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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 27, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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now for pilots to predict when they're going to experience his turbulence is why having all this radar technology and whatnot and that i think is going to be the real challenge. cheers. i feel less safe. yeah, one of the experts was explained that unless there's like rain in it or moisture and you can't see it on the radar, you do rely on these other pilots going ahead of you but i think it makes me want to put my it's not that i didn't ever i always had my seat belt on, but i'm a alone more thoughtful about i stay in my seat with the signal it's. >> the long-haul flight and i gotta go to the bathroom but other than that, i am buckled in yeah. yeah. and i think people are thinking about this more. >> i think people are thinking about it more people are taking more precautions like you're saying in your seat, everyone sing and mercy. but i also think we need to be looking at climate change is not just what the airlines can do. there are other things here that are impacting this, and i think we should to take a relook at right. >> and that's what the experts have said to that it is it is going back to climate change. all right, thanks to this panel, always good to see all of you and thank you for joining us this morning. i'm jessica dean and for kasie hunt and cnn news central starts right now over 100 million
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americans are facing the threat of severe weather this memorial day, that's after powerful storms ripped through the sense of less even terrible destruction jan and killing at least 19 people and four seats. the tsa says that it set a new record for most travelers screen in a single day on friday, put that intense storm i'm so some impact million trying to get back home after the holiday weekend. and a former general hospital actor fatally shot in los angeles police right now searching for the suspect aviana goldberger with were held solomon, this is cnn news central let's begin this morning without severe
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weather, deadly tornadoes ripping through america's heartland with severe storms today, now threatening millions of people as they gather for the holiday right now, at least 19 people are dead, including four children. that's after a violent weekend tornado outbreak hit four states. miles of homes and businesses destroyed across texas, oklahoma, arkansas, and kentucky. and in kentucky, a state of emergency declared brand new video showing one reported tornado as a struck near eddie the bill one couple's home taking a direct hit, look yeah. >> how about i can blow the door open are still know where i put donor and then reinforced it all i'll actually every time but at least my dogs. okay. my husband. okay and the threat is not over more than 120 million people could see severe storms today, life-threatening heat, also an
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issue cnn's ed lavandera is standing by one of the hardest hit areas in texas. >> but first, let's go to meteorologist derek van dam. he is tracking the latest out of kentucky where the threat is greatest right now, derek gives us a sense of what you're seeing and what you're watching the ever helliwell, the same storms that struck kentucky yesterday have advanced a little further to the south and east. >> this is our severe weather threat for the day, which by the way, encompasses over 100 120 million americans. the reason for that is because of these large population densities cross the mid-atlantic included in our nation's capital new york, philadelphia, stretching all the way to the southeast. and that's inclusive of atlanta under this slight risk of storms, the threats today, a few tornadoes, damaging wind gusts, and large hail. all possible within these locations here's a tornado that struck the hopkins county region. this is dawson springs, kentucky. and if you recall, back in december of 2021, this area was ravaged by an ef4 tornado to see yet another tornado come through the same exact location, is truly
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heartbreaking. now, kentucky has the highest number of customers without power, but look at how many states are impacted. over 600,000 customers without power this morning, they wake up on this holiday memorial day, and they are just of course, having to deal with that. now, we're considering watch box a tornado earth, or severe thunderstorm watch box across central georgia. more on that to come getting bits of information from the storm prediction center. but we still do have severe thunderstorm and tornado watches across portions of mississippi and alabama a few severe thunderstorm watches, but no tornado warnings at the moment across the area. but look at this, we've had over 1,000 reports of severe weather through the course of this weekend in extended holiday weekend, and many people outdoors being caught off guard with the storms that are advancing eastward. and then we recycle that severe weather threat tomorrow into the state of texas, where of course we have a heat wave that is still ongoing. look at these heat and x's. this is what it'll feel
