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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 27, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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your cash or and 5% apy joined today and get your birth 30 days free. >> and rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta this is cnn closed captioning is bronchi by you, cora, helped maintain a healthy urinary tract with you? cora, i can having utis for ten years. >> you, cora. we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary attract help product. >> you korea is a lyptsi tried today at your it's all
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led up to this. unless than 24 hours. attorneys and donald trump's criminal hush money trial will make your final case to jurors asking them for the first time in our nation's history, to either convict or acquit a former president we'll break down what you can expect. plus millions of americans are under a severe weather threat this memorial day, a storm system that killed at least 21 people this weekend moves across the country. we're tracking and israel's prime minister are calling an airstrike on a camp in rafah, quote, a tragic mistake after 45 palestinians are killed according to gaza officials many of them women and children. does the attack cross president biden's red line we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here. this is central so tomorrow is a big dick.
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>> the jury and former president donald trump's hush money trial will return to court after nearly a week long break and closing arguments will then get underway. >> both sides have an opportunity to make their final pitches before jurors. and then those jurors go behind closed doors to deliberate. defense attorneys will present their arguments first, then followed by the prosecution cnn's kara scannell has been inside court every day at this trial, she joins us now. qarrah big day tomorrow. what should we expect? >> yeah, it is big day. it's the last chance for the attorneys to speak to the jury and try to frame the evidence in the way that they want them to see it in trump's lawyers will be up first is the attorney todd blanche expected to address the jury and he is objected to attack the credibility of michael cohen. he is the only witness to testify about donald trump's direct involvement in the falsification of the records, the alleged cover-up in this case, and they are expected to try to hone in on cohen's credibility in this trial and suggest to the jury that they cannot convict donald trump based on the testimony of a
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convicted liar. now, the prosecution is expected to tell the jury that michael cohen has lot of baggage. he is one of donald trump's former close associates, and that's the type of person that trump chose to associate himself with. they will also argue to the jury that michael cohen does not stand alone, that there's other evidence, other witness testimony, text messages phone records. you didn't handwritten notes and the 34 false the allegedly falsified documents themselves, trying to tie all that together to tell the jury they don't have to rely entirely on michael cohen, but they can look at some of the other evidence in this case, no closings are expected to go all day tomorrow, the judge saying he could even possibly have the jury stay for them to finish closings if they don't wrap up by the usual n time of four, 30, then the judge will instruct the jury on wednesday on the law. that is what the prosecutors need to prove in order to convict get a guilty plea or sorry, to get a guilty verdict by the jury against donald trump then the
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deliberations will begin. they will go for as long as the jury needs for them to render this verdict. and what will be a historic verdict in this case? >> no doubt about it. kara scannell, thanks so much for that reporting and joining us now to discuss former us attorney michael moore, jury consultant melissa gomez, and cnn senior your political analysts, ron brown, steen. great to see all of you today as we get ready for what will be a big week in this trial, it will be very interesting to see how it all plays out michael first to you, how does the prosecution tied together the many details the testimony from 20 witnesses? into this nice package. they've gotta weave it all together and make sure that they hit every high point with that jury yeah. >> i'm glad to be with all of you and happy holidays. >> they really do have to sort of master the art of storytelling to bring these 20 witnesses and all this evidence together and they're going to have to remind the jury that this is a document case, and they've got a copy of the documents in front of them. they can see this cheat sheet
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they can see the checks they were signed and while they may not like michael cohen, this case does not rest on his shoulders. i think that's probably not a great argument. no position that a prosecutor would want to be in right now. they may argue about this look, who we associate himself with us, who trump associate themselves with. they do that. i think the defense will say, you have a look at the prosecution is associated themselves where they've taken the word of a liar and a thief and they didn't tell you about it ahead of time. >> so i mean, there are some things are going to have to overcome, but what they're going to have to do is say, look, this is, you can look at this, you can use common sense and just walking that you can see the full picture here. >> there might be some cloudy parts to it, but you don't check your common sense. it's a door you can look at it. you can see that how this played out do you know what trump's history has been as far as him micro-managing things you've heard about that from witnesses and all these other witnesses have come in here and corroborated all this information information. if they can do that and if they
