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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  May 27, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. one thing. it's a series of events is the final flight. now streaming on mac? >> good morning and happy memorial day, you were alive in the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington, more than 120 million americans are bracing for dangerous, whether this memorial day after powerful storms, including tornadoes swept through the central us, at least 19 people were killed across four states. this weekend, hundreds of thousands are still without power. oklahoma is one of the hardest hit areas. storms leveled homes, leaving widespread destruction and dozens injured. meanwhile, in arkansas state of emergency is still in place. du
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to so extensive damage from the storms, eight people were killed. there a second storm-related death was reported in kentucky. this warning, this tornado tore through the state on sunday, leaving behind a trail of devastation bayesian everything but at least my dog don't came my husband. okay. >> and seven people were killed in northern texas, including two young children. look at these homes here in the city of valley view reduced to nothing but rubble. that's bringing cnn's 11. he live in cooke county, texas force. ed, what are you seeing on the ground there? >> well, this is the area as you mentioned, is so hard hit saturday night is the tornado ripped through here, the national weather service categorized it as a an ef-2 tornado with winds of 135 miles
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per hour. so with those statistics, and you see the destruction that was left in the path of the storm. you can see why it has been so devastating here. and if you look out here to back toward the west, the tornado came in from this direction. and as you look out onto the horizon, you can just see the dozens and dozens of homes here in this subdivision. here, the small city of valley view two that have just been shredded by the storm, as i mentioned, jim, seven people killed, four of those victims here in the valley view area. were children, the youngest were two years old and five years old to those children were also with their mother and father their trailer home was thrown about 100 yards. >> three of those family members were killed and we spoke with the brother-in-law of the woman who died. >> and he says that it was just simply devastating to come get
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here to this scene and come upon his family members there motionless it's on the ground that okay. enough. but it is the stuckey. >> he says this is the remnants of his brothers family's home that was thrown more than 100 yards by this tornado. and this is where they ended up in his brother was leftover in this three over here, and his sister-in-law and niece and nephew were left underneath this car. he arrived here on the scene of the three of them were already dead and he took his brother, loaded them up into his truck and drove him out of this neighborhood to get him to the hospital jim this subdivision, a mostly working class latino subdivision many immigrants here. and this storm also stayed on the ground for several miles. there were people along interstate 35 that
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we're trying to figure out which direction to go. there wasn't many places to seek shelter. it they many of those people got inside of a convenience store. there were more than 100 people there according to emergency officials and that building structure collapsed so many people had to be rescued from there. so just the magnitude of this particular storm is just simply breathtaking to see her on the ground this morning. jim and i can hear the chainsaw is going behind you, so i imagine the cleanup process is going to take some time there. >> how are the residents coping in terms of what lies ahead? i mean, are there relief supplies coming in? what can you tell us? >> yeah. what we're seeing. let me see if we can whip around here. you might start we've just seen somebody come in with like a bulldozing a quick equipment, heavy machinery, and really what you're seeing is kind of neighbors helping neighbors around here and all that they can really do is just pile up the debris there's just not much.
