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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 26, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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out. you got get back here get back here. you got see this get ready to enjoy that david letterman show everything was off and i was hooked this morning. we seem to be building a cult following of sorts. >> lot easier by the ratings didn't seem to be that good we came to that show thinking we had all of the answers and we realized we didn't have hardly aclu i would just make you a brief announcement here and then we'll move on a week from friday is our last show we've been canceled october 24. that's in an and i think that cancellation probably changed him. it was a great period of anxiety for me. >> i was worried that i'd never get another shot he was not at
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all happy he thought his career was over welcome. >> we begin with relentless severe storms that continue to threaten millions across the us. this memorial day weekend especially hot heat overnight, texas and oklahoma. well, this is what's left of a gas station in valley view, texas, north of dallas and it's just one of several reports of major damage following overnight storms in the area. officials in denton county say they are responding to reports of multiple victims and people trapped it's unclear how many people are injured. >> there are also reports of overturned 18-wheelers, damaged homes, and downed power lines. residents of celina, a city within denton county, are being urged to stay in their homes and off the roads following a parent tornado activity in
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oklahoma, police say the town of clear moist shut down to avoid the area there to reports of extensive damage to homes, as well as down trees and power lines. >> the state emergency operations center has been activated right now around 240,000 customers are. we power all without power across multiple states in the region this red is far from over for more, i'm joined by cnn meteorologist allison chinchar. allison, tell us what is the latest so again, it's been a very active last 24 hours. all of these dots you can see here on the screen indicate where we've had a severe thunderstorm report of some kind over 200 total when you break down over a dozen tornado reports, over 100 damaging wind reports, and many hail reports. some of them the size of base falls so again, you're talking a pretty wide swath, but it's not over len fact, a lot of the severe thunderstorms are still ongoing. we have a severe thunderstorm. watch that the yellow color you see they're still going portions of texas
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and then a little bit farther to the north and east, we have these tornado watches in effect for several more hours as we go through the day, because this is where some of the strongest thunderstorms are located, as we speak again, you can see that line beginning to spread through springfield, missouri, through northern arkansas and eventually in towards kentucky and tennessee. it's still looking at some active tornado warnings and severe thunderstorm warnings as well as the storms continued to progress eastward. this is likely to continue through the rest of the data today, because while the main focus of the severe weather shifts a little bit farther to the east. the threats themselves remain the same. so we are still looking at the potential for a few tornadoes, some very large hail that could be golf ball size or even larger. and again, some damaging wind gusts and you can see a lot of pretty big cities here that have the potential so for those storms, you're talking chicago, cleveland, down through atlanta, georgia backup into nashville, memphis, st. louis. again, a lot of these same cities that even had
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severe weather, just a few days ago are now going to be seeing severe weather. yet again, here's a look at that line again to be go through the morning. it's going to continue to slide off to the east chicago down through st. louis by late morning and especially into the afternoon, then you start to see that initial line began to spread it over in towards the northeast. but you also start to see a new line develop that's going to be later on this evening. that's what's going to impact states like kentucky, tennessee, and eventually spreading thing down into georgia and even into the carolinas. that's where you can see there. so monday morning for it might end up being a pretty rough go in the morning hours for places like chattanooga, knoxville, atlanta, and even into charlotte, ana allison jaw to tell we know, you'll be keeping across this we'll come back to use more updates. many thanks for turning now to other news police say a suspect is in custody after six people were stabbed in two cities in massachusetts in the first case, four young women between
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the ages of nine and 17 were stabbed at a movie theater in the city of brain tree shortly afterwards, another woman and a man were attacked in a mcdonald's implement. none of the injuries were life-threatening. >> the early investigation suggests there is a likely connection between these incidents us president joe biden defended his administration's achievements as he addressed the graduating class of the us military academy at west point on saturday he counted nature's expansion, his actions in the middle east and progress in lowering sexual assaults in the military. >> although he didn't mention former president donald trump by name, he drew a sharp contrast with his republican rival, but underscoring the values which democrats say are at risk whereas partners know better than anyone freedom is not free requires constant
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vigilance. and for air from the very beginning nothing is guaranteed about our democracy in america every generation has an obligation to defendant to protect it, to preserve it to chosen now is your turn. we'll donald trump did not guess the adoring welcome. he's used to when he spoke at the libertarian party's convention on saturday the former republican president's was met by a raucous crowd while giving one of his shortest campaign speeches. yet, cnn, steve contorno has the tails donald trump was booed and heckled from the moment he took the stage at the libertarian convention in washington dc on saturday nights, trump arrived here hoping he could convert some libertarians to support
