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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 25, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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kinda riva support your brain health. mary nodded hey eddie. now frazer, franck. franck, bread. how are you fred, fuel
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guarantee a perfect fit. now, comfort looks in washington cnn here in the cnn newsroom, i'm jessica dean in washington and we have breaking whether news to tell you about a particularly dangerous weather situation has been declared in kansas texas, and oklahoma. additionally, putting tens of millions of people at risk tonight, cnn meteorologist elisa rafah is joining us now, at least, what do people need to know about this weather alert? >> they, need to know that there is the possibility for strong violent, long live tornadoes and possibly while they're sleeping tonight, it's getting late in the de that's sun will set soon. so you need to know that before
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you go to bed tonight, make sure you have your emergency where it's turned on and turned on loud. here's a look at all of our tornado watches right now from wichita our kansas, through oklahoma city, down into san angelo, texas. the part that is labeled the particularly dangerous situation spans from all of this part here in oklahoma. including oklahoma city. this tippy top part here of texas, and then going into kansas goes and 12:00 good evening. >> again, particularly expecting for nanos, but we could have tornadoes that are strong and violent. here's a look at what's on the ground right now. we do have a batch of severe thunderstorms, a couple already with tornado warnings there and parts of northern texas, and then headed up towards oklahoma city. you've got that strong wrong a band of storms there as well. >> here's a look at the overall risk. >> it's that level four out of five moderate risk there in the red from which tawfeeq falls up to oklahoma city into which kansas. and now even into
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springfield, missouri, the way it turns here in this area, especially in the red and the yellow, that's where we can find the intense tornadoes hail up to the size of even grapefruits possible and damaging wind gusts up to 80 plus miles per hour. this is the bullseye for the tornado threat that i mentioned again, the strong and violent ef2 or greater for tornadoes really centered there in oklahoma city then as we go into the overnight, this will start to turn into a damaging wind threat as you go into parts of missouri where we could find these winds up to 80 miles per hour. that's why the threat was extended into southwest missouri on the overnight. so let me show you how this plays out. you see all of these little discrete cells. those are the strong violent tornadoes across parts kansas there in oklahoma. >> then you can see them continuing again 10:00 p.m. that would be while you're sleeping discrete cells with violent tornadoes. >> then here comes that when part you see how they start to come into a line that's where you get the threat of damaging winds across parts of southwest missouri. it continues going into the morning hours into the
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ohio valley. look at stripe of week you can see damaging winds there as well. and the threat continues as we go into sunday. so as we go into sunday, here's that threat for tomorrow. we've got that level three out of five and the orange from st. louis to nashville up towards louisville. additional tornadoes, more damaging wind gusts and large hail possible. all of this in what's been a crazy act so far, more than 900 tornado reports since we started the year average today, it would be about 700. so it's been very active. jessica he's certainly felt that way at least and hopefully everyone stays very safe. >> thank you so much for that. all that information also tonight from president trump will deliver a speech at the libertarian national convention in washington, dc z. and this is an unusual stop for the presumptive republican nominee. but a clear sign of the campaign is worried about third-party candidates like rfk junior is looking for voters in other places. cnn, steve contorno joining us now steve trump could be met with a bit of an unfriendly crowd. after
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some chaos unfolded at the convention last night what more can you tell us? set the stage jessica, there are deep divisions within the libertarian party over this decision to give donald trump a platform to speak at their convention. >> several people have been voicing displeasure all throughout the day to us. in fact, yesterday, vivek ramaswamy for former presidential candidate turn trump supporter. he had a taste of what this crowd thought of when he tried to make the case for them to consider donald trump. take a listen to the reaction i have gotten to know donald trump over the course of the last several years. and the last several months. >> and you're gonna hear from him tomorrow night. and the question is, do you want to influence the next administration or don't do? that is the question for this room to ask. and my thesis for you you believe in you all get to speak your mind. i respect that those were booze you heard
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in from the audience and what their concern is is that they intend to nominate their own candidate who will be going up against trump. >> and this election. so they're wondering why is trump allowed to speak to our are voting? jurors in our attendees while but trump is trying to get in favor with these with these audience here and in his pitch is basically look, we have a chance of winning. we need your help and his for him for his team's part they understand this is not a hometown crowd. hit the spokesperson for the campaign, jason miller told arcade solvent earlier today, we're on offense and competing for non-traditional votes in order to unite the country. jessica and seat before we let you go, we also know that trump is now facing a new gag order requests. this one is from the special counsel in the classified documents case. that's the one down in florida. what do we know about that? >> right. this is separate from the hush money trial. this is a gag or unrelated to trump recently asserting that his life might have been at risk during the raid on mar-a-lago
