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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 28, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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and that's why trucks but what we do we put our everything and every truck so that when you find your calling nothing can stop me from answeringe
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doctors preferred better science, better results violin earth with we have trimer premiere sunday at nine on cnn trump's lawyers and prosecutors will square off trying to win over the jury of seven and and five women. they may well try to pitch much of the jury on their closing. that trump was really relying on his lawyer in this instance the anc can fill stadiums, yes. >> but it also has a formidable ground game. >> look at the electoral support every is going down. >> always difficult let me to talk. i don't know. it's going to be the last time that i gonna be here in front of all of you live from london. this
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is cnn newsroom with max foster hello and a. >> warm welcome to our viewers joining us from around the world. >> i max foster is tuesday, may the 28th, miami. i'm here in london, 4m in new york city. were closing arguments will soon get underway in the historic donald trump hush money case. jurors have been away since last tuesday due to the us memorial day memorial day weekend, and they'll likely begin deliberating the fate of the former us president on wednesday. but first, prosecutors will try to weave together weeks of testimony and evidence from these 20 witnesses to convince jurors that trump is guilty of falsifying business records with the intent of inference the 2016 election, much of their case hinges on the testimony of michael cohen donald trump's former lawyer and fixer. there's no time
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limits on the summations both sides could use visual aids to drive home their points. the defense will present their closing arguments first, and trump has been complaining on social media about his team not getting the last word. the also posted that he'll go before the judge to quote, see whether or not he'll become a common criminal former white house counsel john dean, weighed in on the defense team's possible strategy. during those final remarks all throughout this trial has been an effort by the defense, by the trump team to slide in the fact that he was really relying on council, that michael cohen was a lawyer. >> so he thought this was all okay because cohen would do it the correct way in the legal way that argument got taken off the table. it very early with the what evidence could come in and they may well try to pitch much of the jury on their closing that trump was really reliant on his lawyer in this instance. i think that's one of
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the wildcards and what are the judge who hates to interrupt a closing? we'll find himself confronted with having to object to or the when the government objects to it, he'll sustain it and they'll not be able to make that argument now, trump could get 20 years in prison if convicted. cnn's kara scannell has a preview of today's closing arguments donald trump watching nascar in north carolina this weekend, while his hush money trial approaches the final lap in new york i think by a lot, trump's lawyers and prosecutors will square off trying to win over the jury of seven men and five women. >> prosecutors called 20 witnesses over five weeks and in their closing arguments, they're expected to tie testimony together with a paper trail of text messages phone calls, and the records at the center of the case. the 11 invoices seeking payment pursuant to a retainer agreement doesn't vouchers and
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11 checks. most signed by trump i think we have there is, no during the trial, the jury heard from former members of trump's inner circle the publisher of the national enquirer, david pecker, campaign aide, hope hicks, and his former fixer and personal attorney, michael cohen, who is the only witness to directly tied trump to the cover up. trump's its attorneys are up first and closings and are expected to attack cohen's credibility, arguing to the jury that they cannot find trump guilty based on the testimony of a convicted liar, michael cohen is a convicted liar and he's got no credibility whatsoever. >> cohen was on the witness stand for five days telling the jury trump called adult film actress stormy daniels story a disaster for his campaign and directed cohen to take care of it. cohen testifying he spoke with trump twice to get his approval just before wiring the
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$130,000 payment to daniels attorney to block her story of an alleged affair with trump from becoming public to influence instead, 2016 election. trump denies the affair, and i can't even tell you how many times he said to me, you know, i hate the fact that we did it and my comment to him was, but every person that you've spoken to told you it was the right move? >> he told the jury that trump signed off on the repayment scheme in a meeting at trump tower with former trump organization cfo allen weisselberg, cohen walked the jury through the 34 allegedly falsified five documents, testifying there was no retainer agreement. the money was payback for the daniels deal there's $35,000 check was one of 11 check installments that was paid throughout the year while he was president the president of the united states. >> thus wrote a personal check for the payment of hush money.
