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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  May 27, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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like never even happened serve for dumont welcome to the roots of our legacy were excellence comfort and electricity are forever in blue well to beyond. the mercedes. my buck eq suv that man does it like a snack wonderful pistachios get cracking i'm zachary cohen and washington and this is cnn
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happening now, breaking news, we're learning new details about closing arguments in donald trump's historic but criminal trial. >> as both sides prepared to make their final pitches to jurors tomorrow. also tonight, us reaction to be israeli airstrike that killed dozens of civilians in rafah. as prime minister benjamin netanyahu is now calling it a tragic mistake standby for new reporting on behind the scenes conversations in the biden administration and breaking news as multiple states are reeling from severe weather, the tornado threat extending to the east coast with millions on alert right now, including writing here in the nation's capital. >> welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. >> wolf blitzer is off today. i, boris sanchez and you are in the situation the skis cnn, breaking news. >> let's get right to the breaking news on what to expect during tomatoes closing arguments in donald trump's hush money trial, sources
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revealing some of the key points that both sides plan to make sentence first, and l is in new york with the details, carol, what are you learning laborious and closing arguments tomorrow? michael cohen is expected to be a focus of both the prosecution and the defense sources say that trump's attorneys are going to look to try to undermine his testimony and focus on some of the witnesses that prosecutors did not call to buttress cohen's testimony cluing the forward trump organization cfo allen weisselberg, and trump's former bodyguard, keith schiller. now prosecutors, they are expected to argue to the jury that they don't have to rely alone on michael cohen and try to look toward some of these other witnesses testimony, as well as the text messages and phone logs to bolster cohen's credibility. donald trump watching nascar north carolina this weekend, while his hush money trial approaches the final lap in new york i think by a lot trump's lawyers and prosecutors will square off
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trying to win over the jury of seven men and five women prosecutors called 20 witnesses over five weeks, and in their closing arguments, they're expected to tie testimony together with a paper trail of text messages, phone calls and the records at the center of the case the 11 invoices seeking payment pursuant to a retainer agreement doesn't vouchers and 11 checks most signed by trump i think we have cases. there is no crime during the trial. >> the jury heard from former members of trump's inner circle, the publisher of the national enquirer, david pecker campaign aide, hope hicks, and his former fixer and personal attorney, michael cohen, who is the only witness two directly tied trump to the cover up. trump's attorneys are up first and closings and are expected to attack cohen's credibility, arguing to the jury that they cannot find trump guilty based on the testimony of a convicted
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liar michael cohen is a convicted liar and he's got no credibility whatsoever. >> cohen was on the witness stand for five days, telling the jury, trump called adult film actress stormy daniels story a disaster for his campaign and directed cohen to take care of. it, cohen testifying he spoke with trump twice to get his approval, just before wiring the $130,000 payment to daniels attorney to block her story of an alleged affair with trump from me becoming public to influence the 2016 election. trump denies the affair and i can't even tell you how many times he said to me, you know i hate the fact that we did it and my comment to him was but every person that you've spoken to told you it was the right move? >> he told the jury that trump signed off on the repayment scheme in a meeting at trump tower with former trump organization cfo, allen weisselberg. cohen walked the jury through the 34 allegedly please falsified documents
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testifying there was no retainer agreement. the money was payback for the daniels deal. >> there's $35,000 check was one of 11 check installments that was paid throughout the year while he was president the president of the united states thus wrote a personal check for the payment of hush money as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws trump attorney todd blanche has used cohen's own words to bolster their defense that cohen would say anything to take trump down and is out for reveng >> i truly hope that this man ends up in prison now boris, there are already people lining up outside in the rain trying to get a seat inside the courtroom or in the overflow into here closing arguments tomorrow, they are expected to go all day and the judge has said that he will instruct the jury on the law on wednesday help them determine what the prosecution needs to prove for them to return a guilty verdict
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in the case once the judge does that, deliberations will get underway and they'll continue until this jury reaches a verdict for boris, tourists can now thanks so much for the update. >> let's dig deeper into the final phase of the trump trial with former us district court judge shira schindler judge. thank you so much for being with us as kara just reported, the defense is expected to focus on credits on cohen's credibility. prosecutors are going to try to corroborate his account with text messages phone logs, and the testimony of other witnesses i'm wondering what you make of these strategies well, most strategies are right. >> the prosecution can say to the jury that the witnesses are credible. but in case you have any doubt about that. look at the documents because the documents tell the story here and there are some very documents where trump used the phrase reimbursement twice in documents himself, once in a twitter, once it a disclosure