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in 2022. this is because the warrant included a requests for they'll tell allow officers to use deadly force. now this is boilerplate language in one of these warrants. and so the fbi is basically saying that this is standard operating procedure on our part, but trump has been using it to criticize the fbi special prosecutor's office now saying that they want trump to no longer be able to attack the officers in the law enforcement agency that just didn't their job. >> all right. steve contorno forest in washington, dc. >> thanks so much for that reporting president biden paying tribute to the newest graduates of the us military academy on this memorial day weekend, he delivered the commencement address at west point for this year's graduating class of cadets. and cnn's priscilla alvarez is with us here tonight presented this is the third time biden has given a commencement address to the army's newest officers, but his first time as the president of the united states, indeed, at a critical time, no last, of course, the united states spaces multiple global challenges, and that is what the president was
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reflecting on in this address, while also thinking the cadets and calling them the next general generation of leaders. now, the president did not name former president donald trump, nor did he make a direct election year appeal, but he did underscore the values that he has previously suggested are at risk if his republican rival were to take a second term that includes, for example, freedoms and also the preservation of democracy. take a listen wash foreigners, know better than anyone. freedom is not free requires constant vigilance and, for the very beginning, nothing is guaranteed about our democracy in america every generation has an obligation to defendant to protect it to preserve it to chosen now is your turn now, of course, a big theme of this address was us leadership on the world stage amid all of the ongoing conflicts that we continue to
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see that includes, for example, the war in ukraine and the president saying that the us remains steadfast in its support for you brain and also talked about the strength of the native hawaiians, which she called quote, the greatest defense alliance in the history of the world. >> he also talked about the situation in the middle east, talking about on-going us efforts to try to get humanitarian aid into gaza. and also about what he called the urgent diplomacy to try to reach a type of ceasefire deal that includes that release hostages that are still held by hamas as well as a temporary ceasefire in the region two also get more aid into gaza so he tied in all of these challenges in this address to really appeal to the cadets and thank them for what they're going to face as they move on to their next steps. all right? priscilla alvarez. thanks so much for that reporting. still ahead tonight. breaking news, russian missile slam into a key city in the north of ukraine. we're going to take you there, plus three missionaries, including an american couple, are killed in a violent attack in haiti as gang violence ravages that country, you're in
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the cnn newsroom russian for. trying to spy on us. we were spying on them i was hadi friday this is a war but secret war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday, june 2, that ten on cnn. >> did you know there's no tie in skechers what he told about rule has always been scheduled z and these get to slippery cnvs, get to slip in coverage. companies are bottles might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. >> thanks to you. >> we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back we can you've less new
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for a limited time, save up to $500 on select temper p-adic adjustable mattress sets pain means pause on the things you love. but breen means go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going. >> bio freeze. >> green means go all new subway routes are packed with delicious ingredients in a pillar, we'll advice around family or refreshing lunch to taste them murphy for pro athletes like me, right? >> you're not finish all new rafah subway today. i'm on your roger, the capitol hill. >> this the sienna heartbreak for two families in the us and another family in haiti after gang members in port-au-prince attacked and killed the three mission workers as haitian police investigate this brutal crimes, cnn's david cole verjee, learning more about the victims and the gang violence in haiti that is now spiraling out of control david an
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outpouring of grief for two young missionaries brutally killed in haiti's capital. >> they went to heaven together because every state representative, ben baker, posted his daughter, natalie, and her husband davy lloyd, attacked by gangs thursday night in port-au-prince the couple and their early 20s served as part of missions in haiti a christian non-profit organization run for more than two decades by lloyd's parents. the organization posting friday, they were ambushed by a gang of three trucks full of guys, davy was taken to the house, tied up and beat the gang, then took our trucks and loaded everything up they wanted and left at some point as the attacks unfolded, davy lloyd called his father. >> he was injured, so he was hurt and he was very nervous and very scared because i asked him why they tied him up and he's like what because you're the only one that's got strength that we have to worry about. and so they wanted to make sure he couldn't put up a fight back and then he was begging me to find somebody to get in there and help him. and i did all i can do it. but i couldn't locate anybody three
