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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 30, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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politics. >> trump's children are school age and a source now telling cnn, she has concerns about them now being old enough to understand what's happening and their grandfathers criminal trial and she's not the only high-profile trump missing from corp where the former first lady, melania trump also a no-show during the criminal trial, perhaps no surprise, given the sorted accusations. >> as for ivanka trump since her own father and siblings have repeatedly pushed the narrative that this is not a case about seeking justice, is this is political lawfare in an absolutely has to stop. >> so if it's politics at play, trump has said she wants no part of it, saying, well, i will always love and support my father going forward. i will do so out sayyed, the political arena and a source telling cnn that both ivanka and jared have not ruled out making some sort of an appearance before the
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verdict is read, but of course that means they haven't ruled it in either. >> right? and there's not much time. >> nicely. >> all right. thank carol. thank you. thanks for joining us. the news continues now, right here on cnn it's thursday, may 30, right now on cnn this morning day two of deliberations about to begin in donald trump's hush money trial after jurors sent to requests to the judge supreme court justice samuel alito, blaming his wife for flying an upside-down on flag. >> now recused, refusing to recuse himself from january 6, cases and dirty tactics, north korea launching balloons filled with feces he's and trash and dropping them on south korea
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i'm here in washington, alive. look at, i guess that's new york city city. there it is a little little cloudy there this morning as those jurors start to wake up, had into their second day of deliberations. good morning, everyone. i'm casey, hence it's wonderful to have you with us. >> the jury in the trump hush money trial back to work this morning after meeting for more than four-and-a-half hours yesterday, the jurors are requesting four pieces of testimony that they want to review. they want michael cohen and national enquirer chief david pecker's descriptions of an august 2015 trump tower meeting pecker's phone call with trump in june 2016 about former playboy playmate karen mcdougal and pecker's testimony about not finalizing trump's payment to the national enquirer's parent company for mcdougal's life rights jurors also want to re-hear a portion of judge merchan's instructions yesterday, trump outside the courthouse trying to set expectations. shall we say ahead of the looming decision
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listening to the charges from the judge who's as you know, very conflicted and, corrupt because of the, infliction. >> very, very mother teresa could not be discharges. these charges great all thing is rigged. it's a disgrace and i mean that mother teresa could dumping their structures, but we'll see we'll see how we do okay. >> trying to me now to discuss julia manchester reporter for the hill, juliette. good morning. >> good morning. tasty. >> well, so it certainly sounds like if you if you really read between the lines, there about what trump is saying, they think that they're going to lose, or that he's likely to get convicted, or at least they're trying to prepare his supporters for that by saying, well, this was inevitable all the way along. if that's what happens, this is absolutely lowering expectations, sort of comparing trump to a saint martyr, if you will and look, i think the trump team is trying to prepare themselves for a number of scenarios. look at the order to be acquitted. that
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would certainly be a victory for donald trump. he could essentially sail through and say, look, i was right. all long, but if this jury of quite frankly is new york peers convicts him, that's not good for him, so he's going to lowering those patients yeah. >> well, i mean, i feel like this is a time honored trump tactic basically, he's giving people talking points at their dinner tables, et cetera. are certainly for themselves as they make their decisions about. because again, let's not lose sight of the fact that he is the current presidential nominee for the republican party let's put up on the screen what the jury has asked two re-hear, and we're going to court is going to reconvene this morning. we're going to cover this, but it's it's these four things. and as i look at them, the trump tower meeting and good, that's cohen and pecker's testimony. pecker's call with trump and then pecker's testimony on not finalizing that deal, the thread that ties all these things together is donald trump's involvement and knowledge, right? it seems like
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trying to figure out, did he know was he aware of all of these things is a central question in this case. what do you see as you consider what they're looking at? here? that's interesting because we've seen the defense time and time again sort of tried to say, look, donald trump wasn't aware of all of this, even pinning this on his sons, eric and? >> don junior saying, well, they signed some checks, donald trump was sort of just the ceo with no knowledge sort of delegating this to other people in the organization. so this is the jury trying to get to the root of that, trying to essentially see is donald trump the common thread? how aware was he in the big question i have is they're obviously going after testimony surrounding david pecker and michael cohen that michael cohen part has got to make both sides nervous because we now how much of a wildcard michael cohen has proven to be throughout the years in terms of his involvement with trump, right. >> and it does seem as though