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as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws trump attorney todd blanche has used cohen's own words to bolster their defense that cohen would say anything to take trump down and is out for revenge. >> he truly hope that this man ends up in prison trump's lawyers are also expected to highlight the witnesses that the prosecution did not call, including weisselberg, who was in that meeting with cohen and keith schiller, trump's former bodyguard, who was with trump during the campaign closings are expected to go all day tuesday, on wednesday. >> the judge will instruct the jury on the law what prosecutors need to prove in order to win it conviction. and then the jury will begin deliberations. the jury of seven men and five women will continue until they reach a verdict. kara scannell, cnn, new york the un security council is set to hold an emergency meeting in the hours ahead. it's a deadly israeli airstrike can rafah spark's growing international outrage
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gaza officials say the strike on sunday killed at least 45 people. and injured more than 200, mostly women and children at a camp for displaced palestinians. according to a us official, israeli israel claims and explosion from the strike ignited a fuel tank nearby starting a fire which raced through the camp so that explanation hasn't been confirmed. the israeli military says is investigating the strike, which it claims killed two senior hamas officials, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, had this reaction no more, tamam out, despite our best effort not to harm those not involved. unfortunately, a tragic mistake happened last night. we are investigating the case condemnation from around the world has been swift with protests and a number of cities. un agencies, aid groups, and several governments of calling on israel to respect last week's ruling by the international court of justice, which ordered israel to immediately halt its offensive in rafah, this comes as spain, ireland, and norway each plan
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to make a formal declaration two day, recognizing a palestinian state white house official called the rafah strike heartbreaking, adding the us is actively engaging with israeli officials to determine what happened in a statement and national security council spokesperson said, in part, israel has a right to go after hamas and we understand this strike killed two senior hamas terrorists, but israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians. >> nauta is here with us now pointing to this fuel tank that was there, surely that should've been part of the intelligence gathering beforehand. >> that is certainly what we're hearing from me. humanitarian organizations, this was an area known to be housing thousands of civilians in these tents. it is densely populated and crucially, this was a safe zone. this wasn't one of the areas in rafah that the israeli military had previously ordered to evacuate to gaza's coast. so this should have been a focus on the civilian impacts here clearly, that it was not the case, and this has drawn fierce criticism from members
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of the international community, including in particular the united nations. we've heard from the un secretary general antonio gatera condemned israel's actions, but also reiterated there is no safe place in gaza. he added this horror must stop and of course, following that statement that we just heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu we're describing this in his words as a tragic mistake. we had this statement from the un's humanitarian affairs chief martin griffiths saying whether the attack was a war crime, in his words or a tragic mistake for the people of gaza. there is no debate what happened last night was the latest and possibly most cruel abomination that to call it a mistake as netanyahu did means nothing for those killed. and grieving. now of course, we are expecting to see later today an emergency meeting of the security council and where we are expecting further condemnation and growing pressure for israel to hold his actions in rafah, as was ordered by the international courts have been several of these mistakes. and the more often they happen, the less they the more they question
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whether or not there is a criminal case to answer. in terms of these key european countries now recognizing a palestinian state, where are we with that? >> we are expecting spain, ireland, and norway to formally recognize the state of palestine. they will, they'll be joining 140 other countries and doing so heard from the spanish prime minister pedro sanchez, who said that his intention in doing this is to achieve lasting peace. in his words, between the israelis and palestinians, take us at the meeting of the council of ministers that will be held today. the government of spain will approve the official recognition of palestine as a state with this decision, spain joints the more than 140 countries that already recognize palestine this is a historic decision that has a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between israelis and palestinians now sanchez went on to say that the state of palestine must be
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viable with the west bank and gaza connected via corridor and with east jerusalem as its capital for the question around the viability of a palestinian state has really become a point of focus because when we're talking about the occupied west bank, what we have seen in practical terms is the erosion of that framework, particularly as well as international of as members of the international community continues to push not only for a ceasefire before lasting two-state solution. >> and what we've seen over the course because of the war of the course of more than seven months now is the expansion of these illegal israeli settlements in the occupied west bank, which essentially is eroding any framework for a viable palestinian state in the occupied west bank. and in fact, in march, we heard from israel's far-right finance minister announcing the further seizure of land in the occupied west bank there are real questions as to whether this can actually be viable regardless of the recognition by these nations of the state of palestine or another. >> thank you so much 47 million people across the us are bracing for severe weather today after a weekend of deadly
