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tv   Inside Politics With Manu Raju  CNN  May 26, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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indicating a tornado watch that's still valid for a few more hours as this strong line of thunderstorms slides east, you can see we have active tornado warnings that's the pink color. even some severe thunderstorm warnings as well. as the whole system continues to spread east and it's going to do that for the rest of the day. so all of these areas you see here have the potential for severe thunderstorms today. this includes chicago, cleveland, atlanta, louisville, nashville, down through memphis. all of those areas looking at the potential for a yes. tornadoes, but also damaging winds and very large hail, golf ball size or even larger than we see that shift a little bit further eastward once we get into the holiday on monday itself. so now you're talking washington, dc, raleigh, charlotte, again, atlanta, montgomery, and then back through other areas. so this is going to be a concern not only for this morning, but also this afternoon and evening and also the potential for very heavy rainfall, which is why they also have flood watches in effect for the day-to-day. >> allison chinchar watching it all for us. thank you. >> be safe out, everyone. thank you so much for joining us this
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morning. >> stay with this for inside politics. sunday starts with manu raju why? hey, you should nominate me or at least your vote for me trump faces a hostile crowd in, rfk jr. vie for third party votes neither of them upheld the constitution. what it really counted. >> while biden ramps up up is attacks on trump freedom is not free. >> nothing is guaranteed about our democracy in america plus, judgment day then the last year i've been indicted by the government or 91 difference with the verdict in donald trump's trial as soon as this week how will it play out in the courtroom? and on the trail? and texas hold on. >> are we going to be the party
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that has gestures that come up here and just try to burn the place down ahead of his runoff, were one-on-one looking ball of these republican congressman has he fights the far right column, scum bags. you still stand by that inside politics, the best reporting from inside the corridors of power starts snap good morning. >> welcome inside politics sunday on this memorial day weekend, when roger last night, just three days before closing arguments in his criminal hush money trial, donald trump faced a hostile crowd during an unusual speech he made to libertarians hey, there convention here in washington. it was his last major speech before his case goes to a jury. >> now, after six weeks, 22 witnesses on the stand and no shortage of salacious testimony. >> this could be the week we find find out if donald trump becomes a first former united states president to be convicted of a crime or acquitted on felony charges. it a pivotal time in the campaign
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season. now it all comes as brand new cnn polling. new polling out this week shows the race between trump and biden still neck and neck with no clear leader in the big question, what impact, if any, will the verdict have on this hugely consequential race? now the verdict takes on heightened importance since this is likely to be the only trump case to reach a jury before november. and trump's been out campaigning since court went dark dark last tuesday, albeit not in those battleground states, actually making a stop in the bronx last week. and then last night in dc, whereas reception before libertarians was anything but warm i will be a true friend, jill libertarians in the white house we want libertarian votes because you stand for what we stand for, and don't ways to vote now i think you should nominate me. >> he or at least vote for me. and we should win together all
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right. >> a lot to him back here. let's break it all down with our great panel, cnn, sara marie, mario parker with bloomberg news. wall street journal's molly ball and david, why gold with semaphore. good morning to you all. it was a late night for you, mr. y. goal, you are in the room last night trump did not seem irked by a all this heckling. but what was how bad was that reception in there? >> it was captured on that audio. i should also add there was an open bar, not very far from speaking. that was our open bar. not a good doug mix. yes. this this is the biggest news event that's happened to libertarians. and sometime the chair of the party who invited trump was celebrating. she said he moved the overton window of debate and they move trump on their issues, which was the goal part of their goal. and i talked to delegates all weekend at the party was show up in boo and demand things from trump. don't make it look like he can just show up to a libertarian convention. and win people