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>> they can go through. >> those remnants of what's left and try to pick out what they want to be able to save. but quite frankly, a lot of people are just piling everything together. there will be taken away some other time and then just rebuilding all right. ed lavandera, big clean up there in texas for us thank you very much. i also knew this morning swept in strong reaction following a deadly israeli airstrike on a camp for displaced palestinians in rafah in southern gaza doctors without borders saying this warning, it is horrified by the attack and qatar says the strikes could hinder ongoing talks to release hostages according to palestinian health officials, at least 45 people were killed more than 200 others were injured. most of them women and children. israel says two senior hamas officials were killed in the strike. it also came just hours after hamas fired a barrage of rockets at tel aviv for the
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first time in months. and we're just a day away from closing arguments in donald trump's criminal hush money trial after a week off, jurors will be back in the courtroom to hear from prosecutors and defense lawyers one last time before deliberating trump's attorneys are expected to focus heavily on his former fixer, michael cohen while prosecutors will try to convince the jury that trump committed felonies to save his 2016 campaign, joining me now for more cnn legal analysts have for obama, white house, ethics czar, norm eisen and former federal prosecutor or not. oh, mariotti and norm ear with me here in the student. let me start with you first. what do we expect to see in these closing arguments tomorrow? could they go all day long? what what's your sense jim, i anticipate that we will see a full well day of closing arguments in new york. >> the defense starts first and i'm guessing that that will likely be lead defense counsel, todd blanche, very experienced former prosecutor and then the prosecution finishes and that
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will be joshua steinglass. it's already been announced. their most experienced prosecutor. and in terms of the arguments battle will be joined around three issues. one, can the jury believed the critical testimony of michael cohen as it's corroborated and support goodbye, a mountain of evidence in a sense, the prosecution's entire work across 20 days of trial was to corroborate cohen to ken the jury, find that donald trump, beyond a reasonable doubt intentionally made that hush money payment to stormy daniels 2016 in order to influence his federal campaign after access hollywood catastrophe, another sex scandal. issue three, did trump participate in covering that up by creating false documents, jim, including nine checks with his own signature on. that's where battle will remember the checks. remember the guard, conversation between he and
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michael cohen when trump was saying cash and sell one, we're not is this going to come down to michael cohen? what do you think certainly that's a big part of it. >> i mean, i think realistically this is a case that could have been winnable by the defense if they pursued a different strategy, if they focused on the areas where michael cohen was not as corroborated, but they really haven't had a focus presentation. they haven't tried to focus the jury on issues as either succinctly as dorm just put them they've really been all over the place scorched-earth attacking not just michael cohen, but stormy daniels contesting everything. the fact of an encounter in a hotel room, the fact of the hush money payments. and so on. i think that we're going to get more of that scored scorched-earth attack everything approach in the closing arguments. and if that's the case, i do think there's gonna be a conviction here. really, there needs to be an entirely different approach. it i'm not sure that donald trump's willing to let his
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defense attorneys pursue a strategy that has a chance of winning in this case. >> yeah. i mean, norm, this could be just a massive week with huge political consequences for the former president what's the likelihood we will see a conviction here? and how could that play out? well, we're not own mariotti is one of our most experienced trial lawyers, jim. yeah. and he has hit the nail on the head this wasn't winnable case. it's still is not a slam dunk in my view, having been there every day for the prosecution i think the odds of a conviction are somewhere upwards of 80%. the defense, in part because of this scattershot approach the defense is not really gunning for an acquittal. that's out of reach here what they're hoping for is one angry juror that there's one juror who either feels a whole sympathy for trump or just for whatever reason does not follow the
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evidence and the law, the holdout. yeah. that's what they're trying. four just one and renato, i mean, that's that's been my kind of question throughout all of this. is mike, we have just one juror who perhaps didn't share everything during this jury selection process and whammo, it's just that's gonna be it. that's how this case is going to play out. what's your, sense what, i mean? the other thing to think about too is that they've had several days now to mole all of this over and perhaps forget some of the fireworks that we saw towards the end of testimony that's right. >> i if i was in the defense team, i will be focused on a hung jury, particularly with two lawyers in the jury. i will be making legalistic arguments to those two lawyers trying to get a technical win here where i don't essentially there's no conviction and i would i would say lack of a conviction, i would spin as a win i was in there. they're on their team. they're not doing that. that's not the approach that they've taken. it'll be interesting to see if they switch that approach it at at
