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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 29, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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hamas has been limited in any way. there will be debate in israel over whether israel should agree to a temporary ceasefire, not a permanent ceasefire. in return for the release of a certain number of hostages are going to do beit about the number of hostages that we would accept, the number of palestinian terrorists prisoners to be released from our jails and exchange from those hostels. there'll be debates i believe and i'm not a spokesman for the government borrows. i believe that if thomas were to put a realistic proposal on the table for the release of hostages in return for a temporary ceasefire. i think that israel would accept it it just does seem that there has been a disconnect between the white house and the israeli government specifically with netanyahu over the deaths civilians. >> and to hear that, you think that there's a chord between the two, it just seems different than what has been said publicly i don't disagree with you. there's been tremendous criticism from washington about israel's conduct, the war and the issue of civilians and israel is risk
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reply, is that the number is published by hamas are not only inflated they include the number of terrorists combatant death, every one civilian death, and every civilian deaths, by the way, is a tragedy is one civilian deaths, too many but compared to any other modern conflict, including the united states involvement in iraq, afghanistan, and syria, where the ratio was a for civilians to every combatant debt or nine civilians, 30 combatant. that that is a record that's not been matched by any other army in history including the united states military. so we're going to have an issue with the vitamin striation about those numbers but at base, i think the goals of the war remained unchanged, destroying hamas, assuring that over seventh can happen again i think we should point out that the white house has assessed that those numbers historically have been fairly accurate coming from the palestinian ministry of health. >> nevertheless about us
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ambassador michael oren, we have to leave the conversation there. we do appreciate your time. >> a new our of cnn news central starts right now we are waiting on what will be a historic verdict as the jury deliberates in the criminal hush money trial of donald trump, the former president oh, is that by the end of the day? he could be a convicted felon and a cnn exclusive federal grand jury could soon hear from those who have accused sean diddy combs of abuse that could be the last step before potential indictment of the hip hop hello, i'm briana keeler alongside boris sanchez, and we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central the, fate of one of america's president's. >> now in the hands of 12 new
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yorkers, the jury in the first criminal trial of former president trump has been deliberating for more than three hours now, they've worked through their lunch seven men, five women, who will decide if the presumed nominee for president, republican nominee is guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business invoices, vouchers, and checks. >> not always fun to work through lunch, but the jury is doing it. prosecutors say that these are felony level offenses because trump didn't get them to conceal a hush money payment to a porn star from 2016 voters. this is likely to be the only one of four criminal cases that trump is facing that breaches resolution before the november election. and as the world awaits of verdict trump remains in the courthouse in manhattan. let's take you there now with cnn's paula reid and kristen holmes. holmes paula, let's start with you before they entered the room. judge, juan merchan went through 55 pages of instructions with the jurors what stood out to you? >> well, 55 pages, certainly
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sounds like a lot, but if you think about the nature of this historic task that they are undertaking, you really need that long of a roadmap to get you there. >> but judge made a lot of important points. >> first and foremost, he reminded the jury of the burden that this is beyond a reasonable doubt and the burden is the prosecutors. he told them, quote, the people. so the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt every element of the crime including the defendant, is the person who committed that crime. the burden of proof never shifts from the people to the defendant. this is significant because he also reminded the jury that they can't hold it against trump, that he never took the stand. it's not his burden to prove that he is not guilty. but when it comes to other folks who did take the stand, he offered another really significant instruction. he told them that they believe a witness at any point in their testimony said something that was false, but they can eat or discard the false portion of that testimony or the testimony as a whole and not could be