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can try to keep even just one juror from expressing some reasonable doubt, then maybe they can pull together some type of conviction. i think the question will be whether or not it's going to be a misdemeanor conviction or whether they actually carry the de on the felony charge conversely, melissa, for the defense, it's really all about convincing one juror that the prosecution didn't prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt is the easiest path for them to do that going after michael cohen's testimony, can they actually the prosecution win without getting into michael cohen's baggage? well, essentially, what the prosecution wants to do is and what they need to do is like was just said, tie it all together. they want to zoom out. they want to see a pattern of behavior so that michael cohen fits within that it would be very dangerous for the prosecution if the case rested just don cohen. that's why they needed all of that other
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evidence and all those other witnesses to support the information that cohen was driving home. so they want to zoom out on the other hand, what the defense needs to do is zoom in the allegations here are very specific what the jury needs to find is very specific. the defense wants to do then is focused on those specific allegations. and if the jurors can't don't find cohen credible, that breaks that chain so that's really where the defense wants to focus in, and that's why they are so keyed in on cohen. because cohen is the one that creates that link from the big picture story. the prosecution is saying to the specific allegations in this case ron, we saw former president trump attacked judge merchan this morning and his memorial day message on social media. >> this is more of the same. we have seen him go after this, judge. it is allowed within the gag order that he is under right now. but i would imagine his attorneys don't love that. he's doing this a few hours
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before closing arguments well the political imperatives and the legal imperatives have always seemed somewhat intention for trump in this, in this entire trial i suspect that either way however, this comes out, either a conviction or a hung jury acquittal doesn't seem like a reasonable prospect. defer to my lawyer colleagues either way, the political impact will be a slow burn. we've known from the beginning that americans are less likely to view this case as a significant violation of the law than the other cases that he faces which have all been put on the shelf we interventions primarily by republican judges. so if there is an impact of this politically, i think it will, it will take time and it will be americans grappling with the notion of electing a convicted felon if that is what happens but there's no question as you
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say, that trump has not made his legal we'll condition any easier by trying to fortify his political response to the trial michael, we've spoken spoken to a number of experts who said that the chances of seeing a mistrial in this case are a bit higher than they are for your average run of the mill case. >> i'm wondering whether you agree with that assessment and how much do you think judge juan merchan will push the jury to come to a conclusion to avoid a miss trial. >> yeah. >> i think it's likely that you'll see on this trial and that is because you have people who are so entrenched. i mean, just look at our politics and everything else across the board outside of the jury room, i mean, they just didn't traced to their positions and so you saw what it took to get jurors. none of these jurors are had been living on mars. i mean, they've they've heard heard things. they've spent the last four years or around an aid. you know, they've they've gotten locked in, they've got their own views. they may think they can be fair as it relates to the evidence, but i think
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it's likely that you'll see at least one or two hold out. you also get to lawyers on the during, which is interesting because i think they will put the state to a strong test to make sure they carry their burden of proof beyond a region because mold out, not this sort of willy nilly. we don't know what the other crime was, but surely he must have meant to do something illegal. let's just it's just kinda nonsense and i think maybe fodder for an appellate court but it comes to the judge. there's a charge that we call the dynamite charge and what that does is supposed to dislodge these jurors who may be locked into a position and not willing to listen to their colleagues in that room to talk openly and to try to explore each other's position and not to be entrenched. it's the same time. don't just way with the tide, but to give each other's view view a fair listen, and consideration. and i think he'll push that because the length of the trial, i think you'll see go on. he may keep the jury a couple of days, but at some point there'll be told or they'll tell him the fourth parts will come and say, look, we're just not getting
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anywhere so while you could give us another alan charged, though, the data might charge if you will. i don't i don't know that it's going to do any good because we generally are holding our positions and the vote has a change in the room at that point, i think he may see declare a mistrial. >> melissa, do you do you get the sense like michael, that this could likely ended ms furrow any any case can end in a miss trial. but this is where there's been a lot of talk about the jury instructions and it's when there is disagreement in the room, when the jury's really rely on those jury instructions. so i think this is the context where those instructions can have a lot of power if they're clear and if they really helped guide these jurors, especially again, to lawyers on the panel who are going to be fine that the rules and the specific following the rules are going to be very important may be able to draw on them. >> but yeah, anything can happen in a trial like this,