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closing argument, but i will say with somebody as well-known and controversial is donald trump getting a unanimous verdict done. anything can be a challenge and that is perhaps the dynamic that is the most uncertain. i mean, no one can predict what's going on in the heads of ordinary people who happen to be on this jury and there very well could be a hung jury. and i think if that occurs, you could back to a lot of defense argument that in spending that as a victory all right, guys, we're all going to be watching big week. >> norman renato, thanks very much, great to talk to both you as always, really appreciate it still to come to this, our bringing comfort and support to veterans. that's the goal of pause of war. and my next guest, those this firsthand, take a look all right. there there's angelica williams and little buddy who does a very important work. we'll get to meet buddy and angelica just few moments stay tuned for that. and as we head to break this as a live look at
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arlington national cemetery, where next our president biden will speak at the memorial day ceremony there and stay with us in one of the most active tornado seasons. >> you can't control a tornado what kinds of interventions? >> chen's can we design go inside the store. >> the premiere of london birth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn now at t professionally installed google nest products you're all set z, your home is safe and smarts. >> we're going to miss the system the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours. >> so dave can be deliverer
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foam doesn't come close, get your best sleep guaranteed. segall to $800 during our memorial day sale the or store near you rife diabetes. >> there's no slowing down each de is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. >> that's why choose concerns to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carb steady glue sirna, bring on the day it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed palace. >> the farmers dog is fresh food made with whole meet and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. let's just real food it's an idea whose time has come carney asada. it's gotten me. i saw them. that's what i got god-man, saada harnik got to me, karnak, but with more flavored got any car and chasing it like this. >> juicy the massage and the power of two max strength pain
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relievers works makes it less new, i see how pro massaging bone so this has pickleball with each eight for morgan stanley were ready for whatever gets served up. >> did you get to work the chest? >> i'd rather work on saving for retirement poole college since we'd like to get schooled it's pretty good burn right? i'm kdigo lilla in washington and this is cnn less than an hour from now in virginia, president biden will give a speech at arlington national cemetery. >> two honor the country's fallen service members president will lay a reef at the tomb of the unknown soldier vice president kamala harris and defense secretary lloyd austin are also expected to attend the annual memorial day ceremony when that happens, we will bring that to you. so stay tuned for that. in the meantime, for many veterans, the trauma of war does not stop when they come home, the department of veterans affairs
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estimates that 7% of all veterans will have ptsd at some point in their life for those who have served in recent wars, that number is much higher up to 29%. pause of war organization works to help veterans struggling with the emotional impact of war by pairing them with beautiful service to hunks like the ones you're seeing right there on your screen? the organization also brings dogs and cats are the us after they were rescued by veterans serving overseas. let's talk about this. joining me now is angelic williams and buddy angela leak is right there on the left. buddy, of course, on the right buddy might be a little camera shy right now, but that's okay angelica. thank you. for your service. we appreciate that. tell us about this great organization and how you and buddy were paired up pause. >> laura, is a non-profit organization that rescues shelter dogs and dogs from overseas and places them with veterans first responders. as companion animals. and sometimes they end up being our service animals.
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>> amazing and look a little buddy right there. he's lifting his head just a touch. i won't try to talk to buddy. i don't think he has an ifp your piece, but i'll keep talking to you. >> yeah. yeah how was buddy? >> how was he in terms of helping you? >> i will ptsd and these challenges that service members come home with, you tell us about it. so buddy helps me pretty much every day, like get out and just engage again oh, my ticket i prior to getting buddy, i isolated a lot. i was struggling with ptsd and i just i stayed home all the time. i wasn't doing any of the activities i used to do like surfing running, stuff like that. and i'm having buddy because he's such a high-energy dog he he helps me do all the activities that i once loved yeah, we were just looking at some video a few moments ago of