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there's a little bit for everybody in there if they're asking about cohen, is it related to his credibility? what do you maybe that helps the defense some of these other signals might indicate the jury is looking for a way to pull the strands of a conviction together. so julia let's talk about whether or not this is going to matter in terms of the election in november some recent polling from marquette university did seem to show that there would be potentially a small impact. now that may be all that matters in a very close election. if trump is found guilty in the new york case, likely voters said 46% of them would vote for joe biden, 41% for donald trump. now let's note that is 11% protest vote in there. so that's a big chunk of voters in a situation that's so close however, if trump is found not guilty, you see that switch and it's suddenly donald trump who has 46% and joe biden who has 43%. >> i think i remain skeptical than anything matters in politics anymore. >> but what is your reporting around? how each case? but each
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side is thinking about it. so we've seen other polling and i've talked to other strategist who have said, look, a conviction would likely maybe be adding to donald trump not be good for donald trump's sort of dent, his chances slightly. >> that being said, though, assuming we get a conviction before the first presidential debate later in june and the second, obviously in september lock-in change between now and then. and i think still when you look at voters priorities, it is not this trial. i mean, although we're all watching this trial, we're all aware of it. >> i don't think this is impacting the americans every day lives, and that's why you've seen the biden campaign in the administration. be very careful about how they approach this. yes, they had the press conference with robert de niro outside if the courtroom a few days ago, but biden the other de as he was leaving the white house, did not take questions on this. that's not a coincidence. he wants to be focusing on the economy even though that's a ton if issue for him, we still hear him
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messaging more on that issue than something a court case involving donald trump in new york. >> alright. julia manchester for us this morning, julia, thanks for start. thanks. i appreciate it. >> all right. just ahead, here are no longer trash talking now, north korea actually sending trash to their neighbors to the south plus boeing such a release, a plan, they say, we'll fix its mounting safety issues and the ten commandments could soon be displayed inside every single classroom in one state, we'll talk about that in one of the most active 22 seasons you can't control a tornado what kinds of interventions can we design go inside the store we're of bonding pairs within liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn from real quality that starts in our factory to real performance in your backyard still tools or as tough and dependable as the people who use them this fathers de, give
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new bottles made using no new plastic, you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. >> and when we get more of them back, we can use less new plastic our models are to be remade so we decided to put in an in-ground pool i literally went on angie and typed in pool and then got choices, getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids in kind of look at their reviews, look at what other people think of them. and it's nice to know that you're meeting let people who already are at a certain level, we wanted something beautiful, we wanted something that our children will feel happy zooming in and we love it. and still other connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well, get started today at i'm zachary cohen and washington and this is cnn all right. north korea as launching an interesting tactic as they push back on south korea
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balloons filled with feces and trash, over 250 balloons carrying north korea's filth have been sent across what's the dmz into their neighbor to the south, the north koreans calling it an act of free expression the south sees it as a violation of international law. cnn's max foster joins me now from london. max, this is just straight up disgusting. what is going on? >> service kitchen one sister that said it was free expression. it's really a for tat because what they're saying is that south korean activists are quite often sending over balloons containing propaganda, as i call it, leaflets but also things like digital cards and drives containing pop videos perhaps, or films trying to give north koreans a glimpse of the outside world, but also trying to change their views on their leadership. so north korea hey they're receiving all of this trash. is there, call it from south korea. so they're
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sending their own trash back. but it has caused some concerns. you can see where these things are landing. so people have been told to stay indoors in case they get hit by this trash and they're actually having to analyze it because that an exactly what's in it yeah, i was going to say it's they could be dropping more than just what appears to be trash potentially max big picture here. >> this is a region where there are simmering tensions specifically around taiwan, there are a pair of american congressional delegations visiting taiwan is the chinese have recently surrounded the island with military drills. obviously, north korea and china at tied together in key ways, the us, a critical ally of south korea and how this increasing call it. i don't know. i don't know if you put trash filled balloons under the category of tension increasing geopolitical problems or what.
