial change biden's mind or maybe even forced his hand. >> cnn report that once the trial ends, the presence campaign is israel to launch into what they're calling a new phase essentially its are taking the fight right to donald trump and we've got to taste of what that meant today with the release of this ad voiced by none other than the trump critic, robert de niro now he's running again. this time threatening to be terminated the constitution. >> if i don't get elected, it's gotta be a bloodbath trump wants revenge and just stop at nothing to get it and that's just the start of it. >> remember, in 34 days, biden and trump are going to face off for the first presidential debate right here on cnn were told biden will aim to needle trump taunt him, and press him to explain his own words. campaign chair jen o'malley, dillon put it this way, quote
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we make no bones about the fact that the more people see the choice, the better it is for us label feel and hear him. see the crazy stuff. he says joining us now republican charges. joe opinion penned yonah sees me and also communist for what one stone j. michelson j pinion, you my luck. it's friday night. i don't want anyone to give me a hard time right now. okay. i put in the wrong emphasis of the wrong syllable. i know who both them our job indian. tell me you opinion, please. in a moment. about all this. is the first time you heard this opening that's a good one they can't be new. >> you owe opinion for opinion has got to be old look, i think what what is clearly old are these attacks that the biden administration has launched as new against president trump. >> and so whenever you think about the republican first democratic sayyed, you had barack obama who ran on obamacare, the affordable care act. you had bill clinton who ran on the surplus and you have
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joe biden trying to recycle the attacks against president trump in 2016 that didn't work. and so i think not talking about the merits of the attack. i think it does show that they do believe there is a perceived weakness in the quote, unquote accomplishments that they would like to try it out, that the inflation reduction plan did not perhaps reduce inflation to the level they waste. in fact, of course, according to jim clyburn, it did perhaps that's the add to the inflation that if you're looking at the migrant crisis, the fentanyl crisis, the problems in gaza, the issues in you creating the south china sea that we have a world in disarray. it has happened on the watch of demand that promise would be the returned to normal president. so yes, it is their approach. they are entitled to have their opinion and their strategy, but i think their strategy belies what they believe their own perceived weaknesses. what are they willing to acknowledge it or not? >> so j do you see it this? >> the reason he's coming out on the offenses because he thinks that he wants to have where do they don't look over here at the bright shiny object instead of attack dog as
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opposed to showing some of the accomplishments he has. i mean, this is just like jumping and stuff. no. i mean, the reality is that americans are suffering from trump amnesia. we've forgotten how chaotic and insane the trump administration was i mean, ordinary americans. i mean, january 6. sure. i think people remember, but the reality is there's that there's forgetting the constant rotating of staff in the white house all of the chaos i wish to add would go a little bit deeper. i want to see the sharpie on the track of the hurricane because trump chaos actually hurt people. where trump said that covid was going to go away in three weeks while the pandemic was raging. it's not just random chaos or personality attacks. these things actually hurt people's lives. so i feel like maybe it's an opening salvo this this goes a little bit, but i think they need to go further to remind folks that while in an ordinary election, we could debate foreign policy or something. this is not an ordinary electron. >> i want to come four of the things though that i always notice is we remember when trump first was campaigning and debating people often
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criticized him for being not presidential enough because he was going and being attacking and you had a lot of people who are at the same remember that ten or more people who are next to him would say, we don't, we don't do this now because now they want the current president to do. >> this was trump's saying like a little marco and leinz agree, right? i mean, this was degrading the discourse to a level that it hadn't been before. i think, look, this isn't unusual election also because it's two former incumbents and incumbent and a former incumbent. so we can run on the past, not just the future, and trump has a record and for right now, all the poles are saying from ordinary americans, the economy is by far the number one issue that they're concerned about. great, we can address that, but also the fact that that's the number one concern suggests that there is this kind of institutional amnesia we've forgotten the chaos that we went through for years up to and including the covid, pandemic i'll just say this because it's a lot to digest there you can talk about president trump's record there are things that democrats want to highlight, but i think what most americans feel, which i think is reflected in the
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polls, whether you choose to believe them or not, is that there were 7 million jobs created pre-pandemic, that there was this sense that their dollar went further during the trump administration, that they're currently going that yes. >> in wages are up under joe biden, but also those wages are being crossed by the inflation that joe biden told us was going to be transitory. and yet here it is persisting on everything from the milk to the chicken, to the fact that we have half-moon americans who are actually defaulting on their car payments when one-third of the people who are turning in their cars who aren't defaulting, owe more money on the car the car is obvious, it's like the titanic and you're complaining about the band, right? >> i mean we're looking at it he's may hold on. >> both of you. it's all right. we can tell the top. i want to hear both your points. i want to happen again for a second. i'll come right back and you can respond. go ahead. >> we can to talk about these kind of issues. yes. of course. there are always economic is just talked about. this is not a normal election where we need like a wake-up call. so when, when trump says with project 2025 as respectfully i get that
