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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 26, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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they weren't getting the opportunities as black artists they're getting today. - give me your hand, rick. feel my heart. - oh, that's quite a beat there. (audience laughing) - but that has never stopped us from existing and thriving and telling our stories. - the best thing that we can do is use our platform to uplift other younger black artists and give them their time to shine. - i used to carry extra panties in my purse in case i got lucky. now i carry 'em in case i sneeze. (audience laughing) - black tv is black life, and it is intrinsically a part of not just our pop culture, but of our actual story. - i want a ass so big that if i'm on top, he roll me over, i'm still on top. (audience laughing) - yeah, it's a tv show, but little black kids are watching and that's important. - here's the original chris. (audience laughing) he drowned in a vat of activator. - we have a voice, it was hard work,
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but i think the future of black television is bright. (upbeat music)
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japanese prime minister fumio kishida and south korean
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president yoon suk yeol he three nations have not held this kind of summit. and more than four years cnn's michael area is following diplomatic developments and joins us live from hong kong. good to see you again, mike. what all came out of this summit and why is it so important well, rosemary, at this hour the summit is in the books. >> it just ended, and we have new language from the premier of china, li chong saying that this marks a new to beginning for all three countries involve the government of japan is calling the summit very constructive and why this matters. rosemary, this is about the three countries trying to avoid any kind of miscommunication, any sort of misunderstanding or undo escalation because tensions in the region are so high hey, we have china moving closer to russia. we have the united states pulling south korea and japan closer into its orbit. so notable that we have south korean president yoon suk yeol, the prime minister of japan,
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fumio kishida, and lee chung, the premier of china meeting saying, we got to talk at a senior level, we have to be able to do this to avoid any sort of misunderstanding. so we now know that they're going to be working towards a greater free trade agreement, which in theory is good for the stability of the region. and then a wildcard that made itself very apparent earlier today. >> north korea, how all three nations will respond to north korea. >> the north saying that it's going to be launching a it, what it calls a satellite between now and next tuesday. here is how the japanese prime minister fumio kishida said that he and his nation will be responding to that launch when it happens. >> last night, north korea once again gave notice of its intention to launch another satellites. but even if it were to success fully launch it, it would be a breach of united nations resolutions. and we strongly urge north korea to cancel so we have even more
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star, i should say stronger language coming from the president and south korea agents on you saying that the international community needs to respond sternly softer language from china. >> it's foreign ministry saying that the world needs to respond with restraint. so of course, where he's married, this is a common security denominator for all three countries. much of the asia pacific rim, the united states as well. so it's going to be interesting to see whether or not a meeting like this leads to enhanced cooperation of how to deal with as wildcard rosemary and mike, what's being said about those drills that china held at the end of last week with its military forces surrounding taiwan right? >> so we've paid acute attention to that the japanese prime minister speaking with the premier of china about that subject, and that was behind closed doors, but we have new statements out early this afternoon with the prime minister fumio kishida saying that no nation can unilaterally
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change the status quo. so this meeting is all about preserving stability. each country, letting the other country know where they stand. so that's the most specific that we've heard. think of this as baby steps, just working towards having trust with the other two nations since there are rough patches of history between all three so that's the latest that we know as this a us delegation that we mentioned a couple of minutes ago is making its way, is visiting taiwan. rosemary. >> all right. mike valeriia in hong kong. many thanks for joining thanks. appreciate it it. >> and after the break, we will look at what's ahead this week as donald trump's historic criminal hush money trial nears its end, plus a dozen people well, i injured after turbulence hit a qatar airways flight. we will hear from some of the passengers about what exactly happened millions of people have lost weight with personalized plans from num,
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the jury on the charges they they'll begin their deliberations likely on wedensday, trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a payment to adult film star stormy daniels before the 2016 election trump said sunday that he didn't file paperwork for the libertarian nomination for president because republican rules prevent him from being the nominee for two parties. about the statement comes after he asked for the vote of libertarian ends at their convention in washington, dc on saturday and was loudly booed. take listen. >> the libertarian party should nominate trump for president of the united states only do that trump left the stage after speaking 4304 minutes. he's shot his campaign speech too. date but libertarians didn't want robert f. kennedy jr.