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his presidential campaign. >> his supporters and convention attendees clash in the audience. sometimes physically as trump's suggests, that it was time for them to unite, he sprint it through his speech, giving a ton of reasons why he thought the two sides should come together. the biggest one defeating joe biden. >> that is why i have come to extend a hand of friendship to ask for your partnership to defeat communism, defeat marxism defeat crooked joe biden, who is destroying our country, trump did manage to win over the crowd at some points, like when he said you have put a libertarian in his cabinet if he was elected president, the biggest cheers of the night came when he said he would commute the sentence of russ albright. that is the founder of the underground website. this silk road, whose imprisonment it has become a cause for the libertarian party. but he lost the crowd once again when he suggested that the party should nominate him to be their candidate for president, the libertarian party should nominate trump for
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president of the united states that's nice only if you want to win only if you want to win, maybe you don't want to win and whether or not trump converted anyone at the convention on saturday is unclear, but his campaign is hopeful that the outreach will help him win over some hearts-and-minds across the country. besley from some of these people who are considering third party candidates. there, especially concerned about robert f. kennedy jr. who has also been courting libertarian greene votes. he spoke at the convention on friday, steve contorno cnn, washington, dc what joining us now is tell him his gifts. >> he's the founding director of the center on us politics at university college london. great to have you with us. i have to start with that booing, that reaction that don't trump got that would have been a bit of a hit to his ego or assume i
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think you're right, anna, thanks so much for having me this morning. >> this was certainly a different crowd for trump has used to his own events where audience members are vetted, everyone's wearing red maga hat. instead, he was walking in as the persona non grata, of big government conservative who represents in many ways the antithesis of libertarianism. this is a very self selective ideological crowd that shows up to an event like this. a lot of hard line libertarians believed that most mainstream republicans and democrats are cut from the same cloth that neither wants to shrink government, that neither wants to rein in entitlements and discretionary spending. when you look at trump's record, forget all the scandals. there's not a whole lot to like if your goal is to diminish the size and scope of the state during his term, trump added about 8.4 trillion to the national debt, which came in the form of pandemic bills and executive actions in general, spending increases, some tax cuts. that's the kind of breath that's going to get you an icy welcome at a libertarian conference trump's calls to abolish the deep state and take
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a much, i guess a lighter touch on regulation though. >> i mean, would that be attractive to libertarians? >> no. >> well you know, libertarians do emphasize the rule of law. and one thing that donald trump is not known for us, he encounters is 91 criminal indictments is the rule of law cutting the deepstate isn't necessarily consistent with the rule of law and it's not necessarily consistent with respect for government an institutions that libertarians want the deregulatory aspect creating conditions for businesses to thrive. and so forth. >> that would be appealing to many libertarians. >> but i think it's a relatively small fraction. of course, libertarians themselves are relatively small fraction of the electorate. so i'm not sure if they're going to be a major difference in this campaign to me, it's almost libertarian voters, those who want to see less government in all aspects of life are, they a swing vote that's, that's up
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for grabs or do they tend to vote a certain way? well, i do think that this election is going to be quite interesting because they probably mostly lean toward the republican side simply because the gop is more known for at least reining in spending to an extent, although even that consensus has really eroded in certain britain years, i think that they could be swing vote on the margins. election is so forth as we were expecting. but at the same time it's a relatively small fraction and even those who identify as libertarians or classical conservatives, most of them aren't showing up to an event like this. and most of them aren't so died the war in terms of their opinions well, as we know, robert f. >> kennedy jr. was the featured speaker. trump and biden i guess they each cost him as being a plant from the other sayyed does he represent more of a threat to one or the other
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in certain states? >> well, i do think that rfk jr. can be a difference maker, a new bloomberg survey has his numbers dropping down to about 7% from double-digits last november. but that's still a sizable figure when the two major candidates are running so closely, data from background states do show that rfk draws just slightly more from trump 2024 vote voters and biden voters. that's within the margin. interesting lay though these tend to be voters who in a typical election would vote democrat and now are more likely to defect to trump. but i think the real question is how kennedy positions himself down the stretch if he's going to focus on covid, vaccines and government conspiracy proceeds et cetera. it's going to damage trump by eating into his populist base. but if he focuses more on democratic issues, climate change, minimum wage, labor rights, et cetera. i think it will take support away from biden. >> the other question is how hard trump and biden, or they're super packs and surrogates.