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over. so the big news from this was that you said he'd put a libertarian in the cabinet. he said he'd give clemency to russell break, the founder silk roads this online drug, dark web, i should say, drug kingpin and trump sit, go in and knowing he'd have to make some promises and knowing he get boot and the trump campaign was telling me this is part of a unity tour like sneaker kohn, like the bronx rally where he's going to show up. he's going to get maybe some bad imagery and he's going to have to say some things that do binds not saying, but over time incrementally, that's going to maybe add some votes. >> and we're going to dig into all those promises that he made later in the show, but you're trump is used to these adoring crowds by these people come in and they fill in these arenas. they sharon him. he doesn't really go. >> but for hostile audiences, he has been now before in a courtroom for the past couple of several weeks, he went to the bronx? >> not exactly a battleground state. he was booed last night. how do you think this is all weighing in on trump at this critical time, the campaign? >> yeah. i mean, i think his rallies tend to be more love
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affairs. donald trump, they also used to be opened bar in the variable, but that ended pretty quickly. look, i think that best for when you're trying to preserve campaign cash, probably not best practice, but look, i think he's obviously on this kind of earned media tour where he realizes he's going we spent a lot of days in court. >> in some ways is good for him from the media landscape point of view, because he sucks up the oxygen if all we're doing is talking about donald trump and the jury instructions and ron verdict watch. and then again, there's this sort of earned media tour of going to the bronx, of going to this libertarian convention what is interesting is that it's all this kind of messaging tour we're really not seeing sort of ground game and battleground states that reflects this kind of outreach we're not seeing the work that you need to do on the ground to turn out the sort of low propensity voters. now, there's still time to ramp up that infrastructure, but it seems like they're really doubling down on the notion of messaging, carrying them over the finish line rather than sort of the nuts and bolts of a ground. and how does what happens in this week possible verdict first ever criminal
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case facing a former president and a presidential nominee. how will that impact? will that drive up voters will turn away voters that there's gonna be a huge question, maybe one of the most consequential elections maybe won't have a difference at all. we'll see this is what a recent poll from quinnipiac said about whether or not people view this illegal. we looked at over time, it's been pretty consistent. i mean, this is just over the last month since coverage is dominated over the hush money trial. but 46% of voted believing get something illegal. that's from april to may, not much difference between april to may about who believed they did nothing wrong, just 21%. then there's the question about whether or not people find trump did what he did was he is actually guilty of a crime here. democrats, not surprisingly overwhelming. we believe he was guilty republicans, not surprisingly, overwhelming live. he's not guilty but that independent number, 53%, a majority of independence. does that it's impossible. >> obviously handicap how this is going to play out in november, but clearly, the
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independent number is something independent number is something to watch. there is some polls vary, right? some of the polls said he would lose 20% of the support for those who are leaning toward him, steady be convicted. >> others show that is just a nominal impact at all. >> we know for sure it doesn't help him at all. now, here's the consternation on a part of democrats that i've spoken to it's the fact that this has been characterized as the hush money case, right? as opposed to an election interference kings the fact that it's a hush money case, donald trump already has some negatives. people are like, oh, that's not great. people are like, i wouldn't want to be married woman that sense he's rich, he paid someone off but the fact remains that it's not election interference that voters are hearing about. that's where democrats field that the case had a missed opportunity, that he would be convicted of an election interference case or acquitted of that. >> the trump campaign really believes that they have won the narrative in this case, you're right there handing out packets of polling playing at the fundraisers that he's speaking
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at, that show that not only has his fundraising skyrocketed while the trial has been going on with the poles have moved a little bit in his direction. and the way that people perceive the trial has moved in his direction. i think you're right. they they have framed the trial the way they would prefer that people see it as something that's old news that's about his personal conduct. that is not something that should affect the way voters view his fitness to serve. and there hasn't really been a countervailing narrative out there in the political realm because it's the prosecutors in this it's closed courtroom. yeah. but are primarily making that case. >> and this is because democrats have been quiet about it for the most part, and the biden team has also been quiet about it. i put a question to democrats about the possibility that trump could be acquitted. of course, we don't know what's going to happen. there's been a lot of speculation analysis among legal experts about the problems the prosecution's case. so does that lead to an acquittal and what will that mean for november? that's one question i've put two democrats last week couldn't just give
