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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 27, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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what else will you be reflecting upon today? >> well, you know, i wrote an article, a bianna were cited both segments of the film, saving private ryan, not only the phrase of captain miller, to private ryan of earn this but the ending seen that movie where an old private ryan goes to the cemetery and tells his wife, tell me i've been a good man tell me that i lead a good life. that's what a lot of veterans who come home from the war. so think about when they're remembering their fallen comrades. it's not only an earning that, but it's making it matter as i say, in an article so that i wrote a term that my boss general marty dempsey use. we have to make it mattered that we've lived and that they've sacrificed and we have to help them by not only remembering their memories and what great people they were, but also the families that over
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the last and my case, 20 years, 40 years, 50 years, whatever the veteran died, it was 20 years for me where you have to remember the families who have been without their loved ones over that period of time, and how much they've more informed. so it's making it matter for the nation, trying to bring our du, visceral society together and move forward, defending our democratic values such poignant words as we are thankful for and continue to think of those who sacrificed their lives in protecting this country. >> and of course, our gratitude to their families the ten general mark hertling. thank you so much for your time i knew hour of cnn news central starts now more than 120 million people in the path of severe weather today as dozens of communities across four states clean up the deadly
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storms. >> all of it amid life-threatening pete after more than five weeks, it all comes down to this prosecutors and defense attorneys and donald trump's hush money trial while are preparing to present their closing arguments. tamara an honoring those who served the nation, remembering america's fallen heroes on this memorial day we're how solomon along with bianna golodryga and this is cnn news central this morning, millions of americans are on alert this memorial day after a deadly tornado outbreak, rich through america's heartland, the death toll this morning now standing at 19, that's after violent storms devastated areas of texas, oklahoma, arkansas, and kentucky. this tornado near eddy ville, kentucky, caught on camera as it struck overnight, a state of emergency there now declared and the threat also not over more than 120 million people could see severe storms
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today as the system tracks eats life-threatening heat also an issue. let's bring in cnn's ed lavandera, whose standing by. one of the hardest hit areas and texas ed, i mean, it's the heat as we talked about and now the long road to recovery there yeah. >> and people still recovering other were seven people killed in this area near the city of valley view in north texas, north of denton in the dallas, fort worth area. and we spoke with the brother of some of the victims are and this bars of family was in a trailer. you see those two trucks in the trees behind me there was a family of four mother, father, two children. their trailer was blown by the winds of the storm, more than 100 yards and the cars and the remnants you see here is what is left of that trailer. the mother and the two children were killed. we spoke with a benito esparza just a short while ago. he was out here this morning looking
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for some of the belongings of his brother who has a broken hip and a broken leg is in the hospital. it was another one of his children who broke the news to him yesterday that his wife and two children had been killed. it's just a simply devastating de for this family that are going up. for me, when is it this is, this is the rest this debris over here and his sister-in-law and niece and nephew? we're left underneath this car. he arrived here on the scene of the three of them were already dead, and he took his brother and loaded them up into his truck. and drove him out of this neighborhood to get him to the hospital? eli more soon that this symbol you just the horn emotion he says he's
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trying to be very strong for his brother and his family and hasn't let the emotion of all of this get to them. he said that saturday night is this storm had hit in the darkness, rahel, he had raised out here from several miles away and then this is where he discovered his his family and his as he told us there and describe to us there's just so chaotic and he was able when he arrived here on the scene, his sister-in-law and niece and nephew were gone and he was trying to get his brother to the hospital where he still recovering from those injuries. but, you you can imagine just the horror of what he saw when he pulled up here saturday night yeah, absolutely. >> i'm looking at these pictures. i mean, you see the personal belongings, you see even a box of cereal. just just awful, just tragic. ed lavandera live force there in texas at thank you. >> yana chase oliver, one, the libertarian party's nomination sunday after seven rounds of voting at the party's convention in washington, dc. but 38 year-old candidate who has run for congress multiple times in georgia, appeal to the
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voters by focusing on bringing libertarian values to a broader audience. i both donald trump and robert f. kennedy jr. both spoke at the convention over the weekend with trump facing loud booing throughout his speech. >> while trump attended and spoke he didn't actually submit the paperwork needed to be considered as a nominee when it came time for the party to vote for joining me now is cnn political commentator, kate benningfield, republican strategists. >> doug hi, welcome both of you great to see you. it's rare that we start a segment talking about the libertarian convention. but yet here we are. >> doug, let me ask you you first to respond to why donald trump felt the need to show up in the first place. and the fact that he received such a negative welcome there from the bu and what does that tell you about a part of this country and the vote, the voters and he's looking to appeal and the fact that they want nothing to do with him well, so often bianna, we talk about politics