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when you were both introduced to one another for the first time, it looks like it was at a hockey game or something. >> zach, can you tell us about this? >> yes. so pause the war presented buddy to me at a hockey game on veterans day. actually, i didn't know i was gonna get buddy. i'd met him amongst prior, but i had no idea that i was actually going to get him that day. so when he walked out, i was just overwhelmed because i literally watched my lifeline walk to me. he's been such a tremendous help and just just a bundle of joy yeah. >> and talk about the other part of the organization that these many of these animals are brought home from overseas. sometimes they are serving alongside our troops and then come back i home. how, how does that work? >> yeah. so sometimes a lot of wall lot of the time when you're out, when we're on deployment, there's some animals that we we may bond with overseas and we don't want
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to leave them behind. it's, it's really difficult to even think about leaving them behind so they reach out to pause the war and pause the war moves forward with everything and brings them here and i get the privilege at from time to time when they use me for transporting to reunite these service members with the animals that we rescue amazing. what's it been like? what's life bint with buddy incredible, incredible. >> it's been a little, a little bit of a crazy ride, but i love it. i love it. >> yeah. >> there are a lot of misconceptions about ptsd and veterans mental health. what do you want people to know about this chapter in your life? and what, what veterans go through with ptsd because sometimes it can become very overwhelming. >> yeah, this chapter of my life is is a second chance for me and it but he has brought so
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much joy to me and my family. and it was really hard. i didn't actually know that i was struggling with ptsd and once things start to get a little dark, and i reached out to the va and they really helped me out and helped me understand what i was struggling with and ever since i've had the va. my family, the community by my side, pause the war. there are an extension on my family and it's just been it's just been a great help it's an amazing organization. and why he looks like he's just a great dog i mean, i love how he's just he's sort of oh, no big deal. i'm on tv. right? he's just gonna i'm just gonna rest right now and if folks at home could have seen them before, uk vod during the commercial break, it was a little hard to get buddy to settle down, but now he's doing great. >> he's doing great. he's doing a great well, angela, tell us how people can get in touch with positive war. you can go to their website, pause the you can reach out
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to them and calls them also, go on their website. and, you can go on their facebook. pause the war on the instagram, pause the war puzzle are plausible proposal war we got our angelica williams. >> thank you very much and thanks, buddy. >> i wish we were in studio together next time. >> i'll traditional. >> yeah. >> yeah. this is this is as close as i get to have a duke initiative. >> you i just have to have the bug with duke on it. that's it. >> all right. see you later, angeline. see later, but thank you so much. >> all right all right bye, buddy. >> all right. thanks a lot. really appreciate it. all right. coming up i'll. be. talking. about former president donald trump. he was at a you might have seen this over the weekend. a libertarian convention here in washington, the reception not so warm, we'll talk about that in a few moments. and as we had to break, thousand showed up on the national mall here in the nation's capital for the annual rolling. to remember, motorcycle ride. the goal to account for america's pows and those missing in action, as
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well as raising awareness. we're veteran mental health. we'll be right back so secret was secrets and spies premiere sunday at ten on cn from real quality that starts in our factory to real performance in your backyard still tools or as tough and dependable as the people who use them this fathers de, give them the gift that's built for dad right now, save $30 on the fs 56 are ce gas-powered driven real still thinking thinking about her honeymoon about africa so far hot air balloon reis when with elephants weight 342 safari, great question. like everything takes a little planning or what the mind towards down payment on a ranch in montana with horses.
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getting your 3% every four years. >> let's discuss now with cnn senior political commentator in the varro and cnn political commentator and democratic strategist, maria cardona. ladies good to see both you, maria, let me start with your first-year here in the studio with b. and by the way, great to see you in-person, haven't seen you in person. and some time since our friend alice anyway let's talk about what happened over the weekend. this does not happen to donald trump very much. i mean, is as much as we see these rowdy crowds at his own rallies they are very careful about keeping him away from this kind of stuff. and it just sort of blew up in his face. >> that's what was so surprising for a campaign team this time around. that is very focused on making sure that he doesn't get this kind of reaction. i think there's gonna be some hell to pay within the campaign staff. >> he looked discombobulated. he looked redder than usual,