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but what does this say if anything, about the bigger picture here? >> well i'm thinking north koreans would argue this is about sovereignty we are protecting our land and you've been sending over these balloons. so it's a small version of the wider debate, which is, we have a right to exist and, all these military drills at the south is organizing with the united states is seen as big threat to the north. north korea's closest ally, if i can call it that the country that sends over aid and has a relationship with north korea is china so you've got north korea versus south korea you've got china versus america potential actually amongst that as well. so it does play into that wider geopolitical tension. but also some, it's not as if the us and china are at war. we have that lovely story, didn't we, about the panda's going back? to washington as well, which is seen as a gesture of friendship from china to america. so it's
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not quite north and south korea just yet. >> well, i know there's at least one small person and in my household who is very pleased that we're going to be able to go down the street and see the pandas at the zoo again, because we were all collectively very sad when they left i think we've got more expensive, so good on that later in the show. yeah, it is a good sign. all right. max, you're good sport as always. thank you. always great to see you coming up next, golfer scottie scheffler's wish for the louisville cop who arrested him during the pga championship. and justice alito refusing to recuse what details ahead the russian for trying to spy on us we were spying on them i'm sorry, frank this is a war, but secret war secrets and spies, a nuclear game premier sunday at ten on life. diabetes. there's no slowing
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pain learn more he'll hi marla signs at the white house and this is cnn all
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right. 90 minutes past the hour has are mourning roundup today, boeing will announce sweeping new changes to try to fix them. glaring safety issues two reviews in february found serious problems. the company will present its plan to the faa later this morning schools and louisiana could soon required by law to display the ten commandments in every classroom from kindergarten through college. >> if the bill becomes law, if republican governor jeff landry hinds it, seemed that has contacted his office about this. we have not yet heard back assault charges against pro golfer scottie scheffler have been dropped opt two weeks ago, he was arrested for driving around a fatal crash while on his way to the pga championship. the officer involved is being disciplined, but schaeffer says hopes that both in the officer can put the incident behind them all right. >> 30 million people facing severe storm threats today, mostly across the central us
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and texas with record heat also on the way for florida and south texas are meteorologists, least a rafah tracking all of it for us, at least. good morning. what are we seeing good morning. >> we have storms firing up already across parts of kansas that panhandle of oklahoma and texas this morning with some intense lightning and i'm heavy downpours. we've had a few severe thunderstorm warnings over parts of the florida i'm sorry, texas panhandle there there's a warning there just to the east of albuquerque this morning or we could find some large hail and damaging winds. here's a look at that risk for today, stretches all the way up from iowa and nebraska down into texas. this yellow and orange area here is where we are most concerned about that large hail damaging winds and then maybe a tornado or two. now we have that level three and a five enhanced risk, right over lubbock lubbock because we've got the chance for some hail over two inches in diameter, that would be bigger than the size of golf balls so we'll have to watch out for
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supercells are capable of doing that. now, texas under the gun again for severe weather threat while they still have nearly 200,000 people without power from the severe winds that blew through a few days ago. so we can see the storms here as they've fire up, as we go into the afternoon, the super sounds that firearm in oklahoma could become a damaging wind thread for dallas as we go later on into the de today than additional supercells develop over parts of the texas and oklahoma panhandle. this is where those discrete sounds that's where we can get those golf ball size hailstones, then that becomes a damaging wind threat for dallas again, looks like you can have two rounds of storms and then the damaging winthrop makes it to houston by the morning. so as we go into tomorrow, we have that damaging winds are from dallas to austin and houston were are hail damaging winds possible? again, casey all right. >> at least rafah forza, lisa. thank you very much. >> are coming up next the four pieces of evidence. >> the jurors want to revisit in dollars trump's hush money trial plus a mid-game meltdown for a new york mets pitcher and
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wonderful to have you with us. in just a few hours. the jury in donald trump's criminal hush money trial will begin deliberating for a second day on wednesday, they asked to revisit four sections of testimony from david pecker and michael cohen, who of course are two of the prosecution's star witnesses. >> their focus seems to be a 2015 trump tower meeting where both men met with mr. trump. >> in his testimony pecker said, quote, there was a discussion about that. i was going to be able to be the eyes and ears of the campaign. and there was a discussion that i would be notifying michael cohen of any women that were in the process of are going to be selling stories and i would notify cohen that they would be available and that they would either have to buy them or take them off the market, or kill them in some manner. joining me now is criminal defense attorney andrew szarkowski. andrew, good morning to you. oops. sorry. that's steph kite. that's our other guests this morning. she'll be joining us shortly as andrew in there. do we have andrew there? he is. hi, andrew. sorry about that. >> let's dig into what these four things are that the jury