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you want you frame it as not a normal election. i get that for the last 40 years, every time black mothers and black families want, you talk about the fact that the public schools are failing them, or that the economy is not working for us. we are told that, yes, we'll get to that in a second. but in this particular election the life is quite literally on the leinz. you must vote for us because the other people will not defend that is the argument you want to make and you're entitled to make it. but i think the poll suggests, as you see, joe biden in just four years going from 90% with black voters who now 76% support, as you see, swing states where president biden and it was successful. now those swing states lagging month after month in favor of trump, that the average american is not approaching this as oh, trump is the abnormality. there are proceeding that saying the person who said he was the normal guy, the person who quoted lincoln and said his whole soul was in uniting this country has left the world income complete, an utter
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despair. well, and this chaos, well, to be fair, both have quoted lincoln, both show talked about this and the other aspect of it, of course, is there is an abnormality in the fact that we've never actually had a moment in time. i think to his point, where you have a former president, i'd say it's who's campaigning and all but the confetti is dropped. and there are these legal troubles they're facing him as private. they're in there. that is in an of itself chaotic and many of the canes has talked about that issue. but point well taken, we'll see how the voters feel about it, gentlemen. thank you so much. you can go arm rest. lot size. >> joe, opinion. jay michaelson. thank you so much. i had a decision that could change it's how college sports operate, as we know it. >> the nc doublet agreeing to let schools, pay student-athletes, former nfl player area and foster who's long pushed for this change, joins me next but first, if you're a product of the internet era or know someone who is a moment of silence for the dog that's sparked a meme craze for more than a decade gabo sue, the japanese shiva,
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known legendary for the legendary doj memes has passed away and it all started with this photo and a look that can be interpreted 100 different ways thousands of memes. >> i'm being serious, thousands of memes were sparked from their often depicting an inner monologue with well dodgy grammar. >> she even got morphed into a loaf of bread and liked to spawn one of the most well-known cryptocurrencies dogecoin, kimo sues owner says the eighth, year-old dog died without suffering. >> it has quote, crossed the rainbow bridge. her popularity is up there with other internet famous animals like grumpy cat, who we hope may now be a little less from if kab osu has indeed joined her on the other side of that rainbow bridge. so long combos, zoo and never stop being amaze russia for trying to spy on us we were spying on
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clumps never scoop again with little robot chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts it's a decision that could change the shape of college sports forever. >> the anti-dei belay and colleges biggest conference is known as the power five agreeing to lead schools pay their athletes. >> it's all a part of a deal to settle three pending antitrust cases. and what it means is a bit complicated, but let's lay it out. >> so if the agreement is approved by a judge, first, the antidote belay has to pay more than 2.7 billion in damages over ten years to pass and get this current athletes as well second, and this is the big one. >> the agreement lays out a revenue plan that would allow each school well, to share 20 million per year with its
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student athletes who played in 2016 and onward, those payments could start fall of 2025. now, who gets paid and how much is still unclear this an issue that's been hotly debated for years during the last school year, football and basketball at division one schools brought in a revenue of seven 7.9 billion and in 2020 all of d1, athletics generated almost 17 17.5 billion. now, many student athletes have long believed that they should get some cut aaron foster was one of them. he's a former nfl running back who played with university of tennessee. and he says he took benefits back when he was playing cards so he could afford things like rent and food. ariane joins me now. ariane, thank you so much for joining us. this is a very important and significant moment at this all goes through as it says, it might use
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support this decision and you have been very vocal about college athletes getting paid and a lot of that comes from their own personal experience at tennessee for those who might not be familiar with it. can you explain a little bit why you think up until now? >> this system has been so unfair i appreciate you having me on i think the big reason as to why this is able this has been able to go on for so long as it because of brilliant marketing by the ncaa and the ownership over there, they have been able to kind of hoodwink the public into grading this false narrative of student athlete, right there. that's the key term they'll say student athlete and they're able to use a circular reasoning to say, well, the reason why we don't pay them is because our student athletes and the reason why there's student athletes, because we don't pay them and so they've been able to create this veil of amateurism, which has been
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gatekeeping the revenue share from student athletes all across the nation for decades. and so we all knew this day was coming because this is america. and ironically enough in this capitalist system the free market says that these players should be able to go out and get paid for their labor. and this is going to be a labor issue in the near future. >> this is fascinating. think about the idea of this veil of amateurism. i thank you. but at the way it has been marketed, and there are those who will say, well, hold on how about the average student they are contributing as well and they make it seem like the college athletes, it is really something that they should be just grateful to have the opportunity to do. so while you do see the numbers coming in. >> but since 2021 ariane college athletes have had the opportunity to make money through their name, their image, or likeness deals why is this still different even from what happens in 2021?