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sweaty deer in the headlights because this is not the kind of reaction that he normally gets. >> but look from a strategic standpoint, it shouldn't be surprising. >> donald trump's agenda and his policies are the furthest thing from libertarian that you can get. and so it doesn't surprise me that when he is somebody who wants to tell women what to do with their bodies, who wants to take away people's rights to vote who wants to essentially control so many communities within the united states. and he said that he was going to be a dictator on day one. >> that's not something that libertarians are going to support. >> and this is clearly the evidence of that. >> yeah, anna, what did you make it this when you saw this you know, it was somewhat astounding, right? because we are so used to see donald trump just and his little protected bubble of maga followers but i also think that this is an acknowledgment by trump and his campaign that my followers are not going to get him into the white house. and that if he
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wants to get elected, he needs to go figure out how to appeal votes from other groups. they not may not be with him traditionally. now, it's a heck of a way to try to campaign and get somebody's boat by talking down to them and saying, yeah, go ahead. get your normal 3%. you bunch of losers i mean, it was and he looked pain. >> he was grimacing during the entire time he's obviously not used to being outside the mother's ship outside his maga ball yeah. >> that was definitely not the mothership and maria, i mean, the other thing that took place, we saw rfk jr. also addressing this condition. he rfk junior going after trump in these scathing criticism on x, we put if we have someone we put up on screen, but if not, you said trump's scammed american workers, let the bush wing of the gop run all is agencies and let the worst rioting and looting occurs since the 1960s there's been a lot of discussion about rfk
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junior is going to hurt more. this is kind of fascinating to see rfk jr. really going after trump like this. >> yeah. >> i thought that was interesting. i think that what has been surprising that there's been several polls that have shown that rfk junior may actually take more more votes from trump than he does. joe biden. and look, i don't think that's something that the trump campaign up until now was prepared to face. i think that's one of the reasons why they went there. and now i think they're really seeing rfk as a real threat and look for president biden. they have been on this from day one. they have not taken anything for granted. they have focused on rfk jr. making sure that americans understand what he's about. all of his conspiracy theories has anti-vax positions his waffling on a women's right to vote. all of the issues that we know are important to the vast majority of americans and how rfk juniors anathema to those positions. but it seems like the trump campaign is just now catching up saying, oh, no,
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this guy could be a real threat to us. >> yeah, the biden team, they've they've stood up a whole wing of the campaign, go to keep their eyes on our mine. and i did want to ask you get both of your thoughts if we've got time, what do you think? thanks. going to happen with this trial. i mean, and how all of this might affect the campaign mean there's a new poll relatively new poll, marquette law saying that if trump is found guilty, 43% of registered voters would choose joe biden. if he's found not guilty. the numbers flip i mean, i know the polls are all over the place. we don't know which pulls her up and which polls are down these days. and what's your sensor? could it have that big of an impact? >> you know, with trump, you'll never know. i have given up thinking that there's anything that's going to make his supporters lose have any less support of trump. we've seen time and time again that they simply don't care. and i think this is baked into the cake
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i'm one who has thought that this trial process has actually, in some ways to help trump because it's taken him off the campaign trail and he is not on a daily basis saying the stupid things that he says when he is on the campaign trail. so what end? because there's no cameras in the courtroom. their were cameras in the courtroom and we had seen the stormy testimony. we had seen the michael cohen's testimony. we had seen all of the things that we would see in a courtroom when there's cameras in it. i think we would all be transfix. we would all have been watching this 24/7. >> but what we're getting from analyzing transcripts and third hand knowledge of what's going in the courtroom is simply not having that kind of effect on the american public. >> very few people who are not getting paid to pay attention to this trial are paying attention to this trial. >> yeah. i mean murray, i mean, trump was complaining that because of the trial, you can't get out on the campaign trail as well. you got on the campaign trail, went to a look
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convention it did not so well, did not go so well. so maybe anna might be honest something here that perhaps it's not going to be the verdict, it's just going to be the trump is going to be sprung loose to be out on the campaign trail and have these moments where he may have to come face-to-face with how the public feels about the way his four years in the white house went yeah, i agree. >> and i think one of the important facets about that is that i think that many voters are going through amnesia. and so the best person to remind trump what trump is about is trump because he not only will do exactly what he did in the four years that he was in office. but he has made no secret that he would do that on steroids. he would institute mass deportation. he would institute a family separation, rip children from the arms of their moms he clearly has said that he would take away women's rights federally. he even talked about how he might want to regulate contraception. so i think again is right. the