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either. he was eliminated during voting sunday. politician chase oliver, who is opening play gay and has run for congress multiple times, one, the libertarian presidential nomination after seven rounds of voting ron brown, steen is cnn senior political analyst and also senior editor of the atlantic. he joins us now from los angeles, always good to have you with us. >> hi rosemary less than six months away from november's election, donald trump was booed or you rowdy libertarian national convention saturday after telling everyone to vote for him, or at least nominate him what did you make of his reception and how did trump go at other campaigns stops. >> so over the weekend, like the bronx yeah, i think the libertarian convention was told us more about the libertarian party than did about necessarily the candidate to appeal to them. i mean libertarians are a very particular group of voters, especially the hardcore ones that would come out for a
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convention. it's not really easy for either major party to appeal to them. trump aligns with them on his opposition to most things that most kinds of government activism, particularly on regulation. but his support for a variety of ways of policing personal behavior particularly restricting abortion, lgbtq rights, and so forth, really runs afoul of kind of general libertarian beliefs. i think the significance of this weekend was bigger in denying robert f. kennedy jr. the nomination because the libertarians have valid access and far more states than he has been able to achieve so far. and if he had gained their their nomination, it would have made him more of a factor in the election. so on balance, keeping kennedy away from that ballot access is probably something that both parties prefer at this point. but as i said, i think it's more about the party than it did about the candidates and their likely headed toward a smaller share of the vote again, in 24 as
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they were in 20, as opposed to 2016 when they had a former new mexico governor is their nominee. and they actually did win, i think over 4 million votes. >> so how did president joe biden go campaigning over the weekend? and where did the two main presidential candidates stand? with voters right now according to most reputable polls yeah, i look, i mean, it is interesting in the national polling the two are very close, but in the swing-state polling former president trump, i think clearly at this point has a lead. >> i mean, there is a sharp division. if you look at the competitive states across the sunbelt, north carolina, and georgia in the southeast arizona and nevada, and in the southwest, trump has a pretty consistent lead and one that often comes in at five points or more on the other hand, in the competitive states, in the rust belt, michigan think wisconsin is virtually
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even. trump may be slightly ahead in michigan and pennsylvania. >> and all of that geography reflects the upside down demography of this race where compared to 2020, joe biden is holding his vote better among vote older and whiter voters that he is on younger and more diverse voters, which is obviously a reversal of the way things usually have gone in american politics and that allows biden to remain much more competitive in those rust belt states, michigan, pennsylvania, as cancer, which are older and wider. >> if biden wins those three holds all the other states he won by five or more in 26 2020, he gets to exactly 270 electoral college votes. so it's a thin path for the president at the moment, unless they can bring back some of those sunbelt states into play and maybe he can and arizona and nevada, but there is a asked for him closing arguments are expected to get underway this week at trump's new york hush money trial.
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>> and then of course, the jury's deliberations on trump's fate so how could this potentially impact his political prospects in november? >> do thing well, first of all, it is a reminder the relatively expeditious way in which this case has been argued and tried and now brought to the jury of what we could have seen on the more serious charges relating to the january 6 insurrection and the overall effort to overturn the 2020 election. if the supreme court had not intervened to push that trial back, in all likelihood past the november election what we've seen from what we have seen so far on this case, it's hard to imagine it having a huge impact either way if there's a hung jury and trump is not convicted or if is. but i think if he is convicted, obviously, that crosses a threshold for voters. we have seen in polling in theory that
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there are, there is a slice of voters who say they're extremely reluctant to make trump president again, if he is a convicted felon, i'm not sure based on the actual behavior we've seen in poland also, that would play out quite as much as as some surveys are suggesting, but it would be a threshold that voters cross. >> trump is set himself up to argue, are you at round and argued flat as the lawyers say, if he is not convicted, he will say the case was so biased and august that even a jury in one of the most blue jurisdictions in the country could not find against him if he is convicted, they'll simply say it was a blue state jury that went against him. >> i think the scary part of this from the point of view, the overall health of american democracy is this expanding argument on the right? get not only are prosecutors and local officials biased against republicans in these blue jurisdictions, but you can't even trust a jury of ordinary citizens. in essence, that was the argument the texas governor greg abbott gave when he pardoned someone who killed a