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>> well there's still hiding behind the guys that this is not they're not employees. and i think if once once that facade is is broken on a wall is broken down it's going to open up more labor issues, but to your point, it's that's all to the marketing of the ncaa. oh, we give them room and board or we give them that is nothing but plenty of ceos and in different companies give their workers room and board and the have interns and all these other things. but the main revenue share from a product is not receiving benefits from their labor. that is the issue. and that's why this was this was going to this is going to have in one way or the other that is just domino effect. >> erin, how would this have changed your personal experience? but you've been vocal about what happened with you in tennessee and trying to get rent, how to have food the problem of being a college
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athlete and not being able to work, not being able to get a job. and so being having expenses, how would this have changed your experience? >> i mean, tremendously. i mean, even now it's very different than when i went to college, which is we're all rooting for auto from my vantage point, all the older guys have room for the young guys to get paid because we put in the sweat, the blood, and tears to build the brand of these universities that make millions and sometimes the billions of dollars off of these laborers and it would have changed my experience in our experience is tremendously, but i'm not so focused on my i've i've i've lived a good life i was lucky enough to make it to the nfl i'm more focused on i guess the the aftershock of what happened when will be played, right. >> so like i said, it's going to open up a can of worms of labor issues. and what are those big labor issues? i think that they're going to have to
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deal with this workmen's comp things like that, things that injuries that these players have accrued over these over their time playing. they're going to have to deal with that. and i think it's only fair. i got a budget, but he's missing cartilage in the knee, shoulders. it's real issues that people live with. but we saw coaches driving off and $600,000 cars it was it was hard to stomach then and it's harder to stomach now. but it's getting better and that's to meet us. that's the beauty of progress in this country is every, every era leaves a trail of a little bit better than, than when it was here when you are in foster, we'll see how this all plays out, including for how the money is distributed. >> we'll go to women men equally as well. thank you so much for joining us appreciate gem well, this just in there are some good news the first of several americans recently charged with possession of ammunition in turks okay. goes is now back on us soil moments ago, bryan hagerich were
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reunited with his family after getting a suspended 52 week sentence in a $6,700 fine. >> the pennsylvania daddy daddy of two was facing up to 12 years in jail. >> i should note four there americans are still awaiting their fate ahead. he was sentenced to 55 years for murder, but he didn't even commit the crime. i'm he could barely even walk at the time the rise of misinformation donie o'sullivan reports from the front lines. >> pharaoh knows taylor swift government cya you don't pretend her. >> i don't know what to believe the whole story with anderson cooper. next one cnn the best way to solve a problem is to keep it from happening an ever north we combine medical
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davy and natalie lloyd, who were married in 2022, were ambushed when they were coming out of church. their families saying they're working on retrieving the couple's bodies here is nathalie's fathers speaking to cnn's kaitlan collins tonight i've always taught my kids that i'm doing something for people, putting others in front of you is so important. >> and they live that out. and what they did there i don't think you could find a better example of people who truly had a deep love for the people of haiti and had a vision to help them in any way that they could david culver has more an outpouring of grief for two young missionaries brutally killed and haiti's capital, they went to heaven together because already state representative ben baker posted his daughter, natalie, and her husband, davy lloyd, attacked by gangs thursday night in port-au-prince the couple and
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their early 20s served as part of missions in haiti a christian non-profit organization run for more than two decades by lloyd's parents. the organization posting friday they were ambushed by a gang of three trucks full of guys. davy was taken to the house, tied up and beat the gang, then took our trucks and loaded everything up they wanted and left at some point as the attacks unfolded, davy lloyd called his father. he was injured, so he was hurt and he was very nervous and very scared. >> because i asked him why they tied him up and he's like what because you're the only one that's got strength that we have to worry about. and so they wanted to make sure he couldn't put up a fight back. and then he was begging me to find somebody to get in there to help him. and i did all i can do it, but couldn't you locate anybody three hours later, the group posted that the couple shot and killed by the gang, michigan, haiti's as a third person, a haitian staffer named jude was also killed in the attack. were told he'd been with the organization for 20 years. the