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like as you step outside on your skin, rahel, over for 115 degrees fahrenheit. so all kinds of threats facing the nation this morning. >> yeah, just brutal. derek van dam. thank you. but bianna, you could see in the map there just how many people in the us, over 100 million people facing some sort of severe weather just gives you a sense of just having people are going to be experiencing this potentially today unbelievable destruction. we've already seen it some some of those images on right now, let's go to texas where a massive cleanup and recovery effort is now underway, or ed lavandera isn't valley view, texas and our home-state just can't catch a break here. just horrific images behind you. what more can we expect to see? >> well, in the darkness of saturday night, an ef-2 tornado with winds of 100 135 miles per hour, ripped through this area near valley view, texas, north of the dallas, fort worth area and denton, texas terrifying moments if you look behind me, this is the convenience store along the interstate where
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dozens of people, in fact, emergency officials say more than 100 people of such shelter inside here to protect themselves because there isn't much else to many other places to be able to hide from the storm that was barely in its way. through this part of north texas. and it came through with devastating results in this area alone seven people were killed. four of those victims young children, and we spent to yesterday in the neighborhoods that were so ravaged by the storm. and we spoke with many residents who said, you know, they had they had some time of warning preparing for what was coming and they knew as a storm hit that it was going to be bad sirens everywhere. it was all dark and yeah. i mean, it's one of those moments that you see. you see videos about tornadoes is eid people read telling him, i'm just like how, you know, i'm retelling them now, but it's really one of the things you've never expect and until
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it actually happens and beyond, uh, you know, much of the day has been spent, a clearing properties from all of the damage that effort will continue today, that the debris clean up here at this gas station will continue and it was widespread this tornado, i spent a considerable amount of time along the ground here in north texas also a few miles from where we are marina at a popular lake was destroyed with boats overturned and all extensive damage. there as well. so terrifying moments and right now, as this heat will continue to increase throughout the day, many residents here we'll spend their memorial day cleaning up the pieces. bianna, any up the pieces and record heat. ed lavandera. thank you so much. were held back to you all right. >> after the break tomorrow, manhattan prosecutors will try to convince a jury a donald trump should be convicted on 34 criminal charges. coming up a look at the last-minute props were both teams before closing arguments. they're also watching developments in massachusetts. that's where man
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is in custody after stabbing four girls and a movie theater, the youngest victim nine years old. what police are saying about his possible connection to a murder and another state and at least 35 people killed in an israeli strike in gaza, that doctors without borders said hit a camp for displaced people. the idf claiming that it took out two senior hamas commanders. but the strike could now impact hostage negotiations. all of that, when we return russia is we're trying to spy on us we were spying on them i'm sorry, frank this is a war, but secret war. >> secrets and spies, a nuclear game. >> premier sunday at ten on cnn, with cargo ruse, filter millions of listings to land the perfect deal only you could do things your way all the time imagine that i've get it with
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seven 30 on tnt welcome back tomorrow. closing arguments are set to begin in donald trump's criminal hush money trial. and more than five weeks, prosecutors have called 20 witnesses to the stand while the defense has called to throughout the testimony, prosecutors have put the spotlight on 11 invoices, 12 vouchers, and 11 checks those are the 34 documents that trump is charged with falsifying and included reimbursement for the $130,000 hush money payment for stormy daniel's let's bring in cnn's katelyn polantz, kaitlan. the jury has obviously had a few days, a bit of a delay here. so what can we expect tomorrow? >> what were held tomorrow is closing summation. so both sides are going to make their final pitches to the jury. the prosecutors are going to argue that they have proved the case that those 20 witnesses were able to connect all of the dots in this case against donald trump. those 20 witnesses were able to say that donald trump was motivated to hide these payments that the jurors saw
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those payments to stormy daniels being made to keep her quiet during the 2016 election, and it was all an attempt for donald trump to keep and protect his 2016 and political campaign campaign finance motivation that is part of the four of their case. >> the defense, they're going to argue in their summation that the prosecutors they didn't have enough evidence, they didn't prove the case that it's all circumstantial. >> and then also that guy michael cohen who took the stand for three days, four days, that he was not somebody that can be trusted that is very likely to be the whole of the defense case. >> now, all of this has a lot of mechanics tomorrow. >> this these are arguments where the defense will go first. they'll present, then the prosecutors. they will present their closing these could go all day. we know from the judge that he is not set any specific time limits at this point in time and then after those summations are done, jury instructions. that is when the jurors will be told exactly what their work needs