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>> actually start to attack kennedy on the campaign trail and with advertisements. and i do think that there's going to do that, which is one reason why his number dollars gifts always great to get your insights. thank you so much for joining us thanks yeah. >> well, still ahead. russia's war on civilians claims more victims as missiles he, the hardware store and ukraine's second largest city as israel's war with hamas at drags on there are signs of strain in the country's relationship with the united states. are these just bumps in the road or the sound is something more serious will ask an expert ahead pain means pause on the things you love but breen means go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going bio freeze. green means go general. >> there's no she is schedule.
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additional injuries in central kharkiv president volodymyr zelenskyy says, it's all signature putin, to darpa the attack on kharkiv is yet another demonstration of russian madness. it's not possible to call it anything else. it is only someone crazy like putin, who is capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a mean way? >> ukraine says there was nothing of military value near the store and ethnic paid and walsh reports it's still an open question. what russia was trying to strike he's be clear about exactly what was targeted. this particular saturday afternoon, it was a hardware complex over a huge area in the north of kharkiv smoke billowing out across an enormous part of ukraine's second city to russian airstrikes hitting here russia's me minister defense claiming that really any evidence they were hitting a military hardware storage area. >> but many ukrainians in that area just simply again,
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terrified about how willing moscow appears to be hit. civilian areas such a massively popular to see a city which frankly, for the past two years have felt it was safe to some degree from the war until two weeks ago, where putin launched another invasion from the north of kharkiv. >> now that has been seeing some limited success. but so much of its progress appears be about trying to get artillery within the reach of kharkiv and draw ukrainian forces away from other parts on the eastern front near where i'm standing. so an enormously important moment, i think to see this level of combat firepower brought towards a population center. another the sign of how willing russia is to focus its efforts upon civilian population. >> i should remind you too that last weekend seven people were killed when an lakeside resort was hit by another missile.
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>> seven months, pregnant women killed then and then in the week past, we've seen other people killed in what appeared to be daily strikes, frankly, over the past week or so. so moscow play how much it wants to disrupt daily life inside kharkiv. and also i think seeing success in the wide areas around the eastern front, moving forward slowly, village by village in ways which don't enormously me et sense to ukraine, western allies in terms of that should require a huge boost in their armaments towards ukraine, butter a deeply troubling moment for kyiv to see so many russian advances and attacks like this on the key population centers. nick paton walsh, eastern ukraine ceasefire and hostage release talks involving israel and hamas is scheduled to resume on tuesday. >> and egyptian official tells
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cnn the talks we hold in cairo. meanwhile, a deadly israeli drone strike near jabalya in northern gaza has killed at least ten people we have video from after the strike. i have to warn you that it is graphic number of the victims were children the dry and hot his school that people were using for shelter this video is from a clinic where the bodies were taken. cnn has reached out to the israeli military for comment, but has not yet heard back. witnesses say they thought school was safe place even schools are not safe anymore. >> the place where people shelter is not safe. not even 5% and our 2% or 1% safe we only ask for safety from god and the people who might hear us as become a familiar scene in israel, anti-government protesters demanding that the government do more to bring the hostages home. >> many are also calling for new elections. police moved in on horseback in tel aviv's democracy square, trying to
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clear some of the protesters. they also use water cannons to disperse people who refused to leave at a separate protests. two people were arrested. police say they lit fires and refused to obey police audience well, israel has been fighting hamas in gaza for more than seven months now, and it's putting a strain on the country's relationship with its biggest supporter, the united states us president joe biden told cnn earlier this month that he would halt some shipments of american weapons. if he israel orders a major invasion of refer. you also acknowledged that american bombs have been used to kill civilians in gaza and on american college campuses, we've seen some younger americans protesting how israel's handling the conflict, accusing israeli leaders committing genocide against palestinians in gaza. well, dali, sean lynn is a political analysts and the author of the crooked timber of democracy in israel. she's advised are nine national
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campaigns in israel and joins us now from it, tel aviv delay a great to have you with us. explain to us how you see the state of these strained relationship between the us and israel, and hasn't reached the point of no return under these two administrations. >> no, i think there's a need to clear up exactly what that relationship is. of course, there's a very, very longstanding stalwart, enduring alliance. and that alliance is still there, including, i think people need to remember among the american public, which supports israel and surveys well, well beyond how much it supports palestinians and certainly the palestinian leadership however, there is a long-term change underway, and i think that the biggest change is that while there have been plenty of disagreements over policy between the us and israel in the past. what we're seeing now is a context that's been evolving for roughly 15 to 20 years of increasing partisanship, whereby the issue