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being like football, a game of inches, and what donald trump is trying to do in this campaign is taken inch here and taken inch. >> they're taken inch from michigan african american voters are muslim voters as his campaign just met with taken inch here are there with libertarian voters, and that could be a very successful strategy if i'm, if i'm a democrat, i'm worried about that. clearly, the ones who are the most committed, who are in that room are not there for donald trump. they didn't like them. they didn't like his message. >> but there's a larger audience. >> and what he is saying is ultimately in a way what he said in 2016 when he said hillary clinton says, i'm with her while i'm with you. that's a message that can read isn't eight and again, when we're talking about a campaign that's a game of inches, that's where democrats should be worried about donald trump right now. >> okay. do you agree? i mean, this is a real concern here, not only for republicans, but also democrats, given how close this race appears to be, friends invited as the incumbent here, there's still though a lot of concern that role, robert f. kennedy jr. could play in being the spoiler
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well, i definitely agree that this is a game of inches and this campaign is going to be very close. >> no question about it. i don't think that what the trump campaign did and sending trump to this convention was smart or strategic to me, it was indicative of a campaign that sort of flailing and a little desperate and a little, a little concern about where they are and clearly very concerned about rfk junior. i mean, you just the fact of the matter is you don't send your candidate into an audience where you know, they're gonna get booed and jeered for half an hour. and you saw trump cut his speech short and walk off stage. i mean, he could tell that he wasn't getting the reception that he hoped he would get so from a campaign strategic perspective, this was an absolute flop. i am sure there's a lot of there's a lot of accountability going on. shall we say today in accounting for how this all went down all that being said? yes. of course, democrats should be concerned. azure the republicans about what we're seeing from robert kennedy junior and the numbers that he's been able to pull in some of these key states. remember, joe biden won the election in
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2020 by about 45,000 votes in arizona, wisconsin, and georgia. that is a thin margin. and i think both campaigns should be cognizant of what kennedy could potentially do in some of these swing states. >> let me stick with you about the two most pressing issues that voters are concerned about right now. and that is the economy, and that is immigration looking at the numbers the economy appears to be doing rather well. unemployment is at 3.9%. they're 8.5 million job openings but almost every single poll you look at, you see the president really struggling here for over a year-and-a-half, despite the fact that we started to see inflation start to cool a bit. the messaging out of the white house has been, it's not yet time until we get closer to the election, then you're going to see voters really turn around. the president is going to be really focused on this tissue and the attention and the praise that he receives from democrats about his handling of the economy will finally be
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noticed. we're not there yet. so what needs to change? >> well, i think the president needs to lean into some of what he does best, which is empathy, which is an understanding, a connection with what's going on in people's lives both of these things are true. >> the economy is stable, it is stronger than economists were forecasting two years ago that it was going to be at this point. >> however, people aren't feeling it as intense fleeing their day-to-day lives in part because prices are high. and so what the president needs to do is lean into both an understanding of what people are feeling, which he's excellent at doing. but he also needs to talk about how he's got their backs, how he's the fighter. you hear him, you heard him in the 2020 campaign really set the contrast as main street versus park avenue trenton versus park avenue. and you've heard him do that a little bit and then campaign scranton versus mar-a-lago. the more he can frame this is not a referendum on what he's been able to do in terms of the
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economy. but the fact that he's a fighter, he cares about you donald trump only cares about himself. that is a more successful economic frame. i think. >> and he had dug you continue to say that the economy itself is biden's biggest deficit? >> absolutely. when we look at polling, national polls, don't really exist in presidential elections or don't mean anything. but when we look at specific issues jobs and the economy and prices, joe biden is underwater massively and yeah if you look at the jobs numbers and only jobs numbers or the tao the economy is in a great place. but then if you go and buy a sandwich, if you go to a grocery store, if you buy anything, not only do you realize that your economy, your personal economy is not in a great place, but you're angry about it. and you want to blame somebody. and this i think is ultimately the problem for biden, is voters are mad anytime they spend money on anything and biden's not able to get out there the way that kate talks about in politics often you want your candidate
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to be their best advocate and so often we don't see joe biden out there. the best example of this bianna superbowl sunday, the white house said, we're not going to put joe biden on a national interview because we don't want to politicize the de, okay, fine. nobody really wants to see the price on super bowl sunday. anyways. but instead they put a canned video out there about doritos equity. >> voters are mad and joe biden can't talk about these things the way he should. well, listen, kate, doug, voters will have a chance to see both candidates du, it out right here on cnn and about a month to take up some of these issues. we've discussed today. thank you so much. raul. thank you. thank you alright. >> coming up, former general hospital actor johnny wactor shot and killed in los angeles. what police are saying led up to the incident? paas officials and papua new guinea continue to look for survivors after a massive landslide may have buried as many as 2000 people live pictures now, the vietnam veterans memorial in washington, dc today of course, is memorial day. a time to