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hours later, the group posted that the couple was shot and killed by the gang missions in haiti's as a third person, a haitian staffer named jude was also killed him in the attack. were told he'd been with the organization for 20 years. the violent incident started as the missionaries were leaving church and lasted for several hours. davy lloyd's father says the three died barricaded and the lloyd families living quarters on the mission compound. haiti has been spiraling into gang fueled chaos which forced the resignation of prime minister there are yellow henry in april. the un estimates some 80% of the capital city is under gang control in recent months, cnn's made multiple trips to board a prince you've met victims of the gangs brutality, including rape, kidnapping, and murder hundreds of thousands. now refugees in their own cities as gangs have torched their homes and forced them to flee. we've also met with a liter of one prominent gang. he and others demanding a say in haiti's future. a
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future that may again be shaped by foreign forces president biden hosted kenya's president william ruto for a state dinner in washington thursday around the same time that the deadly attack on davy and natalie lloyd was taking place top of the two liters agenda haiti. >> we are going to take up that responsibility alongside the haitian police. >> can you plan to lead a un backed multinational support mission to haiti with at least 1,000 kenyan police officers sent to deploy. president biden staving thursday, the us will not send troops but is provided equipment and intel. the white house, reacting to the killings at a statement on friday, our hearts go out to the families of those killed as they experience unimaginable grief. missions in haiti, among many others, has been warning. haiti is on the brink of collapse. the group posting last month, it seems the world has turned their backs on him at and it's going to be left in complete gang control. now three of their members, just the latest victims of that unrelenting gang violence jessica, these
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latest killian's only add to the pressure facing the multinational security support mission led by kenya. it's been delayed for months now. but could deploy at any moment now, un experts tell us that unless the gangs feel like there's some sort of non-violent off-ramp then that mission and those foreign forces could face an extreme amount of violence bloodshed and a country that is so desperate for healing. jessica all right. >> david culver. thank you so much for that reporting. and there have been conflicting reports about how the missionaries were killed on thursday, the missions in haiti, haiti group described the victims as being shot and killed. but on friday, a source close to the investigation told cnn at this point, the bodies of the american missionaries do not appear to have gunshot wounds. an investigation into that incident is ongoing let's turn now to the war in ukraine where russian missiles have been raining down on the critical city of kharkiv ukrainian officials say russia
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launched a third strike there this afternoon, leaving more than a dozen people injured. that includes a 13-year-old boy hours earlier, a russian strike hit it's crowded shopping center official saying at least two additional people died. their three dozen were injured. we're joined now by retired us air force to colonel frederick leighton. great to have you here russia is absolutely zeroed in on kharkiv. what is the significance besides being the second largest city, right? >> jessica? yeah it's good to be with you. what are the key things to note about kharkiv, which is right here, is it's only 20 miles from the russian border the russians also have this town of belgorod, which is a major staging area for the russian forces and has been really since the beginning of this war. but kharkiv is really important, as you mentioned, second city. but it's also the key to north eastern ukraine. and when you look at all of ukraine you can see that there were so many different parts of this area, but this is basically the key to everything
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that's coming to the south and everything that is basically in the eastern part of the country right here. it's basically an effort by the russians to go from the donbass region, which has all of this to include more of ukraine on the eastern side, right there by that borders, important contexts. and yesterday, the secretary of state, anthony blinken, announced a $275 million military aid package for ukraine to help repel this assault in kharkiv toward kharkiv what's included can't get there in time, can it make a difference? >> well, this is going to be one of the key things. so the things that are included, everything from 155 millimeter artillery rounds, javelin until missile. so basically we're talking anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles. hi maurice rockets again, major air defense system munitions to handle demolition, as well as anti-tank mines. so these are all the kinds of things that are there. can we get there in time? this could last to get there, might take you about two weeks in some cases up to six weeks. so this is really a critical thing because when you
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look at all of ukraine right here, you see that there are so many different aspects where if any of this is cut off from the rest of ukraine, that's going to be a major problem for the ukrainian forces and will really create a major problem for them in this particular case. the other aspect of this, of course, is other equipment including tactical vehicles, body armor, as well as equipment for anti chemical biological radiological, and nuclear warfare. so in other words protective equipment for those kinds of events should there be something like that? >> and meantime, the new york times reporting russia's ramping up efforts to disrupt ukraine starlink service, especially again, near kharkiv starlink is this is essential for a lot of military communications and drone operations. so it seems like this it's significant. >> it is huge because starlink was basically the communications mechanism that the ukrainians used. starting at the very beginning of this war, commercially available system, but it allowed them to communicate in real time with
