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tv   CNN This Morning Weekend  CNN  May 26, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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they accompany like come with what couldn't tell the difference. how's your trainees ai, you can tell no real idea can't tell which one is a artificial intelligence is advancing so quickly, experts, so you need ai detection software just to identify some deepfakes. >> a general kind of undermining of a source of truth please, amplifying the power of disinformation and not just in chinese stage by the filipino beside chinese state media is using ai enhanced videos on tiktok, altering the reporter's voice and face a disclosure on screen for just a few seconds. >> easy to miss china's jurisdiction. the videos pushing beijing's narrative on the south china sea, is this a threat? >> to democracy? >> most definitely, i think china has found a more cost-effective way to get its message across. >> turning today's digital landscape into a battleground
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for truth we're seeing is no longer believed every time i do a story about these deepfake videos, what strikes me is the quality keeps improving our research are young, spent hours putting these through algorithms to determine with 99% accuracy whether these videos are real, whether they're fake, whether the voice has been altered face has been altered. >> who on social media has time for that. >> and a lot of people don't take the time. which experts say is dangerous, particularly in democracies when people are watching these videos and then potentially using the information that here to make decisions about how to vote will ripley, cnn, taipei all right. >> and the next hour i've cnn this morning starts right now cnn breaking news breaking news as we are on the air now this sunday morning as severe weather outbreak is unfolding across several states, right now, we're now getting word from texas but at least five people were killed. the extreme
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storms left to destructive mark near dallas overnight, i want to show you what's left of a shell gas station after a possible tornado, not far from there 18 wheelers. were blown over and searches and rescues are underway right now, we'll get tulsa this is claire bore, oklahoma near there where an apparent tornado leveled a camp ground rvs trailers tossed around. >> we're told at least four people had to be extracted more than 200,000 customers according pause missouri and kansas, texas, oklahoma, and nebraska. they're all in the dark this morning, more than 100 million people are at risk of severe weather across the country today. and we're tracking it all i'm amara walker here with victor blackwell on a very busy sunday morning of breaking news of potential tornado hit cook county, texas last night live leading to at least five confirmed deaths, including children the storm severely damaged what is left of a shell
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gas station in these pictures, initially trapping 60 to 80 people were told they were later rescued with multiple non-life-threatening injuries all five confirmed deaths happened in the same neighborhood with three in the same household. at this hour, two children from the area are missing. there are several reports of tornadoes across several counties and oklahoma this is video of the camp ground near clear more that was destroyed after it was hit by a likely tornado last night, authorities say at least four people were killed pool hello, from the wreckage, i should say, they're pulled out of that wreckage. a storms have prompted the state to activate the emergency operation centers. cnn's allison chinchar joins us now. that is what has happened, but there's still the threat that poses. suppose right now, right? it's not over. i mean, we still have active warnings. we have to act of tornado watches. it's going to continue through the morning and then it also continues into the afternoon and evening just starts to shift a little bit further to the east. so this is going to be a multi-day event
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started yesterday, continues today, and actually even goes into tomorrow, but it's all part of this over same de, over the same system. this video here from when thor's texas for those unfamiliar that's up around wichita falls, the northern in texas region. >> but you can clearly see that tornado there in the background and it wasn't the only one. >> it was one of nearly two dozen tornado reports from yesterday. most of them focused in that central us area. but you can see others over 100 damaging wind reports, 86 hail reports, and some of those stretching into the southeast areas of ohio, pennsylvania, and west virginia, and some of those hail reports, by the way baseball size we anticipate very similar conditions. now right now, and even through the morning and afternoon, you have a severe thunderstorm watch in effect for texas and several tornado watches in effect for the next few hours across portions of missouri, kentucky, illinois, and northern arkansas. and it's this cluster right here. this is for the big concern is that's where we have a lot of the active warnings that pink that's active tornado warnings. the orange active severe thunderstorm warnings, because
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this system is still maintaining its strength as it continues to move eastward. so this is where the thread is going to be for the remainder of the day today. and you can see it's got some pretty largely populated cities in the mix chicago clean evelyn down through atlanta, nashville, memphis, st. louis. all of these areas have the potential for that severe weather that includes the potential for tornadoes, damaging winds. we've already had reports of winds of 70 to 80 miles per hour that could continue today. and then yes, some more hail today, more likely focused on golf ball size, but possibly even higher than that the other concern not a lot of these storms are moving very fast and for some of these areas, they've had already a lot of storms in the last week, so that ground is saturated now we're going to be adding two to four inches of additional rainfall on top of that. so there's also the concern for flooding across some of these areas that's why you've got the flood watches in effect. so here's a look as we progress through the morning see that whole system begins to shift off to the east, hitting chicago st. louis, and eventually into indianapolis when we get to the afternoon