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remember and honore us military members who paid and made the ultimate sacrifice while serving this country. for bright back tomorrow. >> the evidence is in the testimony has ended, but it's not over yet before the jury gets the final say. prosecutors the present trump's defense team in the final word live coverage of closing arguments in the trump hush money trial tomorrow at nine eastern lee filter. >> i just scheduled an appointment online and the inspection was a breeze. they explained everything lee filter technology, protect your gutters for good. >> now, my home is protected calling three, three leaf filter or visit lee slowing my cancer from growing and living longer, are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment and with his scaly, i can have both because scaly is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor, helps delay cancer from growing and
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primary function is to create a balance and avoid a war here's some new claire's and town and they bought the plague are you back? >> because i'm miss i do so with how am attention. you don't want that public, kingston in one of. the most active tornado seasons, you can't control a tornado. >> what kinds of interventions can we? design go inside the store the premier of violent earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn welcome back. >> if you're watching this and you have travel plans today, you might want to get an early start. experts are predicting a record number of travelers on the road. and in the sky. this memorial day aaa says that it could total nearly 44 million
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people during the all time record. the tsa announce that on friday, it screened nearly 3 million travelers at checkpoints nationwide. the most ever recorded in a single day. >> but today many flights could be impacted by severe storms across the country up until a few minutes ago, hartfield jackson airport and atlanta, was that a ground stop potentially affecting thousands of travelers? >> let's bring and cnn's pete msg, who has live for us at reagan national airport. pete, what's the latest here? what are you seeing? >> what was dorms good. throw a bit of a wrench into this rahel after this huge rush home following these gangbusters numbers, we saw leading into this holiday a day weekend, the tsa record to beat was set the sunday after thanksgiving. thursday was a huge number, 2.9 million people screened by tsa reports nationwide came shy of the record by only about 11,000 passengers, then friday, 2.95 million people screened at
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airports nationwide. that is the new number for to beat for air travel nationwide really sort of goes into today, 2.7 million people expected to be screened at airports nationwide today not as big. a lot of people extending their holiday weekend into tuesday and wednesday if they have the flexibility, the real question now is how the air travel system will do this summer? and there's really foreshadows a bubble that is showing no signs of bursting year once you had to listen now to rebecca spicer of airlines for america and the airlines big concern is that the air traffic control system is short, about 3,000 air traffic controllers listen we do remain concerned about the staffing and the et cetera. >> system. their towers, especially here and the new york area desperately need additional staff secretary himself has said that the towers are about 3,000 people short across the country. and we are hoping that there are solutions to get people hired
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and trained and into those towers quickly of course, whether is always the x-factor you mentioned the departure delay that is still in place right now at atlanta hartsfield-jackson international airport, the ground stop is over. >> so that's impacting flights leaving atlanta there is also the potential ground stops all up and down the east coast from boston to charlotte today. so we'll keep an eye on that as well. were held. >> all right. pete montana at reagan national airport, pete. thank you. >> yana this morning, police in los angeles are searching for the suspects involved in a shooting that killed a former general hospital actor, johnny wactor, was fatally shot early saturday morning after police say he walked up on an attempted robbery cnn's camila bernal joins me now with the latest, what more we hearing hey, be honest. so what happens here is it three people were trying to steal his car's catalytic converter when he approached them. and that's when he was shot. this happened at around three, 3205 in the
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morning on saturday and his mother saying that he was actually leaving work, a roof rooftop bar in downtown la. his mother spoke to our affiliate kabc saying that after he left work, he got to his car and thought that there were maybe people working on his car. he said, maybe he his car was getting towed as he, approached these people to talk to them and try to figure out what was happening the suspect looked up and shot him authorities not confirming his death by name, but they did give some details into what happened here and specify that it was three people that were trying to steal that catalytic converter. he was shot and then taken to the hospital and that's where he later was pronounced dead. now, as authorities continue this investigation and try to find the three people responsible, the soap-opera community really coming together to remember him. he was just 37 years old he is
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most known for being on general hospital from 2022, 2022. so more than 150 episodes of the show and the show also releasing a statement saying this the entire general hospital family is heartbroken to hear of johnny wactor and untimely passing. he was truly one of a kind and a pleasure to work with each and every day or thoughts and prayers go out to his loved ones during this difficult time. now the actor, actress who played his wife, also saying that she is heartbroken by this the entire really acting community he just shocked by what happened here beyond another senseless shooting, camila bernal. thank you who after six weeks of testimony, jurors in the form of president trump's criminal hush money case could begin deliberations as soon as tomorrow. >> plus amanda is in custody after allegedly stabbing four