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all of their forces that allowed them to deploy there drones. it allowed them to target using artillery and intelligence reports. and it basically was the mechanism they use to fuse all their intelligence. this terminal, right here was basically a key to all of that. and it's based on basically getting data from low earth orbiting satellites. and then transmitting it like a wi-fi system. to a local area network around this particular terminal. and that's the kind of thing because when you look at the kinds of things that have happened in ukraine if they don't have starlink, what really happens is that they are in essence cut off from communicating with all of their forces i end when it comes to this, this is really part of your russia's electronic warfare effort, which is designed to really prevent us weapons from working as well as preventing the ukrainians from community and he kidding with each other. >> wow. all right, kernel cedric late and great to see you. thank you so much. americans are jumping into the holiday weekend with both feet blowing previous travel records out of the water. we're going
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to run the numbers so matt next plus hip-hop megastar, nicki minaj, was detained in the netherlands today, just hours before she was set to perform in the uk assignments are going on. >> and the tornado here. >> i'm thinking, i'm going to die and i thought that was it earth with the liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn, right now, pet dander skin cells in dirt are settling deep into your carpet fibers. >> stanley steamer removes the dirt uc and the dirt you don't your corporates aren't clean until they're stanley steamer clean these days what if we don't get down at time to get a birthday gift for zoe, don't panic with etsy. >> we can find the perfect gift and send her a preview right away thank sky don't panic. gift easy with etsy. >> when you need to prepare for unpredictable adventures you
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clearing the way you arrive. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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tell scene and monod was arrested at the airport in amsterdam. she was due to perform in the uk tonight as part of her ongoing world tour. that performance has now been rescheduled hold it is officially one of the busiest holiday travel weekends ever, more than 38 million americans expected to drive to their destinations over this moral day holiday. and as of friday, the tsa says it hit a new record for one day screening, nearly 3 million passengers and airports across america. let's get to our senior data reporter, harry and ten, he's crunching the numbers and harry airports and roads have been packed with travelers it's interesting because americans say they're very worried about the economy and polling, we keep seeing that as their number one concern and frustration and yet, what could always people out about yeah. >> i think the real thing here is they're no longer afraid that the bottom's going to absolutely dropout jessica. i mean, this is something that we've heard about from a lot of folks over the past few years, or recession is coming or recessions coming. recession
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is coming. and a lot of americans thought that a recession was coming. well, that's no longer the case that is the big turnaround here. and what we see is in fact the percentage of americans who believed that a recession is coming has dropped off significantly just from last year, a recession now, or in the next year last year at this time, it was 66%. now, it's just 40%. that is the lowest level we have seen since before for the covid, pandemic. so yes, there are fears about the economy. there are a lot of folks who are thinking that the economy isn't necessarily doing so well, are certainly isn't doing as well as it was before the covid, pandemic. but the fears that the absolute bottom will drop out have alleviated somewhat and i think that there are a lot of folks saying you know what my fears of the economy dropping completely out are not there as much as they were anymore. so let's take that vacation that we didn't think that we were going to take previously. and that is something that we've seen with the course. those tsa numbers and the aaa numbers on
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the driving as well, where we're seeing more american travel than any point since the pandemic began it is kind of incredible. i know you're talking about covid and the role it plays. >> and kind of how people's thoughts on its potential impact are changing as well yeah, you know, this is something that i think we're talking about those fears, the fears of something absolutely occurring that will cause the economy to just fall apart. i can remember back in february of 2020, i didn't i had heard about covid-19, but it was something that was happening overseas for the most part. and then all of a sudden it happened here and everything just seemed to come crashing down. we have to spend all that time in our houses. we couldn't be with our friends and more than that, you saw the stock market dropped off, right? your soul? a lot of people become unemployed. you saw a lot of paychecks dry up. and so i think there was this fear when it came to the covid-19 pandemic that the covid-19 pandemic would cause the economy to drop off. and we see that in the polling as well. and what you see here, the covid-19 is a major threats of us economy. look at this back in april of 2020, it was
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88% given as recently as two years ago, it was 58%. now, it's just 23%. so what i think you're seeing in the numbers jessica is yes. there are still fears about the economy overall, but the fears that the economy will absolutely collapsed have basically gone by the wayside. so i think there bottom americans right now who had been saving up sort of saying, i'm not going to go on that road. i'm not gonna go spend that money because i'm afraid that the economy, my job will go bye-bye. that's no longer there. and so you're seeing are a can travel in record numbers. you're seeing them go out and record numbers. you're seeing them go to concerts and record numbers, baseball games in record numbers, people i've been holding back a lot from coven saying, you know what, we're out of jail now, we're at a covid jail, rather the economic geoff, we're going to go and have a good time. people are ready to p art, why they want to have fun. and i speaking to travel airlines have noticed this surge in european air