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that he has to make to the government of funds paid and both times he called it a reimbursement so you don't you don't reimburse legal fees. so there's a lot of proof that he knew that there was no retainer and that he was reimbursing cohen for making these hush money payments. i think the prosecution is going to stress the document sure. they're going to say the witnesses corroborate each other. you should believe cohen can believe pecker, you can believe daniels. but if you have any doubt, look at the documents that's their strategy now, on the other side, the defense sayyed, they're going to say, where is allen weisselberg? the people have the burden of proof. i have no burden of proof. the peak both have the burden of proof and the prosecutor didn't call that witness at two missing witness and weisselberg was the third man in the room at this alleged meeting. it wasn't just cohen and trump. it was weisselberg he would have they would have a lot to say if he would say, i think they're going to pound on the failure of proof and say
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the people have failed to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. there are also, of course going to attack cohen's credibility. that's easy to do and they're gonna do it. >> and judge, what about the fact that the jury's been away from the courtroom for a week. what kind of impact could that have? >> well that's not so great for the defense because the last witness in the case was costello and so what are they going to remember for five days was this strange witness who was antagonizing the judge. clearly, they knew that the jury was aware of that jury was sent out. the courtroom was cleared. they knew the two weren't getting along. they also knew that about 15 objections were sustained in a row. and jurors bond with the judge. so it's not good after five days. the last thing on their mind was castello, but we'll see after the summations comes the charge, and that's really the last thing juries, jurors remember, is what did the judge tell him to do in the
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jury room? >> speaking of what happens in the jury room what are deliberations typically like in a case as divisive as this one well, that's hard to say. i don't sit in the jury room when i spent so many years as a judge, i sat on the bench, but i made a practice to talk to the jury after every verdict that i had, i would go into the jury room. i would shake the hands of every sure. and i would ask them about their reaction to the trial. and they would often say the prosecutor was very good. he was he or she was very clear. the documents told the story, or they would say they didn't like a certain lawyer too aggressive to laundering. they would always give me their reactions to the sort of performance of the lawyer. >> but it over time, they would also come together. >> they would say, you know, our first vote was like six to six but after a couple of days, people became convinced and it became 12 to zero because they
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try not to hang. >> if there if there is a sense there's going to be hung jury, the judge will give what's called an allen charge and will tell the jury try harder because it know jury is going to be any better than you you've sat her you've listened to pay attention. >> so go back and try harder. and they may reach a verdict because one of the fears here is that it would be a hung jury judge shira scheindlin. great to hear your perspective. thanks so much for being with us thank you. >> of course. let's expand the conversation now with former trump attorney tim parlatore, along with former federal prosecutor, elise adamson. tim, the defense goes first, so we'll go first to you i saw you nodding when judge shin lim brought up the testimony or lack thereof of allen weisselberg, the trump organization cfo why is he a pivotal part of the defense? and they're closing argument? >> he is pivotal because everything in this case hinges upon that meeting at trump tower. >> now, all of everything else that the prosecution has put forth about karen mcdougal and
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catch and kill and all that stuff. >> it's all interesting atmospherics, but the difference between a legal transaction and an illegal transaction for donald trump is what happened in that meeting. who is there? what was said? did he know and so the only three people that can testify about that are donald trump, allen weisselberg, and michael cohen there's corroboration of everything else. cohen said, but nothing on that meeting. so really comes in that meeting if they don't call weisselberg, that's something that as a defense, i would pound on that because there are two witnesses, they could have called. they only call one. they didn't call the other person and you should you can assume the reason they didn't call them was because he wasn't gonna help their case elise, how do you see that argument from the defense as a prosecutor, you're going in you have to justify not calling allen weisselberg. >> how do you fold that into your closing argument? >> yeah. and i'm sure the prosecution is anticipating that argument and they knew by not calling weisselberg, they were opening themselves up to that. i think how you handle it