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girls in a massachusetts movie theater. >> i police believe he may be connected to a murder in another state hearing from the mother of three of those girls straight ahead i understand mental health and the councilor, i stand it i think it's a pretty slick individual to harm children riyadh saves new album is breaking records get to say. what country is columbia entry? bianna, say a nashville's renaissance tonight that aid on cnn this is a futurama go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts in minutes ai, ai, like it who wants to come see the future, get your business online in minutes with godaddy arrow there are giant so much they are the minute woman building or davies next
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for free. is it ai or download the app russia for trying to spy on us we were spying on them. >> i was frightened this is a bit secret, war. >> secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday at ten on cnn welcome you back with a live look at arlington national cemetery this memorial day morning. >> when just a few hours, president biden will be laying
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a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier the president will then deliver remarks as americans today, pause to remember and honor those who died while serving our nation and tomorrow, prosecutors will make their final case in donald trump's criminal hush money trial, closing arguments are set to get underway tomorrow morning with defense attorneys going first, when both sides finished, the judge will instruct the jury and jurors may begin deliberations as early as wednesday, joining us now a cnn legal analyst and former us attorney michael moore. michael always good to see you michael, you have said that there isn't there is an art to telling the story, telling the story of your case. so let's imagine for a moment that you are the prosecution lay out the case, lay out the closing argument i've been a little negative observer the case from the prosecution sayyed along, but i think if i were the prosecutor, i would start to talk about you know, that you don't jurors don't leave their common sense at the door and so they're allowed to
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consider and use a jury would be allowed to consider those things. >> they start to fall into place and they're not being distracted by these red herrings at the defense keeps throwing at you. so for example, you have this mountain of paperwork and you have this sheet show and how the payments were to be broken down. you have about 20 witnesses coming before the courts to tell the truth and swearing that this is what happened and how they saw donald trump sign and checks and how they knew that he micro-managed let's just company and they all know that the jury knows this and so i will talk about those strong points of the case while at the same time reminded them not to be distracted by this claim about michael cohen that he's just a piece and you can have a jigsaw puzzle. it can be missing the corner piece, but guess what, you can see what the puzzle is even though that one peace maybe frayed sub water bint some what on the ends, it doesn't change the whole picture. and i think at that point, the jury will start to understand that it's going to be important that they not talked to law that solve your
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counter that came up as a moment ago talking about how long the arguments might go if they tried to talk for a day or five hours or whatever it is each on each side that's too long this jury has been so that they know the fact they've heard, they've heard the testimony, they've seen the exhibits. and so now they just need more years to tie it together only sayyed, they've got to use this to bring the foreigners together to make a solid package and explain an argue to them actually make an argument about why pieces of evidence were important and why when this test was important. and that's going to make a difference. >> so you might argue that not only is it an art to telling your story, it's an art to knowing how much to say, how long to talk. so let's say you're the defense tier, michael, what what do you use i'd probably start and i've said this before, but i would probably start by reminding them about that old sunday school song we all used to say about how the foolish man built his house upon the sand and,
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that this is a case with the prosecution built their entire case their entire house to try to convict donald trump on the sand. >> and that sand was michael cohen. and without that stable foundation, none of the rest stays in place and there's nothing they can do to hold it together because the foundation of their case fell away when they found out number one, michael cohen has stolen money and the prosecution didn't tell you all that they did the same thing. michael cohen that was a lie to you they didn't tell you the whole story and now, you know that. so how can you believe both michael cohen and how can you believe the prosecution as they tried to put the case together, you know that he's a convicted liar right? he's admitted telling all these titles, you know, that he's a prophet here and he's here to try to make money just like ms daniels was. it is donald trump's fate here, an air in the case and you shouldn't be a part of that then you began to talk about those are the holes and the testimony, how they don't have allen weisselberg how they don't have those people coming
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forward to actually say that donald trump knew anything about it. and then i'll talk about the law because the judges tell the jury the law, and that is that he had to have done all these false business records with the intent to commit another crime. and i would simply say ladies, and gentlemen, tell me what the other crime was. not one witnesses come in here, not one piece of evidence, even the state and the indictment that know what the other crime is, they just make stuff up. so tell me if you can point to one piece of 7as about what the other crime is. tell me what that testimony was, and i don't have it this idea that he did something to influence the election? yes. why we the color suits you wear when you're president, you can't is designed to impact the election. what color tie you where to give a speech and it's just like that's not illegal. they've got a tie together to say he intentionally was doing something to try in an illegal act. what was it because they hadn't told you? i didn't apparently tell even tell the grand jury what and i start poking holes like that. i think, you know, and you're catching me a little bit off the cuff but i think there's there's plenty to work with