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hours, the rest of that system continues to push into the mid-atlantic and northeast. but look at this, then you have this secondary area of development that happens this evening. that's the one that's going to shift southwards. so that's going to spread into tukey, tennessee, georgia, and the carolinas by early tomorrow morning. i know not everybody works tomorrow, but some folks do. and for those that do or maybe you're planning to hit the roads early in travel back where you came from, you're going to start to see some of those wetter conditions as you start off the day tomorrow. so again, multi-day event here impacting a lot of cities it's not a riyadh allison chinchar. thank you so much joining us now is cook county sheriff race abington sheriff. thank you for your time first off, can you tell us more about these deaths in cook county, how they're found dead? >> okay. >> we'll allow this job to was 35 low, low growth, cold or and a lot of the mobile homes
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manufactured housing back in this area and to the two bodies have were thrown from residences and it's really hard and acetal residence, but it's just now becoming a lot here. >> what is really now starting to see the devastation that that occurred sheriff, when you say, as you're learning, i understand the breadth and the scope of the damage. >> does it appear to be localized in one area potentially, if it touched down in one spot or is there widespread damage across cook county only is it appears to be a narrow path maybe you a half to three point if a mile-wide and probably four to miles in duration? >> it was pretty local as to this southern part of
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accounting got it. >> got it. and sheriff if you could tell us more. i know it's still dark or perhaps a light is actually covered, is coming up now regarding the search and rescue efforts on the sunday what i guess what the priority is right now as i understand that there are several children that are missing from the area and cook county as well yeah, we do do have two children under soon still missing at this point. and it will say we had numerous resources improving from surrounding can only use within our departments, law enforcement agencies, and we had a lot of help throughout the night but it's been difficult to paradigms down trees, down. >> it took some time to get back in with the devastation is and endless search and rescue
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is still ongoing but we are starting the recovery process as well. >> when you say search and recovery is ongoing, do you know of active recovery efforts right now to pull people who are known to be trapped in some of these homes and buildings i'm sorry yeah. again, here, let me try one. in shortening. are there people trapped in buildings and there's a recovery, a rescue effort for them, right now not not that we are aware of. not that any lamb alarm calls come in but right now we are still going from place to place, from house to house and actively surging so i down here, whether well, most of the power is out, but so for i'm talking to you on a cell
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phone down in this area. so cell phone under still up? >> we don't have any active now what one calls a rescue missions that we are searching back in here. >> to verify folks are okay all right. >> well, we're so sorry that we're talking two under these circumstances. of course, we'll keep checking back in with you if you will allow that. but we wish you all the best sheriff race abington thank you. for your time turning now to politics and it has been a busy 24 hours for donald trump. >> he is off to charlotte today for the nascar coca-cola 600 race. last night, he gave what might be one of his shortest campaign speeches of the season at libertarian national convention in water washington, dc. after he walked out to a mix of boos and cheers he spoke for about 34 minutes and, that. >> went on and on. the clashes
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continued. see it and steve contorno explains trump's attempt to win over that crowd donald trump was booed and heckled from the moment he took the stage at the libertarian convention in washington dc on saturday nights, trump arrived here hoping he could convert some libertarians to support his presidential campaign. >> his supporters and convention attendees clashed in the audience. sometimes physically as trump's suggests, that it was time for them to unite, he's sprinting through his speech, giving a ton of reasons why he thought the two sides should come together. the biggest one defeating joe biden. >> that is why i have come to extend a hand of friendship to ask for your partnership to defeat communism, defeat mark and to feed crooked joe biden, who is destroying our country. >> trump did manage to win over the crowd at some points, like when he said he had put a libertarian in his cabinet, if he was elected president, the biggest cheers of the night came when he said he would commute the sentence of russ
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albright. that is the founder of the underground website, this silk road who's imprisonment has become a cause for the libertarian party, but he lost the crowd once again when he suggested that the party should nominate him to be their candidate for president. >> the libertarian party should nominate trump for president of the united states that's nice only if you want to win only if you want to win, maybe you don't want to win whether or not trump converted anyone at the convention on saturday is unclear, but his campaign is hopeful that the outreach will help him win over some hearts and minds across the country. besley from some of these people who are considering third party candidates there, especially concerned about robert f. kennedy jr. who has also been courting libertarian votes. he spoke with the convention on friday, steve contorno, cnn, washington dc.