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critical because of course, this case in many ways, relies on the testimony of michael cohen and defense attorneys argued to the jury yesterday, and their closings that cohen lied when he was on the stand. so this could be something that really kicks off some significant debate inside the jury room because of some jurors believed that cohen lied. some of them may believe that. all right. all this testimony should go. others may believe that it's only a portion. what we're waiting for right now is what is expected to be the first question or two from this jury, they have an incredibly complicated task ahead of them. they have access to a lot of the evidence the laptop, but not everything, including they don't have transcripts of testimony, so we highly expect that they will likely come back a few times with some questions. so until then, we're watching and waiting and kristen, i know you have some new details on how the former president and those in his camper viewing these deliberations, what can you tell us yes, i want to start with the fact that nobody knows anything. >> if there's anything they know that they have no idea what's actually going to
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happen. so that's the big caveat here. but donald trump's team is watching a few things very carefully. dealing them optimistically. now one of the things that they are viewing optimistically is the fact that the jury has been gone for longer than 45 minutes essentially telling me that at one point they believed that if there was going to be a guilty verdict, that it would come back rather quickly and every moment after that, they feel more and more optimistic. the other thing that they have routinely pointed to is the idea of the data from the 2020 election particularly obviously, in manhattan, they believed this case is going to be purely political. obviously, we have no indication of that, but this is their core beliefs. so if you look at the data, the voting data from 2020 and crunch those numbers, it would indicate that out of every 12 residents living in manhattan at least one is a republican voter. so they are hanging onto this idea that i potential republican voter or trump supporter is sitting on that
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jury and could lead to a hung jury. now the last part of this again, and they want to be very clear when they're telling me this, that this could be an indication of something good or it could just be people being polite. is that when they have had guess pro-trump observers in the courtroom, there have been one or two jurors who have given some kind of india cation that they are receiving those guests and a positive way. this is clearly again, grasping at straws. they are trying to read any sort of tea leaves examining the dri and they know that they believed that these jurors could just be being polite to their various guests, but they are trying to hold out hope here that there could be a hung jury holding out that hope i'm going to code kristen holmes from now on. nobody knows at least two-and-a-half hours and you really don't kristen and paula. thank you both. so my let's dig deeper now with former florida judge, jeff short's judge. thank you so much for being with us. >> i want to get your reaction
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initially to judge merchan's jury instructions. >> is there anything in there you would have done differently and charging the jurors generally from what i've been able to read and i kind of followed it along. it's almost like a transcript. there's really nothing that i would have done differently. i would phrase things differently because the standard jury instructions in florida are a little bit different, but the media is saying discussed that a a jury can't a juror can believe all any part of or none of a witness's testimony. that's pretty much the standard language wherever you go they can sit there and say, yeah michael cohen lied in the past about things, but the question is, did he lie to us and whether they act actually see that he lied about anything, still doesn't mean that everything he said was wrong, especially if it's corroborated. so that's what they're going to go through right now yeah. >> i want to zoom in on that
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because mershid specifically addressed the issue of witness credibility. he said that they could disregard any testimony they believe to be false. while also telling jurors that they couldn't convict donald trump on michael cohen's testimony alone. how do you think jurors will interpret those instructions well i think they interpreted now it's really part of the argument that was made by the state. they said, look, this case is not about michael cohen. this case is about donald trump the defendant, and it's about the evidence against him. and we could they argued they could convict donald trump without michael cohen, but michael kinda ties things together i think that's the way the jury is going to look at it. >> we don't necessarily have to believe everything he told us, but we do have to believe those things that other people told us he was telling the truth about and i think that's the way that the state tried to argue it. >> and i think that's the way they're going to think through it. remember you have two jurors who are lawyers. they've
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heard these things before, whether they're trial lawyers or not, they went to law school. they know this stuff. they had to take courses in this stuff. >> and so they're sitting there saying, okay, this is what we're supposed to do. >> and i really believed that in this particular jury it's going if the if the two lawyers agree with each other, that's where the jury is going to go wow. >> judge. there's also been a lot of speculation about a potential allen charge, a dynamite charge issued by judge merchan and case jurors don't agree under what circumstances do you think merchan would issue this charged specifically and based on what we've seen of him, do you expect he'd be open to doing so in this case? at what point? >> i don't know any judge who tries the case this long, who has a jury come back after a certain period of time and they don't have a definition of it, saying, we can't reach a verdict, we're hopelessly hung