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for the lawyers that have been engaged in this thing for so here's then for trying this case for so many weeks and they've been in there watching the jurors they get to see how they look, how they react. do they laugh at? so they frown is something those things will come into play as they tell their closing argument. >> yeah, that's fascinating, michael, look, i appreciate you playing along, perhaps giving us a preview of what, what we may hear later this week. michael moore, thank you. all right. coming up here from the mother of three girls stabbed while out to watch a movie. what we know about the man arrested. and as he also suspected that's it in another murder, plus academic employees at ucla and uc davis are planning to strike as they challenged the university system's handling a pro-palestinian protests boebert back one, one series dallas stars gain three of the
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on select temper p-adic adjustable mattress sets, all new subway routes are packed with delicious ingredients and a pillar we'll advice wrap family or refreshing lunch to taster murphy for pro athletes like me, right? get off, finish all new rafah subway today. >> this is cnn the world's news this morning. we're hearing from the mother of three girls between the ages of nine and 17 were stabbed along with their friend at a movie theater in massachusetts this weekend. she spoke with cnn affiliate wcbs nope. >> so they were the only four people in this movie theater. they had just sat down. they had just got their concessions and i guess he came up behind them and the row they will like in the second row. and he came up behind them i'm my oldest was leaned over to get something. he got her in the back and then my other daughter
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and the top chest and then my, last daughter across her arm laughing the whole time, and then got their friend and then ran off just terrifying. >> then after that, about an hour later to other people what we're sounds at a mcdonald's in plymouth. the 26 year-old suspect was arrested 15 minutes after fleeing the scene of the mcdonald's and faces multiple assault charges. all of the victims were transported to hospitals with non-life-threate ning injuries. the girls who were attacked and now say they don't want to go to a movie theater. again, obviously that's very unjust mandible. rahel all right. >> this week and ongoing strike against the handling of pro-palestinian protests at several california universities is expected to grow academic workers at ucla and uc davis campuses say that they will begin their strike tomorrow. that's after uc santa cruz saw a major walk out last week earlier this month, violent clashes between protesters and another group broke out at
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ucla. the next day, police in riot gear moved in to clear out a makeshift i can't met with three now, is rafael jaime he's a phd student at ucla and also president of uaw 48 11, which is the union striking a raphael. we appreciate your time today. i'll give us a sense of why strike yeah. >> so workers at the university of california are going on strike because of uc is unlawful behavior in response to the protests on campus the university changed unilaterally change policies regarding free speech the alot of violent mob attack, workers and students as the university of just stood by. and then the very next day sent the military militarized police to suppress the protest using rubber bullets and flash-bang grenades. and this is really, this is a violation. are fundamental rights to freedom of speech and protest. and now workers at across number campuses including uc irvine, la, and san diego are facing disciplinary charges simply for peacefully
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protesting the war in gaza what would you say to officials from the university who say that this strike is really an unlawful attempt to pressure the system to concede to a political agenda. >> your reaction to that? that assessment it's the university's own claim that is unlawful. >> we filed a uop over this. the university is trying to intimidate workers, but it's actually the sole the soul prerogative of prb, the public play relations for to decide if the strikes unlawful, but are strike is lawful. the university violated our rights as workers and created an unsafe environment for workers. and this is really a crisis university its own making. we're sending up for our rights as workers are rights, system, students are rights to be able to protests on campus and engage in free speech are you worried though? >> this strike could hurt actual students more than it could hurt the administrators that you're hoping to actually target with this strike the university is handling us entire situation has heard many
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students and many workers many of my co-workers have been in students were hospitalized the night of the attack workers have uc-irvine have also been hurt by the university the university is the one who is creating an unsafe environment for all students, all workers, the entire community and again, this is a crisis. >> the university's own making talk to me a little bit about how long you're willing to strike if you've had those conversations yet. >> and what resolution you would like from the university? >> yeah. workers are authorized a strike two laws until june 30th, but this trike in and as soon as possible, it can end immediately. all university has to do is we solve their own unlawful behavior. we're ready and willing to meet with president drake to resolve the issue. and the strike as soon as possible. but right? now the balls and universities side of the court, they need to decide if they actually want to resolve this and then just lastly, i mean as you said, you're authorized to strike until at the end of june if we get there.