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them a boost if he is acquitted. i don't really think so. i think doctrines character is clear to the world. >> i think the new york cases, if anything, may have backfired hired against those who thought that would be the salvation. but i don't think the new york cases are exactly what democrats were hoping they would be. >> the broad centrist middle american people. i think understand what he did and why it is so a porn i'm already deeply disturbed that i don't. try has succeeded in slow-walking. one or more of those cases i mean, he said that he is deeply disturbed that down trump has succeeded in slow-walking one or more of these cases because it's the only one that reached a verdict and it may not have an impact on voting. >> maybe they'll help trump. i mean, he has succeeded. look, i think that it's very likely this is the only trial that we are going to get. that before election day. and this case is not a slam dunk, which means that donald trump may very well not be convicted acquitted is the worst-case scenario for democrats, because then it's the only trial you have and
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donald trump gets to go out there and say, joe biden's prosecutors, which again not trio came after me, his department of justice came after me, and they still didn't convict me. i'm still innocent. i also think you could end up somewhere in this sort of muddy middle where you end up with a hung jury, a jury that cannot reach a verdict. and then this truly does just get kicked to the voters to decide, look, we're not going to have any kind of convictions here or nothing else could potentially go to trial. it's up to you to decide if this is someone that you want to live with. and the white house in how does biden handled? the ultimate outcome political had some reporting about this just a couple of days ago saying that biden attends to address this. if there is a verdict according to people that they spoke to, the jury, convicts trump biden single argue results show trump is ill-suited for office and that the extremes that he would go to try to win again, they also says that they would prepare for a barrage of attacks from the gop if he is acquitted, what are you hearing from your sources about how plants addresses. >> so what i hear that that lines up from what i'm hearing from my sources as well and in
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a sense that biden is going to go on offense regardless of the outcome of this case, regardless so this case just put it in a separate bucket. he's going on offense. we saw some of that last week with some of the ads, the his campaign issued, the poll showed that one advantage that he does have over donald trump is the character component from what i understand talking to the biden campaign, they said they're going to remind voters of the ptsd that they had under trump, the depravity that they say that he he exhibited and whether or not he's right to hold up the highest office in the layout. >> so interesting. all right. we're going to monitor all that in the days ahead, coming up with a verdict potentially just days away. what does the prosecution need to do to actually deliver a conviction? and has the defense done enough to hold them off to legal experts are here to weigh in next riyadh new album is breaking records gets to say what country is comey country?
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there is unselect ak system battery tool sets real still, find yours i'm on rajan capitol hill. >> this is sienna it may be a relaxed holiday weekend for most americans, but for new york prosecutors and trump's defense attorneys, it is an intense weekend of preparation before tuesday's crucial closing arguments were each sayyed will attempt to shore up its case now, top us, unpack what to expect. i'm joined here by former federal prosecutor, at least adamson and cnn legal analyst, elliot williams. good morning. thank you for joining me. so at least you're let's say you're in the prosecutions shoes, you're and you're trying to clean up all the problems that emerged through cross-examined nation with michael cohen. what is the main objective? >> what are they trying to do to fix their case as it has to jury well, i don't think prosecutors really need to fix their case, so to speak? i can prosecutors have a very strong
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case here because remember, they have a lot of documentary evidence that has not been attacked on cross. a lot has been made about all of the credibility issues of michael cohen, and it should be because that was certainly damaging to the prosecution's case. but i think what the prosecution is going to do here is refocused the jury on the actual charges in this case, and how the evidence that they elicited prove all the elements of those charges beyond a reasonable doubt. now, with respect to michael cohen, i think we can expect to see them touching on it. obviously, because the defense will and their summation, but they're going to have to minimize it. and i think what they're gonna do is they have a strategy, will they'll say yeah, michael cohen wasn't a perfect witness. however, everything he says can be corroborated by the evidence. here are the receipts and then tick down like that, almost like a roadmap. so essentially as the knowledge that there are some problems with michael cohen's testimony. >> absolutely. absolutely. now, they have and part of in their questioning of cohen multiple times, they elicited responses,