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at that point. the judge is going to give the allen charge which says i want you to go back. i want you to start listening to each other. if you're in the minority, start listening to the majority and see why they're there and whether you really have what's known as a reasonable doubt or a doubt that somehow is fixed in your mind that you're not paying attention to the evidence that's basically what an allen charge says. it isn't dynamite charge. it basically says get back there and good get to work and reach a verdict. we put a lot of time into this case and a lot of effort. okay. and you shouldn't short circuit at this way. you need to reach a verdict that's basically what and alan charges. and i don't know a judge who wouldn't give it some are shy and clearly will give an allen charge judge, i can neither confirm nor deny that, brianna and i are taking bets on when we're going to see a verdict, but do you have any predictions on how long deliberations are going to take? >> oh, boris, i gotta tell you. i gave i've been doing this for 50 years. i got to tell you something. i gave up trying to
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guess what juries are going to do, how long they're going to be there. that's why they create pools with little squares. and for you to bet on. okay. and i have to believe that somewhere and cnn, that's going around. i can't tell you what square root of pick i, can, neither confirm nor deny or judge, just short we appreciate it. thanks so much for being with us have a great day. of course still plenty more news to come on. new central, including sources revealing to cnn that federal investigators are making moves that could lead to a possible indictment against sean diddy combs. what this means for the investigation? >> and floating filth, north korea sending balloons full of trash across the border, south korea, the strategy behind the smell russia for trying to spy on us. we were spying on them. >> i was hadi friday this is a war but secret war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game. premier
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captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, i can having utis for ten years. >> you, cora, we make uti relief products. >> we also make proactive urinary tract health product. >> you cora is a life stage right today at your breaking news, the judge in kentucky is dropped all charges against the world number one golfer scottie scheffler. he was arrested outside the pga championship earlier this month. scheffler would face several charges, including felony, second-degree assault on a police officer for allegedly dragging an officer with his car and a number of other lesser charges, scheffler had called this incident a big misunderstanding when he tried to drive around the scene of a fatal crash. they're outside the golf course in louisville. we have cnn's gabe cohen here with us now tell us what led to these charges being dropped. >> game. yeah. so the prosecutor address the court just a little while ago and said they wanted all charges dropped, and he said their office had looked at all of the
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evidence in this case and that they really didn't have probable cause to charge scheffler with any of these charges, let alone that felony charge for assaulting a police officer. and that in fact, the evidence really corroborated scheffler's take khan the events that this was all a big misunderstanding. and so the case has been dismissed. it is over now, but there's still a lot of questions about the actions of that police detective and how louisville police handed handled this in the aftermath, especially with this new video that's being shown on screen. this is leaked body camera video that shows just after scheffler because arrestees in the back of a police car explaining to another officer his side of things how things played out. he says that a different officer had told them to go around traffic into those incoming lanes that when he saw detective gillis, he had his window down. he thought gillis was maybe a security guard who was mistaken are confused. but as he was it's driving by as scheffler puts it in the video, he says that gillis was reaching into his car. he
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grabbed my shoulder and hit me. it seemed to be a little over aggressive because the entrance to the golf course was open and i pulled up a little bit because i was afraid i thought he was going to start hitting me and i didn't know who he was. he did not tell me he was police officer. all i saw was a yellow jacket and then he describes what happened in the seconds after that something we've seen on video from surveillance that shows gillis chasing after his his car scheffler's car, tibialis to this what happened is you kept going and he took him with you. why he's a pedestrian. okay so you took him with your car? and drug okay. yeah. i which is not a good thing where that was that was to make it so listen to me, so make it even worse when he asked you to get out of the car, you reviews to get out of the car? >> i still did not was not aware as a police officer, i was actually looking out the window of the car to try to find a police officer sorry. i asked where we're already here and they're believe me, serve that we're all wearing yellow vest, so you could maybe knew