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is asking for and what ties them together. >> the thread to me seems to be donald trump's involvement but when you looked at these requests that were made at what did you think that they were looking for? >> well, my number one rule in trial advocacy, especially during jury deliberations, is to not read the jury because oftentimes it can be very deceiving. it might be just one juror who has a question that said, let's dive into this a little bit. it could very well be trying to figure out what the origin of the deals were. that was something that josh steinglass hit hard on in his closing argument. >> he had a whole bit in the closure using argument making that kind of the center of attention as the beginning, it may also be the jury's efforts to corroborate statements of michael cohen regarding those meetings? >> because the judge instructed in the jury instructions yesterday that since he also since he's considered an accomplice under the technical rules of the jury instructions
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that what he says must be independently corroborated. so there may be some disagreement back in the jury deliberation room about exactly what michael cohen said about that meeting and what david pecker said about those meetings? and trying to line them up to see what is and is not corroborated yeah. so what what do you make of the request for the additional reading of the judge's instructions because that was the other piece here as well. they wanted him to reread part of the instructions that they receive from him yesterday it could be the jury's effort to test all of our patients here because now we all have to go back through and listen to those jury instructions again. what what i actually think that it means is that it is a dense amount of law that they are trying to better understand. it indicates, i think to some degree that there may be some disagreement in the jury's recollection of what those instructions are, and they could essentially be it having
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camps in there and it might just be one person or groups of people, won one side saying, oh well, this instruction i think i heard it this way, which would be beneficial perhaps to the state. and another side saying, oh, i heard that instruction and i heard it to be essentially more beneficial to donald trump. and so you start to see some evidence of potential division as opposed to them all going back to the jury deliberation room and saying just kind of square away i've listened to the evidence we were looking at these basic elements. we can't convict or we're all going to convicted. it shows that there's ongoing deliberations and likely some camps of thought divided amongst the jury so you sort of said at the outset, hey, like we gotta be careful reading the tea leaves here now, obviously for those of us to recovering this day in and day out, this is all we're going to have to try to do. >> i mean, is there anything you think you can read into any of this mean, what have you learned over your career about how juries operate, how long they take, and what are your
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expectations? >> well, when the juries are deliberating, i like to lock myself in an office and doom scroll on social media or try my best to turn my attention to other cases because it is an extremely stressful amount of time in the long i think we might have lost. >> you didn't have to be careful because it you have to be careful, i think in deciding how to read into these things because it just builds more and more stress as the time to time goes it might be one juror, it might be multiple jurors that are thinking one way or the other, the more time that passes, the more division you have that's interesting. >> okay. so basically the longer this goes, and this is why the trump team seems to be saying, okay, if these deliberations drag out, we may be more likely to head for a mistrial that's right. so a hung jury is of course, an outcome here. that's potential. >> the a hung jury creates an automatic mistrial. >> now, if the jury comes back
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and they say that they're hopelessly deadlocked. the judge is going to send them back at least one let's maybe two or three more times, ordering them to reattempt to deliberate on those charges. and only after two or three attempts, would he declare a hung jury? which would result in a mistrial? and then the most important question at that point, if it was mistrial to all charges, would alvin bragg bring this case back again? he could bring it back even within a couple of weeks. the main issue would be the schedules of the court. the schedules of the council, because all of the pretrial things like motions and discovery that's all been done. so you can get back to a trial in a new trial for a hung jury mistrial very quickly i'm going to set that aside. >> i appreciate you bringing that up as a realistic possibility. i'm not sure it's one that i get grappling with, but this hour of the morning as we head into hours in hours of standby here, i want to ask you before i let you go, andrew, about the mother teresa comments that
