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tv   CNN News Night With Abby Phillip  CNN  May 30, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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proceeding without any basis of fact to be saying that this was joe biden know this was a state case. they he was indicted by a grand jury of regular new yorkers. he was convicted by a jury regular new yorkers, joe biden cannot pardon him because this is a state case. these are all things that i've heard from trump's supporters and read from trump's supporters today. and that's the drumbeat they're going to be playing. this was all joe biden. there's a political persecution. no, he is there because it was not a persecution. it was a prosecution for criminal activity caitlin there's one name i haven't been able to shake all day. silvio berlusconi, write down soviet berks county, who was the former prime minister of italy, who was convicted in 2011 of tax fraud charges. he had been there for nine years. i'm like donald trump. he was a big billionaire. he had sex scandals. he was in the middle of the bunker, bunker yet all the things that make up the donald trump moment but what he did so that we all have to
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wrestle with as he ushered in the far right wing into the mainstream of italian life. and i think we're going to suffer regardless of what happens to trump, we will suffer the far-right wing in our lives can also men's on an anna navarro. thank you great to have you write of time. thank you for joining us on this historic great night. the news continues with abby phillip on newsnight cnn breaking news guilty on all counts. good evening. i'm abby phillip in new york for a special edition of newsnight it just moments. i'll sit down one-on-one with a trump relative and a man who may be trump's pick for vice president. but first tonight strangers in a jury box, 12 manhattan nights came to a unanimous decision to convict the former president of the united states of crimes 34 times these 12 people unknown to each other before april 22, we're asked to reach a conclusion about donald trump's guilt 34 times. they
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agreed 34 times. they said trump broke the law and that he used a paper trail to conceal a scheme to improperly influence the outcome of the 2016 election? and 34 times, they chose to believe stormy daniels and michael cohen 34 times. they declared the defense did not establish reasonable doubt the 12th people whose names will likely soon know and whose perspective we may well, here are the things of the judge. those 12 according the da, alvin bragg. now also deserves the thanks of a nation i did my job. >> our job is to follow the facts and the law without fear or favor and that's exactly what we did here. i did my job. we did our job many voices out there the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury and the jury has spoken those 12 people authored history.
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>> the first draft of which we are seeing in the covers of the magazines and the bold red headlines across the internet on time magazine, a gavel falling above an orange caricature of trump on the new yorker, handcuffs draped over trump's risks on the drudge report. one word, guilty, copied, and pasted over and over. that tonight's sources are telling cnn the trump is in good spirits and ready to fight but judge his mood by the company he likes to keep and there is an apocalyptic talk that is running rampant right now. congressional ally marjorie taylor greene tweeting an inverted american flag his son, donald trump junior, writing, democrats have succeeded in their years-long attempt to turn america into a third world, should hold trump again this evening, painting the 2024 election as the final battle exit in court, he injected familiar fictions into the narrative as well. >> this was a rigged,
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disgraceful trial the real verdict is going to be november 5th, by the people and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here you have a silver is back da and the whole thing we didn't do anything wrong i'm a very innocent man 20 me now is donald trump's niece, mary trump. >> she is also the host of nerd avengers on married trump mary, thank you for joining us tonight. what do you think your uncle is thinking tonight? >> he's probably doing his best not to think about anything quite honestly, but i think even he cannot deny as much as you'd like to today. he was convicted on 34 felony counts and that he is indeed a convicted felon, and he's going to have to grapple with the fallout of that however, having said that, i think the
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recognition of that won't last very long we seem to be in a very similar situation to the one we were in after the 2020 election privately, he was able to concede that he had lost, but very quickly after that, the humiliation sort of overwhelmed to him and we ended up with the big lie, which led to stop the steal, which led to the insurrection so unfortunately, i do think we need to be braced for a pivot fit to his attempts at least to create another alternate reality in which he can protect himself from what is unquestionably a devastating loss in court today the sources that scene on a spoken to have said that trump is in good spirits and i leave it to you to decide whether or not that is true, but you may have seen this video of him earlier emerging from the courtroom walking over to reporters who