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of israeli policy in american terms, has become something heavily associated with your party position. so that among the republican party, it's seen as a litmus test, how supportive you are of the israeli government. i should say, because there are different definitions of what counts as pro israel whereas the democratic party is facing very, very deeply divided constituencies within it's president joe biden has been a lifelong supporter of israel, but the younger, wing and the more progressive wing of the democratic constituency is increasingly unable to support america's essentially overwhelming support for all of israel's actions particularly under this israeli government, with its assault in gaza, but also the long-term occupation. and so the administration is facing internal pressure. there is an increasing partisan approach to this in the us and israel, what i was arguing in the foreign affairs essay that i wrote is that israel, the israeli leadership increasingly
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sees this as a partisan issue, both in terms of israeli political dynamics, where the the israeli right-wing things that america has never quite supportive enough. ironically. but also assumes that republican presidents will be better than democratic president. so there's a lot of politicisation at play at this very sensitive moment. i want to point out one more thing. >> which is that america's position on this is increasingly isolating america from other western allies in terms of its essentially overwhelming support for israel with very few restraints in your recent piece in foreign affairs, you wrote that israelis preferred trump to biden by a wide margin is netanyahu waiting this out in the hope that trump will return to office maybe but if he is, he would it's not very well advised because trump has an erratic person. he has expressed uncertain of hints, i should say as what as to what his policy would be. he gave an
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interview to an israeli newspaper just a couple of months ago in which he made strange statements that don't totally india what i think it's on yahoo would like to thank, which is that he would be even more supportive of everything israel wants to do. he said things like the war has to end eventually, but it's not clear exactly what he means. there has been tangent in that relationship to but certainly, i think it's on yahoo has been a big part of this increasingly partisan view of the us within israel, such that the right-wing again, assumes that republican presidents would be more supportive, whereas they simply take prima facie that american democratic presidents like biden, which is of course extremely ironic considering how much biden has done for israel in general over the years and particularly so much support during this war and that's why you see surveys showing that a greater number of israelis, i don't want to overstate the case. it's not a majority at this point, but a plurality of israelis still think that trump would be better than biden. and these are dangerous dynamics. i mean, if you're going to have an alliance between these two
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countries that reflects the special relationship of the past. you need to have the public basically trusting that the other side of that alliance is on its side no matter which president there is we have to take into account that the long-term trajectory does not look good if israel continues its politicisation of how it views the us. whereby again is really right, always thinks the us isn't doing enough unless it gives a blank check and the american public is increasingly split i just want to ask you, is, is there a point where israel's action in gaza and it's disregard for, for international opinion gets too toxic even, even for the us to be honest, it's very hard to see what that point is. >> the us has had so many contradictions and its policy of seeming to take a critical position of israel's actions, right? i think the main disagreements have been over humanitarian aid, over an operation in rafah, which the administration did not want. and over insisting that israel
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explain, communicate, defined, and communicate its day after plans. israel has done none of those things with some exception of allowing more humanitarian aid and not enough. and of course without a ceasefire, it will never be enough. >> but even on those three major points, israel has not really complied with what america has said it wanted and as a result, it's very hard to see exactly what israel could do. >> that would go beyond even america's red line because to the extent that america has conveyed where disagrees with israeli policy, it has not taken positions that are firm enough to actually push israeli policy in that direction. we see this also with relation to the west bank, the us has finally adopted certain policies, particularly sanctioning settlers, individual settlers, that indicate its disapproval of israel's settlement policy and the escalations in the west bank but those are signals still they are policy, but they are signals. they are not actually constraining israel's actual actions in the west bank, which by many accounts could very easily lead to an escalation imminently. i think
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that it's very hard for me to say that there is a red line that this administration will will cause this administered striation to take more significant action a red line that perhaps keeps moving. >> delhi scheindlin. we appreciate your analysis. thank you thank you for having me we'll beaches officially opened in new york this memorial day weekend, but they're short on lifeguards. >> the hey, that the steps some are taking to tackle the problem pain means pause on the things you love. >> but breen means go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going bio freeze green mean why choose asleep number smart bad? >> can it keep me warm when i'm cold wait, no, i'm always hot. number. does that now seeing 50% on the speak number limited-edition sworn bad plus rehomed when you add any bags,