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and it only takes one holdout ron, i think the million-dollar question for political analyst is whether ultimately a conviction or an acquittal sways voters enough to potentially change the course of the presidential election well, we are very dug in as a country, but there's nothing almost nothing you can conceive of that would move large numbers of voters. >> but this is truly unprecedented. and so i don't think we can assuredly answer what the effect would be. as i said, america welcome to have tended to view this case as less serious than the other ones at the supreme court and other judicial bodies have, have put off in particular the january 6 insurrection, by the way, the speed of this trial is a reminder of what could have been unfolding on the january 6 trial if the supreme court had not held that hell, that up. but i do think that over time,
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if trump is convicted, the issue will be less the specifics of what he's convicted of than the implications of electing a convicted felon if there is a hung jury, i'm not sure how much it changes the dynamic of the election, but it certainly gives him and his orders energy. i do think they are preparing to argue it round or argued flat if there is a hung jury, it's that even in a blue jurisdictions like this, the case was so bogus, they couldn't convict him. and if he is convicted, they're prepared to argue, well, what do you expect in such a blue jurisdiction in effect, arguing that not only the prosecutors, but average voters jury members would be biased against him. so it is an unprecedented situation. i don't think we can affirmatively be confident about how it would go, but i do think the question of whether americans are willing to elect a convicted felon with loom larger over time than it might in the immediate reaction to the trial if he is convicted so many angles to this. we appreciate you all run
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bronstein, melissa gomez, michael moore for walking us through it. thanks so much thank you for having of course i have this our scenes of chaos in rafah where gaza officials say that an israeli airstrike on a camp for displaced palestinians killed at least 45 hi people, and injured hundreds more. what israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, he's just said about the attack. and we're tracking deadly storms as they move across the country, putting millions of people risk of severe weather. this memorial day plus another episode of turbulence injuring people on a commercial flight. we've got details for you just ahead here on cnn news central new print this assignments in my bag like a bunch of groceries. >> alice qizan, greece just contemplate freedom. >> you can't take your eyes off the new 2024 jeep wrangler in gladiator cheap. there's
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breaking news out of the middle east. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu now calling a deadly airstrike in gaza, quote, a tragic mistake and it's now under investigation. the gaza health ministry saying sunday's blasts in rafah killed at least 45 people while wounding another 200 who were living in makeshift tents near the un headquarters. it's an area that's supposed to be safe footage obtained by cnn showing the aftermath. and we do want to warn you it is disturbing. >> other footage shows the camp in flames with scores of men, women, and children frantically trying to find cover from the nighttime assault burned bodies, including those of children can be seen being pulled by rescuers from the wreckage. videos being shared online that we will not show here, revealed even more carnage and one, the lifeless body of a man can be seen being dragged out by the legs, out of the flames. in another video, a
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man is weeping as the holds up the headless body of a toddler for the camera the idf says the strike hit a compound were quote, significant hamas terrorists were operating. and that two senior hamas officials had been killed. >> cnn's kayla tausche joins us now from the white house and kayla, we've heard now from the israeli government to end the prime minister about this strike what's the white house saying today well, jessica, the national security council called some of those images that we just saw heartbreaking in the wake of that fatal attack and said that while the eu but still believes that israel has a right to defend itself against hamas that the us has also made clear that israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians saying we are actively engaging the idf and partners on the ground to assess what happened. >> and understand the idf is conducting an investigation. you may remember just last month the idf conducted another investigation into an attack on world central kitchen aid workers that killed seven. and a preliminary investigation
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after that attack revealed that it was a grave mistake stake in the idf's words because of thermal imaging that made the identifications, the markings on those vehicles impossible to see at night. but in the aftermath of that, president biden began to signal to the israelis at a the us would be willing to place conditions on aid. and just a couple of weeks ago, biden told cnn that the us would stop providing heavy bombs to israel, that it could use in an offensive attack on rafah and called one of those major sure military operations in rafah. a red line. here's what the president said they don't want to rafah. >> i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah, to deal with the cities that deal with that problem. we're going to continue to make sure israel is secure in terms of iron dome and their ability to respond to attacks like came out of you the least recently. but it's assists