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storm systems and tornadoes parts of texas run the risk of harsh storms in the coming hours. in addition to flood warnings, excessive heat warnings, and advisories according to the national weather service, it comes after a weekend of more than 600 storm reports and more than 100 tornado warnings, you can clearly see the funnel cloud in this video, taken in missouri on sunday, the busiest severe weather day of the year so far, 11 de or spoke with texas residents who survived a tornado now faced with cleaning up what they have left and what the storm left behind a crushed 20 stage. >> there were more than 630 locations reporting storm damage on sunday, making it the busiest severe weather day of the year in texas. seven people were killed when a tornado ripped through this subdivision near the small city of valley view but benito esparza, erased here saturday night to help his brothers family. the family was inside their home and the
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tornado packing 135 mile per hour winds catapulted them more than 100 yards away. >> he says he's really tried to control his emotions, his brothers survived, but his sister-in-law, laura, and their two children miranda and marco, were killed. >> this is the remnants of his brothers family's home. >> this is where they ended up in his brother was leftover in this debris over here, and his sister-in-law, the three of them, were already dead. and he took his brother, loaded them up into his truck and drove him out of this neighborhood to get him to the hospital in arkansas, eight people were killed by the violent storms in the town of rodgers, tony and land and roberts grabbed their two children and raced for cover as a tornado took aim at their home tried to make it to the hallway that's the most central part of our house. and that's when we realized we didn't have a roof. there was water and debris coming through the attic fan. >> the common theme of all these storms from texas to kentucky is the near brushes with death and injury.
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residents escaping with harrowing stories of survival may my wife and our four month old, we helped in the tab and it just sound like attorney in all of a sudden, my husband screamed run and we grabbed the dog and ran down to the basement. but before that, i saw the water swirling around and hitting our window right in their back in valley view, texas. frank garcia's father built this cinderblock storm shelter by hand. they ran inside as the tornado approached. >> and you could feel the tornado hit. >> and then out of nowhere, you just hear the wind our wailing are and and at that point, we knew we knew that we were going to have some damage. i mean, for sure, but i don't think i realized now the whole magnitude of everything until you started walking. now through terrifying, definitely going to leave a scar in this town for for a bit when they saw the shattered remnants of their home after the storm, they knew the shelter save their lives so now thousands of
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people are left cleaning up the pieces. this was the home of mike gonzalez. he was inside that home when the tornado struck here in texas. he survived, was able to walk out with his wife, but soon the district structure like this, we'll look like this. and that is what many residents here have done simply bulldozed everything in piles and burned it here in pits. that is what the cleanup process it's looking like right now. ed lavandera, cnn's in cooke county, texas thousands of people have been ordered to evacuate a remote region in papua new guinea, where a massive landslide is fear to buried more than 2000 people fouls. officials say the area remains unstable with huge rocks and debris is still falling four days after the initial landslide, which was on friday. those conditions are making recovery efforts more dangerous as crews struggle to reach the area for more or less, go to cnn's anna coren, alive in hong kong. so the rescue efforts, i mean the
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limited anyway, i'll maybe i haven't got the kit they need and now they're being asked to pull out altogether yeah, that's right. >> max. and the reason being is that these landslide, even though it's four days old, it is active and growing. so the defense forces of papua new guinea have been brought in to evacuated more than 7,000 people do too the threat of life. >> they already believed that more than 2000 people have been buried this village. >> it was densely populated. it is in an isolated rural part of the highlands in the north of papua new guinea but there were shops, they're more than 100 homes a church, a school, a gas station, and a highway going straight through this this village. consider the lifeline of this region, will that has now all disappeared. that highway has been completely buried this is a huge problem for officials in the region. it
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has cut off further communities and they're going to have real problems getting aid to them. we understand that there is a trickling in from the un ngos australia and new zealand. they're also sending in technical experts in engineering to help with this disaster. >> but we spoke to one un official a few hours ago, max and he said this is a community that is still very much in shock tag. >> listen we talked to a lot of the population members affected communities they are in total shock understandably so they are murmuring they are dead they are looking forward to receive some assistance which is already coming. but i think the main question is right now, the population is called