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to do, what they need to be able to find if they want to convict the former president of the united states for these business falsification of records, crimes, and then the jury deliberations will begin those could go. however, law it takes to reach some sort of verdict or for the judge to say it's taking too long. i've heard from sources, the press the defense team has been working all over the weekend preparing for this, but they're also busy with some other things as well. rahel, there is now a request for a gag order on the former president related to du a separate criminal cases classified documents, case in florida. we're waiting to see what they do there as well. rahel yeah, certainly a question mark. >> how long the jury could take, but deliberations could begin as early as wednesday. katelyn polantz by force in washington. caitlin, thank you. our to search for suspects is underway in california. that's a former general hospital actor was shot and killed in a robbery. also, how much will those extreme storms disrupt
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more memorial day travel plans? we're tracking all of it coming up next riyadh saves new album is breaking records gets to say what country is comey country beyond, say a nashville's renaissance. tonight, that aid on cnn pure harvest smart farms, dan aba dhabi does the technology enabled agribusiness, solving global challenges. we're taking proven methods of farming and decoupling the relationship of food production from climate. and instead mirroring it to technology, energy, and capitals given its heritage in farming, great infrastructure to build a company and the ability to attract foreign talent. abdel be made them a ton of sense for us. our aspiration is that were accompanied that this country can be proud of a widely filter. >> it's well-designed, efficient. >> i appreciate that leaf filters technology keeps debris
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rec in one of the most active 20 seasons ever, you can't control a tornado what kinds of interventions can we design go in? >> inside the storm the premiere of one and earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn this morning, police arrested a suspect after six people were stabbed in separate attacks that massachusetts over the weekend officials say that four girls between the ages of nine and 17 were attacked at a movie theater get are in braintree than about an hour later, two other people were stabbed at a mcdonald's in plymouth. >> all of the victims were taken to the hospitals with non-life-threatening injuries. the plymouth county da said that the 26 year-old suspect was arrested 15 minutes after fleeing the scene of the mcdonald's and now faces multiple assault charges. please say that the attacks are likely connected and that the
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investigation is active and ongoing. bianna are also knew this morning, los angeles police are searching for the suspects involved in a shooting that killed a former general hospital actor, johnny wactor was fatally shot over the weekend after police say he walked up on an attempted robbery cnn's camila bernal joins me now with more quite stunning news overnight. what more we hearing about this hey be honest, so we know that police are currently searching for the people responsible for killing this actor according to police's happened on saturday at around 3205 in the morning as the actor was leaving work, his mother's spoke to our affiliate kabc saying he was actually at a rooftop bar. >> that's where he worked in downtown la. and as he was leaving, he saw what he thought was people working on his car, his mother saying that he thought his car was being towed so he approached these three people and one of the suspects it's looked up and shot him according to his mom, then
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authorities confirmed this. they did not name johnny wactor, but said that there were three people who were trying to seal a car's catalytic converter when the suspect approach or excuse me, the victim approached the suspects and that's when he was shot. those three people drove off in a car and authorities say that he was taken to the hospital where he was later pronounced dead. so as authorities are trying to figure this out and continue this investigation, searching for these three people that we're trying to steal the catalytic converter, the soap-opera community really coming together there are to remember this 37-year-old, he was on general hospital from 2020 to 2022. so about 150 episodes more than that. he appeared on the show. so the show releasing a statement, i want to read part of what they said. they said this the entire general hospital we'll family is heartbroken to hear of jonny wactor's untimely passing. he
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was truly one of a kind and a pleasure to work with each and every day or thoughts and prayers go out to his loved ones. during this difficult time. now his tv wife, sophia madsen, also a posted a small tribute on hit her instagram and she said this, johnny was the absolute best. so genuine, so carrying incredibly hard working and humble with a huge heart that's spread so much kindness and joy he was on general hospital. he also appeared on criminal minds and episode of ncis as again, just the hollywood community coming together, his agent saying he was an example to others, someone that would give you the shirt off his back, beyond just really sad news can be bernal thank you. >> well, still ahead for us. severe weather threats persist in the east after at least 19 people died this weekend when tornadoes, rocked the central us, what to expect today, if you're traveling there's a