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it was a police officer. >> i would've been much more less afraid, but panic set in as you can see, i'm still shaking because i was afraid i didn't know who you are was he didn't say police get at a tory just hit me with this flashlight and you get out the car. so i were wearing a lot of police gears in scheffler's attorney has said they don't want to pursue any civil case at this point that scheffler just wants to move on, but certainly louisville police are going to get a lot of questions about the action so that officer notably why his bodycam wasn't on right? >> yeah. which we know is a violation of their policy. they said he received some sort of counseling from a supervisor, but that's as far as that goes i have to say when this whole thing happened of all the golfers, this could happen to, it seemed pretty clear because scottie scheffler, what i've jokingly called him the kirk cousins of golf, right? >> he's? just such a boy scout. it seemed very unusual. >> and i think that's what raised a lot of red flags, right? because people think of
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him as sort of a boring guy who is a rule follower says, all the right things. and so this felt shocking. yeah, you get him right there on the camera there. >> that that is who he is. you see it gave. thank you so much for the update. we really appreciate thank you. >> not always cnn exclusive. the department of justice may be taking steps to indict music mogul sean diddy combs, two sources close to the investigation tell us that a federal grand jury may soon hear from diddy's accusers since november, combs has been named in eight civil lawsuits, seven of them directly accusing him of sexual assault. >> cnn entertainment correspondent elizabeth wagmeister is here with more on her exclusive reporting elizabeth, tell us what you're learning we have learned from two sources that potential witnesses have been contacted and notified by federal investigators that they may be called to testify in front of a grand jury. >> now, there is no timeline for when this may happen. we are hearing from source says that the investigation is very
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much still underway. we remember back in late march when two of diddy's homes in los angeles and miami were rated, that was the start of this criminal investigation. and now with our reporting that this could go to the grand jury. this is absolutely the biggest escalation in this investigation and give some indication that authorities are looking towards eight possible indictment. now, as you mentioned, there have been a slew of lawsuits against the music mogul he faces eight, seven of which are directly accusing him of sexual assault. i hear from a source that many of these accusers who we'll file these civil suits have been brought in for questioning. some of them being called a numerous times we hear that many of these potential witnesses have been corrupt cooperating with these investigators. some even offering up evidence that they believe could be of note for this investigation.
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>> elizabeth, the majority of the plaintiffs in the civil suits, they've now been interviewed by federal investigators in the criminal probe we know the lapd previously said that they couldn't bring charges based on that 2016 cassie video because of the statute of limitations what could federal investigators be looking at here that's absolutely right. >> because of the statute of limitations that provides really a blockade for many of these accusers but we do know that this federal investigation, which to your point, boris, is of criminal nature, is large urgently based on the accusations that are in these many mounting lawsuits. so this is a criminal investigation at this point of course, we remember that when diddy's homes were rated that his attorneys called it a gross overuse of military force. they called it a witch hunt. we know that diddy has denied many of these allegations that have
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come against him, although he hasn't responded to all of them. so at this point, it isn't investigation. we have to wait to see where this may go. but again, this is a large escalation now that we know that potential witnesses have been notified that they do want to bring them to testify in front of a federal several grand jury in new york city. so much more to come but also another thing that we have to watch out for boris as these current cases are being litigated, are more accusers going to come forward? there has been a constant domino effects since november 1, that first lawsuit from cassie came out and now, could there be more yeah. >> they just keep coming. they do. elizabeth wagmeister. thank you so much for that reporting and still ahead. what could a guilty verdict in the trump hush money trial mean for the election new polling shows just a sense of whether independence will be swayed one of the most active tornado seasons can't
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call 18003 558999, or visit home adrenaline. >> just like every turn i. >> can't stand like a play on words shot of adrenaline right to the heart as the jury in former president trump's hush money trial deliberates which they're doing right now. we're told that trump, allies and advisers think every minute the jurors there's still in there. it's better for the former president and it has been nearly three hours so far. >> now, let's discuss this with two of our senior political analysts, gloria borger and marc preston join us now, gloria, outside the courtroom, trump didn't sound so optimistic right here. he said, quote, mother teresa could not beat these charges. these charges are rigged. the whole thing is rigged. it sounds like he's trying to set expectations.