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between the trauma of what just happened and the uncertainty about the longer-term future max early six bodies have been recovered, which is staggering and i think we look at the videos and the pictures of the scene, and i think the scale of the disaster der is hard for us to fathom. >> you're talking about nine hectares. it's 90,000 square meters covered in this earth. this rock and debris, some of the boulders max have been described the size of shipping containers. that is what these emergency workers and villages having to deal with in hong kong. >> thank you so scam, $1 billion in new military aid could soon be honest way to ukraine as president zelenskyy secures are much leader deal with spain plus controversy at the baskin were to italian newspapers report the pope use an anti-gay slurs during a recent meeting but later, a tennis tighter makes an early exit when the tournament, he loves the most how far would
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a new security deal with belgium, prime minister for more than 1 billion in military aid. >> this year, it includes a 30 f 16 fighter jets, tanks, military training with the promise of more aid over the next decade presence landscape, thank belgium for unwavering and long lasting support for ukraine spain is also promising ukraine more than $1 billion in new military aid, including air defenses are a top priority for presence. lenski, he was in madrid on monday to sign a new security deal with the spanish prime minister, seen as melissa bell has the details spain has become the tenth countries sign a bilateral aid deal with ukraine, pledging 1 billion euros worth of extra military spend. >> this offer, the g7 had called for a western allies to strike just these kinds of deals at this particular aid package likely to focus very much on the air defense systems that presence lenski is been so desperately calling for, even as russia has upped its attacks
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on civilian infrastructure of the course last few days in and around the city of kharkiv, we saw of course, on thursday a series of attacks that led to the runing of a printing press on saturday was a hardware store with many hundreds of fear to have been in and around the building when the strike took place, the death toll continuing to rise on monday, even as ukrainian officials say they've only sifted through a small part of the rubble that now remains those assaults on civilian infrastructure coming, even as russian forces continued to press their advantage militarily, the ukrainian say they've seen over the course of 24 hours no fewer than 15 strikes on the front lines of kharkiv region. a reminder of russia's aim of continuing to pile pressure on that new northern front present zelenskyy urgently asking for western help and increased help with his air defenses. we've
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also been here during from prison or mccaul speaking and dressed and as part of a three-day state visit. and calling for peace and the unity of europeans and continuing to back ukraine at what many consider could be a crucial turning point in moscow's favor this is about cnn, paris protesters in taiwan try to stop a controversial bill that could force the government closer to china. we're live in the region volume today the
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evidence is in the testimony has ended, but it's not over yet before the jury gets the final say prosecutors and trump's defense team get the final word. >> live coverage of closing arguments the trump hush money trial today at nine eastern attention former marines and family members stationed to camp plus june, if you lived or work that can't lose you in north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 to december 1987 and has been diagnosed with cancer, neuro behavioral effects at a child born with birth defects or been diagnosed with fertility as you so we're more significant compensation may be available called legal injury advocates now, to discuss your case, golf 18050, 3636. that's 180501, 3636, called now i was stuck unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant very large helped give it a lift adding velar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in
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donor all right go to organ what about seven yoozoo, my max foster here are some of today's top stories, closing arguments in the first-ever criminal trial of a former us president will begin in just a few hours. >> the jury in donald trump's hush money trial will then retire to consider a verdict if found guilty, trump could face up to 20 years in prison cyclone remal has killed at least 17 people in india and bangladesh. the storm hit west bengal in india, where low-lying areas were flooded after the storm dumped several inches of rain, powerful winds down trees and power lines. millions are still without electricity or mobile phone service. north korea has failed to send a second spy satellite into orbit according to state media, the rocket carrying the
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military reconnaissance satellite exploded during the first stage of flight pyongyang had warned that japan had warned japan that it would be deploying a satellite. sometime this week parts of texas have been hit by tornadoes and severe storms, but the state is also dealing with scorching temperatures, heat, advisories are in place today. the western texas, as temperatures there could reach triple digits, cnn's rosa flores has more the extreme heat is dangerous. it is deadly, and it can be a public health hazard especially when millions of americans are impacted at one point in time. >> take a look at the national picture here. this is a heat risk map. and you can see that americans are being impacted from coast-to-coast. the colors in this map, you can see that there's a shade of tan and all the way to a deep red on that map. and those are the ranges