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>> all right. thank you, steve. meanwhile, president biden is back in delaware after delivering another commencement speech. this was at west point he stayed away from mentioning former president trump, but didn't make any appeal to voters and steady focused on touting nato was recent expansion i'm just going to and his efforts in the middle east. but a speech also came with a warning i have always been willing to use force when require, protect our nation. >> our allies, our core interests when i didn't want targets, american troops, we will deliver justice students cnn's camila to chalice joining us now from a wilmington, delaware. >> hi, camila. what else did the president say? >> president biden really stressed in his commencement speech the importance of protecting and preserving democracy like amara, as you just mentioned before, he didn't say trump and say him by name, but he did talk about the points are protecting democracy and that is something that you've heard him say time and time again. and when he's
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talked about trump on the campaign trail, he's talked about how he believes that trump has posed a threat to democracy. and it's important to protect it. >> now, he also spent some time in his commencement speech, just really talking about the work in the progress that the military has made to protect us service members, talk thinking about the lowering of the rate of sexual assaults that have taken place in the years, especially looking at the lowering rate. >> and the last two years. and he talked about the important work the military has done a broad take, a quick listen to what he said yesterday the middle-age while we conduct urgent diplomacy to secure a ceasefire that brings all hostages home, or army and navy have deployed a temporary pier on the mediterranean. >> and record time to increase life-saving aid to the palestinians us air force is conducted, food drops delivering tens of thousands of meals that people for gaza. and the face of iran's recent unprecedented attack on israel. we brought partners together, including arab nations three
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repel the sustained assault now, amara, it's really important to know how he acknowledged what's taking place in what the military has done in places like gaza particularly as he's been facing a lot of pushback about what his administration has done. >> and so he's reminding this graduating class about the work that the military is done. but what his administration has done and what they will have to continue to do. and the month and the months ahead, amara viktor, back to you. >> good meal at a chalice force there in wilmington, delaware. thank you very much joining me now is see it in political commentator arrow louis arrow goods sunday to you. let's start with former president trump at the libertarian convention the fact that this even happened that the presumptive republican nominee is now speaking before a different party what will nominate its own candidate was this a predictable reception yes. >> good morning, victor. this
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is not somebody who libertarians are necessarily going to take two. on the other hand, donald trump had no choice but to try and appeal to them four years ago famously, in georgia, for example, just one example. donald trump lost georgia by 11,780 volts of the libertarian candidate get something like 62,000 votes in that same election. so he didn't need to win over the whole room, but he needed to appeal to some segment of them this, was the outcome. he may be appealed to a handful of them he didn't expect i think to get the whole room or get the whole party, but he had to give it a try. >> i read this morning, uh, 2018 editorial from the libertarian party on their website. it's entitled trump is the opposite. of a libertarian. so that's the view from the party. a former president trump. how much about this was about trying to blend any appeal that rfk jr. might
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have with libertarians well, it's it's, it's that same problem. victor, i mean, again, in arizona in an all the key battleground states in michigan and so forth, rfk is making headway and if they know name candidate joe jorgensen was her name, could get 62,000 votes in georgia last time, rfk could probably do as well or better and so he's got a thread that needle. >> donald trump has to sort of figure out how to get to a better place than when he lost four years ago. >> joe biden, by the way, has its own version of the same problem. >> these third-party candidates really are going to be meaningful coming down the home stretch. >> let's talk about nikki haley now for presidential candidate, former us ambassador to the united nations. she has now said she will vote for donald trump. she has endorsed him, which is i guess some distinction between the two, saying everyone else should vote for him. he's not campaigning forum, at least not yet. >> she's going to vote for him despite having said this during
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the campaign at some point, maybe we should say the reason that america keeps losing is because of donald trump. i feel no need to kiss the ring i don't when trump got out there and just through a temper tantrum, we lost in 2018. we lost in 2020. we lost in 2022, and donald trump's fingerprints were on all of it. how so much more losing do we have to do before we realize maybe donald trump is the problem? >> nikki haley is flip-flop on electability, suitability of donald trump. since 2016 does this announcement help him? does it help her? >> well, i definitely helps donald trump because an endorsement is an endorsement now, no matter how many caveats or asterisks come with it for her, it sort of sets her up nicely for 2028. you can already hear what you just play as the beginning of a stump