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>> well, i think he's been saying that all along to be fair. i mean, he has always said expectations low because it's in manhattan and he believed nobody loves him in manhattan, which may be true. and that the charges were rigged and this was a result of the weaponized biden justice department, which is false. and so i think what he showed in that little presser was his nervousness i think he didn't look nervous to you. he looked he looked upset and nervous and worried and full of excuses it's not a fun position to be no, right? >> even if even if you're trying to capitalize on it, i imagined it's definitely not a fun position to be in what does this mean as the jury is deliberating, what does this mean politically mark with the voters who really matter in this election? >> so probably the most important question that's going to come out of this trial is what does happen politically? >> i think we have to look at this as a piece of the puzzle. >> it's not the entire puzzle. it's a piece of the puzzle that we've got to put together
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over the next couple of months, right now, if we look at public polling, there isn't the reason a lot of reaction on either side if you're a never-trumper in a democrat, you hate donald trump. if you love donald trump in your, in, your, in the maga wing of the party. donald trump could walk out in the middle of what, fifth or sixth avenue and shoot somebody and not go to prison. i don't think that what happens during this case is necessarily going to have a great effect on the election. certainly not now, but thinking as a little piece of the puzzle that gets put down as we build this out going the next couple of months in november, if it did the only folks i think it might affect are those independent voters who are maybe double-haters, fence sitters, whatever you want column, and this could be well, do i want to really vote for somebody who has been convicted of a felony if he gets convicted, i think that could tip the scale a little bit, but again, i agree with mark, who knows how much mark president biden is expected to make some remarks following the verdict? what do you think is going to
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say you know, having covered joe biden, i think for 25 years now, uh, back when he was in congress and gloria, you've known him for many years. >> he's, he's very i mean, like ten or 15 years, gloria, please. but no, but the reality is, but he will be very solemn. and very straightforward. i don't think you're going to see him look at him coming out and talking about it. is politicizing it. i don't think you're going to have him come out. we'll do that with any political catch phrases or words or what have you. he'll just talk about the sanctity of the court. we were talking about that a little bit before, but beyond that, i don't think morning. >> i think there might be a statement on page paper, but i don't know that he would come out and talk about it because of course, every day, donald trump is talking about how this is biden's justice department. and i don't think he wants to i don't think he wants to play into that and so if it gets asked a question about it, i'm sure they'll have an answer for it, but i don't see him going out of his way to use
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this maybe in the debate he could use it against donald trump. i would assume so if there's a conviction but we don't know. >> i wonder, does he have to say something about it? and i also want are you know, on on the heels of this robert de niro business yesterday, which i don't think went off the way. maybe it was planned how does that affect things? let me just say this right? if this is the playbook of politics that we all have learned over the last 50 the years thrown out the window because the conventional wisdom of what we think is going to happen just what is not happening nowadays and who has really thrown us into turmoil. it has been good old trump. he really has kind of showed that our political system is much more complex they didn't then just easily a a democrat or republican it is so much more fractured as well. >> i want to know who thought the robert de niro thing was a really great idea who are you trying to attract with that younger voters? i don't think so. i mean, janeiro has been very outspoken against donald trump. we get that but it
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looked kind of just something that was jerry rigged on the side of the re-added. and this organized that got attacked by maga people and he attack back and it didn't look, let's just say very professional. >> here's a question imagine if dad a rubber dinner he was coming out for a mayoral candidate in new york city and did that, that might actually had some kind of effect because of the voters that he's going gauging says no, no, no, you august saying manhattan doomed from the start i'm sorry. >> was not a good play on the biden part biden campaign apart, no doubt. >> before we go, i do want to play some sound from the first lady she was taping with the view today and said this let's listen those polls are going to turn. i'm confident of it because as time goes on, as people start to focus a little bit more about what's at stake and start to become educated on
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the issues and the differences between the two men. i believe the americans are going to choose good over evil who's of state of relatively steady going back to the beginning of the year, do we anticipate that there's going to be a tide change? well, who knows, you know a tide change probably not what she's talking about though is interesting because it's about character and wives, her character witnesses. and we haven't heard a lot from melania yet. >> stay tuned stay still, staying tuned. >> but i think that jill biden is a great character witness. for joe biden, and that's going to be her role. and she's going to talk about character in this campaign. it may make a comeback. it's kind of it hasn't really been around as an issue for awhile. and who knows whether the biden folks are going to try and put that front and center again, she'd be a good person going to do it. >> let me just leave you on this. she don't ever underestimate dr. jill biden.