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of risk for a minor risk, two extreme heat rest were expecting that osha to regulatory framework in the next few months. this is after osha issued a 2022 initiative that inspected thousands of workplaces already in relation to heat related injuries. now, one of the data points that osha looks at is the number of deaths that are heat-related. now the number that i'm about to share with you is not just for work-related deaths. these are overall deaths in the united states that are related to the heat and you'll see that these numbers are staggering and they have been increasing in 2021, the number of heat-related deaths was about 1,600. that number increased a year later to about 1,700 last year, it increased to about 2,300 now, these risks don't stop people from working out and or doing activities
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outside. you can see some of them out here in houston. i talked to them about some of the precautions that they take to make sure that they can do it safely. take a listen hydration. that's the most important thing that makes sure that i drink water and then i walked for about 30 minutes. >> so always make sure that i use sunscreen. i put on bugs spray because mosquitoes are for real out here on memorial day, one of the states that's going to see the highest temperatures is texas right here. we're in, take a look at some of the cities across this state that are breaking records today. del rio at 110 laredo. uh, hundred and nine san antonio, one o2. and then down there you see houston at 98 degrees, but here's the thing houston is a little swampy. if you add the he humidity, the heat index according to the national weather service, is expected to be between 108 and
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113 degrees. but also flores, cnn, houston well, sounds nice. police are searching for suspects linked to the fatal shooting of soap opera actor johnny wactor. he was shot early on saturday morning after interrupting a group of men trying to steal parts from his car. cnn's camila bernal has more she said she was pretty worried about, you which ended up in the hospital, the general hospital. and so popper community heartbroken and shocked after the fatal shooting of actor johnny wactor. >> is it true authorities are still searching for the person that killed the 37 year-old who was best known for his role as brando corbin early saturday morning. >> he was working at a rooftop bar in downtown los angeles his mother's speaking to cnn affiliate kabc says that after leaving work around three in the morning, he thought someone was working on his car or towing it. the los angeles police department says three people were trying to steal the jr.'s catalytic converter when they were interrupted. as
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wactor approach the car to talk one of the suspects looked up and shot him according to his mom, his former fiance also speaking out here, was seeing them do it in the act and was standing up for what he believed was right. and protecting his vehicle cohen is car, and he was being brave and it you never anticipate someone would kill someone for that wactor was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. the entire general hospital family is heartbroken to hear of johnny wactor's untimely passing. the show said in a statement he was truly one of a kind and a pleasure to work with each and every day our thoughts and prayers go out to his loved ones during this difficult time wactor was on general hospital from 2020 to 2022, appearing in more than 150 episodes. >> sure. >> his on-screen wife saying johnny was the absolute best, so genuine, so carrying
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incredibly hard working and humble with a huge heart, that's right so much kindness and joy. the answer also appeared on criminal minds, siberia and ncis i will actually always think of him as this spirit that love to celebrate life and be alive and push the limits of experience. and he was an amazing akre he was really funny and los angeles police department says that the three suspects got an a car and escape. they have not released details or a description of the suspects or the vehicle, but they do say they're looking for the people responsible now, in terms of catalytic converter thefts, they have skyrocketed since 2019 according to the national automobile dealers association, by 900%, they still these for the precious metals and this case, it was not just theft but also murder. camila bernal, cnn, los angeles protests,
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growing outside taiwan's legislature with lawmakers once again debating controversial reforms aimed at the presidency opposition leaders are pushing for tighter scrutiny or the island's new president and his administration protesters warn the bill could undermine taiwan's democratic institutions and lead to greater influence from china. >> the measure has sparked heated debate in sayyed parliament with a broad breaking out earlier this month in is mike of valeriia is following developments lie for us from hong kong. so mike, what are we expecting in the next few hours as these things play out well, max, it's likely that we're going to see the number of demonstrators grow and the themes that we're watching at this hour are protestors saying in their view, this is an overreach of parliament, something that could endanger taiwan's national no security. >> so it's worth talking about how critics got to this dire warning. well, the bill would strengthen the powers of the legislature, which would allow lawmakers to demand sensitive information from, let's say,
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the president or the military, for example things like that, max happen all the time in the united states and the uk, it's a check and balance of government but the protesters here are saying this bill is incredibly vague very broad, and the parties supporting it, the guomindang and the taiwan people's party advocate closer ties to china critics are concerned that sensitive information were talking about state secrets, for example, could be demanded, then leaked from lawmakers who support closer china ties and end up in chinese hands themselves. listen to what some of the protesters are telling us the process does not reflect our democratic value. i will slowly lose my trust and taiwan's democracy if they continue to pass new laws in this matter, i hope through this protest, we can stop or slow down, and improve the process. >> so max, this bill is likely to pass later today, advocates