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brand new presidential candidate this morning, the libertarian who has jumped in the race and why president trump was booed onstage this weekend. >> i'll that up next tomorrow, evidence is the testimony has ended, but it's not over yet before the jury gets the final say. >> prosecutors and trump's defense team in the final word. live coverage of closing arguments in the trump hush money trial tomorrow at nine eastern. the all new temper p-adic adapt mattress was designed to help me aches and pains. a thing of the past because only temperament tier eases your pressure points in a way no other mattress can, for a limited time, save up to $500 on select temper p-adic adjustable mattress sets well done viv you got the presence, the balloons, and the raptor cake now how about something to put a smile on your face? >> has been dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for
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that i'm more than what you see on paper. today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper. now, it's called poppy this before in the stanley cup fairclough wipers on the line right now to now to distractions good still feel white guy and i will morrill day weekend is certainly living up to the expectations for travel numbers experts are predicting shattering records across the board. >> aaa says nearly 44 million people bull will travel by plane, car and train this holiday weekend, coming close
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to the 2005 record, the tsa announced that on friday that it screened nearly 3 million travelers at checkpoints nationwide. that is the most ever recorded in a single day. and as many of you are watching are set to head home a series of storage comes across the country, could have a serious impact on your trip. seen as piedmont tina's lie for us at reagan national airport, pete, i saw you last week. you told me that we were going to be making some new records, perhaps meeting old records you are right yeah. >> you know that now really begins the rush home though. all of those people who left are now coming back. it's really ushering in this huge summer for travel even here at reagan national airport, they're predicting a 3% increase in travel all summer long. the tsa numbers for this weekend have been huge on thursday, it was 2.9 million people in airports nationwide came only 11,000 passengers short than the all all-time air
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travel record recorded by the tsa then friday, 2.95 million people that is now the all-time air travel record, really obliterated the previous record by about 45,000 people today anticipated to be pretty big, 2.7 million people expected to be screened by tsa at airports nationwide really foreshadowing a gangbusters summer for air travel, a bubble that shows no signs of bursting. >> here is what tsa administrator david pekoske said about that disease similar travel season, we have on record we expected to see between eight and 10% growth over the course of this year. >> the big question now is, will the air travel system be able to handle this? the faa is 3,000 air traffic controllers short at air-traffic control facilities nationwide. >> also, the weather is the big
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x factor here, and no doubt it will have an impact on air travel that a ground stuff just put into place by the faa at atlanta's hartsfield-jackson international airport. the faa also warning of ground stops down the east coast today boston new york, philadelphia, baltimore, dc, charlotte chicago, also severance cisco on the list thunderstorms can have a pretty big impact today. also, the low clouds ceilings and the low visibility that comes along with that. of course, so many people anticipated to drive aaa anticipated that 38 38.4 million people would drive the previous five days over this memorial, they traveled period the worst times to go today in the afternoon between three and 7:00 p.m. so if you can wait to make your trip until after 7:00 p.m. that is but as time to do it beyond and also check in with your local news regarding what the weather situation will be as well. piedmont team, thanks so much for hell all right. bianna, you chase oliver one, the libertarian party's
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presidential nomination sunday after seven rounds of voting. at the party's convention and washington, dc and 38 year-old candidate who has run for congress multiple times in georgia, appeal to the voters by focusing on bringing libertarian values to a broader audience. both donald trump and robert f. kennedy jr. spoke of the convention over the weekend with trump facing loud booing throughout his short speech. now, while trump attended, and he spoke, he did not submit the paperwork to be considered as a nominee when it came time for the party to vote, joining me now is democratic strategist chip roach and former spokesman for president george w bush pc. good to see you both, pete, let me start with you trump usually speaks in front of a warmer audience. he's not used to having his ego bruise like he did. >> what does it say about where his campaign is right now that he would go to something like this. >> what do you think? >> well, the bullish way of looking at it is this is a move of confidence that the trump
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campaign feels good about their position and polling, and their position moving into the november general election. so they're starting to branch out and reach two different constituencies. that he normally, as you say, normally speaks to the base and the libertarian party convention clearly not the base, but the bearish view is that they are afraid of the impact that robert f. kennedy jr. might have on this election. and he's got go scoop up each and every single individual vote that he can get. so really just depends on your point of view why he went there yeah. >> and check your point. i mean, do you take the bearish point of view or the bullish point of view, does it signal that he's, he's worried about rfk jr. i think it just shows how closest elections going to be, those of us who run elections around the country every day are doing focus groups. every day i've been working in campaigns for 34 years. this is the closest i've ever seen. >> you really have a solidification of people that are on the right and on the