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were standing in front for him to then give a very defiant response to the verdict that had just been read. >> i wonder having seen him today, what do you make of his demeanor the way he carried himself, the look on his face i mean, you know him very well at this point yeah, he doesn't look to find to me. he looks defeated and what he said to reporters outside of the courtroom after the verdict is a version of what he's been saying dozens and dozens of times over the course of the last many months it's rigged, it's a hoax, it's whatever. >> and that's what he needs to say. and when he talks like that, he's trying to convince himself as much as he's trying to convince anybody in his base who still needs to be convinced so i don't honestly think that his statement was convict convincing i don't think he even believed what he was
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saying, but he has no choice because he's incapable of accepting what happened. and he he certainly incapable of admitting that he'd done anything wrong. >> so that's just going to complicate for things for him going forward. >> what do you think that donald trump's parents? would think of the legal predicament that he is now in that he is now become both the president of the united states and also a convicted felon yeah i think my i think they'd be surprised, quite frankly by the four is having ascended to the white house because everybody was surprised by that and it just didn't seem to be in the cards like that was not something that he was raised to aspire to it certainly was something that he'd never given an indication that he would take seriously
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but as for the convictions, i don't think my grandmother would be surprised my grandfather on the other hand, would do exactly what donald does. >> he would blame everybody else. he would council, donald to take no responsibility because my grandfather is the man donald learned those things from. it's never your fault. it's always somebody else's fault and quite frankly, i think in some ways that has served as a prophylactic against it, against accountability. but that will only take him so far. he's had this aura of invincibility and impunity for decades now. >> but clearly, he's at the end of that road and he is finally being held accountable. >> thankfully speaking of more from the family tree, your cousin, donald trump junior, he called the united states basically a third world country, right-wing commentators. >> they have all been many of
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them raising the specter of violence you said earlier, this is like on moment that we've seen before in the past. but what are you most worried that this could all lead to i said this in 2020 before the election that could because we know that donald was already saying that he wasn't going to accept the results unless he won he was already saying that it was rigged. >> in case that he lost so we are in similar territory, except of course things are worse than more dangerous than they were four years ago. and we saw this yesterday. michael, if known, capitol police officer who laid his life on the line to protect the capital, to protect all of the people in that building, and to protect americans democracy went to the courthouse, new york city, and he spoke his mind not long after that, his mother's house was swatted donald has long been engaging
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in stochastic terrorism. >> he uses his power, his platform, and is influence to get his followers to commit acts of violence on his behalf that's something we desperately need to look out for there is nothing this man will, will not stoop to if he feels like he's going down, he will absolutely take the rest of us with him. >> that was true four years ago. it's even more true now. it's especially true now that he has finally of phase justice and for anybody on the right to say anything like dani said is just despicable and that quite honestly is one of the most troubling things about the way this trial has unfolded not just donald, but every single republican who stood up for him including many, many members of congress, have come to new york city not to support him, but you undermine the rule of law,
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which is one of the cornerstones of american democracy. >> and it's really dangerous. >> and quickly before you go, do you think he should go to fail i absolutely think you should go to jail and that's not just based on the findings here of 30 of being guilty, but because of his egregious behavior during the course of this trial. all right. mary trump. thank you very much for all of that. >> thank? you for more on this historic night? i want to bring in former counsel to president trump during the first impeachment, robert re, former assistant special watergate prosecutor nick ackerman, new york magazine's washington correspondent, olivia newsy, cnn contributor leah wright rigueur, republican strategist, joe opinion, and democratic strategists chi von the shroff. hello, everyone. i'm gonna go to nick first because nick is you have to distinction of being probably the most optimistic lawyer that i have talked to about this case from the very beginning. >> from the beginning. >> right i'm going to give you