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are saying this is simply a check and balance, but protesters say this is being totally rushed, very similar to the soundbite we just heard from a couple of seconds ago and has minimal debate. and this could, from their point of view, see the islands secrets falling into the wrong hands. max. >> okay. valeriia in hong kong. thank you the vatican has yet to respond to reports that pope francis used an anti gay slur in a recent meeting with italian bishops two italian newspapers reported on may the 20th at a closed-door meeting in which the pope allegedly said, gay men should not be allowed to train for the priesthood. let's bring as soon as vatican correspondent christopher lamb of course, there are speaking to an italian today and she said this word can be more offensive well, max, yeah, these reports that the pope used is anti-gay slur really causing a big stir. the vatican has not yet commented on them. they were
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reported to have been made during a behind closed doors meeting with italian bishops, where the pope and the bishops were discussing proposals around admitting gay men to seminary to train for the priesthood. now, pope francis has upheld that vatican ruling back, which goes back to 2005, that says that gay men should not be admitted to the priesthood. and in this meeting, the pope reported lead said no to gay men being allowed to train for the priesthood, allegedly, he said that there's a danger that they could live a double life if there are gay men in the seminaries, it should be stated though, that when the pope made this slur, which was effect effectively to say that there's too much of a gay climate in the seminaries that he wasn't fully aware of the offensive nature of the term. he was speaking in italian. of course, the pope's mother tongue is spanish, and he has made mistakes in italian in the
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past. nevertheless, if the pope was two who have intentionally made this homophobic slur, then it would undercut the pope's attempts to be more welcoming to lgbtq plus catholics. and that's something that he has tried to do throughout his pontificate in 2013, he famously said, who am i to judge, when asked about that's gay priests. he a few months ago open the possibility of blessings for same-sex couples and has called for the decriminalization of homosexuality. so these remarks really would jar with what the pope has been trying to do when it comes to welcoming gay catholics. max okay. christopher lamb and cambria, england. thank you south africa is rolling a and c party is hoping it can win enough votes to stay in power. it as the country and just blackouts in stark inequality the case. it's making to voters next in
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as we'll head to the polls on wednesday in what could be a momentous general election, the african national congress party is facing serious challenges to his 30 year rule of the country suffers from high unemployment coming stagnation, power cuts, and rampant corruption. >> david mckenzie joins me now from johannesburg. what are you looking out for in particular david? >> next, we really looking out for whether the anc will slip below 50% majority. now that would have been unthinkable. some years ago for three decades, the party of nelson mandela has been really the powerhouse of south african politics and in recent years though, they seem to be training more and they legacy than a policy achievements. the question will be, how also africans vote it? worker million butter knows how to gin up a crowd he's volunteered for
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the anc see, since he was just 15. but now it's crunch time when i saw it is supporting the anc because he has been supporting us the party of nelson mandela needs their voices. and it's really needs their boats 50 years in power in the party that has defined south african politics faces its strongest challenge, yet this could be the most firstly contested election since the dawn of south africa is democracy. and many believe that the majority, but there's a whole don't count them out the anc can fill stadiums, yes. but it also has a formidable ground game spending vast sums on this campaign, getting right into neighborhoods with senior leaders voting for anc. until now, why do you still want to
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vote for the answer? i want to vote because my nc you went for me millions of south african is like pretty kuala depend on modest government, social grants to survive for decades. these grants have been the parties trump card but south africans, one more breath taking unemployment sustained electricity, blackouts, and stark inequalities have left many feeling betrayed hey, by the promises of the a and c. >> so that all the ministry, once loyal supporters, are abandoning the anc, even forming their own parties they are more than 50 on the national ballot avoided for the anc twice. >> all these people here before the georgia of the musta vote for the anc. look at the ncaa's electron for all support. every is going down the anc government has presided over huge allegations of corruption. >> and there is a very significant problem with unemployment. why should people this time vote for this party
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given that record, we are a party that they've made strides in terms of renewal and fighting the stigma. so to say, of being associated with corruption, is it enough to win the selection? are you feeling competent? they elections will be worn on the basis of the work we do among our people. >> and as we can see, we are not idly. >> never idle during campaign season. but on election day, will voters be singing a different tune no. >> so polls in south africa can be pretty unreliable opinion polls that is, but there is a sense that they could dip below that 50% threshold in a parliamentary system. that will mean the answer will be forced to join up with an opposition party or several to remain in power. max okay. >> and in terms of the opposition parties what are the chances then forming a government blocked without the anc?