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texas, rescues and damage assessments are underway in areas north of the dallas-fort worth metroplex and other parts of northeast texas. after severe storms and possible tornadoes we're getting reports of overturned 18-wheelers, damaged homes and down trees and power lines. and in oklahoma, police say the town of clear moise shut down and to avoid the area there to reports of extensive damage. the state emergency operations center has been activated, right now, around 240 he thousand customers are without power across multiple states in the region. what does by weather concerns a record number of americans have been traveling this memorial day weekend. the us transportation security administration says it screened nearly 3 million travelers on friday alone. that's a new high mark for the most travelers screened in a single day. that's the past the previous record from thanksgiving weekend last november it also says five of
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the top ten busiest traveled days in the agency's history have occurred this year. >> we'll beaches in new york reopened this holiday weekend at least officially, the parks department conceded some places might stay closed or open for just a few hours as the city once again deals with an annual problem, a shortage of lifeguards cnn's polo sandoval has more it is memorial day weekend in the us and whether it will come from the first waves of symbols, beachgoers as people flock through some of the country's beaches. >> and with it though also a big challenge for communities throughout the country as they face the issue of lifeguards, shortages for yet another year to tell you here though, at one of new york city's beaches, we have seen those lifeguard stands quite staff keeping a watchful eye hi on the people in the water. some brave souls that are willing to jump into the chilly water right now, the city saying recently that they've been able to secure about 230 lifeguards however, that is just a small fraction of where they would eventually
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like to be, as i mentioned before, this is an issue that the city has faced in the past, especially since pandemic. i want you to hear from one new york city officials. she breaks down some of the steps that the city has taken to try to encourage potential lifeguard recruits to step forward. >> when lifeguard recruitment for the 2024 summer season began last december, we dramatically expanded the number of qualifying tests locations, an exam i'm sessions, making it easier for applicants to access qualifying tests. >> we also improve the vision exam process and enhanced our recruitment ads the city adding that thus far they have been able to secure about 560 recruits, roughly 300 of them already undergoing training thanks. so they certainly are hopeful that there'll be able to make their way onto these speeches eventually they're leaning on not just them, but also previous lifeguards. people have previously served in this role as he tried to run i bought that present, especially as they get closer to 4th to july, but that really
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is just a reflection of what other coastal communities in the us continue to face. the issue of lifeguard shortages. >> polo sandoval, cnn new york memorial day weekend is a time when many americans mourn and visit the graves of those who died while serving their country. some people are remembering soldiers of color by doing volunteer work. as carrying chi for reports. they're helping to preserve until the stories of one historic black cemetery on a blustery spring saturday and york, pennsylvania, these civil war service of john noble is finally memorialized noble was born in havana, cuba around 18, 32. he fought for the union army from 18, 62 to 18, 63, and 19. o2. he was buried in north york's lebanon cemetery until the 1960s. one of the only burial sites in the area for african americans i didn't realize that this was a black cemetery. it was just a place where my relatives were buried. it's only been since 2019 when
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i started volunteering here. for that, i knew and understood the gravity of what this site meant. >> samantha dorm is co-founder of a volunteer group called friends of lebanon cemetery. when the group first came together in 2019, the primary mission was upkeep. now the focus has expanded to research a storytelling education. and remember britt's the truth of the matter is many of those stories are not there to be found. if you don't have families who can tell you about their ancestors, i can tell you about their history, their lineage, those stories are oftentimes loss. >> the more than 150 year-old cemetery dorm says is the final resting place of at least 300 us military veterans. this spring, noble and for other black veterans received the grave markers to which every eligible us military veteran is titled, whether buried in a cemetery maintained by the us department of veterans affairs like this one in alexandria, virginia, or private cemetery like lebanon. >> every veteran has a story to
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be told. and so without that marker that story is lost and the legacy of that veteran is lost. >> matthew quinn is the vas outgoing under secretary for memorial affairs. he says efforts like that by the friends have limit on cemetery and on other private sites is an extension of the recognition at the nation's va operated cemetery basis is reaching out beyond those boundaries to private cemeteries that may be the graves haven't been maintained and the markers have been damaged or destroyed the v is national cemetery administration says they are working with private historically black cemeteries in south carolina, virginia, and pennsylvania and others and local veterans groups, historians and volunteers like samantha dorm to verify service records and issue markers, making sure every veteran service he is honored in alexandria, virginia. >> i'm karen kfile the residence of puebla, mexico, and cleaning up after an unexpected hailstorm on friday. this is bryan stone came as the