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having input on the record, his leinz is lai's to his wife is prior convictions and so on. so they should not and cannot really hide from it. now, the issue with credibility in general, and to be clear, my all witnesses of credibility issues, if i asked you, mr. raju, what color tie did you have on on thursday? thursday, you'd probably go back and forth and you'd eventually get the answer right? it's a credibility issue because no credibility. she kaba a lot vague perfect boyce, literal boy scouts. but needless to say, they will go after his credibility. the the problem. and this is a call for cameras in the courtroom. we are all at a great disadvantage by the fact that we, as a public, have not been able to see these witnesses credibility. right. and how they testified, and what words come out of their mouth and how the jury, respondent, and so on. so yes, on paper, it appeared that some of these cross-examinations of any of these witnesses we're very, very tough, but it's hard to tell really how it played in the room. and we just don't
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know how the jury has judging any of this. if you're the defense team, what is your justice? have just enough dealt with one juror. is that really the focus here on tuesday? >> i mean, i think so. they couldn't really offer a compelling counter narrative which you see in some other cases, like maybe if it's a violent crime, it's self-defense. we didn't see their their entire defense seems to be premised on reasonable doubt. and i think we can expect them to say, you know, there's there's doubt in the witness testimony here. there's doubt in the former president's motivation for to supess this case. there was a lot brought out about maybe it was to protect melania. i mean, i don't know how credible that is, but that was definitely a theme we saw doubt about his awareness of the falsification of the business records, even doubt about whether the records were wrong at all. i don't think that was a strong point, but remember on cross the defense did a good job asking michael cohen about legal work that he did do in 2017. and i think that was to just add the
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narrative thread. maybe if this really was for legal services, again, i don't think that carries a lot of weight, but maybe for that one juror, it's enough to make them say i don't know. i'm doubtful. so the jury instructions were given out on thursday. >> we have not been released to the public. how significant do you think that is? and what should we understand about what judge merchan might have actually told the jury to consider, not consider it people may not be aware of how critical jury instructions are when we talk about jury instructions, it's in effect a speech, a long series of remarks delivered to the jury telling them everything from this is what reasonable doubt means to these are the crimes that the defendant is charged with, or this is what's evidenced in what what isn't now much in the law. mondo is very ambiguous, believe it or not. and judges can make big mistakes on jury instructions. and when they do, that, can jeopardize down the road whether somebody gets convicted out some of the things that were at issue here are literally how do we talk about
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the thing that the president is charged? so he's falsified records for some other crime. what does the jury even have to know about that other crime? does the prosecutor have to say the name of what the crime is is you have to describe it and that's not clear. so those things will appear in the jury instructions. very important. meet meantime, on friday night that it was what layman like me is called a gag order you can clarify what it was. it's special counsel jack smith, in the federal case in the classified documents, mishandling case, and other federal criminal case that the former president is facing. there how do you see this playing out? we'll the judge agree with the special counsel in that case. if she does it, aileen cannon, the judge in that case? will there'll be an effort to try to remove her from the case well, my name is interesting. >> i have not read the actual filing, but my understanding is this wasn't really a gag order. this was a request to modify the conditions of release and what that means is the requirements of the former president to continue him being out on bail, to have him free
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in the community, and the prosecution is saying to protect the integrity of this case and law enforcement, he should be precluded for making any more harmful statements about law enforcement. i mean, his campaign email, but advanced a very dangerous theory that the fbi was going and locked and loaded and wanted to assassinate a standard protocols, absolute standard protocol in any fbi search warrant. and so what judge cannon will do is unclear. i mean, i think reading the tea leaves with everything we've seen, i think she's gonna try to do some judicial tap dancing and not use a legal mechanism to strain him. but any other criminal defendant probably would. >> and before we go to break very quickly, will trump be convicted in the ice money trial. >> elliott i think it's more likely than it hangs or he's convicted. i think getting them union nano nanomole to acquit. i don't see that he pay less. >> i actually agree with elliott. oh he said he unanimous right here. >> maybe i'll see if it's unanimous. jury as well. all