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is by focusing on the evidence instead of getting to defensive, you just argue why it doesn't matter. and that's because you have corroboration yes. there were only three people in the room. one of them did testify and that's michael collin. now we understand he has severe credibility problems but everything else he said has been corroborated by the documentary evidence and jurors are allowed to make inferences permissible inferences on circumstantial evidence. what the that's what the documents are. so i think by focusing on that refocusing the jury on everything we do have and how everything we have makes sense in fits into michael cohen's account. they can take a little of the sting out of that line of argument. >> those severe credibility issues that she described that michael cohen has how important is it for the defense to make that continued focus of the closing argument? >> it's essential what you have here is a very complex case. a lot of evidence, and they're talking about having
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closings all day long. i think that's a mistake. i don't think that they should go the entire day. that offense needs to take a complicated case. and make it as simple as possible and say, look, there's forelegs to the table, but if this leg right here is rotten, the table can't stand everything is on this one meeting. and so if you focus on the only evidence you've heard is michael cohen's testimony and even say to them, look, when you're back in the jury room, you can ask for rebaza. you can ask for evidence to be presented back to send out a note, ask them to show you every piece of evidence regarding that meeting, and you're not going to see a single thing that puts donald trump in the room aside from the word of michael cohen and you know, you can't trust him because and then i would roll into all of the things. >> in particular, the things that came out on cross-examination about how he falsified even this these envelopes about the how much he was paying back redfin that he that he stole from the trump organization if he didn't if he lied about that, you can't
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trust them on anything. at least i want to read something to you that donald trump actually just posted on truth social. he writes, quote, tomorrow going before a corrupt and conflicted democrat appointed acting new york judge on a fake and made-up case by a soros back failed de and the judge himself. >> what do you make of a defendant posting something like this on the eve? >> of a jury going into a room and deliberating his fate. >> while this is not an ordinary defendants, i mean, this is the former president and this is what he does. we've seen this in all of his cases is civil fraud trial. i think if this were an average defendant, right? >> he might face some repercussions, although he is not the gag order is not cover the judge. >> he is allowed to assail the judge, which is why i think he's confining his comments to the judge, but it does show a disrespect for the court proceedings, which is unwise if you are a criminal defendant. so i don't think he's putting a face any judicial admonishment for this, but i don't think it's a smart move
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either. >> at least adamson, tim parlatore. thank you both for joining us. appreciate it still to come on the situation room. >> the news out of the middle east today, prime minister benjamin netanyahu now responding to israel's deadly airstrike on a camp for displaced palestinians. >> give a report from the region as officials in gaza continue the desperate search for survivors, they would the russians were trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them. >> i was hadi friday this is a war, but secret war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game. premier sunday at ten on cnn you don't know, i've got to go john dream about it for years.
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>> feel more competent. let's dock ratings from jp morgan analysts in the chase app when you've got a decision to make, the answer is jpmorgan wealth management closed captioning brought to you by in vet help call 180710 1020, dealer invention idea, but don't know what to do next. collin van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 807, 100020 we're following the international outrage after an israeli airstrike killed dozens of displaced gazans at a camp in rafah. >> prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he's now calling the killing of those civilians a tragic mistake. cnn's jeremy diamond has more on the attack on the fiery aftermath and we should warn you some of the images in his report are disturbing. and griffin their blood curling screams tell the story of the unfolding horror more than words ever could. but it is only as bodies are pulled
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out of the inferno that the scale of this attack becomes clear at least 45 people were killed after an israeli airstrike targeted this camp for displaced palestinians in western rafah, according to the palestinian in ministry of health plastic tarps engulfed in flames sheet metal walls crushed by the blast okay of makeshift shelters flattened in an instance the israeli military says the strike killed two senior hamas militants who commanded hamas is west bank operations yet scene ravizza and khalid nijjar in a rare move, the israeli military's top lawyer launching an investigation into the strike, saying civilian casualties had not been expected it was assessed that there would be no expected harm to un-involved civilians. the idf regrets any harm harm to un-involved civilians during combat
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mohammad abu a te we is one of those civilians. so badly burned that he can i'm not even open his eyes that there are so many more so many children writhing in pain then there are the parents desperate to save babies whose cries have been silenced perhaps forever for those who survived, whatever thin sense of safety they still had has now been completely shattered we were sitting and suddenly there was a big blast and fire people started screaming, running says describing how they spent the whole night pulling charred bodies out of the embers while hundreds of thousands dozens have fled eastern rafah after the military ordered it's evacuation many others like this man displaced from central gaza came here to western in rafah, told the area would be