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wrong. we're not going to we're not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells use that have been used three shells as well. yeah. i tell my shelf i president biden his national security adviser, his top national security aides have described hypothetical position that if israel were to go into rafah in a major way, not in a way that they have described previously as targeted are limited then they would begin stopping, providing more aid. >> but whether the attack that we've seen in recent hours at is how the administration sees that just is not clear at this point, but they'll have to provide more details on that in the coming days, guys kayla tausche, life for us from the white house. >> thank you so much. kill. we want to discuss now with netball for soc, she used a spokesperson for the palestine red crescent society of all. thank you so much for being with us. this latest report estimate latest reports, i should say estimate that at least 45 people were killed. some 200 were wounded from your
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vantage point, from folks that you've spoken to on the ground, what is it like? they're in rafah following the strike? >> good evening. thanks for having me it was a true nightmare. nightmare. >> the palestine red crescent responded to the israeli attack of shilling civilians, tents northwest of rafah, tell area. a place that is designated as a safe zone for displays the ends, families were intense, preparing to go to bet when the shelling began, and then tense caught fire. people, including children, get the stock in the fire, causing severe burns, as well as injuries as you highlighted, at least at least 45 were killed, including 23 children, women, as well as elderly people, and 249 others were injured our teams evacuated the casualties to
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field hospitals and rafat, because there's no one hospital is still operating, can address these many casualties. we are or estelle concerned that many of those critically wounded might lose their life because there is no surgical capacity enough to treat all of these wounded. and the same time, there's no opportunity to evacuated the critically wounded outside of gaza strip because the rafah crossing, which is the only way to get n what it out of gaza is, remained a closed. we continue to call the palestine red cross and continue to call and the international community to take serious steps to ensure the protection of civilians under international humanitarian law, to hold israel accountable what is happening is unacceptable. it's comes two days later after the international court of justice ordered israel to cease its operation and rafat, once again, despite this area
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being designated as a safe zone, it was very crowded with tens of thousands of civilians taking shelter intense. it was targeted once again, we see there is no safe place in gaza. civilians being attacked everywhere. unrwa schools, hospitals shelters are anyplace. there is no safe place left for civilians in gaza navalny, you touched on this a moment ago, but i was hoping you could expand on what kind of access to medical care is available to people in rafah right now? to be honest, almost nothing and rafat, there is no hospital left. the major hospital, which is a yusuf najjar hospital, was taken out of service weeks ago at the beginning of the israeli military operation and rafah now hospitals left or field hospitals that they can barely deal with this increasing number of casualties. most of
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gaza hospitals were taken out of service. now, only few hospitals are still operational. and even those who are operational are working partly, they are overcrowded with wounded people. you can see wounded people at the hospitals corridor on the ground sound wearing to receive treatment. all of them, they luck medications, medical supplies, as well as a fuel which is needed to the power generator. we are in an almost a complete collapse of the health care system. now we're talking about injuries, but also four your information, many patients, including pregnant woman's, people with chronic diseases and people who have also infectious diseases, which is rapidly spreading among the displaced people, are not receiving the necessary health care because hospitals can barely saved the lives of those who are critically wounded the ball for soc, we
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very much appreciate your sharing your perspective with us today. >> thanks for joining us. still to come on. cnn news central severe storms that killed at least 21 people in the midwest are on the move. and we are tracking them. plus new details about the deadly shooting of a former date times soap star. all that more. >> and just moments riyadh says new album is breaking records gets to say what country is colby country. >> bianna, say a nashville's renaissance. >> tonight? that aid on cnn drive >> we've been hard at work and we finally did it. >> but you make it so i can finally see my real payments and shop at thousands cars were no hits on my credit good or bad time and get approved with no credit hit ga the advanced
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now, severe storms are expected to hit some of the east coast's biggest cities, new york and philadelphia and the holiday weekend weather has already been devastated dating further south, 21 people have died in arkansas, texas, oklahoma, and kentucky from storm systems that spawned multiple tornadoes. >> today, people are beginning to clean up and get their power back amid soaring temperatures in some parts. >> and among the hardest hit valley view, texas, that's about an hour north the dallas. three of the seven people killed statewide were a mother and her two children investigators believed the tornado that hit was at least an ef-2 let's go down to cnn meteorologist chad myers for the latest and chad we know today more than 100 million people are under the threat of severe weather. so this just continue right? >> and because it's in the big cities, jessica, that's the problem here really. and right now, the biggest threat to you or anyone outside, including pets, will be lightning. but