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right. come out. my exclusive of what one-on-one with you, baldi's congressman. but first, trump, please. jurors from the cloud last night, will it be worth it? in november give us you have vote. >> i would say nominate or give us u-boats violent earth with liev schreiber premieres next sunday at nine on cnn. i have active, psoriatic arthritis, but with sky rosie to treat my skin and joints, cow knee along with clear skin, sky rizzi helps me move with blessed joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and the pretty and it's just four doses a year after to starter doses, theory is allergic reactions in an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight the may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine are planting, there's nothing like clear skin and better movement in that means everything. >> ask your doctor about sky resume today, were no abbe could help you save the all new temper p-adic adapt mattress was designed to help me aches
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>> now, with a cnn reporter actually witnessed at least one libertarian throwing a punch edit trump fan so why be trump brave the unfriendly audience for this speech? well, because independent and third-party voters could actually make or break this race. but when you tossing the rest of the candidates who could appear on the ballot, it becomes clear that the two of them actually have a bit of a problem as you can see, they're very, very close. my panels back in john brezhnev from punchbowl news is joining us for this conversation as well trump's comments were interesting to this crowd last night because he also was clearly trying to talk to them, speak their language and made some promises to folks in the libertarian party the libertarian party should nominate drop for president of the united states only do that if you want to win. if you want to lose, don't do that keep getting your 3% every four years. >> i will put a libertarian in
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my cabinet and if you vote for me on day one, i will commute the sentence of ross albrecht who has sent of time, sir one person quoted by politico, who is the director at large, libertarian national committee said, any libertarian worth that are stripes who has looked at donald trump's record will see that he barely aligns with a conservative camp and is a far cry from the liberty praetorian party. i mean, i guess that's true. i mean, look, trump's record in office wasn't particularly libertarian. >> no. i mean, he grew government, which is the first thing he ran huge deficits. i mean, he was, he's not a libertarian. >> he signed surveillance law covid is huge. >> he covid spending the whole well operation, warp speed and everything they were against covid vaccines or the whole covid restrictions. so he's not a libertarian. he, i do like the idea of seeing libertarian candidate for cabinet. i would
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love to see how the republican party, the senate republican rand paul good affirmative by the united states senate now, mitch mcconnell and yeah, john thune and john barrasso and john cornyn and how they all vote on libertarian. >> that'll be something we'll see if that actually comes to that. but that was one thing. davy went in the room. >> he mentioned this. pardon of russ albright, who was the founder of silk road, which is a mass of dark web drug market. he was actually charged with money long three and drug traveling in and he was given a life sentence how was that received when he said that? that was broca's. there were signs distributed throughout the ballroom hours in advance of the speech saying free ross, just and he saw a sea of those. he also came to the convention a day after vivek ramaswamy warmed them up, he spoke to the convention on friday and vague who had run on pardoning julian assange and edward snowden said, and also free ross. and so the message got back to the trump people. this is a promise that if you go walk into a
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diner in minnesota, are people talking about that, pardon? probably not. are there people who were very intensely focused on that issue and making, if you make that promise, they'll remember it. there are so that was a deliverable trump. trump does this in a way that joe biden, other candidates do not hear something? it's responsive. he does return on investment calculation, and he said it, it's the word got out before the speech, but it really surprised me, but that was the one moment we had the crowd in the palm of his hand, cynics would call it pandering, but that's another word for me. his running mate and calls shanahan rfk juniors automate, not down. trump's running mate. juniors. what i mean, i've good junior was also in the crowd trying to court voters. nicole shanahan is actually going to be speaking later today and there have been not so positive stories about her character in the past week then post in the near times. >> she has also been absent from the campaign trail. you've been falling rfk jr.'s campaign. what do you make of this? >> the whole campaign is very weird. very disorganized