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travel from america to summer cities like lisbon, milan, munich, and you've got a theory as to why this is. >> i haven't theory and i have it theory so i was talking with my producer sydney, who is one of the biggest taylor swift fans. there is out there and she was telling me, i want to go see tete and concert but the price of tickets in the united states is absolutely outrageous. so what am i supposed to do in this situation? well, if you look right now when you go on stubhub and you want to buy a ticket, let's say for a miami concert, it might run you in $1,902,000. but if you go, let's say to speeding and you take into account the airfare you take into account the hotel and we're talking about a nice hotel and you take out take into account the ticket. what are we looking at? we're looking at a fair adjust a little bit more than $1,000. so it actually costs less money to take a nice vacation over to
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europe to c. taylor swift than it is to go here in the united states. and so i think a lot of folks, a lot of taylor swift we know about that taylor swift economy they're saying, you know what, we're going to take a nice vacation. we're finally going to take that vacation. we couldn't take because of covid we're going to go overseas. we're going to have a good time and it will cost us less money to do it than to spend that money here in the states and maybe get a so-so seat to see. of course favorite taylor swift. >> wow, harry, i am one of these people. i'll be going with my fiance and our two friends were going to c. taylor swift end. you get a european vacation out of it. so it's not too low inclusive vacation, right? >> are you going you're going to travel i am going to travel. i will admit with my long legs unless i'm gonna go business class, it's like kinda miserable for me to send the economy the entire time. so i tried to keep my air travel to about two-and-a-half hours or less, i will go to bermuda, which of course part or at least related to either kingdom. so not going to london, but you know what the folks there peak with a nice little tinge of a british
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accent. >> well, that sounds nice for you. all right. harrington, always good to see you. nice to see you soon morning is when we come back this is math scarborough begins tomorrow, which seven mba western conference finals presented by at&t on tnt with western conference finals. all cast on trutv water would help with this dry spots. that's gone disease but scott's healthy plus will curates lawn disease going around. >> so like other people have it and it's something pick up a bag of the newscaster field are healthy plus lawn through today hi, it's christina again. i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi bathroom model that you don't want to miss. you already know jacuzzi
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america's economy today, america leads the world in ai because our companies are investing billions in this new technology. >> but china wants to leap ahead of america and become the global leader in technology. are leaders in congress need to stand up for innovation and protect american because competitive edge, you want thicker, stronger, fuller hair. you need experts, skincare, nu doves, scalp plus hair therapy, serum, active skincare ingredients targets the source of beautiful hair. your scalp for visibly thicker, stronger, fuller hair can the riva support your brain health? >> mary janet, hey, eddie, know, frazer, franck. franck, brad, how are you? >> fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge and can even look okay, you on does what to ignore? thank gave a cutscene have long to vision
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works to try something new so many ways to save life ready wallet, happy. that's 3605 by whole foods market for over 25 years, loved sack has been rewriting the rules of comfort it's okay to change your style, get messy yet immersed with love you make the rules all new subway routes are packed with delicious ingredients in a pillar, we'll advice wrap. finally, a refreshing lunch that tasted murphy for pro athletes like me, right? you're not finish for all new rafah subway today i'm someone's are 40 in washington in this is cnn china launching large-scale military drills around taiwan just days
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after it's new president was inaugurated, the show of force causing turmoil within taiwan's sparking protests and bitter debates among politicians cnn's senior international correspondent will ripley has more on this a chaotic start for taiwan's new president, lai ching-te just days after taking office, china launching large scale military exercises and protesters taking to the streets of the capital taipei operation joint sword 2024, a set to encircle taiwan over two days, dozens of chinese aircraft, warships and coast guard vessels. >> beijing, describing the drills as a powerful punishment for so-called separatist forces taiwan, a dramatic increase in military pressure on the island. democracy, nothing beijing will likely respond with fire fury. that's almost to be expected on beijing senior security officials in taipei tell cnn most of the
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aircraft crossed into taiwan's self-declared air defense identification zone. >> a move the island's defense ministry calls a serious provocation. >> there are military exercise is not helping with the situation around taiwan street. >> china's military says, the exercises are a direct response to the separatist provocations and external interferences. they say the motherland must be reunified and will inevitably be reunified in his inauguration speech this week lai calling on the communist mainland to stop its military and political intimidation and recognize the sovereignty of democratic taiwan using the island's official name, the republic of china was see you soon. >> i hope that china will face the reality of the republic of china's existence. respect the choices of the people of taiwan words seen by some as a departure from the cautious tone taken by his predecessor