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black lives matter protest or after they've been convicted in liberal travis county texas. i mean, it's a kind of soft succession to essentially say that only republican constituencies can be trusted to judge whether republican official should be held accountable. but that is the direction we're heading all right. >> thanks to ron brown stain. always a pleasure to have you on thanks for having me. still to come. another harrowing ordeal for passengers as turbulence hits a qatar airways flight, we will look at why these incidents appear to be on the rise and what's causing them. that's a head in a live report i'm thinking to i'm
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going to die and i thought that was it. earth with liev schreiber premieres next sunday at nine on cf doug lima someone needs to customize and save hundreds and car insurance with liberty neutral. >> let's fly nag i thought you were right behind me. >> only pay for what you need labor day let's any landlord find qualified renders and sign leases and polite payments from any place even here. >> and where's here? exactly? he us-led day rent, tada is
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to can cause serious side effects, including fatal infections, while known cases of pml, we'll reported in promes clinical trials, it could happen, tell your doctor if you had are planned to have vaccines, or if you are or planned to become pregnant, he sent to me cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effect thanks, a upper respiratory tract infection, hea and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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preferred better science, better results even mackenzie in washington cnn welcome back everyone always says it will investigate a turbulence incident and on a flight from dot to dublin, which injured a dozen people age were taken to hospital when they landed in the irish capital sunday, the flight ran into turbulence over turkey, but it's unclear what caused it. >> this comes less than a week after more than 100 passengers were injured and a man died of a suspected heart attack when a singapore airlines flight encountered severe turbulence
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for more, we want to go to cnn, sebastian shukla, who joined us now from berlin. good morning to you, sebastian. so walk us through how this incident unfolded. >> yeah. good morning. rosemarie. another harrowing incident involving turbulence and airplanes. i mean, it turbinates itself is not a rare occurrence for anybody who's done any amount of flux hi, but the fact that to incidents like this have now resulted in injuries. and as you say, one fatality in the space of a week is incredibly rare in this instance though the flight from doha to the irish capital, dublin didn't need to be diverted. on like that. singapore airlines flight, which diverted to to bangkok in the case of qr 17, it was 12 people were injured, eight people have been hospitalized as a result of it. and when the flight landed, it was met by emergency services susan police. qatar airways have said that they're conducting an
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investigation into exactly what happened. but i want you to take a listen to what some of the passengers who are on the flight had to say we had we had our seat belts on just from watching the episode that happened last week was just it was there in your mind? it was so scary at the time? just don't know as they say, are not, like what the staff were amazing like to actually get up and have to look after because and they're going around to a bandages on their hands and bloodied faces like and they have to servers as well so as you can hear, those unwritten turbinates appear to have struck during, during the meal service somewhere over turkey, which is a good for hours to to dublin, a harrowing ordeal albeit though no real major fatalities on this one, rosemary. >> and sebastian, are we seeing an increase in turbulence related activity? is this a trend that's going to continue?
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>> well, it's hard to say with two incidents is that is that a trend a study done by a university in the uk in 2022, said that over the next decade there is the possibility that turbulence related incidents since could increase by two or three times. we have 65,000 turbulence related incidents every year in the aviation industry and 5,000 some of those are considered as very serious. but what it does do rosemary is it does make people anxious whether you are a seasoned flyer or you already an anxious flyer, these results in turbulence just create a it seeps into the psyche and it does make people nervous. i came on a flight yesterday from london back home here in berlin, and people were nervous about the turbulence. we encountered some and that jolting that gut, your gut or it moves up and down just does just make people a little more cautious at the moment and two back-to-back incidents like this, only compounded rosemarie?