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>> and you don't see that type of resolution, what are you prepared to do? what what then you know, this is stuff for members to decide what we want to continue. we will that situation arises and we will have to reconvene and decide how we want to proceed and what next steps you want to take to continue the fight for our fundamental rights the ohio may we appreciate your time today? >> thank you all right. >> thank you so much all right. >> well, if you're lucky enough to happen to find yourself on a beach this memorial day, is it one of the best dr. steven leather man aka dr. beach, joins joins us with his list of the top ten beaches across the country violin earth with we have freiburg premiere sunday at nine on cnn is my coffee shop. >> we just moved into a bigger space, brought on another employee, an order new branded gear for the team. it was so
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right now and see how much you can save chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts all right well memorial day is a time to honor our fallen military heroes. and for many americans, it is also known as the unofficial start of summer. travel. already breaking records over the weekend with aaa predicting this will be the busiest holiday weekend nearly 20 years cnn's harrington is here with the number. so first of all, how many people have the day off? we clearly don't know what others do. we do. we do not. i remember as a kid i had this day off. how many people, if you get paid holidays, what percentage of americans? getting this as a paid holiday? the vast majority here, 90% get the day off, perhaps including you at home, that ten 10%, including us, we do get some paid holidays, but we are not
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part of this group that people who tend not to be part of this group, bianna, are people in the service industry. you can go out, still get a meal today at a lot of different restaurants france, but there are some restaurants that close, but we are part of the 10%, the unlucky there'll being here with you is quite the lucky thing. so i'll consider that my lucky trump for the day it is sort of the icing on the cake here, just being here working with you and we are serving, i guess, in a sense, people the news it definitely feels like summer is already here. i know officially it's not for another month. it is hot out there for large parts of this country. >> for many people, some are really kicks off this weekend, doesn't it does. i wish it was a little hotter here. the weather here in new york is not exactly granted jersey. were you in new jersey this weekend? i was where i was i was not in new jersey. i was up in westchester i'm heading back there afterwards. i'm hoping to get a lap in despite the weather here. so the unofficial start of summer, 45% of americans do in fact agree that it begins this weekend at least unofficially, though, if you were to ask some students in the new york city metropolitan area where schools don't
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actually end, at least the public schools until the end of next month. they would probably be part of this group, this 41% who say schools letting out of the unofficial start of summer or maybe it's the 10% like me who say, your summer starts when you take your summer vacation. of course the real question is, will i take a summer vacation this year? we're just going to have to wait and see. >> yeah, my schedule depends on these guys right here. my kids don't get out of school until a month from now, so it doesn't start from the yet. okay. >> i'm not someone who's good on the grill. i know you are. >> i like to think so. what are you grilling where people grilling across the country? yeah. so i guess the question is, what is your favorite food to barbecue are i don't think it's much of a surprise here that 39% say hey, beef that includes your hamburgers, your cheeseburgers. it might include your stake, perhaps though you want to be a little bit healthier, like myself, 27% say chicken, although i might sort of lean in the unhealthy category with that, i might have some chicken wings, pork, not exactly my bag, but it is for some people, 11% fish. now
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this is definitely my thing. but if you know anything think about barbecue and it's difficult to barbecue fish. but hopefully my buddy norm will put some on the grill later this day. and you know what, 10% say veggies, you know what i know memorial day we want to let go a little bit, but we've got to keep our summer bodies so how about we grill a few vegetables on there, maybe a little fish, a little vegetables help our arteries out as well. it's a time to celebrate. we should all so be celebrating our bodies. but you know what, it's memorial day. it's this unofficial start summer guys. just du what you want to do. no judgment from may i like him or bodies slits or him according to harry and you can make a good salman bbq? >> yes, it does exist. i love salmon. salmon is my bag. i love those omega-3s. there you go harryette, and thank you keep his brainpower shalom all right. many people also flocking to the beach today. but if you are still making travel plans which is the best which is superior, the gate, the golf, the trip to hawaii has really nice. you may want