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an opportunity to vote tonight. >> seeing a guilty verdict on all 34 counts after 12 hours of deliberation what do you think happened here? >> i think what happened was that he fell under the weight of the evidence. he had no evidence. he had no theory of his case his lawyers kind of gave sort of just general sort of throwing things at michael cohen, coming up with generalities about the entire case itself. >> the problem was that once the prosecutor got up and went through the evidence and went right to those two exhibits that were the handwriting of weisselberg and mcconney that showed how the reimbursement to cohen was included in those $35,000 payments that added up to $420,000. >> the whole thing was over because that showed exactly what happened. he went through all of the rest of the facts, all of the other witnesses did it in a very methodical way,
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did it organs? hi guys chronological. the defense really just was scattered gun all over the place. they threw things out. it sounded good, but it just got blown away by the evidence and then on top of it, all, the argument being that michael cohen is a liar. they absolutely blew that away when they called costello robert costello to the stand, and it turned out that he wound up being a double agent, as they said in the in the summation and showed that he was actually a conduit to donald trump through rudy giuliani is robert. >> i mean, i think nick is raising trump's legal defense, which i mean, he's got actually quite fine lawyers on this legal team, but they made a lot of decisions that left people scratching their heads tonight when he was todd blanche was speaking with kaitlan collins in the last hour said they're going to appeal, obviously, but one of the things that they might appeal on is stormy daniel's is testimony. do you think? that's one of their
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best shots? are there other things that you see where they could i don't really think that's one of their best shots. i think they're best shots are questions of law it's very difficult to get behind an attack. a jury's verdict on appeal, if you're talking about the facts, why because the final arbiter of the facts is to jury and that includes not just at trial before a judge, but also on appeal, doesn't matter where you go facts are determined by a jury. the better arguments are legal ones. i know it's somewhat technical now and i don't want to detract from the gloating party party here the addition is that is that the greatest liar of all time party or is that just a real gloves? >> anyway, i didn't mean to invoke that yes. >> but anyway, the point being an appeal process, just so that nobody has unrealistic expectations about when this is all going to be decided that the appeal process is going to take at least a year to play yeah it will likely extend no matter what happens here. well
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beyond the election. so i think i know, obviously, i think the election may supersede events in terms of how we view this case. i understand how people want to view it right now the former president is a convicted felon, the eyes of many, there are 34 counts, but the best arguments on appeal are going to be frankly, i think this case was lost at the point at which i understood what the jury instructions were. i don't know about the mother teresa argument about whether mother teresa would've been able to survive. it to an acquittal in this case, but the jury instructions, i think in the eyes of many, particularly with regard to the unlawful means where it didn't require a unit nobody. i think the court of appeals for the state of new york may have something to say about that. and if they don't, i think a federal court well, speak, but that's going to take a long time before that plays out. >> speaking of gloating, i know you've been spending a little bit of time with our friend, michael cohen this was really a verdict that also said the. jury believed michael cohen to a degree, but they didn't just need to believe him. they also believe david pecker. they also
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presumably believed hope hicks most of the people who were called as witnesses told a similar story about donald trump and who he was or was not really a lot of daylight between these different testimonies. so i think i'm sure everyone would have blamed michael cohen, who wanted to see a trump conviction if that did not happen and maybe some people view him as a hero now, but i don't think that it's the case that this was all about michael cohen. i think everyone told a kind of coherent story about who donald trump is on the history of all of this. the, i mean, this is a moment for this country and not in a good way. i don't think i mean, i'm sure there are people celebrating, but a former president being convicted of felonies is it's a black mark honestly, on the country absolutely. and it's a black mark on i think the larger idea of democracy and how fragile democracy is in this country. >> i mean, this is a historic moment. >> it is a moment that the founders actually didn't envision. they didn't have a plan for it because no one thought that we would get to the point or former president of the united states might be convicted. the closest. and
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nick may have some things to say on this as well, might be watergate in with richard nixon, but there was a resignation before we could even get to that point. we've had convicted felons that have run for the presidency, but have never been elected. and that's eugene debs for anyone who's interested. >> but i think what we have to remember here is that indeed it is a dark day for the democratic process, or at least the reminder that democracy is deeply fragile. >> and i would point in many ways to the near the kind of rhetoric that is surrounding the decision. this was an immediate attempt by the trump campaign to use this as a fundraiser. trump is, is marketing himself as a political prisoner. >> but on the other hand, i do think that there is a bright spot in this and the bright spot in all of this is that it was jury decision it wasn't about the judge. >> it wasn't about trump, and ultimately it was about those 12 jurors in a room and looking at the evidence and making a decision based on that in a criminal justice system that has consistently shown itself to be flawed and biased against