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>> absolutely understood. we talked to analyst or miles o'brien, and of course, he assures those who worry about flying, maybe getting a seat above the wing might be a safer position, but we'll see what happens. everyone scrambling for the same spot sebastian shukla in berlin, many thanks for sure. tuning is push it and we'll be right back tuesday the evidence is in the testimony has ended, but it's not over yet before the jury gets the final say prosecutors and trump's defense team give them final word, live coverage of closing arguments in the trump hush money trial begin tuesday at 90 i'm getting vaccinated by weiser's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine syllabi because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia already gotten pneumonia vaccine. >> but i'm asking about the added protection of krever 20. >> if you're 19 or older with
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buddy maths and get one free or only 24, 95 each welcome back, everyone. will the searches on for a monkey on the loose in south carolina officials say bradley is roaming around the town of walterboro in the southern part of the state. he has a japanese snow monkey and has lived in the area for the past six years. now exactly how bradley actually escaped, but police are advising residents not to approach him and keep an eye on pets that are outside as a precaution. and then we'll control officials, say readily is not considered dangerous or
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aggressive toward people or other animals, but they do caution. he's still considered a wild animal well, the shawn's elisa is not just for tourists, that was the message behind a giant picnic that took place at the world famous boulevard on sunday. a few thousand persians were provided picnic baskets and invited the camp out for a meal at a site that's usually have four designer stores and local tourists the participants were selected by lottery and given basket that included sandwiches, strawberries, and cookies. sounds wonderful the event organizers, the aim of the event was to bring parisian back to the thoroughfare and thank you so much for joining us. i'm was were church by international viewers, world's board is coming up next and for those of you in the united states and canada, i'll be back with more cnn newsroom in just a moment jade made
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analyzed and restored using the power of delhi reserving memories in helping to write new that's not the bell an assault way series foot-long, except we add on a new foot-long zach kick. we're talking about $2 foot long cheer row 3,000 foot long pretzel kind of find out a footlong cookie. every effort foot-long deserve a perfect sack kid. what was your favorite subway simi sub today? >> closed captioning, bronchial by in fed help called one 18071 0020, do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? >> cohen van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 807, 100020 welcome back to our viewers here in north america. i'm rosemary church taiwan is working on an ambitious plan to create a new satellite system to keep people online in case
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of a disaster. self-governing ireland currently relies on a series of vulnerable undersea cables for its communications. see any international correspondent will ripley has more on the problem and taiwan's proposed solution deep beneath the waters around taiwan, a fragile digital lifeline, some call shockingly vulnerable to a chinese attack 15 undersea internet cables connecting taiwan to the rest of the world. >> vital strategic assets and potential military targets cut the cables. you cut off the internet, plunging 24 million people into digital darkness leaving this island democracy dangerously exposed elon musk spent years and billions developing starlink using low orbit communication satellites to provide high-speed internet.
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here in taiwan, people have plenty of reasons to doubt the reliability of starlink. elon musk controls it and he has deep business ties with china and september musk made comments seen as signing with beijing over taipei their policies to agree unites firewall of china from this standpoint. maybe the salary goes to hawaii taiwan's foreign minister quickly fired back posting on musk's x platform listen up. taiwan is not part of the people's republic of china, and certainly not for sale. >> three, two to protect itself taiwan is turning to space, investing billions to develop and launch its own low orbit communication satellites to ensure uninterrupted internet connectivity in times of crisis, a program spearheaded by ooh zhong chin, director general of tasa taiwan's space
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agency the communication center ai is very important for our communication resilience during urgent periods starlink, developed by spacex crucial in conflict zones like ukraine and gaza. tasa is racing to develop a similar system in space the satellite you're developing, if the internet or the communication lines were cut and taiwan could go into the dark right there, right it out this. yeah, i think so. so that's very important for us. yeah. we take it very, very serious, chilling case study of taiwan's digital vulnerability on its outlying matsu island's last year taipei accused to china any ships of severing underwater cables without providing direct evidence. the only backup sluggish microwave radio transmission calls dropped, texting, took hours. online videos on watchable taiwan is cooperating with nasa in the us, accelerating its space program in the face of
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rising threats, china is rising in space. for example, have this political difficulty in traditional, as you know, but in space there's no country the vision, or there's no boundary and back on earth, rising cross-strait tensions, adding, earth at once, space race will ripley, cnn, taipei it may have started late, but the ending was no less thrilling yosef new garden one, the indianapolis 500 on sunday for the second constraint year. >> he made a stunning pass on the final lab to take the victory by about three tenths of a second. the start of the prestigious race was delayed by four hours du to extreme weather organizers had to pause the pre-race festivities and evacuated fans until the reign past and the track could be dried and late sunday night,