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violent incident started as the missionaries were leaving church lasted for several hours. davy lloyd's father says the three died barricaded and the lloyd families living quarters on the missions compound, haiti has been spiraling into gang fueled chaos which forced the resignation the prime minister rel henry in april the un estimates some 80% of the capital city is under gang control in recent months, cnn's made multiple trips to port-au-prince we've met victims of the gangs brutality including rape, kidnapping, and murder. hundreds of thousands. now refugees in their own cities as gangs have torched their homes and forced them to flee. we've also met with a liter of one prominent gang. he and others demanding a say in haiti's future, a future that may again be shaped by four and 40 president biden hosted kenya's president william ruto for a state dinner in washington thursday. around the same time that the deadly attack on davy and natalie lloyd was taking place the top
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of the two liters agenda haiti. >> we are going to take up that responsibility alongside the haitian police. >> can you plan to lead a un backed multinational support mission to haiti with at least 1,000 kenyan police officers set to deploy president biden staving thursday, the us will not send troops, but is provided equipment in an intel. the white house reacting to the killings at a statement on friday, our hearts go out to the families of those killed as they experienced unimaginable grief missions in haiti, among many others it's been warning. haiti is on the brink of collapse. the group posting last month, it seems the world has turned their backs on haiti. and it's going to be left in complete gang control. now three of their members, just the latest victims of that unrelenting gang violence laura, these latest killings only add to the pressure facing the multinational security support mission led by kenya, which has been delayed now for several months we're expecting a could be deployed any day
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now, but experts tell us that if the gangs on the ground don't feel like they have an off-ramp, an alternative to resistance then you can expect increasing bloodshed in a country that has already so desperate for healing. >> laura david culver. >> thank you tonight in our exonerated series, i want to introduce you to anthony robinson in 2014, he was sentenced to 55 years for murder. he did not commit going on to spend about a decade behind bars before he was even released. and you might be asking why. >> well, the story begins in chicago in 2013 when a car pulled up next to two young men. >> a man got out of the car with a gun and open fire, a security camera, coffee incident. and the video allegedly showed the victims turning and running away from the shooter, the gunman sprinting after them, killing one of the men. their robinson
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was wrongly aidid as the shooter and was eventually found guilty of murder attempted murder, and aggravated discharge of a weapon. but remember that security footage that showed the government running well robinson himself was shot multiple times less than three months before that incident, and the bullets shattered bones in his leg and left him with pins holding them in place. now only could he not run he could barely walk now, the security footage also showed a man with short hair robinson had shoulder length dreadlocks at the time so in 2023, the exoneration project at the university of chicago law school got a hold of robinson's medical records and filed a petition explaining that it would be impossible for him to have committed the crime just last month. >> the same judge who sent robinson to prison, vacated his conviction and he was released
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anthony robinson, he joins me now along with his attorney lauren meyers, cough moller. >> thank you both so much for being here today anthony, first, welcome home. and it just brings tears to your eyes to think about what you've had to endure can you tell us what have these past six weeks of freedom than like for you it's been good. >> i got a chance to spend time with my family and all my loved ones. >> and just you know, just just spent on top of everything i needed du the move forward in my life. >> but i'm just happy to be around my loved ones i know they're happy to have you home, but what was it like knowing you did not commit this crime to have gone through a trial, to have had the finger pointed at you, to know you didn't do it and still have to wait all of this time? >> what was this like for you in prison it was it was it was hard like every day, every day, and it always may hardly
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everyday get hard and harder because innocent now always wonder like, why, why i had to go through this and spent 11 years to jail, but some do, but every day was harder, but all i wasn't always tried to stay focused is always tied to know keep keep a policy of mad man entered always to just stay focused on a real goal of meters more home. >> and you're trying to figure out with like the pool, my innocence. >> there was the video. i mean, there were multiple witnesses, one who even recanted his id hey, i'm anthony on the stand, a handgun identified as belonging to someone else i mean, how much more evidence would you have needed to be able to show that he did not commit this murder. and yet he was convicted how it's honestly shocking. >> and i worked on anthony's co-defendants case during law school, so i've been involved in the case for many years. we knew they were all innocent the whole time, and anthony, two co-defendants work on the same
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evidence so there was no reason that anthony should have been convicted not only did the only person who ever identified anthony recanted on the stand and said that he lied, he was scared. he had a warrant out and he lied. but the judge believed and it was a bench trial, so it was just the judge deciding the judge believed his problem fire police testimony over his recantation and over two independent eyewitnesses who saw the crime and said it was not anthony. i saw the shooter. it was not anthony there were several other eyewitnesses who witnessed the crime and also did not identify anthony to the police in line-ups because it wasn't anthony the evidence was always so thin. he never should have been convicted to begin with, it's absurd that he was, but then that it takes 11 more years when the whole time we had the surveillance video, we had the medical records existed