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campaign. a lot of eccentric figures on the staff and she clearly was brought in at least in part because she has a lot of money and can help him get on the ballot, which is expensive and a lot of states look, i think people are gravitating to rfk's campaign because they're looking for something different and weird and not the same as the two major party candidates. and so if there are people out there who think that this ticket is actually going going to occupy the white house. maybe this gives them pause, but i think more people are looking at this as a sort of protest vote. and so they're not necessarily looking at this as like, well, i'm not sure that this is someone who could step into the office after president rfk, jr. or something happens to him, there's a lot of steps to get to that point, but she does seem like a bit of a flake, frankly, you know, she's she's got an interesting record. she's never been in politics before very, very rich, will, very million dollars herself from that, from her divorce settlement with there's also
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the question about rfk jr. why he is so important is because he's actually getting a significant amount of votes in lot of these in terms of the polls, but 14% or so in that can make a huge difference in these swing states. >> will he get on the ballot in those swing-state? this is the map of where he is on currently in these swing states, michigan, of course that is going to be this key battleground state. but there are other ones as well, which still be contesting there are still trying to get on the belt which seems possible north carolina, nevada, being some of them. and new hampshire as well. i mean, this is the real concern from both sides. it's unclear who he takes more support from bud. this is why everyone's watching him so close. well, yeah. i mean, everyone should be nervous if you're worried about states that could hinge on a few thousand votes odors. and i think when it comes to a third party candidate, what's more important even than the candidate or the candidates message or in this case, candidates last name is having a big pile of money and that is what rfk got when he chose nicole shanahan was a big pile of money. it costs a lot of money get on ballots in most of
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these states, you have to collect thousands and thousands of signatures. that's why you're seeing that they submitted in a number of states, but those signatures have to be invented, verify the after the allowed on the ballot. i think to be honest, they've done a pretty impressive job so far, and both candidates, both major-party candidates, should be worried if they're able to get on several of these other states and also look at this. >> there's a question about the brain worm, right? the brain with a pared, the dead worm that it was in rfk juniors brain look at this 30% of voters are concerned about the parasite impacting is potentially impacting his ability to serve 65%. i'm not concerned worm is good politics yeah i mean, the not shying away from it either shows you. is that the brain worm is the least of his work yeah. you're pulling it 10%, but 65% of
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voters don't care that you have a brain warm, clear, clearly they are concerned about other parts record other aspects of your camera let us see, other than the brain worm, no question about that. >> all right, up next, he's called some of his gop critics scum bags, and maga wannabes. but now he's finding to hang onto his seat i go one-on-one with the gop congressman who represents uvalde, texas, just days before his runoff it's never good to there'll be shooting inside the tent if you're shopping for a whole realtor is real commute tool lets you find homes close to work, school, even grandma's house don't all apps do that? >> not really trust the number one app, real estate professionals trust with robin hood gold, you can make your money, do the most major cash to buy 5% apy at eight times the national average that's huge. get robbed but has gold and make your cash on 5% apy joined today and get your burst
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>> his vote for the bipartisan gun safety act a month after the masker is now at the center of his primary battle, where on tuesday he'll compete in a runoff against gun activist brandon herrera. but the race is more than just policy. it's also about the vicious battle for the republican party's identity and the norm defined trend of house republicans trying to oust their own colleagues, herrera touts endorsements from freedom caucus chairman bob good in florida hardliner, matt gaetz. i sat down with congressman gone gonzalez ahead of his tuesday election. he says the outcome of his race will send a message to his party there's a lot at stake for the future of the republican party. are we going to be the party that governs and gets things done in a conservative manner. are we going to be the party that has gestures that come up here and say wild and crazy, outrageous things. isn't just tried to burn the place down. that is what's at stake. not only in this race, but you see other races across the country. this is only the first of many, right? because there are other