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safe and then there are the mourners who look at debbie, geoff, the occupation army is a liar. >> there is no security in gaza says this man whose brother was killed in the strike here he is with his wife. they were martyred. they are gone for one man, a brother for another, his sister she was the only one. he says she was the only one and she is gone and boris, sadly, this isn't the first time that an israeli airstrike in gaza has killed dozens of civilians. but it is the first time that we've seeing this kind of damage control being done by the israeli government and the israeli military with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling this a tragic mistake. and these israeli military launching this full-scale investigation. it speaks of course to this moment that we are in with israel increasingly condemned an isolated on the world stage boris, jeremy diamond from jerusalem. thank you so much for joining us not to discuss
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cnn political and global affairs analyst barak ravid, rock, great to see you. i want to play a sound bite of what president biden told erin burnett about his red line for rafah, just a few weeks ago. let's listen thank go into rafah. i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah du, with the cities that deal with that problem. but i've made it clear to bibi the war cabinet. they're not going to get our support. if in fact they go on these population centers were not walking away from israel's security. rockaway, israel's ability to wage war in those areas so you have new reporting on the behind the scenes, conversations going on in the white house about whether israel has now crossed that red line with this attack. >> what are you learning? >> we'll first i don't think there's a decision yet and the white house, what i heard from several us officials is that when the white house is trying
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to understand what happened is it's not just doing that in order to we don't know the facts. it is doing that because there were several cases that are several lines, wasn't just one red line, it was several scenarios that the white house said if this thing happens we will see that as a violation of a red line. it was one a massive ground operation inside the population centers in rafah, but also in incidence like the one we saw yesterday with a bombing that hits refugees in rafah, creates man as casualty. you a big number of civilian palestinian civilians were killed. this is exactly one of the scenarios that the white house talked about before as something that would cross the red line. i think the white house still hasn't made a decision, but it will in the next, i guess, 24, 48 hours this attack.
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>> also comes just two days after the international court of justice as you know, ordered israel to stop its operations in rafah out of concern for palestinian civilians billions how much more international pressure do you think this incident now puts on israel is netanyahu concerned about that? >> well, it doesn't seem that is too concerned about that. he said today that everything is going to continue business as usual is they're going to continue can you just operation, but it doesn't only increases the pressure on israel. it also increases the pressure on the biden administration, both domestically and internationally because a lot of countries that are us allies will come the biden administration will say now, okay, so now what because you know, national security adviser jake sullivan wasn't israel. just last week and he came out of this visit feeling that the us managed to influence that israel's operational planning of this rafah campaign. and
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apparently, what we saw yesterday shows that you can plan as much as you want. but when you talk about an area like rafah densely populated with so many displaced refugees you cannot really plan because every small thing you do can cause the damages we saw last night. >> so barak do think this strike is going to have any bearing on net yeah. who's invitation to speak before congress well, you know, first i'm not aware that the invitation was sent yet we heard speaker johnson saying that he will invite them. >> i'm not aware that this invitation was sent i don't think it will have an influence on the invitation, but i think it will have a lot of influence about how many members of congress will actually attend remember that in 2015 and then you came to congress to speak against president obama's efforts to get a nuclear deal
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with iran. dozens of democrats boycotted the speech. i think we will see many more if netanyahu comes this time round barak reviewed always great to get your reporting on your insights on the news. >> thanks for being with us thank you. of course. >> coming up, donald trump preparing to go back into a new york courtroom this week, what we're learning about how a former president and his team are preparing for what will be a historic week in one of the most active tornado seasons you can't control a tornado. what kinds of interventions can we design go inside the store? >> the premiere of violent earth with liev schreiber sunday at nine in on cnn imagine it making premium cocktails at the touch of a button. introduce thing cartesian, simply insert the capsule, select your strength and enjoy shop for dad and give $50 laugh at parties