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>> well, certainly not impossible statistically, should they get collectively more than 50%, but they are very wide ideological differences, max between some of the key opposition party you have the classically liberal democratic alliance, which is the pro-business pro rule of law official opposition. and then on the other end of the spectrum and you have groups likely economic economic freedom fighters under julius malema, which is very much a populist party that is looking to have more radical change for those they believe have been underserved by the anc government. so i think from a political standpoint would be, i'd likely for those two groupings to band together it really depends how well the anc does. it could squeak other 50%. but if it drops below that key threshold by a significant margin, it will have to do some serious negotiating with these parties to see who in fact is going to rule this country over the next five years. max and z
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pouring in for one of the true giants have basketball hall of fame player turn broadcaster bill walton died on monday of cancer he led ucla to national championships in 1972 and 73. >> he was an outspoken activist against the vietnam war. and it was even arrested at the campus protests in 1972. walton went on to win nba championships with two teams. the portland trail blazers and the boston celtics he was named the league's most valuable player in 1978 to a series of injuries derailed his basketball career. so he moved into broadcasting. the walton was 71 spanish tennis great rafael nadal has been knocked out of the tournament. he loves the most, the king of clay was ousted in the first round of the french open during his first match at the roland garros at roland garros in two years, 37 year-old nadal has been struggling with injuries and
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was an unseeded player for the first time at the event, he lost in straight sets to world number for germany's alexander zara, who didn't celebrate out of respect for nadal. it's unclear whether this a french open will actually be his last is difficult for me to talk. >> i don't know. it's going to be the last time that i gonna be here in front of all of you? so special to feel the law of the people, the way that i felt in the place that i loved the most you all the crowd behind him, of course, late-night host jimmy kimmel says his son is recovering from his third open heart surgery. >> these shared this photo online writing, billy, you are the toughest and funniest seven year-old we know billy was born with congenital heart disease but kimmel hopes this will be the last surgery saying his son is happy and healthy now, if you're going to join a regatta, make sure your vessel is seaworthy unless it's part
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of the joke. like it is in key west, florida on sunday, participants in that skewness wharf minimal regatta sailboats made of plywood the duct tape joining the race was are many pirate ship and a boat models after the titanic, like its namesake, that one broke apart in the water. the awards for this regatta given for design, costumes sportsmanship and for the least see where the boats monday was quite a day for 30 thrill seekers. you're looking at the annual cheese rolling race in gloucestershire, england hundreds of competitors from around the world barreled down a very steep hill, chasing a wheel of double gloucester cheese. the first to the bottom wins the qizan estimated 5,000 people watched as racist tumbled, flipped and slid down the muddy hill. and despite some bumps and bruises along the way, several of this year's winner say they managed to walk away relatively
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unscathed when you're really rolling down a little bit daunting. >> i just knew that i had to relax and go with it. not quite that how to slot expectation that this is sorted the thing i could, read, but was very surprised when single re-answer you don't sound like they're from gloucestershire must be getting more international. >> thanks for joining me here on sealer newsroom. i'm max foster in london. cnn this morning up next after a quick break russia, we're trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them this no secret war, secrets and
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