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primaries going forward. i plan to spend a lot of time in pensacola. i spent i plan to spend a lot of time in virginia and some of these other places. so i think my race is only the beginning. you're talking about matt gaetz it's and bob good. it's going after that. i'm talking about constituencies that i think had been forgotten. >> it's also the two-year anniversary of uvalde. >> of course, this is your district. sure this is your involved in the effort to pass gun legislation in the aftermath of it? >> it's also one of the reasons it's inspire this primary challenge against you do regret that voted on anyway? >> what i've learned is this, you can do all the things that they want you to do and it will never be enough. i will never bowed down to these people. i will always do what i think is right. the savers community act has prevented over five 100 school shootings from occurring. my kids go to school with a bulletproof backpacks so unfair, they're growing up in a completely different environment that you and i grew up in, something has to change. i don't work at any of my votes and they were clamoring for action your constituents
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4,000% monitor. i was getting calls from i was getting calls from people non-stop and this was this was essentially the calls is tony, you have to do something, but don't take my guns away. it increased the number of background checks for minors. i'm okay with that. i mean, crazy people crazy people should not have access to guns periods especially not to kill our children. and one of the things i've been looking at, your ad it says that you have criticize your opponent for not supporting the former president enough not being sufficiently trump how important that a driving issue and erase some of these people that are running throughout the country. they're not maga folks. bob, good. he's not a maga guy. that's supporting my opponent and some other people they're not maga people right there basically, libertarians are anarchist or they just want to see the place burned down. >> you're not a maga guy here. i mean, you voted certified the election. >> i'm a governing conservative. that's how i view myself, right. if i'm a governing conservative and i'm going to find ways to govern. i voted against impeaching president trump twice i voted
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against, nancy pelosi's january 6 commission. i mean, i've been very conservative in my votes in my values. >> matt gaetz and bob, good come scum bags. you still stand by that. >> i think you more than anyone know the type of people that we are dealing with here in washington and some of them are somebody's. i mentioned a couple of them. there's probably a laundry list of folks. you care to mention anymore? >> yes. yes, i do. but not today now. >> i also reject a brandon herrera is campaign for comment. they declined to make them available for an interview. my panel is back. >> president, you walked the halls with me every day in the capital. >> you're seeing this republican conference devolve the way it has. what do you make about this racist significance of tuesday's race? with tony gonzales in this fight from the far from the hard, right? >> there's a great interview i think the interesting thing, a couple of interesting things, good has his own, bob, good has its own primary challenger because the exact same thing,
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except the opposite dynamic, the opposite direction, the moderate are attacking bob good who's attacking gonzalez? >> i think texas is fascinating. i think it's a good point here. the texas republican party is fighting over their platform and they're talking about biblical instruction in schools. they're talking about just going further and further to the right. the party they censured him, one of the things they censured him four, was voting against the rules package. i mean, that wasn't like it was. your read this inside basis. so it's kind of crazy. so now he has a huge monetary advantage, but it is, this is the future of the party you have these online social media personalities supporting him. he's got abbott supporting him. mike johnson's speaker, mike johnson has sporting gonzalez. i mean, it's kind of the establishment versus the youtube social media weighing and it's just, it's really a fascinating fight. >> yes, indeed, it's really just dominated the discussion inside the house republican conference. i asked a bunch of members last week about this
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runoff what he said he just tony gonzales is in salt against you calling you scum bag. >> i think fit our primaries are best decided on the issues. attorney gonzalez called the tough border protections that we were looking for un-christian people like matt go far beyond the pale and act in such a disgusting way that now they're attacking members because they have nothing better to do is gonzales is over to be reelected. he's made some comments that i don't think we're particularly helpful if brandon herrera beats tony gonzales. next, we hope it will be the implications be for the house gop. >> i don't see you being a productive member of congress and it'd be a an agent of chaos. >> my voters sent me up here to try and change way this town works. and i don't think we're going to change it with guys like tony murray, you cover the white house. how did they enjoy they must enjoy seeing this republican infighting play out pretty much all your last two years. yeah absolutely right?