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she is tough as nails and even though she is relatively quiet, excuse incredibly influenced it meant to watch on that white house in on this campaign more preston, gloria borger, great to have your perspective. thanks guys course. >> stay tuned to cnn news central because still ahead, the white house and sisters strike that. killed dozens of palestinians in rafah, including women and children, didn't cross the president's so-called red line speaking with two biden appointees recently resigned and we say it should've years after d-day, jake tapper talks to tom general's about the state of democracy. are we protecting what we fought to save their has been democratic backsliding around the world. >> are you? >> concern the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at aid on scene doug lima someone needs to customize and save hundreds and car insurance with liberty neutral. >> let's fly keeps nag i
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11:41 am, closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial mv victims call now $30 in trust money has been set aside. >> you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 today, protests mounting in major cities around the world in response to israel's deadly strike on a tent camp of displaced palestinians in gaza the palestinian ministry of health says the attack on sunday killed 45 people and injured 200 others, including women and children. >> and now a new cnn analysis of video obtained from the scene reveals the munitions that were used in that deadly strike were american made so far the white house has not changed its policies, suggesting the attack does not cross president biden's red line of a ground incursion and for the first time video geo-located by cnn shows two idf tanks moving further west into rafah joining us now are two former biden political
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appointees who recently resigned from the ministration over the israel-hamas war. tarika bosch and lily greenberg call. she is also the first jewish political appointee to publicly resign if you both can just comment on what you've seen from this strike and rafah, in what effect that you think it is having on people you're talking to within the biden administration, tarik. >> yeah. i mean, i think that it feels like there's a i'm breaking there are so many people who had been working within the system trying to speak through the proper channels about what they are witnessing and what they're seeing and how horrific it is. and that we are supplying these weapons were providing the financing for the ongoing violence against innocent palestinian civilians. and i think people are realizing that no matter what they do or say, that their voices and being heard. and i think they're starting to reach the same conclusion, unfortunately, that i made in that lilly made you think internally? >> top biden political
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appointees are getting an earful from people within the administration, or do you think it's a minority i think that they're getting in here i think unfortunately, the culture within some of some of these agencies is leans towards silence. >> folks are afraid to speak up, but we know that people across government man have been letting their superiors know for months that they disagree with this, that they think it's disastrous policy and so many different ways. and i'm sure what we saw over the weekend is only going to increase that. >> what do you think when you hear from the white house that what we've seen in rafah, why is this something different to you? why do you think obviously you disagree and think that should have crossed the president's headline i think the people tanks rolling into west rafah, people burning alive in their tents. >> i don't see how that is not an invasion. i don't see how massacring 45 civilians, i think there was a strike recently that in the last 12
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hours that that killed upwards of 20 that is an invasion that is violence perpetuated on civilians and it's us weapons that are used to massacre innocent palestinian civilians. so biden is breaking us law right now by let's continuing to send weapons to a military that refuses to respect international human rights. >> the white house is saying this actually was a more targeted weapon. we have now been able to identify what the weapon was. it is a more targeted bomb and the israelis have raised this possibility that it may have ignited a munition story hamas munitions the store. i mean, what what do you think when you hear that target? and i think it's just ridiculous. >> i think it's trying to redefine what the narrative is, and i think the reality is that we'd seen masker aftermath asker after masker that is killed over 15,000 palestinian children we've seen over 36,000 palestinians be killed in the last eight months i mean, it tears at your
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heartstrings. it is so so heartbreaking just to continue to witness this happening and to know that our government it is primarily responsible for providing the continuation of these weapons that our government is simply using israeli talking points to decide aid where they're going to draw lines are where they're going to redraw leinz. it really inexcusable. and i think it's our obligation to continue to call out the president, to call out the administer station, and to make sure that these weapons do not continue to be used in the name of americans. >> they've tried at times, as you know, to distance themselves while also saying that us support of israel defending itself is ironclad there was that halting of the 2000 and the 500 pound bombs what do you think about that? this was a 250 pound bomb. what do you think about that distinction when you hear that? and what are you hearing from people inside of? the administration? i mean, i'm