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tsai ing-wen president wise first days have been anything but calm. >> massive youth protests erupted outside parliament. demonstrators protesting a push by opposition parties to subject the island's new leader to tighter scrutiny. from china. friendly lawmakers more chaos inside taiwan's fiercely divided parliament, a massive brawl broke out last week over those legislative reform bills in the taiwanese capital confidence in the government and the military so you thought if the chinese communist party does attack taiwan, it won't be easy. >> how when these people are not afraid of war, yeah, always sounds. i believe leaders will prioritize people's happiness. >> just do the exam i'm not worried. i think piece will be maintained a fragile peace in tumultuous times for president lai military threats across the taiwan strait and deep divisions at home. >> so here we are, president
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lai ching-te got less than a week in office and you have military drills happening around taiwan, protests in the capital, tension in parliament. >> it is quite a situation and the people here say they're not necessarily all supporters of the president, but they are supporters of democracy and they say taiwan's democracy is in danger right now. and those drills are enough evidence for the world to see exactly what's happening. will ripley, cnn, taipei well, thank you and joining us now, discuss further a cnn political national security analyst, david sanger. >> he's also the author of the new book, the new cold war's and americs struggle defend the west david great to have you on this book is perfectly timed for what is going on right now after two days of war games, what do you make of this show of force by china? >> and the message it is trying to send here well, jessica, you start off with a question of what was the provocation here? and the provocation was the inauguration of a democratically elected leader
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who was previously serving as vice president. so that there's very little change in actual cool policy. so what that tells you is that the chinese government is looking for almost any event that they can find to do this demonstration of force, that they could take the island if they wanted to the last big one was nancy pelosi's visit two years ago and they use that moment to go across the sort of central line and the taiwan strait they've kept doing that in the years since and so they're making no pretense now about their ability to encircle the island. the question is, do they actually have intent to take it over one day or is this just intimidation and i go back to your book? which really focuses on the rise of china, the russian invasion. >> what it means for the west
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and i'm struck by the fact we are seeing china watch russia, watch them invade ukraine, watch how the west has responded, and how that response and support his wavered and now we see these drills over taiwan help connect the dots for everyone here well, the first obvious statement is that the chinese are watching what we do in ukraine very, very carefully if we flag, if we sort of give it up after two years are saying it's important to maintain ukraine's sovereignty in a democracy. >> they'll probably take that as a pretty big sign about what the long-term reaction would be if they've tried to go after taiwan. >> now the complicating factor for taiwan, of course, is that unlike ukraine it's the supplier of something world completely needs. >> and that is the world's most advanced semiconductors. they are produced by taiwan semiconductor the gym in the
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middle of the island counts for much of taiwan's economy and one theory is that the chinese do not want to tack and bomb that out while they still need those chips as much as we do. so we may have some additional time and we may have some additional time from the fact that the chinese government, right now is battling an economic slowdown and that would make going into taiwan look a lot more expensive, particularly the sanctions that might follow and also you have president biden and his administration saying that they would defend taiwan if if china did indeed go in what is that mean? and i would think the us also watching this quite closely well, that's right. >> we've had three or four times where the president has said, not only would he defend taiwan but these would send american troops, which is
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something that he never said and has never done in the case of ukraine. now, the difference has to do with, with our agreements with taiwan that emerge from the nixon kissinger decision to begin to open up to china and then later on but full depth maddock diplomatic recognition of chyme so the question is do the chinese believe it and du, the american people believed him would americans be willing to lose the lives of large numbers? >> american soldiers sailors, marines to defend an island that was central for the last cold war. >> but seems to have diminished some in the minds of many americans since we simply don't know. >> i think what president biden was trying to do their jessica was probably create some doubt in the minds of the chinese themselves about how far we might go and so what are you
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watching for next as this continues to unfold? well, there are a couple of ways for trying to deal with taiwan. one of them's an outright invasion. it's the riskiest is the one that is most likely to bring about a big reaction from the united states. the west and so forth. the second is to do the slow squeeze to basically declare taiwan just a part of chinese territory, begin to intercept shipping. make sure that internet communications have to pass through chinese hands. in other words, just do the slow but what constrictor and i'm not sure the us is quite prepared yet for how it would react to that, because there would be no single dramatic moment all right david. thing are always great to have you. thanks so much for that analysis. we appreciate it great to be with you, jessica.