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later on today, things are going to get bumpy again, especially across the northeast, including new york city, all the way through the green white mountains, vermont, new hampshire, and right now, we're seeing just a little bit of a flare up here in the carolinas where the severe prediction center is expecting. we're expecting a new watch issued there, but here's what the radar it looks like right now. it looks like the weather has moved across the long island expressway and it's going to move off, but it's not more weather is going to develop behind it. so there's a another round of whether for you, new york boston, philadelphia, ofir, all the way down even toward baltimore and dc, you haven't even gotten in on the act yet, but there will be lightening in your forecast if you're having a picnic outside, if it's by your house, okay. you're running the house, but if it's not if you're at some pavilion somewhere out at a park, make sure you keep a card close in case there is lightning, you can get to it. there's still 465 million good morning. 65,000 people without power at this hour of the 58 tornadoes that were reported over the weekend from friday to today,
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58 tornadoes, 737 reports of wind damage, and still almost 300 reports of hail and some of that hail was very big. i mean, we're talking as big as baseball's. so here's what we have right now. we're going to move you ahead to about 7:00 grade and thunderstorms. you see them. they're developing over new york city right there at this is our moving offshore into the carolinas, but all the way down toward georgia and south carolina, the low country there and just what we don't need for the lavender live shot that we just looked at more rain, thunderstorms in the forecast for that area here. near valley view north of dallas for tomorrow, it just seems like the hits just keep bright oncoming. yes, we will have severe weather tomorrow and not much severe weather for the rest of the week, but it's still going to be there something else you could call severe, although we don't technically put that under the category obviously, 117 degree heat indexes across parts of south texas, no matter where you are, especially if you're in the sun, it's going to feel that warm or warmer if you're
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actually standing in the sunshine. so make sure your pets, your people, you're adults, your kids are not in a car any length of time because temperatures like this inside of a car go to 1314150, very, very quickly. yeah. >> like that. all right. chad myers, thanks so much for more information about how you can help us storm victims. you can go to cnn we are hearing of another case of airplane turbulence. so rough that people on board had to go to the hospital, six passengers, six crew members were hurt on a qatar airways flight that was traveling from qatar to ireland. eight of them had to be hospitalized according to the dublin airport, one passenger said that she kept her seat belt buckle after hearing of the singapore airlines incident earlier this month, one man died in that incident more than 100 others were heard after severe turbulence, forced, and emergency landing in thailand we had we had our seat belts on just from watching the episode
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that happened last week was just it was there in your mind? it was so scary at the time. you just don't know is they cease or not? like what does the staff were amazing like to actually get up and have to look after us and they're going around to abandon which is on their hands and bloodied faces like and they have to serve us as well cnn business editor at large, richard quest joins us now, richard, what more are you learning about the qatar airways flight? well the seat belt sign was on and it looked like they were aware that there was going to be turbulence they were in the middle of the meal service i believe that hot drinks had stopped being served, but there's not much you can do. >> i mean, this is i suppose the element of mitigation in the singapore airlines new measure if you've already got all the meal trays out and you've got the carts out and the galley is full of whatever
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and then you hit bag tablets. >> you can't put it away in a second or two. you can certainly make it more safe for the flight attendants by having them take their jump seats but they the ability to make it more safe for passengers really only comes down to wear your seat belts yeah. >> and to that end, richard, is there anything else the industry is doing to better predict turbulence? >> absolutely absurd. they trying this best they can't use every bit of doppler radar. you name it to try and work out exactly what all those flight plans, what are the the weather patterns that will be experienced we joke about the fact that the weather is always wrong, but the reality is it's usually right and these pilots are getting detailed meet your forecasts. >> but look at the number of
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turbulence events. >> 5.5 thousand is severe. 65,000 is matrix. what's the difference? madrid's will be used by bouncing around. you rarely will it be failing at, you'll be rarely thinking, oh, i got it out like that. severe well, a bay i'm really not happy with this at all. i'm not i'm not. can we please can you please get off but the majority of turbulence is what they call light shop. just a little bit of nonsense and moderate and you have to have your seatbelt fastened. it's i feel like i'm repeating myself when i have florida in the last couple of weeks talking to you and other experts. >> it's really comes down to just the bottom and you have where are you? guilty or you good? i can feel that as soon your own plane the accusation where am i?