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more that he is out there talking about the crazy stuff that he will do, the more it's going to remind people this is not somebody that is fit for office and certainly not somebody that i want making decisions for my family. >> yeah. and i mean, that is that's the biden campaign they've been, they've been sort of criticized little bit for maybe not doing enough. we saw a new ad from the biden campaign just in the last few days, trying to remind people, okay, this is where donald trump is about the biden folks doing that enough is the president doing that enough? >> i think they'd begun to do it, and i think i think that campaign ad that we saw come out last week was very effective, but they've got to do two things, right? they've got to walk and chew gum at the same time, they've got a number one remind people who trump is and remind people of my angelos words. when somebody shows you who they are, believe them the first time, there is no need for a second term of donald trump to remind us of who donald trump is the second
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thing, the biden campaign and biden has to do is be future looking, right, look towards tomorrow. four people, it's not just about vote for me because i'm not trump and he is awful. it's about vote for me because i am the future because this is what i offer you, because this is what i see in america's tamara all right. >> murray and anna looks like nice were either down in palm beach, hope you're enjoying it, and a good to see you thanks, jim. yeah, but i'm being you see the dog. i wanted to chat. i wanted to see buddy soda i know they should just let us brynn, the dogs and i totally put that in the suggestion. my two pups tear you go, are very good, ladies. thanks so much. appreciate. thank you. >> all right. coming up, getting aid to ukraine. scott kelly joins me next to talk about his meeting with a president volodymyr so lenski, we'll talk about that in just a few moments. de, with us. >> and as we head to break this
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as a live look at the vietnam veterans memorial this afternoon is ceremony will be held to remember an honor, those who served and sacrificed. all for our country, please stay. let's write that violin earth with liev schreiber, premiere sunday at nine on cnn news central menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause with a multivitamin plus hot flash support daily z for quality sleep and an extra for focus and clarity. >> centrum powered by clinically studied ingredients my name age braden i wish five years old when i came to change in, how trained shore and down the story shell. >> and then having these headaches that when i go away my mom, she was just crying what they said, their son has brain cancer it was your worst fear. coming to life watching
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chemicals fueled and intense fire in the store. ukrainian officials say there were no military targets anywhere in the area and a 12-year-old girl was among the dead. join me now as commander scott kelly retired us astronaut, who just returned from you crane last week, i've been collaborating with the humanitarian non-profit group novo ukraine. scott great to see as always really appreciate it we just showed the video of this attack on this hardware store a few moments ago. obviously the russians are continuing this strategy hitting the civilian targets of very hard. you just returned from ukraine just in the last several days. how are things there? what did you do? what can you tell us? >> so we'd a comprehensive gym just to talk about the successes we've had with the united 24,650 billion raised. and i want to thank all the donors for doing that. it's so very important. we've delivered over 200 ambulances,
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rebuilt schools and bridges just so, so much great work. i had been there. the last time was november 2022. and just seeing the resilience of the ukrainian people fighting against russia. >> and the jr.'s, they just delivered to the ukrainian people on a daily basis. >> it just so so hard to see and how was a president zelenskyy you met with him? >> what did he have to say? what was your sense of it? >> you know, he he's desperate for help. >> this is this is a war that they are fighting and they're defending democracy and freedom around the world at the expense of their soldiers, at the expense of their civilians or infrastructure, at the expense of their country. >> and it's just so sad i visited a a rehab center and met with a bunch of ukrainian soldiers most were amputees from one limb to three limbs
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they all had the same exact look on their faces. you could just tell they've seen the horror of war and we need to do everything we can to help them because they are fighting for us. they're fighting for freedom around the world and any mention of this massive du, aid bill for ukraine that just got through the congress is that did the president talk about that indicate whether or not this is going to help quickly or what was your sense of that part of the conversation very, very thankful for everything that the american public has provided. you know, i'm going to tell it, share an interesting story with you about that aid bill in a friend of mine at my house house a few days before i went to ukraine. >> and older woman from texas and when she realized i was going to ukraine to help these people, the look of discussed on her face was just absolutely