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christopher bill was named the winner of nas cows rain shortened coca-cola 600 at the charlotte motor speedway, north carolina. this is bill second victory of the season and the eighth of his career car larson's attempt to become the fifth driver to pull off the double racing in both the indy 500 and the coca-cola 600 was thwarted. due to the weather delay in indianapolis or the parents of pro golfer grayson murray have confirmed their son died by suicide the pga tour announced mary's death on saturday after he withdrew from the tournament. in texas, world sport's don riddell has they were trying to play golf on the pga tour in dallas this weekend, but it was so very difficult after the news that one of the men who had been playing in the tournament's had taken his own life on sunday, grayson mary's parents, erik and terry released a statement through the pga tour
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and their shock and heartbreak was just palpable. >> they said, quote, we have spent the last 24 hours trying to come to terms with the fact that our sun is gone. it's surreal that we not only have to admit it to ourselves but we also have to acknowledge it to the world. it's a nightmare life wasn't always easy for grayson. they went on and although he took his own life, we know he rest peacefully now, please, honore grace. and by being kind to one another, if that becomes his legacy we could ask for nothing else grayson murray was just 30 years old, a talented golfer who publicly battled his demons. but he was 22 here and his pga tour card and quickly won his first pga tour event just a few weeks later. he later said that such rapid success was both a blessing and a curse. despite is phenomenal talent, he struggled both on and off the course with anxiety, mental health issues, and alcohol abuse. but he never tried to hide his challenges from the world everyone has their rattles and sometimes
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they're people are able to hide them and function and some times and i think our society now is getting better about accepting that it's okay to not be okay type deal and hadn't embraced that type mentality and not ashamed that i go through depression, anxiety, and i know i've helped two people out in the past just through my social media dmz, people messenger me and that's i think part of i can use my platform to do to continue to help with things like that in recent times, grayson seems to be getting better. >> he returned to the pga tour this year. and in january, he want again the sony open in hawaii is sudden death has absolutely stunned the hole golf community. i'm one of his playing partners in dallas, peter malnati tried to find the worst that describe how so many are feeling so funny we get so
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worked up out here about a bad break here are good break there look so hard to imagine how anybody could play on after something like this pga tour. commissioner jay monahan says, the grief counselors were made available to the players and staff and many of the players on sunday wore red and black ribbons. to remember grayson, those other colors, he used to wear on sundays because of his love of the carolina hurricanes ice hockey team it's surely going to be some time before they can all process and make sense of such an utterly sad and tragic loss. back to you and if you or someone you know, maybe considering suicide or is in crosses, cool all or text 988 to reach the suicide and crisis lifeline well, this
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memorial day americans will visit cemeteries across the nation to pay tribute to veterans and honore their service. >> but there are many veterans who have long been overlooked, especially in historically african american cemeteries. cnn's kara and k for explains how volunteers are working to piece together their stories and recognize their efforts. >> on a blustery spring saturday in york, pennsylvania, the civil war service of john noble is finally more realized noble was born in havana, cuba around 18, 32. he fought for the union army from 18, 62 to 18, 63 and 1902, he was buried in north york's lebanon cemetery until the 19th 60 is one of the only burial sites in the area for african americans. >> i didn't realize that this was a black cemetery. it was just a place where my relatives were buried. it's only been since 2019 when i started
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volunteering here that i knew and understood the gravity of what this site meant. >> samantha dorm is co-founder for a volunteer group called friends of lebanon cemetery. when the group first came together in 2019, the primary mission was upkeep now the focus has expanded to research a story retelling education, and remembrance, the truth of the matter is many of those stories are not there to be found if you don't have families who can i, can, tell you about their ancestors. i can tell you about their history, their lineage. those stories are oftentimes loss. >> the more than 150 years hold cemetery dorm says is the final resting place of at least 300 us military veterans this spring, noble and for other black veterans received the grave markers to which every eligible us military veteran is entitled, whether buried in a cemetery maintained by the us department of veterans affairs like this one and alexandria, virginia, or a private cemetery like lebanon every veteran has a story to be told. and so
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without that mark that story is lost and the legacy of that veteran is lost matthew quinn is the vas outgoing under secretary for memorial affairs. >> he says efforts like that by the friends of limit on cemetery and other private sites is an extension the recognition at the nation's va operated cemeteries. >> this is reaching out beyond those boundaries to private cemeteries that maybe the graves haven't been maintained and the markers have been damaged or destroyed. >> the days national cemetery administration says they are working with private historically black cemeteries in south carolina virginia, and pennsylvania and others and local veterans groups historians and volunteers like samantha dorm to verify service records and issue markers, making sure every veteran service is honored and sandra virginia, i'm karen kfile and thanks for your company this hour. >> and was we church cnn newsroom continues with maxwell's two in london
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