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left. >> and what donald trump and i would even say joe biden are doing is anyway little sliver of support for joe biden. it could be nikki haley supporters for donald trump. he's worried about rfk just like joe biden is worried about it, because in these battleground states, in just these five states, just a minuscule amount of votes are going to make a huge difference when the margins you're just so narrow well, to that point, pete, let's actually talk about who trump's vp could be. so political has some new reporting out about who hill republicans think that trump's should choose. i want to read it for you. so some of them even want him to consider a rival. he's publicly ruled out. >> nikki haley, who of course, recently revealed she would be voting for him and to haley cannot make an improbable comeback. >> many republican lawmakers want to see trump pick one of two other former opponents with the same outside of maga, a lower either senators tim scott or marco rubio, whose the better pick here. i mean, who gets him to where he needs to be? >> i think donald trump needs to take the vice presidential
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selection process incredibly seriously when we talk about those double haters, the voters who dislike both candidates it could very well come down to that vice presidential pick the person son who is a heartbeat away from the presidency we know that both donald trump and joe biden are not getting any younger. and there's going be a lot of focus on kamala harris or whoever donald trump picks. i think the nikki haley pick might actually have the reverse effect and turn off voters that voted for her away. and they're going to be angry a rubio or tim scott could actually fit the bill chuck, i mean, what do you think? i mean, we continue to see in these primaries? i mean, nikki haley is pulling not insignificant numbers and some places she still pulling 20% of votes. i mean, what do you think? >> you know to peace point normally, the vice president candidate, the vice presidential pick means nothing. nobody goes to the ballot box to vote for the vice
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president. it's been looked at over years. people are like, well, we need to get a vp from ohio or florida so we can deliver those states. that's just not the case at a multimedia world that we're living in today. so donald trump is looking for something that he is not. he wants to pick somebody like a person of color, like wrapped donald or mr. marco rubio, or somebody in that vein. so he can maybe get a little more african american vote are a few more latino votes another place where he can expand the electrode is what he's looking for. because like what pizza, the double-haters are looking for? alternative, what is something that would draw them to them instead of just voting for something that's not the other person let me ask you both to weigh in here. >> obviously, the jury is going to have a closing arguments in the trump hush money case in new york. and they could have this case in their hands. it could have this in their hands as early as wednesday regardless of what the verdict is, what's the trump campaign strategy? pete, let me start with you donald trump's going to declare himself the victor,
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no matter what happens. if he is convicted, that will be validation of everything he has said about this trial being a sham amine and the judge being conflicted. and if he is acquitted, that would be vindication. >> and he's going to put a dark cloud above all the other indictments in cases that he is currently facing. so expect that no matter what happens, he will not hang his head in shame. he will declare victory chuck he's validation or vindication. what do you think i think it's going to be monetization. >> i think that people are going to make money off of this in both campaigns and use it to try to get to their base to raise money around either their victories or their losses, or to try to scare folks into saying, now see what happened. the justice system is rigged or other saying justice was finally served because right now as we get into the doldrums of summer folks, your great reporting. want to go about everybody that's traveling for the memorial day weekend. do you think that they're really turned into politics where
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they're not right now, but they will be soon. and some of them like us on this tv, thus us watching this morning, we're following this closely but the american people are just now when they get back from summer vacation, going to be tuning into what's happening as we lead into the fall. >> fascination. well, we shall see validation, vindication, or monetization pete cho gracia. thank you the ana this morning, un refugee officials telling cnn that no place in gaza is safe medical sources say overnight strikes by israel have killed at least 20 palestinians across gaza this after at least 45 people were killed when a camp for displaced gazans in rafah was hit, by an israeli strike, according to the hamas-run gaza health ministry it says most of the victims were women and children. the idf reporting that the strike killed two senior hamas officials, cnn's not of a shear joins us now with more, what more we learning about this overnight strike nauta, the idf says that they are currently investigating getting it that is right.