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particular people in this country. it is a reminder that you can have all the money in the world, all the power in the world, and still there can be a level of accountability we have a lot more to discuss and joe and chive on standby for us up next for us, one of donald trump's potential vp picks will react to all of this as well. >> senator tim scott will join me live, plus a also speak with stormy daniel's is friday and in her fellow adult film actress about the woman at the center of all of this this is new sign from here we'll tell you this. >> the nice territory and then we'll come are you able to take from you you are wiped clean from this led don't want to go take that gun and wrapping with it. >> what we talked enough but
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tonight, former president donald trump found guilty on all 34 counts in the criminal hush money trial here in new york joining me now as republican senator from south carolina and a possible vice presidential pick for trump, tim scott senator scott, thank you very much for being here now, certainly good who was the president's son calls this country a third world hole because he doesn't like the verdict. >> is that what you'd call this decision by 12 americans? just like you were me i've without any question, every this is the weaponization of the justice system against their political opponents. this is a justice system that hunts republicans while protecting democrats. this was certainly a hoax, a sham. this was devastating for the average american watching us. one of the reasons why americans and frankly even some of your viewers are going to donald j. to actually invest in the future of this country and to protect our american legal assistance
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system. against this kind of travesty of justice but the american people time and frankly, it was senator, what evidence do you have that? justice system that's a pretty broad assertion. the justice system is hunting americans. what evidence is there of that hunting? >> very clearly, hunting republicans, not just every game evidence of them to give you example one is when you see a swat team come into a pro-life activists home with their weapons drawn, that one situation actually echoed throughout this entire nation. >> and we saw person after person saying, wait a second. you mean a person in their own home not committing a crime, just try to serve breakfast, finds some self with guns drawn to you about what to do, senator didn't triune mean you asked me to give you example,
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so i hear that example, but i'm just care because example, president trump being you. >> a second example let me just ask you this is about president trump. you don't really want well, because this is all pervasive versus you're using donald trump as an example of how the he is a case study in how the quote-unquote justice system is going after republicans. but in this particular case he was tried just like any other person for an allegation and ajuri not the judge, not a prosecutor, not joe biden not the attorney general. a jury of 12 americans found him to be guilty. so how is that? the justice system not working the way it's supposed to? >> well, i appreciate your your tone and your tenor. the problem is, of course, that when you have a jury made up of 96% of manhattan, are democrats, they've already said most of them don't like
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donald trump's. so when you find yourself in a justice system we're the jury, aren't people that are actually objective and open-minded, but people who've made up their decisions before stages happen to live in your resort, the crime was allegedly question the results. they question the results of the justice system every day american all across this country, even the never-trumper, are now calling and joining the team. donors who sat on the sidelines are now joining the team because november 5 is a day of reckoning and america will be spoken, will be heard. our voices will be heard loud and clear. and i can guarantee you the american people. we, the people will be on the side of donald trump, november fifth is a day of reckoning. >> i want to ask you about this comment from a prominent republican commentator of sean davis. he wrote this after the jury convicted trump a quote in
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2016, the presidential race was decided based on candidates releasing lists of potential supreme court nominees. and 2024, i want to see lists of which democratic officials are going to be put in prison are you? willing to say that this is something that idea of drawing up list of potential enemies for future trump administration. >> that's something that you would not support every is clear. vengeance is mine and see if the lord will leave that they're the best way of making this world even is success is the best revenge. let's when, let's win in was governed objectively, let's show the american people that choosing donald trump is your next print. president will present a few outcomes without question number one, a secure border. number to the economy with low inflation. number three, a justice system with lady justice wearing a blindfold.