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>> i will take it off to go to the bat like get up and go to the bathroom, but i'm pretty good about it, but this is like this makes me anything over a blanket yeah. >> yeah. >> yeah. i'll put it on if i'm sleeping on it. okay? the analogy i constantly use egg in a bottle, just take an egg, put it in a bottle, and shake it around. and that's due in a plane. >> oh boy richard quest. >> thanks so much for the good advice and also the demonstration of turbulence. those really good richmond appreciate you so much still to come the shocking shooting death of a former soap opera star in downtown los angeles. we're going think some new details about exactly what transpired. stay with cnn russia for trying to spy on us we were spying on them i'm sorry, frank this is a bit secret was secrets and spine a nuclear game premieres sunday at ten on cnn. higher shipping rates may be the cost of doing
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brought to you by meso if you or a loved one have mesothelial not we'll send you a free book to answer questions you may have called now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 hey, this storming senseless story out of los angeles police. >> there are looking for the suspects who shot and killed former general hospital actor johnny honey wactor. >> he's best known for his role as brando corbin in the soap opera. >> his agent is remembering him as someone who was committed to his craft. >> cnn's camila bernal has been following the story and camila wactor's mother says that he was walking from a bar with a coworker and thought his car was being towed when all this happened? >> yeah. just more is this happened at around three in the morning on saturday and even though he is most well-known for his acting, his mother's said he was actually working at a rooftop bar here in downtown la. >> she spoke to her affiliate
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kabc and what she said was that after work, he's one walking out and he thinks that these people are either working on his car or towing it. so he approaches then and according to his mother, one of the suspects looks up and shoots him. authorities later said that it was actually three people that were there and were trying to seal his car's catalytic converter now, this is something that normally gets stolen for its precious metals and authorities saying that these three men fled, they drove off in a car. we don't have a lot of information in terms of the suspects, but we do know that lapd is looking for the people responsible at the moment. and while they continue that investigation, the soap-opera community really coming together to remember wactor and his role in general hospital, the show releasing a statement, i want to read what they said. they said this the entire general hospital family is heartbroken to hear of johnny wactor's untimely passing. he was truly one of a kind and a pleasure to work with each and every day or
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thoughts and prayers go out to his loved ones during this difficult time, he was on the show from 2020 to 2022, more than 150 episodes. so his on-screen wife also releasing a statement saying this johnny was the absolute best so genuine, so carrying in credit i really hard working and humble with a huge heart that spread so much kindness and joy. so again, just a lot of people remembering him. he was just 37 years old. his agent saying that he accomplished his dreams and that he was really the kind of person that would take the shirt off his back. so just a lot of people coming together to remember him as as we continue to wait for lapd in terms of the suspects here, flores. >> all right. camila bernal. thanks so much for that reporting next summer scientists say that global warming isn't a fitting term, given what we're seeing, they warn that this, especially off
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the coast of thailand, is more akin to boylan. >> the devastating impact of rising sea temperatures straight ahead one, one series dallas. >> stars gain three of the western conference final presented by geico gilbert's begins tonight at 7:30 on tnt high. it's christina again i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi bathroom model that you don't want to miss were waving all installation costs and postponing all payments for up to one year and best of all, they can install it and as little as one day with no stress no matter from a safer, easy injuries, shower to a stunning family bath or how about a luxurious upgrade with a timeless design that will look great for years? welcome it was done in the same day we did not have to wait it's