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speech for her next campaign, where she he says, i told you so i told you this wasn't the guy i tried to be a team player and i'd pull them all, pull them along as best i could. but we've got to have a different way of looking at all of this. so, uh, both of them get a little bit of what they want. and when you getting closer to a convention that's exactly how politics works. >> viktor arrow lewis good to see you this sunday. thank you still to come on cnn this morning attorneys in trump's criminal hush money trial is spending the holiday weekend preparing for closing arguments. more in which each side needs to focus in on and how republicans are responding to the former president's legal troubles tuesday, the evidence is the testimony has ended, but it's not over yet before the jury gets the final say. >> prosecutors and trump's defense team get the final word, live coverage of closing arguments in the trump hush money trial begin tuesday it is
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keith, i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need labor day by more than liebermann at the pentagon. >> and this cnn a big week lies ahead for former president donald trump, closing arguments in his hush, hush, money criminal trial are expected to begin tuesday and after six weeks of testimonies, we could find out if former president donald trump becomes the first former us president to be convicted of a crime here to discuss all that and preview his of his show of his next bit. next hour is inside politics anchor and chief congressional correspondent, manu raju. good morning to manu. good morning. >> we're saying at possibly historic week ahead so how are congressional members reacting to the possibility that trump could be convicted republicans are signaling that they plan to
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stand behind him, even if there is a conviction they've been very critical of this hush money case, even if i put is i put the question about the underlying alleged conduct of a recovering up extramarital affair, something that donald trump denies, but they allegation therein, some of them don't want to touch the tawdry allegation, but there's a overall this case should not have been brought, then there's a separate question about whether donald trump deserves absolute immunity from criminal charges that argument that they are making before the supreme court essentially block two federal criminal cases that he is now facing. >> that's the question that i put the number of senators last week, some of them don't agree with donald trump's argument. >> i don't believe anybody deserves absolute immunity the fact of the matter is the last thing i want to do. that that sounds a whole lot like the position we got rid of when we follow the revolutionary for kings have absolute immunity. i don't believe president should, if a president ordered
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the assassination of manu raju, they should be held immune yeah, but the question at the moment is, how will the hush money case impact november's election? will it impact anywhere these members downtick a lot those republicans in those swing district that i asked about, whether they will still align themselves with donald trump, whether they'll still campaign would drop if he is a convicted felon. felon, many of them said yes as some of them though in some of the more vulnerable districts though, declined to comment about that until there's a verdict well, and we also learned several days ago from speaker mike johnson that he had invited israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to address congress. >> chuck schumer has not yet joined, signed on to this joint invitation. if it becomes a joint invitation, how how is this news being received on the hill democrats are certainly divided about this prospect especially members on the left, progressive members who had been sharply critical of benjamin netanyahu and his government in the way they are
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prosecuted this war. >> i asked him all bowman khuza'a new york democrat i remember the so-called squad people on the far left of the house, democratic caucus, someone who is facing is owned difficult primary challenge over the issue of israel about whether that he agrees with the icc's prosecutors effort to seek arrest warrants about benjamin netanyahu and whether himself, jamaal bowman would attend that speech when it's delivered to congress so you wouldn't go if you're attending oh, no and then what about this idea of arrest warrants for netanyahu from the icc prosecutor i can as i do support that well, yes. >> i mean, the icc has their process of determining what's a war crime and what isn't obviously the warrants for the hamas failures who debited october 7 are warranted. and it seems like the warranted for netanyahu as well now democratic leaders don't share that same position. >> in fact, they had been sharply critical of the icc