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and number four, eliminating the ramp-up, violent, running through the city of new york and through big blue cities. if we can have four more years under donald trump of low inflation, a secure border, peace and security. and frankly prosperity for the poorest americans. that kind of success. will breed even more success. and we will find our nation coming together, unite that's the goal. so when a president's vision, one for trump says that, if, if he is elected president, he would appoint a special prosecutor to quote, go after the most corrupt president in the history of the night and states of america, joe biden and the entire biden crime family, are you saying that that is not something that you would support i'm simply saying that president trump has said it himself the best revenge is success.
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>> actually, it is actually, senator, i have you on that because room no, you can't i'm, looking at the notes right here, you probably said well, we're going to lose when he said senator, he said it publicly. >> they didn't show we have to that. i'm happy to debate. he said they did it to me, so they do it to them. do you support that, abby? i know you are this is why the ratings on cnn are so low the bottom line is simply this without question president trump has looked me in my eyes. >> i had a room full of other folks and said, you know what? the best revenge is success. let's not make this about cellular donald trump. he may and mirror said it wasn't that he plans to go after he said and i don't understand how night that he has said that publicly. it's in the public record. i don't know how you will not take a my word for
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what i heard with my own and just because fellow he said the exact i hear you. >> he said the exact opposite publicly for millions of people to see on television. he is tweeted it. he said it on the radio. he has sad, they got after me i can just answer the question if that would you support that? i have i have answered question. you don't like my answer, but i've already answered the question, but here's the bottom line. is this. i'm not sitting here to debate you about what you heard donald trump say versus what i heard. don't drop say. here's what i can tell you. what's not debatable is the fact that african american employment hit the lowest level in the history of the country under donald trump was not debatable. is that hbcu saw the greatest funding increase under donald trump and made it permanent. what is not debatable is that our borders were more secure under donald trump than the 10 million illegal immigrant evasion that we've seen under joe biden. what is completely not debatable is that african americans, hispanics, native
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americans, women, and the majority population are all flocking towards donald trump. why two big reasons, jobs and justice this to tear justice system is driving more voters towards donald trump. >> senator not debatable simple facts but these are the issues that the american people are looking at in order to make their decision in november, senator, you've said that the justice system is hunting republicans bob menendez is right now, as we speak on trial in new york the democratic party's own senator is being tried by the democratic presidents. >> justice department, the president's own son is about to stand trial as well. henry cuellar, another democrat he was also charged. how do you explain that? if this is somehow a system that only
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targets republicans i have not heard you talk about a single conviction whatsoever. >> but what we can say is that the treatment of republicans and conservatives, we know without question the financial footprint under the department of treasury has used keywords to point out when conservatives are a transacting business, we know that because i'm the leading republican on the banking committee and we've seen that we've exposed it. and so what we're seeing in this administration without question, from a financial perspective, we saw it under president obama when the irs actually targeted conservative organizations, religious organizations, for what purpose the weaponize? as the institutions of power against political opponents. this is not a new game plan. this is reverting back to an old game plan. so i'm telling every single person who will listen that yes, you will have a
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chance to be heard and to be seen that day is november the fifth senator, tim scott, and we appreciate your time. thank you for joining us tonight yes, ma'am. >> see you next time and my paddle is back with me jo on over to you. >> your reaction to that? yeah. >> you're incredibly kind not to comment, but for him to make this about your tone and tenor was sexist and disgusting and speaking of sexism, if there's one person i'm thinking of tonight when we hear this verdict, it's my former boss, hillary clinton, who warned us over and over again, who was treated like she was the criminal in 2016 when donald trump, at that time was engaged in this polonius scheme. i think the history books need to note that absolutely that is so important. i just want to to play a little bit of hillary clinton. we actually apparently she was out doing something tonight and she responded to this. listen thank you so much. >> anything going on today i