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trump made yesterday as he was outside the courthouse, basically saying mother teresa couldn't beat these charges my view that as a political reporter was just that he's trying to lower expectations for this so that if in fact he is convicted, his supporters say, well, of course, this was preordained this is something that was political from the, from the start what do you read as an attorney into those comments that he made? >> well, mother teresa was never put on trial in new york for a fraud fraudulent business record entries. so it's hard to compare apples and oranges that he's certainly must feel very stressed out. i mean, a criminal defendant may be say, maybe found to say things like that. i've represented many and they also may feel like the weight of the government is on them and that they can't do anything to defend themselves. so the mind donald trump is a very interesting place to delve into. i do think that he's setting expectations because i think he's very skeptical of
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the ability that he has to receive a fair jury in in new york state. i know that he's felt very felt that to be very unfair the way that the judge has ruled in certain regards throughout the course of this trial. so you really have to i guess step back and try to see it through donald trump's eyes to understand some of the statements that he makes. and i think that's part of the division in our country from a political standpoint. but certainly i think setting expectations probably for himself as well as for others about his thoughts regarding his ability to win. that said, i think that there are for some strengths to his case and that the jury could come back in his favor. so that's why we're all waiting on this with bated breath. >> all right. andrew, chuck asked you thank you very much for being here this morning. really appreciate it thank you. >> thank you. >> all right. now, this justice samuel alito telling congress he will not recuse himself from supreme court cases involving 2020 election or the january 6 capitol riot. several lawmakers
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have questioned whether alito could be impartial after the new york times reported that an upside down flag had been flown on his property. remember that was a sign of the stop the steal movement, the times later reported that the controversial appeal to heaven flag was also flynn aloft at alito's vacation home. that flag was flown by some of the rioters on january 6. that's part of the christian nationalism wing. in his letter to lawmakers, alito said there was only one person to blame writing my wife did fly that flag and quote, my wife was solely responsible. my wife is fond of flying flags. i asked my wife to take down, joining me now actually has political reporter stuff, kite stuff. good morning to you. >> so this was something that a couple of senators on the judiciary committee had asked alito to do recuse himself from these cases. >> he is saying no. and his excuse is, well, it was my wife. i asked her to take it down. she wouldn't take down. >> fair? >> i mean, we've certainly heard this from other people who have faced controversy.
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senator menendez is also kind of blaming his wife as well and we really see that justice alito does not take these the suggestion seriously from democratic senators. it's clear that he doesn't think this is a real thing he should consider despite the fact that no, in the new code of ethics that the supreme court has, it says that you're supposed to avoid even the appearance appearance of impropriety. but he's saying this is your, wife's decision, she's a private citizen, that's protected. it's not going to impact the way that i do my job and no reasonable person was his line would see this as evidence of me unable to be impartial. >> so this of course speaks to broader questions about confidence and trust in the supreme court. this was senator blumenthal oh, a little bit earlier this week on alito specifically, but he speaks broadly by the court as well. watch it. absolutely defies common sense and credibility what justice alito is doing in
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fact, is dragging down the credibility of the court, destroying american, people's trust in the court by these kinds of flimsy excuses that failed to pass the red face test what, what do you think is there's been a lot of pressure on democratic senators to put more justices on the court to make other changes. what does this say about i mean, trust in our institutions? and so as a whole to yeah, i mean, we have seen trust in the us supreme court plummeting in recent years. it reached record lows and it seems that every time gallup does a new poll, we see, even if you were americans let's have faith in the us supreme court. and that's a real problem. and this is only adding to that distrust, that lack of credibility you put this on top of but the justice thomas situation in his being taking lavish gifts from billionaires. and this just doesn't help the public trust that us supreme court's decisions. and i think the fact that we are seeing the court take up such hotly political
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cases in an election year. they are going to be deciding on whether trump can face charges. these hugely important political cases is only going to make it more difficult for them to issue a decision one way or the other and have the american public take that seriously. >> you, i'm mean, a recent marquette poll said only 7% of americans have a great deal of confidence in the supreme court. now, 20% have quite a lot but the vast majority seemed to have some very little or none at all stuff. let me ask you also about an issue that democrats, not just at the presidential level, but also in congress are counting on. and that's a abortion in terms of winning back the house and senate the florida is a particular place where this is coming into focus. this was an opinion piece for the new york times. they write quote, anger over republican-backed abortion bans may give democrats and edge november, but to build a lasting political coalition democrats in florida and elsewhere may discover that the