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disgusting to me and she said, why are we sending all that money? >> over there? and i had to explain to her that $65 billion, i think $55 billion of that is spent in the united states workers that are making weapons that are actually those weapons in some cases, they're not even being sent to ukraine there the replacements for the ones that are expiring that need to be used. so we're sending them to ukraine and we're replenishing our weapons with that aid money but when you live in this echoed right-wing news echo chamber is i was like, where do you get your news from newsmax box? >> tucker carlson, echoing putin's talking points, i was absolutely disgusted the fact that, that money is spent here. those weapons in most cases, we're going to expire anyway. and ukrainians, needham and they're using them to defend us against a potential future folk all right. >> i guess i raised the question, scott is whether or
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not what you just said is being explained enough here at home i don't think it is and that's why i that's why i brought it up. >> i mean, i think people need to realize that it's not like we're putting money in a truck and dumping it in keith. it's mostly being spent in the united states and those people support with that money, they support their communities. they pay taxes. it's kinda like the space program. you know, people used to say to me, why do we spend all this money in space? and i would say, you know, i was on that space station for a year. >> there's no money there that money was spent on the ground yeah. why don't you mentioned space. i do want to ask you about this upcoming of a flight of the boeing starliner, the launch set to take place june 1. apparently they're dealing with a helium leak right now. currently what's your read on that? does that mean that we can be confident this is going to happen at the end of the week. might there be more delays what you're sensitive you know, after spending 20 years and nasa, i always say
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when people would ask me on my launch, on the space shuttle, they say, what's the odds you're going to launch? i'd say 50, 50, we're there you go. or we're not. and we're going to go on her ready. and we're not going over not ready. >> hopefully, there'll be ready. >> maybe they won't spaces hard. >> have you done launches where there have been a little nuisances, leaks, or reported problems like that and you work them out and then do the launch that de or when you hear reports like this, does it? make you think okay. well, they may have to delay this a day or two no rhyme or reason times. yeah you know, sometimes they can fix those things fast, sometimes you can just launch as is this is the first flight of this vehicles. >> so they, with people on it, so they don't know a whole lot about his performance. so i think it's important for them to take very measured, safe, cautious approach all right. >> scott kelly, commander kelly, thank you so much. always enjoy having you on, especially when you have the astronaut suit behind you. i know. i say almost every time, but i have to say it again one
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of the best backdrops out there. thanks a lot. it's got killed and thanks for the important work that you're doing over in ukraine. really appreciate that well coming up, having more in you as well, coming up a former general hospital actor, gun down in los angeles. what police are saying about what happened as the search? for suspects continues. and as we had to break, this is a live look at the world war ii memorial in washington, dc. as our nation honors and remember service members who made the ultimate side sacrifice for our country, stay with us. we'll be right back tomorrow. the evidence is in the testimony has ended, but it's not over yet before the jury gets the final say. prosecutors and trump's defense team get the final word, live coverage of closing arguments in the trump hush money trial tomorrow at nine eastern to type two diabetes, discover the ozempic tries zone i got power of three. i learned my a1c cdi risk and lost some weight it
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tausche at the white house. and this is cnn are you looking at live pictures right now of arlington national cemetery,
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president biden, in just a few moments will be laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier right now you can see, i believe that the second gentleman making his way in, we're going to bring those remarks to you, live in just a few moments. >> so stay tuned for that. in the meantime, i believe are kevin lip tack is standing by kevin what can we expect from the president's remarks yeah, certainly one of the most solemn days for any american president. obviously, it's a reminder of the weight that rests on their shoulders every day and i think for president biden, this day it takes on personal meaning of course, he does want to emphasize the sacrifice that generations of americans who lost their lives fighting for this country and certainly this wreath laying at the tomb of the unknown soldier is just the kickoff. we did here, president biden over the weekend speaking to cadets at west point talking about the importance of democracy and talking about the oath, those cadets would take, saying that it wasn't an oath to
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particular president, to a particular political party, but an oath to the constitution. and i think certainly in his remarks later today, the president could emphasize that as well. and you see him they are walking out to the tomb of the unknown soldier with the vice president with the secretary of defense, certainly a solemn moment for the president today on memorial absolutely. and as you said, a very personal de for the president, as well as son beau biden, of course, dying after his service. and we're going to see unfold here just a few moments. let's listen we'll talk about this on the other side
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