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mean joe hiller donald trump, by the way. >> i mean, it should be noted candid, lock her up for years and years. i mean, he's still does actually now he, is the, one with a criminal conviction. he also has several other trials pending it seems, though, based on what the senator was saying, they're republicans, right now, every time that the outcome is not what they want, it's always rigged. why is that? >> but respectfully, i think it's a broad characterization that undermines our ability to have a very nuanced conversation about a de, that will be left as a shearing scarlet letter on this nation until this nation ends, which at this rate could be very, very soon and they take no pleasure in seeing that when you look at what has transpired today you have 12 individuals that did their level best to arrive at a verdict. you have to trust that they did what they thought was in the interest of justice. but the
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justice system, according to many people across the political spectrum, attorneys have said there were things done by this judge that left them scratching their head, but they did not believe was in the best tradition of that bench, that there were things done by these prosecutors. did they did not believe was in the best tradition of prosecutors. and so we're here now trying to digest what has happened here in this country. there are plenty of lawyers i can talk about the legal matter where here, at least in my capacity to talk about the politics of it and the politics to me, are you have americans now who realize that you have a president? that was not treated fairly. i think the poll numbers have shown that. i think that there are a few things that are going to happen. number one jasmine sean has successfully united the republican party when you have mike lawler and marjorie taylor greene, row in the same direction, clearly, there are people who are reasonable, who believe that this is not something that is worth working
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out very well for the country. >> i would share my mother, i appreciate being in the same sentence as martin taylor greene, and you must be outraged by ulema. >> well, i didn't i didn't interrupt you. >> and you're going on this well, it started to lose in a monologue, but i get it again. >> this comes back to the point of disrespect. we have the governor of the state of new york who came on this network and called half for constituents that she scored for an oath to uphold clouds. you have just called me delusional. this is what it looks. this i am going to interrupt it is my show. i can do it out just to move the conversation forward. i mean, this idea that actually senator scott, i didn't get a chance to ask him about this. he's suggested that this is going to bring black voters because he actually alluded to this black and hispanic voters into the republican party. this idea that trump is now wrongfully convicted as a felon. where does that come in? i mean, in what world are br minority voters in the democratic party in droves according to the polling across the board from harry yanked into many experts because of donald trump being
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convicted, black people are leaving because their interests have not been served well by the party. that is their opinion. that is what the cross tabs of the data says. and so yes, i believe democrats are going to talk about january 6. they have the headline they want on newspapers. they have the cron they want msnbc, they're having a great big old party over there. but in the end, i think you're going to continue to see these problems. you're going to see the dow tomorrow. take a nosedive because people realized that perhaps america, not necessarily the safest place for the money as they believed. and i think you're going to see places like virginia and missouri and also potentially even places like minnesota where people are slowly but surely going in the other direction and that defies logic. >> is it the right decision for president biden? it sounds like he's not going to address this in summary, formal remarks that's not the right call here. >> i actually think it is the right call here because it is such a divisive in such a hot topic, right on the one hand, and i think in some ways it's a
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political wash unless we were looking at people who are swing voters are independent voters because that's where the meat is going to happen. that's where the 20 24 election is going to be one at the margins, right? these people and so for biden, i think it's looking at a situation that he does not want to be directly connected to, although he wants to benefit from him so in the interest of being able to do those things, to be able to walk and chew gum or to have his cake and needed to the best thing to do is simply remain silent when and allow the surrogates around you to take that to take that to task also building up this argument around january savings and trump's fitness for office. and i got to say tim scott is not helping the former president of the united states in his arguments. can i just say, i think we talked enough about how completely absurd that interview? tim scott was not on your part? on his part, we have a united states senator completely humiliating himself so that he can potentially be donald trump's vp pick donald trump has taken over the republican party so completely that you have someone do basing