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winning formula is as unglamorous as it is old, find their voters, all of them, and give them every reason to head to the polls. they're really counting on this as being a game changing. but that said there does seem to be this growing sense that there is a realistic possibility that republicans good hold onto both chambers of congress in the fall. what are you hearing? >> yeah, i mean, democrats are certainly viewing abortion as their best issue and what they think will motivate their voters to turn out in november especially in states like florida, which are going to be close and they're hoping that these ballot measures that we've seen in various states, including in florida, will help turn out their voters who are in the state who may not be thrilled about voting for joe biden may not be thrilled about their democratic options on the ballot, but who will turn out for the ballot measure to protect that right? so abortion, their access to abortion that state and then from there, go ahead and vote for democrats up and down the ballot. but that is still a risk and pulling has showed that many voters across the country care about other issues more than abortion right now. so it's still remains to be
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seen whether we see the same kind of power behind the abortion issue. this election here. >> all right, stuff. thanks. it's very much for being here this morning. everyone i count up next is the whitehouse about to change its policy when it comes to ukraine using us military aid inside russia. >> plus the eddington the boilers pulling even with dallas in their battle to reach the stanley cup finals, bleacher report ahead simons are going tornadoes here. i'm thinking, i'm going to die and i thought that was it. >> earth with liev schreiber, premiere sunday at nine on cnn every night it's the same thing. >> after dinner you start so keen scrubbing scraping your stove top night. well now you can wake up to a clean dream kitchen every day with stole
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european leaders said that they would allow ukraine to use their military aid inside russia earlier this week, the us has not allowed, it's billions in military assistance to ukraine to be used in attacks on russian soil since the start of moscow's full-scale invasion another hallmark of our support for ukraine over these now more than two years has been to adapt as the conditions have changed, as the battlefield has changed, as what russia does has changed in terms of how it is pursuing its aggression escalation. we've adapted and adjusted too are driving now, former deputy assistant secretary of state on in the obama administration, joel rubin. >> joel, good morning to you. >> this is a potentially significant shift here in us policy. what do you think the ramifications could be? >> yeah this is a moment of inflection right now where the american military supplies to ukraine is, has been slow to get to them because there's
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delays in congress, the supplies are not going to fully get there until july. so in this interim period, russia is making a push and the vulnerabilities to ukraine are severe in particular, having missile batteries from within russia lobbying lobbying, volley straight into, into kharkiv region ukraine has been on the defensive, and so i think it's appropriate for the administration to get creative at this point. you know, vladimir putin is in trying to intimidate for more than three years now, any western support for ukraine writ large and so it's good to call his bluff on this one and allow the ukrainians to be unleashed enough to protect themselves and in their direct vulnerabilities while they supplied does move into ukraine, it's interesting to me, you mentioned how threatening putin has been. it has been being because i want to show you first jens stoltenberg, the nato chief, talking about the european shift in policy. and i'll show you, i, putin's response. let's watch stoltenberg first its impossible, at least very
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difficult for ukrainians if the russians can just be on the older side of the border and then launched missile attacks air attacks against the graininess. >> and they know been able to use their advanced weapons to hit back representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries. >> they should be aware of what they're playing, where they should remember that as countries with small, densely populated territories. and this is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking russian territory in general, this constant escalations can lead to serious consequences they should be aware of what they're playing with. yeah. well, nobody's unaware of what vladimir putin has been, is personal and he's been saber-rattling for over two years now with his nuclear arsenals, at least rhetorically doing so. nothing has left his silos, for example, are made our intelligence community believes that he's actually going to discharge a nuclear
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warhead into the theater. i think this is bluster we've seen it before. we'll likely see it again europe is very concerned. nato is very concerned about the russian progress on the battlefield. and vladimir putin understands how to play to psychological warfare games to prevent nato from enacting the kind of military policy we're talking about here that could harm his ability to conduct this offensive. so it's sabre-rattling to try intimidate. but i think it's more hot air than it is actually a legitimate argument of what he's gonna do on the battlefield. >> let's move now to israel and the us has been urging israel to think through a post-war plan for gaza. it doesn't seem like we're on the same page here in the us with benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister of israel. and there are these questions about a red line and rafah, the white house has said so far that that has not been crossed. what do you see as the next? move here as biden comes under increasing