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region enjoys a heatwave streets were filled with a thick layer of ice that very cars and paralyze the community. people work to clear the hail with buckets and shovels. the extreme weather also brought down trees that blocked roads and damaged homes and buildings facade is there. >> we were about to start eating when it started to rain very hard. as you can see, everything broke. my daughter said, let's go up on the roof. there were still hail. everything started to collapse and we were into a cousin's house that we have here who took shelter there. and by the time we saw the whole roof had collapsed will may well, south asia is enduring a relentless heat wave that has surged heat-related hospitalizations, canceled schools and force people to go to extremes. so the slightest relief i'll michael holmes reported northern india is no stranger to heat, but unusually hot temperatures this year have made daily life almost unbearable. and unrelenting heat wave sending temperatures
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soaring to delete 50 degrees celsius that's 122 degrees fahrenheit hospitals face surging numbers of patients with heatstroke and other heat-related illnesses as many have no choice but to just push through the brutal temperatures i saw lemonade here. the heat is so harsh here that when the wind comes, it feels like someone is slapping your face we are drowned in sweat we are surviving this heat to earn our living. >> the temperatures will rise. i don't know what we will do. >> the sweltering heat wave comes amid one of the final phases of the world's largest election polling places in the capital new delhi were unusually quiet on saturday. assign that for some casting a ballot, isn't worth the burn polling stations were fitted out with water dispensers, missed machines, and shaded areas for those who were determined to cast their vote is a fundamental right. and the foremost duty for every citizen
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of any republic or any democracy it should be coming out, whatever is the vendor, whether it is or whether it is score, anything of that sort in neighboring pakistan, some 26 million students are out of cool for the next week as scorching temperatures there put children especially at risk according to unicef frequent power outages leave families to swelter we're at home even at night in the city of jacoby, bad temperatures topped 36 degrees celsius, or almost 97 fahrenheit. some residents paid asleep on the rooftops of local ends, just trying to catch a breeze. meanwhile, the hellish temperatures don't stop these brick workers for many of them, there's no choice. the life-threatening heat is the price they must pay to support their families. >> it's too hard. we worked for 15 minutes. i've been need to rest for and a half our but we have to work to feed our children. we have no other option much of south asia is
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susceptible to the effects of climate change, according to unicef, as average temperatures rise. >> so to do the risks and in a region where locals are arguably used to the heat, even they are reaching their boiling point. michael holmes, cnn so it's a calm south africa is still grappling with inequalities. 30 years after nelson mandela became president. and now the country is just days away from a pivotal election. >> i'm thinking, i'm going to die. and my father that was one of the earth with the liev schreiber premieres, neck on cnn finish ultimate engineered for the toughest conditions dry burn tons, stains, oh, dishwashers, very hard water finish, ultimate with cyclic technology helps deliver the ultimate clean pain means pause
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perfect fit your phone can measure you right now. i'm taylor on ios or android rahel solomon in new york. >> and this is cnn this is the last weekend of campaigning before south africans go to the polls on wednesday in an election that president cyril ramaphosa has called one of the most important and the country's history. >> at a rally on saturday, he promised to focus on creating more jobs and to tackle the high cost of living. but police we'll show the ruling african national congress could lose its majority for the first time since nelson mandela led the party to power in 1994,
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thousands of supporters of the economic freedom fighters showed up to their final rally on saturday. it's one of the biggest opposition parties in south africa with its leader promising change well south africa is celebrating 30 years of democracy, but many educators and activists believe that there is a crisis hollowing out the country's education system a crisis that threatens democracies hard-fought gains. cnn's david mckinsey has more was actually corner of deaf liberation icon set them as a buccoo lived the painful history of this country. >> students are coming from that direction and police are coming from that data morning of june 16, 1976, this was when the students who are marching peacefully, there were raising the hands and fingers of peace. they were given bullets
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protesting the apartheid state. and it's racist education in system. >> as to feel guilty to date that i loved students and children out of the classroom to be killed this sacrifice and the sacrifices of later generations help toppled the violent apartheid state birthing a peaceful democratic south africa. >> the rainbow nation, where everyone can vote. but for mesiobuccal 30 years on the rainbow has faded, has the leadership of this country respected? the sacrifices that you've made so doubt sold out many of the leaders that was supposed to be leading the left. >> this community. they left the very people that they are fighting for when thousands of students who have bravely marching down the streets, they
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were fighting for a better future for south africa. but decades later here is a staggering statistic well then 80% of great falls cannot read. has it gotten worse over the 18 years of being at the school? yeah. is it becoming worse and less? hi, maurice isaacson high school famous for its role in 76 teachers like principle where let's say that jobs in education are given to the politically connected and corruption is rife. primary students now come to his classes and prepared. he says corruption watchdogs call it a silent crisis, where living in a world in certain areas south africa away it's all about politics. everything has been politicized so the education system is also been politicized so that is the reason why probably white eggs placed in such problems. >> i feel i'm being in the school because then i get to learn about his gi thumb, put their lives in danger for better future, for better education.