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themselves on national television and trying to disrespect to you for asking totally legitimate questions about consensus reality whereas he is in a completely different reality where its are you going to believe what he's telling you or what we all can see in here with our own eyes. >> i have it has written about bowlby back in just a moment. everybody standby for us. we'll be back next. we'll get a reaction to this verdict from stormy daniels is friend a lot of avons. she was mentioned in stormy daniel's is testimony in court and later we're going to speak with stephanie winston will cough, a former longtime adviser, two millennia one of the most active 22 seasons. >> you can't control a tornado kinds of interventions can we design, go inside the store. >> the premier of one and earth with the vm schreiber sunday at nine on cnn. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours. a spoiling
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prostate find it at walmart rahel solomon in new york, and this is cnn we're back now
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with more on this historic conviction of donald trump. >> my next guest was mentioned multiple times in this trial. she is a friend and a colleague of stormy daniel's is a lot of evans says that she was almost in that room in 2016 and says that trump told her over the phone to come party. evans decided ultimately really not too, and would eventually speak out publicly after the two initially denied that a fair a lot of evans joins me now, a lot of good to see you. thank you for coming back to the show first. i want to get your reaction to this 34 count unanimous guilty verdict thank you for having me again, abby, is for you to see you, especially under these incredible terms. >> i i've been thinking a lot about this and i don't really think excited is the right word, although of course my
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heart is pounding and i feel so much relief. but really, i am so pleased that the jurors saw the truth that things are going to move forward. we'll see what happens with it, but i'm really happy simply because it meant that at the end of the day, it really isn't an adult film star who is stepping forward and being the person two put that man to the truth. >> you and stormy have been attacked throughout this adeel called everything from liars too much, much worse. >> this verdict was ultimately about business records, right? not whether or not this encounter happened. however, do you think that the jury's verdict vindicates you vindicates stormy it absolutely does you have a jury of 12 of
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what is considered to be his peers, making the decision that while many people have tried to say that were incredulous, that we are liars. >> as you just mentioned we were deemed credible and it's it's heartwarming and that way, because so many people judge us for who we are, our backgrounds, it's something that's thrown in our faces again and again, regardless of why we joined the adults industry three it isn't a reflection of who we are as people or the fact that we can be honest about something that we experienced and so i absolutely feel vindicated vindicated, excuse me. i'm sure that stormy does as well. and honestly, it's a joyous, a all right. >> a lot of evans. thank you very much. as always thank you. back with our panel here, robert and nick, this is going to go into the next phase of this. i'm robert, i'll get
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your take first sentencing the judge has a choice. actually, the prosecution has a choice as well about what they're going to ask for. what do you think is the most likely scenario ordinarily you would expect in a case like this, it's hard to say that one sentence because i don't think there really is ever been a case like this, true. but you would not expect the prosecution to be asking for a sentence of imprisonment. now, in the political environment wherein i don't know whether i can trust that that's going to be the outcome here. and i frankly don't know what judge merchan will do if the prosecution either recommends or doesn't recommend a sentence of imprisonment. what i will say is that if one is imposed i would hope that the justice system is called to a halt and a stay is issued pending appeal. i can't imagine why there would be any reason while on appeal is pending for donald trump to be serving any time in prison i totally disagree i think that it's talking about
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yes. >> i think in this situation, there's absolutely going to be a recommendation for a sentence of imprisonment. you think so? >> i think that the judges hose a sentence of imprisonment that's all you've got. >> just let me finish. >> first of all, you've got michael cohen who went to prison for three years for this same crime. you've also got weisselberg allen weisselberg, who is one of the architects behind this whole thing, who also has been in prison. his, he was actually sent to prison by judge merchan for his first service of imprisonment at rikers he's now at rikers. i make it's gonna be very difficult for the judge justify not giving him a former president president in the 70s, first first-time non-violent offense. well, that's been that's been the argument. >> yeah. exactly in. >> the middle of a presidential campaign, in the middle it's okay the way judge merchan, by the way, not that to donald trump. >> i do not want to play, you