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>> bianna ads as they will be carrying out a review. but of course, as you just mentioned, we have had an updated death toll from the health ministry in gaza, at least 45 people said to have been killed more than 240 people injured in the incident. last sign, of course, we've seen that dramatic footage horrifying footage emerging from the sultan neighborhood in rafah last night, tents engulfed in flames. we have seen videos of merging being said by our colleagues on the ground that is simply the two graphic to show on air the charred bodies of civilians, including children being pulled out from these shelters. and of course, this is an area which was known to be housing thousands of civilians who had been displaced, push towards this southern city. and in fact, tell sultan neighborhood was not amongst those which were issued with an evacuation order by the israeli military over the last month. this was supposed to be a safe zone for civilians clearly, that is not the case. now, of course, the israeli military has said that it was targeting what it has described as a hamas compound
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that to hamas officials who were killed in the strike. but of course, the civilian impact is immense to say the least, and we have seen widespread criticism not only for un agencies brought from although humanitarian organizations that has been mounting concerns around the potential humanitarian impact form an attack on the rafah, an area more than 1 million civilians on are currently concentrated. we've heard from president biden described by being any attempt to go into up on the ground as a red line for the us when it comes to further military support for the israeli military, whether or not this incident with these kinds of strikes targeting civilian areas in an offer will be a red line for president biden of course, remains to be seen in this comes just days after the international court of justice ordered the israeli military not to carry out an offensive in rafah. of course the signals at this point clearly show that that is being ignored in there are fears that civilian death toll will only continue to rise wait and see
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what, if anything, we hear from the white house in response so this particular strike in rafah overnight, nada bashir. >> thank you so much. rahel. all right. this morning, the death toll from a massive landslide and papua new guinea appears even worse than initially fear the country's national disaster center says that as many as 2000 people may have been buried alive when the landslide hit a remote mountainous area on friday, more than 150 homes in one village were swallowed up. cnn's i've and watson joins us this morning with the latest on the search and rescue efforts. ivan, what more you learn and what more can you share with us? >> right? well, part of what's so tragic about this is that the landslide took place at around 3:00 in the morning local time which is when the residents of these rural villages would have been faster sleep in their homes. and it has taken days really for the authorities to come to grips with the scale of the damage, the true potential death toll now, letter to aid
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organizations and the united nations that pop when new guinea government saying they fear more than 2000 people were buried alive under this just cascade of mud and rocks that came down. the entire our side of a mountain that collapsed so listen to one grieving survivor of this terrible disaster when liberal me or is 18 of my family members buried under the debris and soil that i am standing on and a lot more family members the village i can not count i am the land owner here thank you to all those who've come to help us. >> but i can not retrieve the bodies. so i'm standing here help leslie now where it is hard to reach this devastated area, the main road to the collection of villages has been cut off by the landslide. >> the ground who said to be very unstable. still, people are having to dig and work
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through the rubble with you know, pick act sears and shovels and their bare hands. it may be dangerous to put heavy machinery in place because the ground could shift and there's an additional complication, rahel, and that is that all along the road from the capital to this area, there's been deadly fighting over the weekend between two rival tribes that have been involved in deadly clashes in the past to that puts aid convoys at risk, put it all together, and it's just been an absolute nightmare for this farming community rahel. >> yeah clearly very tragic. ivan watson live force their ivan, thank you. all right. so ahead, a passenger describes it as the worst 15 seconds of their life. the latest extreme turbulence episode. and during 12 passengers and new data confirms moms are incredible. a new study revealing the amount of calories that pregnancy burns. what doctors are now recommending for pregnant meal planning. we'll grow it back
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up your width deposit at morgan stanley old school hard work, meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities. and relentlessly work with you to make them real violin earth with liev schreiber, premiere sunday at nine on cnn welcome back and live pictures this morning at the world war to memorial on the national mall. and observance of memorial day. this morning, president joe biden, we'll honore the country's fallen military members at arlington national cemetery. i'll tell take part in the presidential armed forces full honore wreath-laying ceremony at the tomb of the unknown soldier, vice president kamala harris will join him. and the solemn observance cruise ship set sail out of port of baltimore and the port baltimore this weekend for the first time since the francis scott key bridge collapse. royal caribbean's vision of the scene he set sail saturday and carnival cruise
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lines resumed operations out of the port on sunday. the port is expected to be fully operational by the end of this the worst 15 seconds of my life. that is how one passenger who was on board a qatar airways flight described extreme turbulence, six passengers and six crew members were injured sunday. on the flight from doha to dublin official said that the flight experienced rough air while flying over turkey of the 12 people who were hurt eight were taken to a hospital. >> yana. >> right. closing arguments are set to begin tomorrow, and donald trump's criminal hush money trial. defense attorneys will present their arguments first, followed by the prosecution joining us now criminal defense attorney william brennan and defense attorney and former prosecutor, randy zell. and i'm randy, since you're here with me first, let me ask you about what we can expect to hear from the prosecution, which will be presenting its closing argument. second, but your thoughts on what you think they should say and what they will say well, what they should say.