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prosecutor is seeking those arrest warrants, but i put the question about whether or not netanyahu should speak to congress to democratic leader hakeem jeffries himself. he said that that is an issue that they plan to discuss more within their own caucus given the how fraught the politics there is on the issue on the left very fraught on the loved monitor. so what's on top for your show today? >> yeah. so we'll dig a little bit more into all the booing and everything that happened. of course, in that libertarian convention last night were donald trump addressing the crowd? but i also have a sit sit-down interview with tony gonzalez, who is for congressman from texas. he's facing a difficult runoff on the right over in some part vote that he took about two years ago to enact a gun safety law. he represents, uvalde, texas. of course, the site of the horrific school tread of the shooting that happened two years ago. he's facing his first test in the aftermath of that vote, but also underscores underscores a larger fight
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within the gop over tactics of the direction of the party. and he has some choice words for his critics. >> all right. looking forward to that, manu raju, good to see you. thanks so much. and be sure to join money at the top of the hour for inside politics right here on cnn coming up the kansas city chiefs kicker defends his controversial commencement speech. >> you're watching cnn this morning new cnn original series first, violet birth with liev schreiber. it's hard to imagine the power of mother nature sure followed by secrets and spies and nuclear game, back-to-back premieres starts next sunday at nine on cnn to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling, start with a round brush head, ad power, and you've got oral day, round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque for a superior clean oral-b brush like a pro at morgan stanley old school hard work meets ball, new thinking
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join me. >> it >> i melies nonna in washington and this is cnn close captioning brought to you by root la, la, iconic brands up to 70% off retail at roulette, rubella you never faithful sees the deals on top before there southward if you're just joining us, we have breaking news out of cook county, texas where cnn has confirmed at least five deaths after a likekely tornado hit overnight. we are told children are among those killed. we will have more information as we get
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it. >> now the storms that spawned this possible tornado are still raging across seven rule states this morning, more than 110 million americans are at risk for severe weather today meteorologist allison chinchar will be back to track it all in a few minutes. we're a little more than 48 hours away now from closing arguments and former president donald trump's hush money trial in new york city with me now, the closer look at what to expect is former manhattan prosecutor, jeremy so land jeremy. good morning to you. >> let's start with the big questions. >> big question first, do you believe that the prosecutors have proven their case? the jury will determine the guilt or innocence of the former president, but they proved that former president trump falsified these business records in an effort to cover up another crime beyond a reasonable doubt all right. >> so you're asking me to read the mind of the jury that's always a fun question. >> i do think i do think that the case went in very well. >> i thought they got their
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evidence in. i thought that michael cohen did a great job with david pecker, did a great job. i thought the evidence was there to corroborate it wasn't just the testimony. it wasn't just the shoulders of michael cohen it was a lot more yet, hope hicks, you had the handwritten notes from weisselberg du other call logs. so i thought they did a good job. and at the same time, i thought that defense failed. they really didn't take down michael cohen. they didn't really poke the hold that thought that they needed to and then bob costello, he kind of lost that opportunity to really have an impactful testimony. so overall, i thought they did a good job that was approved beyond a reasonable doubt for the felony. i can go out on a limb and say, i think they've got the misdemeanor, the felony will be interesting. i don't think there'll be an acquittal. i think at best he's hoping for a hung jury how much do you think the prosecutors will rely on in closing arguments michael cohen's testimony, they did a lot of work before they put them on the stand to offer the documents, other evidence so
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that the jury would not have to rely exclusively on him. how much will they in the closer well, i think the way they handle michael cohen is it come out and say, arguably you didn't need michael cohen. a lot of the evidence speaks for itself, but he was a vehicle and the catalyst to make this all happen but whether you like michael cohen, whether you'd want them to date your sister, whether he'd wanted to be your brother-in-law, whether you want it to be your next door neighbor? that's fine. you don't have to like the guidance is not a likability contest is what he truthful in that moment in time was the honest, incredible. you heard him speak and he knew he came here to get eviscerated in torn down by the defense to be humiliated, and he came here, compose an honest and forthright so i think they're going to really take out. is bad faults and his attractions and build them up. but they're going to have to rely on him because he was there and he's a big ugly and they know full well that the defense is going to say this is all about michael cohen. if you can't trust michael cohen, you can't convict. and the prosecution is