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to hammer away at the testimony of the prosecution's star witness, michael cohen, and continued their attacks on his credibility cnn's kristen holmes is covering trump the trial and the 2024 campaign. kristen, how are the former president and his advisors approaching this pivotal week? >> i think they're still trying to figure out what exactly is going to happen. i mean, we have some of them telling me they think it's gonna be a hung jury. we have donald trump, who privately has said both that it could be a hungry, but also that he feels like he's likely to be convicted giving up the makeup of the jury. what are the things we've heard him? >> echo while he's out there talking in the courtroom that it's unfair that the demographic is due democratic, that he wouldn't get a fair trial. so that's what some of the stuff has been saying in private, but it's really hard for them to plan what exactly to du unless they know what the verdict is. >> and right now, they don't there have been ongoing conversations as two how exactly do they address this? how is this going to impact the campaign? but the bottom line is that one donald trump is going to be the one who determines how this affects the campaign. but two, until they
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actually have a grasp of what this verdict is. it's pretty hard to put on paper how this is going to play out ahead of the election of donald trump himself? is focused all over the place sending a very donald trump message on memorial day in a truth social post posting, happy memorial day to all including the humans dom that is working so hard to destroy our once great country and to the radical left trump painting, federal judge in new york. and then he went on to attack e. jean jean carroll. he went on to attack the judge in his hush money case, as well as the civil fraud case and so on and so on. so one of the very traditional kind of messages donald trump sends on a holiday, he made a bit of an untraditional stop over the weekend at a convention for the libertarian party. his short one of his shortest speeches ever didn't get a welcome reception there? yeah. when have you lately her donald trump goes somewhere and speak for 30 minutes. i mean, that's record i think the shortest i've ever been to a rally. our
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colleague steve contorno really drew the long steck as he got to go the short rally. usually i'm there, he's talking for two-and-a-half hours, but i just want to play some of what he said and how he was received aimed at the libertarian convention very and parties should nominate trump for president of the united states that's only if you want to win only if you want to win maybe you don't want to win so here he is obviously mocking them saying maybe you don't want away and then he also went on to say, okay, keep getting your 3% if that's all you want to do. but i will say the reasonably even when and this is kind of unprecedented move is because there's clearly some concern about rfk jr. and we've seen the polls, they've seen the polls that say that it's likely rfk siphons votes away from biden, but they are not convinced at that as 100% true, they believe that it's really unknown and there is a huge chance that some of those votes
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can be taken from donald trump. and if you're on either side of this, you believed that the election in november is going to be determined by such a margin of votes that you really can't afford to lose any of those votes. so he essentially decided to do this clearly, not the most positive we've seen him received usually he likes to have crowds of people adoring him and not people booing at him, but he went into there and ended up doing it. so it speaks to actual concern, right? >> a third party candidate, kristen holmes. thanks so much for the reporting. appreciate it. >> we're joined now by cnn political commentator scott jennings and ashley allison. thank you both for sharing part of your memorial day with scott this is obviously a crucial week for former president trump. what is what we're seeing from him on social media, tell you about what's going through his mind right now oh, i think it tells me what goes through his mind on every holiday. >> wishes. i need to post something that's going to cause everybody to talk about it on a slow the holiday weekend he tends to do this for every holiday. some of us cook
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barbecue, grill, hot dog, some of us go to the you national cemetery and remember our fallen heroes, donald trump, you know, he, becomes a provocative on holiday. so i look, i don't know if it tells us anything at all about him or his mindset other than you know, he's he's going to have a be at the center of attention as week in american politics ashley, a former trump communications director, alyssa farah griffin, said this to the new york times quote, regardless of the outcome, the playbook is this same. >> an acquittal or hung jury is just absolute gold for trump, and it will resonate with a lot of people. he doesn't want to be convicted for a variety of reasons. but i do think he realizes there's a way to turn this into political jet fuel. do you agree with that assessment well, i think that donald trump is acquitted or a hung jury. >> he will play victim. he will say he was put under attack by
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all the things that you reported before from the district attorney measures evening is okay. you lost this case, but there's three more to go but i think there's also an opportunity, even if he uses this as jet fuel for his base, there are still a significant amount of people who did not vote for him. and then republican primary, but still just don't want this chaos, this nonsense. now, on the reverse, if he is convicted, there are about 3% and nikki haley voters and said they just will not vote for someone who was convicted criminal. and so there's an opportunity for the biden campaign to go in and grabbed those voters and say you can come over here and there's a place for you here. so either way, i think both political sides will use this to their advantage, but alice says, right, we know this playbook, just like scott laid out on a holiday, he puts stress on his social media. he doesn't actually a honore the people who need to be honored on a day like today. and the playbook is written 14 trump