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recommendations with experts, scientific vetting. and our next guest, well, he does just that you're luck. he calls the nation's public beaches, his patients, and his top ten lists is the result of apparently a very scientific manual patient checkup joining us now is the one end the only dr. beach psaki, steven leather met dr. beach great to have you on this day when so many people are uh, hopefully taking advantage of it at the beach. so give us a sense of what makes the cut. everyone has their own favorite beach, but what makes the list of the best speeches? >> well, i use 50 criteria, rape peaches. but those important things are you have to have clean water, clean sand at the beach has got to be safe. you got to have those things and after that, my ratings are for swimming beaches. so the water has got to be warm. unfortunately, people in in oregon russia, northern california, not very happy with this or main but i do have two beaches even in cape cod, those guard beaches gets up to 70 degree, 65 to 70
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reasons summertime. i used to live there. i've been assuming there so the other thing is that the fifth thing is you've got to have access and i also not overcrowded and i hate when you go to the beach and there's no parking, it's all closed up, are filled up are just no place on the beach, just overcrowding. so those are the five top things, but all together, 50 criteria go into my ratings. >> yeah. and the thing is so many beaches for people that like to go, are they view them as a best kept secret until alyssa like yours, come out and then they say, oh, no more people are gonna start flocking to the beach. you've been doing this since 1991. i read an amazing job that you have by the way, we're all out very envious here is there any beach in particular that you keep just going back to that you just can't quit well, there's quite a few what my one of my favorite beaches in maui, hawaii. but you don't always have a ticket twice. so that's kind of far away, but my favorite beach, which is near i live in miami is kate, florida
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state park. i get there and 30 minutes is high-quality beach a famous lighthouse. and at the end of it, and a great restaurant right up on the behind the sand dunes. so it has everything i want amenities, but a beautiful beach, very safe. no waves that don't bring his surfboard, but very, very safe for bathing and swimming dr. beach, if someone can perhaps make it to one of your top ten beaches what advice do you have for trying to find a hidden gem? for trying to find maybe a nice beach that is closer to them well in that regard, i guess, you know, people have different favors in terms of what they're looking for somebody will want a lot of activity. >> myself. i i like some creature conference, but i want a lot more nature, so i tend to refer parks like state park local parks but and those usually aren't that expensive than usually have more availability. except for this weekend, everything's would be
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filled up. i have to tell you that. >> but yeah. >> i think i think me look at my website. dr. i've got a lot of information about beaches around the country and hopefully you can find something that fits you that is wonderful. >> i can only imagine that. so if they exist, some beach lobbyists reaching out to you and trying to appeal for you to add their beaches to the list, making a pitch that's a good job. >> it's it sounds like an amazing job here for beaches. i do hear from beaches, but i go in cognito. i don't get the red carpet treatment or any immunities because therefore can't allow myself to be lobbied in that regard. so yeah. nope, this is i, don't get paid to do this and as i say, i people say, oh, you've never been or beach. i started describing it to, well, when do here i said, well, that's the whole point. i'm not there to be shown around or whatever i want to see what it looks like your own time and it may evaluation you want an authentic experience.
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>> we should have hidden your face, so those speech lobbyist couldn't have recognized you today when they tried to appeal to dr. steven letterman the best job? in the world. thank you so much and thank you all for joining us. this is cnn central sopa to be with you see that newsroom, jim acosta is up next do you think that our democracy is at risk? we have to be very concerned this is a report for the president. >> why do you think he's doing this? and can he be talked out of wood republicans be willing to who support this aid package? we need a functioning legislative branch are you willing to let people in the west bank vote why do you think so many republicans have downplayed in this? do you think he's guilty the lead with jake tapper weekdays it for cnn riyadh says, new album is breaking records get to say,
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