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feel better with liquid glass, grabbed liquid labs and walmart vitamin aisle today, i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn let's take a look at some of the other headlines were watching this hour, a man has been arrested for allegedly setting a stranger's shirt on fire on a new york city subway. >> police say the suspect through a cup with flaming liquid on a passenger before running off the train, the victim suffered burns on his upper body and is now listed in stable condition. >> police also believe that suspect carried out is similar attack on a subway platform back in february aerial footage captures an incredibly close call in sydney, australia this
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small plane lost power and just barely missed several rooftops and brush the tree before crash landing at an airport. >> not much margin there the pilot says he kept the land in europe the whole time, knowing that he just had inches to spirit you're on the way down. >> both people on board. fortunately, walked away on harm and tennis fans in paris may have just witnessed the end of an era 14 time french open champion rafael nadal, lost in the tournament's first round for the first time, and his entire career today. but 30 fell in straight sets. and while nevada hasn't ruled out another round at roland garros next year. he's been hobbled by injuries recently. so today's lost may have been the last time there for the so-called king of clay record-breaking, see temperatures are bleaching the once vibrant coral reefs in the waters around thailand and that bleaching is only devastating the reef, but the fishing communities that depended on
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them, cnn's linda kincaid has more it's yet another beautiful day on the water in child loud beach, thailand but it's what lies beneath the surface that's been left unrecognizable where this fisherman used to make up to 10,000 bad or 200 $276 a day? he says, now he's lucky to earn a fifth of that as the court below him dies off the marine animals who inhabited and feed off it disappear my by the coral reef is my heart and soul when it isn't bleached, helping and abundant. and you can go out fishing at night. you can easily catch a squid in a fish near the core reef, earning a living was nice and easy the third-generation fisherman is among some 200 who live and fish on this page the fisherman he helped provide seafood like blue swimming
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crabs and other small fish to bangkok, vietnam, and china but with 50% of coral and the gulf of thailand already bleaching according to thai government scientists, they regulate catch is dwindling without healthy coral typical marine life is forced to migrate but i can fall cognac. the factor causing the bleaching is the rising of the seawater is temperature. >> when i got into the water just now, i immediately felt that the water was warm very warm does some scientists, the term global warming doesn't do the situation justice. >> global boiling is a better fit as atmospheric temperatures rise. so do ocean temperatures. the heat stresses the corals, causing them to lose their augie and pigment what's left is a colorless graveyard renewed barkley the coral bleaching is happening so quickly this year. it's unusual. look, all of it has
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turned white, is never been this bleach before. >> all very white this year. >> all of it is bleached unless the world drastically cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions 90% of living corals could decrease by 2050 and ominous threat not just to our refs, but to the marine life basis stain and the fisherman whose livelihoods depend on them mindy kincaid cnn up next, we mark memorial day assignments are going off. >> the tornado here you cannot out swim this you cannot outrun it really is a terrifying experience. it is a stuff of nightmares get here at and feel it. >> eyes and my throat were burning i'm thinking i'm going to die. and i thought that was it along with earth, with liev schreiber? >> premier sunday at nine on cnn new drink.
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comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. a pro pain-free absorb been pro the lead with jake tapper. next on cnn is memorial day a time for americans too, honore military members who made the ultimate sacrifice, president biden mark the somber holiday
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by lying laying a reset the tomb of the unknown soldier. >> and here was some of the president's message freedom has never been guaranteed every generation has to earn it fight for defendant in battle between autocracy and democracy be trained to grade are a few the rights of many it matters our democracy is more than justice system of government. >> it's a very soul of america we also want to remember a group of fallen heroes often unacknowledged on this day and those. >> are service members and veterans who've died by suicide. an extra doubly linked to their service. the most recent data finds that in the years since september 11 more military members have died by suicide than in combat. according to the department of veterans affairs, an average of 17 veterans take their lives every day. if you or someone yo


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