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we had to get them on post-conviction once we got them, we send them to an expert who immediately said absolutely, he could not have committed this crime. his leg was shattered they x-ray showed that his leg was shattered and he could not have rotten like the perpetrator in the video, anthony, i want to bring this back to you because i think everyone it's just wondering what is next for you how are you feeling that we that same judge who sentenced you is the same one to exonerated you. you said that you've tried to keep you at positive outlook and just keep your mind strong what is next for you really, i just want to know try to do i got a book. >> i want to write about my life story, so i want to come out with a book and got my life skills like everything i do by about me being innocent, about me going back again 55 years for somebody du like is basically like putting out
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everything. so i'm working on coming out with a book about my life now, moving forward in my life and try to be in charge, be sad, more life this is likely write a book in china he talked about my hat messed up. the system has had had people had a lot of people went out, found guilty, that innocent, just like me by had just a light that i'm break down in a book. i'm breaking when to show people like it is hoped that you won't get out of jail because it was hoping me, anthony, i have no doubt that you will accomplish that goal and you will continue to motivate people and inspire them thank you so much for joining us and sharing your story. i cannot wait to read the book. you let me know when that comes out anthony. lauren. thank you both thank you so much for happiness we'll be right back victims of mesothelioma and their families may be entitled to receive a
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best price that i would say is thinking, but you know, because being laura l book was kind of a nickname. >> i don't i won't get into his the college thing as fine. bats, doo-wop that thing. the charts harb from lauren hills, 1998 album, the miseducation of lauryn hill. and this this week, miseducation got dubbed the best album ever that is, according to apple, the company is releasing their top 100 albums over the past several days. and now we've got the ones at the very tip, top filling out the rest of the top five, michael jackson's thriller, the beatles, abbey road, prince's purple rain,
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and frank oceans, blonde. but when it comes to any best of list, well, there are those that agree wholeheartedly and then there are those who hate this list here to break down who made the cut. cnn's harry and harry is quite less is walking down memory lane from me. i've most of them but this is a subjective list obviously. but run me the numbers what do you see? i would just say number one, don't be a hater come up with you all own list. all right, if you don't like their lists, come up with your own list, but you know, there were a couple of interesting little nuggets that sort of popped out to me about these 100 best albums from apple. and that is the genres. let's take a look here. look at this 21 of the genres, 21 of the album's on this top 100 genre, hip hop, rap. i think that's a little bit surprising that some folks i'm not necessarily sure that always tops the list. but on this particular one, it did 18 a rock. we see the beautiful beetles there. how about some pop coming in at 16? we see, of
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course taylor swift, tay, tay, who is having a moment in the sun right now. and alternative music, i had to actually ask my producer sydney what alternative music exactly is. i'd like to think, i'm a little bit alternative, but when it comes to music, i'm not necessarily sure. i consider myself alternative. and then of course there's the question of when were these albums actually produced apple's best 100 albums ever? just one in the 1950s, ten and 1960s. those are my decades, baby, 18 and 1970s were again a little bit better here. but in fact, the top decade for the songs, look at this 23 in the 1990s is a child of the 90s. i like it course number one, as you mentioned, was from the 1990s, but that seems a little bit hi to me. i feel like we should have a lot more in this general area if i'm being honest, that's my critique of the list i mean, i don't know how you don't think the 90 should be the michael jordan number in general that just tells you a lot about what happened at that point in time. >> and i wholeheartedly agree with this particular is, although in my household if you didn't have stevie wonder
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songs in the key of life, or marvin gaye, what's going on? you got put out of the car. i mean, you actually had to walk home from wherever you may have been. but talking about this breakdown when it comes to diversity, yeah. >> what's going on when it comes to diversity all or feel like what you did there harry andy and fries me again, i love it again. >> no, i always try and work in the word flight here look when it comes to the diversity of lists, i think perhaps a little bit two male heavy right here at 67% just to 29% of the artists being female, white versus black. there we have a pretty nice mix, 53% white 44% black. so it's a fairly diverse list when it comes to race, but not necessarily such a diverse list when it comes to gender. laura all right. >> tell me who and what is your favorite album on here? >> you know, i'm not sure i can give you a favorite album, but i will say stevie wonder for the win, isn't she lovely? that was a song that if it wasn't written so long ago i'd say it was written about, you. >> oh, man. but yet it was written for his


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