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scott, this libertarian convention, was it a mistake for trump to go there and get booed like how many votes do you think you've won by going to the convention? nazi it just the opposite. actually, i think if you look at what trump is doing, it's actually pretty remarkable and pretty unusual. how often in our politics do politicians of either party? ever go and speak to crowds that aren't uniformly supportive of them. we joe biden is not going to step in front of a crowd. thank it isn't uniformly supportive. hickey steps in front of crowds hardly ever of any kind. but you look at what trump dating he went to the libertarians. these are not necessarily republicans. he went to the bronx and said, look, i'm your guy and put together a working class political party. >> i mean, he is going places where republican candidates don't usually go, but he's doing something that american politicians don't usually do. >> and that's reach out to people who aren't necessarily in your party and say, i'm for you and you should be for me because we have one thing in common. the incumbent president united states is not acceptable added, actually think it's pretty confident it's a competent, moving, pretty smart
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ashley, president biden is planning to publicly address trump's criminal trial for the very first time once a verdict is reach, that reporting is according to politico what should biden's message be then while one, i want to say it's good that the president hasn't weighed in on the political trials, because unlike donald trump during his presidency, you'd like to keep a firewall between the justice system and the biden administration. so i think it's good. he hasn't weighed on on it right now. >> i do think joe biden should say whether or not this the former president is convicted, that this is a person and point out the record sure. >> that he did these things, that whether or not he was convicted, he's admitted that he's done these things. he's caught on tape doing these things. and this is not the person and the character that we want for a leader. i think he also then needs to make the pivot. i've been saying this over and over. is not much. just keep talking about the past, but let's talk about the future. let's talk about why a
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biden second term will do something for the american people and wide donald trump will just continue to sow chaos with not just this case, but the three cases that he still has led to. left to go but through ashley allison, scott jennings. appreciate you both. thanks for being with us thank you. >> of course. just ahead, a live report on the expanding severe weather threat after nearly two dozen some people have already been killed. >> weekend outbreak, say we'll see you tomorrow. >> evidence is in testimony has ended, but it's not over yet before the jury gets the final say. prosecutors and trump's defense team get the final word. live coverage of closing arguments in the trial i'm hush money trial tomorrow at nine eastern. >> it's the summer of 1999 at bond. >> and this memorial day weekend, we're celebrating and all of my 176 doors, you will not believe what? nine, 9909 gets you at bob's. so come party like it's 1999, this memorial day weekend. oh my
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next goal as 700 credits for me at hi, marla signs at the white house and this is cnn breaking news, a tornado watch has just been issued for washington, dc and parts of virginia, north carolina, and maryland it comes after at least 23 people were killed by tornadoes and severe thunderstorms over the weekend cnn's ed lavandera reports now from hard-hit valley view, texas across 20 states, there were more than 630 locations
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reporting storm damage on sunday, making it the busiest severe weather day of the year. in texas, seven people were killed when a tornado ripped through this subdivision near the small city of valley view. benito esparza erased here saturday night to help his brother's family the family was inside their home and the tornado packing 135 mile per hour winds catapulted them more than 100 yards away. >> he says he's really tried to control his emotions. >> his brothers survive, but his sister-in-law, laura, and their two children, miranda and marco killed. >> this is the remnants of his brothers family's home. this is where they ended up in his brother was leftover in this debris over here sister-in-law, the three of them were already dead. and he took his brother, loaded him up into his truck and drove him out of this neighborhood to get him to the hospital in arkansas, eight people the were killed by the violent storms in the town of rodgers, tony and land and
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roberts grabbed their two children and raced for cover as a tornado took aim at their home. tried to make it to the hallway that's the most central part of our house. and that's when we realized we didn't have a roof there was water and debris coming through the attic fan. >> the common theme of all these storms from texas to kentucky is the near brushes with death and injury residents escaping with harrowing stories of survival. may my wife and our four month old, we have two new tab and it just sound like a train all of a sudden my husband screamed run when we grabbed the dog and ran down to the basement. but before that, i saw the water swirling around hitting our window right in their back in valley view, texas. frank garcia's father built this cinderblock storm shelter by hand. they ran inside hi, does the tornado approached? and you could feel the tornado hit and then out of nowhere, you just hear the wind start wailing hard and at that point, we knew we knew we're going to have some damage.