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because the white house is primary messages essentially that they can govern, right? that they or the responsible adults in the room and thus, they should have control of all all three chambers as well also, the fact is you get the sum of the fighting between democrats, the progressive wing of the democratic party were versus the centrist wing, which has been on display the last few months as well, particularly along some of the protests. so yes, they enjoy looking at this and say, hey, look at this chaos that has been wrought within the gi trump, of course, is trying to tamp a lot of this down. he is staying out of this primary. he's getting involved in some other ones as well. i should know that bob good, who virginia republican, who he was gonzalez called a scum bag. i asked them to comment. he called gonzalez back a rhino established moderate. so there you go. that's the level of back-and-forth but the debate is really over tactics, right? the gop has been in involved in this ongoing feud about compromise versus not compromise and how to govern in divided washington. >> well, look, republican
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primaries or nothing new republican on republican violence is nothing new. we've been seeing these right-wing republican challenges play out in primaries for more than a decade paid if not longer, what's really remarkable now and what is different is the degree to which it is all downstream from these personal conflicts within the house, republican caucus. this is all downstream from the ousting of kevin mccarthy and his difficulty becoming speaker in the first place by that small hardcore of matt gates, let lead right wingers they're the ones who are involved in all of these primaries and they're going after their fellow members in some cases, in the same delegation, it's very personal. they're trying to kick each other out of congress as part of, again, the aftermath of these personal conflicts that they're having within the capital it's, less about policy or tactics or anything else. it's just the personal conflicts between these men who despise each other in the house republican conference and the reason why it's also important, how do
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you work with a guy where you're sitting on the next to who's trying to knock you out of your seat? >> they've found their way as the democratic conference or time to time, but this is the personal issues have made a worst. it's going beyond that though, in texas, the same de, their speaker of the house has an opponent who down trump endorsed and both of these people, i should say the texas republican party were talking about the convention. one of the rules are talking about is if you've been censured, you can't run as a republican in the next election. section that would knock out tony gonzales, no matter what happens in here, it would knock out the speaker of the house in texas, the minnesota publican party just nominated royce west for senate and he still needs to win a primary. but really everywhere, even if you've not cross down trump, you've not cross met matt gaetz this this attitude is only fixable if you don't trump, you know, from the good race, goods problem is that he endorsed ron desantis for president. had he said all the same stuff and endorse donald trump. this wouldn't happen? yes. at the end of the day, one thing matters, donald trump so we'll see if we manage to the republican primaries. we'll see what happens on tuesday. alright, coming up could president biden's name be left
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that would bar foreign funds in statewide ballot initiatives, like the one that passed last year, insuring abortion access in ohio. but democrats say the legislature should simply just tweak that deadline and allow biden on the ballot. so after ohio lawmakers failed to take action, the republican governor mike dewine said he would call them back into session this week. >> ohio is running out of time to get joe biden, the sitting president of the united states on the ballot. this fall failing to do so is simply not acceptable. this is a ridiculous, this is absurd situation my understanding is we are literally up against the wall here that if we would go beyond wednesday of next week, then when you do the math, you have some very, very serious, serious problems. >> but the wine also proposed that legislatures resolve that foreign funding prohibition. that's led to gridlock now while it remains to be seen how
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this will play out, officials in both parties are expecting some level of confidence that biden's name somehow someway will end up in november's ballot. that's it for inside politics sunday, you can follow me on x, formerly known as twitter at mk raju fall the show inside politics you've ever miss an episode. you can catch up wherever you get your podcast, just search for inside politics up next to the union. and jake, would jake tapper and dana bash. dan has guests include senator tim scott minnesota governor tim walz, and former congressman patrick kennedy and this weekend, i hope you've memorial day is a meaningful one, as we remember, those who gave the ultimate sacrifice thanks again for watching and sharing your sunday morning with us and we'll see you next time can the riva support your brain health? mary janet, hey, eddie. now, appraiser, franck. franck, bread. >> how are you? >> fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including
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