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>> are spoke to two leading students at maurice isaacson. >> they are proud of their school, but acutely aware of the challenges that lie ahead. is there enough opportunity for young people like yourselves in this country? >> right now? >> no, it's going to be a struggle yeah, it is scary for us to be sitting and home and doing nothing especially when you knew that you went to university for so long and you have a degree, a qualification, but just still struggling to get a job because of the unemployment rates those rates are some of the world's highest an uncertain future. >> despite the bitter struggles of the pot i asked david mackenzie, cnn serwer toe going up some very frequent flyers will tell you why more people just have to bring their four-legged friends with them, a try if you're living with
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carrying drugs. >> okay. but it's like we're seeing me. >> i think i'm not carrying number one when i came here my the baton go and shied. i'm not going in there. i need a lawyer present you will get when i was just find and allowed to continue her travel, but a constant set for saturday night in manchester, england was postponed according to a social media post by the venue cnn has reached out to representatives for minaj for comment more people in the us to taking their love affair with their cats and dogs to new heights, literally. >> and in some cases, it does not come cheap as linda kincaid reports companies are coming up with new ways for the pampered pits to fly and first-class comfort and style this memorial day weekend, some fires at taking this very friends with them comes she just celebrated her 80th light.
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>> this last week actually, she has been all over the united states, but we've had that charleston, seattle, all over california, colorado, idaho there's tons of places all over more pet owners are opting to fly with their pets rather than leave them at home to survey done by the american pet products association found that the percentage of pet or it is taking their dogs on claims almost doubled from pre-pandemic days. >> and almost tripled for cats even with the growing demand, commercial airlines have many restrictions on pet air travel. pets have to fit in carriers underneath the seat in front of the passenger and way 20 pounds or less for bigger breeds, they have to fly in cargo. >> we only did it twice and never again, i would never put my dog underneath the airplane again. you're given no insight into what the conditions are underneath the plane. is it cold, is it crowded? is he being shoved in with other luggage? we have no idea whatsoever according to the us department of transportation,
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airlines reported seven incidents involving animal deaths in 2022. and eight deaths in 2023. >> companies such as bark, air and canine jets offer an alternative for pet parents however, it comes at a hefty price owners and their four-legged companions can fly and private jets together out of their crepes on some routes across the us. and internationally. >> i think the most luxurious thing for both the dogs and the people is that they're together, they're part of the family. and dogs really happiest when they're people are around and they usually brighten up their people and make them happier as well. >> prices start at about six styles and doulas that includes traits on air entertainment, playtime with other dogs, and bark air includes a dog eats spar treatment, and there's so limited ways to get the bigger dogs across the country or to a different country, even though it seems like a big cost
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amortized over how many times we fly and how much time i get to spend in california morning with my kids out there and then coming back here, it's well well-worth it. pull parents will keep exploring the world with their companions. >> she is so calm during i'm actually more scared that she is i love how much she now how well she handles takeoff wanted to kincaid cnn that wraps up this our have seen and user of iowa amount of carbon and we'll be back in just a moment. we've morning steroid russia is we're trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them this is a secret war. >> secrets and spies premieres next sunday at ten on cnn pain
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