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in jail over his gag order violates he had to say weekly different story. >> that was a gag order. judge, more sean was not going to do anything with him until 12 people decided that he was there's guilty beyond a reasonable doubt if he violates that a gag order. now, idea 20 you that judge mershid is not going to think twice about putting them in quick last word. >> i think he is most likely going to try to impose jail time. i think alvin bragg is most certainly going to ask for jail time. i think that he'll probably get remanded on the 11th. just my thought process we had elie honig earlier on this network who was succinct, but also quite comprehensive most e. felonies do not result in jail and jail time. this will not be one of those cases. most of the time you get a stay pending appeal. i do not believe that will be the case democrats have wanted from the very beginning to have an empty podium at the currency convention. i think they might actually get it. and in the process, we're going to raise a lot of money. the part that happens, there will be held to pay in this country. i'm
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telling you, now, have you think that this thing is ugly now wait until that happens. if that happens, there's going to be all right. my friends. we will we will are you go you shall see. i just want to make one note on the sentencing. it is happening just a couple of days before the rnc, but that's actually because the trump lawyers asked for that time and because guess what, they've got a bunch of other cases involving donald trump that they've got to litigate in the meantime everyone. thank you very much. we've got one of millennia trump's former aide, stephanie winston wolf she's going to join us next, stay with us check. we hear nothing the space shuttle accidents usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart space shuttle columbia, the final flight. >> now streaming on next sentence, do you make a sale is
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tonight about the whereabouts of two trump family members. sources tell cnn that melania trump, the former first lady, and her son, baron, are in new york joining me now is stephanie he, winston woke off a former longtime adviser to melania trump, stephanie could to see you tonight. you know, this couple very well. what do you think is happening behind closed doors now that trump has actually been convicted? i think that the family is speaking very clearly and vocally to donald as milan, you always does as i used to witness. >> and i think she's telling him exactly how she feels and i think that she is probably putting a mirror up to him to show him that his brazen attempts of trying to suffer for our democracy in his attempt to hush everyone into believing that he did or did not sleep with stormy daniel's has nothing to do with the fact that this was about election interference so this episode with stormy daniel's is something i think that was pretty painful to melania. she
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was at home with their young son, barron at the time. what do you think is going through her mind that it has all led up to this? >> i think that donald finally got caught and a lot along the way, melania knew exactly who she married. she knew that this was a transactional marriage. she became a top model. he became a loving, doting father, and it's set them up for their one for the white house. >> do you think she'll show up eventually to the july 11 sentencing or frankly, i mean, really anywhere we have not really seen her anywhere i didn't think we were going to see her. only time i really did believe which perhaps she would show up would be maybe at the verdict to shine a light away from what was actually happening. so the attention would be taken away from what the reality of their life is going to be. so i do believe she will show up and it will be the art of distraction. it will shine brightly light. i'm melania. and what it's made of most when other things are
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happening and donald's life needs to be shaded stephanie winston woke off. >> thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you abby and thank you for watching news night are special coverage of the guilty verdicts of donald trump continues with laura coates live after this have heart, failure with unresolved symptoms. >> it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like the carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath an irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, cold attr cm are rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time sound like you call your cardiologist and ask about attr cm when did i call the filter? >> when i saw my gutters ever flowing on my porch, we filter is a permanent gutter solution. so you never have to worry about costly damage from clog
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