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>> i mean, for sure, but i don't think i realized the whole magnitude of everything until you started walking out pretty terrifying definitely going to leave a scar in this town for for a bit when they saw the shattered remnants of their home after the storm they knew the shelter save their lives and boris, there were two people inside this home and they're left with the cleanup process and piles of debris like this well, soon look like this. and this is how they had been dealing with the cleanup process here, just setting up burn piles and burning what they're not able to salvage. that's what it's called in two here in this small community, borse, 11 de are alive force in valley view, texas. thanks coming up. >> the trial of this century, getting closer to the end with closing arguments tomorrow in donald trump's criminal trial, we're back with a look at other famous trials and us history hot spring moves being
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preferred better science, better results. violent earth with, we have trimer premiere sunday at nine on cnn donald trump's trial is nearing its end with closing arguments scheduled for tomorrow. cnn's
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bryan todd has more brian, how does this history-making case compare to other ones? >> well, boris have been a few trials throughout american history that have had that certain something that have just captivated us, whether it's sensationalism or legal gravitas. and they've all been given that dramatic moniker, trial of the century there is no crime. former president donald trump's hush money trial is historic and unprecedented. >> and what's being called the trial of the century. >> this is the trial is history, but just might be the trial of this century. >> there have been other trials that have gripped the nation's attention. many of them in the last century some analysts say for media coverage, there's one trial that rivals trump's doj trial is the only case that compares to the sensationalism of this case. >> the former football star accused of murdering his ex-wife nicole and ronald goldman, a fallen american icon in court on tv all day, every day for about eight months we,
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the jury and the above in title action, find the defendant or job orenthal, james simpson not guilty of the crime of murder. you have to individuals who are viewed in such polarizing terms in the oj case, the polarization was around race in the trump case, it's around politics, but it illuminates a key moment in our life as a nation to see those stark divisions. that's what makes a trial of a century then there was the impeachment trial of a sitting american president, bill clinton in 1999 impeached by the house, which had charged him with perjury and obstruction of justice relating to the monica lewinsky investigation, clinton was acquitted by the senate. >> america had been introduced to the concept of a gut wrenching trial of the century. more than 60 years earlier in 1932, the 20 month old son of legendary aviator charles lindbergh was kidnapped from the family home in new jersey. the child's body found more than two months later. >> the remember case it is a
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historical trial because obviously limburg had a headache. heroes, fathers halloween. he crossed the atlantic. so that had all the drama after a more than two year investigation, a german immigrant carpenter named bruno richard helpman was arrested for the lindbergh babies murder. helpman professed his innocence until the moment he was executed. his guilt still debated to this day. >> it's their purely compelling nature. analysts say that's made americans become glued to all these trials from hartman to oj, to clinton, to trump, every trial of the century must capture the zeitgeist, the moment that we're in the analysts, we spoke to said one of the strongest common threads with all of these trials heavily anticipated verdict, like the other trials, they say verdict de in the trump case is going to be highly charged. historic, and many of us will remember where we were and what we were doing when it comes down, it is
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going to be a must-watch moment no matter what happens, bryan todd. thank you so much for the reporting. >> stay with cnn. we're back in just a few minutes. >> have heart failure with unresolved symptoms. it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and see mean we unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr rcn, a rare, under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you call your cardiologist and ask at trc scout is protected by simply erica trio, and he's in it to win it sympatric, a trio is the first joe would triple protection we intestinal worms. >> well, heartworm no problem with sim parotid dreo, this
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with unrelenting intrusive images, thoughts, and urges if you have ocd and need help, you can get better. who specialized treatment. go to know to learn more. >> i hanako montgomery in tokyo, and this is cnn this memorial day, president biden honored those killed while serving country by laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier freedom has never been guaranteed every generation has to earn it fight for defendant in battle between autocracy and democracy be trained a grade are a few the rights of many it matters our democracy is more than just a system of government this is a very soul of america. we leave, you're now with others, sights and sounds honoring the men and women who paid the ultimate price h, no my boris sanchez
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