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and let's take a step back closing arguments are taking the story that you have been presenting to the jury throughout, and now bringing it all together because ultimately a trial is about two stories, whose story is more credible, whose story makes more sense. the prosecution will attempt. and i think unsuccessfully to convince the jury that their story makes more sense that c'mon, how could the former president not have known that these full centuries were being made in his books and records in order to conceal all or further the crime of election interference. how could he not have intended that he wanted to be president of the united states? >> so let me get to that with you because it begs credulity and i'm sure that's what we're going to be hearing from the defense when they're up first, but how can these jurors be expected to believe given everything that they've learned over the his past five weeks that somebody like allen weisselberg, the cfo of the trump corporation, or michael cohen, wouldn't have told or
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run any of this past donald trump as they were writing these checks and going along with these processes well, good morning, bianna. >> morning. randy. >> i think that it's important to remember that this particular jury hasn't heard from mr. weisselberg he is a no-show at the trial. >> they've heard references to him. so they'd really have to kind of impute what he may say. it all for suppose on the word of michael cohen. and oftentimes in criminal cases, let's say in a drug conspiracy people cooperate and they get up and they tell the jury, look, i was a drug dealer for a long time. i did a lot of bad things selling drugs and the jurors put that aside and they take the testimony, but this is a little different. this particular star witness is a convicted per juror one who lies under oath he's lied about the lies he is told, and
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he admitted to this jury stealing from his own clients. so i think jurors take that type of cooperating witness a little differently. so if at all hinges on the word of michael cohen, who went out and took a mortgage on his own home without telling his wife. did this deal extensively and really, you'd say with a straight face of this jury in a rogue fashion. i don't know that they can get there. >> no doubt randy, that michael cohen has a flawed witness and that is something not only the defense was focused on, but the prosecution also set that up to knowing that that's what they adhered likely from the defense we've heard from people like ellie cohen who have said that that there actually elie honig, i'm sorry. said that there had to have been a process at this prosecution laid out that said, regardless of what you think about michael cohen, the documents speak for themselves. did they establish that enough in your view? >> they did not. and elie raises a good point, having been a form of federal prosecutor, someone who i
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actually try the case against, this would have been handled differently by a federal prosecutor because what you do with a cooperator is simply i'm a bad guy bad guys do things with bad guys bad guys don't bring in good guys to do things. so you may not like me. you may not want to hang out with me, but i know what happened because i was there. what we didn't see here was the ability to actually put the former president in the room knowing and intending. i can have a plumber to my house to fix my pipes. i could be home. i don't know how the plumber does it. michael cohen is the fixer. michael cohen wanted to be chief of staff michael cohen did this. i didn't know what he was doing. >> and you say that the prosecution of your view didn't do enough to establish not hey, miss themselves were to mr. brennan's point, where was allen weisselberg? where was keith schiller suddenly michael cohen didn't know well, did i speak to the former
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president and let them know what was going on or maybe i spoke to keith schiller about a 14 that was driving me crazy. built-in reasonable doubt they'll let me ask you at the possibility of a hung jury because all we know we know that all we need is one of these jurors to not believe that trump is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. >> what's the likelihood you think we'll see that? >> well, it's kind of a balancing test in my mind. i spent eight weeks and that particular courtroom in front of judge merchan with a lot of these same prosecutors in front of a manhattan jury because you only pick from the island of manhattan at least it's been my experience that's not a favorable forum for the former president. and having said that, i agree with randy, there's so much left unsaid by the prosecution in this case that you only need won bianna. if one juror can't get beyond a reasonable doubt this case will then be declared a mistrial as a result of a hung jury also be interesting to watch in this particular case, judge merchan's orders and
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directives to the jurors as well as they take and consider this case william brennan and randy's ellen. >> thank you. so much. we appreciate your time for hell. >> are bianna scientist have now calculated just how much energy it actually takes for pregnant women to carry a baby for nine months. and it turns out it's a lot like a lot. it takes nearly 50,000 calories to grow a baby. apparently that's 164 snickers candy bars let's bring in san and health reporter jacqueline howard, who joins us for more on this this morning. so jacqueline talk to us a little bit more about this study. where do those calories go yeah, rahel, it's a big number. >> and what's also surprising, the majority of those calories, about 96% go towards the mother only 4% go towards the growing fetus, but the majority of the energy is needed to fuel the mother's body and to really support her during those nine months of pregnancy. and the