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it was a moment that captured the world's attention after hurricane katrina, the man leading the response holding infant twins how those twins are now honoring him, nearly two decades later assignments are going off. >> the tornado here you cannot out swim this. >> you cannot i'll run it. >> it really is a terrifying experience. >> it is the stuff of nightmares you could hear it and feel it is in my throat or brain i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it along with earth, with liev schreiber premieres june 2 at nine on cnn to look at okay. >> quick junit can do this or nothing vision works see the
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code now and ask about the bosley guarantee this is cnn. >> the world's news nearly 19 years ago, hurricane katrina struck new orleans and areas along the gulf coast causing
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more than 1,000 deaths and catastrophic flooding as numerous levees failed around the city. >> among the survivors, twin boys, just babies at the time and their mom. and now they're young men who just graduated high school and their thinking, the general, who they say saved their lives here. stefani e alum, whether story from hurricane evacuees glass of 2024 tau high school graduates for twins, your mariana mari reynolds. >> this is a moment that seemed improbable at the beginning of their lives right now, hurricane katrina, luck in the summer of 2005 i've hurricane katrina ravaged new orleans, defeating many of the levy surrounding the city, flooding its streets and killing nearly 1,400 people survivors, pot challenging circumstances to stay alive, we hadn't eaten and maybe six days, alexandria wheeler knowing she needed to find help for her 6.5 month old suns waited through the water.
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her feet and countering unspeakable horrors and the turbid waters. >> it was so bodies collided, like this when the trio finally made it to the convention center, turned makeshift shelter in the muggy heat. they were starving and dehydrated. the infants nearly limp. that's when lieutenant general russell honore, the decorated commander, who led the military response to hurricanes katrina and rita came to their aid washington de were looking at calendars and we were looking at a clock. it was a moment, cnn caught on camera. >> he was like, god's angell. if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be here today for years. wheeler says she tried to get in contact with a honore. to thank him for his kindness. but it would take another storm, hurricane harvey, threatening their new home in houston in 2017 to bring them together again. >> oh, is that as i'm hoping that boys over here hi wheeler said, honore, a message on
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social media and he responded, we don't even have worst to put it inside my house that thank you. >> enough. >> ought to repeat back for what you did. >> now, nearly 19 years after their life altering and counter honore took time to celebrate the boy's achievement if facially referred to you as the katrina twins because the world got to meet you that b. >> but your mariana murray after a lifetime made possible by the man in uniform, are honouring honore each and his own way, who would first tamari and things see you. >> how be a future edition to the united states marine corps? not to say that word, who robbed. >> i chose to be in a marine's because how watched over the video and i kept watching and inspired me to want to help people a lot more than jamal murray. >> i would like. thank you so much for your bravery, your help, that they would survive. i'm going to college which to do automotive engineering. >> how do you feel hearing that
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these two young men are pursuing these careers that have been inspired in part by you. >> i feel so ratify i mean, there's no service and the service to others the engineer that will change your world and marine that's good to protecting freedom and democracy the twins now thriving after surviving hell and high water thanks to an undeterred mother. yeah, here today because he knew and your tenacity and the compassionate commander. but these young men will be game changers. i'm so proud of you. >> stephanie eelam, cnn hampton, georgia amazing. breaking news. we have severe weather that's starting to fire up more than 70 million people are facing the threat of strong storm sit and severe hail and devastating winds across this holiday weekend. take a look these live pictures from a storm chaser in the
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