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going to say that's not the situation, like up or not. we did our job in this was evidence. >> stormy daniels does the defense have to deal with her accusation of what actually happened at lake tahoe. do they have to go into his denial that this engagement. that there was actual sex or du the can they just stay on records well, they open the door to that in their opening in denying to appease donald trump, they're going to do it now. >> does that make a good attorney? does that mean you're good legal decision and strategic decision? maybe not. but i don't think at this point they should ignore it. it's irrelevant, frankly, whether they had sex or not is completely inconsequential. it's whether if you recall, there was the door manual at the story about the child that was born and that was a lie in of fraud. so they don't need it, but i don't think at this point they hide from it. they just got to confront it and deal with it and move on. but that's donald trump i'm praying the marionette game
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with his attorneys. they made a big deal out of it, out of the opening and it's been a theme throughout this trial. so their stock last question, this is on a different case the former president sent out a campaign emails suggesting that president biden, quote, was locked and loaded to take me out referring to the mar-a-lago search standard language as it relates to execution of a search warrants. >> special counsel jack smith's office asked the judge in the classified documents case where a gag order on comments from trump related to law enforcement. do you think that the judge will grant that? >> if judge cannon is not allowing herself to be swayed by the kool-aid that she might know that people are consuming and hopefully she is not if she wants to be more district court judge than some hearing judicial hearing officer to dmv proceeding. and she does are darn job and says this is not okay. you cannot be saying in these things, you have a right to free speech. i'm not stomping on that at all. i'm going to have limited order here doing endanger the jury
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while it's not a jury yet, obviously, don't endanger the prosecution, don't start lying. do not do these things. it's such a disservice and no matter the color of your goggles. and we've discussed this before, i think over time, blue or red, you can't tolerate i can accept these lies, bite your case in the courtroom. point your defense in the courtroom. stick your rights up in the courtroom, but do not do this outside the courtroom. and if i'm the court, i make that limited order to make sure the integrity and safety is maintained. >> jerry mr. lan, thanks so much. enjoy the week still ahead on cnn this morning, we hear from the utah widow accused of murdering her husband with fentanyl. corey richards speaks from her jail cell for the first time russia were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them i was already friday this is a war, the secret. >> war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game and premier's next sunday at ten on seo with
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hearing and her trial. she says that she is ready to give this one heck of a fight. this is the first time that we hear from her. she spoke to two different news outlets and it's the first time that we hear from her after she went on local television to speak about her children's book about grief. now, this also comes a week after her attorneys that have been representing her this entire time withdrew from the case. citing an irreconcilable and non wavetable situation related to her civil cases. now, there are two new attorneys that were appointed. we've yet to hear from them. we did reach out because it is unclear exactly when this audio was recorded and when it was released. but i want you to take a listen to part of what she told abc. >> but i really protector what i really didn't do not ever to
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those air or anyone for that matter. i will not give up. i. will not give it please. >> just give me a chance now, let's take a step back. >> core you regions was accused of killing her husband by giving him a cocktail, a moscow mule that was least with fentanyl, the toxicology report later showed that he had five times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system and prosecutors say that it was corey richards who purchased the drugs. they say she withdrew money from his account, changed the life insurance policy and they say they have cell phone data that shows her searches where she searched things like what is the lethal dose of fentanyl? now, her previous attorneys had argued that essentially there was no proof that she was the one that purchased the drugs they'd also argued that financial troubles were not a motive for murder we've yet to hear from her new attorneys, but we did hear from the family of eric richards. and here's the statement that they released we are never surprised
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by the rantings of this deranged moment. what she did to her children's father is unforgivable and her complete lack of compassion are empathy for them is deplorable now, in terms of what's next here, there was a scheduled hearing on the 18th, her new attorneys are now asking for for more time. so there's now a scheduling hearing that is on the books for june 21. we'll have to see what the judge decides and whether or not they're going to have more time to prepare for this case. amara viktor. >> all right. camila bernal. thank you. coming up. andy scholz's here. what sports? >> inside politics sunday with manu raju. next on cnn from medium rare to weld so many ways to save life, ruddy wallet, happy, but 3605 by whole foods market, i love that my daughter is still needs me,