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i'm hearing that people are fed up. i think there they're rightfully just at their ends of what they feel like they had been able to do and think unfortunately, 250 pound bombs or 2000 pound pound bombs are still killing dozens of children. there, there is no circumstance where that is as acceptable just because of the bombs or smaller doesn't mean that they aren't hurting just as many people. if you use 5,250 pound bombs that are continuing to kill civilians, they're still killing civilians but still against us law. and it's still against international humanitarian and a refugee camp that they were told as a safe zone. i mean that i think is something to remember. these are people who have been forcibly displaced right from their homes already because there's nowhere else safe to go. >> look, let me ask you because you you are the two political appointees, right? those are folks who at the end of an administration would leave appointed by the administration itself. you're not career folks in your agencies that you were in education shin interior, respectively some
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folks in the biden administration will look and say this actually isn't that many people who, are speaking out inside the administration. what do you what do you say to that? >> i'll that every single person that i know thinks the same way as us. and whether or not they have felt empowered as tarik said, to make that public and to leave because of it. it is a different thing, but i think when the majority of the people on the inside feel that they are not being listened to and the majority of the american people are not being listened to. i think that's a huge problem for the administration. >> you brought up the commercial break that other people are leaving more quietly, they're not coming out publicly the way you are. what types of agencies or are we talking about? when you say you now, you know, people internally who've just decided, i'm getting out, how many people are we talking about? where are they coming from? >> i know there are dozens of people who have already left. they're coming from all over. i don't want to list out every single agency, but there are people who have left from the white house are people who've left from agencies that are
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working directly on this and not working on this at all. i onnue to witness what we have seen for months now and it's hard to stomach just to watch it and feel helpless, but to know that you are i presenting this government and this administration that continues to make excuses for the justifications are the killing of palestinian children it's it's impossible for people to not feel guilty and to feel like they need to leave when they realized that they have no impact or influence. thank you so much. so toric harb, ashley greenberg, call we appreciate your time today and for coming on into the studio. >> thank you. thanks for having we'll be right back russia for trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them i'm sorry, frank this is a war but secret war, secrets and spies, a nuclear game. >> premier sunday at ten on cnn
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consultation. again, that's 1807123800 and gentlemen shot of adrenaline right north korea is battling with south korea with the new and honestly it's pretty gross strategy sending bags of what south korea joint chiefs of staff are calling floating fill south korea's militaries as hundred the bag filled with trash and fertilizer tied to balloons have just come floating over the border according to north korean state media, this is retaliation for south korean activists sending things to the north, including propaganda and k-pop cnn's will ripley has the
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story from taiwan this seems to be a new strategy by north korea sending so far hundreds of these trash filled balloons into south korea. >> local residents have actually been getting warnings to avoid outdoor activities because authorities just don't know exactly what is inside these things. photos show plastic bags with garbage and filth as south korea described it, scraps, paper, dirt, that sort of thing. north korea says this is a response to south korean activists sending prohibited materials for a long time. now, south koreans a lot of ngos sometimes former north korean defectors that are now living in south korea. they sent into the north, sometimes using balloons leaflets, food, medicine, even media like korean dramas or k-pop music that is forbidden for north koreans to listen to programs that are forbidden for north koreans to watch but they send them from south korea anyway, as part of this propaganda push to try to convince the north that there's a better way of
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life in the south. this has been going on for a long time. north korea has long accused the south of psychological warfare. and as promised retaliation. so now by sending these hundreds of trashed filled balloons, they want south korean authorities to experience the head headache of cleaning up and locating all of this just like they say, they've been dealing with for a long time, but for north koreans who receive content, particularly from south korea, the penalties can be extremely severe. remember, we showed you rare footage of those north korean teenagers, apparently sentenced to hard labor for viewing and distributing south korean content there was a time 2017, 2018, when there were some brief periods of cultural exchange between the north and south part of that diplomatic to tn. and at that time, north koreans were allowed to legally get a glimpse of south korean culture. but those days seemed like a distant memory now, with information controls arguably tighter than ever inside north korea and now these trash balloons being sent to the south part of this for tat back-and-forth and just get
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another sign of the escalating tensions on the korean peninsula. will ripley, cnn, taipei or thanks to will ripley for that report. i definitely would rather receive k-pop, even though i'm not a huge fan. and just like random fertilizer in trash completely. yeah still ahead, the jury in donald trump's hush money trial has been deliberating for more than three hours working through lunch to decide his legal fate and a verdict could come as soon as today. we're going to head back to the courthouse and just moments on cnn news central assignments are going on and paying the tornado here. i'm thinking, i'm going to die. and i thought that was it. >> violent earth with the liev schreiber premiere sunday at nine on cnn. >> every day, dirt and grime settles deep within your tiles grout lines staley steamers, powerful custom made equipment removes the dirt you see in the dirt, you don't your title and growth isn't clean until its daily steamer clique smile, you
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