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researchers say this, rahel, which i think is really interesting, quote, reproduction is one of the biggest energy investments that an animal will make. so for their society, they looked at pregnancies across different animal species. they really took a close look at mammals. and for a human pregnancy, they can came to that finding that it takes nearly 50,000 dietary calories to help support that pregnancy through nine months. that's a lot of energy and it really puts in perspective what your body goes through and what your body needs during pregnancy. rahel and to that point, jacqueline will did the doctor say anything are the scientists? >> anything about what the body needs and what moms should be eating in terms of the right foods for the appropriate amount of calories and nutrients mean, what do they say here exactly will you need a lot of protein? >> you need healthy fruits and vegetables, you need whole grains. and it is recommended starting in the second trimester to start consuming an
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extra 340 calories each day. so 340 calories is equivalent to about a glass of skim milk and half of a sandwich so a lot of people think during pregnancy, oh, i'm eating for two, so i need i need twice as much in a day. will starting that second trimester, you need those additional 340 calories. so instead of thinking twice as much, think i'm going to eat twice as healthy. i'm gonna get that protein, get those fruits and vegetables. i'm going to talk to my doctor about what prenatal vitamin they recommend for me and that's the way to approach it. rahel. >> okay. so think about protein, maybe not as many snicker bars as we talked about in this intro. but you want to make sure you're getting the right nutrients. jacqueline howard. thank you. beyond appreciate the study, but listed all you have to do is have children or be a mother like myself to know that you burn a lot of calories and at times v2 remind ourselves that we are indeed superheroes. thanks. >> well 19 years ago, during the devastating aftermath of hurricane katrina, twins, a marey and gemara reynolds were rescued by lieutenant general
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russell on array their mother had run out of formula and was desperately seeking help the general and his team quickly took in the dehydrated babies. this chance encounter would set in motion a journey that would bring the family to a milestone nearly two decades later, cnn, stefanie ylim has their story from hurricane evacuees you got delayed glass of 2024 to high school graduates for twins, your mariana mari reynolds. >> this is a moment that seemed improbable at the beginning of their lives right now, hurricane katrina, luck in the summer of 2005, hurricane katrina ravaged new orleans defeating many of the levees surrounding the city, flooding its streets and killing nearly 1,400 people survivors pot challenging circumstances to stay alive. we hadn't eaten and maybe six days alexandria wheeler knowing she needed to find help for her 6.5 month old suns waited through the water.
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her feet and countering unspeakable horrors and the turbid waters. >> there was two bodies collided like this when the trio finally made it to the convention center, turned makeshift shelter in the muggy heat. they were starving and dehydrated. the infants nearly limp. >> that's when lieutenant general russell honore, the decorated commander, who led the military response to hurricanes the trina and rita came to their aid. washington de with looking at calendars and we were looking at a clock. >> it was a moment's cnn caught on camera. >> he was like god's angell. >> if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be here today for years. wheeler says she tried to get in contact with a honore to thank him for his kindness. but it would take another storm, hurricane harvey, threatening their new home in houston in 2017 to bring them together again, i was than as a moon at boys over here wheelers and honore, a message on social
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media, and he responded, we don't even have worst put in inside my house that thank you enough auto. >> repeat back what you did. >> now, nearly 19 years after their life altering and counter honore time to celebrate the boy's achievement if facially referred to you as the katrina twins, because the world got to meet you that b. >> but your mariana mari after a lifetime made possible by the man in uniform are honouring honore each in his own way, who would first tamari and things see you. >> i'll be a future edition to the united states marine corps you got to learn how to say that word, who robbed. i chose to be in a marine's because how watched over the video and i kept watching and inspired me to want to help people a lot more than jamal murray. >> i would like. thank you so much for your bravery, your help. that were survive. >> i'm going to come blanche to do automotive engineering. >> how do you feel heari


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