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pressure, will the president is holding firm for now and allowing israel to have the freedom of operation to go after hamas terrorists and please continuing to maintain the need for a ceasefire, but this is the real big stumbling block right now with prime minister netanyahu, that the calls for a plan is in american part leinz, it's called for an exit strategy and call a call for something that leaves stability and governance and security afterwards. and israeli defense establishment gets that argument leaders of the opposition parties get that argument like yeah, you're lepidus i've been benny gantz, who is a member of the war cabinet. he's not in the likud, but prime minister netanyahu is afraid to give that signal that he wants that because his coalition could fracture far-right. if he looks like he's actually laying the groundwork for a palestinian state, but that's what it's going to take. casey, this is not just a military war. this has political dimensions since and to ensure that their stability over time, that means a political solution is necessary while these military
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activities continue. and i think the president's balancing is right. the question is, is water prime minister? finally, grab the hand that united states is reaching out to the israeli people into the prime minister to say, you need to have a day after plan to make this really work. >> all right, till rubin for us this morning to all. thank you. really appreciate your time. >> all right. i'm now for store at the edmund boilers rally to even up their nhl conference finals series with the dallas stars. carolyn mano has this morning which report carolyn? good morning. >> good morning. casey dallas came into this game with a two one series lead in the western conference final and about six minutes in that they had a two-goal advantage. things looking really good. then edmondson woke up fun home ice and turn the tables. the euler's rattling off five unanswered goals of pair of them in a span of 51 seconds. in the second period that even this series at two games apiece he's conor mic david added two biggest cysts that brings sim to 27 points in the last 16 games. euler's fans chanting, we want the cup as time was winding down with this series et to shift back to dallas. so
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after a slow start, edmonton, finding some resiliency and just in time it's funny in the playoffs out a psychology works wasn't really flat start from us, but right away when they scored the second one, we said that we were in that position two days ago and now let's flip the script on them and then you've got first one and then you get rolling from there. it's hard to explain why it works that way, but it's for sure nice to be able to do that history made didn't little message uses less side is the professional women psaki lead crowd its first champion minnesota, taking the inaugural walter cupp with a three, nothing went over boston in the winner-take-all gamefly i've least shepherds open the scoring in the second period before makayla cava netted her fourth goal of this series in the third and captain kendall coin show field, adding an empty net or before becoming the first player ever to lift the 35 pounds trophy. >> so big, congratulations to them in baseball, things got heated between the phillies and the giants the top of the fourth inning yesterday,
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pitcher kyle harrison through two consecutive fastballs up and in on bryce harper almost sitting the star slugger right in the face with the second one, the two-time mvp stood his ground at the plate, but both benches and full pens ended up clearing no punches thrown, no shoving, nothing like that. nobody either side ejective affiliate went on to win this one 1621 and a very close call for the superstar. and then there are bad days at the office. casey, and then there's metz really reward lopez and the day that he had against the dodgers yesterday. so after giving up, it's your own home or under shohei ohtani, he's arguing a checked swing call on a pitcher freddie freeman, the umpire doesn't like that. he had jets lopez on his way to the dugout, the 31 year-old throwing his glove into the crowd after the game report porter's asking him if he have any regrets about all this i don't regret it i think i've been looking the worst steaming problem the whole mlb,
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so you know, whatever happened happened. >> so whatever they want to do it be tomorrow here is they want me whatever they want to this so i'm going to keep doing this thing. so i'm healthy and whatever whatever to i'm ready to come back tomorrow. they want maybe here i've been are the worst team in the league. >> those words i'll. go. over very well with the meds front office as you might expect, shortly after it was reported that the team was actually played in a designate him for assignment, ending his tenure with new york in casey, this is just proof. if you have a patent day at or just go home, just try not to say anything. just go home, sleep on it but yeah, call it out. your team is being the worst there ever was the worst there is not it's not great. >> know. my husband is actually mets fan and thrive in an orioles fan for a long time. so i thought i had it bad and then i got a little bit involved in
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what it's like to actually route for the best. >> i'm just itself all right. carolyn. >> thank you. appreciate it all right. >> coming up on cnn this morning, a potential role for elon musk if donald trump wins back the white house, but first, before the president, involving a catholic saint invoking a catholic saint as he waits to hear the jury's verdict in his new york hush money trial even if mother teresa herself had sex with and paid off important after around getting away with it he's a mother teresa has been dead for 27 years thanks to the corrupt new york attorney general the russians were trying to spy on we were spying on them saudi friday this is a war, but
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