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we start sports with some tragic news. >> pro golfer grayson murray has died. he was just 30 years old. yeah. any scholz is here with us dow and andy officials say the pga tour say they were devastated, obviously everyone devastated. he was playing at the charles schwab challenge in fort worth on friday when he withdrew from the tournament due to an illness, than yesterday, pga tour commissioner jay monahan broke the news that marie died saturday morning and murray, who had spoken about his battles with alcohol and mental health in the past, hizon breakout season after winning the sony open back in january, no cause of death was announced. now, peter malnati was playing with marie this week and just heartbroken by the news so funny, we get so worked up out here about a bad break here. >> good break there look as you
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see it. >> affected everyone on the tour. commissioner jay monahan, i spoke with maria's parents and they urged for the tournament this weekend to continue because quote, that's what grayson would've wanted. maria was just 30 years old all right.t. >> elsewhere, kansas city chiefs kicker harrison butker speaking publicly for the first time since giving the controversial commencement speech at benedictine college earlier this month. and butker, who is a devout catholic, says he does not regret expressing his beliefs at the outset many people expressed a shocking level of hate. but as the days went on, even those who disagreed with my viewpoints shared their support for my freedom of religion in my seven years in the nfl, i've become familiar with the positive and negative comments. but the majority of them revolve around my performance on the field but as to be expected, the more i've talked about what i value most which is my catholic faith. the more polarizing i've
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become all right, so the chiefs are heading to the white house to celebrate their super bowl on friday. >> it's not clear, butker, we'll attend akre criticizing president biden in his original speech. all right, finally, the birmingham southern baseball team is heading to the division three world series but get this when they take the field, their school will no longer exist. the small private liberal arts college has been open since 18, 56, but it's closing on may 31st. du financial difficulties. but they're baseball team ain't done yet. there's one they're super regional to keep their season going. there's actually a the gofundme set up to help the teams world series trip to ohio as of this morning, guys, it's at $37,000 and the schools athletics account on x set at best campus maybe closing but the story is still to be written. let's go. it would be so cool if they win their tibia writing the movies gone and they create misquoting netflix is all over there, all over it. and thanks so much you are the
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breaking even following all morning, at least five people they look at this five people dead after a possible tornado. we'll take a quick great and get you more in a moment today. comedian bill maher joins for read with his take on the state of democracy amid america's deep divides. >> when you hate people, you don't listen to them for weed. >> zakaria gps this morning at ten on cnn money's allergies don't have to be scary. it's right. flown a sentiments daily for non drowsy, long-lasting relief in a scent free gentleness flown. it's all good also, try are allergy, headache, and nighttime pills. >> guin's is quiet luxury at disruptive prices because beautiful things should be for everyone with quince you can get more summer essentials it's. >> more high-quality materials
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grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. we have primer premiers next sunday, had nine on cnn at least five people have been killed including children after a possible tornado had cook county, texas overnight. >> it destroyed homes and cars. it cut power to thousands of people. >> the storms are not over yet. cnn's allison chinchar is with us now. where's the greatest threat right now? >> right? so the main focus right now is much of missouri areas of kentucky, southern illinois, and northeastern arkansas. it's this cluster right through here, the red box
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indicating a tornado watch that's still valid for a few more hours as this strong line of thunderstorms slides east, you can see we have active tornado warnings that's the pink color. even some severe thunderstorm warnings as well. as the whole system continues to spread east and it's going to do that for the rest of the day. so all of these areas you see here have the potential for severe thunderstorms today. this includes chicago, cleveland, atlanta, louisville, nashville, down through memphis. all of those areas looking at the potential for a yes. tornadoes, but also damaging winds and very large hail, golf ball size or even larger than we see that shift a little bit further eastward once we get into the holiday on monday itself. so now you're talking washington, dc, raleigh, charlotte, again, atlanta, montgomery, and then back through other areas. so this is going to be a concern not only for this morning, but also this afternoon and evening and also the potential for very heavy rainfall, which is why they also have flood watches in effect for the day-to-day. >> allison chinchar watching it all for us. thank you. >> be safe out, everyone. thank you so much for joining us this


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